The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 30, 1895, Image 2

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rablished dally, except Sunday by
Asnsiiii pviiniamira lobivaxv,
Fnbllc&tlon offlce and mechanical Jcpartment,
North Market Street.
ttVm TJonnlrf lb delivered In Shenandoah and
aflB peram surrounding towns for Six Cents
week, payable to the carriers. By mail, Three
Dollaro a year or Twenty-five cents per month,
Ik advance.
JL&vertUtmenU charged according to space
cd position. The publishers reserve the right
to change the position ot advertisements when
tvir the publication ot news requires It. The
tight Is also reserved to reject any advertise
raent, whether paid (or or not, that the pub
Uhsrs may deem Improper. Advertising rates
Bade known upon application.
Xntered at the post offlce at Shenandoah, Pa.
II second doss mall matter.
Shenandoah, Fenna.
Fears Kegfii'ding the Paoifio Mail
Steamer Confirmed
Evening, Herald.
THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1895.
The EVENING HERALD accepts ad-
The proclamation of the President
opening the Yankton reservation in South
Dakota to settlement w ill afford anothtr
opportunity for industrious white men
to secure homes where the Indians have
heretofoe held possession. It has been
surrounded for weeks by "sooners" Ut
exceeding the number that can secure
claims, as Is always the case when these
chances are presented. There is some
thine peculiarly attractive to Western
settlers in the idea of obtaining Indian
lands, and they frequently pass over more
desirable territory for the purpose of thu
satisfying their hunger for the soil. Two
other rei.ervations, one in Colorado and
one in the Indian territory, are likely opened, and the same eager
ness is being manifested with regard to
them. In all, the tracts to be placed
upon the market this year will amount to
about 1.000.000 acres ; and there will be
practically nothing left but the reserva-
tlons of the civilized tribes In the Indian
Territory, which must eventually be ab
sorbed, of course, but which are out
reach for the present. Generally speak
Ing, therefore, the public domain, once
wide that it seemed to be equal to all
future necessities, will roon be wholly
appropriated, and the beneficent service
of the homestead law will cometo anend
It is not to be doubted that the rnpid
settlement and cultivation of the publi
lands west of the Missouri River has
been a vast advantage to the people and
to civilization. The history of the world
does not show another Instance of such
extensive and substantial material, po-
litical and social development. A large
number of citizens have been enabled
to improve their condition and at th
tame time to contribute to the prosperity
and welfare of the country by reason of
the policy that the government adopted
for the encouragement of Western im
migration when the Republican party
first assumed control of its affairs. New
states have been founded, great indus
tries established, and wondarful produc
tive triumphs achieved. But the limit
has been reached so far as the supply
of new lands is concerned, and the lines
of settle mint can not be pushed any
further. The frontier Is about to be
abolished. Hereafter, the home-seekers
Will have t j find locations in nooks and
corners where civilization has already
taken general possession. The result
must be a gradual Increase in the value
of farm lands. That is the manifest logic
of the situation. The elimination of the
public lands that have operated for many
years to cheapen Improved lands In the
older states will certainly add to the
worth of the latter from year to year:
and the man who owns a good farm any
where may rest assured that he could
have no better kind of property as an
investment for the future.
Of Over a Hundred and Eighty Souls on
Hoard Only Nineteen Aro Known to Ilnve
Ileen Itesoned Tho Statement of Third
Ofllccr Hansen.
San Francisco, May 80. The steam
ship Collina, with 183 persons aboard, in
cluding passengers and crow, foundered
off the coast of Mexico on Monday. Four
teen passengers and Ave members of the
crow reached Manzanlto,Moxlco, nndgavo
the first Information of the vessel's fate.
Whether tho remainder of the passengers
and crew escaped In small boats or went
down with tho ship Is not known. There
was a large amount of bullion on board
the vessel, and this Is undoubtedly a total
Only meager and unsatisfactory advices
hove been received here today regarding
tho disaster. Tho officials ot the Pacific
Mall line porslst in the stutemont that
they have received no information of the
wreck of the stoamer, and they havo tried
to discredit entirely tho reports of the dis
aster. Several dispatches havo been re
ceived by tho Morchants' Exchange and by
private shipping firms, howovor, all con
firming tho, talo ot tho ocean tragedy, and
varying only in the minuteness of the in
formation conveyed.
Captain Pitts, of the steamer San Juan,
telegraphod yosterday that ho picked up a
boat containing nineteen persons, four
teen of whom were passengers and tho
others members of tho crow of the Co
lima. The rescued boat load was taken
to Manzanllla, and then tho steamer San
Juan started out again lu search of other
boats from tho Collma, tho presumption
being that the balanco of tho passengers
and crow wero .afloat in tho other boats of
tho Collma.
Tho occupants of tho boat picked up
woro as follows: Cabin passengers JJo
mlnco, Albano, Cashing, Thornton, Sari
aba and Rutz. Steerage: John Crew, H.
W. Boyd, Antonio Rome, R. Rose, S.
O'Relll, G. Owen, Joso A. Salla, L. Ii.
Zancre. Crew: O. Hansen, third officer;
carpenter, A. K. Richardson, a store
keeper, Raymond Avlls and J. Morel.
The names barlaba nnd Hutz do not ap
pear In tho steamer's list of passengers
sailing from this port, the presumption
being that they joined tho steamer at Ma-
zatlau. There wero two uushtngs on
board, brothers, and a lady and gentleman
each named Thornton. No initials of sur
vlvors were given In tho brief telegraph
Among tho passengers "unaccounted for
are Professor Harold Whiting, Mrs. Whit
ing and Miss Roso Whiting. Profeesor
Whiting occupied a chair In tho stato uni
versity. Another is J. E. Chllbcrg, of
Seattle, who was on his way south to In-
terest bouth American planters In a new
stoamshlp lino between Central America
and Pugot Sound.
Tho latest intelligence regarding the
disaster received hero was a cipher mcs-
sago to a local shipping firm containing
tho statement of Third Officer Hansen,
who was in cnargo of tho boat picked up
Hanson stated that about 11:15 Monday
night, ns tho Collma was about fifty miles
from Manzanllla, nud botween that port
and Punta St. Alamo, an accident oc
curred to her machinery. Hansen had no
time to Investigate tho trouble, but ho be
lieved a boiler had burst. Tho Collma
was put about, but began to sink rapidly,
A sccno of wild confusion followed. Ouo
boat was lowered, and moat of the others
wero swung out, but so far ns ho knows,
tho boat no commanuou was tno only ono
which got clear of tho sinking ship. Tho
Collma quickly foundored, nnd to avoid
suction Hansen's boat quickly pullod
clear, and tho night being dark, it waslm
posslblo to toll whethor tho other boats
got away from tho ship or not. If these
boats only got clear tho calmnoss of the
sea and tho low sandy beach twenty miles
distant would onablo them to mako a safa
landing In a few hours. As tho passen
gers wore all asleep, howover, Hansen
fears few escaped.
Ouo hundred and sixty passengors and
crow nro still unaccounted for. Tho fol
lowing passengers from San Francisco
landed safely at Mazatlan before tho Co
llma proceeded towards Manzanllla: K
McCutchcon, W. U. MoCutcheon, J.W. V.
Mazwell, H. M. Sillier, L. Jb Bell, G. V.
Gray nnd P. F. Crisby.
Tho offices of tho l'acluo Mall ana toic-
graph company and tho nowspapors are
filled with anxious friends of passengers
and crow, making tearful Inquiries obout
their friends. Many of tho scenes were
pitiful In the extreme, and the most
gloomy forebodings prevail, despite tho as
surances of the officials that the Collma's
machinery was In excellent condltloii,
having been Inspected Just provlous to hoi
leaving: that her commanders and officers
are skilled seamen, and that tho chances
are In favor of tho safety of their friends.
WorK 15
never done
It Is n constant round of care and toil
from which there is no escape. How es
sential, then, are health and strength, and
yet with how many women these are al
together lacking. They are tired all day
and unable to Bleep at night. In this con
dition the system will soon break down.
Restore the Strength,
overcome that tired feeling, build up the
system by tho uso of Hood's Sarsaparilla
before It Is too late. This great medicine
is exactly what overworked women ned.
It makes pure, rich blood, creates an ap
petite, gives strength to the nerves.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently in the public eye today.
Hood's Pills tive. All dru'gglita.'
Trlbnte of Wilmington Citizens to
Jamei A. Garfield.
Wilmington, Del., May 80. A bronze
tatue of heroic size to the memory of Gen
eral James A. Garfield was unveiled In
this city today with appropriate exercises,
which woro participated in by the Grand
Army of the Republic, tho state militia
and tho various civic societies of tho cityi
Rev. Morritt Hubbard, D. D., delivered
tho dedicatory address, and many state
and city officials took part in tho unveil-
lug ceremony.
Tho baso of the statuo is of Hramlywlno
granito, is square, heavily moulded and
u 1
The Agricultural Department has de
cided that the peanut is not a nut, but a
pea. Thus does the present Administra
tion gradually solve problems of great
pith and moment that were neglected by
Its Republican predecessors.
There Is one man in the country who
knows there U nothing in the third term
lunacy. That man is Cleveland himself.
He is aware that he could not get twenty
five votes in any National Convention.
Strikes are reported here nnd there,
but they ore fewer than the average of
this season in recent years. They are not
formidable enough to check the business
Improvement. ''
Georgia will soon be bombarding th;
counfry with the largest watevmelon and
peam crops ever grown in the state
Macon is arranging a peach carnival and
It promises to be a big nffuir.
Notts ot the Disaster Confirmed.
COLON, Colombia, May 30. Tho news of
the wreck of the Pacltlo Mall steamship
Collma off Manzanllla, Mexico, Is con
firmed hero. Beyond tho report that many
lives havo been lost no furthor details aro
Renewal of Hostilities Imminent.
London, May 30. A dispatch from
Shanghai repeats that alarming rumors
are ourrent at Shanghai, and that u ro
newal of hostilities is imminent. Tho
viceroy of Formosa is said to have rebelled
against tho government of Pokin, tho
Jnnanose shltw are reported to have been
cleared for action, and the French ships at
Turn e ul, Formosa, are also said to havo
been nreuared for action. Rumors of Rus
sian intervention are also current at
Sbanghui, and steamers have been oruoreu
to Tientsin with provisions in view of the
probability of Russian hostility.
Murder in the Flint Degree,
F.lmira. N. Y.. May CO. Martin V
Strait was yostordoy found guilty of mur
der lu the first degreo. Sentence will bo
pronounced Saturday. Strait, on Nov. 16
stands about ten feet high, tho baso apd
statuo being about eightoon feet high. It,
Is surrounded by a granlto curbing and n
low rail Inclosing a plot of grass, On the
eastern side of tho statuo anpoars tho ex
tract from Garfield's historical address in
Now York on tho assassination of Lincoln
'God reigns and tho government at Wash
iugton still Uvea "
Tho monument Is beautifully situated
at tho intersection of threo important
streets, and In tho most beautiful part of
tho city. Delaware avenuo, Eleventh and
Tenth streets, meeting at this point, form
a small triangular park surrounded by
elegant buildings ond shaded by stately
trees. Tho monument is at tho broad or
eastern ond of tho park, with tho flguro of
Garllcld facing westward, liobind is n
church, to tho rear and right a publlo
school, and In sight from tho outlook o
tho flguro, upon tho loft front, nro tho
spires of threo or four beautiful churches.
Sust bolow them, and in front of tho
statue, are tho most elegant residences of
tho city,
The Watchman Was Asleep.
WlLKESBARRE. Pa., May SO. Four
masked burglars entered tho Harvey'
Lake General Supply storo, at Harvoy'
Lake, a village twelve miles west of hero,
during tho night and found Charles En-
terlln, the night watchman, asleep. They
woke him up. and placing a pistol at hi
head mado him open the safo, from which
they took K0Q in cash and jewelry worth
1200 more. They also toon everything else
of value they could Una, ana loft the watch
man bound nnd gagged. They are sup
posed to have oscaped by means of n hand
car over tho Lionign vauoy rauway
Plttston, whoro thoy boarded a freight
train bound for Now York. Two trninpi
wero urrosted last night ut Sugar Notch
who aro thought to have been implicated
in tho robbery.
TheSmlth School Appropriation mil 1'njnflil
by tlio House.
Harrisburo, May 80. The farmors
forced through tho house yesterday tho
Smith bill, distributing tho school appro
priation by giving W0 to each toachcr and
dividing tho balanco ou tho basis of tho
number of taxnbles In tho several school
districts in tho stato. Should this propo
sition become a law tho city districts will
receive considerably less than their present
sharo of the appropriation and tho sparsoly
settled districts n corresponding gain.
Tho voto on tho bill was 111 to 71.
The Fritz bill, providing for tho distri
bution of tho school oppropriatlon on tho
basis of the number of children in tho sov-
cral school districts between tho ages of 0
and 20 years, was killed by an overwhelm
ing majority.
The McDonald bill authorizing brewers
to sell their own product to licensed deal
ers upon payment Into tho stnto treasury
ot an annual license of 11,000, passed
finally. Tho purpose of tho mensuro is to
rcllovc brewers from taking out a license
in court. A large number of appropria
tion bills passed finally.
In the senate bills paiscd finally: Per
mitting sheriffs' advertisements to be
printed in Gorman newspapers in counties
containing loss than 150,000 inhabitants;
to prevent tho spread of contagious dls
eases among school children; to require
the state food commissioner to enforce
laws against tho adultoratlon of vinegar,
jellies, cider and all apple products and nil
unlawful labeling; to prevent brewers,
distillers and others from furnishing any
unlicensed person or place where liquors
are sold to members of unincorporated
clubs or associations of persons any in
toxicating liquors, and to prohibit brewers
from selling malt liquors in less quan
tities than n quartorof a barrel; to pro
tect tho United States flag from domestic
and foreign insult; to prohibit peddling,
selling or hawking merchandise without
a license
The house judicial apportionment bill
passed finally with an amendment cutting
the number of judges in Lancaster county
from three to two, and in Delaware from
two to one. Under this bill Philadelphia
will have the same number of judges as at
National League.
At New York (13 lnnlngs)-Phllodel-
phia, 11; Now York, 10. At Washington
Pittsburg, 8; Washington, 8.
Eastern League.
At Wllkesbarro Wllkesbarre, 12: Scran-
ton, 8. At Rochester Rochester, 16; Syra
cuse, 11. At Buffalo Buffalo, 6; Toronto,
At bpringuelu Springfield, 4: Provi
dence, 3.
Pennsylvania State League.
At Reading Pottsvlllo, 15; Reading,
14. At Allentown (exhibition) Cleveland,
i; Allentown, 11. At Lancaster (exhibi
tion) Lancaster, 14; Hurrlsburg 10.
Orlef Made Her a Maniac
Indianafolis, May 30. Louis Shcrc-
zofsky, a Jewish rabbi, In charge of the
Sharah Tefllla, was stricken with death
yesterday afternoon just after finishing
his sermon, and his wife became a raving
maniac. His wife, during the church ser
vices, was ministering to tho needs of sick
peoplo and did not get to church. Just as
sho was cntorlng her door a neighbor told
her the terrible news. With a cry she
rushed into tho houso and threw herself
upon the dead body of her husband. In
endearing terms sho pleaded with him to
speak to her, toro tho clothing from his
body, raised his cyollds and chafed his
hands. Then sho completely lost her reason
and becamo a raving maniac, breaking the
furniture nnd screaming. Her reason It
probably gono forever.
Castoria is Dr. Sninucl Pitcher's prescription for Infants
nud Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic suhstancc. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years uso hy
Millions of Mothers. Castoria, is tho Children's Panacea
tho Mother's Friend.
"Castorlnisso well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Ahcher, M. P.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"The use of 'Castoria' Is so universal and
Its merits so well known that It seems a work
of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Caelos JLiETra, D. D
New York City.
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di
gestion, Without injurious medication.
"For several years I have recommended
'Castoria,' nnd shall always continue to do
so, as It has Invariably produced beneficial
Edwin F. Pakdee, M. D.,
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
Tmt Cektaur, Compant, 77 MunaAV Street, New York Citt.
Pennsylvania Knights Templar Officers
Reading, Pa., May 80. Tho Knichts
Templar of Pennsylvania yesterday nftor
noon elected tho following ofllcors: Grand
commander, Edward B. Sponcer of Phila
delphia; deputy grand connnandor.Samuol
S. Yoho of Boston; generalissimo, Henry
a. vanzanuiot iiorrlsourg; captain gen
oral, Henry Kulin of Johnstown: urolnto.
Rev. Charlos T. Morgan of Philadelphia;
suuiur wurucu, James 11. Youngson ol
lJlttsburg; junior warden, Adam H
Schmehl of Reading; troasuror, Isaao Al
berts of Philadelphia. The Knights will
moot in acranton next year.
Durant to be Tried In July.
San Francisco, May 80. Theodore Du
rant, who was arraigned in tho superior
court for tho murder of Blanche Lumont
and Minnie Williams, plcadod not guilty
In each caso. Both trials wero set for July
S3, tbo district attorney olectlng to try the
defondant first for tho murder of Blanche
Lamont. Consul for the dofendant gave
notice that thoy would probably apply for
a chango ot venue boforo tho date fixed for
tho trial,
Killed by n Falling Bowlder.
CanonsbUKQ, Pa., May 80. By the fall
of a bowlder at Bell's tunnel, near here,
two men were killed and flvo injured. All
of them bolong to negro gang that waj
brought here from Virginia. Tho dead
are Hezeklah Davis and Ed Anderson.
James Banks, John Anderson, Frank
Dent, Lem Hawkins and Alexander Jonei
were seriously injured.
A. Cheap Trip to the Rockies.
The annual meeting of the National
Educational Association, which Is to be
held in the city of Denver next July, pre
sents an excellent opportunity to visit
the scenic wonders of Colorado and Utah
nt a very small expense, and no teacher
should miss what promises to be one of
the largest meetings ever held. All the
rallroadB have made very much reduced
rates from the east and the lines beyond
Denver have made corresponding reduc
tions to all the mountain resorts: the
"Circle" trips and to Salt Lake City.
The "Burlington Route," Chicago, Bur
lington and Qulncy Railroad, which oper
ates over its own tracks from Chicago and
St. Louis direct to Denver, Is the short
line and people's favorite to the Queen
City of the Plains, and teachers and their
friends should be sure to select it for their
Pamphlets descriptive of Colorado
scenery and general information concern
ing rates, route, etc., to the Denver meet
ing can be had on application to
Harrt E. Heller, T. P. A.,
Allentown, Pa. Burlington Route.
"Grin Like a Cheshire Cat."
'Well, well 1 Didn't ever hear of a
'grin like a Cheshire cat V Why, you
see, a man down in Cheshire had a cat
which grinned and grinned until there
was nothing left of the cat but the grin,
ns some scrofulous neopie. wno uon t
:now of Dr. tierce's Uo aen Aleaical
Discovery, get a cough, and then cough
and cough until there Is nothing left of
them to erect a monument to but the
me uoiaen jueaicai uiscovery is me
most effective, antl bilious, antl-uyspeptlc,
stronir civlnn remedy extant. For weak
lungs, angering cougus, spitting oi dioou,
scrofula, sores, pimplei and ulcers, It Is a
wonderful and efficacious remedy. Send
6 cents in stamps for a book (100 pages) on
these diseases ana tueir cure. Aiiuress
World's Di.pensary Medical Asso;iation,
Buffalo, N. X.
Lager and
Pi snerBeers
Finest, Purest, Healthiest.
Laixei? Bock Bees?
On tap at all the leading saloons.
Chris. ScMidt,Agt
S07 West Coal St., Shenandoah.
An Exile for Twenty-seven Years.
CITY OK MEXtCO.May 80. Goneral Leon
ardo Marquez bus arrived in this capital
after a twenty-seven years' residence
abroad, under banishment from Mexico
for taking part in tho French interven
tion. Whon Maximilian aud General
Mlramon and Mejla woro shot at Quera
taro in 1607 General Mariiioz narrowly es
caped n liko fato, only saving himself by
bribing tho porto In charge of thu como-
torv of Los Augoles, In this city, thus Do
ing allowed to secret himself In a newly
made grave, and subsequently escaping to
Havana. Recently JL'roslitent JJlaz was
inducod to grant him amnesty.
Mr. D. P. Davis, a prominent liveryman
last, shot his wifo and her slstor, Amandu ana merchant Of Goshen, Ya has this to
WMtofnrrl mi the streets of this city. Innvnn the snblect of rheumatism : "I
, ...4.1. i ii m t.
to uvo witn mmitajse pleasure in recurauieuuiuK yuniuuyi-
Lord Itoieberry'i Wlna the Derby.
London, May 80. Lord Rosoberry's Sli
Vista won tho Derby at Epsom yesterday.
Cufzon, owned by Tom Cannon, the
father of tho celebrated jockoy, Manning-
ton Cannon, ran second, with Sir John
Blundcll Muplo's Kirkconnol, tho wiunei
of the Two Thousand Guineas stakes,
third. The distance, a mile and a half,
was covercu iny.wu-B.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation
pile.', sick headache, nnd indigestion, or
Fire Alarm Boxes.
The following list shows the location
of the alarm boxes ot the Shenandoah
Are department :
15 Coal nnd Bowers streets.
10 Bowers and Centre streets.
34 Bridge and Centre streets.
25Mnin nnd Centre s(rcet3.
32. Jardlu and Oak streets.
34 Main and Poplar streets.
85 Main and Coal streets.
42 Gilbert and Centre streets.
43 Gilbert and Cherry streets.
40. Oak and Gilbert streets.
48. West and Poplar streets.
53 Chestnut and Coal streets.
54. West and Lloyd streets.
To send an alarm open the box, pull
down the hook once and let go. When an
alarm is sent in the fire bell will sound
the number ot the box and repeat the
alarm four Utiles.
If the alarm Is sounded from box 15
the fire bell will strike one, then pause
and strike five, which will indicate that
the fire is in the vicinity of No. 15 box,
Every alarm is repeated four times.
Full line of
Base Ball Goods.
Special inducements to clubs.
Agents for DAILY PAPERS.
4 North Main. St
Are now offered by the maraets to easily mul
tiply small capital each week by speculating.
Our customers matte big money. Some tioo to
Sxa wcei-on a tlOO Investment. Can we not
do tno same for yon ? small margin required.
Our boot on successful speculation aud Dally-
Thomas & Co., Bankers aud Brokers. Klalto-
Market letter, full of monev sroduclcic nolnt
lurougn experis.
ers, sent fr.c. Speculate
j nomas si uo., uanist
building, Chicago, III.
Your Stomach : : :
Cannot stand the same washing that
, your boots do. an d the water you drink
isn't even fit tor that purpose. Use
Lorenz Schmidt's Beer and Porter.
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
Safe and Reliable Horses to Hire.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she -was a Child, she cried tor Castoria.
When sho became Jtlss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria,
His wife had refused
Shot by a Trap Gun.
Susquehanna, Pa., May 80. At Groat
Bond, Pa., William Williams, a conduc
tor on tho Delaware, Lackawanna nnd
Western railroad, was fatally shot by a
trap guu, which had been placed on A.
Itcckuow's storo door by the owner to
shoot burglars. Williams found the door
alar, und was investigating when tho gun
was uiscnargcu.
Colatnbtu Convention Oppoei Suspension.
Columbus, 0-, May ua The interstate
convention of miners, by n voto of 133 to
w, auopteu the report of the committeebn
resolutions, which declares that under ex
isting conditions in the Pittsburg field.
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers to the EVENIKO HESMAv
who are, not recelvipg their, Jaj?fir regu
larly am people who wish tffiVecelye the
fiaper ns now subscribers, htj requested io
eave their addresses at Hooks Si Brown's
stationery store, en NorUrMaln street.
How tOiTreat a Wife.
(From faclSo Health Journal) i
A- - . ...nnH hA tmtfont-
You may hove Sjreat trials and perplex!.
ties tn your nusluess, dupi ju uot, mere-
i .. ,i i. ,i.nnnht aattv urnH rn I i&m-a rum xiaiui ut iminnaiu, ( i ' - ...junth uvm. t.ipb in vin
binmT for Sin separation The defense know from personal experience that-it in Indiana, Ulinols and West Virginia, fore, cafry to ybnr home icloudy or con.
i. .S,inr.i i ' wlllcio au mar is ciairaea ior a year , "vo Qem u unwise that an interstate tracted brc
Vvus melancholia.
Fifteen Yer for Mnrder.
Buidgeton, N, J., May 80. "Sandy
Hayes," who stabbed John Booth In u
drunken brawl at Port Norris a month
ago, was conviited last night of murder in
the seoond dorco. Judge Reed sentenced
bim to fiftoeu years in state prison. Both
were of the lowest grade ot colored oystei
nan this snriucr mv brother was laid ud in
bed with inflammatory rheumatism and
suffered Intensely. The first application
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm eased the
pain aud the use of one bottle completely
cured him. For sale by Grnhler Bros.
Druggist. '
Even catarrh, that dread breeder of con
snmntlon. succumbs to the healluir in.
flueuces ot Thomas' Eclectrlo Oil.
hrnw. Ymir wife may have trials.
which, though of less magnitude, may be
hard for her to bear. A kind word, n
tender looK. will do wonders in cnasing
from her bryw all clouds of gloom. To
this we wqrjild add always keep a bottle
suspension be ordered ot this time."
' Another French rolltlciil Koandal.
PATHS, May BO. It Is stated hero' Hunt
iho examining magistrate's report In the 0t Chambejklalu'rt' Cough. Remedy In the' J .......idBmninli'
Kontncxn ruuwnYEcanuni whlirh lmg.lnnr t,nn It. lathn nest anil ih Bnrn In u
Pear Alley, Rear Coffee House.
The Dest rigs in town. Horses taken to
board. Hauling promptly attended to.
Specialist In diseases ot the
Eve, Ear, Hose and Throat.
SOT West Market 8t, PotUvllle.
Hours 8.80 a. m. to 12 m,; lto 4 p,
8 p. m. Sundays, 9 a. m. to 12 m.
, 7 to
It your clothier doesn't keep
Hammerslorjgii : Bros
. Swell, Kellablo, New York
Make him get It Their celebrated
$15.00 Melton Overcoat
Wers like steel andlt sold by every prom
,al nent clothier In the stt. None genuine wiu
Millions of Dollars
Go up in smoke every year. Takeno
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured In first-class, rella
ile companies,? represented oy
ij&vuj rAUoT, insuraiwo uom,
180 South Jardln Street.
tgltated France add which was Indirectly
sponsible lor tno re9lgcuriou of Presl-
lent CuKlmlr Pirier, will Involve several
wnators and deputies.
needed soolner or later. Yonr wife wil'
then know rmat you really care for her
and wish to (protect her health. Dor sale
by Gruhler jjvos, Druggists.
cava Ms
'ANSY 1-ll.hg