I EVENING HERALD 1883- -HUIUfKD OUT 1893. l'nblislicd clallj;, except Sunday, by the 1IKUALI) PUBLISHING COMPANY. Olllct llefon loll bUlg., Houtli Main St. II. C. ltOYHIt, Udltor. W. .1. WATK1NH, Load Kdllor. J M HOYElt, Treus. nnil UnelnoM Manager. TU Uorg Irl I delivered In Shen I ne nerd Id nndonh nnd tliosur mmidingtnwn for six cents u week, payable tn the carrier", lty mull, S3 00 u year or 25 cents ii month, payable In ndvntice. Adcrtt.ements chowd according to "pace and poMtHm. The pulillllM-rx rcicre the right to change die position of ndcrtienicnts whenever the publuutlou of news demand It, The right Is roorvcd to reject any mliurtlement, hcther paid for ornot.thnt the publishers inny ileem improper. Advertising rules made known upon upplUtittnn. Lnteied at the putorhce at Shenandoah, Pa., as teeond class tnatl matter. Bcening Herald. WEDNESDAY, JUNK 12, 1895. I'EUSONAL. Miss Gertie Sanger, of Mt. Cttriuel, is visiting friends in town. Br J. W. Envlu spent yesterday at Pottsville. David llechtel, of Onvigsburg, was a guest or bis son-in-law, Tnllesln Phillips, last night. Mr. llechtol is one of the Lehigh Valley ltallroad Company's engi neers. K J. Owens, of Freeland, was a gue9t of town friends last evening. Miss Mabel llannoti, of Steeltou, Is the guest of Miss llauuah Keeso, of North Jardin street. Mrs. C. T. Straughn, of North Jardin street, wife of Councilman Straughn, has given birth to a sou. There will he no serious deadlock in the Borough Council now. Mr. and Mrs. J. Claude Keiper spent thoday at Pottsville, visiting the latter's sister, Mrs.' John 11. Glover. Misses Susie Bedford) and .Tosie Pugh, of Pottsville, are tho guests of Miss Jennie Beddall, on South Jardin street. Miss Nellie Allison, of Port Carbon, and Maine Yaullureu, of Ashland, were town visitors yesterday. Miss Lizzie Thomas, of Turkey Run, left for Brooklyn yesterday to visit friends. Mrs. ThoniaE Hutchinson and family are tho guests of Mrs. Hutchinson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 12. T. Drumheller, at Sun bury. Capt G. AY. Johnson spent this after noon in Pottsville. Mrs. E. Griflin, of Atlantic City, who was the guest of Mrs. J. Pooler for a few days, returned to her home this morning. Miss Gertrude Evans, of Ashland, passed through town on her way to Lakeside yesterday. Mr and Mrs. C. L. Fay were serenaded by the Grant band last night after the con cert. , Michael Purcell, of Centralia, was a town visitor yesterday. Mrs. Kills Supowitz returned home yes terday after a pleasant visit to relatives in New York and Staton Island. Mrs ('. L. Fay, Mrs. Dodd, Birdie Gul lin, May and Carrie Beddall, Maggie Uaraier, Katie and Lottie Burkhart, Mame Iieed, 'William Graut, John lliggins, William Galvin, J. J. Beilly, Harry Uowling and Charles Klrlln spent yester day at Lakeside A nian and his wife should be one, but the question often is, whithis the one? When you want good roofing, plumbing, gas fitting, or general timsmithiug done call on E. F. Gallagher, 18 West Centre Btreet. Dealer in stoves 3-4-tf The pen is mightier than the paste pot but ltss convenient. For pure blood use Fowler's Sarsapar ilia. Old Sol promises to giTe the delegates a warm reception. Buy your wall paper and room mould ing at John L. Hassler's. 4-ll-2m Ohl Dies. Special to Eveking HtlKALD. Pkincbtox, N. J., Juno 12. Fred. Ohl, one of the Princeton college Btudeuts who was shot by tho negro Collins on Saturday sight, died this morning. a. i. a. For baby's, colicky pains use Luks' Syrup. Have jour carpets, feathers and mat tresses cleaned by the Steam IienovatlDg Co., 32 East Coal etreet. -l.17.3ai The hotels will now have a chance to get back at the plumbers in the matter of bills. Try Scheider'a Homemade Bread and Cakes. 28 East Coal etreet. 4-17-lm Columbia tlio Gem. ''Columbia the gem of the ocean" and Columbia Beer share equal fame. Colum bia Beer Is meeting daily increasing de mand and its popularity continues un bounded. When Baby was nick, we pave hr Castotia. When die was a Child, she cried for Castork. When she beeame Miss, she clung to Castorta, When she bad Children, she gate them CastorU. E. B. FOLEY, FINE GROCERIES, 201 West Centre Street. Dealer In groceries, flour, proviaons, teas coffees etc. 'ood delivered free- MOKE PASSED BILLS. ' Which nro Awnltlntr tho Action of Governor IlttstlniM. In addition the list of hills published yesterday, which awoit Executive action, ne Kivo the following: Giving preference to the appointment and employment ol honorably discharged tntlors, soldiers and marines of the late war. Au act for the protection of sturgeon. An act authorizing and requiting the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds to en'pluy capable superintendents of con struction for charitable and State institu tions. Tha bill provides that hereafter when buildings such as above described are tn be erected a competent superintendent shall be employed on behalf of the State to superintend their erection. Au act permitting tho incorporation of certain corporations and companies (or buying, selling, trading and dealing in mer chandise at wholesale. This is the act which permits the incorporation of com panies tor the sale of groceries, provisions, etc Granting a pension to Rachel Watson, of Lancaster county. Making an appropriation to provide for the education of children in the Soldiers' Orphans' Industrial Schools. Providing for the classification of real estate aud other property for the purposes af taxation and for the election of assessors. A supplement to the act acquiring by tho State of certain ground at Valley Forge, and authorizing the acceptance nud giving of money lor lands, etc. Providing for the erection of n statue of Mnjor. General John F. Ilartranft. Providing for the manner of ascertain ing and awarding compensation for dam ages in all cases where municipalities may hereafter be authorized to take, use aud appropriate private property. Providing for the improvement of certain public roads and highways This ia what ia known as the Flinu Road bill. Providing for an additional law judge In the 46th judicial district. Authorizing boroughs to redeem out standing bonus. Providing for the opening, improvement, use, caie and protection ol school and otber grounds. Equalizing and fixing the compensation and mileage of the members of the various State boards created I y the act of June 2, 1831. Creating the office of County Controller in the various counties of the State. Amending the net relating to the protec tion ot stargeou and game fish in the River Delaware. For te protection of the nests and eggs of game birds. i emulating the letting of contracts ior the erection and construction of public buildings. A supplement to an act to make the car rying on of the detective business without n license a misdemeanor by regulating lees of detectives in certain cases. Extending the power of mothers over their minor children under certain circum stances. Authorizing courts of quarter sessions to consolidate election districts in townships, boroughs and cities. Authorizing the erection of workhouses in the different counties. Defining who shall be responsible for maintenance oi insane patients placed in hospitals by the courts of the different counties. An act to regulate the advertising of sales by County Commissioners by lands bought by them lor the non-payment of taxes. A supplement to the pharmacy act, re quiring registration and renewal certificates to be kept in conspicuious places, Authorizing the State Food Commis sioner to enforce laws against the adulter ation of impurities ia food supplies. To encourage the use of wide tires on wagons. For the punishment of crime of train robbery. Granting to water power companies and other corporations owning or controlling water power, authority to develop and dis tribute electric power by means of their water power. Giving building add loan associations the right to make temporary loans. Allowing motor power companies to issue bonds, etc. Authorizing cities of the first class to make appropriations for free libraries. Empowering presidents ot boards of pub lic education in ci'ies of the first class to deputize vice presidents to sign warrants. An act to prohibit iu public places exhi bitions of physical or mental deformities. Creating a Bureab. of Health in the De partment of Public Safety in the cities of the Commonwealth. Regulating the issuing or transferring of stock by incorporated companies. Providing for the adjustment of indebt edness and property rights retween school districts, townships and otber districts. Creating the office of Fire Marshal in cities of the third class. A supplement to an act providing for the supply, storage and transportation of water, water power, &c. Providing lor a eepsrate appearance docket in all cases in which the Attorney General appears officially for the Common wealth. An act relating to and regulating the bus iness of plumbing nnd bouse drainage in cities of the second class. Regulating the pay of election officers at all elections hereafter ta be held. Designating the several judicial districts of the Commonwealth. This is the Judi cial Apportionment bill Punishing the printing, posting and dis tributing ot any libelous or defamatory circular, poster or otber written matter. Amending tbe 48th section of the act of April 13, 1637, entitled an act providing for tbe organization and regulation ot tbe National Guard of Pennsylvania. This is the Band bill. Making an appropriation to pay the ex penses iuenrred by tbe Election Committee of the House of Representatives in the con tested cases of Higbee vs. Andrewe,.Okell vs. Quinnao, Franklin vs. Forrest and Tsggart vs. Baker, during tbe session ol 1603. An act preventing tbe placing of explo sives in streams for tbe purpose of catch ing uen. An act authorizing school boards to pro vide a water supply for fire, etc A supplement to tbe Bullitt law provi ding for the safety of inhabitants in first class cities. This is tbe lodging house bill. An act exempting sewing and typewrit ing machines leased or hires from levy or sale on execution. An act legalising the dishorning of cattle. An act to provide for tbe erection of new counties ont of the two or more adjoining counties and defining the man ner. This Is tbe (2 nay Connty bill. Babies made happy with Luks' Svnip. A Sl'ItONG AfPKAL. Tho onimleslonora to Circulate Peti tions nud I'rosout tho Same to tho Ooveriior. The Commissioners of this county will ose every effort tn induce tho Governor not to approve the Qnay County Mil. That portion ot Schuylkill county which is pro posed to take to make up Quay county comprises the three Unions, Itnbn, Kline, Rush nnd Rjan townships. The loss of tbee township-, it is claimed, will "bring unnecessary burdens and inconveniences" upon tbe citizens of old Schuylkill and n strong oppeal will he made to tbe people residing in tbe townships uam-d above to oppose tbe dismemberment of their oil county. Petitions will be circulated in tbe town ships named nnd tbe commissioners started out to-day to place the papers in the hands of the taxpayers fur their signatures. The petition opens with greeting to Gover nor Hastings and reads as follows: "We the undersigned citizens and tax payers of that portion of Schuylkill county intended to he incorporated into a new county icspectfnlly request you to veto bill known as the "Quay County BUI" because if it becomes a law it would he detri mental to our interests, bring upon us un necessary burdens and inconvenience us in many respects." The best and most reliable plumbing in town is done by P. "W. Bell, the plumber, corner of Main and Centre streets. Satis nction guaranteed. G-4-tts Tatterdon Torn "Did you travd iu coeuitn on your Western trip ?" Rolling stone Nomoss "No; I traveled in freight." A Snow Wort u Seeltifr. Of tbe many circusis and menageries ex hibiting throughout tbe Union, none has a more enviable record than Sands & Astley's Enormous New and Old World Railroad Shows, n mnustcr consolidation of the most notable circus and menagerie of America with tbe leading British circus, hippo drome, menagerie, museum and grand curio exhibition. There are no words but of praise wherever this model combination has exhibited, and its visit here, which will take place Monday, June 24, wi 1 be an important era in tbe amusement anna's of our community. Symbols of the "Cloud rire." Nearly all of tho ancient nations called lightning by mimes signifying "cloud fire," and tho major portion of them cm ployed somo symbol to represent tho flash of the "forked fury'1 darting from tho thunderclouds. Tho early Chaldeans symbolized it with a trident; nnd tho Babylonians, learned In mystic lore, em' ployed a humnn hand for tho saina pur pose. Tho bas-reliefs of t ho towers of Nimrud and Malthla, which arc the work of tho later and more refined Assyrian art ists, show tho trident doubled or trans formed Into what Is known as n "trlfld fascicle." This triumph of tho classio art secured for the anciout Mesopotnmlnn sym bol tho ndvantago i.vor nil other represen tations of tho thunderbolt. Tho Greeks represented tho "st .rrnllro' with tho feath ers of n bird of pre; . Later on, when they had begun to incoriorntothe Asiatic form of tho symbol with their own, thoy put it In tho claws of an eaglo aud mado It the scepter of Zeus. Gnul received tliu symbol from Italy, but soon altered it to tho fa miliar two headed hammer amnion on Gallo-Roman monuments. Th nine sym bol is seen on amulets found in rraany, Scandinavia, England and Franco, Sc. Louis Republic. Economy nnd Artince, Tho Duchess of Buckingham, In her "Glimpses of Four Continents, " tells an nmusing Maori story belonging to tho pe riod whon theso natives wero nt war with England. All sorts of tricks went on, such as are not only fair, but commenda blo In war. When tho Maoris wero in want of bul lets, they used to show a dummy In tho bush. Of courso it was Immediately fired at. A man in tho background pulled it down by a string. "Oh," thought tho British soldiers, "we have done for him!" Up came the dummy again cautiously. Bang, bang! went tho British rifles. Down fell dummy, nnd this went on till somo worse marksman than usual cut tho dum my's ropo. No Maori would go up the treo to splice it, for that osposuro meant certain death. Tho bullets were nil taken out of a llttlo eorth bank which tho Maoris had mado behind tho treo whero tho dummy appear ed nnd were usod over again. It was a long time before this artifice was discov ered. MIfcCBLiT.ATJKOUS. "I70K RENT. A first-class stable. Apply at A the it KHALI) ofllce. 0-10-3t fOR TIRVT. A litre hnuaa for a small fiimilv Apply at Refowich's clothing house C-U-tf WAXTED. A strong boy to learn tho baking " bulnes. Apply nt llurkhart's, 33 North Main street. 6-12-St A MAN Oil LADY TO MANAGE DISTItlBUT ing samples, soaps, sieeiaUles, books, do corresponding. Sena Sylvan Co., 727 Wood ward, Detroit, Mich., 10c. for set of samples, ecelve otter tb you. WHY do people complain of hard times, when '' any woman ot man can make from S to S10 a day easily? All have heard of the won derful succeat of tbe Climax Dish Washer; yet many are apt to think they can't make money selling it; but any one can make money, because every family wants one. One agent has made S478.SG in the last three mouths, after paying all exiienses and attending to regular bnilnesa besides. You don't have to canvass; as soon as people know you hare it tor inio they send for a Dish Washer. Address the Climax Mfg. Co,, 45 Starr Ave., Columbus, Ohio, for particulars, WANTKD. Wnnted by Tho Singer Manufac '' turlug Company, n man to net ns salesman nnd collector. Must come recommended and able to furnish bond. We wnnt u worker. A good position for the right man. No money ru- iiuireu. itrains anu energy is wuars reqtureu. Wo furnish the rest. Apply at tho Singer olllco, 21 Centre street, Shenandoah. C-ll;tf PSTATE OF BENJAMIN HASKEY, deceased. Letters of administration on the above es tate having been granted to the undersigned, persons indebted to the said estate are requested to maKepaymeni, anu inose uaviug claims to present tue same wituouiueuy to iUuv Ann Habkkv, Shenandoah, l'a. 0-11-law-Ct Or to her attorney, J. H. I'OMKUOV. N OTICE OK DISSOLUTION. Notice is liere hv irlvnn tbst the narlnershln tradliur as uoyle lirotners, puuusiiers, uas neen uissoiven by reason of the death of the late D. J. Doyle, one of th tlrtn. All nersons indebted to the said firm are requested to make settlement without delay and those having olaims to present the same at the office, West Coal street. Shenandoah, l'a, or to n. ai. iiuiuvu, 0-12-lw Attorney. (t0 0 Ministers. Teachers, Agents Wanted Ol C3 U Everywhere M AKION IIAlt LAND'S NEW HOOK, "Home of the Uible." Over 200 New Photos. Pleases. Sells rasi rays big. Tffn nerienc needed One sold 81 in .I0 hours. Illustrated circulars fice- Address, Historical ?ub. Co , 1'lUladelpuia, Lcanllzed to Wed. Marriage -licensts were grouted to the following,: Jacob Secoria and Catharine Gewack, of Park Place: Edward L. Lelby. of Ornigsbnrg, and Aunes S. William, of tiressoimj Kandnipb Jjchwank, of West Viriuia, nnd Lizzie A. Llewellyn, of bhenandouh; Maurice Scblauch and Lllen Horn, of .Ion's Grove; Walter fielders nnd Ida At. Walters, of Taniarjua; Michael J. Hogmi, of Mabauoy Plane; and Bridget Cantwell of Gilberton; Daniel Moyer. of Lebanon, and Sallle II -in bach, of Washington township; Ste- Eh en Spesock, of Roaring Creek, and Annie iesko, of Big Mine Run; Benjamin N. Titus, ofSU Clair, and Rachel L. Williams, of Shamokln, John E. Gaiis and Frances E Dick, of Port Carbon; George Smeltzer and Mary Cutcupski, of Lost Creek; Loui3 Miofskl and Bridget Repie, of Shenandoah; William Lane, of Aebland, and Annie Dixon, ol Locust Dale. A few copies of the IlniiALn's silver anniversary souvenir edition remain in tho hands of the publishers. They were saved from the fire and are in excellent condition. Iu addition to their intrinsic worth they will be valuable as relics of the fire. First come, first 3erved. Hooks & Brown Fall Hue of BASE BALL GOODS, Special inducements to clubs. Agents for Daily Papers. NO. 4 N. MAIN ST Get our Prices on Gasoline and Headlight Oil, Our delivery wagon will do the rest. Eclipse Oil Company, Oils, Gasoline, Candies, Lamp Wicks, Burners, Etc. 213 South Jardin St., Shenandoah, Pa. Mailorders promptly attended to. A genuine welcome awaits you at 1 Joe Wtjatt's Saloon, MAItf AD COAL STS., Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys, beers, porter and ale constantly on tap. Choice temperance drinks and cigars. When it conies to GROCERIES, Our stock speaks for itself. If you , don't come to town, send your orders. They will bo nicely filled. -MUSSER & BEDDALL,- 20 E. Centre Street, Shenandoah. A CLEAN, QUICK SHAVE Can always be bad at Charles Derr's Barber Shop, First-class hair cutting and singeing. Fpist'isip. Hons? Buildinp. John F. Cleary, TEMPERANCE DRINKS. Mineral waters, Weiss beer. Bottler of tlio finest lager beers. 1" and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah, Pa BIG CUT IK PRICES New York Gash Store 29 N. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa. Too many goods, nt this time in tho season, 200 dili'erent shapes trimmed and untrimmed goes for cost and less. Child, ren's $1.75 Embroidend dreesos goes for $1.00 also cloaks, sacks, etc., nt cost. This Sacrifico Sale begins Saturday, Juno 8th, for 3 weeks only. Its tbe greatest money saver yet olfered. Como early and select yeur bargains. Spring and Summer SUITINGS. Order Spring Garments Now. Complete line of domestic and inv ported novelties in trousers and suit ings. AVe are also sole agents in Shenan doah for the celebrated Cresent and Rambler bicycles, ranging in price from 25 to gioo. Every bicycle sold is guaranteed. PORTZ BROS, Comfort In Rot Weather. Finest and coolest ice cream parlors in town. All flavors con stantly on hand. Famlllw wn. plied and delivered at short no tice. Fruits and confectionery. Dread and cakes. L, Little, Cor. Jardin and Oak Streets. Poor Pie is responsible for many of man's (and woman's) physi cal woes but the pie needn't be poor, and it may bring joy instead of woe. How ? Use nothing but COTTOLENE for shortening and the pie crust will be delicate, flaky, delicious, and so healthful that even a ujajjnw tan car. rreeiy 01 it ana De comfortable. COTTOLENE can't be equalled as a shortening, and is abso lutely healthful. Genuine has this trade mark on every pail. Take no other. THE N. K. FAIRBANK CIIlRAnrt 13a N. Delaware Ave., ARE THE Catalogue free. Good agents wanted in every town. INDIANA BICYCLE CO,, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. U.S. A, J. S. HOTJSEKICIv, Exclusive Aueut, Shenandoah, Pa. Card en s Art Wall Paper Store. "We have just received a fine lino of the most beautiful and artistic papers in tho market, which o will sell at very reasonable prices. "We havo also in stock a great deal of last year's patterns which we are sellincr nt a sacrifice. Come and hee our linn of goods. "We have the mo.it beautiful and artisti; papers. Largest Paper Store in Town. Finest Stoclc an Lowest Prices. ar. dep. oiFtiDizsiNr House, Sign and Decorative Painting. 224 "West Centre Street. All orders promptly attended to. &O T.H. Snyder Corner Jardin and Oak Streets,-Shenandoah, Pa. FOR YOUR WALL PAPER, tTlZT SAM CHINESE :-: No. 10 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Clothes of all diescription neatly done up in n first class manner. I can refer to soorto of families in this city as to my care in washing and superior neatness in doing up clon ing. I do my work better and quicker than other laundry in the city. CHARLES LEE, Manager. ESTABLISHED - IN - 18737" Half the price in Millinery Goods and Notlous to reduce stock. The choicest goods in Millinery has just arrived and the cheapest of the season. Big lot of Sailor Ilats from lflo up; French flower Ostrich goods in nil styles. Infants' Caps from 5c up. Hats, all embroidery, 25c. Ladies' Mill Hats, all colors, SI. 00. Infants' short white dresses, handsomely embroidered, 75c up; Infants' long Coats, embroidered on cape, S1.00 up. "Wheu you waut good goods and cheap, como to KELLY'S, when you cannot be suited elsewhere. "We must close out our stock; will carry no goods over. Nun's veils from 81.00 up. Mourning goods our specialty. MRS. J. J. KEL.LY, 26 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. When in Pottsville Stop at Phil. Woll's Hotel, 200 North Centre Street. Menls at all hours. Ladies' dining room attached. Fiue6t wines, liqnors, cigars. Your Stomach : : : Cannot starlit tlio same washing that your boots do, nml the water you drink isn't even fit for Hint jmrioso. Use Lorenz Schmidt's Beer and Porter. JAMES SHIELDS, Manager Shenandoah Branch. 3XE. W. M-A-LElrT, WatcIiDiator.j4ii(IjteoIcL 16 North Main Street. Repairing of Jill kinds promptly attended to. ED. BBENNAN, Cor. Cherry and Gilbert 8ts. Finest Beers, "Wines and Liquors. Choice Temperance Drinks. Best Brands of 5 aud 10c Cigars, Shenandoah's Reliable Hand Laundry. Cor. Lloyd and White Sts. All work guaranteed to be flrit-clasi in every particular. Silk tie and law curtains a ipec laity. Goods called for and delivered. A trial solicited. GREAT REDUCTION Of summer millinery, including Ladies,' Misses' and Childrens' hats and bonnets. Special bargains in mourning goods. Prices the lowest. Alice Jennings, 214 South Main Street. COMPANY, Fhtlad. IOYCLES. HIGHEST OF ALL HIGH GRADES. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in tho world re gardless of price. Do not be induced to pay more money for an inferior wheel. Insist on havintr the "Waverloy. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a million dollar concern, w hose bond is as good as gold. 21 1.8. f 0QR0HE8, 80. 2 LB. LADIES', 7B. TO Painter and Paper Hanger, LEE, LAUNDRY, JOHN A. REILLY, Wholesale and Itetnll LIQUOR : DEALER, 22 and 21 South Slain St., Shenandoah. Agents for D. G. Yuenuling & Sou's celebrated Beer, Porter, Ales etc. -DR. A. A. SEIBERT,- Specialist in diseases of tho Eye, Ear, Kose and Throat. 207 West Market St., Pottsville. Hours-8:30 a. ni. to 12 m; 1 to 4 p. m., to 8 p. tu. Sundays, 9 a. 111. to 12 m. ' HOTEL K2LIER, CltAS. BUnCHILL, Prop., North Main-Street, Mahauoy City. Largest and finest hotel in tho region. Finest accommodations. Handsome fixtures Tool aud Billiard Itooms Attached, Millions of Dollars Go up in smoke every year. Take no risks but get your houses, stock, furniture, etc., insured in first cUtss, reliable companies, as repr sented by David Faust, Insurance Agent. 120 South Main Street. Also Life and Accidental Companies. EVAN J.DAVIES7 liveiiy: AND Ilnrlaitfalfiinri T 13 North Jardin Street. , 1