The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 04, 1895, Image 3

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Feoplo Often Express Their references
In tho Statter of Style.
"I never notunlly know anybody who
kopfc hU coffin In lila house," said an un
dertaker, "but I bnvo rend of such things',
nndI:havo no doubt thoy dro true, just as
I boliovo tho stories of sonio women keep
ing In tho bottom of bureau drawers tliclr
own grovo clothos, which they mndo them
selves. But men sometimes chooso, If not
tho particular caskot In whloh thoy want
to bo burled, tho stylo of collln that thoy
profor, and 1 know Of ono man who drow
tho plans for tho casket In whloh ho was
"Ho hod his own Ideas of what was
most gultoblo, and wo mode n casket In
nccordonco with tho drawings whloh ho
furnished and then boxed It up and stored
It for him. Ho was a. man advoncud In
yoars. It Is Interesting to noto thot tho
casket eo planned had squaro, ends and
porfootly straight sides and ends. In fact,
in sbnpo It was precisely tho samo as tho
present most advanced stylo of modern
burial casket, which was not Introduced
until somo years aftorward.
"It is not at all unusual for men to look
at caskets, express admiration of como of
them and sny that thoy would llko to bo
buried In suoh or such n stylo. Theso men
might bo simply friends who had como to
seo mo, or thoy might bohoro on business,
but not with regard to n funeral. Somo
of tho modorn burial caskots aro very
costly and beautiful and as unllko tho old
fashioned collln as could bo Imagined. It
is no wonder that men should admlro
them, but it doesn't follow at all that
thuy expect soon to need ono.
A row months ago thcro oamo In a
man and his wife, peoplo of perhaps 60
years, and I should say woll to do, who
wanted to look nt tho caskets, or rather
ho did. Thoy oamo to n very boautiful
casket of mahogany, ono of modorn stylo,
with squaro onds and straight sides and
ends and onrved n little, but not overelab-
orately. Evidently ho had hoard of such
a casket before or had 6eon ono, and so was
familiar with It, and ho admired it greatly.
" 'There,' ho said to his wlfo, calling
her by her name, 'that Is tho kind of
casket that I would llko to bo buried in,'
and it was clear that It secmod to him
very beautiful, as It certainly was. But,
bless us, ho is llko evorybody olso almost.
I hovo no doubt ho expects to llvo for n
hundred years. I saw him at tho thcator
. tho othor night with his wlfo. Thoy hod
dlnod comfortably, and- thoy were in tho
fullest onjoymont of llfo, and I fancy that
it will bo many years beforo cither of them
comes to tho ond of life, but I vonturo to
say that if ho dies first his wlfo will faith
fully seo that ho Is burled In a mahogany
casket such as ho admired." Now York
The Wedding Ring;.
Tho ring was considered a badgoof serv
itude by somo and was for that reason
given by tho man to his wlfo, llko our fore
fathers, who woro accustomed to give tho
futuio son-in-law ono of tho brides shoos
as a sign of authority over hor. It was re
puted to bo accompanied by a tap on tho
head of tho brido with tho sold shoo by tho
husband In ordorto n&sort his prerogative.
Tho ring was used in ancient times as a
sign of contract, and from that fact, ac
cording to tho antiquary Brand, it was
nearly abolished by tho Puritans of Crom
well on account of Its heathenish origin.
Butler, in his "Hudlbras," rofors to It:
Others wero for abolishing
That tool of matrimony, a ring.
With which the unsanctified bridegroom
Is married only to a thumb,
As wise as ringing of o pig
That used to break up ground and dig.
Thoclrcloto'f lovo withstood tho assaults
of tho sanctified Roundheads, and Cupid's
yoko did and docs still havo sway. An old
Latin writer thus describes tho ring: "(1)
It is circular, brcauso its form importeth
that mutual lovo and hearty affection
should always exist between tho givor and
wearer. (3) Its rotundity cxompllfleth
that the loving joys of courtship and matri
mony should bo forever, their continuity
remaining as unbrokon as tho circlot it
Eolf." Chambers' Journal.
The Ruling Passion.
- Tho ruling passion gets away with
woman every tlmo. At tho theater the
othor night a lady appeared suddenly at
tho box offico and asked tho manager for
an admission ticket.
"Don't you wish a scat?" tho ticket
seller asked. "Vo havo a fow good soats
in tho balcony,"
"I haven't tlmo to sit down," sold tho
lady., . "My husband is waiting for mo
outside, and besides I havo seen tho play
Tho ticket seller didn't know what to
say to this.
"I only want to go In for a fow min
utes," tho fair visitor continued. "I saw
n lady pass in a fovf moments ago, and
sho was so elegantly dressed that I wanted
to havo a good look at her and soo exactly
what sho hod on. That's all."
Tho manager, to whom this explanation
was made, escorted tho dress fascinated
woman Into tho auditorium, and sho went
around to a sldo aislo and mado a thor
ough observation of what tho ultra fash
ionable damo "hud on."
"Oh, it was perfectly lovolyl" sho ox
claimed os sho joined hor husband at tho
door. Boston Globe.
The Editor In an Ironical Mood.
Tho following is taken verbatim from a
woman's journal: "Afteryou havo bathed
put on sufficient underclothing and do
not arrango your stays too tight; thon se
lect a dress out of which tho dust has been
shaken and go to your breakfast." Such
advlco might not bo out of placo in an asy
lum for feeblo minded people, but it would
hardly seem fit advlco to glvo tho public in
general, for a woman under ordinary cir
cumstances ought to know enough to put
'"on her underclothlnc and dross and go to
tho tobla without boing told. In another
placo It sayB: "A corset cover is simply a
matter of tasto. Very many women
wear it, and vory many do not." This
will no doubt bo startling news to most
pooplo. Tho current' supposition would bo
imn wuuim aro uorn In corset covers ana
nover take them off. Nokorals Freo Press-
Gazette. -
A Fhotographlo rack.
It Is a curious fact that, whilo vou can
buy photographs of nnyulaco In Eurono in
nearly nil tho bookshops of -Now York, It
is almost impossiiuo to find views of tho
buildings in that city. I went up and
down Broadway ana Fifth nvonuo for
miles tho othor day trying to And pioturos
of thoprominontolubs and tho palaces that
havo been built on Fifth aveuuo during
tho last two yoars, but nobody has them
for salo, and nobody know where I could
aot them, bo I was campouod to hlro
photographer ond havo thorn taken. .New
York Letter in umcago flocord.
- j,Bon Johnson's wlfo wont to the Inn
jitter- blm If he staid too long and brought
lra homo, tongue lashing him oil tho
the Mongolian build.
As Rule, Chinamen Aro Mincular and
Athletlo Specimens of llumnnlty.
Ono of tho surprises encountered by tho
travelor when ho is first among Mongolians
is tholr physical development Amoricans
aro wont to judgp tholr bodily structure
by tho specimens in tho laundry shops of
Sam Loo or Wl Ping, and tho looso cloth
ing of tho Chinaman conceals his brawny
arms and legs when ho has them. Sco
lng Tibotons In tho Himalayas stocky
chunks of mon, with nn abnormal muscu
lar development hod not brushed away
my idea that tho Chinaman was rather a
slim, unniuscular oriental, something llko
tho willowy Hindoo, but when I landed In
Singapore and first saw numbers of coolies
stripped to tholr work I wns thunderstruck
at tholr massive proportions.
Tho Chincso aro commonly sold to bo n
dlscasod raco,o pooplopormcated with blood
poisons, but ono docs not soo it In tho av
erage specimen, nnd ono does soo nt every
strcot corner men with limbs and torsos
liko Sandow, mon who would bo marked
down for football players In ar ,y American
college Not but what disease is always
an accompaniment of so crowded a popu
lation, not that its manifestations fall to
impross you, but tho Chinaman, far from
being a taper fingered mortal, is a tough,
sturdy, flno follow, with thews and sinows
llko an athloto, and plenty of ambition
and courago within his racial linos. Nor
havo I found any exception tb tho rula
The Mongol from tho borders of India,
whore, Kolnpr cast, you first strlko his
homoly coarsoness, to tho confines of Ja
pan, whero you say goodby to his lovely
cherry blossoms and his smiling bows, is
overywhoro, in physlquo, tho same strong,
enduring man. Tho Chinaman is filthy In
mind, body and estate, tho Japaneso Is
equally clean, but in moro physical quality
they aro very much nllko. That tho Mon
gol's nervous structure is less flno than tho
Aryan's Is ovidonced by tho fact that tho
avorago Chlnuman will onduro unbianchcu
tho pain of a surgical operation which
would seriously compromise tho reaction
nry power of most white men, and this, if
anything, adds to his value as a mcro mi
man animal. T. A. Dodgo in Forum.
Nourishing and Appetizing and Can
Easily Mailo at Koine.
Somo of tho boef powders In' tho market
emcll nnd tasto of the chemist's shop and
oro not readily taken by an Invalid whoso
paloto requires to bo coaxed. A happy idea
struck tho writor sovoral months ago that
beef powdor might without difficulty bo
proparod fresh and on o small scalo by any
ordinary cook. Tho oxportmont was innuo,
and tho result was satisfactory boyond ex
pectation. Beef powder mado at homo is
appetizing, has a dollcato aroma and flavor
and can bo taken with pleasure by invalids
who turn with avorslon from ordinary
food. If a llttlo pepsin bo token at tho
samo time, it Is digested oven when the
ordinary peptonized foods aro no retained,
Tho modo of preparation Is simple. Lean
beef Is cut into small pieces. These are
put Into boiling fat drippings or butter for
a couple of minutes until tho surface is
browned. Thoy aro thon removed from
tho fat and placed on a strainer for a fow
moments. Afterward thoy aro placed In a
minoing machine Tho resulting mlnco Is
placed in a slow oven and dried. Tho dry
ing process may tako from 5 to C4 hours,
or ovon longer, according to tho heat cm
ployed. When thoroughly drlod, tho meat
It qulto crisp and can bo ground In a cof
fee mill that has not been used for any
other purpose
In tho drying process tho meat loses a
trlflo moro than four-ilfths of its weight.
This beef powdor can bo taken in various
ways with hot water or soup, with mash
ed potatoes, with bread and butter in n
sandwich or with a littlo pepsin in a starch
Tho writer has given this homemade
beof powder with such excellent effect in
several cases whcio thcro was much dlfll
oulty with food that ho thinks othors may
find it useful. Dr. W. R. Huggard in
British Medical Journal.
The Runaway Star.
Tho greatest velocity that has beon rec
ognized among tho gtars is found in tho
motion of n Btar known as 1880 Groom-
bridge, or tho "runaway star," as it is
sometimes callod, which is believed to be
rushing through spaco ut tho rato of 200
miles per second. This star appears to bo
moving in n perfectly straight lino through
tho sky, ond it may bo visiting our star
system for tho first time, but whenco it
como or whlthor it is going no ono can
tell, and It is a great enigma to astrono
mers. Its wonderful velocity cannot bo ex
plained, as it is far greater than could bo
produced by tho influence of all known
orbs in tho uulvorso, and, on tho othor
hand, tho combined attraction of all tho
stars cannot stop this wanderor in Its soli
tary flight through spaco until It has
rushed onto tho remoter distances, beyond
which tho largest telescopes havo nevor
It has been mntnematicouy uomonstrot-
od that a body approaching tho center of
our system from on inflnlto distance Cannot
movo with a groatorvolocity thanks miles
a second if influenced by tho attraction of
tho mossos in our unlvorso alone, but hero
wo havo beon considering a star moving
With eight times that velocity, and still,
notwithstanding tho fact that it has tho
greatost motion known among tho stars,
it would roqulro 185,000 yoars for this re
markable star to complotQ an entire cir
cuit around the hoavons. All the Year
A Dellcato Insinuation.
The dude drummor from tho metropol
itan city of Now York was making his first
trip wcet, and out in Missouri ho began to
get qulto flip. Ho had a fair chonco on n
train to tako tho scat noxt a bright faced
Missouri girl, and of course ho took it, nnd
It wasn't long beforo ho was doing Ills
best to bo ontortalnlng to the young wom
an. Sho couldn't help horsolf very well
and took it good naturedly.
"Did you know," ho Bold after somt
time, "that this is my first trip, and I am
frnah from tho east?"
"Well, no," sho replied, bo tho pooplo
around could hear, "I didn't know it
that is to say, didn't know you woro from
tho east." Detroit Freo l'reas.
Turned the Tables.
Whilo a Howdoln collego profossor was
hnldlnir a recitation somo mlsohlovous stu-
dont induced u hand organ man to como
up to tho hall noor tho proiossors uour
nnd nlnv "Sweet Mario." tho boys all join
ing in tho chorus. Tho professor camo
out, hot in liana, ana passed it to oyery
ono of tho studonts outsldo, oxhorting
thorn to bo gonoroas. Taking tho money
r.niinxtn.1 in. ffnvo it to tho liond organ
mon and told him In Gorman to loavo thi
campus, which ho did without ueiay, wniiu
It slowly downou on n uowm wwuuu
students that a praotlcol joko had been
porpetratod. Lowlston Journal.
A Destructive Flood Ilnshcs Down Merit-
clno Valley, Neb.
McCook, Nob., Juno 8. As a rosult of
heavy rain Curtis lako burst its banks at
placo where tho Burlington railroad
tracks cross the embankment of tho lako,
and a heavy body of wator rushod down
tho Modlolna valley toward tkoKopubllcnn
rlvor. A row of freight cars on tho track
wort) proolpltotod Into tho Modlolno volloy
bolow, and tho flno Curtis rollor mill was
damaged. Tho loss to stoek nbovo and bo
low tho dam is large. It ralnod all day
yostordoy, and tho water has boon rising
in tho lako, and muoh npprohonsloii Is
still folt. not only for the mill, but for
othor property. With tho contlnuod rain
nnd tho immonso volumo of wutor now
rushing down tho Modlolno valley tho dam
and tho Burlington road brldgo at Cam
bridge aro sure to go out.
The flno nlfalfa meadows just bolow tho
city of Curtis aro ruinod, nnd homos all
along tho valley aro dustroyod.
Nows from nbovo and bolow is coming
In, and only ono story is told, of dlro de
struction ond loss of proporty and llvo
stoek swopt awny.
Tho Medicine valloy is donsoly populat
ed, and fears aro ontortainod that tho loss
of llfo will bo heavy.
Tho woll of wator Is llvo foot high and
sovoral hundrod yards wide.
A work train which left to eloor up tho
Burlington road oost of hero Is roportod to
hovo run into a washout botweon Oxford
and Edson. It Is rumored that sovoral
mon aro lnjurod. A wrecking train has
boon mado up and sont to tholr assistance.
Site Was Active In Woman's Cause Long
lteforo tho 'Xew Woman."
London, Juno 8. Tho Times announces
tho doath of Kmlly Falthfull.
Miss Kmlly Falthfull was born In 1835.
Sho was prosontod at tho English court in
hor twenty-first year. Becoming lntorest
od in tho condition of women, bhocollooted
a band of femalo compositors, and In 1860
founded a typographical establishment in
which womon os oompositors woro em
ployed and for which sho obtained tho
approval of Quoon Viotorla, who appoint
ed Miss Falthfull printer and publisbor in
ordinary to her majosty. In May, 1803,
Miss Falthfull stnrtod a monthly publica
tion callod Tho Viotorla Magazine, in
which for 18 yoars tho claims of womon to
romunoratlvo omploymont wore oornestly
sot forth. In 1808 she published a novel
entitled "Chango Upon Change" Sho
achieved a markod success as a locturor.
In 1873-3 Miss Falthfull visited tho
United Stotos. After a third tour in
Amorlca in 18S2-8 sho published n book
entitled "Throo Visits to America," con
taining vivid descriptions of various fom
inlno industries and llfo as she found it
among tho Mormons In Salt Lako City,
Colorado, California, ota Sho was also a
froquont contributor to the leading Eng
lish nowspnpors and magazlnos.
In commemoration of 30 yoars dodicatod
to tho intorests of hor sox Miss Falthfull
rocelved a oivll sorvlco pension.
Poor Georgo Gould Gets Time.
TrtESTOM, Juno 3. Justice Lippinoott
of tbo supremo court has granted an order
extending to July 1 tho tlmu for George
J. Gould's pleading to tho suit brought
against him for 840,000 by Rosolla (Nioo
laus) Rubman, who ololms thot Gould
wrongfully obtained from her ond with
holds a cortlflcato of that valuo. Tho post-
'noneniont was mado on strength of affi
davits setting forth Air. uouiu's odsouco
from the country.
Commercial Travelers Meet.
SAM Axtosiio, Tex., Juno 3. Tho Trav
elers' Protootlvo association of America,
which was organlzod nt Donvor in Juno,
1890. is holding its sixth annual conven
tion to celebroto tho close of tho fifth yoar
of its oxlstenco. It has had a romarkably
rapid growth in tho last two years, with
a membership of 3,015 Juno 1, 1893, roach
ing 7,052 Juno 1, 1894, and closing with
10,000 Juno 1, 18U5.
An Incredible Crime.
Souin Bend, Ind., Juno 8. A man
namod Sorby and his wlfo llvo throo miles
north of Bristol, ovor tho .Michigan lino.
With thorn livod his slstor'sorphon daugh
tor, aged 7. This child was outruged by
tho bruto Sorby and thon boaton into in
sonsibllltv nnd by husband and wife
thrown into a deep ditch to die tho cniiu
recovorod consciousness and was rosouod.
Is Marti Alive?
TAMPA, Flo., Juno 3. Tho steamer ar
riving from Cubo brought no nows. Colo-
nol Fernando Flguordo has received a
tologram from Bonjamln Guorra, troasuror
of tho revolutionary party In Now York,
stating: "Marti llvos, Cuba will bo free."
Flguordo mado It puDJlo, anu in a low
minutes sovoral hundred Cubans woro re
joicing. An Octogenarian Found Dend.
MinDLETOWN. N. Y., Juno 3. Nows
roaches boro that tho deconiposod roninlus
of 80-yoar-old John Stevonson of Washlug-
tonvllle were founuunuer a puo oi uusnos
On AlOUOtC Jim uy u MHiruuiUB iwiij.
which has been hunting for btovonson for
a woek. It Is believed that tho oldimon
crawlod where ho was found nnd awaited
1'ostinasters Appointed.
WAsniNQTOJi, Juno 3. The fourth class
postmasters oppolntod today were:
Slpssacnusetts west stoning, u. ,
Now York West Fort Ann, L. G. Wine-
l'eunsylvnnla urooKpor, a, . wute;
Soxonburg, H. C. Lemsner.
The Washington Invalids
WAsmsfOTON, Juno 8. Miss Mary
Dodco's condition remains about tho same.
Sho has not galnod any strongth Blnoe her
recent relapses. Goneral Fleasonton is
much hotter then bo has been for some
time Representative Hltt Is fairly well.
The warm weather doos not Eoem to nlloct
blm generally.
Ifendershott and Welter Must Die.
St. Tuomas, Ont., Juno 3. Tho gov
ernment has rofusod a new trial for Hon
dershott nnd Welter, sentenced to be hang
sd Juno 18 for the murdor of young Hen-
dersbott. Au application for com in u to
tlon of tho seutonco to lite Imprisonment
will bo made, but is not likely to bo grant
ed. Professor eyden Summoned.
Berlin, Juno 3. Tho.dowagor empross
of Russia has summoned i'rotessor iey
don. tho eminent snoolnllst on pulmonary
complaints, to examine her sou, Grand
Duko George tho czarowltz.
In France, if a structural defect in a
hlnvoln rnniiM nn Intnro tn the nersonlisiniz
ii, me maouiactuier is legnny acgouumur
tor uamiigeg.
This Was the Trouble About Jim and Myra
and tho Gloomy Girl In Itcd.
j "Tho world Is hollow," remarked tho
girl in red.
"It Is," gloomily assented tho girl whoso
hew gown doos not fit, "but I don't soo
how you over found it out"
"By accident, dear. It happoned tho
day after tho cards were sont out. I had a
noto from Dan saying that ho must eco
mo onco more boforo I was Jim's wlfo. Of
course I didn't really oaro for Dan, but it
Is soothing to one's vanity to know that
tho best man Is dying of envy of tho brido
iroom, who has no idea of it."
, "So you said you would seo hlmf"
"I did. I folt that it would do Jim no
harm if Don did toll mo onco moro that
llfo was a blank without mo, and It was
really my lost chanco too. Still I didn't
daro to lot him como to tbo houso."
"But whero else could you see hlmJ"
' "At Myra's. Sho is to bo mold of honor,
you know, and Jim used to bo quito devot
ed to hor, so I know sho'd never daro to
tell on mo lest pooplo would think hor
"When I want advlco, I shall know
whero to come for It."
, "Vory woll, do. Woll, I didn't Bond her
word that I was coming, for I didn't want
anything down on popor. As luck would
.liavo It, just as I was storting Jim sont up
box of roses and a melancholy noto say
ing that a business engagement ho couldn't
hirk would prevent him from coming up
ihat evening."
"You wero In luck."
pelf on Myra's mercy. Sho wasn't a bit
(pleased, as I could soo, but sho submitted
jwlth tho best graco sho could. Sho sold
iho would keep everybody out of tho 11
jrary so wo could havo a long, quiet even
nc. and not to worry about her, as sho
(would probably havo company."
i "That was nlco of her."
"Oh, vory nice. Dan camo early, and
wo had n perfectly lovely timo. Ho begged
mo to elopo tho day beforo tho wedding,
recited two poems about his despair and
hinted at sulcldo. Oh, it was splendid I I
cried myself almost to n Jelly. At about
Siolf post 10 I really couldn't stand it any
longer, so I told Dan that we must go in
ond speak to Myra, for tho front parlor
was so qulot that her callor had ovidontly
failed to como. So, after another eternal
farowell, wo wont in."
"It wasn't well it was ill 1 Myra's
callor was there Ho was Jim. Ho was
holding her hand ond bidding her goodby
forevorl Oh, was over a poor girl socruolly
deceived as I?" Chicago Tribune.
Short Story of tho Civil War Told by an
Old Soldier.
"I was certainly moro or less scared a
number of Minos when I was in tho army,"
sold on old Boldlor "in fact, I think sol
dlerlng in tlmo of war is a moro or less
harassing occupation anyway, but I never
wos any moro scared than I was onco for a
mlnuto by something that had nothing to
do with fighting whatever. This hap
pened onco when I was on picket in Vir
ginia. Tho post wos in a piece or wooas.
It was bad onough in tho daytlmo, but at
night, whon you couldn't seo anything at
all, it was worso. It seemed as though it
got darker and darkor and stillor and
stiller, and it scemod as though it would
never end.
"Suddenly it was busted wldo open by
tbo nwfulcst sound I ever heard. Scared!
"If you'vo over felt tho fooling that
man has beforo ho actually gets undor flro,
when bo's lying back somowhero inresorvo
and pretty safo, but hearing tho craokle
up ahead, and seeing tho wounded brought
bock, and thinking that protty soon he's
cot to co in himself why, you know what
it is to havo ono of tho most unpleasant
feolings a man ever had, but thoro you
know what's coming. This camo with
shock. I think it was tho worst soaro
ever had. It como right out of tho oir
squaro overhead and close, too, whore
hadn't beon looking for anything, tho
frlghtfulest, most unoarthly sound I over
heard, nnd all I could do was to stand
thero in tho black dark and wait. A mln
uto later it came again. What n tromen
Sous reliefl A screoch own I'd novor
heard ono boforo, but I know now what It
was." Now York Sun.
Somo Notable Iluttons.
Button collecting would seom to bo a
childish tasto, but thoro is ono collection
of this sort which justlfios its existence
Many years ago a lady in Portland began
tho collection of buttons on a wager. At
tho ond of tho yoar tho bet was won by her
nttolnlng a string of 099, no two of which
wero duplicates. From this beginning sho
continued tho collection of suoh as had
historical valuo. At tho present tlmo her
button museum contains no less than SO,
000 specimens. Among them is n largo
button worn by o soldlor In tho Kevolu
tlonary war and a number that saw sorv
lco in tho war of 1813, In tho Crimoan war
and in various sanguinary ongagomonts
not only on this continent but In Europo
nnd Asia. Ono Is notnblo as having beon
worn by ono of Napoleon's guard on tho
retreat from Moscow, and sovoral figured
among tho threo bronchos of tho Uonfed
erate service. Horo aro eeon bas-reliefs of
tho palmetto of South Carolina and th
motto "Sio Semper Tyrannis" of Virginia.
Lewiston Journal.
Wounded 48 Times In One Ilattle.
Ono of tho most remnrkablo characters
In tho United States is on old soldier
known to tho G. A. R. men of tho east ns
Comrade Chase. Chose served In a Maine
battery during tho war and carries other
tears of nearly 100 wounds, 48 of which
wero received in tho single battle of Get
tysburg. During tho "period of oonllict'
ho is said to huvo received more wounds
than any other man who fought on either
Blue anu uvea to ten oi ms marvelous os
copes and oxhlblt his numerous scars 1
proof of his wondorful story,1 St. Louis
Chocolate Soap,
Chocolate soup is prepared by putting
into a saucepan about a quarter of a pound
of grated chocolate with 3 pints of milk.
These quantities can, of course, bo propor
tionately altered to suit tho oocaslon. Tho
milk must bo boiling. Put in a lump of
6ugar ond let tbo wholo boll for an hour.
Before Borvlng stir tho yolks of four eggs,
previously beaten up in a llttlo milk.
Pour thlsovor fried dice of rolls and servo
vory hot. Kansas City Times.
The Prussian government oxponds ovor
f50,000 a year in support of tho labora
tories oonducted with tho medical depart
ment of the University of Berlin. This is
exclusive of tho salaries paid to professors.
According to Llnntous, millet grows
wild in many ports of India, in central
Asia and northern Siberia.
i:-Senator Iluck's I'liyslcinns Declare That
Ho Cannot Live.
SAN Fiiascisco,- Juno 8. Ex-State Son
ator Buck's physicians say his doath is
only a matter of a fow hours. Ho was
taken into custody yesterday on suspicion,
It is said, of having killed Miss Nolllo
Harrington, who was found murderod in
hor homo on Ellis street Saturday, Buok
wos driving to jail with an officer after
his arrost yesterday, when tho horsa ran
away, and ho was thrown out, fraoturlng
his skull.
Whilo tho pollco will not soy definitely
that thoy suspect Sonator Buok of the
murder, tholr actions lead to tho bollot
that thoy think ho knows something about
It. Buok wos a constant onllor on Miss
Harrington nnd is known to havo takon
hor driving and to sovoral rosorts. Tbo
pollco say tho murder was committed by
somo ono intimately noquolntod with .Miss
Harrington and her habits. Wboover oom-
mlttod tho murder lot hlmsolf In nt tho
front door with a key. If Miss Harring
ton lot the man in, it was undoubtedly
somo ono with jvhom sho was on intimate
terms. Sho was only partly drossed when
the murder was oommltted. Tho police
searched through tho papers found in the
room in tho hope of finding somo olew.
Whon nskod what tho rosult of tho soorch
had been, Captain Loes said ho had found
certain ovldonce which he could not mako
public at this time.
Owing to Buok's proiulnonco and the
traglo fato that befoll him boforo he had
an opportunity to olear hlmsolf of suspi
cion whloh has grown up against him or
explain his connection with Miss Harring
ton, tho murder has croated a sensation
only exceeded by tho Emanuel church
Working on tho Defender.
Bristol, It. I., Juno 8. Tho work up
on tho cup dofonder has not boon pushed
during tho past week with tho samo activ
ity as horotoforo. On tho interior of tho
boat tho workmon aro busy putting on tho
bilge braces, which aro of stoel and very
close togothor near tho chain plates, whoro
thoy aro most noodod. During tho past
wook tho watorways, which aro of alumin
ium and run alone tho top of tho boat at
Its sldos, havo boon put in.
A Larger State Committee.
New Yoke, Juno 3. Executive Chair
man Hookott of tho Kopnullcon statocom
mlttoo Is at tho Fifth avonuo as a sort of
control point botweon buslnoss and tho
seashore. Ho says that sontlmont regard
ing the proposed changes in the organiza
tion of thostatocommittoohas not crystal-
lizod, although It is admlttod that a largor
commlttoo Is noodod.
A SpanUh Desertion In Cuba.
Key West, Juno 3. A dispatch rocolvod
horo from Hnvnna says that a lloutonant
of tbo civil guard, who was ootlng ohlof of
pollco at Fuorto Frlnclpo, has desorted. Ho
succeeded in getting on board a pllotboat,
from which ho was transhipped to a steam
er bound for Liverpool.
Doth Girls Drowned.
Lawrence, Mass., Juno 3. Nolllo Rear-
don and Allco Rowan, each about 18 yoars
old, woro drowned whilo rowing on tho
Morrimao river in company with John
Gullfoyle Ono of tho young womon ot-
tomptod to chango her seat and tho boat
was ovorturnod.
Spain and ITcr Itevolntion.
MADRID, Juno 3. Tho cabinet at a
mooting today disonssod tho situation of
affairs In Cuba and dooldod to await the
dootslon of tbo captain gonornl, Marshal
Martinez do Campos, bofore sonding any
further ro-enforcoraents.
Cooler In Wisconsin.
Milwaukee, Juno 8. A suddon fall of
tomporaturo was experienced in this olty,
tho thorniomotor dropping 20 dogroos in a
fow hours. Tho heat was intenso during
tho day, 90 degroes bolng registered at H
o clock.
Wnfres Raised Ten Per Cent.
Biddeford, Me, Juno 3. An lnoreose
of 10 por cent in tho wagos of tho opera
tives of the Fepperell and Laoonla mills
wont into effect today.
The Weather.
Fair, followod by cloudy woather, ond
probably local showers; slightly ooolori
wostorly winds.
Closing Quotations of the New York Stock
New York, Juno 3. Money on call easy at
1H6 per cent. Prime mercantile paper 2H3Ms
percent. StorlinR exchange strong and hlahe',
with actual business in bankers' bills at 54.Stf4
2 4.90 for demand and at S4.87i84.83 for 80 days.
Posted rates. S4.Se4.SSH and $i.fc0dM.6JH.
Commercial bills. S4.WHa4.S7. Silver certifi
cates, G76"H; no sales. Bar silver. 06Ji.
Mexican dollars, HI. Government bonds firm.
State bonds dull. Railroad bonds easier and
Closing prices:
AtclilMin 8
Bur. Quincy.... 82
C. C, C. &St,L.. 44M
Chesapeake & O.. !SJfS
Chicago Gas 71
Cordage 9M
Cotton Oil 3SK
New England 44m
N.J.Central KIH
North American.. Sfi
Northern Pacific- SH
Do. pref im
N. Y. Central 101M5
Omaha 386
Ontario-West.. IRK
I'aeWoMall 30Vs
Reading 19H
Rock Island 09M
Silver Bullion 87H
St. Paul 0!
Sugar Refining... in?4
Texas Pacific 12
Union Pacific 134
Wabash pref 30tf
Western Union... HH
Del. & Hudbon.. . .130
Distillers' Trust..
General Electric.
Ilocklne Valley. . .
Lackawanna. luc
Lake Shore Ufttt
Lend mi
Louisville & Nash &8H
Missouri PaclQc. mi
Northwestern .... 9VH
General Markets.
New Yohk, June 3.-FLOUR-State and
western quiet and weaker to sell: city mills
patents. S4.8S5.15; winter patents, S104.4U;
city mills dears, $4.104.40; winter straights.
WHEAT No. 2 red ojwned quiet and declined
all the morning under liquidation and predic
tions of rain; July, 80J4Q81&:.; September.
CORN No. 2 rulsd weaker on rumors of
roln and sympathy with wheat: July, MM
5iMo.-. September, S'MQ&SMc,
OATS No. 2 quiet but fairly steady; July,
JWTtSlHc; track, white, state, 37048c.
POItK-Dull; new mess, $18.5014.; family,
I,AKD-Qu!et; prime western steam, 26.S6,
BUTTER Firm; state dairy. HOl'Kc.; state
creamery. 17K018&
CHEESE Quiet; Urge, 57Wc.: small, AM
KGOS-Firm; state and Pennsylvania,
14e.i western, 12U13c.
SUGAR Raw heavy; fair reflnlnjj. 2 14-lOc.;
usnirlfuifal, SW test, 3Hc.; refined dull; crushed,
5 l.ltUio.: powdered. 4M-4 15-lto.
TURPENTINE Steady at seWOSBMo, and
MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans, SHtSSa.
lUOE-Quieti domestic, 4)4-Mo4 Japan, 'Hi
TALLOW-Steadyt city, 4Hc; country, 4Je
HAY-Qulet; shipping, KXHc; good to
choice, 6076c.
Tho Litigation In the Case of Hilton
Versus Otiyot,
Iho Matter Decides tho Value of Judg
ments Obtained Against Americans
In Foreign Courts Hlitory of
the Celebrated Case.
Washington, Juno 3. In the snpromo
oourt today Justlco Gray announced tho
decision of tho oourt in tho cose of Honry
Hilton and others versus Guyot, liquidator
of the estate of Fortluo & Co., involving
the validity of forolgn Judgments, revers
ing tho decision of tho oourt below and re
manding tho caso for trial in tho circuit
oourt of tho southorn dlstrlot of New
York. Chief Justice Fuller ond Justices
Harlan, Brewer and Jackson dlssontod.
the oourt thon standing 5 to 4, tho major
ity bolng Gray, Field, Brown, Shlros and
White Justlco Gray also announced tho
doclsion in tho Ritchie caso affirming tho
decision of tho oourt bolow.
Tho caso of Hilton and Llbboy vorsua
Guyot Involved tho validity of judgments
rendered by forolgn court9' against Ameri
can oitlzens, nnd it is undorstood that a
large numbor of claims of a character sim
ilar to that prosecuted by Guyot, Involving
many millions of dollars in amount, have
been hold in aboyanco until the conoluslon
of tho court In this caso should bo mado
known. Tho caso doos not properly bolong
to tbo prcsont torm of tho court It was
twlco argued during tho term of 1803-4,
but no conclusion was nnnouncoa uy tho
court prior to tho adjournment of that
torm, and it bas romalned undeotded
through this torm and until today.
Guyot appears In tho oaso as tho liqui
dator of tho Fronch firm of Charles Fortlno
& Co., formerly glovo manufacturers of
Paris, and Messrs. Hilton & Llbboy os tbo
successors of A. T. Stewart & Co. of New
York. History of tho Case.
Tbo history of the caso goes book to
1890, and that of tho transactions on which
it is based to 1830, whon tho houso of
Stewart & Co. ontored upon an agroomont
with ono Alexandro, tho predocessor of
Fortlno & Co., to tako from tho French
houso all tho gloves manufactured by thom
for tho Amorlcnn market, tho two estab
lishments to share both tho profit and the
loss of tho business. In 1860 this ogroo-'
mont was brought to a oloso by n misun
derstanding and mutual charges of bad
faith. Tho French firm brought suit in
tbo tribunal of commerce of tho Seine,
whon tbo case was decidod in favor of
Fortlno & Co., and from which deolslon it
was appealed by Stowart & Co. to tbo
Paris oourt of appeals, whon the doclsion
was also antagonistic to Stewart & Co.,
the final judgment in tho French courts
fixing tho amount of tho lndobtodnoss of
tho Now York houso to tho French firm
at 8195,122, with intorost
Boforo tho final decrco was announced
Stowart & Co. closed thoir Paris estab
lishment, and being unablo to collect the
amount of tbo judgmont in Franco For
tlno & Co., in 1880, brought suit In the
Unttod States circuit court for tho south
ern district of Now York to compel collec
tion on tho French iudament. Tho dei
fondants filed a bill of discovery, alloalne
counter claims and assorting thot the
judgmont of tho Fronch oourt was ro-ox-nniinable
Tho deolslon was rendorod by
Judge Wallace of tho circuit court He
dismissed tho bill of dlsoovory and ordorod
that Stowart & Ca should pay tho judg
mont as in accordance with tho finding of
tho Fronoh courts. Tho ca30 was appealod
to the United States supromo court in
Tho caso of Samuol J. Ritchie versus
James B. MoMullin and Georgo W. Mo
Mullin, in error from tbo clrouit court of
the northorn district of Ohio, lnvolvod tho
samo questions as tbo Hilton caso oxcopt
that the judgment which it was sought to
hovo affirmed wos rendorod by n Canadian
Itoston's Crack Artillery Celebrate.
Boston, Juno 8. Tho Ancient and
Honorablo Artlllory celobratod tho two
hundred and fifty-seventh annlvorsary of
its organization today with a parade, a
bonquot at Fanoull hall ond n review by
GovornoiGroonhalgo on tho Common this
aftornoon. Among the speakers at tbo
banquet woro Governor Greenhalgo, Hon.
Winslow Warren, Mayor Curtis, Major C.
Woolmor Williams of London and Mojor
Gcnoral Nolson A. Miles.
Panic Stricken by DIacnsc.
Halifax, June 3. A report from St
John's, N. V., says that at Port au Port
and Bay St. George tho pooplo aro ponio
strickon over a dlseaso that originated on
Red Island among Frenoh fishermen.
Rov. Mr. O'Rourko oontractod tho dlseaso
during his ministrations to tho sufferers at
Port au Port Thoro Is no medical rosl-
dont there, and tho pooplo do not know
what tho dlseaso Is.
The Ilaptlst Anniversaries.
Saratoga, June 8. Tho Amorloan
Baptist Publication soolety rosumod its
soveuty-flrst anniversary today. Reports
of committees on publications, on Bible
work nnd on Sunday sohool work were
made, and addresses were made respective
ly by the chairman, Rev. Drs. Lemuel
Moss of Woodbury, N. J., E. Y. Mullins
of Baltimore and C. J. Baldwin of Gan-
ville, O..
numbers and Gas Fittors Strike.
Buffalo, June 3. Journeymen plumb
ers, gas fitters and steam fitters went out
on strike today. Only one-tenth of the
shops are doing any business. Half a
dozen master plumbers havo acceded to the
demands of the mon, nnd 100 employees of
Irlbackor & Davis, ono of the largest
firms, aro said to havo deserted the union
and roeolved to stick to their employers.
Glbhons Visits tho Tope,
Rome, June 3. Cardinal Gibbons bad
a private audience, lasting 40 minutes,
with the pope today. The oardlnul wus
Introduced into tho presenoe of his boll
noss at 18 :20 p. m. Upon emorglng from
the audience, he sold that he had not seon
tbo pope sluce 1886 aud was surprised at
his oxcullcnt hoalth.
A Steerage Passenger's Sulolde,
New Yobk, June 8. Captain Gager of
Louisiana, who arrived from New Orleans
today, reports that on May 80 a steerage
passenger, who oppearod on tho passenger
list as Mtse J. Fnok, was missing aud is
supposed to havo jumped overboard.
Captain Devery Iteinitatoil.
Nkw Yohk, June- William S. Devory
was leinstated as onptnln on the police force
today by the general term of the oourt of
oomnion pleas.