The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 10, 1895, Image 4

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1883 BUJINHD OUT 1895.
Published dally, except Sunday, by llio
Offlce Rcfowlch l1dg., South Main St.
11, C. liOYKIt, Kdltor.
W. J. W ATKINS, Local Kdltor.
J. M. BOYEll, Trens. and liusinoss Manager.
TU. J I I -1 Is delivered In Shell-
I lie T1 era I U midonlinnd the sur
rounding town for six cents n week, pnynblo to
the carrier", lly mnll, S3 00 n year or 23 cents a
month, pnynblo in ndvnnce.
Advertisements charged according to spneo and
position. The liublilliers reserve tho right to
change the position of advertisements whenever
the publlcntion of news ilcmnmts It, The right
Is reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
paid for or not, thnt tlio publlhers lnnydecm
improper. Advertising rntcs made known upon
Entered nt the imstoflicc nt Shenandoah, l'n., as
second clnss mnll mntter.
Epeninc; Herald.
MONDAY, JUNK 10, 1893.
E. 0. Mnllck and James Mullaliy spent
Saturday evening with friends at Sha
uiokiu. Mrs. Flower lleese and datigUter, Miss
Hannah, spent Saturday afternoon at the
county sent.
Louis Rabinowltz, formerly of town, and
now located at Plymouth, was the guest
of town friends.
"Walter ItynUewlcz Is spending a short
vacation In Philadelphia.
W. M. Brewer spent today at tho county
Joseph Piatt -was at Pottsvllle today.
Charles Iladzewicz and John Bogers
were In attendance at court today relative
to license matters.
Mrs. J. L. Mlnser and daughter, of New
York city, are here on a visit to Harris
Sefl', a brother of the former.
Misses Zetta Pelstring, Lizzie Kelly and
Lalla Bookh, of Ashland, wero the guests
of the Mann family on "West Oak, street,
Andrew Stank, who is now located in
Orange county, New York, Is visiting his
family on North Slain street.
Edward Haire, of Hazleton, was the
guest of John Scliellly, yesterday.
Mrs. C. G. Clauser was among the pas
sengers, this morning, Pottsvilleward.
Mr. and Mrs. Pay opent today at the
county seat.
'Squire Cardin, Collector Scanlan, ex-
Treasurer Bradigan and Messrs. Mullahy
and Brobst were county seat visitors this
Charles N. Beddall spent Sunday at
Mauch Chunk visiting friends.
Mrs. Harry Becker, of Girardville, was
a visitor to town on Saturday.
Boy Swank, of Delano, was tho guest of
town friends on Saturday.
Margaret Brcnnau spent Saturday at
Miss Flora and Itudolf Clauss, of Allen-
town, were tho guests of their fathor on
"West Cherry street, on Sunday.
Miss Agues Janowski, of Shamokin, is
the guest of tho Bobbin family on North
Main street.
I have two little grand children who
are teething this hot weather and aro
troubled with bowel complaint. I civo
them Chamberlain's Colic and Diarr
hoea Remedy and it nets like a charm.
I earnestly recommend It for children
with bowol troubles. I was myself
taken with a severe nttack of blood
ilux, with cramps and pains in ray
stomach, one-third of a bottlo of this
remedy cared me. "Within twenty-four
hours 1 was out or bed ana uoitiu; my
house work. Mrs. "W. I. Dunatran. Bon-
nqua, Hickman County, Tonn. For sale
ay uruinor m-os., uruggisis.
The Chinese entertainment in the M. E
church tonight ought to draw a large
crowd. It will be something most inter,
estlng and unique.
Tickets for the Prosbyterian church fes
tival, Juno 10th, aro selling rapidly.
Notwithstanding reports to the contrary
the Dornbach property on East Centre
street has not been sold. Mr. Dornbach
says he will build on it.
Sohollly Uouso.
Hot lunch tonight.
Crabs, lobsters, frogs, salt oysters, clams,
clara soup, chicken soup, fish cakes and
all the delicacies of the reason.
Columbia Beer is made of pure hops and
malt. tf
"Watson II on no.
The lunch on Saturday proved such a
drawing card that Mr. McGulnness will
serve another elegant free lunch of oyster
plo tonight and consomme in the morning,
For pure blood use Fowler's Sarsapar
Scaffold Gave "Way.
Tho scaffolding used In erecting Plop
pert's new bake house gave way on Satur
day afternoon and two carpenters named
Auspach and Miller fell to the ground
Miller received a cut on the chin and hand,
AnspacU escaped Injury.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla.
Whan she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
"When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla.
When she had Children, she gave them Castorla.
201 "West Centre Street.
Dealer in groceries, flour, provlsons, teas
coffees etc. Good delivered tree-
A fill
iV Stormy Wintl-Up at the Closo of
tho Legislature.
Monoy Itoportod foe InveHtliiatlni:
Committees Cut Out of tho Ap
prtatlon Kill Proceedings
of nil All Nlnht Session.
HAimiSDuna. June 0. After an all
night light over the General Appropriation
bill it was finally adopted at 8 o'clock Sat
urday morning. The House insisted on
striking out the $20,000 for the Philadel
phia "Lexow" Committee and the $15,000
for the Committee to investigate the public
schools, and won its point, the Senate re
ceding. The Honse opposition was based
on the ground thnt these special Committees
were composed exclusively of Senators.
The House became jubilant.
The last niebt ot the leeislative session
of 1895 was one of absorbing interest, As
the night hours wore on and it became ap
parent that the Hoaso conferrecs would nut
consent to any proposition in the General
Appropriation bill which would eive
money to the Senate Committees to inves
tigate the public and normal schools and
the government cf Philadelphia, excite
ment ran high. At 2 o'clock Saturday
morning the senate took a recess until half
past 3, and at that honr a light was pre
cipitated in the Senite, such as hai rarely
been eeen in legislative halls. The battle
started when the Conference Committee,
consisting of Fruit, Penrose and Grady,
came in and asked to be dischareed, there
being no prospect ol agreement. Mr.
Flinn moved that the committee be con
tinued, with instruction to recede from its
position on the two amendments above
This was violently opposed by Senator
Penrose, who in impassioned language at
tacked Senator Flinn. He declared that
the latter was back o( the refusal of the
Honse Conference Committiee to agree to
the Senate amendments. On the question
of the Penrose Committee's continuing its
investigation should the money not be ap
propriated, he said that it mattered not at
all about the appropriation, except tbat it
would look better to have the movement
endorsed by the State. He could easily
raise five or six times the amount neces
sary to carry on the work of the committee.
In fact he had word to that effect from
Philadelphia. If necessary, be would give
his personal check for any deficit there
might be, should the appropriation be re
duced. Senator Flinn denied that he bad not influ
enced the action of the House conference
in nny way, and in the discussion which
followed the Senators from Philadelphia
and Allegheny exchanged language more
forcible than polite, each reflecting on the
other's ability to adhere to the truth.
The sun was shining through the win
dows of the Senate Committee-room this
morning when the final scene of the row
between Senate and House over appropria
tions commenced. It was between 4 and 5
o'clock and all night long the Joint Confer
ence Committee h&d wrangled over the two
items of $20,000 for the Philadelphia Lexow
Committee and $15,000 for the School In
vestigating Committee. The House was
inexorable, and insisted tbat these two items
must be stricken ont. The Senate con
ferrees Fruit, Penrose, and Grady began
to weaken. Then began offers to compro
mise which the Honse conferrees refuted.
There were numerous ptopositions sub
mitted by Penrose and Grady, but they fell
upon unwilling ears.
It was remarkfd that every time a new
proposition was made, the Honse conferrees
would retire to consult. This seemed
strange to Penrose, and be mnde an investi
gation and found that they wero meeting
Senator flinn, the right bower of C. L.
Magee, and taking orders from him. This
made the Senate confeerees angry, and they
withdrew from the conference and went to
the Senate, where Penrose nnnounced that
in consequence ot Senator Fllnn's interfer
ing with the work of the conference he
desired with Senator Grady to withdraw,
and requested the appointment of the con
ferrees to take their places.
This made Flinn very angry, and he in
dignantly denied that he had interfered in
any way. In fact, he hnrled back into
Penrose's teeth the assertions. Penrose
insisted on the truth of bis statement, and
said tbat be and Grady had quit, and be
intimated tbat the money for tbe Lexow
Committee would be forthcoming, as it
bad been in New York. The Chair then ap
pointed Messrs. McCarrell and Andrews to
take tbe places of Penrose and Grady, and
once more tbe conference met. Fruit sub
mitted all sorts of propositions to tbe Honse
conferiees. He offered to make tbe Lexow
appropriation $15,000 and tbe ecbool inves
tigation $5,000, but tbe House said no.
Then he asked $10,000 for tbe Lexow Com
mittee, but tbe House refused. It was
getting on to 8 o'clock, and there was
danger of no appropriations, for by a joint
rule all bills had to be in tbe Governor's
bands by 8 o'clock.
Tlie Senate conferees began to weaken,
then they went to pieces, and finally
agreed to recede from their ttand on the
two items. This conclusion was announced
to both Houses, and tbe rule requiring
bills to be In the Governor's bands by 8
o'clock was rescinded, Bo that the General
Appropriation bill can be sent at any time
before coon. Both HouBes then took a
recess at 9 '30.
When tbe Senate reassembled at 030 A.
M. it disposed of the Heller-Laubach con
tested election case, awarding tbe seat to
Henry D. Heller, and the latter was sworn
After thanking Lieutenant-Governor
Lyon, President pro tern Thomas, Chief
Clerk Smiley and other officials tbe Senate
was adjourned without day. At an informal
session after tbe formal adjournment
President Thomas was presented with a
chest of silver.
The Senatorial Investigate Committee
held a meeting in tbe afternoon. All the
members Messrs. Andrews, Grady, Mc
Carroll, Hardenburg, Kennedy and Thomas
were present. Senator Andrews was
elected chairman and Senator Thomas sec
retary. Tbe latter was authorized to em
ploy tbe clerks, stenographers and messen
gers necessary for the transaction of
the committee's business. The committee
will probably meet again next week to
map out its plan of procedure.
In tub IIouso.
t'pon the reassembling of the Honse nt
1 o'clock Saturday morning all bills on tha
calendar were dropped.
Mr. Boilts (Philadelphia), moved that
the House adhere to its decision regarding
the bill and that tbe Committee be con
tinued. A motion to take a recess to 0
o'clock was then agreed to.
At 0 o'clock the House reconvened and
Mr. Marshall stated the new conferees of
tbe Senate had agreed to accede to a
reduction of tbe items for the Phila
delphia and School Investigation to
$15,000 nud $5 000 respectively, but
the House reluse to agree. Theu an
other rocet-s was taken until 0 A. M , and
it met again nt that lime nud adopted tho
report of the Conference Committee on the
Appropriation bill with tbe items for the
investigations lelt out. Another recess was
taken to 10 o'clock and having reconvened at
tbat hour, the complimentary speeches and
thanks to the officers were made, Including
a presentation of a set of silver to Speaker
Walton and purses of money to tbe oierks.
Messrs. Schrink, Stewart and Spauglerwere
appointed to notify tbe Governor tbat tbe
House was ready to adjourn.
Speaker Walton announced the appoint
ment of the following committees:
To Invrsllcntn the Number of Altensln Asy
lums Messrs. Foeht, Lytle, Comly, Pascoe, and
To Represent tho Legislature nt tho Dedica
tion of the Antictnm Battlefield Monument
Messrs. Nlles, Hicks, Wyatt, Schwnrz, Iiuck
wnlter, Funk, ltaymond, Marshall, tChester),
To Invcstlente Convict Lnbor In the United
States Messrs. Scott, Jone, and Zullck.
At 12 o'clock tbe Speaker declated the
House adjourned sine die.
Relief lu six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases
relieved In six hours by the "New Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise ou account of Its
exceeding promptness In relieving pain In
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages In male or female.
It relloves retention of water and pain In
passing It almost Immediately. If you
want quick relief and cure this is your
remedy. Sold at the City Pharmacy, 107
South Main street, next to the post offlce,
Shenandoah, Pa. 4-9-3m
At Allentown: R H E
Allentown 0 0 0 2 4 0 0 1 1 8 II) 7
Harrisburg J 004 0 0 0 3 x 9 10 5
Batteries-Bauer nnd Mllllgau; Willie,
Mcnncy and Ames.
At Readiug: RUE
Reading 3 2 2 0 5 2 1 0 0-15 15 4
Lancaster 24 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 8 13 12
BatterlcH-Schclhlo nnd Smlnk; Yeagcr nnd
Arthur. Umplro Uonnor.
National Lcnmie.
At New York: R II E
New York 000021010-474
Pittsburg 4 u 102000 s 7 11 3
Bntteries Itusle nud Wilson; Killcn, Ilnwiey
ondbugden. Umpire Murray.
At Washington: R II E
Washington 4 0 1 0 4 1 0 1 314 17 1
St. Louie O 00201300 0 11 3
Bntteries Anderson, Stockdnle and MeGulre;
Ehretnnd Peitz. Umpire Long.
At Philadelphia: 10 innings: R II E
PhlladelphlaO 13012000 0 7 9 3
Cleveland....0 40100110 1 8 13 7
Bntteries MeGIll, Buckley nnd Grady; Knell
nnd Zimmer. Umpires McGnrr, Grady nnd
At Brooklyn: RUE
Brooklyn 2 0200311 s 991
Chicago 0 0 0 2 0 01 12098
Batteries Lucid nnd Giim, Hutchinson nnd
Donahue Umpire Keefc.
At Boston:
Boston 3 8 3 1 3 1 1 0 x 17 15 2
Louisville 1 0900010 1- 3 94
Bntteries Nichols nnd Tcnny; Cunningham,
McCrcary nnd 'Welch. Umpire Emslie.
At Baltimore: it ir E
Baltimore 1 0100131 x 7 15 1
Cincinnati 0 01000000190
Bntteries IIoiTcr nnd Clark; Parrot, Spies
and Merritt. Umpire Betts.
w. L.
Allentown. ..17 10
Heading 19 12
Pottsvllle 17 12
Hazleton. ...18 13
W. I.
IInrrlsburg...l7 13
Carbondalc. 15 17
Lancaster.... 10 20
Shenandoah 1 11
Wlioro They Play To-Day.
pottsville at carbondale.
Shenandoah at Hazleton.
Allentown at Lancaster.
Beading at Haeeisbuhq,
Cleveland at Philadelphia.
Cincinnati at Baltimore.
St. Louis at Washington.
Chicago at New Vobk.
Louisville at Boston.
Pittsburg at Brooklyn.
"Grin Like a Cheshire Cat."
"Well, well I Didn't ever hear of a
'grin like a Cheshire cat?' Why, you see,
a man down in Cheshire had a cat which
grinned and grinned until there was noth
ing lea of the cat but the grin, just as
some scrofulous people, who don't know of
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
get a cough, and then cough and cough
until there is nothing left of them to erect
a monument to but tho cough."
The "Golden Medical Discovery" is the
most effective, antl-blllous, antl-dyspeptlc,
strength-giving remedy extaut. Por weak
lungs, lingering coughs, spitting of blood,
scrofula, sores, pimples and ulcers, it Is a
wonderful and efficacious remedy. Send
G cents in stamps for a book (160 pages) on
these diseases aud their cure. Address
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation,
pile?, Blok headache, aud Indigestion, or
Columbia Weiss Beer is made from Tari
ffed air from the top of the mountain aud
clarified water from the same place, with
Just enough oxygen to make It good for
everybody. - tf
Mil- CKIil ,AN UOUS.
WANTED. One or two good painters. Ap
ply at once to Thomas 11. Snyder, painter,
corner of Oak and Jardln streets. C.8-3t
fJIUL WANTED. Girl wanted to do general
VJ housework. Apply nt Bradley's meat mar
ket. 227 East Centre street, S-25-tf
IngBainples, soaps, specialties, books, do
corresponding. Send Sylvan Co., 727 Wood
ward, Detroit, Mich., 10c. for set of samples,
receive offer to you.
IjMJH BALK The Kendrlck property on Kast
Centre street. A splendid opportunity for
buyers, nnd will bo sold on easy and reasonable
terms. For Information apply at the Kendrlck
House. 6-8-3'
WHY do people complain of hard times, when
any woman oi man can make from 5 to
$10 a day easily? All have heard of the won
derful success of the Climax Dish Washer; yet
many are apt to think they can't make money
selling It; but nny one can make money, because
every family wants one. One agent has made
$178.86 In the last three mouths, after paying all
expenses and attending to regular bnatnesa
besides. You don't hare to canvass; ns soon us
people know you have It lor sale they send for
a Dish Washer. Address the CHraax Mfg. Co,,
45 Starr Ave., Columbus, Ohio, for particulars.
Did Not Interfere.
Tho late fire did not touch mo, but tho
customers for the past week who crowded
my store made a hole In the stock of
groceries, and tho remaining stock will be
sold In a few days. Come at once and lay
In your supply of cheap groceries. Every
penny saved these hard times counts. All
brands of fine teas only 23 cents per pound;
22 pounds best granulated sugar only ono
dollar; C pouuds best rice 25c; best hams,
9c; best Java roffee, 22c; best pure lnrd 9
and 10c; 9 cans peaches or corn 00c; 3
pound pure white bar floating soap, 20c;
finest croamery butter, 23c. Scales and
fixtures for sale; a good chance to store
keepers, as I will positively quit.
Coffee's Grocery Store,
31 East Centre street.
Babies made bnppy with Luks' Syrup,
Buy your wall paper aud room mould
ing at John L. Hassler's. 4-ll-2m
13 North Jardin Street.
When it comes to
Our stock speaks for itself. If you
don't come to town, send your
orders. They will bq nicely filled.
29 E. Centre Street, Shenandoah.
Can always he had at
Charles Derr's Barber Shop,
First-class hair cutting and singeing.
Tpsyism lions0 Enjldinsr.
John F. Cleary,
Mineral waters, Weiss beer. Bottler of tho
Ilnest lager beers.
17 nud 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah, Pa.
Shenandoah's Reliable
Hand Laundry.
Cor. Lloyd and White Sts.
All work guaranteed to bo first-class In every
partlculnr. Silk ties and laco curtains a spec
ialty. Goods called for and delivered. A trial
Neto York Cash Store
29 N. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Too many goods, at this time in the
season, 200 different shapes trimmed and
untrimmcd gors for cost and less. Child
ren's $1.75 Embroidend dresses goes for
$1.00 also cloaks, sacks, etc., at cost. This
Sacrifice Sale begins Saturday, June 8th,
for 3 weeks only. Its the greatest money
saver yet offered. Come early and select
your bargains.
Grand Army Suits,
Ilavo been appointed solo agent for tbe
Slater "Woolen Co. Indigo Blue G. A. R.
Suits. Every suit guaranteed. If these
L'Oods should, chance color ! n vnnra mnnntr
will be returned. An entire new stock of
men's, boys and children's suits just re
ceived, I'rices to suit tho times.
mm cram,
Spring and Summer
Order Spring Garments Note.
Complete line of domestic and im
ported novelties in trousers and suit
ings. We are also sole agents in Shenan
doah for the celebrated Cresent and
Rambler bicycles, ranging in price
from 225 to $ 100. Every bicycle sold
is guaranteed.
North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Qftrn Is a different thing from fash
O iyitj ion. The two ought to go to
gether, but sometimes they do
not. There's mighty little style about some
fashions, Heal style Improves any one's
appearance, but some fashions would make
an angel look silly. All our goods are right
In this season's latest fashions, and, better
still, they are "in true style." Every pat
tern In our stock has been selected for that
genuine artistic (maHty which causes our
friends to oxolalui, "So becoming to you."
Mourning goods a specialty. Prices lower
than any other millinery In town.
Alice Jennings,
214 South Main Stteet.
Hand in Hand
go grease and indigestion that's why physicians con
demn modern lard. Hand in hand go health and Cot
tolcne that's why Cottolcnt has received the endorse
ment of the leading lights of the medical profession.
When you feel that it would be a pleasure to eat any
kind of pastry or fried food, without fear of indigestion,
Catalogue free. Good agents wanted in every town.
J. S. HorSEKICK.Excluslve Agent, Shenandoah, Pa.
Call anl see our large stock of
Received an entire new stock of all the latest novelties in Silverware. Re
pairing of Watches and jewelry a specialty. All work guaranteed for one
year. Also full line of Musical Instruments.
No. 129 South Main Street,
Garden s Art Wall Paper Store.
"Wo havo just received aline lino of the most beautiful and artistic papers in tho
market, which "o will sell at very reasonable prices. "Wo have also in stock a
great ileal of last year's patterns which we nre selling nt a sacrifice. Come and
see our linn of goods. "Wo have tho most beautiful and artistis papers.
Largest Paper Store in Town. Finest Stock an Lowest Prices.
House, Sign and Decorative Painting. 224 West Centre Street:
All orders promptly attended to.
T. H. Snyder,
Corner Jardin and Oak
No. 10 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Clothes of all diescription neatly dono up in a flrst class manner. I can refer to scorte
of families in this city ns to my care in washing and superior neatness in doing up cloh.
ing. I do my work better and quicker than other laundry in tho city.
Half the price In Millinery Goods and Notions to reduce stock. The choicest It
goods in Millinery hao just arrived aud the cheapest of the season. Big lot of Sailor igt
Hats from 15c up; French flower Ostrich goods in all styles. Infants' Caps from flo up, t
Hats, all embroidery, 25c. Ladles' Mill Hats, all colors, $1.00. Infants1 short white
dresses, handsomely embroidered, 75c up; Infants' long Coats, embroidered ou cape,
$1.00 up. When you want good goods and cheap, come to KELLY'S, when
you cannot be suited elsewhere. We mVst close out our stock; will carry no goods
over. Nun's veils from $1.00 up. Mourning goods our specialty.
26 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
When in Pottsville Stop at
Phil, toll's Hotel,
200 North Centre Street.
Meals at all hours. Ladies' dining room
attached, Finest wines, liquors, cigars.
Your Stomach : : :
Cannot stand the same washing that your
boots do, anil the wutcr you drink Isn't
even fit for that purpose. Use
Lorenz Schmidt's Beer and Porter.
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
16 North Main Street.
Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to.
Cor. Cherry aud Gilbert Bts.
Finest Beers, "Wines and Liquors.
Choice Teraperauce Drluks.
Best Brands of 5 and lOo. Cigars,
Safe and Hellable Horses to Hire.
Pear Alloy, Rear Coffee House.
The best rigs In town. Ilorsea taken to board
Hftulilng promptly attended to.
get cottolcne. See that the trade
mark steer's head in cotton
plant wreath is on every pail.
Made only by
Tho N. K. Falrbank Company,
N. Ave., l'liiladju
Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in tho world re
gardless of price. Do not be induced to pay more money for
an inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverley. Built
and guaranteed by the Indiana Bioyclc Co., a million dollar
concern, w hoso bond is ns good as gold.
21 LB. 8CQH011ER, 85. 2 LB. LADIES', 76.
Shenandoah, Penn'a.
Painter and
Paper Hanger,
Streets, Shenandoah, Pa.
est Prices.
Wholesale and Ketall
23 and 21 South Main St., Shenandoah.
Agents forD. O. Yuengllng & Son's celebrated
Beer, I'orter, Ales etc.
Specialist In diseases of tho
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
107 West Market St., Pottsvllle.
Hours 8:30 a. m, to 12 mi 1 to 4 p. m.,
ni. Sundays, 9 a. m, to 12 m.
to 8 p.
North Main Street, Mahanoy City!
Largest and nnest hotel In the region.
Finest accommodations. Handsomo fixtures
Pool and DUltard rtooms Attached.
Millions of Dollars
Go up in smoke every year.
Take no risks but got your houses,
stock, furniture, etc., insured in first
class, reliab'e companies, as repr
sented by David Faust, Insurance
120 Bouth Main Street.
Alo Life and Accidental Companies
l4 Wvu...; .