The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 13, 1895, Image 4

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1883 HUKNKD OUT 1805.
PublMiedilitlly, except Sunday, liy Hie
Olllot ltefowleh bid., South Main St.
, H. C. liOYHlt, IMltor.
W. J. W ATKINS, I-ocnl IMltor.
J. M. nOYCIt, Trens. and liuslneM Manager,
Tl- Uf-a M I" delivered In Shen
I II C n e la I U nnilnnli nnd the stir-
roundlnittownt for six cento n week, payable ti
tlie cnrrler. Hy mall, S3 00 n year or 25 rents a
montli, payable In advance.
Advertisements clinriccd according to spnee nnd
position. The puhlHlicrs reserve the right to
change the position of advertisements whenever
the publication of news ricmnuds It, The right
is reserved to reject nny Advertisement, whether
tiBld for or not, thnt the publishers mny deem
Improper. Advertising rules made known upon
Kutcrcd ntthctotoflico nt Shenandoah, In., ns
second clas mall mntter.
Eoening Herald.
TIIU11SDAY, .TTJXE 13, 1893.
T. J. Davis left for Philadelphia this
School Director John T. Stanton's left
arm is crippled by Inflammatory rheuma
tism. He has suffered considerably since
Decoration day.
II. A. Acker, the highly successful
manager for the Grand Union Tea Com
pany, went to "Wilkesbarre this morning.
A. E. L. Leckie, of town, graduates with
high honors at the Georgetown Law School,
Georgetown, District of Columbia, today.
Oscar Llndcnmuth, formerly a school
teacher at IUngtown, has been appointed
bookkeeper and stenographer at the Union
League, Philadelphia. 5Ir. Llndenmuth is
a popular young man and deserves the
Thomas, James and Miss Hose Iteilly, of
Brownsville, Miss Jlollie Ferguson, of
Mahauoy City, Miss Annie Ferguson, of
Big Mine Run, Miss Itose Ferguson, of
Brownsville, and Joseph Uoblnsou, of
Mahanoy City, wont to Philadelphia this
morning to attend the graduating exercises
at the University of Pennsylvania, John
D. Rcilly, of Brownsville, formerly au
employe at the Lehigh Valley dopot in
town, being one of the graduates.
The russet shoe is out of sight.
A pneumatic-tired hearse is the some
what dubious attraction advertised in dis
play type by an Atlanta undertaker.
ComluR Evoutf.
June 19. Garden fete and entertainment
at the residence of A. 11. Broome, Browns
ville. June 19. Strawberry festival in Bob
bins' hall, under the auspices of the Pres
byterian church.
July 4. Ice cream and fruit festival for
benefit of tho Primitive Methodist church.
A girl in Lancaster, Ky., died of fright in
a dentist's chair the other day while pre
paring to have a tooth extracted.
I have two little grand children who
are teethintr this hot weather and aro
troubled with bowel complaint. I irivo
them Chamberlain's Colic and Diarr
hoea Bonu-dy and it acts like a charm.
I earnestly recommend it for children
with liou'el troubles. I was myself
taken with a severe attack of ljlood
ilox, with cramps and pains in my
stomach, one-third of a bottle of this
remedy cared inc. 'Within twenty-four
hours I was out of bed and doing my
house work. Mrs. V. I. Dunagan, lion
arjua, Hickman County, Tenn. For sale
by (iruhler Bros., druggists.
The only baby medicine Lufes' Syrup.
The Public School Library will be opened
for the issue of books on Thursday, June
13th, 1895. All who have books outstand
ing at the present time will please return
them at once. "Vm. T. Thezise,
U-ll-3t Secretary
Babies made happy with Luks' Syrnp.
Thumb Illveted.
Miss Alice Dawson, of South Jardin
street, an employo at Bradigan Bros", shoe
factory, had her thumb painfully injured
by having it pierced by a rivet machine.
In order to extricate the rivet the thumb
had to be cut open lengthwise. Dr. Matter
attended to her injuries.
nail, Columbia !
It is a happy land that is covered with
milk and honey, hut the land in which
Columbia beer flows freely Is the Mecca of
the age. Columbia beer leads all and its
popularity is outstripping that of all others
Scliolfly lIottHo.
Clara chowder for lunch tonight.
Soft and hard shelled crabs, frogs, lob
sters, lobster salad, spring chicken, salt
oysters and olams.
Tho Latent Fnd
on bosom shirts is a domestic finish, or a
high polish, domestic finish taking the
lead. The latter is oxecuted to perfection
at Fay's Steam Laundry. Give In a chance
and he convinced.
When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When tho had Children, she gave them Castoria,
201 "Wed Centre Street.
Dealer in groceries, flour, nrorlsons, teas
coffees etc. Good delivered nee
now It Should and How It Should Not Bo
The nbnso of punishment is mom dan
porous than tho greatest Indulgence. At
the prcsont day wo have outgrown tho
harsh wothods of tho past. Corporal pun
lshment Is almost cntlroly excluded from
our schools. Tho hurt occasioned by cor
poral punishment is not to tho body, but
to the mind. It is, after all, tho mind that
Is struck.
But this is not nil. In appealing to tho
mind wo treat tho child ns n rational
creature. This is n claim of tho child that
wo cannot lgnoro. Corporal punishment
Is onesided. Besides corporal punishment,
as Horbcrt Spencer has shown, is associat
ed with man in tho childhood of tho
world. It Is tho savage, who lias not pa
tience to reason or explain, who strikos.
Corporal punishment can seldom bo ad
ministered without passion. Whon wo
show oxoltenient, wo g'vo sIrus of weak
ness. Then tho boy or girl becomes con
scious of a power over us. This is a tomp
tatlon to youth.
Tho dnngor of corporal punishment,
therefore, is that wo can soldom adminis
ter it without losing our head. On tho
other hand, wo cannot nppcnl to tho rea
son without becoming moro reasonable.
Besides corporal punishment tliero aro
other punishments that aro not justifiable).
To shut up a child in n dark room Is to
spur its imagination Into wild fancies.
Darkness is a bad companion. It will con
tract and terrify tho child. Denying chil
dren tho necessary amount of sleep or food,
exposing them to tho Inclemency of tho
weather, withholding from them for too
long n tlmo tho tokens of affection, treat
ing them as strangors, or as enemies, or
ignoring them altogether theso aro meas
ures that do moro harm than good.
Punishment should be of such n nature
that, if necessary, tho parents may sharo
it with tho children. Tho child must
know that it cannot suffor nlono physical
ly, much less morally. Its suffering brines
suffering toothers. This is the lesson that
will develop the social clement In tho
In the second placo, wo must correct the
faults of tho child by its vlrtuos that is
to say, tho strong qualities of tho mind
must spur tho weak faculties into play.
If n child bo physically strong, hut moral
ly weak, let tho parent hold up to view tho
two sides of its nature until thonhyslcally
strong child shall bo ashamed of Its moral
cowardice Journal of Ethics.
And Slio Didn't Know That It Wouldn't
Do to Say 'Vomen.M
Sho was a nowcomer to that llttlo mid
dle class cllquo. Her husband was of
their set, but ho had married hor in a dis
tant city, and thoro wcro rumors that sho
had been an actress or somothing olso dis
graceful. Tho other ladles In tho progress
ive euchro club couldn't understand her
ways, and oven their husbands wero sus
picious that sho had not always moved in
society so exalted. Finally sho was caught
red bonded, so to speak, and thereafter was
ostracized by theso smug Philistines. I
tell tho story of her downfall ns It was told
to mo by Captain Adonlram Perkins,
whoso houso is filled with red plush furni
ture and $0 etchings, nnd who is thcrcforo
generally respected on street:
"I always thought sho was n low bred
thing, but wo had no proof until tho last
meeting of tho club. Then sho forgot her
self and spoko of tho other ladles present
as 'women.' My wife wanted to tako It
up as an Insult, but I pitied the poor
thlng.nnd so we concluded not to invito her
or her husband to any moro of our doings.
It's rough on her husband, of course, but
moybo it serves him right for marrying a
woman without any refinement. What's
that? 'Lady' has boon worked to death,
nnd 'woman' is hotter form nowadays!
Oh, goon! You're kiddin. Nobody but
n fomnlo who goes out washing by tho day
is a woman. Why, our hired girl would
qultif wo didn't speak of her as a lady.' "
Buffalo Express.
Curiosities of Literary Worship.
Tho most extravagant instanco of liter
ary rello worship on record is said to bo
that of a well known Englishman, who
constantly wears, in a small locket at
tached to o chain around the neck, a por
tion of tho charred skull of Shelley.
Of lato years n great many persons have
visited the former rcsldenco of tho late
Victor Hugo to seo a tooth of that celeb
rity which is kept in a small glass caso
with this inscription: ''Tooth drawn from
tho jaw of Victor Hugo by tho dentist on
Wednesday, Aug. 11, 1871, atVlandon, In
tho gardons attached to tho houso of Mmo.
Koch, at 3 o'clock In tho afternoon."
In tho year 1810 a tooth of tho famous
Sir Isaao Nowton was sold at auction by
a rello monger of London and was pur
chased by an English nobleman for a sum
equal to $3,050 in United States currency.
Tho buyor had a costly diamond removed
from a favorlto ring and the tooth sot In
ita place.
Tho wig that Storne wore while writing
"Tristram Shandy" was sold at public
auction soon after tho great wrltor's death
for tho sum of 3,000, and tho favorlto
chair of Alexander Popo brought 1,000
at a salo In 1822. St. Louis Republic,
Damage by Lightning Increased.
Dnmngo by lightning Is unmistakably
Increasing, according to the director of tho
statistical office of Berlin. Various causes
are assigned, such as tho employment of
eloctriclty In rarious Industries, the con
tinual chango of form of tho earth's sur
face by deforestation, drainage, etc., and
tho lmpuritlos Introduced into tho atmos
phere by the growing consumption of
coal. Professor von Bozold somo tlmo ago
showed that for Bavaria the fires duo to
lightning Increased from a yearly nvorago
01 82 in 1833 to 18-13 to 133 In 1880 to 1883,
while tho numbor of persons struok by
lightning and of those killed rose from
131 nnd 73, respectively, In 1855 to 180
nnd 101 in 1885. An interesting fact noted
is that persons struck gcnornlly porcclve
neither lightning nor thunder, but receive
the impression of being enveloped by fire.
Boston Transcript.
Tongs wore said to have been Invented
In China B. O. 1122, but representations
of thorn have boon found on the Egyptian
monuments B. C. 8200. In India they aro
claimed as In uso slnco B. C. 000, and
their principal employment in that coun
try, whero fires during tho most of tho
year aro superfluous, was to facilitate tho
handling of dead -bodies In the funeral
pyres. Seventy pairs of tongs, some
bronze, some Iron, have been taken from
tho ruins of Pompeii.
lie Did.
"Seo here, Midgely, whon do you pro
pose to pay that blllf"
"Confound It, I proposed last night in
irder to pay all my bills, hut sho wouldn't
favo me." New York Recorder.
NEURALGIA and similar Complaints,
manuiaoinrea unaer mo BWtneent
fc. , It. J 1 i l 1 i.i
I Only ccnutnowlth Trade llnrk"Anclinr."l
IIauufachirer:ComruerztenrnthDr.Ulchterof 1
F. Ad. Eichter& Co., 17 Wirrea S!.,MCT JOSE. I
12 Branch Bongos, Own Glassworks,
, 25 fc 150 cts. hi Shclinndonh for sale by
P P. 1), Klrlln, 0 S. Slain Pt J M
, 111111111,7 K Main St , C It. Hn-
kCcnbuo). r. E. cor. Main
Killed iu a Wreck.
John "Williams, of Lost Creek, last night
returned from Buffalo, N. Y., where he
attended the funeral of his sou, Evor
Williams, who was killed in a railroad
wreck at Buffalo last Saturday. George,
Williams and John Williams, of Lost
Creek, brothers of the deceased, also re
turned last night from attendance at tho
funeral. The deceased was 25 years of
ago and left a wife and two children. The
widow was formerly Miss Wilson, of this
town. Williams went to Buffalo a few
years ago and secured a position as brake-
man on the Lehigh Valley' Ballroad. He
subsequently became a fireman and was
engaged as such at tho time the wreck oc
cured. His body was found under his
engine, badly scalded and roasted.
Wntsou nonse.
Filled beef for lunch tonight,
soup tomorrow morning.
Sold a Fine Team.
William Neiswenter, the liverymau,
yesterday sold a fine pair of black coach'
horses to D. Scbaefl'er, the Mahauoy City
undertaker, for 400.
Tho "Old Jinx" Tells Stories or the Days
When He Was Young.
A veteran of Harvard collcgo, dwelling
yesterday on old student times, recalled
that tho lato Josiah Cooke, although so
liked by his students In general, was very
unpopular w 1th them in his earlier days
on ono point, owing to his having intro
duced the requirements of written reports
In his lectures. Ono day tho students put
xtp on tho bulletin in tho university (this
was 40 years ago ond moro) n forged no
tlco that there would bo no recitation in
chemistry that day. They got"01dHill,"
tho janitor, on their side. Tho hour comes,
professor takes his seat, not a man there.
Out ho rushes, me. ts tho janitor. " Why,
what does this mean, Hill?" said he.
"Whero aro the b .sf" Mr. Janitor walks
over to tho bullet! .. "Didn't you put up a
notice that then would bo no recitation
today?" "I? Xo, of courso not. Go right
around to tho rooms of tho students and
call them together." But not a student
was "In." They had been watching tho
conversation, "nnd tho subsequent pro
ceedings interested them no moro."
Tho sanift "old boy" told a now story of
Professor S'ophacles. Ho had announced
to his classes that they need novcr wait
for him if ho was fivo minutes late. This
was intended to be a hint and a lesson to
thcra in punctuality. Ono day they wait
ed llvo minutes. So professor. Out they
filed and met him at the door. Ho took
out his watch, looked at it, looked over
at tho clock on tho First Parish church,
looked again at his watch, then with a
gesturo of disgust lifted his arm and
smashed the offending timepiece on the
pavement. Among his pupils was ono
gifted with his pencil, who took his like
ness so admirably long hair and wild
monastery look and all that tho students
went to Boston and had it lithographed
and deputed ono of tholr number to take
him n copy. If they expected a scene,
they wore disappointed. Ho was delight
ed. "It civilized him," said the old grad
uate. As for old Benjamin Plerco, he of tin
leonlno mane, at that tlmo ho was carry
ing on a great controversy on the nebula;
hypothesis with a foreign savant. "There
were only threo or four of our class," said
the Harvard gentlemnn, "who took tho
higher mathematics, and when wo had
other engagements and did not feel equal
to preparing for a recitation wo would got
together and say, 'Well, let's havo n, little
of tho nebular today. ' The outcomowas
es calculable as an eclipse. All that was
necessary was for ono of them to tup the
toplo of the nebular hypothosls. The
learned gentleman would immediately
overflow on tho subject, of which his mind
was full. At tho cud of tho hour ho would
look at his watch and say, 'Well, I de
clare, gentlemen, tho hour's up. Wo
tried this tlmo and again. It always turn
ed out just so." Boston Transcript.
TT'OIl RENT. A first-class stable. Apply nt
x the Herald olllcc. 6-10-3t
T?OR KENT. A nice houso for a small family.
Apply at Itcfowlch's clothing houso 6-11-tf
WANTED. A strong ! to learn tho baking
I (justness ti'i'i; tu jiuftiiiari s, M iNonu
Haln street. 0-12-31
lug samples, soaps, sieclaltles, books, do
corresponding. Send Sylvan Co., 727 Vood
ward, Detroit, Mich., 10c. for set of samples,
cccive oiler to you.
WHY do people complain of hard times, when
" any woman or man can make from 5 to
10 a day easily? All have heard of the won
derful success of the Climax Dish Washer; yet
many are apt to think they can't make money
selling It; but any one can make money, because
every family wants one. One agent has made
I478.SS ill the last three months, after paying all
expenses and attending- to regular business
besides. You don't have to canvass; as soon as
people know you have it lor sale they send for
a Dish Washer. Address the Climax Mfg. Co,,
43 Starr Ave., Columbus, Ohio, for particulars.
WANTKD- Wmled by The Singer Manufac
' ttirltitp Onmnntiv. a man to net as HalpRtiinti
and collector. Must come recommended and
able to furnish bond. We wnnt n worker. A
good position for the right man, No money re
quired, tirains ana energy is wnavs required.
We furnish the rest. Apply at the Singer otllce,
21 Centre street, Shenandoah. C-ll;tf
' by given that the partnership trading us
Doyle Brothers, publishers, has been dissolved
by reason of the death of the late D. J. Doyle,
one of the Arm. All persons Indebted to the said
firm are roquostcd to make settlement without
delay and those having claims to present the
same at the oillce, West Coal street, Shenandoah,
l'n., or to M. M. BUItKE,
C-12-lw Attorney,
K.lectiiient nt Lost Croek.
A rule of reference has been entered In
the Court of Common Pleas in the case of
the City of Philadelphia, trustee under
will of Stephen Glrard, deceased, agaiust
Matia Deaue, to select arbitrators. This is
a suit in ejectment brought by S. H.
Kaercher, Esq., counsel for plaintiff, for
possession of a lot at Lost Creek. The
papers filed describe tho ground as bolug
on the Shenandoah creek, measuring 78 by
150 feet, and part of tho Samuel Scott
tract. M. M. Burke, Esq., of town, repre
sents tho defendant.
Have your carpets, featbtrs aud mat
tresses cleaned' by the Steam Renovating
Co., 32 East Coal street. 4-l"-3tn
Weeks' Museum,
1" South Maix Stiieet.
Grand display of birds nnd animaUof all
kinds and finest paintings in tho county.
Best Beer, Porter and Ales,
Finest Brands of Cigars.
Frco lunch every morning nnd evening.
Jony "Weeks, Proprietor.
Hooks & Brown
Full Hue of
Bass Ball Goods
Special inducements to clubs.
Agents for Daily Papers.
Get our Prices on
Gasoline and Headlight Oil,
Our delivery wagon will do the rest.
Eclipse Oil Company,
Oils, Gasoline, Candles, Lamp "Wicks,
Burners, Etc.
213 South J&rdin St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Mall lorders promptly attended to.
A genuine welcome awaits you at
Joe Wuatt's Saloon,
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys,
beers, porter aud ale constantly ou tap.
Choice temperance drinks aud cigars.
When it comes to
Our stock speaks for itself. If you
don't come to town, send your
orders. They will bo nicely filled.
29 E. Centre Street, Shenandoah.
Can always be had at
Charles Derr's Barber Shop,
First-class hair cutting and singeing.
FMtr.isiri House Bnildimr.
John F. Cleary,
Mineral waters, 'Weiss beer. Bottler of the
finest lager beers.
17 and ID Teach Alley, Shenandoah, Pa.
Neto York Gash Store
29 N. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Too many goods, at this time in tho
season, 200 different shapes trimmed and
untrimmed goes for cost nnd less. Child
ren's $1.75 Embroidend dresses goes for
$1.00 also cloaks, sacks, etc., at cost, This
Sacrifice Sale begins Saturday, Juno 8th,
for 3 weeks only. Its tho greatest money
saver yet offered. Como early and select
yeur bargains.
Spring and Summer
Order Spring Garments Novu.
Complete line of domestic and inv
ported novelties in trousers and suit
ings. We are also sole agents in Shenan
doah for the celebrated Cresent and
Rambler bicycles, ranging in price
from $25 to gioo. Every bicycle sold
is guaranteed.
In Hot Weather.
Finest and coolest ice cream
parlors in town. All flavors con-
stantly on hand. Families sup-
piitu ana delivered at short no
tice. Fruits and confectionery.
Bread and cakes.
L. Little,
Cor. Jardin and Oak Streets.
Food, crisp pastry, delicate cake, good di
gestion, all come with the use of Cottolene,
and it saves money as well. Its wonderful
success has brought numerous imitations.
Genuine has trade mark steer's head in
cotton-plant wreath take no
other. Made only by
N. K. Fairbank Company,
13U N. Delaware Ave., riiltndn.
Catalogue free. Good agents wanted in every town.
.T. S. HOUSENIOIC, Exclusive Agent, Shenandoah, Pa.
Garden s Art Wall Paper Store.
Wo havo just received a fine line of the most beautiful and artistic papers in tho
market, which -.vo will sell at very reasonable prices. "We havo nlso in stock a
great deal of last year's patterns which we aro soiling at a sacrifice. Come and
see our line of goods. We have tho mojt beautiful and artistic papers.
Largest Paper Store in Town.
House, Sign and Decorative Painting. 224 West Centre Street.
All orders promptly attended to.
T. H. Snyder,
Corner Jaidin and Oak Streets, Shenandoah, Pa.
No. 10 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Clothes of nil diescription neatly done up in a first clnss manner. I can refer to acorto
APrn-nt1to In lift ne a iv naro in trfltVi Inn nnrl Biinorlnr nofitnnsa in rlritif tin MMi
inrr T rli mi irnrk fiPttrr nnd nninlcpr tlrnn
Half the price in Millinery Goods and Notions to reduce stock. The choicest
poods in Millinery lias just arrived and the cheapest of the season. Big lot of Sailor
Hats from lflc up; French flower Ostrich poods iu all styles. Infants' Caps from 5c up.
Hats, nil embroidery, 25c, Ladles' Mill Hats, all colors, 51.00. Infants' short white
dresses, handsomely embroidered, 75c up; Infants' long Coats, embroidered on cape,
81.00 up. When you want good goods and cheap, come to KELLY'S, when
you cannot be suited elsewhere. We must close out our stock; will carry uo goods
over. Nun's veils from $1.00 up. Motlrnlug goods our specialty.
26 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
When in Pottsville Stop at
Phil. Woll's Hotel,
200 North Centre Street.
Meals at all hours. Ladies' dining room
attached. Finest wines, liqnors, cigars.
Your Stomach : : :
Cannot stand the same washing that your
boots do, nnd tho water sou drink isn't
even lit for that purpose Use
Lorenz Schmidt's Beer and Porter.
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
16 North Main Street.
Repairing of nil kinds promptly attended to.
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sts.
Finest Beers, Wiues aud Liquors.
Choice Temperance Drinks.
Best Brands of 5 and 10c Cigars,
SJienaudoali'B Beliablo
Hand Laundry.
Cor. Lloyd nnd White Sts.
AU work guaranteed to bo firtt-class (never
particular. Silk ties and lace curtains a spec
ialty. Goods called for and delivered. A trial
Of summer millinery, including
Ladies,' Misses' and Childrens1 hats
and bonnets. Special bargains in
mourning goods. Prices the lowest.
Alice Jennings,
214 South Main Street.
Warranted superior to nny Bicycle built in tho world re
gardloss of price. Do not bo induced to pay moro money for
an inferior wheel. Insist on hnvint tne 'Wavorloy. Built
and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a million dollar
concern, w boso bond is ns good as gqld.
21 LB. eCQHOHER, t8B. 28 LB. LADIES', 7B.
Finest Stock an Lowest Prices.
Painter and
Paper Hanger,
other Innndrv in tho nitv. V
Wholesale and Iietail
22 and 21 South Main St., Shenandoah.
Acents for D. G. Yuengling & Son's celebrated
Beer, Porter, Ales etc.
Specialist in diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Mose and Throat.
207 West Market St., Pottsville.
Hours 8:30 a. 111. to 12 111; 1 to 1 p. in., to 8 p.
m. Sundays, 9 a. in. to 12 in. ly
North Main Street, Mahauoy City'
Largest and tinest hotel in the region.
Finest accommodations. Handsome flxturos
Pool and Billiard itooms Attnched.
Millions of Dollars
Go up in smoko every year.
Tako uo risks but got your houses,
stock, furniture, etc., insured in first
class, reliable companies, as repr
sented by David Faust, Insurance
120 South Main Street. t
Also Life and Accidental Companies.
Undertaking I
13 North Jardin Street.
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