EVENING HERALD November 17, 1883 FIRE EDITION Jane 1, 1895. over a embankment It AILS AT MILL CHEEK. Potisville, Junk 8, 1805. Trolley cut No. 2, in charge of Conduc tor Harry EckcDrode nud Moturmau Edward Keating, ran over an embankment at Mill Creek Saturday nlttrnoon, and lauded on its side in Norwegian creel:. The car carried seven passengers when the accident oc curred, but only one, Dr. T. J. Birch, was painfully injured, lie was assisted to his home, and it was found that besides a frac tured collar bone, bis left ear was badly lacerated. Blood oozed from bis ears and be expectorated a considerable quantity of blood. His condition is not as serious as reported and be is rapidly improving. Miss Emma Mullen, n domestic emyloyed in the home "of Dr. James S. Carpenter, sustained a bruise ou her arm. Two ol Dr. Carpeuter'e children, Stratton and Crispin, aecd five and eight years respec tively, were in charge ot Miss Mullen, but did not receive any injuries. One ot the boys would have drowned if soma one bad Dot gone t) his assistance. The water was about three feet deep. Every one of the passengers was soaked'clean through. The crew escaped injury. The cause of the accident is attributed to the extreme beat which expanded the rails ud threw the curve out of line. The bed of the stream is about seven feet lower than the Tails, and the descent to the water is at a slight anule The car was going towards St. Clair and running at about five miles an hour. Cars run much faster on this portion of the road, but owing to the fact that the trol ley wheels were broken, and that it was necessary to hold the foiktd end or harp of the trolley pole on the wire, No. 2 was compelled to run slow on this trip. Con ductor Eckenrode handled the motor on this run and Motornian Keating steadied the trolley. Just a moment before the ac cident Dr- Birch remarked to Keating that the car was not going at the usual speed, and the latter had hardly given tbe reason when tbo wheels struck the sills. A mo ment later the front end went over the embankment, and the car fell on its side in the bed of the stream. Eckenrode held onto the wheel brake, and was landed in the water ou his back. Keating was pitched forward into the water and bis escape Trom being crushed under the car was Bimply miraculous. The passengers inside were thrown agninst the side of the car and those who weie able pulled themselves out of the water. A P. & R. crew came to the rescue and D . Birch, who was pinned under a sent hoard and would have drowned if help had not come, was taken out through a window. The others were also assisted to a place of safety. The board struck the doctor ou the left side of the face and brnised his eye. A car was secured and the passengers were taken to their homes. Dr. Birch was soon surrounded by Drs. Carpenter, Gray, Heebner, Swaving and Weaver, who volunteered their services out of tbe kindness of their thearts. Di. Eland was sent for and is now attending the miured pbvician. It required several stitches to close tbe wound in tbe ear. The hemorrhages of the eais caused some alarm at first, and the physicians all agreed that tbe injuries might prove serious. But this fear has been allayed. An Oi;cnu-Grludor Js'otn Hiiro Thomas Savidge, of Shenandoah, an aged and almost worn out miner, discoursed some pretty fair music ou our streets on "Wednesday from a, baud-organ that was ono of the best ever beard in town, says the Mahanoy City Tribune. Savidge is an Englishman and 1ms been a resident of Shenandoah for about ten years. Some time since he had a severe attack of brain fever which almost ended his earthly career. On recovering from the attack ho resumed work at tbe mines, but tbs disease had played such havoc with bis system that ho found It necessary to give up his occupation aud follow his present one. No A&silstauce Tendered The IIehald on Saturday made ac knowledgments to tbe newspapers that so cenerouslv tendered It the use of their plants after tbe tire. We observe that an exchange says the Sunday News made a rilmiliir tender. The News was not in eluded lu our acknowledgment for the rea son that no such tender was made. On the contrary, ono of tbe proprietors made a de mand upon us for payment of an account, and he was promptly paid. May be u Ifntnl Jump. Peter Stenulis, a Poe 30 years of age, was dangerously Injured last evening by jumping from a rapidly running electric car at Wm. l'enn. He was anxious to get off and jumped before tbe motor man could stop tbe car. He struck a telegraph pole with such force that two of his ribs were broken and his head was badly cut and bruised. Tbe man was rendered un conscious and remains in that state at the Miner's Hospital. Speclnl Council Moetlufr. A special meeting of the Borough Coun cil has beeu called for this eveniug to take actlou towards connecting theprlvate prop erties with tbe public water works. A Huunvvay. An axle of one of the Shenandoah Peed & Lumber Company's wagons broke ou Saturday and the horses ran away, smash ing the vehicle. Allen McOutoheou, the driver, jumped from the wagon aud es caped injury. Will Open n Store. Mrs, Isabulla Holland, widow of George W Holland, will open a grocery business at bi r residence 227 North Bowers street, this week and hopes to receive a share of patronage from her many friends. . , t , Tbo Lookup I'lllod. T1c paid police and constables were kept bi.v r-uturday night ami ytwtenlay .arrettt iugJi unks aud disorderlies and landed i fton behind the doors. One of them was aw man. She was released after a short c segment on accouut of the baby she ri.titd in her arms having the croup. "W. G. Skinner Is ono of the best known men In Wakefield, Mass. He is a war veteran and everybody's friend. He says: "I had rheumatism and was in poor health a long time. Indications pointed towards the accumulation of impurities in the blood and germs of disease I was constipated and had no appetite. I evi dently needed a good blood purifier and dlcided to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. It made n change all through my system, gave me an appetite and worked effec tive on my blood. I am now perfectly well, my blood has been put in good order, thanks to Hood's." W. G. Skinned.. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the Public Eye Today. Hood's Pills ir,ra?ebffVc!"SIctnt!'' A STRIKE AT MOIIEA. Deputy SUorllTs Sent to tlio Scone to l'lnco Leaders Undor Arrest. Hungarians and Italians employed by Contractor McAdam to change the line of tile Pennsylvania railroad at Morea, struck on Saturday. This morning tbe men evinced a disposition to commit violence. Sheriff Scott was called upon for assistance and a half dozen special deputies were sent to tbe scene armed with warrants for the arrest of tbe ringleaders. Tho men are be ing paidSl.10 per day, aud demanded 51.25 Contractor McAdam says the ,strlko is not really for higher wages, but Is a subter fuge resorted to by the men to get wages before pay day so that they can go to tho Clearfield region, wbero somo now work is being opened. Tbe wages are not due un til June lflth, but tbe men think that by striking they will make the company pay them oft' to get rid of them. This, Con tractor McAdam says, will not bu done. Try Scheider's HomemadeJJBread and Cakes. 23 East Coal street. 4 17-lm A Paper's Acknowledgement. Prom today's Miner's Journal. To two gentlemen of our county who made it possible for this newspaper to re tain tfc.reputation of publishing the latest news at the earliest possible moment the Journal desires to express its sincere acknowledgement and gra'itude. The one is Guy C. Irish, Esq., of Mahanoy City, the efficient and able manager of the P. & R. & P. Telegraph Company and one of the publishers of the Weekly Tribune, who was tbe first to notify the Journal editors that afire was racing; and he connected us with that other prominent citizen and very able station agent of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, P. J. Ferguson, Esq., who de tailed to us tbe facts of the serious calamity which bad befallen his borne town. By the prompt action of these two gentlemen the Journal was able to give to the pub lic a very interesting account of a very important event, which might not have been received until too late for our regular morning edition. UI TratUo. The traffic on tbe Lakeside and Schuyl kill Traction companies' lines is so great ou account of the frequency of visits to the fire ruins that all cars are followed by trail ers and are running on double time. No Loss (lore. Customers of the Columbia Brewing Company who were burned out by the fire of Friday night will have their accounts. credited In full by presenting their book at the office. W. M, Brkwek, 5-3-tf President. Watson IIouso Free Lunch. Boston baked beans and pork will bo served as free lunch at this popular cafe to uight. Tomorrow morning an elegant free luuch of mock turtle soup will be served, 8oheIIIy House mil of Furo. Clam soup aud fried oysters for free lunch tonight. The other bill of fare contains crabs, lobsters, oysters in all styles and all the delicacies of the season. Kecelvlutj a Sew Maobtue. The Columbia, Brewing Company this morning received a large malt drying machtug to be used in drying malt before it is sold to the farmers and will be placed in the brewery. Sympathy for tbe "Uorald." Mr. Brewer, of the Columbia Brewing Company, offered the Hehald the use of several rooms- Cburob Ite-oponod. The English Lutheran ohureh has again opened Its doors with a membership of 7S Yesterday five new mambors wore received b,y continuation, one by baptism aud ono by the right of fellowship. A number of other applicants will be received wltbiu a few weeks. An entire new organization has beeu formed. In France, if a structural delect in a blcjcle causes un injury to the person using it, tbe manufacturer is legally accountable tor Damages. DHOPPINQ IN EUROPE. Women the Managers of Most of the No tion nnd Specialty Stores. Outsldo of tbo largo European sliop of national fame it stranger hardly knows vvboro to ask for his or hor wants, Tho small shops llicludo everything, but what things in what shops is tbo puzzle. In a Bmnll German town, when mosquito net ting was asked for nt a gonornl dry goods storo, tho inquirer was (Brcctod to a smal notion, or what tho English, term n "throad and needle," shop for It. When found, it was wrapped In a newspaper, and a largo pin served In tho plnco of twlno. This sounds primitive, but no ono would think of complaining of tho parcol's nppenrnnoe, oxcopt ''thoso particular Americans," ono of whom did protest most energetically against It. Tho glovcsbops are vory small, but nlso well fitted up with ono or two counters, comfortablo seats, a decoratod window and mirrors. Why is It that so many shopi show mirrors directly opposite a customer, when she doos not require tho nld of one lu her purchase, unless tho idon Is to keep her In n good humorf In London ono of tho best glovors soils hosiory down Btnlrs nnd gloves nnd fans nbovo. Thoy also show glovo boxes, stretchors nnd pow der shakers in the same crises with gloves, Men sell tho gloves here nnd only try thorn on when requested to. Only war ranted gloves nro exchanged If they rip or tear when first putting thorn on, nnd only tho best qualities ore warranted. In Paris much of tho sumo custom pre vails, though tho chief shops nro larger, ono on tho Boulevard des Itallons having two windows. No better gloves can bo found than art sold nt tho Bon Marcho and Louvre, whero tho glovo trado is Im mense, but tbo small shops hnvo also an excellent trado. Many of tho costume houses sell gloves to match each dress, which takes trado that may bo called high class and higher priced. Whilo tho sales' pooplo do not oiler to try on glovos, they will dolt when requested to, and nil first class gloves nro exchangeable under tho conditions prevailing hero. Berlin abounds in glovcshops, nlso Vi enna, Hamburg, Dresdon, and Munich has at least two neat ones, selling a promi nent ninko manufactured lu tbo outskirts of that city. Women aro tho clerks hero and oro very prominent In tho mercantile circles of Europe, especially In Prance, where they seoni born with a buslnoss tact nnd faculty unknown to othor nations. In Berlin tbo display of dark red plquo gloves in a pretty window was marked '"Now York style." Europo did not tnko kindly at first to largo buttons, but now they are pronounced very chic. Tho fashion of keeping gloves of all sizes looso In a largo package that was noticed In sovcral Gor man shops dous not favorably impress an American accustomed to tho neatly wrap ped and boxed gloves shown lu this coun try. What wo call notions needles, thread, dress stays, pins, bindings, etc. aro con sidered small wares and haberdashery In Europo, tho latter term being common In London. Threadneedlo street in London probably received its liamo from tho small wares or "thread nnd ncudlo" shops that were there In bygono days. Such shops are, univorsally cnrrled on by women, nnd of ten tbo owner does dressmaking or plain sowing. Dry Goods Economist. Soldering Aluminium. One of .tho drawbacks to tho gonorol uso of aluminium has been tho diillculty of soldering It. Many persons liuvo entirely failed in their attempts to unite alumin ium and othor metals or to join two pieces of aluminium. A film of oxido formed upon tho surfneo of tho mufal seems to bo tbo cnusoof tho nonadhoronco, and this all ordlnury methods have here tofore failed to removo. Recent experi ments havo brought out now mothods, und n compound of 50 parts of tin, 25 of aluminium and 25 of sliver makes a solder that has thus far worked admira bly. It Is necessary to keep a clean metal surface, and this can bo dona by heating tho aluminium to bo united until tho sol der can bo kept In a soft state for an In stant after contact with tho plates or sec tions. This cnusos a coating of tho solder to odhcro to the surface of the metal, and no further troublo Is experienced. It bos boon suggested that tho outsluo of alumin ium articles that aro to bo put together should hnvo a coating of this solder np pllod to their edges. If this wore dono, tho dlmoulty would bo romovcu, as tho coating, nlrondy firmly fixed, would need no further preparation. Now York Led ger. Coins of Knoruious SUe. When tho area and square Inches of sur- faco are taken Into consideration, tbo lar gest coins ever lssuod by any govornmcnt on tbo globo wore thoso put into circula tion by Sweden during tho sixteenth cen tury. Thoso mnmmoth pieces nro neithor round, square, oval nor octagonal in shape, but are great irregular slabs of copper de scribed as "resembling pieces of a boiler after an explosion." The smallest piece issued undor tho law which authorized this gigantic colnago was nn irregular reo tangular slab of about 13 square Inches of surfaco and about half an inch thick. It was worth 80 cents. Tho largest of tho same sorles was about a foot squaro and had a faco valuo of $1. Eaoh of thoso ooppcr slabs is stamped in sovoral placos on tho faco, tho various inscriptions giv ing tho date, denomination, oto. Tho i plcco montloncd last above is noarly an inch in thlcknoss nnd weighs four pounds, lacking a fraction. St. Louis Republic Are Sailors Safer Thau Ijimlamenf Judging from the numbor of people who ore annually klllod in tho streets of London, tbo Altontlo ocean Is far safer than tho bustling Strand or Choapslde, There nro ovor 100 pooplo killed ovory your from aooldonts In tho streets of London, to say nothing of tho numbor who aro kill ed In tbo streots of othor largo towns. Ovor 5,000 persons are annually injured in Londoii lu couuoctlon with tho tralllo of tho streets. Tho lato Mr. Thomas Gray of tho board of trado marine department stated somo time ago that a man Is safer at sea in n fairly good ship than any where elso. "There aro more Uvoslost," he said, "among minors from nccldont than among sailors and many moro among railway omployoes." Loudon Tit-Bits, A Scheme For Comfort. Friend Why aro you so enthusiastlo on tho subject of women's suuragor Mr. Nojoy Tho elections always ooruo In tho spring and fall, don't thoyr "Certainly." "Well, get 'om interested inthooam nnlsns. nnd they'll forget about house- donning." New York Weekly. Much of the pretended ollvo oil imparted into this country Is made up In large parts of peanut oil pressed from African and In dian peanuts. Peanut oil Is not only very Good to eat ns a salad oil, but la an excel lent base for flue soups and valuable for lllumlnatlug purposes. An Kngll.h Humor Tlmt He Is Uncaged to nn Aotreti. Loxnny, June 8. Mine. Rumor hos It that another inomhor of the Gould family is to tnko a wife from ovor tho footlights. Hlio says that Howard Gould la engaged to Knthoriuo Clommufis, who cnpturtAl En bind by her skill In horsemanship and her OA port 1109 with tho pistol as a momhor ot JJuffnlo Bljl's Wild, Wost show. Sho baa heon In Europe for somo tlruo studying for tho stngo. Of Sato sho has heon living iu grand stylo nud has beou much soon lu young Gould's oompnny nt public nud private functions, It Is nlso said that Miss Clemmoni has a now play which sho will produce beforo MISS KATHEnlNE CLF.MMON8. long, and that tbe funds necessary to stage it have beon guaranteed by Howard Gould. New Yohk, June 2. Miss Knthorlne Clcmmons comes from California. She Is still In the twenties aud Is a handsome blond. Sho has courago, nerve aud prob ably dramntlo ability. She loomed up In England somo years ago as tho protogoe ot Buffalo BUI nnd as a remarkable rider and driver. SbiMs also oxport with the pistol. Miss Clemmons trlod to aot while In Eng. and, and, becoming Infatuated with the stage, dlsplayod wondorful nerve by mak ing her professional dobut In this country n.yoar ago as a star at tho Fifth Avenuo thoator, lu a play which sho wrote, Tho venture was a disastrous failure. Miss Clcmmons was not daunted and endoavorod to turn defeat into victory by producing "Mrs. Uascot, " by General Lloyd Brlce aud Stanislaus Stango. This was an awful llzzlo. Colouol Cody, who was booking hor, was said to have lost $20,000 or SaO.OOO. Ho rofusod to put up moromouoy.and Miss Oommons romnlnod horo, for a long thuo a prominent figure at "first nights." Sho was persuaded, bowpvor, that sho could bocomo a star aud finally wont to Europo to study. j.rtuole Xmcetlv. RUTLAND, Mass., Jure -'. George V. Woodis, a farmer woll known In this soc- tiou, shot und killed his s,on-lu-Iaw, John Bakor, during an altercation yosterday and immediately afterward fatally shot him self, dying lu halt au hour. Killed an Inoffensive Man. Mauch Chunk, Po., Juuo 2, A canal boatman named Waltor Gelding, with sov oral allasos, murdered au lnoHenslvo citi zen named John O'Donnell, a former rosl dent of Bristol, last night. The murderer escaped. Stole From Ilia employers, nw PltoviDENCE, June 2. John H. Mo- Phersou, a night employee of tho.Gorham Manufacturing company, has been arrest ed for systematically stealing melted gold and silver, Urlco Itonts tho Astor Yllle. Newport, R, I., June 2. It Is under stood that Hon. Calvin S. Bilco, senatoi from Ohio, has rentod Beauloau, tbo villa of William Waldorf Astor, for tbe summor. Death of II. S. Harlow. Milwaukee, Juno 2. Mr. H. S. Bar low, for more than 40 years In the servlct of tho Lako Shore and Michigan Southorn railroad,, died hers last nigbt. nmL "WANTED for cenernl housework. Call at Max Schmidt's dry cooils store, 116 nnd xisrtorui mum street, sneiiimucma. o--u HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphreys' Specifics are scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies, used for years lu private practice and for over thirty years by the people with entire success. Every single Bpeclflo a special euro for the disease named. o. cukxi. ratczi. 1 Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. . .'J 5 i ii Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic U5 3 Tecthluiri Colic, Crying. Wakefulness .25 4- Dlarrhcn, of Children or Adults 35 7- CoughB, Colds, Bronchitis .25 8- N'curulsln, Toothache, Faceacho. 25 9- IIendncUes, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. ,25 10- Dyspepsia. Biliousness, Constipation. .25 11- Bupprcaecd or Painful Periods... .25 12- Whltes, Too Profuse Periods .25 13- Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness 25 14- Salt IMicum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25 15- llheuinatlBia, llheumatlo Pales 25 lG-.Maluriu, Chills, Fever and Ague .25 10-Catarrh. Influenza, Cold In the Head. .25 20-Wbooplnsr Cough .25 27 Kidney Diseases .23 28-Kervous Debility 1.00 30- UrInary Weakness 23 31- SorcThront, Qulncy, Ulcerated Throat. 25 I 77 II DR. HUMPHREYS' fjniD OKO NEW SPECIFIC FOR Ulllr j (.0 Pat np In small bottles ot pleasant pellet. Just fit your vest pocjtei. Sold tr DrofElatii, or lnt prptd on wttpt or prlc. DX. IICXrBBBTS' UlMUlMtH ' HilLBD MIB. HrsPIIIUVS1 SID.fO., Ill tlimillia St., MIT YOBS. SPECIFICS. . r?M Mild cthk Fitic n B MAMtiai!CIUXDtOMrMt5DCCtISOl I fctw TOWN Ul 1 M ABSOLUTELY PURE I THE OLD RELIABLE I SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE S Hat stood th Ttit ol Time H MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTh'KB BRANDS COMBINED ft What is Castorla Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta nnd Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Knreotid stihstnnce. It is n harmless suhstituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' uso by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys "Worms and allays feverishness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates tho food, fcgulatcs tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla is tho Children's Panacea tbo Mother's Friend. Oastoria. " Castorla Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers hare repeatedly told me of lta good effect upon their children." Do. Q. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. " Castorla Is the best remedy for children of irhlch I am acquainted. I hope the day Ijjiot far distant when mothers will consider the real Interest of their children, and use Castorla In stead of tho various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Dr. J. F. Ktkchklos, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, TI j Lardepsia 1 would be a more appropriate name for that common cause of suffering dyspepsia because most cases of dyspepsia can be traced to food cooked with lard. Let COTTOLENE take the place of lard in your kitchen and good health will take the place of Dyspepsia. Catalogue free. Good agents wanted in every town. NDIANA BICYCLE CO., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. U. S. A. MISCELLANEOUS. GIRL WANTED. Girl wanted to do general lirmseworK. Apply at Bradley's meat mar ket, !i37 East Centre street. 6-25-tf ffOIt RENT. A room suitable for a lodpe, x newly carpeted and painted. Unoccupied Wednesday night. Imiulrti at Refowlch's cloth ing store. 6-2-tf TIT ANTED. 25 girls over 16 years of age to work on machines. Those who need, and are willing to work, apply at the Schuylkill Hat & Cap Factory, Hell aud Lauterstein, S3S East Coal street. WHY do people complain of hard times, when any woman or man can make from (5 to 810 a day easily? All have heurd of the won derful success of the Climax Dish Washer; yet many are apt to think they can't make money selling it; but any one can make money, because every family wants one. One agent has made 8178.30 In tbe last three months, after paying all expenses and attending to regular bnslness besides. You do n't have to canvass; as soon as people know you have It lor sale they send for a Dish Washer. Address the Climax, Mfg. Co,, 45 Starr Ave., Columbus, Ohio, for particulars. PROPOSALS. Sealed proposals will be re x cetved by chairman of committee, F J. Brennan, South Main street, Shenandoah, Pa., until seven (T) o'clock p. m., on June 17th, 1895, for the erection and completion of a new fire company house on North Jardin street: Shenan doah, Pa. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of 8300. Any bidder receiving the contract and failing to comply with tho conditions forfeits the $500 to the lire company, Plansand sjecitlcations can be had at the I'hojnlx Plre Company's house, North Jardin street, or at tbe President's, William Mitchell. South Main street, or of the architect, P. X. Retlly, I'otts ville, Pa. James F. O'Habes, 6-29-16t Secretary. When Daby was sick, wo gave her Castorla, When sho was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she cluug to Castorla, When ho had Children, bhe gave them Castorla. I Chichester's Enullih Diamond Tirana. ENNYR0YAL PILLS Orlcinui sua finiy uenuino. AFC, lln- Kllfcbl. ladies tik UruKKl.l for 'hi hntcrt t.ii'irk Hi i , ,... i Ur i,. I ii. It oil unit t.dd mt'tilUa nn ntlmv. Kruli Jam t UUI HiMllIU- iu,nm itti imi(af.Uit Ai Iirttiftmu. or lend 4. in 4tmuii f-r j.artlciifvt, tenimuUli it,j "Keller for I-iulle inl-iitr i.v return A I till. 10.000 l-.uriHijUla Aiwr j'lp,-. Ir.ictrrt'hculculC,UttUon Mqmirt, fists MM tij ul Ucl Castorla, " Castorla Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Ancnart, SI. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians In the children's depart ment nave spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castorla, and although we only have among our medical supplies what Is known as regular products, yet we ore free to confess that tho merits of Castorla has won us to look with favor upon It." United Hospmr. aud Disfemsirt, Boston, Mass. Aixkk C. Smith, Pres., Murray Street, Now York City. Try it. Every pail of the genuine COTTOLENE bears this trade mark steer's head in cotton-plant wreath. Made only by The N. K. Falrbank Company, CHICAGO, and 133 N. Delaware Ave., PUUadju ARE THE HIGHEST OF ALL HIGH GRADES. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world re gardless of price. Do not bo induced to pay moro money for an inferior wheel. Insist on having the 'Waverley, Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bioycle Co., a million dollar concern, w hose bond is as good as gold. SI LB. f 00.RCHEB, SSB. & LB. LADIES', 7S. REMEMBER there are hundreds of brands of White Lead (so called) on the market that are not White Lead, composed largely of Barytes and other cheap materials. But the number of brands of genuine Strictly Pure White Lead is limited. This brand is standard "Old Dutch" process, and just as good as it was when you or your father were boys : "John T. Lewis &Bros." For Colors. National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can to t. ij-p9und keg of Lead and mix your own paints. Saves time and annoyance In matching shades, and Insures the best paint that It is possible to put on wood. Send us a postal card and get our book on faints and color-card, free; it will probably (Ave you a good many dollars. JOHN T. LEWIS & BROS. CO., Philadelphia. ; Ul I I IIUUl PHILADELPHIA, PA. The onlr Oenulnf !rec!sllt In Amerlci, notwithstanding t others adrertlse.' NERVOUS DEBILITY AND THE RESULTS OF INDISCRETION KpeeUt Diseases and Strictures Permanently Cured In 3 to 6 dsr BLOOD POISON d0bry uewnuiuodluuo to wdays. 0 years' l.uro pean Huupltal aud 32 iradli-al experience, as CerufkaicB and 11iIouii prove, tiend five 2i:eot ktampa tor bout ' TUI'TII," the only book exposing OuarK Iiortoi and others ad vrnWug s great specialists. A true friend to all huften rs and to those contemplating mairiago. TUemoststuhbornaiidaauKerou cases solicited. Write or call and be saved. Hours i 0-3 1 Eve's S-8 j Wed. and Bat. eve's '6-WiBun. -lJ. Buccessfultreatraentbymall.