The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 11, 1895, Image 3

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HTHERE is but one
X way in the world to be sure
f having the best paint, and that is
to use only a well-established brand
t of strictly pure white lead, pure lin
Ueed oil, and pure colors. The
Jf John T.Lewis & Bros."
A brand is standard ''Old Dutch"
yroccss, anc '3 always absolutely
'Strictly Pure
White Lead
' If vou want colored paint, tint
strictly pure lead with National
Lead Co.'sPure White Lead Tintuig
i Colors.
A 1 in"e colors are sold in one-pound cans, each
BKn ben.-g sufficient to tint as pounds of Strictly
ft Vure White Lead the desired shade i they are m
fk no sense ready-mixed paints, but a combination
Kof perfe6tly pure colors In the handiest form to
lir.t Strictly Ture White Lead.
Send us a postal card and get our book on
paints and color-card, free,
faYifedfa & J-J alb ISJ
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with Humphroys'
Witch Haaol Oil as a curative and
I healing application. It has been
jised 40 years and always affords relief
and always gives satisfaction.
It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External
or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and
Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas.
Relief immediate cure certain.
It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and
Contraction from Burns. Relief instant.
It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated
Wounds and Bruises.
It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, .Ulcers, Old
Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald
Head. It is Infallible.
It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts
and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable.
It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy
Eruptions, Chapped Hinds, Fever Blisters,
Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions,
Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects,
k Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $i.oo.
Sold byDrugglsts,or sent post-paid on receiptor price.
)UarilItEYS'3IKU. CO., til i; 113 UIMIiuBU,:itw York.
CEASED. Letters totnincntnrv on the
estate of John P. Hofl'mnn Inte of Shenandoah,
Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania, deceased,
Having been ginnted to the undersigned all
peions indebted to said eetate nr0 requested to
make payment, nnd those linvinn claims to
""present tho sumo without delay to
William, Hxecutor.
M Shenandoah, Pa.
Or b's Attorney, J. II. Ponieroy, Shenandoah,
Pa. . 'l-n-w-ew
x 11
Has stood the Test of Time I
Are now off ered by the markets to easily mul
tiply small capital each week by speculating.
t Our customers make big money. Some 1200 to
I S800 a week on n ?10U Investment. Can wo not
do tho same for you ? rmall margin required. book- on successful speculation and Daily
"Market letter, full or money producing pointers,
sent free. Speculate through expert. Thomas
t Co. . Bankers anil Brokers, Itialto Building,
Chicago, III.
1 (Formerly Murphy Bro.)
Saloon :-: and :-: Restaurant,
19 North Main Street.
Thalini. oiinnlia.1 Tclili tlrst.nlll&fi witlPfl
"iJuors beer, ale porler. Choice cigars,
1' ree, iUDcii lrom a to iz a. m .
1" , TTJ
Beer and Porter-,
A tilal order solicited.
Parbeij's Bock Beer.
A Thlrtoen-Yonr-Old Girl Klllod by n la
borer of Forty. I
H.Y ANSIS, Mass., Juno 11. Llzzlo Colo- j
man, tho 18-yoor-old daughter of William
Colomim, of Ostorvlllo, whllo on hor way
to school, was shot aud killed by Honry
Lcdtko, a Gorman, who noxt fired two
shots at n llttlo brother of tho girl, who
was with her, Lcdtko then shot himself
through tho head and died instantly.
Jealousy on tho part of tho man, who
was 40 years old, towards tho girl for as
sociating with lads of her own ago la
thought to havo prompted tho dcod.
Lcdtko has been employed In this vicinity
for thrco years, and has always boon on
friendly terms with Mr. Colomau. Tho
German had Bhown a great liking for
Llzzlo Coleman, but recently her mothor
hnd noted signs of displeasure on his part
at some slight attentions shown the girl
by her boy6choolnlotos, This bocamo es
pecially marked when, unt long ago,
Lodtko threatened to shoot a 13-yoar-old
boy living noar tho Colomans bocnuso ho
had walked homo from school with Llzzlo.
At this not only Mrs. Coleman but her
husband and tho girl horsolf became
alarmed, and It was decided that hor
brothor Charlie should accompany her to
and from school. In pursuuuco of this
plan brothor and sister were togothor yes
terday. Thoy had roached a point about
500 yards from tho houso when Ledtko
suddonly appeared and shot at tho girl.
Tho girl triod to shield herself by holding
her hands boforo hor. Tho bullet passed
through both hauds and lnfllctod a llesh
wound In tho faco.
Oharloy bravely stopped between his
sister and Lcdtko, which apparently so en
raged tho latter that ho fired twice almost
point blank nt tho boy, but nolthor Bhot
was effective, and tho lad and his sister
started to run towards homo togothcr.
Lodtko then rushed up behind tho girl
and sont a bullet into tho back of her
head, killing hor Instantly. Ho then placed
tho smoking muzzle against his own head
and discharged tho remaining bullot Into
his brain, falling dead.
It Will rrobably bo Unlit Within tho Next
Eighteen Mouths
San Francisco, Juno 11. Tho steamer
Australia, just arrived from Honolulu,
brings tho following advices dated Juno 3:
Audloy J. Cooto, an Australian who is
interested In different cables, arrived on
tho 1st lnst. to confer with tho Hawaiian
government regarding tho proposed Pacific
cable. He has mado a proposition which
will 1)0 considered by President Dole and
his cabinet.
Mr. Cooto will bo In Washington on
Oct. 17. Ho represents a French company,
which is willing to build from Sydney to
San Francisco, taking In Auckland,
Samoa nnd Honolulu. Ho wants tho Ha
waiian government to pay an unuual sub
sidy, In roturn for which no chargo will
bo mado for official messages. Ho will
make a similar proposition to tho United
States. Mr. Cooto feols confident that
both governments will assist his com
pany, Ho declares that tho cable Will bo
built within oightocn months.
W. It. Castlo, tho new minister to Wash
ington, will leave thlB country, acconv
panlcd by his family, early In August,
and expects to reach Washington about
Sept. 1.
E. C. Creek pleaded guilty to a ohargo of
conspiracy on tho 1st lnst. Ho wa3 sen'
tenced to three years' Imprisonment, but
tho sentence was suspended with tho un
dorstandlng ho would lcavo tho country.
Ho left the samo day for China by tho City
of Pokin. Creek, along with John E.
Rush and Joseph Howol, were arrested
last September.
Illsmarck's Advice to Farmers.
BERLIN. Juno 11-. In an address to a
party of agrarians who called to puy their
respects to Princo Blsmarok at Frled-
rlcksruiie tho princo advised tho agrarians
not to glvo their votes to any ono desirous
of becoming a public minister not to
voto for any ono whoso wife wished to
shluo In Berlin. society. From peoplo of
this chordoter como tho burrs who stick
fast to ministerial posts. It Is usoloss to
expect them to champion agricultural in
tercsts. "Lot us not, theroforo, olect am'
bltlous persons," ho said, "but rather,
thoso of our own flesh and blood. Wo
must stand shoulder to shoulder against
tho drones who govern us, nnd who prc-
duco nothing but laws."
Buffalo Wants the Journalists.
Philadelphia, Juno U. Tho fifth an
nual convention of tho National Lcaguo
of Press Clubs, was called to order at 10
o'clock this morning In Independence
Hall by President Clark Howell, of At
lanta. Delegates aro prosont from all sec
tions of the country, nud the meeting
promises to bo ono 01 unusual interest,
The Buffalo delegatos, headed by Harry
D. Vought, secretary of tho league, woro
accompanied by a score of visitors from
that city. Thoy came down on a spoclal
train, and thoy havo a boom with thorn-
to havo next year's convention held In
their city.
A Hoy Held for Hansom.
CniNOOK, Mont., Juuo 11. Tho 13-year-
old son of Marcus MoKaln, a ranchor, has
been kidnaped by U rank Turner, a hunter,
and soveral other mon whoso Identity Is
unknown, A note has beon sont to Mo
Kaln by Turner stating that the boy
would bo hold for ransom. Tho boy's par
ents aro almost distracted. A posso of
ranchers and cattlomon started after tho
robbers, and trallod them some distance
into the mountains, but lost tho trail.
Another posse was organized, and the
search Is being continued.
Trenton Potters Will Strike Again.
Trenton, Juno 11. All of the ten sanl
tory waro pottorlos In this city shut down
yesterday, and all day long tholr 500 work
men were lh secret conference, deciding
upon a new scale of wages to be demanded
of the employers. The men docided to ask
on Thursday for an averago lnoroase of 20
per cent, over the wages they are now re
ceiving. If the employer!, refuse to agroo
to tho now scale tho men will go on strike
Bandits In New Mexico.
DENVER, Juno 11. Postoflloo Inspector
McMoechon hos rocelved telegraphic In
formation from United States Marshal
Hall at Santa Fe, New Mexico, of tho
robbery of tho stage on a road between
'Frisco aud Luna, near tho Arizona lino.
It Is reported that tho state Is packod by
armed baodlts who havo been recently
operating In Arizona. Tho amount of
plunder socured is not known hero.
The Weather.
For eastern Pennsylvania nnd New Jor
soy. Increasing cloudiness; warmer! east
erly! -winds. For District of Columblo,
Maryland and Delaworo, probably show
rs this evening; slightly warmer; north
easterly winds.
No matter what tho disease Is or how
many doctors havo failed to euro you, ask
your druggist for a 2ii-ccnt vial of ono of
Munyon's Cures, and If you aro not bene
fited your money will bo refunded. This
Company puts up
A cure for every disease
UrThefi! 1317 Arch St.
Tho only (Icnntnr ncclllt 111 Amirlra,
notrcltlntmnlln,. t otliors nilTcrtlso.
Special IlisMitc nnil Strlcturas
rcrinanentlr Cured lu 3 to & days
newmeUioilluno to uoduys. 8 yeai s' I.uru
pean Hospital and il practical experience, as
Certificates ami lllpfouipo prove. tifiiil flvo
Z-cont stamps for uouk. "TitUTII)" the only
boolc exposlnif Quack Doctor and otlieraau
vortlslnir as Rroat specialists. A true friend
to all suflerers ancf to those contemplation
marriage. Therr.oitKtubliornanil dangerous
cascssoliclteU. Wrlteor callana boBaveu.
3 6-10s8un. J-li Successful treatment iy mall.
Chtrheitcr'fl EnellKh Diamond Brand.
Orlfflnul nnd Only Genuine . A
9 Arc, aJwsyi reliable, ladies nk fl
mondliran-l In Kerf and OoU metllla V5V
boxen, rc&im wttb biutj nmmn. J bko w
(ton and imitation. At DraggUts, or ea3 -le.
to nttunri for particular!, teittmoolali ml
"ltfllef for T,odlemM in letter, by return
rh lohptr Chemical Co..MttlUnn Knumw
L0CJ UrUEEUU, Vhllfldtt., I'Om
Is tho cheapest nnd best fence made.
Cheaper than a wooden fence for resideuces
lawns, cemetery lots or any kind of fenc
ing. M. a. MMiiaa nas two agency
and carries it in stock nt his murble nnd
granito work1?.
127 S. Jarrtin St.
, Easily, QuIcklyRermancntly Restored.
Weakness, Nervousness,
ueDiiiir. ana an too tram
of evils lrom early errors or
later excesses, tho results of
overwork, sickness, worry,
eto. null streegta, aevei.
opment ana tone given ta
k-every orsaa kuu uurLiuu
nfthebodv. SlmDlc. nat
ural methods. Immedi
at improvement seen.
ru.iH.A imnnalilA . 2.fWl rpfernnces. BooR.
explanation nnd proofs mallod (sealed) free.
Twenty Indiotfiieuts AtrnluBtTheni
Lancaster, June 10 Ihe crand jury
tn-cinv returned 20 true bills for embezzle
ment 8K9inst E. K. Smith & C. E. Graj
liill. ti p. former Columblo bankers. Conn-
cui for ihn ilnfensH filed reasons tn naash
the indictment, allpfting the illegality of
the- present (iraud jnry, and the 'argument
will come up to-morrow.
A Household Trensure.
TV w. Vnllfr. of Cnnalohnrie. N. "Y
pays that ho always keopa Dr. Kind's
New Biscoverv in the house nnd
family 1ms always found tho very b
results follow Its use; UinUio would i
be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dy
man, druggist, Catskill, . Y., says that
Dr. King's New Discovery Is undoub
tedly the best cough remedy; that ho
has used It in his family for eight years,
and it has never fniled to do nil flint is
claimed for It. Why not try u remedy
so long tried nnd tested. Trial bottles
free nt A. AVasloy's drug store. Regular
slzo 50c. and $100.
Tho Herald's souvenir.
A few copies of the Herald's silver
anniversary souvenir edition remain in tho
hands of the publishers. They were saved
from the fire and aro in excellent condition.
In addition to their intrinsic worth they
will bo valuable as relics of the fire. First
come, first served.
Our better halves say thoy could not
keep house without Clinmborlnin's
cough remedy. It is used in more than
half tho homes in Leeds. Sims Bros.,
Leeds, Iowa. This shOwB tho esteem in
which that remedy held where it lins
been sold for years nnd well known.
Mothers havo learned that there is
nothing so good for colds, croup and
whooping cough, that it euros tho nil
monts quickly and jiormiinoiitly, and
that it is pleasant nnil safo for childron
to take. 25 nnd 50 cent bottles for sale
by Gruhlor llros., drugt'ts.
Crushed to Dentil.
Wilkes-Babbk, June 10 Frank Dav
Kt, oed 14 years, a driver in No. 0 shaft of
the Pennsylvania Coal Company ot VtiU
ton, was killed to-day. He was caught by
runaway cars nnd crushed to death.
llnoklou's Arnica Strive.
The best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcors, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or
money refunded. Price 23 cents per box,
For sale by A. Wasley.
Awful Hot In St. Louis.
St. Louis, June 10 At 3 o'clock p. si.
the mercury bad climbed tbo bulb to the
100 mark. At this point tbe indicator in
the tube flactnnted between 102 and 08 de
grees and at G P. M. the bulb registered 09
degrees. This was the hottest day of the
Have your carpets, feathtrs nnd mat"
tresses cleaned by the Steam Renovating
Co., 32 East Coal street. 4-17-3m
11 ro llnclnir In Chionco,
Chicago, June 10 Fire broke out nt
Soutn Chicago near the corner of 'J2nd
street nod Houston Avtnne to-night. Tbe
fire oriutaated in tbe furniture factory of
T. P. Younir, which has been totally de
ptroyed. Tbe flje is spreading rapidly 10
$urrouudine frame dwellings and three
jpeclal calls for engines have been cent iu
7 W
Tho Alliance Explainod by For
eign Minister Hanotaux,
Tho ltc-cont Policy of Franco Ilns Lifted
Hor Agnln Into Mcr Proper L'Inco Anions
tho Nations of the Karth The Govern
ment's Declarations Approved.
PAWS, Juno 11. Tho nueston of Fronch
policy In tho far oast was revived in tho
chamber or deputies by M. MUlerand, tho
Socialist deputy, who protested against
Franco playing what ho termed "Ger
many's game." M. MUlerand was sup
ported by other boclallst members of tho
chamber, who objected to tho participa
tion of Franco in tho coining festivities In
connection with tho opening of the Baltlo
aud North Son canal.
Tho minister for forolgn offalrs, M.
Hanotaux. replied, amid Radical interrup
tions, which woro met by Centrist crlos of
dllenco Communists." M. Hanotaux do-
fended the presence of tho Fronoh squad
ron nt Kiel by saying that tho French
Bailors would represent not a humiliated,
downtrodden Franco, but a nation confi
dent In her strength and rich enough in
glory not to dread comparison with no
othor power.
Advorting to tho quostlon of Franco's
policy In tho far east M. Hanotaux mado
un Important statement, declaring that
even had French lntorests beon loss af
fected than they wcro the government
Would have considered It to bo Its impora-
tlvo duty to lnterveno immediately after
Russian lntorests wero threatened. No
bodv could bo blind, ho continued, to tho
dangers of u reversal of French policy in
refusing to support Russia at this dcllcato
juncture. Ho boliovod himself to bo tho
faithful Interpreter of tho feelings of tho
country when ho tolegraphcd to fat. Petors'
burg that Franco plaoes her alliances In
tho first rank of hor considerations, and
that tho government of tho republic was
thoreforo disposed to support with all pos-
slblo ofllcacy tho views of the lmporlal
government concornlng tho conditions of
pcaco between China and Japan.
Continuing his remarks upon tho sub
ject of tho presenco of tho French squad
ron M. Hanotuux said that tho Interests
of France, too, justified tho attitude
adoptod, aud ho pointed out tho situation
In Egypt at tho presout time as a result ol
tho mistaken policy of abatontlon which
tho French parliament had forced upon
Gnmbottn, who foresaw tho result of tho
evils of tho policy of restraining tho gov
ernment from activity so far as the Sue
canal was concerned. The recent policy of
activity uud oxpanslon ndoptod by Francs
had llftod hor again Into hor proper placo
among tho nations of tho world, and had
brought about tho alllanco with Russia
nn nlllauco which had given Franco the
position sho long nocded
M. Hanotaux concluded by asking foi
tho unequivocal support of all tho mem
bers of the chamber, for ho said a policy ot
vacillation would only weaken Fronch
prcstlga abroad.
M. Flourons asked If In roturn foi
Fronch support In tho cast Russia would
nld France to obtain tho freedom of Egypt.
M. Goblet demanded tho publication of
tho treaty of alllanco with Russia, if oua
was In existence. At this point M. Ribot
lntcrposod, saying: "You know well we
cannot publish It."
M. Goblot then continued his remarks,
insisting that tho visit of tho Fronch
6quadron to Klol was tho unfortunate ro
Bult of the Fronch co-oporatlon with Rus
sia and Germany In tho far east. French
men would nover understand any policy
of rupproachment with Germany as long
as tho question of tho ultimate disposition
of tho provinces of Alsace and Lorralno
romalncd unsettled. Al. ulbot concluded
tho debato by endorsing all tho remarks
of M. Hanotaux.
Tho order of tho day approving tho dec
larations of tho government was then
adopted by a voto of 302 to 105, and amidst
loud cheering tho chamber of doputlos in?
Journed. Witnt the Constitution Chanced.
Denver, Juno ll. Tho synod of tho Ro
forincd Prosbytcrlan church of North
America adopted resolutions In favor of
changing tho constitution of tho United
States by Inserting: "A clear and ex
plicit acknowledgment of Almighty God
lis tho sourco of all power, of Jesus Christ
as tho princo of kings of tho earth, and
the Bible as tho supremo rule in all af
fairs." Rev. J. C. McFootors, of Phila
delphia, Dr. H. II. George and other
Bpeakors declared tho country's financial
troubles wcro due to tho fact that the su
premo power of God wa3 not acknowledged
in our constitution.
Destruction of Missions Confirmed.
SllAKuilAl, Juno 11. Tho report of tho
total destruction of tho missions at Cheng
tu, Kiatlng and Yochou has been con
firmed. Tho local olllclnls refused protec
tion to tho missionaries until tho mob had
completed the work of demolishing tho
buildings, Tho mission stations at other
places havo boen threatened. About
twenty adults, besides a number of chil
dren, havo taken refuge at Chongtu and
Yomon. Viceroy Lin Is blamed for the
llrltannla Defeats AUsn.
Dover, Eng., Juno 11. In tho regatta
of the Royal Clnquo Ports Yacht club
Allsa aud Britannia started at 13:03 p. m.
Tho Prince of Wales and the Duko of
York wero on board tho former's yacht.
Tho race was won by Britannia on time
allowance. In tho raco for tho twenty
raters Mr. Howard Gould's Niagara easily
defeated tbo Luna and Stephanie.
Disastrous Cloudburst In Kansas.
SAUNA, Kan., Juno 11. A cloudburst is
reported from Bartondalo, a small town
southwest ot hero, In Barton county. Tho
wator was about four foet deep and did
much damago. A herd of about fifty head
of cattlo was drowned and soveral build
ings wrecked. No llvos woro lost so far as
has been learned.
ICepresentatlve Ilitt Improving;.
Washington, Juno 11. Tho Improve
ment in Ropresontatlvo Hitt's condition
soutlnuos. Yosterday, for the first time
since his illness began, ho was ablo to sit
up for a time In a chair. Tho condition
of Miss Mary A. Dodge (Gail Hamilton)
remains unohanged.
Humeri the Uoby to Death.
MinPLKiiuiiG, Fla Juno 11. Mrs. Ruth
Broskio yesterday left her thrco youngor
children In charge of her 0-year-old boy.
One of tho youngor boys deliberately
lighted a match and sot Are to the baby'i
clothes, burntng tho child to death.
M ill'
The human stomnoh is a near-shnned
bng into which nil food drops at once
when swallowed. Three thlntrs hnimcii:
the blood rushes Into tho substance
of tho stomach (not Into its interior) to
hunt it; thousands of little ducts or
pipes pour copiously fortli rt lltild called
tiie gastric Juice ; and, then, the stomach
begins a wnvc-liko, churning move
ment which thoroughly mixes the
gastric ,1uloo with the food, nnd by-nnd-by
chnnges the wliolo into n gray look
ing, semi-liquid paste called eh me. This
is digestion as it takes place in health.
aim, 100 k youi 11 tne siomncn tans to
furnish the gnstrle juice, or falls to fur
nish ououich of It. tiie food sinitilvlles
in the stomach and turns sour, putrefies,
ferments as It would in a warm, moist
air outdoors. This is Indigestion, dys
pepsia or gastritis. Having 110 other
way of escape tho poisons so engendered
pass into the clivulr.tion nnd set lip 11
train of results like theso: lieadnehoj
foul taste In the mouth ; loss of npne
tlto nnd nniison; ferred tongue; dis
ordered heart Action: nervous weak
ness and prostration; chills followed
bv heRt Hashes; distress and weight in
the chest after CHting; fugitive mus
cular pains, followed in time, by grnve
local ailinonts. etc. All tills, liour in
mind, comes of ti moro or less complete.
iniluro ol tho stomncii to secrete gastric
Havlne studied this subiect for many
vears tho Shakers of Jit. Lebanon, (Js.
Y.,) famous as metucai ciiemists nnu
herlmllsts sought among the plants
cultivated bv them only for n remedy
which should havo tho distinct nnd
especial effect of stimulating tho How of
gastric juice to n uoriuui umouni. mm hi
tno same time 01 me 11111, iinmrni 111
upstlvo Rtrcnirth. No other so-called
remedies for dvspopsia have tills pur
poso in view, yet it is the absolutely es
sential thing. Successful in their efforts,
oven beyond their hopes, thoy havo
placed their discovery on the market
miller tno name 01 tne nunner uigesiivu
Cordial. Its effects nro immcdlnto nnd
radical. Relief is felt nt onco nnd a per
manent cure soon follows. It is tho sure
aud scientific remedy for indigestion
and dyspepsia.
Conlident in their work tho Shakers
oiTer trial bottles at the nominal price
of ten cents. For sale by nearly all
Itovolntlonlots Still l'lRhtlnff in tho Pace
r Curtain Defeat.
Havana, .Tune 11. Lieutenant Rulso re
cently met the band of Diaz, the insurgent
leader. A skirmish followed. Tho Ppanlsh
troops charged with fixed bayonets and
tho lusurgont-s woro dispersed and drlvou
to tbo mountains of The in
surgents left one dead uud three wounded,
while two orthclr men surrendered after
tho action.
Lieutenant Colonol Tojnda, between
Crlsto aud tian Luis, also engaged tho in
surgents in n stubborn conlllct. Ono of
tho soldiers was killed and ono wounded.
Mombers of tho insurgent bnnd com
manded by Zayns plundorod two stores In
tho provinoe of Puerto Prlnclpo. Tho cit
izens became alarmed, as tho vlllago was
absolutely without troops. Condovul,
knowing that ho would find somo of tho
Insurgents in tho Majaguabo district of
San Luis, divldod his forces into three
columns. Ho commanded ono of tho com
panies, while Lioutonaut Colonol Michol
ona commanded another. Tho third com
pany was ooinmuuded by Lioutonaut Col
onel Echaguo.
Whon tho lnsurgouts wcro discovered
thoy wero attacked by tho Spanish troops,
but no conlllct occurred, tho insurgents
refusing to fight. Four of tho insurgonts
wero left dead, whllo two woro wounded.
Ono prisoner was taken. A regiment from
Vulladolld, whllo marching from Guanta
namo to Santlugo do Cuba, botwecn Tl
guabos and Macurijcs, fired on a scoro of
insurgonts, who dispersod, leaving two
dead on the field.
The bands of Mlro, Maceo and Sartorl
havo added to tholr numbers sixty negroes
from near Gibara. On this account It is
thought that theso bonds will soon pay n
visit to Gibara.
Insurgent Gonoral Gomez bus passed
through tho provinco of Puerto Principo.
Ho'has not yet roachod Tunas, howovor.
Troops will concentrate In tho vicinity of
Tunus for tho purpose of helping tho cltl
zons in case troublo should bo threatened.
It is reported that tho insurgents during
tho last revolution burled two cannou,
and according to recent advices thosehavo
boen dug up and will bo repaired nnd
pluuod in readiness for future action.
Maceo, the Insurgent commander, has
issued orders commanding tho insurgent
sh'urpshuoters to kill Colonel Sandoval if
tho opportunity is presented, out or re
vengo for tho death of Marti.
Protesting Against l'Ulllsm
Dallas, Tox.,Juno 11. Tho Dallas Pas
tors' association yesterday passed rosoiu-
slous In substuueo ns follows: "Wo learn
with shame aud sorrow that It is proposed
to hold In our midst a contest betwoon
two noted pugllitss. Such contests aro
brutalizing in an unspoakoblo dogroo, and
will concoutrato in our midst a horde of
gamblors, thievos, pickpockets, thugs and
harlots, whoso proseuco Is a porpotual
monaco to the wolfaro of tho community,
nnd when concentrated hero would de
bauch our city and state in an unlimited
dogroo. We express our most emphatic
disapproval and abhorrouco of such nn
outrageous abomination." They then ask
tho govornor, if ho finds the law inade
quate, to call an oxtra session of tho legis
lature toprohiblt tho fight.
The Ilhode Island Strike Tx)(t.
Providence, Juno 11. The fight be
tween tho operatives and manufacturers
for neurly two mouths at the Atlantlo
mill nnd half that tiino at tho othor mills
In OUicyvlllo, Is practically noarlng its
end. It Is estimated that 3.000 mill em
ployes have left Olnoyvlllo sluco the fight
bejfan. Tho Riverside loom fixers all went
lu yesterday, uud a decided gain was made
at the other mills. Two hundred and
twenty-four looms aro now running nt tho
itlvorsldo. in tho National mills tno unai
stand of tho strikers Is ovldontly to be
mado. Tho striko landers assert that thoy
can continue tho fight hero Indefinitely.
Charged with a Monstrous Crime.
WlLKESDARRE, Pa., Juno 11. Frank
Shaffer, Nelson Miller, James Miller,
Surrh Miller and Hattlo Brace, nil negroes.
wero arrested last night, charged with
murder. Thoy are accused of havlngblown
up a Hungarian boarding houso on tho
WlUtesbarro mountain last October with,
dynamite. Tho objoct of tho crlmo wna
robbery, and flvo ot tho Inmates wpro
killed outright. In tbo confusion that
followed tho porpotrators of tho dead rob
bed tbo dpad and wounded, and made
tboir escape In tho darkness. Tho thieves
are said to havo secured less than tlOOand
a half dozen sliver watohQS.
Tbe only baby medicine Luis' Byiup.
Non-Unionista Brutally Beaten by
a Gang of Strikers,
They Itefuseil to Work with Ten Non
Union Painters, anil to Unit the Itow tho
Foreman Dlimlsscd tho Objectionable
Men No Arrests Mado.
Chicago, Juno 11. Blood hos stained
the beautiful marble entrance to tho tl.
0OJ,O30 mansion now being orected by P.
D. Armour, Jr., at tho southwest corner
of Thirty-seventh street and Michigan
avenue. A handful of non-union painters,
who havo been at work on tho Interior of
the building, wero attacked yesterday
afternoon by a party of union men, and a
iesperoto conflict raged for fully five min
utes. Finally, when peaco was restored,
four non-union men wero lod nway to a
neighboring drug storo to have tholr
broken heads patched up. Ono of them,
Adam Boyer, was so weak from loss of
blood that ho could hardly walk. Tho In
jured are: Adam Beyer, cut on top of
head and right oyo half gougod out; Will
lam Bliss, struck on left tomplo with an
iron tool, making ascverogash; two other
mon woro thrown down a flight of stairs
and both recolved sovero cuts and bruises.
Tho police wero not called to the sceuo of
tho fracas and no arrests woro mado.
Tho troublo arose becauso ten painters
not Indorsed by tho Building Trades coun
cil woro working on tho building. For
somo time tho matter has boen dobated bo
twecn tho trades council and William Jol
lies, foreman for tho Now York firm of
Hergor Brothors, who havo tho contract for
the painting of Mr. Armour's now homo
and who employed tho objoctlonablo
workmen. Saturday Alex L. McDonald,
presldont of tho Painters' District council,
went to Mr. Jallles and told him that If
the non-union painters wero not off tho
job yesterday a striko would bo declared
on tho work of all tho other trades em
ployed on the residence. Tho non-union
painters wero not discharged, and whon
tho striko caino fighting quickly ensuod.
Tho union men outnumbered their op
ponents, and had all tho best of tho on
counter. A torrlblo war was waged In
tho flvo minutes before tho foreman and
othors could induce tho participants to
ceaso fighting. Hammers, wrenches and
all sorts of tools wero used In tho combat,
ana ono attor another of tho mon wero
felled by tho blows from a fist or somo
impromptu weapon, only to bob up again
and renew tho onslaught. It was only
when Foreman Jallles camo running up
and waved tho white flag that tho attack
of tho union men ceased Ho signed tho
agreement presonted by tho trades coun
cil, and Immediately afterward discharged
all of tho objoctlonablo men, ten in
number. Thoy went away thoso who
could walk but declared thoy would pros
ecute both the contractors who had dis
charged them and tho union men who
had assaultod them.
They Were Golnc with Fire Apparatus to
Aid a Stricken Town.
Rosedy's Rock, W. Vn., Juno 11. A
special train which left Wheeling with a
flro engino for Cameron jumpod tho track
about two miles oast of this placo. The
engino turned over on Its side down on
embankment, being oomplotoly wreckod.
Tho cab caught flro, and Engineer Duffy
was found lnsldo In tbo midst of tho
flames. Ho was crushed In a shocking
mannor, and must have died almost In
stantly. Richard Donahue, Jr., of Wheel
ing, was on a gondola noxt to tho tonder,
and whon found was dead undor tho
trucks. Charles Litton, of Moundsvillo,
was also on tho gondola, and had his breast
so badly crushed that ho died in a few min
utes. All ot tho occupants of the cabooso,
eloven in number, were more or loss sorl
ously Injured.
Thoso most seriously Injured are: Brake-
man Clayton, will probably die; Charles
Litton, Moundsvillo, W. Va. ; W. M. Doan,
conductor; John Short, Baltimore and.
Ohio spoclal officer; Will S. Faris, city
editor of tho Wheeling lntolllgencor.
CAMERON, W. Va., Juno 11, The flro
which started during tho night burned It
self out In tho morning. Tho ontlro loss Is
estimated at $200,000. Tho flro started hi
a hay mow in which somo gamblers bad
beon playing, and burned practically
everything In tho town. Over 100 peoplo
are homeless.
The President's Fishing Trip.
LEESBUHO, Va., Juno 11. President
Cleveland had good sport at trout fishing
yestordoy In tho preserves owned by Henry
Harrison, about two miles from this placo.
Ho was accompanied by Socrotary J. Stort
ing Morton and Mr. Miller, the commls-
ilonor of internal revenue, xney caught
thirty trout bofore noon, the president
hooking a dozen of them himself. The
presldont says that tho stream Is ono of
the finest no nas evor usneu from. bul
sequontly the party caught over fifty black
bass In tho Potomac. The prcsidont loft
last night on his spoclal train, and reached
Washington shortly after midnight.
Dael in tho Woods with Shotguns.
ARCADIA, Fla., June 11. Dempsey
Crews, u most prominont man of this
town, was shot and instantly killed at
Crewsvllla by J. a. Lucas, a well known
citizen. Lucas Is In a dying condition
from gunshot wounds made by Crows.
Tho troublo has been brewing betwoon
them for somo tlmo over their cattlo.
Both men armed themselves with double
barreled shotguns and mot In the woods.
Mr. Crows was heard to romark a few
days ago that if tho courts ot tbo county
tailed to proteot his. property he would
protect it himself or die.
A Sailing Farty Oapslsed.
Cleveland, June 11. Near WycUllffe,
O., a yacht containing Daniel Bently,
Samuol Wollmer and an unknown man
was capsized on tho lako dnrlng a squalL
Bontly was drowned and tho other men
were rescued with great difficulty, both,
bolng insensible when reached by a rescu
ing party. Bently's body was not recov
ired. Wlnillnc Up the Iron nalL
Indunapolw, Juno 11. Yesterday
marked tbe limit of tlmo allowed by tbo
superior court of this county for the filing
of claims against tho Order ot Iron Hall.
Fifty olalms on matured certificates, ag
gregating $39,000, wero allowed by tho
tourt and ordered paid.
Trotted Twentj Miles In an Hour.
LONDOX, Juno 11. E. H. Saddons' Lady
Comberraoro yosterday trotted twenty
nlles at Manchester ooarie, la 60:608-6,
or a purse of 300.