EVENING HERALD abllshed daily, except Sunday by ciBUJj.n vviiLitiuixa toniimt, Publication office and mechanical Jepartmont, North Market Stroot. Ml. T-Iaitnld Is delivered In Shenandoah and peraiu BUtrounainB t0wns for Six Cents neek.payablo to tho carriers. I)ymall,Thrco DolUra a year orTwonty-flve cents per month, Utdvance. Advertisements charged according to apace tnd position. The publishers reserve tho right la ekango the position ol advertisements when ITer the publication ot news requires tt. The Itlbt la also reserved to reject any advertise Clint, whether paid for or not, that tho pub llhtrs may deem Improper. Advertising rates side known upon application. Entered at the post ofllco at Shenandoah, Fa. ti second closs mall matter. TUB JSTElfllta HERALD, Shenandoah, Fonna. Evening Herald. MONDAY, MAY .27, 1S93. The EVENING HERALD accepts ad VEimsiXQ ON A DISTINCT GUARANTEE THAT ITS CIRCULATION IN SHENANDOAH IS LAU' GEIt THAN ALL THE DAILY NEWSPAPERS COMBINED THAT COME TO TOWN. OUR ri'.ESS ROOM AND HOOKS ARE OrEN FOR INSPECTION. WE COURT COMPARISON. WE ALSO GUARANTEE PUBLICATION IN ALL THE EDITIONS. GOOD NEWS. GOOD TIMES. The good times are coming, "Walt a little longer." Wages are going up all over tho country except among the coal miners of this region ; but their time will come soon enough. Dollar wheat is it) sight. That means high wages for the farmers. They nre the greatest number of working people In the country. When times are good for them times are good for everybody. Old factories are being reopened ; new ones are building. The steam and electrirlty of new enterprises fill the land. Don't sit down and speculate on what caused the hard times the tariff or too much silver or too little gold. Every- body had the same trouble everywhere, but they have not come through it as we have in this free country with patience. with hope, with our backs to despair and our faces to a future of prosperity. Good times here, but they are not everywhere. The Marquis of Salisbury, ex-Premier of England, speaking In the manufacturing town of Bradford the other night, said that there are iu Eng land sullen- ranks of half-starved laborers who, if the unemployed capital be in vested, would enjoy an unrestricted in dustry and a happy home, but between the overflowing coffers and the suffering laborers there flows a black, Impassable stream of distrust. There is no "black, impassable stream here. This Is Factolus of the golden Bands, or of the sliver sands, if you would rather have them of that kind. This no time for politics or prating. This the time for work The sun Is shining, Make hay. Queensbeery's ungrateful son, who tried to "do" his father in a London street, the other day, 1b now convinced that the old man is still in the ring. His memory of the little encounter will last long after his eyes gets well. California's fruit crop In ten years has increased sevenfold, and its value last year was f50,000,000, or 110,000,000 more than that of the gold mined in the state. The experience of California shows that the demand for fine fruit Is practically unlimited. Several recent legal decisions indicate that when a man is a low down, com mon thief he will get punished it he is cjaught, but if he occupies a high offi cial place he may safely count on being whitewashed. Moral : don't steal till you get Into a very high office. The new "Company Store Bill," means, If it means anything, that if you employ any help and want to pay the men in store orders, checks, "dividers," coupons or anything but actual cash you must make a report to the state and pay a tax ot 25 per cent, on the amount. Upon failure to make this report a fine can be imposed. The tarmer who pays his men in board and produce must make a report or be fined. The merchant who pays bis clerks partly In goods must pay a tax on the part he pays in goods or be liable to arrest. WniRE Is the Trilby tad going to end t It is nothing but Thrilby all the time and wherever yon go. All sorts ot things are being called Trilby. A Trilby canal boat whs launched the other day, and a Trilby summer hotel Is advertised. At the blow ing in of a new furnace in the western part of the state it was christened Trilby. There are Trilby shoes and bats and hair pins; Trilby candy and ice cream and soda water; Trilby parasols and chewing gum ; Trilby cake and pie arid Trilby pretty much everything, and we shouldn't te surprised, wnen autumn comes, to hear ot Trilby pork and sausage , and Trilby sauer kraut. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. It Wilt Now lie linpimilrie to Adjourn lie- fori) Juno 11). IIAHRIBBUHO, May 27. Tho loelslator.' will hardly get away before Juno 13. This is now conceded by thoso who havo all along contended for a short session. The tlmo of final adjournment will bo fixed at this evening's session of tho houso. Mr. Stewart, of 1'hlladelphla, has sorved no tice that ho will call up at that tlmo the souato resolution to adjourn Juno 0. Many of tho members aro anxious to got away and will voto to concur in tho senate's ac tion. Thoso who havo not yet gotten through all thoir pet schomos oro opposed to tho tlmo fixed by tho senators, and It 1: bolieved they can control enough votes ta prolung tho session until Juno 13. If tho sonato resolution prevails no bills can bo messaged to either body af tor Fri day. Chairman Marshall, of tho appro priations commlttco, whoso opinion at this time Is entitled tomoro consideration than that ot any othor member of the houso, says it is absolutely Impossible to adjourn at tho tlmo flxod by tho sonate unless tho appropriation bills aro side tracked. Tho goncrnl appropriation bill wni require threo days consideration in tno senato ana houso. It will bo reported Thursday, nnd rushed through so that it may reach tho sonato by tho following juonuay. Tho program Is to hold tho Ronor.il up propriatlon bill until all other approprlo- tlon measures aro out of the way. The committee muy bo forced to change its plans, ana bring tho bill out earlier than oxpected. There will bo u fierce fight by tho rural members of tho houso to amend tho bill so as to give the schools 811,000.- oou for tho noxt two years, instead of 610,- 000,000, as proposed by tho committee. Tho fight over this proposition will delay tno consideration of other important busl uess. Run Down by nn Eloctrlo Cor. CnioAGO, May 27. A South Chicago electric car, drawing a trailer, crashed Into a wagon containing flvo persons at acvonty-nlnth fctroet and Yates avonu last night. Tho wagon was demolished. one woman was killed, another woman probably fatally injured and a thin sugntiy injured, and two young mei. slightly hurt. Tho killed and Injured are; I' ranccsisa uuzowlckl. aged 58. widow, in stantly killed: Mariana Wlska. used 5.) widow, hurt Internally, may dies Agnn JttuzowlcKI, aged 25, bruised, not scrlou Thomas Ruzewlcki, bruised about the body. Cure for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of headache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effeots a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick head aches yield to Its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cates of habitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the ooweis, ana lew cases long resist tue use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only fifty cents at A. Wasley's drug store. A Published Iteport licnlod. Paris, May 27. Tho report that the United fctotcs Is to act as arbitrator be tween Franco and Vonezuolaln tho matte: of tho dismissal of Venezuela of the French minister is denied. The New Cap Challenger launched London, May 27. Tho yacht Valkyrl III was launched last night on tho Clyde. Thousands visited tho yacht yesterday whilo sho was on the lift preparatory to tho launeh. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Plokpoekots sent to jail in tho City of Mexico havo ono sldo of thoir heads shaved. A now building to cost $250,000 Is given to Now York university by an unknown donor. Detectives aro searching for James H. Henoy, who, as a Carson (Colo.) mint em ployo, probably got most of tho 580,000 stolen from It. By tho breaking looso of tram cars on tho Pratt mine slope, at Birmingham Ala., Williams Fields, a colored driver, was killed and Neal Brady, white, fatally hurt. Green Hubbard, Robort Purvis and Grant Wilson, all young negroes, were found guilty at Mayorsvllle, Miss., of murdering Dr. King, proprietor of a trad Ing boat, who was treacherously shot last March. Mr. D. E. Davis, a prominent liveryman and merchant of Goshen, Ya., has this to say on ine suujecc ot rneumatism: J take nl en sum In rpcommcmllnir Chamber know from personal experience that it wllt,lo all that- is claimed for it. A year ago this spring my brother was laid up In bed with luflammatorv rheumatism and suffered intensely. The first application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm eased the pain and the use of one bottle completely cured mm. tor sale oj urunier uros, Death from i:atlni l'mpure Meat. Greexsburo, Ph., May 27. An Italian miner, living at Bagdad, this county, pur chased u largo quantity of pork ut a price considerably below the market value for the fresh article. He Invited eleven of his friends to eat with him upon his return to tho Italian settlement. An hour after partaking of tho meat two of them died in great agony. The ten others aro In critical condition. Three Drowned While Fishing. Detroit, May 27. A special from Ousted, Lchawo county, says: William Ooollttlo, a married man, and Bert Sails bury and Minn, Patterson, both single while ashing on Maur's lake, fell ovor- board and wero drowned. No ono olso was present to tell how the accident occurred. The bodies were found in twonty feet of water, near where tho boat was anchored The Weather. For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jor sey, generally fair, except showers In northern portions; decidedly cooler) se vere easterly winds, becoming northwest erly. For District of Columbia, Delaware and Maryland, fair; southwesterly winds, becoming northwesterly. How to Treat a Wife. (From Paclflo Health Journal) First get a wife; second, be patient, You may have sreat trials and nemlexl. ties In your business, bnt do not, there fore, carry to your home a cloudy or con tracted brow. Your wife may haye trials, which, though of less magnitude, may be bard tor her td bear. A kind word, a tender look, will do wonders In chasing irom her brow all clouds of gloom. To this we would add always keep a bottle of Chamberlain' Cough Remedy in the house. It is the best nnd Is sure to be needed sooner or later. Your wife will niin?vJ tnBt J, really care for her , and wJsh to protect ber health. For saje j by Grubler Brei. Druggists. Spring Medici n Is a necessity becauso the tonic of winter air is gono, and milder weather, increased moisture, accumulated impurities in the blood and debilitated condition ot tho body, open the way for that tired feeling, nervous troubles, and other ills. Tho skin, mucous membrane and tho various organs strlvo In vain to relievo tho im pure current of llfo. They all welcome s Sarsa parilla to assist Naturo at this time when aim most needs help, to purify the blood, tone and strengthen the laboring organs and build up tho nerves. "I was In a run down condition. I wbb weak and nervous and could not cat anything. I began taking Hood's Sarsa parilla nnd bef oro I had finished the first bottle I could see a change for the better. I kept on taking it and I am now bo that l can eat neartiiy ana can ao my woru." Bins. John W. Peacdet, Alloway, N. J. 'I havo found Hood's Sarsanarllla a good spring medicine and it relievos that tired feeling." Burdette Youno. West Oneonta, New York. Get only HOOD'S. UT ,.,!,- Diflr. me after-dinner pill and riOOQ S FllIS family cathartic. 25c. Jiattle with Hungry Hats. WOMELSDOlfF, Pa.. May 27. A hard bnt- tin with rats was fought hero by Frank Mandcrback. Hoarlng a commotion li his cellar ho went down with a lamp t investigate. As soon as he reached tin foot of tho stairs ho was attucked bv largo number of rats. They wcro bitt hungry fellows, and thoy fought furious.y Mandcrback solzcd a cleaver and battlei with all his might, killing twenty-sere of tho rodents. Thostrugglo wis dusperat and tho rats ran all over his liody. bltln him in u number of places before ho con quered them. The Italian Elections. ROME, May 27. Tho elections thronsl" out tho country yesterday wero rogardtt witn a certain amount of apathy by thi puuiic. rrom sucn reports ns have vet como to hand, however, tho polling bus neen iairiy noavy. too government hail no difficulty in finding candidates, and hopes to socuro 350 seats out of tho 508 of which tho chamber is composed. Despite tuo papal interdict, which forbade Catholic cltizons of Italy to tako part in tho polit ical elections, many Catholics went to the polls. A roor Miner's Great Fortune. SHAmokin, Pa., Mny 27. A letter was received baturdoy by August Peters fron. Franco. Informing him that ho had follci. heir to 8100,000. Ho is a poor minor with a largo family. When he heard of the good news ho almost became crazed with lov. Tho moucy ho inherited was amassed by nis moiuer, wno operated boats across noutral island during the Franco-Russian war. Mr. Aubrey Gets ITer Divorce. CHICAGO, May 27.-Mrs. Aubrey, the eldest daughter of Chlof Justlco Fuller, of tho Unltod States suprome court, was granted a divorce from her husband, J, Matt Aubrey, by Judge. Horton on the ground of cruel treatment, duo to drink An arrangement has been made by which Mr. Aubroy will seo his two children periodically. Cnrbett and Flu to Meet. New York, May 27. A meeting has been arranged for this afternoon at the Coleman Houso between Corbett nnd Fitzslmmons, at which it Is expected battle ground for the coming fight be tween tho mon will bo decided upon. Kentucky Desperado Killed. Lexington, Ky., Muy 27. At More head, Ky., Marshal Morehcad and two deputies bad a fight While attempting to arrest William sturglll, a noted desper ado, riddled him with bullets, killing him Instantly. A Fatal Game of Hall. SHAMOKIN, Pa., May 27. During a game of ball John Kurzio, whilo running to first base, Jumped upon Michael Rozornlsklo's breast, causing injuries from which the boy Is in a dying condition. t For every quarter in a man's pocket there are a dozen uses ; and to use each one In such a way as to derive the great est benefit is a question every one must solve for himself. We believe, however, that no better use could be made ot one of these quarters than to exchange it for a bottle ot Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medicine that every family should be provided with. For sale by Gruhler Bros., Druggists. A Fortllfle lor Clmrllv. Baltimore, MnJ 27. Tho will of Miss Martha B. Gray, which has boon admitted to probate in tho orphans' court, disposes oi a inrgo portion oi ner estate to charity, The amount given is about $100,000. Miss Gray died on tho olghty-flfth anniversary of her birth, Tho value of tho ostate le nearly fSOO.OOO. A Trolley Victim in Reading;. READING, May 27. Charles Haas, a year-oia ooy, son or William liaas, was lnstuntly killed by a trolley car near Third and Penq streets at 2 o'clook In the afternoon. The little fellow was playing horse with some other boys and ran upon the track without seeing the approaching car, Fatally Shot by His Brother. Baltimore, May 27. John T. Rieman, probably fatally shot bis brother, Fred erick C. Rieman, last night. The cause ot shooting was that Frederick awaked John at what the latter regarded on entirely uncalled lor nour. The Jail Unfit for lluinitn Occupation. CHICAGO, May 97. Judge Tuley in th superior court ordered a man who was sentenced to the Chicago jail released or the ground that It was unhealthy, over crowded and generally unfit for ocuipc non. ood Pyrifies Tiie Blood M'KINLEY'S PRFSIDENTIAL BOOM it Will bo Formally Lnunoliml at the Ohio Iteiiuhllcan Convention. ZANESVILLE, O., May 27. Of the Re publican stato convention which meets hero tomorrow aud Wednesday tho candi dates and their workors are hero today. Ex-Secretary Charles Fostor Is among tho hustlers, nnd Souator Sherman will bo hero hoforo lilght. Thcro aro a dozen can didates for governor, tho favorites bolng General Asa S. Bushncll, Judge Nash and James H. Hoyt. Tho delegations from Cincinnati havo Bushncll for governor and tho ono from Cleveland favors Hoyt for governor. All oro alike in hoisting McKinley's banner for president and For aker for senator. Tho Forakor mon aro concentrating on General Bushncll, for governor, and tho McKlnley men aro on Judgo Nash's ticket. If thcro should bo any formldablo opposi tion to Indorsing McKlnley for president thcro would then also be opposition to tho Ilndorsomontof Foreaker for senator, and too Old motional reeling in tno party in this stato would break loose In all Its fury. lho leaders In both factions aro exercising til possible discipline to provent any out break, but It. Is not improbablo that the contest will get beyond their control. Murdered by Krnzlllan Freebooters. PARIS, May 27. Tho governor of Fronch Guiana cables to tho French government that as a consequonco of Brazilian free booters capturing a French settler named Trajano and robbing other Frenchmen on tho frontier territory botweon Fronch Guiana and Brazil, tho govornor sent a dispatch boat with marines to rostoro or der. M. Lunler, captain of tho marines, with only two mon, took a flog of truco to dcraander of Trojano, Cabral, tho leader of tho freebooters, treacherously flrod upon M. Lunlor. A flerco conflict ensued, tho marines coming to tho osslstanco of tho Frenchmen. In two hours' fighting Ca bral lost over sixty killed, Including him self, and tho French flvo killed, Including Lunier, and twenty wounded. It is feared that this encounter will lead to trouble with Brazil, tho scene of tho conflict be ing In debatablo territory bctwoon tho two countries. Postofllco Thief Confesses. St. Joseph. Mo.. May 27. Samuel F. Holiday, ono of tho trusted letter clerks In tho St. Joseph postofflce, was taken from his bed shortly before daylight and charged with robbing tho mails. When taken beforo Postmaster Atkinson ho con fessed. Holiday's plan was to steal prom ising looking letters from tho Grand Isl and mall, tako out a part of tho money whenever ho found any, and then romail tho letters. Ho confossed that ho had been stealing sinco January, and had taken a largo amount. Tho postofllco department has had men at work on tho caso for four months, and has spent $3,000 running Holiday down. When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorla. When sho was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she gavo them Castorla, Reinforcements for General Carapos. Havana, May 27.Two rcglmonts of Infantry were landed on Saturday near uibara to reinforce the forces of Captain Goneral do Campos. Tho business mon nnd tho farmors of Sanctl Splrltus have made a request thnt tho government allow them to form a regiment of cavalry. Four hundred persons make an offor of horses and saddlery, and they require from the government nn oquipment of arms nnd ammunition as tho condition of going into service. Marcos Garcia, .chief of tho last revolution, with others, offer their services as officors of tho regiment. Secretary Gresham Has a Had Turn. Washington, May 27. A decidedly un favorable change in Secretary Gresbam's condition occurred Saturday night, and It I ssald that for some tlmo ho was In a vory serious condition, This chango, It is stated, was tho result of a recurrence of ine stomach troubles from which ho suf. fered so acutoly early in his Illness. Al though somewhat better today he still feels tho effect of tho -attack of Saturdav night. It Is understood that his son Otto and Mr. Landls.bls private secretary, havo oeen leiegrapnea to como to Washington. Killed by Colliding with a Bicycle. Washington, Mny 27. Eddie Thomp son,- 13 years old, was struck by a blcvcle and almost Instantly killed while playing oau on tno street nere. uonn uolo. an omployo of Gullck's bakery, was riding on Washington avenue with, a little boy perched on the handle bar of his wheel when young Thompson, in pursuit of ball, ran violently against tho approach Ing blcyclo. An examination showed that his death was caused by tho bursting of a a Diooa vessel in his right lung. Ex-Secretary McCulloch's Funeral. Washington, May 27. Tho funeral of the late ox-Secretary McCulloch ,was pri vate and the servicos as simple as it was possible to mako them. There were no honorary pallbearers, and tho bodybear- ers wero tho lmmediato employes ot the dead man. Tho services were hold ot 11 o'clock this forenoon in the Rock Creek church, a small Episcopal house of worship aDoui two muos Doyond tho city and op posite the Soldiers' Home. Tho interment will be in Kock Creek cemotory. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter. Channed Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, ana positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or morney refunded. .rrice ko cents per dox. tor sale oy a Wasley. Notice to Subscribers. Subscribers to tbe Evening Herald who are not receiving their paper regu larly and people who wish to receive the paper as new subscribers, are requested to ,iBve meir aa ureases at .hooks (c arown", stationery store, en wortn Mam street. Relief In Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the "New ureas Doutn American Kidney Cure, 1 his new remedy Is a great surprise on i.wuuv m jwi cAceemng promptness in relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part ot the urlnarv Das- sages In male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold Bt iub mijr jrimriuucy, ivr B. Alain Ot. net door to the post office, Shenandoah Another Outbreak of Armenians Expeoted Noxt Month, rHE OPPRESSED PEOPLE STARVING. the Reports of the Terrible Atrocities by Turks and Kurds Further Confirmed by a British Official and nn American Mis sionary. LONDON, May 27. Thosoeclal corrnsnnn. lent of thq Associated Pross in Armtmln writes as follows from Kors, Russia, un ier dato of April 20: During tho past threo weeks I have had anusual opportunity for obtaining addi tional confirmation of tho facts contained In my announcement of tho lmpondlng uprising of tho Armenians in Turkoynoxt month. I havo travolcd many miles up hud down aud across tho bordor In search of certain facts, nnd as a result I havo bad thn satlsfactiou of actually seeing and handling some of tho rifles now being imugglcd across tho Turkish frontier by tho revolutionary party. Moreovor, the plans of tho party havo been more fully Bxplalned to mo by somo of the most ac tive and Intelligent of tho leaders of tho eastern wing of tho movement, and I am now entirely satisfied that unless unfore seen and uncontrollablo circumstances arise, tho uprising will take place. Tho exact dato for tho uprising has not yet beon fixed, for tho most part to the fact that tho oxtromo castorn section of tho revolutionary party is not ready for actlvo operations. Whether or not tho central section will wolt for tho costern wing longer than tho month of May I do not know, nor has tho matter actually been decided. I am led to bellovo that the eastern wing cannot bo ready for hostilities In May, and possibly not before July 1. Tho oastcrn wing has been nnd is having a hard tlmo of it, owing to two circum stances over which tho leaders havo no control. Tho mountain passes leading to Van havo boon blocked with snow for months, bo that it was impossible to forward guns and ammunition from Russia and Persia. Bcsidos, tho Armonlnnsln tho eastern end of Turkey aro In a condition bordering on starvation. It is obvious that peoplo in thU condition cannot fight. On this point, a leading executive officer of the revolu tionary party said to me three days ago: "If men have nothing in thoir stomachs what can thoy dof Wd mUst first feed them beforo wo can expect .them to fight. When we can get food enough on hand to last them two months then We shall show tho world how Armenians can fight." It is this question of food that tho revo lutionary leaders will find most difficult of Eolutlon. It Is a fact that In tho east ern part of Armenia food is so scarco that well-to-do and rich peoplo havo no more than they actually need. As for the poor Armenians, their condition Is distressing in the oxtremo, and, added to the rob beries, outrages and massacres which Turks and Kurds havo brought upon them, thoy aro now harassed by a famine so terrlblo that many of thorn aro actually dying of starvation. Fow crops wero grown last summer, owing to tho fact that many of tho farm ers and cultivators wcro thrown into prison by tho Turks undercharges of revo lutionary conspiracy. Then the cattlo were stolen by tho Kurds, and what tho poor peoplo had left In tho way of provis ions, or property was seized by the govern ment officials for taxes. Evon tho com monest household utensils wero taken by the tax gathers, so that the people wcro loft destitute. There will bo no crops planted in eastern Armenia this spring for the country every where Is suffering from a rolgn of terror. Tho presonce of tho commission of inquiry at Moosh and the. indignation of the Christian powers of Europe have had ab solutely no effect on tho conduct of either tho Turks or tho Kurds In eastern Turkey. am just in receipt of trustworthy ad: vices from a non-Armenian source at Van to the effect that a massacro ls-looked for ot any moment. My correspondent writes that thoy are living "within an Inch ot a massacro ' all the tlmo. When the new grass of spring enables the Kurdish horsemen to movo about tbe country the work of exterminating tho Armenians, whloh was interrupted by tho fall of snow after the Sassoun and Moosh massacres last autumn, will be begun anew. With no crops and no cattle of their own,- tho Armenians will either die of starvation or flee to Persia and Russia. The famine will seriously affoct both Kurds and Turks, as thoy live mainly upon tho Industry of tho Armenians tho former by open handed robbory and the last named by extortion and outrageous taxation. It is a fact, which tbe British govern ment can verify by consulting the report of Mr. Paton, an official ot the British consulate at Tebrlz, Persia, thatin several cases tbe Turkish officials in the devas tated district ot Armenia there could hardly save the Armenians from death and tho property from destruction; but, when they protested against tho murderous raids of tbe troops, tho officers read to them tho orders ot the sultan, and so nothing could bo done. In many cases the officials of tho villages warned the Armenians a day be fore the soldiers appoaredln order that tho poor peoplo might have a chance to escape. Tho investigation of Mr. Paton along the Persian border has been confirmed, in a genoral way, the facts which I have in cidentally obtained during the past eight weeks. He has collected many heartrend ing stories of persecution, robbory, out rage and murder, with names, dates and places, and as reasonable proof that the retugoes who gavo testimony to him told tho truth it may bo said that. In a general way, tho facts obtained In different places were practically the same. The events of the massacre wore so horrible that even, tbe chronic exaggerotipu of tbe Armenian mind falls to add anything to them. Mr. Paton was accompanied on this tour of Investigation by Dr. Wrlgbt, an Amer ican missionary stationed at Salinas, These geptlemen took the testimony from several wltnossos to tho effect that when .tho Turklih.sQldlers uad.Kurds appeared at a certain vlllago thoy killed jiom'o of (he villagers who dared to protest asainst their outrages, and that od'o of tho dea'd men was cut up and boiled in a kottlellko so much beef. Tho boiled pieces wero then given to tbe villagers as food. The wretched creaturos wore compelled to eat their dead friend to tuo last mouthful In another village a party of Kurds found a child asleep In a cradle. They overturned the cradlo and smothered tbe child. Then they dissected tbe body and roosted pieces, 'of t before the Are. Asa .cjlroax t,beyfCMiip.elled tjhe members of the family, including the child's mother, to I! H ELD I MM All Hor Llfo Unppy Release nt Last or xuiss Allco Young, who Resides nt 802 Aloxandor Streot, Rocliestoiy N. Y. (.From. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.) Our representative was rrrottmri pleasantly at 803 Alexander Street, by Miss Alice Young, who told how sinco childhood sho had been held In the bond ngo of pain from her back, never re membering tho timo that sho had not suf- fcreu pain or nches in tho region of the kidneys. Many were tho moans oho used to find relief, but there seemed no remedy for her caso nnd sho still remained a cap tive; then along comes these little enemies to backache, Doan's Kidney Pills, and a half box releases tho bonds, as one by one the aches and pains disappear, sho finds herself a slavo to pain no more, by their continued use. Sho says ; " I was entirely relieved of all my suffering and now I am. perfectly strong, healthy and well." "How did you take this remedy ? ".Miss Young was asked by our representative, sho replied that sho followed directions explicitly. Miss Young then told how tho malady affected her, saying her symptoms wcro: " Stooping, bending over, walking or standing any length of timo always kuvu mu u mim m tno smau ot my back. I had a pain in tho kidneys all tho time,' and if I caught cold it would always BCttlo there; tho pain I suffered was of very exhaustlnc naturo nt nM T could only Ho flat on my back any other position causing pain and suffering; the nerves passing up my back, wcro affected nnd this brought with it severe headaches, but as I said before, Doan's Kidney Pills have removed all pain and suffering en tirely nnd I never felt better and healthier in my life." Doan's Kidney Pills are for sale by all dealers, price 50 cents, mailed by Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, N, Y,, Solo Agents iormo unitcu atatcs. For sale in Shenandoah, at Kirlin's Pharmacy. M.J. LAWLOR, . Justice of the Peace Insurance and ... . Real E&tato Agent, 123 E. Centre St., Shenandoah TWO-8TORY Frame Building, 30x15 feet, on South Chestnut street. Rents tar SIS npr month; wl I be sold cheap, FOH SALE. - Half lot and two houses, sit uate on West Centre street. Will rav 12 per cent, on Investment, and can bo bought on easy terms. EAKSI FOB SALE a. irm of 33 acres, within threo miles of good marSet. Twenty-nine acres under cultivation, and Jour acres or good timber. Frame farm house, six rooms, good barn and all In good condition; Will be sold for (1,200 cash. FOIl BALK Licensed hotel stand In Matin coy township, near tbe borough line. Frame bulldlne, nine rooms, doing good busi ness. Good reasons given for selling. Abar aln lor anybody. Apply to M.J Lawlor, ustlce of tbe Peace, i, va isast uentre street. Lagerand Finest, Purest, Healthiest. Iiaixer Bocls Been? On tap at all the leading saloons. Chris. Schmidt, Agt 207 West Coal 8t Shenandoah. HOOKS & BROWN Full llne.of Base Ball Goods. Special inducements to clubs. Agents for DAILY PAPERS. 4 North Main. St. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITIES 1 Are now nirered by the markets to' easily mul tiply tmill capital each week by speculating. Our cunomtrs make big-money. Borne tioo to tsoo a week on a IJW Investment. Can we not do the taw e lor you t Bmall margin reqnlred. pur book on successful speculation and Dally Market letter, fall of money producing point, ers, sent five. Speculate through experts. Thomas & Co., Bankers and Brokers. Klalto building, Chicago, ill, 6-21-im Your Stomach ; ? : Cannot stand the same washing that S)ur boots do. and the water yon drink , n't even fl$ior that purpose, use Lorens Schmidt's Beor and Porter. J AWg3 WIELDS, Mananer Shenandoah Branch. IANSY PILLS? Sums:' Wilms aptcine cHilWjw sner Beers tus esmm wt tuo roosveu pieces.