IPS EVENING HERALD FRIDAY, MAY J4, 1S95. THIRD EDITION Important Miat:lHintlK iglglatlon, Boston, May 21. Governor Urooiilmlg" soiit to tho sonato bis voto of tlio bill tn pay farmers tlio full value of civttlo slmigli torod by order of tho cattle commission, whether thoy have tuberculosis ornot, and to restrict the cattlo commissioner!) In the use- of tuborcullno. Tlio bill to glvo pref erence to veterans In tilling positions In tho publlo servlco was passed to bo en grossed by tho house. Tho houso rejected the bill to prohibit tho sale of lntoxlcutlnc liquors to women to bo drunk on the promises. Gratifying Statiatlcn for Italy. Rome, May 31. In tho course of a long election speech Signer Crispl suld that tho budget showed a reduction In expenditure of 80,000,ujO lire mid tin inuroaso In the rev enues of 100,000,000 llro. Tho excess of ox ports over Imports of 227,000,000 llro tn was reduced to (10.030,000 llro In IS'Jl. Tlir emigration for 18!H showed a reduction ui 23,000 persons compared with 1893. The position of tho treasury, he said, Is us ured, and its crodit restored to tho posi tion held in lSitJ. Says Ho Can Prorluco Taylor. RKPFiKU), S.D., May St. Fritz Arnold, formerly of Spink county, S. I)., has writ ten to a IleilhVl.l Uwyoi- from Dos Moines, la . to find out if the reward of 420,000 foi defaulting oc rii.vte Treasurer Taylor i. still open. He snys lie run pruduco the missing man at any time, providing lie has amuiuuucs that he would get the iv ward. rucilit Gilfi'n Iiullrtoil. Brooklyn, -U.v.v i.'l -Tho grand jur; has handed in mu Indictment In the cour. of sessions against Alftvil Grlllltli, bette. known as "Young ('.'iffo," iho pugUUt Ho is charged with a heinous crime, tin accusation being made by William (Jot! lieb, son of a Coney Island dry good UodJur. Slio Telccrvnpliptl for Help. Atlanta, Mny 21 A ncg-ro tried to en ter a railway signal tower tit West Eud nt 8 o'clock In the morning. Miss Ida Sam ple, the night operator, telegraphed to the vity for help. An engine was sont at once "to tho place, two miles from tho city, ami It arrived in Mino to frighten tho nogro wny. Failed to liflVtt a Compromise. Pocahontas-, Xa., May 21. Tho in tended conferences hero between the miners and operators fell through. The iolnity remains peaceful, and the situa tion is without change. A mass meeting at which 1,200 men were present ocourreilj hero last night. General Roberts Promoted London". May 21. General F. ScRobortfifl! G. B. C, G. C. I. K., formerly comlnandwHj til UUIUL UL UIU JL.llb.Sll 4Utl.ua 1U IJIUIt '9"Sftj been promoted to n Held marshal in. cession to tho Into &ir lJatrickGrs eruor of tbe Uliclsea hospital, who fma on March 28. Sensational itise In Wheat. New Yoisk, May St. Wheat iMtrt other sensational rise yostertlay, Witfc rfA .1 ,.1 ii' enormous uiislness, amounting to about 15,000,000 bushels wltblu tutu first hour., July opened at Hi cents, whloh was u, gain of three cents from the close of? nesday and two cents from the curb,pr It soon rose to 83li cents, which prove be tlio highest point of tho day. The satlon of tho dny, howovcr, was a drop two ana one-half cents in tbe last flfi minutes. The total transactions for'ti day were about 28,000,000 bushels. A Rellglona Freedom Case In Court. facr.ANTON, Pa.. May 24. A religious freedom case which is attracting much attention in this city and vicinity, and which seems bound to be carried to the higher courts, is being heard In this city. School Director George Stevenson, of Waverly borough, seeks to restrain the other directors, and tho principal, F. C. Hanyon, from holding religious sectarian exercises in tho school. An injunction is nsked. The attorneys engaged In tho caso are among the most talented of the Lacka wanna county bar. Alleged lgitlatlTe Corruption. JEFFEiisos City, Mo., May 24. Judge enacKletorti, ot the Colo county circuit, created a sensation in his charge to the trand jury. He instructed tho jury to in restigate the charges which have been m ado as to tho mumbcrs of the legisla ture having accepted bribes, and the al legations in the press that thoy have boon corrupt generally. The jury will investi gate the charge The Discovery Saved His Life. Mr. G. Caillouette, Dragglst, Beavers ville, 111,, says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grirme and tried all the nbv Hlcians for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and trdd I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discover? in my store I sent for a bottle and began its nse and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again, It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it. Get a free trial bottle at A. Wasley's drug store. Babies made happy with Luks' Syrup, Coming: Events. May 30. Monster picnic at Columbia park by the Gymnasium Club. Mav 80. Ice cream festival In Robblns' hall; under the auspices of the Young People's Working Society of the .United evangelical cnurcn. June 6. Lecture by Bev. T. Batemau entitled, "That's the Man," In the P."M, church. June l'J. strawberry and ice cream festival in Robblns' opera house, aus pices oi iub i.-resoyieriaa ennrcn. The ONLY baby medicine Luks' Syrup, Typewriter For Sale. A National Typewriter, almost new and in perfect condition, for sale cheap. Inquire at H skald office. E. B. FOLEY, " Fine Groceries 201 West Centra Street. Deiler In eroeeries. flour, provl'lons. teas oHe, sugar, etc. UmI quality, lowest prtcos TOPICS OF THE TINES. Pertinent Paragraphs Prom the" Reporters' Pens and Pencils. In our public schools piiplls are, or should be, taught everything that Is American, so thnt when they want thing it should be of American mauu-1 facture, bought from American citizens, etc. In this way America liud Americans will prosper. Instil In the minds of the yousg this one great principle and we need not fear a tree trade policy of any party, became the love of country and the pride of Its people will keep onr money at home to purchase home-made articles, If It does cost ft little more. This policy wonld keep our factories going to tho detriment of those In foreign countries, so far as manufacturing for America's consumption. While on the subject of public schools would refer to a useless and expensive practice that conld bo afc well abridged as not. Every yeor the graduating class Is put to an expense of $100 and over for engraved Invitations (each year a more expensive one Is selected) to their com mencement exercises, when a less expen slve and plainer Invitation would do just as well. Shenandoah used to be an enterprising town, its citizens full- of push and go head a-tiveness and the envy of all other towns in the county ; but where is that enterprise now f Gone, never to return, unless the i resent crop of "Im pediments" are rooted out, or they get a bit of enlightenment, brush the cobwebs lrom thtlr eyes and conclude to do better In the future. Of this we have little hope. New blood is wanted belore we can have Greater Shenandoah with the bright coal procpects in btore for us for the uext 30 years. Butter Is grassy. It Is full of the good ness of the neurby pastures and people as a rule libs the change. Some folks wrinkle their (f) beautiful noses at the fear of striking a strata of garlic, but it's affec tation that does that, largely so. The same people eat onions, young and old, tough and tender, and use rancid hair oil, and they live and enjoy living. Is the circus of these times as good as tb ose which "showed" when yoUiind I were boys ? They seem to be tame and acking of those foatures which stirred the' blood of those who looked and wondered at them years ago. But they are not. In truth they are very much better than they were then, but us fellows .who have pushed on Into "specs" and gray hairs have lost much of the appre ciation, love and admiration for such exhibitions, and, bieathe it softly, we hare fallen btck while the circus has t oved forward. The boys of today, owever, do not enjoy tnese areato fli plays as we did those of our youthful' days, There is too much going on to claim their attention ; to divert them and to give pleasure. They are sort of gorged, 'ilk, it were, and It requires gomathing ak-lkwav un in G to fill the full measure f H' ." - . .. . . - . , their appreciation and demands. Baylrf these days are lull of ginger ginger innns in a wav and where those of the nitl cetitury will get to puzzles a fellow is he'refltcts a bit. dies who kiss their' pet dogs are "by i.o Jess an authority than Dr. ,ol ts Paris Academy of Sciences, t tire ifatA) animals e . one of the mi MbIM&m in spreading tuMseaseSi eWMAtft Wmmp ion. Poor W&tp ! It .i .1 not ? to return their den1SnitrBi live . rxvri tf lav nn rlnlnc nrrfr the risk I 51 ailing as,,Erly grave. Bi this is ays the wm. whatever is comforts barred pi and tlRmAMe must be de pie wjp lirfe er on the alert for dangers MMke othter. If, y '"-4, v . however, the faithful cpemient doggie jumps Into your la: resscs his aft'tctlon by trying to just remember Dr. Megnin's tate- ment. It may save trouble later, Bucklen's Arnica The best salve in the wiMdiBfor Cuts. Bruises, Sore, Ulcer. 'SSgTt Ithenm, Fever Sores, Tetter, 'liinsup&l Hands, Chilblains. Corns. awl'"mi Skin Erup tions, and positively Aures I'lies, or no Bav reauired. It Is sainranteed to clve perfect satlsfaetlen orrinnrney refunded. T I .A" . , . . tJ ..U I.m A jtiil:,; mi iruia uci uujl. xvi miv ut Team Stolen. The Dally Record of Mahanoy City, of yesterday, states that "James Shields, hotelkeeper of the First ward pfGhenan doah, and John J. Houlllliari, 'mayor of Gllberton borough, droyo to town yestej day afternoon and put up at T. J. Whltrt. ker's saloon on West Centre street, having tied their horse to the post on the out side. While engaged In conversation over the Salmon and Day race with the proprietor, John Grady and Mike Holland, the tailor, untied the horse, jumped into the bnggy and started off for a drive. Inouiry was made from some small boys who were standing In tho vicinity of the hotel and the owners were correctly Informed as to the whereabouts of the team. A warrant was sworn out before 'Squire O'Brien and was promptly served by Constable Russell. When the 'squire asked them it they were guilty of the charge. John told him to ask MIokey, and Mickey told hlttv to ask John. After hearing the testimony in the case they were bound over In the sum ot 200 for their appearance at court. inteftfouoty Picnic A grand plculo villi be field at Lakeside on Thursday, May SQh Decomtlon Day). It will be an inter-county- affair and con ducted on an elaborate scale. Excellent dancing music will be furnished and games and sports of all kinds will be ar-. ranged. It will be one ot the events of the season at this famous resort. 5 30-0t J There is a bright future in store for Shenandoah. Will business men and property owners awake to the necessity of helplug to make a Greater Shenandoah f Good motberu use Luks' Syrup. IV i ,1 WmLljX horrinlHi J BAMBOOZLED BY HISS BRAY. .The Star of the Clair Patee Company Decamped From Shamokln. J As Clair Pateu aud his comedy company became well acquainted and made many any-iwarm personal acquaintances In this town during two engagements In the re. cent past, the following dipping from the .Shamokln News will be read with in- terest by many of out readers : "Certain members of the Clair Patee company will remember Miss Virginia Bray for a long time to come. It will be remembered that she rsiayed the role of persecuted wife, etc., and wore elegant dresses. Miss Bray re side) In Cleveland, O., and has an In come o: about fl'M per wees, a large portion of the amount being derived from alimony, she being a divorcee. It Is said that she had 1800 in her possession at the City Hotel during the company's en gagement In Shamokln. And she kept a twilnch rope tied to the greenbacks, while the rest of the company wondered if they could earn enough to take them back to New York. "The company was engaged by Clair Pattee, a veteran manager, at the solid tation ot Miss Bray, who is Infatuated with appearing before the public. A tour of the coal region was not produc tive of financial gain. At Shenandoah a dlsbandment was about to occur when the members agreed to play in Shamokln, the receipts to be divided. The week's earnings amounted to about $150, which was just enough to pay for tickets, board bills and incidentals, leaving the com pany without a cent of personal money. The members appealed to Miss Bray and her right hand man, William Nichols. During Saturday night all the men except Livingstone were given some money, while Misses Taylor, Hanchelt and Hcdley were al?o left out In the cold. Early in the morning Miss Bray and Nichols fled to Suubury via the Reading route to take a train for the West in order to escape the repioaches of the unfairly treated actresses, who left for New York on the 8 o'clock Lehigh train, together with Patee and the rest. During the entire tour Miss Bray was extremely jealous of Miss Eva Taylor, who Is a pretty and estimable young lady of very txcellent at illty. She outshone the supposed star during each performance and the news papers praised her bo that Miss Bray giew almcst wild from fortification Her hostility grew so that during the eloalng-of the last weeKfffiWntentionally sank hf finger- rinlleenf Into Miss Taylor's wrists dariapWtaB of the last acts. The last Tote ht, 'dfl the show the companK-Jre&aJIiss Bray and EvdrlnBlf Avas "p$parU though for an emergency, as a corned yWould have been glvtn by the rest of the troupe without the support of the first two." Cure tor Headache, Asa re mad y fmr alt forms of headache Electric BiUeM Iiaa proved to be the very best, It effeois a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick head aches yield to Its iulluen :e. We urge all who are atll cted to nr care a bottle, and g've this remedy a fair trial.. In ca'eaot, hamtual couscipatiot ciectnc Hitters oures by giving the needed tone to the bowals. aud few case' lonir resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Lo,rge bottles only uity cents at a. wasley's drug s ore. HOME INDUSTRIES. One Method by Which to Discourage uoate capital. The Hazlelou Sentinel, in an editorai, hits tbe uall on the head on the subject ot fc'tifeouraglntf.bomtf Industries : Kverv country ue'fosOADer is fond ot fWlog and reprinting long articles of yftlca to local capitalists to "invest their itySey at home," But why should they?, Wea moji of means do start out to eak to.'.n and put their money in a iworks whin the town is too poor to lOne thena set or irresponsibles bob ff'kiovfli for city water works and toilestiy-thtt value of their" Investment. IiigK'falr.J' i an electric ngnc company is Sta,rt53 In response to the "demands that loeatapltal ba interested," what then ? Evesyother man who is not In the com panWhlnk it Is trying to rob the city. les are tuxed. Taxes are piled on thing that can be taxed and It I ted as an enemy of tbe community. What encouragement 1b there In that ? Whenever any concern gets big enough to be of value to the town it is a mark tor the men who pay no taxes to attack. He cause it is prosperous and growing it should be curbed by municipal rules and ordinances and the application of taxes. Tho same crowd cries out for "new In dustries" which It is abusing the old, the men who have spent their money here They want to give bonuses and sites, and exemption from taxation to outsiders who will locate here and who contribute noth ing but their experience. The country newspapers want to be above truckling to any element. When corporation U wrong attack. When the demagogue Is in evidence hit him hard It can't afford to be led Into specious schemes. If It means to stand by home interests It should be consistent. The coal outtut from the Shenandoah REGION, IT IS NOW PREDICTED, WILL ENSURE ANOTHER 30 YEARS LEASE OF LIFE FOR THE TOWN. Get a move on you, business men and property holders. Rev. Wm. Stout, Wiarton, Ont., was completely cured of scrofula after seven teen physicians had failed to give him relief. Burdock Blood Bitters did It. Return the Books. No more books will be Issued from the public library of town until the second Thursday of June, next, but the library will be open at the UBual hours on Thurs days and Saturdays to receive them, and all persons having books are requested to return mem at once By order of the Library Committee, 5-20 Ot S RANK Hanna, Librarian. ' Buy Key stone flour. Be sure that the , name Lebsio 8c Baer, Ashland, Pa., Is I printed on every sack. tt CoaA, Qmd and do it too In n way that he will like. Every man that wears collars and cuffs should know about the "Celluloid " Interlined. A liucn collar or cuff cov ered with waterproof " Celluloid." They are the only Interlined Collars and Cuffs made. They arc the top notch of comfort, neatness nnd economy. They will go through the day with you in good shape, no matter how hot or libw, busy you get. You can clean one yourself in a minute, without dependence on busy wives, unskillful hired girls or un certain nnd distant laundries. Simply wipe them off. Every piece is marked as follows: You must insist upon goods so marked and take nothing else if you expect satisfaction. If your dealer should not have them, we will sontl you a sample postpaid ou receipt of price. Collars 25c. each. Cuffs 50c. pair. Give size, nnd specify stand up or turncdrdown collar ns wanted. THE CELLULOID COMPANY, 427-29 Broadway, NEW YORK. Style! Is a different thing from fashion. Tbe two ought to go together, but some times thoy don't. There's mighti little style atnnt some fashlous. Real style improves any one's ap n?arance. but some fashions would make an angel look silly. All our f;oocls are rignt in tuts season's Btest fashions, and, bettnr still, they are In true "style." Every pattern in, our stock has been se lected for that genuine artistic quality which cause friends to ex nlMfm. "Kn hpfiomini? to von !" Mourning goods a specialty. Prices lower tuan any otner millinery in town. Alice Jennings, 214 South Main Street. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTEf. girl 'o general rouseworfc. I'allutonce at 30'i Kan Cfntre s'r'et, urtalrs. a-'n-ei I?Oft SAI E -A bed room suite ana Ingrain : carnet Must re sold at once. Applv at 3IS South Jaidln street. ftl-ilc noil SALE. Two 01 Coluab's, bicycles. P Iloth In fxcellent condition. Apply at the iiKUAi.i) omce. 11 TJOB MA K National Typewrit, almost j ppwtinain ptrreci condition, inquire ai birai,p omce 11 7OH Kb NT. A fofm suitable lor a lodge. ! newlv carneted ard painted. TJnoc upled Wertncbday ulKbt. Inaulre at Kelowich's clothing store. 5".' ir T WANT FINE SAMPLES HANDED YOUR L friends or neighbors. Send A. F, Wcod, '-erfumer. vv ood Av.. Detroit. Mich.. Klc for 5 trial bottles Satin-Scent Perfumes; receive oner to you. 5-18 Swd&w l"HY do people complain of hard times, T 1 wben any woman or man can make irom n to iua aay easily r ah navenearaoi the wonderful succpbs of the 1'llmax Dish V,'sher; yet many re apt to tblnk they eau'. make money selling It 1 but anyone can mase money, Ducaui-e evert inmiiy warns one OneaEentban made M78 36 In lbs last three montbs.afterpaylng all expenses and at- unaing u regular DQBiness oesiaes. 1 ou aoiri nave 10 canvass ; ns soon ns people Know you hav it (or sale they tend for a Dish Washer. Address the Climax Mfg. Co., 45 Starr Ave., uoiumDus, unio, lor particulars. Proposals will be received hv thn under. signed up to Mondayeveulng, Way 27th, at" o'clock, for the buildirgand ground cn North Jardin s reet occupied by tho Phoenix Ho je company, ine property will he old to the highest bidder and tbe comralttf e reserves the rignt 10 rtgect auy or an uiu'. F. J. 11RENNAN. 320 lw Chairman of Committee SPLENDID OPPORTUNITIES ! Are now rflered bv the markets to eastlv mul tlnlysmill capital ravli week by snecuiatlnc. Our customers make big mney. Soiro isoo to SHOO a wees on a iioo investment. Can we not do the same lor you ? Small margin rerpired. uur uo3t on aucciKfiui spe cuiaiion auo uauy luume letier, iuuoi money producing point, ers. bent, fr e Hperulato tlirouirii exnerls Thomas & Co., , Bankers and Urokers. Rlalto Duuaing, unicago, 111. o-'ji lm A Clean, Quick Shave Can always.be bad at Charles Derr's Barber Shop, Flrss class hair cutting and singeing. Ferguson House Building, :Ji 16 North Main Street. Repairing ot all kinds promptly attended to, We Have the Best illuminating oil made. Odor, less, colorless, brilliant, safe, per fection. If you are in the dark, drop us a postal. We'll enlighten you and lighten yon. Kclips Oil Oom Oils, Gasoline. Candles, Lamp Wicks, Burners, etc. 213 South Jardin St., SHENANDOAH, PA Mall orders promptly attended to. When it Comes to GROCERIES Our stock speaks for Itself. If you don't MUSSER & BEDDALL, 38 JE. Centre Street, Saswtnaoaa. Largest arid Susieal Instruments X3ST TEO Call and be convinced. Watches and iewelrv rennirwl Mnin springs furnished for 50 cents. All work guar anteed for one year. No. 129. South Main Street, ARE THE W ", " iiV'i''rio 1 a .1 -lcc: 1 " "r. I,.V.in,iVt'c' it on dollar 4 J I HU II 1 un. 1,. , "i...- .....11 ,.,, kuiiiuihi'III uy me 1IKI1.11UI 1111'JTlt.M O,. it minion concern, who-.e bond is at good as gold. 21 lb. SCORCHER, $85. 22 lb. LADIES', $?5. .1.8. ItornKNIOK, KxchtslVc Agent'. CHINESE :-: LAUNDRY "tTo. lO STortla. Malaa. Street, Slien.a.nia.oa.11., Ia. Clothes of all description nentlv done un In a first clnss ninniifr. 1 mn for scores of families in this city as to my care In washing and superior neatness in doing up clothing. I do my work better and quicker than other laundry in this city. Our Grand Spring Opening Of French Pattern Hats We are disnlavlnc hundreds of the French and Amerlcmi ilelgn In flowpro of rvtrv description. Cheap ribbon, all silk. No,' 5. 5 No. 7. 7c: No. 0.9c: No. 12. 12c: No. 16. 15c: No. M). "; npr nrH nil colore. Sailor hats, lnc up; ladles' hats, 25 up; infants Ionic oloitkn, cream and white for $1.00 up. infants' chri-itening outfits, tiilk velvets, to close out. down from $1 00 to 50c per yard Black satin, 24 inches wide, 1.00 yer yard, worth $1.75. Nun's veils, fi.Jo up. imams' caps, 1.1c to n.io, at Mrs. J. J. Kelly, GrO EH ! Cor. Jardin and Oak FOR YOUR WALL PAPER. , 10 earden'3 i$T WALL pApE gtoue. We have just received a flee line of the most beautiful and artistic papers in the market, which we will sell nt very reasonable prices. We have al60 in stock a great deal of last year's patterns which we are selling at a sacrifice. Come and see our line of goods. We have the most beautiful and artistic papers. Largest Paper Store tn Town. Finest Stock and Lowest Prices. House, Sign and Decorative Painting. 224 West Centre Street. All orders promptly attended to. Another. Arrival or FINE HORSES AT WM. NISWENTER'S, SHENANDOAH. To be sold at private sale. A enr load of splendid horses. Come early and get your choice. Spring : and : Summer S'u.itlngrs- ( Order spring garments now). Besides giving1 ample time for delivery it enables you to have your pick of our spring assortment. Complete line of domestic and imported novelties in trousers and suiting. PORTZ BROS. 21 North Main St., Shenandoah, Pa. Evan J. Davies, AND LIVERY, 13 North Jardin Street. iiiMnrDTAllalP UllULIliHlMIIU best stock of - V - Cr - KT. Shenandoah, Peuna. ICYCLES. HIGHEST OF All HUH HADES, niiy jucycie mult ill tho world, regardless of t0 !" J'K'ie inoiicv for 1111 inferior whcol. Iu- CHARLES LES, Manager. and Bonnets is Now on. choicest and most bpIm-i. ht71pb ivsr iWwn 26 S. Main St. TO- Painter and Paper Hanger, Sts., SEENAND0AH. Largest Assortment a nd Lowes t Price All orders promptly attended to L. REFOWICH, Leading Clothier 10 and 12 South Main St., Has been appointed the sole agent for the Slater woolen company TOO BLUE G, A, I?, SUITS All other goods offered for sale are not the genuine. It these goods should change color within five years your money will be refunded. Have a full line of spring and summer clothing. All genuine goods wbicb cannot be beat for price, ah im mense stock of men's, boys' aud children's summer clothing. Each purchaser of a suit before Decoratioh Day will be enti tled to a genuine American shamrock free. L. REFOWICH, Reliable Clothier. IMPORTJSLEIT; Why waste your time shopping around for Hats and Bonnets when you knpw that you can a)ways be suited in price and quality by going direct to Hyde's, 29 N. Main St., Shenandoah and get the latest styles in shapes snd trimming for less MONEl than any place In the town or connty. New York Cash Millinery Store, S9 North Main Street. ED. BRENELftN, Cor, Cherry and Gilbert Sts. Finest Bears, Wines and Liquors. Choice Tempertneo Drinks. Beat Brands of 5 nud 10c Cigars. A genuine welcome , Awaits you at Joe Wyatt's Saloon! HAIH AKD COAL STS. Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys, beers, porter and ale constantly on tap. Choice temperance drinVs and cigars. Weeks' Museum, jt aovrn xaxk axnem. Qraufi display of birds and animals ot all selections aaa Unest paintings In tbe county. Best Beer, Porter ana Ales. Finest Brands of Clears. Tree lunch every n ornlng snd evening. JOB Wt"3, Propr'eOr. A ggg f -y