hi, DO not be deceived. This brand of White Lead is still made by the "Old Dutch" process of slow corrosion. It is a standard brand of Strictly Pure White Lead The recommendation of "John T.Lewis &Bros." to you by your merchant is an evidence of his reliability, as he can sell you cheap ready-mixed paints and bogus White Lead and make a larger profit Many short-sighted dealers do so. For Colors. .Vatlonal Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can lt a 35-pound kep ot Lead and mix jour o paints. Saves time and annoyance In match:. shades, and Insures the best paint that it is possible to put on wood. Send us a postal card and get our book on paints and color-card, free; it will probably cave you a pood many dollars. JOHN T. LEWIS &. BROS. CO., Philadelphia, HUMPHREY'S' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Humphreys' "Witch. Hasol Oil as a curative and healing application. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate cure certain. It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Druggists, or sent post-paid on receiptor price. JlHirilHEYS MED. CO., Ill & US Mllllam St., Vw York. ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Has stood the Test ot Time MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED E STATU O V JOHN ". HOFFMAN, uK CEASKD, Letters testamentary on the estiuo of John Y. Hollmnn late of Slieunmlonli, Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned all perfOns Indebted to said estate aro requested to make payment, and tlio-o havint; claims to present the same without delay to AV'iU.iam Demi, Kxceutor Micnandoah, l'n. Or his Attorney, J. II. l'onieroy, Shenandoah, Pa. 1-a-w-Gw JOHN DALtW, AGENT FOR SHENANDOAH a.vp VICINITY -FOll- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter. Barbey's Boek Beer. FOR SALE CHRAP ! 2 Valuable Properties, On North White Street. e blook of dwellings, Nos. 30 and White street, between ueutre ana InviP streets. Alcn mlnuuie UIOCK ui utoiiub, juo. K . . . f .1 111 XT.. ft nii 118 North White street, between loyd aad Coal streets. L . , r at HERALD OFFICE. WITCH HAZEL OIL mil BaiiUFiOinirtLujriiiruiUiiuirjJLitiiJia mm .HE AMERICAN 1 DBACCO tDMHHlt SUCCESSOR. ' JRI Survivors of the Bark Oarrio E. Long Arrive at New York, THEIR STOKY OF THE DISASTER. Tho Vessel, Loaded with Oil nnd Acids, Was Struck by Lightning, and Tills Wm Succeeded by an Explosion Which Killed the Cnptaln and Two Sailors. New YortK, Juno 12. Tho stonuier An tllin, just nrrlved from Nnssau, brought as passengers sixteen distressed seamen belonging to tho bnrk Cnrrlo E. Long, be fore reported burned at soa on May 21. Tho Cnrrlo E. Long, commanded by Cap tain Rolff, Bnlled from Philadelphia on May 8 with crude oil and acids, AH went well with tho vessol until May 21, off Gun Cay, when the vessel was struck by light ning. An explosion nlmost Immediately followed, nnd within a fow minutes she became enveloped In a fiect of flame. Tho torrllled crew Immediately, abandoned the vessel. Captain Rolff, his mata and two seamon had their clothing sot on flro and they perished In the flames. Five members of the crow jumped Into the soa and floated for hours on pieces of spars and other floating wreckage from the burning vessel. They wore picked up shortly after daylight In an exhausted condition by somo of tho native flshormen nnd taken nshoro. They were afterwards transferred to Nassau In a small senooner. Tin Stauloy. ntxed 25 years, a seaman, had a despornto bnttlo for his life, but managed to save it under the most trying circumstances. A fow moments after the vessol took flro he jumped overboard and mnnaged to grasp two small oars belong ing to tho shin's boat. Ho then struck out for tho land, some ten miles distant, Meanwhile ho was surrounded from time to timo by numerous sharks, the terror of tho native fishermen in theso waters. However, with tho aid of his oaru, ho suc ceeded in beating off theso monsters. Towards daylight his strongth com monced to glvo out, but ho still managed to swim slowly, sometimes on his back, but his courage still stood by him, and shortly after 4 a. m. of tho 22d ho man aaed to crawl ashore, almost dead from exhuustlou, and bereft of all clothing. Tho survivors reachod Nassau and wora sent homo by tho United States consul at that port. The names of tho survivors nro Tip Stanley, John Corcoran, Jamos Corcoran, Josopll Jackson, Mlchaol McNamara and Stewart Lurzeniversen. No Suspicion Against Kx-Senntor Buck. San Francisco, Juno 13. Tho coroner's inquest into the death of Miss Nolllo Har rington, murdered in her own room ten days auo, was concluded yesterday. Tho testimony of witnesses completed a perfect alibi for tho late Senator Buck, I. W. Lees, chief of detectives, stated that ho had followed every clow and every person having any apparent posslblo connection with tho case. Ho was absolutely in tho dark regarding tho identity of tho mur derer, and admitted that ho had not oven a suspicion. Tho jury returned a vordlct of murder, committed by some unknown porson. An Infant Murderer. LA PORTE, Ind., June 13. Indiana has a youthful murderer in Gllbort Dowsher, 4 years old, who killed Bernlco Collins, at Montlcello, his victim being a toddling infant. Being angry with the Collins child ho attacked her with stones, and be fore hor piteous cries for holp brought ro llof sho was dead. Tho authorities aro puzzled as to what steps aro to bo taken in dealing wltn tne boy, the annals or tuo state failing to record a parallel case. Both families aro prominent. The Woanded Princeton Students. Princeton, N. J., Juno 13. There is no change In the condition of Fred Obi and Gurrott Cochran, tho students who wore shot Saturday night. Tho attending phy sicians predict the recovery ot Cochran, but express anxiety for the outconio of Ohl's injuries. If, however, blood poison ing does not intorvene the doctors think ho will recover. Propelled by Petroleum. Paris, June 13. Forty vohlclos propolled by petroleum started from hero yesterday to rnco to ISordcaux ana oacK. Fifty thou sand francs will bo given to tho vohlclo showing tho best results. All kinds of ve hicles, from bicycles to omnibuses, aro in cluded in tho competition. STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS, Closing Quotntlons of the Now Vork and Philadelphia Exchanges. New York, June 11. The upward move ment of prlceson the Stock Exchange received fresh impetus today In the steady buying of ine uranger aimres inuueeu ny-me western crop report. Closing bids: Del. & Hudson 139 N. Y. Central 102M D L. & W tf....100 N. Y. & N. E 44 Erie 1114 Pennsylvania 53 Lake Erie & W... 24K Heading 1B$ St. Paul G8)B W. N. Y. & Pa iU Lehigh Nav lOtf Lehigh Valley 37 New Jersey Cen 094 West Shore lOOJi General Markets, PniLAnELPniA, June 11. Flour steadyswin ter superfine, $3&3.:M; winter extras, 833.50j No. 2 winter family, S3.ouaw.7a: fennsyi vanla roller, clear, $3.751; Pennsylvania roller, straight, SU01.U5; western winter clear, $3.8il. Wheat strong, higher, with SIVtc. bid and 85c. asked ror June. Lorn nrm. higher, with 57c. bid and 57Ho. asked for June. Oats firmer, quiet, with 37c. bid and 37Mc asked for June. Hay firm; good timothy, 13. Beef steady. Pork dull. Lard lower; west ern steam, 6.75. Iiutter dull! western dairy. 9Q13d.i do. creamery, 18ai8c.i do factory, 8a 12c; Elglns, 18c.; imitation creamery, ntoiac.; New York dairy, ll17c.; do. creamery, 18c.; Pennsylvania creamery, firsts, 17c; no. sec onds. 15U16c; Imitation creamery, extra. 15c; fairlto good, 12SHC.: ladle pacKea, lldjuc; prints jobbing at 2023. Cheese Bteady; New York large, 5S7Mo.i small. 5K&70.; part skims, 20Wc; full skims. IQIHc Kggsuull; New York and I'ennsyivama, nc.; western fresh, 13S14c.; southern, $3.501.25, Live Stock Markets, New YonK.June 11. European cables quote American steers at wa&uno., dressed weight; refrigerator beef, 8$aiOMo. Calves active, firm; poor to prime veals, HG0.25; buttermilk calves. 3aS-20, Sheep and lambs dull, but not luwer; poor to fair sheep.$203.25; common to good lamns, sj.mbi.su. nogs steady at Sl.oOai.W. East Buffalo. N. Y., June 11. Cattle mar ket about steady for good stock, and several sold at 81.005.15; light butchers and common grades sold weak at yesterday's prices, but all ' were sold. Hogs fairly active; mediums. heavy and choice Yorkers, ifl.tBSi.w; mixed packers, J.75l 80; roughs. 83.751.10; pigs, 1 1.405U.55: stairs. J333.&U. ' blieep and lambs weak; top wsthers.f 431-25: fair to good mixed Ueep, J35i3.10; common to ralr, J-.WJa.i-03; tulls, 81.5CK2.I.50; choice yearlings. $1.23(31.50; air to good, $3.5033,75; spring lambs, IJilC Gilmove's Aromatic Wine- A tonic for ladies. If you are suffer ing from weakness, and feel exhausted and nervous; are getting thin and all run down, Gilmore's Aromatic Wine will bring roses to your cheeks and restore you to flesh and plumpness. Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator and corrector for all ailments pjculiar to womanhood. It promotes digestion, enriches the blood and gives lasting strength. Sold by jPl. "WjPlSLEY, 1O6 N. Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. HARTMAN STEEL :-: PICKET FENCE, Is the cheapest and best fence mudo. Cheaper than a wooden fence for residences, lawns, cemetery lots or any kind of fenc ing. 31. H. PIASTER has the agency and curries it in stock at his marble and grnnito works. 127 S. Jardin St. SHENANDOAH, PA, 1317 Arch St. Phila. Pa. BLOOD POISON &n'&Efi$s: va.Hv ciireu in an 10 jniunjH, isioiciiVH. Illr-crn. Skin IMsciihch. Nrrviiim Itiliilltv anil Krrnrs ot" Yoiilli, LntH oU'owcr and HtrlcturcN (Io Cutting) Cured lor a life time. Loat Manhood ami Hum. I Shrunken Or- K.uiH 1'ully ltt-etorotl. Scientific method never falls unless easels beyond humnnnld. lie Ik' rat once, and you feel liken man among men In mind nnd body. Ah losses checked Immediately mid continued Improvement. Every obstacle to happy married llle removed. Nerve force, will, energy, brain power, when fatllne or lost, are restored bv the combined NEW treatment. Victims ol abuses and excesses, reclaim your manhood ' aunerers iroiuiouy. overdone, euny errors, in- health and exces-sen in married life retrain your strength. Don't despair, even If In the last stages. Don't be discouraged, If quacks have robbed you. I wilt prove to you that' medical science and honor still exist. Bend ttve2-cent stamps for boolc " TItUTII," the only Medical book exposing quacks (no matter wuac iney uuveriiae 10 suve inemseives irom exposure) their tricks nnd devices, calllnc themselves celebrated and famous, giving free aavice ana guarantee, cnargtng enormous prjees for cheap, poisonous drugs, nnd there by ruining thousands. Hour. If to 3L Kven ines. 6-s.aij. wea. anawu. jve-cg. t-y.3U. r-un.. 9-li Notice Alt ntlllcted with dangerous and hopeless cases should call for examination. Daily, trom Wed. an I Put, eve'gs, 6-9, and Min t9-VL Wrlto or ciiu. Treatment by mall. 8 1 Bji MU t9! (UHIC V fill kore Throat, fimples. Copper! ftHAVt lUU Colored Soot. Aches. Old Sorest BUlcers tn Mouth, llalr-Falllng! Write COOKl RCIileiiL-n. 111., for proots ot cures, uupn till. ft.lOO.OOO. Worst cases cured In 1SR to aii tiny.. lO0-)HKO book free. fl Chlehciitcr'. EngM.h Diamond Itrand. Pennyroyal pills B fTC-v OrlfflnulonJ Only Genuine A V X ..rr. idwavi reliable. LADICB ask j& Druggist for Chichester F.nqlUh Dia- .mond Itrand la Itcd anl Gobi meullloVW iboxeg, ie.loa wltn Diae nDoon. iaho toru and imitation. At DruggUti, or send 4 p. In staiapl for particulari, tetlmonla.U &d1 ChlchcAterCiiemieal Co..JUudUonHquair Soli tj ttU Local DruKista. l'uUudi.! , Easily, Qulckly.'.Permancntly Restored. TVoalcneg, Norvounnefis, Debility, and an tne train ol evils irora eariy errors or later eicenei. tag results at overwork, sickneas. worrr, eto. D uuBirengiu, aevei nnment and tone criven to nevery organ and portion yof the body. Simple, nat. i nral methods. Immedu I Will ate Improvement seen. Ev.nn,o immIH. 2.000 references. Book. esplanatioa and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL GO., Buffalo, N.Y. Lauer's and Pilsner Beers, Finet.Turest, Healthiest. Chris. Schmidt, Agent 207 West Coal Street, Shenandoah. Weeks' Museum, 17 South Main Sthket. Grand display of birds and animalsof all kinds and finest paintings in tho county. Best Beer, Porter and Ales, Finest Brands of Cigar-. Free lunch every morning and evening. Joun WkivKs, proprietor. A it Tt.V 7 15 & in ri Lager GOFF'S INJUNCTION DISSOLVED. South Carolina Will Execute Her Own Election Laws. Richmond, Vn., June 12. Tho circuit court of appeals hns just dissolved tho In junction of Judge God in tho South Caro lina registration case. Judge Hughes an nounced that Chief Justice Fuller was not nblo to bo here.but his full decision would bo forwarded. Judge Hughes said further that tho decision was 0110 ftf ulrlng prompt ronderlng and announcing tho result now. Chief Justlco Fuller, Judges Hughes and Seymour heard the argument In this case. Tho effect of this decision Is to lcavo to tho stoto of South Carolina tho execution of her registration luws as she sees fit. Tho decision places tho status of South Caro lina's registration laws exactly as thoy were before Judgo Goff's injunction, de clares them constitutional, uud they will govern In tho election of delegates to tho constitutional convention this summer. Judgo Hughes says; "Tho bill of com plaint cannot bo maintained, for It asserts no threatened Infringement of rights of property or civil rights and no adequate ground for oqulty Interposition. Being of this opinion, the restraining orders must bo'revorscd and tho cause remanded, with directions to dismiss tho bill." Taylor Will Get a Light Sentence. Aberdeen, S. D., Juno 12. As tho re sult of u confereuco between Attorney General Crawford, H. R. Horner and Charles T. McCoy it is roported nn agree ment in the W. W. Taylor case was ar rived at. Taylor Is to return and surren der himself, turn over all his proporty to tho state and take whatever seutenco the court may impose. John T. McChosuey, of New York, will also turn over to tho state all his South Dakota property. Wlion this Is accomplished Taylor's bondsmen aro to bo released from tho bond. Tho at torneys ugree that under the law Taylor's sentence will bo comparatively light, about ono year in tho penitentiary. Deposed from the ministry. Pittsbuug, June 12. Whon tho Pitta burg presbytery assembled yesterday Rov. George II. Sholdrake, D. U., waa sum moned for trial. Ho did not appear, but sont a long lottcr explaining his caso. Ho admitted ho had committed adultery with his housekeeper, but said ho had entored Into a contract to marry hor as soon as ho could get a divorco from his wife, who is now working on a Chicago paper. Ho thought tho presbytery should overlook this. Tho presbytery, however, deposed him from tho ministry and excluded him from tho communion of tho church. Had Freight Wreck Near Kane, Pa. KANE, Pa., Juno 12. A bad freight wreck occurred at 1 o'clock in the morn ing three miles east of this placo. A heav ily loaded east bound freight train on tho Philadelphia and Erie, whllo running at a fair rate of speed, was ditched, und nine teen cars piled up. A car of oil was in tho wreck, and took flro Immediately. Tho fluid spread to the wreck, and tho cars wero soon ablaze. Ono man was killed, supposed to bo n bollormakor front Erie, who was beating his way. Austria's Premier Favors Fence. VIENNA, Juno 12. Count Goluchowskl, the successor of Count Kalnoky, us Im perial minister of forolgn affairs, made his first declaration of policy yesterday. After a pleasant allusion to his predecessor, ho said ho would continue tho same policy und maintain the peaceful alllaneo of tho throo central European powers as tho course best adapted to foster the friend ship of the other powers. The President to Visit Atlanta. WASHINGTON, June 12. President Cleve land yestorday accoptcd an Invitation ten dered by representative citizens of Atlanta to visit tho Atlanta exposition. Ho will loavo Washington by special train on tho evening of Oct. 21 nnd arrlvo in Atlanta on tho afternoon of tho 22d. Tho 23d has been set apart as president's day, when tho chief oxeeutlvo will visit the exposi tion. Another Amalgamated Wage Conference. CLEVELAND, Juno 12. Another confer ferenco is soon to bo hold by tho commit- tro of Amalgamated Association of Steel and Iron Workers concerning tho scalo of wuges drafted by tho former nt tho recont convention In this city. Tho scalo fixes puddlors' wages at 81 per ton and they will demand to, though thoy will bo will ing to accept $4.50 as a compromise Mare Chinese missions Wrecked. Shanghai, Juno 12. Tho English, French Canadlun and American missions were wrecked at Chon Tu, Kiatlng, Yn chou, Piugshon und Sinking. Some of tho missionaries are missing, but no lives aro known to have beon lost. Suifu and Ijuchou aro threatened. A riot Is consid ered inevitable at Chung King. All tho whites havo loft Chung Tu. Serious Charees A gainst a County Treasurer LAHAMIE, Wyo., Juno 12. Elmer Hnuk, Into treasurer of Fromont county, Is nl allcged to bo short $1,400 In his accounts with tho county. It Is also charged that ho robbed the postofflco at Washnkio of $400. New Foundland's Governor to lletlre. St. Jonss, N. F., Juno 12. Sir Teronco O'Brien, governor of Now Foundlnnd, ex pects to retlro at tho end of Juno. Sir Boger Goldsworthy, Into governor of Brit ish Honduras, is expected to succeed him. New York's Reapportionment. New Youk, June 12. Tho board of al dermen yesterday adopted a plan of re apportionment. By the plan approved tho Uepubllcans will control nine and tho Domocrats twenty-six assombly districts. NUGGETS OF NEWS. A commercial treoty between Rupsla and Japan hus boen signed. An uprising whloh occurred in the de partment of Corrientos, Buonos Ayres, has been suppressed, Tho Iowa Populist convention at Des Moines nominated a full ticket, headed by Sylvester Crane, of Duvonport, for gov ernor. Of 120 Democratic editors of Ohio who answered a olrcular letter ninety favor f reo silver and thirty aro divided In their views. Tho New York grand jury Indicted David S Hannlgan for murdor In the first degree for killing Solomon H. Munu, tho betrayer of Hannlgau's slstor. At Boston Daniel J. Sullivan, a huck ster, accidentally backed his wagon up against tho wugon of Snlvatorl Albani, an Italian grocer, and was shot dead by Al bani. At Tuskegee, Ala., a crowd of masked men who had startod out to lynch a negro named Tom Harris shot J. M Alexander, who was trylug to defend Harris, and be will die. PENNSYLVANIA'S FOREST FIRES. It Is Delleved That Incpndlarles Aro Aid ing the Work of De.tructlon. BnAl)FOHD,l'a.,Junel3. Tho forest fires that hnvo been burning In this vicinity slnco last Saturday nro about under con trol unless u brisk wind should sot In. Mr. T. N. Uarnsdall lost an oil rig at Coon IUm, but It Is believed to bo tho work of some nitscreunt.as thoro waa no flro within two miles of tho well. Several fires have been started In this locality by unknown parties of Into. The miscreants will bo summarily dealt with If they aro caught. A bad forest flro Is raging near Bis Sandy, five miles south of here, and u largo gang of men left here to prevent tho llamcs from sprondlng to tho South Penn sylvania OH company's oil property. A Itubborn flro Is raging near Ormsby, In rloso proximity to the'oll fields, and men aro being sent from all directions to fight tho flames. There has been considerable loss, but It Is lmposslblo to state how much. Oswao, Pa., Juno 12. Forest fires bavo done a groat deal of damage flvo miles east of hero. A largo quantity of bark timber and sawed lumbor has been de stroyed. The flames aro still raging and tho loss will bo heavy. A large force of men have beon fighting tho fires for a weok, and aro almost exhausted. SlIAltON CENTliE, Pa,. June 12. Tho forest llres east of this placo aro playing havoc with valuable timber and bark. Men are out lighting tho flames, but with llttlo success. Watson Farm, Pa., Juno 12. A big flro is raging In tho woods of Forest county. At Crobbedale tho woods are ono solid mass of flames. Unless rain falls soon tho whole country will be endangered. YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL GAMES. National League. At Philadelphia (11 innings) Cleveland, 7; Philadelphia, 8. At Washington Vasfc lngton, 15; St. Louis, 10. At Now York Now York, 0; Pittsburg, 2 At Boston Boston, 11; Loulsvlllo, a At Brooklyn Chicago, 6; Brooklyn, 2. At Baltimore Baltimore, 0; Cincinnati, 4. Kntfcrn League. At Scranton Springfield, 8; Scranton, 1. At Toronto Rochester, 8; Toronto, 0. At Wllkesbarro (13 Innings) Providonce, 13; Wllkesbarro, 12. At Buffalo Syra cuse, 8 ; Buffalo, 2. Pennsylvania State League. At Carbondalo Cnrbondalo, 21; Potts vlllo, 10. At Lancaster Allentown, 3; Lancaster, 1. At Harrisburg Reading, 14; Harrisburg, 9. Brutal lilonks in Franco. AIX-LA-CHAPELLE, France, Juno 12. A monk named Hclnrlch has beon arrested as tho chief offender In tho asylum scan dal at Marlaberg. Tho caso was brought to publlo notice by a suit for libol brought against against a journalist who published an expose. The trial dovoloped tho fuct that tho monks aro mostly Illiterate men, totally unfitted to bo attendants at an usy lum, and that they had resorted to the old methods of controlling tholr patients by torture, confining them In chains, beating them, and oven exposing somo of tho in mates in n semi-nude state to tho intense heat of fires. All tho monks will bo pros ecuted. Ex-Mlnlstor Snowden Assaulted. Philadelphia, Juno 12. Colonel A. Louden Snowden, ox-minister of tho Uni ted Stutes to Greece, ox-superintendent of tho United States mint, nnd a member of the Union League club, was assaulted while walking on Market street by Colo nel William Kunkle, of this city, who was an officer of tho Third Pennsylvania artil lery during tho war. Kunklo ulleges that Colonel bnowden was Instrumental In having him discharged from the mint about twenty years agobocauso ho refused to writo a speech for Snowden, and ho has had a griovauco against him over since. Runklo wus admitted to bail. Japan to Strensthen Her Navy. Washington. June 12. Information lias been received at the navy dopartmeut from officers now with tho Asiatic squad ron to tho effect that Japan Intends to materially strengthen hor navy, and If ship building oxperts of tho United States should visit that empire now it is prob able that several large orders could be so- i cured by American shlpyurds. Tho Jnp- nneso, It appears, would much prefer to mako their naval purchasos In tho United states. Ilessle Fairbanks Adjudcod Insane. New York, June 12. Bessio Fairbanks, tho young woman who on March 6 at tempted to kill Isaao A. Cochran, a real estate broker, was arraigned yestordny iu Part II of tho court of genoral sessions. The jury adjudged hor insane, and Re corder Goff committed her to tho State In Bano usylum at Matteawan. As tho result of bis injuries Cochran hns lost Ids sight. Tho woman claimed that she hud bee wronged and discarded by tho man. A Victim of Hydrophobia. New Yokk, Juno 12. Barnott Fishmnn, tho 15-yoar-old son of Mondel Flshman, a peddler, was taken to tho Pasteur Insti tute suffering from hydrophobia. Two years ago, and before the Fishmans loft Kussla, Burnett was bltton on the right hand by it dog. Tho wound was cauter ized, and nothing f urthor was thought of the mattor until symptoms of hydrophobia began to develop a few days ago. Unira niian a I'rlsaner. London, Juno 12. Tho Times publishes a dispatch from Simla, India, which says that nows has boen rocolved thoro from Cabul that tho Ameer of Afghanistan has imprlsonod Umra Khan, thus removing the reproach that tho ameer was receiving England's enemy as a guest while his son, Nezrulla Khan, was being honored in London. Violating the Child Ijjbor Law. Scranton, Pa., Juno 12. Tho Peunsyl- vanlu Clgarmakcrs' Blue Label league, In session in this city, passed a resolution di rected to Factory Inspector Campbell, at Harrisburg, condemning the employment of child labor In tho mines about this city. The resolution recites that tho lubor law Is oponly disregarded. Oklahoma's Gold Incitement. GUTHRIE, O. T., Juue 12. More excite ment prevails today over tho gold strike than during tho Into Klckapoo rush. Messrs. Nichclas, Salllor and Ogllby have just returned. They report fabulous finds, and say they aro confident that thoy have struck one of tho richest gold fields ever found. The Weather. For eastern Pennsylvania, fair; easterly winds. For New Jorsey, showers; east erly winds. For Maryland und Delaware, possibly thunder showers this evening: ilight changes In temperature; easterly winds, ) New Jersey's Governor Objeots to Proposed New Laws. MANY PASSED OVER THE VETOES. Kx-Uovernor floorBo C. Ludlow Nominated for J (id to of tlio Supremo Court, to Sue cwd Judge Heed Hills l'micil by the Ilou.e. T kenton, Juno 12. Governor Werts sent tho following nomination to tho sen ato: ior judgo of tho supremo court, to mi tho vacancy caused by tho transfer of Judge Reed to tho court of chancery, ox Governor Georgo C. Ludlow.of Middlesex, term, seven yours; salary, 9,000 per year Tho govornor also made tho following nominations: For judgo of tho circuit court. Chandler W. Rlkor, of Essox, term, povon years; salary, $7,500 per year; for member of tho state board of assessors, Fred A. Canflold, of Morris, to take tho placo of Oliver Kelly, of Middlesox, whose recont appointmont tho sonato refused to confirm; term, threo years; salary, $2,500 year. Tho house yesterday passed over tho gov ernor's vetoes tho bill authorizing Kenr noy to purchaso water mains from Jersey City; South Ornngo-Mllburn sower bill, and tho Newurk pest houso bill. Mr Bul lock's bill providing that doputy labor In spectors shall bo removed from office who wilfully neglect to onforco tho child labor act was objected to by tho governor be cause of somo dofocts. Mr. Bullock said ho thought there was opportunity for somo work for tho Investlgatlug commit tee in tho house. Two of his bills had boon mysteriously butcherod nftor all the work of getting them through. The veto was notsustulned. Tho other bill referred to was tho bl-weekly payment of wages bill, which was vetoed by tho governor for similar defects. Mr. Bullock took tho amended bill to tho governor, but he re fused to receive It. Mr. Bullock will en deavor to havo a resolution passed requir ing tho governor to reoelvo tho bill. Sev eral votocs wero sustained. Tho following sennto bills were passed by tho houso: Providing for tho appoint ment by the governor of a commission to act with a similar commission from New York for tho preservation of tho palisades of tho Hudson; placing tho state dairy commissioners under tho control ot tho state board of health; requiring tho secre tary of stato to pay into tho stnto treasury all foes received by him ns registrar und clerk of tho prerogative court; providing that the elective judiciary bills should go into effect July 4. Assembly Bullock introduced a bill em bodying tho provisions of tho former bill, compelling corporations other than rail roads to pay their employes every two weeks. Tho first bill was vetoed by the governor because it reached him with two of tho sections loft out. Spoaker Cross said he would rulo that under tho concurreut resolution tho present bill could not be considered. Tho senato received from tho govornor o veto of tho bills giving thoJRepubllcan mayor of Newark power to make appoint ments of members of councils and tho board 'of education, in caso the court of errors nud appeals should on Monday next doclaro invalid tho ward redisricting un der which tho present Incumbents wore elected. Tho veto was laid over. The appropriation bill was then takon up and amended. Not to Impeach Kelsoy. Trenton, Juno 12. The houso Republi cans, in conforenco, decided by a voto of 30 to 9 not to Impoach Secretary of Stato Kolsoy. This action was reached on the strongth of tho argumont that tho grand jury Is now considering his caso, and that it would bo lmpollto for tho houso to be gin impeachment proceedings. Abandoned on n Burning Vessel St. Malo, France, Juno 12. Nows has been received hero of tho abandonment of tho British steamer Why Not, bound for tho Island of Jersey, and loaded with fod dor. Tho vessel was on flro when aban doned, Tho crow of tho Why Not de serted tho passengers whon tho vessel caught Are, and, taking to tho boats, suc ceeded in landing at Erquy, department of tho Cotes du Nord, not far from here. Evontually tho Why Not, with her passen gers on board, was soon off Erquy, nnd she soon after run ashoro near that place. Tbo passengers wore rescued. He Is Evidently Innocent. Richmond, Mo., Juno 12. Bob Young, a farmer living uoar this placo, who was suspocted of arson, was callod out of his houso by a mob during tho night and taken Into tho woods, whoro his captors tied a rope about his nock, throw tho end over the limb of a tree nnd drew him up. Ho was lot down, but donlod knowing any thing about tho flros. Twlco more he was strung up, and not making any admis sions he was pormltted to depart. Young says ho knows tho mon, but will not dl vulgo their names. Counterfeiting as nn Industry. PERRY, O. T.. Juno 12. United States marshals of Oklahomu loft today for Ohio armed with warrants for tho arrest of two manufacturers for counterfeiting. Tho nnmos aro withheld. One of tbo firms is located at Troy, O., and tho other nt Cleveland, and thoy mnko a business of furnishing counterfeiters' goods nnd green goods. Thoy havo formed partnerships with numerous counterfeiters and green goods men in Oklahoma. A Demented Mother's Triple Crime. ST. Louis, Juno IS. Mrs. Herman Becker, aged 34 ycais, and two children, aged 4 and 5, wore found by her little de mented boy In a back cellar with bullet holes In their heads. It la claimed that Mrs, Beoker was not ot sound mind, and thoro has beon trouble In the family re cently. Sho left a letter saying that sho and the childron wore sick und must die. They wore Germans. The Chinese War Indemnity. BERLIN, Juno 12. The Chinese loan which Russia has guaranteed forms a part of tho actual war indomnlty. Japan has agreed that if $15,000,000 aro had forthwith the remainder may bo paid within six years. It is therefore llkoly that tho whole of the Indemnity will bo advanced by French and Russian bankers. Wages Asaln Advanced. Bethlehem, Pu., Juno 13. Notlcoswer posted yesterday announcing un increase of from li to 10 per cent, in tho wage of the 3,000 employes of the Bethlehem Iron company, who suffered a reduction of that nuount In January, lbOl The furnace nen wero raised on the first of the month, VJ