The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 24, 1895, Image 3

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aw s,
"The art of painting," said Millais,
"coiulstS In selecting the right colors and
On Lake Erio's Shores. TIio Captain's
Wifo Tells tho Story. It Will
Interest Many Fcoplo.
(From the Buffalo Evening A'etM.)
If you were to call at 27 Front Avenue
you would And a pleasant elderly lady,
Mrs. Captain Ilcnesy by name. Her
kindly smllo and joyous manner aro to no
email extent due to tho escape she lias had.
Her own words can better describo her
rescue and one can easily understand her
present happy condition when they reallzo
what she has gono through. She says:
" About five months ago 1 had an attack
of sickness which lasted for a week and
since that time I havo been subject nt in
tervals to similar attacks, some of which
were longer in duration. It is hard for
mo to describo how I suffered. Tho pain
would commence in my head, after which
it would seem to pass down my body and
settle In my back, my sides ached, my
back ached, and I had a feeling of great
distress in tho bowels. Tho increased
pain which seemed to come from lying
down, would bo almost unbearable, my
face and stomach would bloat up and I
could hardly stand on my feet, dizziness
made it almost impossible ; this feeling was
always with me even after the violence of
tho nttack passed over. The last nttack I
had was the worst, and was so bad I would
not havo been able to tell this story but
for Doan's Kidney Pills. As soon as I
commenced their use I found immediate
relief. Tho pain in my back and sides left
mo anil tno dizziness went with it; tho
bloating in my face and body disappeared
and all distress in mv Imwnls was irnnn.
I have great faith in Doan's Kidney Pills;
in a short time thev did a orcat deal more
for mo than all tho plasters and medicines
which I had resorted to in seeking relief
anu cure, i nopo niways to uo auie topro
euro them."
For sale bv all dealers price, 50 cents.
Mailed by Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y., solo agents for tho U. S.
For sale in Shenandoah at Klrlin's
ShenandoaTTand Vicinity
Beer and Porter
A trial order solicited.
Steel Picket Fence
Is the cheapest and best fence made. Cheaper
than a wooden fence for residences, lawos.cem
etery lots or any Iclnd of-fenclng. M. II. Master
has the agency and carries it in stock at his
marble and granite works.
127 S. Jardin St.
Gilnwre's Aromatic Wine
A tonic for ladies. If you are
i suffering from weakness, and
feel exhausted and nervous ;
i are getting thin and all run
1 down, Gilmore's Aromatic
flh Wine will bring roses to your
Wf cheeks and restore you to flesh
1 and plumpness. Mothers, use
'f it for your daughters. It is
tl . the best regulator and corrector
for all ailments peculiar to wo
manhood. It promotes digesr
tion, enriches the blood and
gives lasting strength. Sold by
-A-. "W-A-SILIElrr,
106 N. Main St.,
Shenandoah, Pa
pnwsiU T THE
329 N. 15th St
continuous practice In all
sna.lal llPHkPH Of DOttl SCXCS. Dr. fjihl.
guarantees to permanently cure all cases of
eases of the UlooU, Nerves. Skin. Kidneys,
tin.i rjcprnl mid Local Debility arising: from
Imprudence, Kxcesses or Abuse and restore
HenliU atia Vluor to tho untortunate.
Thirty years' continuous practice as a spec
ialist in this diss of diseases Is kumclent evi
dence of his skill in the treatment ol his
patients. Consultation and examinations
Ireeand strlotly cnnfldentla , Office hours,
dally and unday, from 0 A M. to 3 1 M.. and
to O evenings. Call or send for free book on
JSrror of Youth and obscure diseases of both
IfUrr. and suae. eio?r ,imwoiiavs saf
IUUAHD. WHSO MffcWiriu .,,
Exciting Scones at the Settlement
of the Kiolrapoo Country.
How McLoud, O, T., Sprang Into Ilxlut-
once In a Few Minutes From Ten to n
Dozen Claimants on Encli Farm In the
New Country.
Oklahoma City, 0. T.', May 24. Sharp
at noon yesterday at least 15,000 men, with
n largo number of women, made tho grnnd
rush from all sides of tho Klckapoo rescr
vatlou for tho 450 odd claims opon to white
settlement. In less than nn hour after
ward thero woru scoros of contestants on
each of theso claims, In addition to the
"sooners " who had already takon posses
sion of tho lands long coveted by them.
lho scenes at tho opening wcro pre
cisely similar to thoso at previous opon-
lugs. There wero the mad rush, the wild
yells and tho mishaps moro or less seri
ous. So far as Is known, no lives, wero
lost In the raeo, but it Is too early yet to
hear from tho interior of tho now coun
try. bwooney's Kldge, on. tho north ford of
tho Canadian river, in township 12, was
ono of the principal points of entrance to
tho now land. Hero thero wero 300 men
gathered, and just boforo noon thero was
suppressed excitement as tho minutes
ticked nearer and nearer tho hour.
Watches wero hold in ono hand and the
lines tightly grasped In tho other. The
scone that followed the shout "go was
intensely exciting. The first man to dash
across tho brldgo was in a little buggy
drawn by a pair of bays. Tho horses
wero teuso with excitement. Tho driver
brought his whip down, shouting at thorn,
and tho horses bounded acrrns tho bridge
and oil up tho roadway wit- a good start,
running away.
Following him camo eight horsemen
Jostling ono another ou tho narrow bridge,
trying to pass each othor. They whipped
their horses and struck at them and at
each other, and at last got across and
scattered, racing liko mad,
The recklessness of tho drivers in whip
ping their horses down tho bank and
across has seldom been equaled. Horses
would fall, only to bo dragged to tholr
feet again. Men wero hntless and their
faces and foreheads wrinkled and strained.
Wagons and horsemen camo rushing pell
moll, and In five minutes tho last wagon
had passed over. Tho air was full of dust,
and tho sound of the shouting men and
rumbling wheels grow fainter and fainter
up the road.
About half a mile northeast from
.Sweepey's tho road crosses through a nar
row lano of trees. Hero an awful jam oc
curred, lasting ton minutes. Men behind
saw their chances for a claim pass away
right there, and cursed liko mad. The
jam was finally straightened out, how
ever, and they were off again.
Wednesday night it was made evident
to many of tho boomers that all could not
get claims, so it was resolved to organize
towns. About midnight a big crowd left
Sweeney's, and as tho procession went
along large additions were made to its
ranks. Two towns had already beon pro
jected Olney and Aurora. A council was
held botwoen tho projectors of both towns,
and it resulted In a consolidation of inter
ests, tho now town to be called McLoud,
in honor of tho general solicitor of tho
Choctaw road.
Tho procession, 5,000 strong, then took
, up the march to Douglas' Mills, at tho
section on which McLoud was to bo situ
ated. At tho head of tho enterprise is Dr.
J. W. Gillett, of Perry, who was chosen
mayor. Green B. Raum, Jr., of Wash
lngton, son of tho ex-commissioner of
pensions, is a leading member of the town
organization. Tho site is a bank covered
with cactus and underbrush.
A noon tho crowd passed over the ford
in a vpry quiet way and drew lots for po
sitions on tho town plat. A corps of sur
veyors was on hand, and at once laid out
tho town. Wagons with liquors, groceries
and cots came in, tents were erected, and
soon stores, restaurants and a hotel wero
opened and a new town had been born.
Tho Klckapoo opening was much In tho
naturo of a lingo farce. At 12:10 noarly all
claims had from ten to twenty claimants
on thorn, and those furthu'atom tho line
wero reached from tho border in twenty
In ono section a hundred claimants who
had run in from both border's and thoso
who wore "sooners" woro congregated.
The honest runners combined to drlvo tho
"sooners" off. Several fights occurred
and u number of shots weso fired. A col
ored man named Blackford, from Okla
homa county, lsroported badly wounded.
At Sawuoc, whon tho noon hour ap
proached tho crowd became restless. At
three minutes to 12 by some watches and
precisely noon by othors there was a break
here and thero In tho line, a wavering, and
then all broke Into a run. The race across
the lovol plateau was a very pretty sight.
Looking for Zufall's Murderer.
HAKltlSBURG, May 34. Governor Hast
ings has been notified by Governor Brown
of Maryland that measures will bo taken
to apprehend the murderer of Grant Zu
fall, whoso parents llvo at Myersdalo,
Somerset county. Zufall was murdered
last Christmas cvo In a disreputable resort
In Cumberland, Md. His body was kept
on ico in tne cellar or tho place for several
weeks, and then thrown into tho Chesa-
pcako and Ohio canal, where it was found
early In February. Governor Brown's at
tcntion was called to the mutter by Gov
ernor Hastings.
Veterans Too Old to Parade.
GHEE5J Bay, Wis., May 21. Ex-Gov
ernor W. D Hoard was yesterday elected
department commander of the Wisconsin
G. A. H. Tho parade of veterans had 2,000
In lino, It was the last parade of the Wis
cousin mombors, as tho encampment voted
to abolish tho parado thereafter, owing ti
the ago of the members of tho order.
Fifty Killed by I&rthiiuakes.
London, May 21. The Standard pub
lishes a dispatch from Athens, stating
that the recent earthquake in the dis
tricts of Margarltl and Paramytbla, in
southwest Eplrus, were most disastrous.
Sovon villages wero destroyed, and fifty
persons wero killed. Moro than 150were
The Testimonial to Dr. Smith. ,
Boston, May 21. The committee in
charge of tho rocent testimonial to Dr. S.
F. Hinith, the author of "America," has
forwarded to hint a check for tl.OOO, the
receipts of the testimonial, and received
In acknowledgement a grataful le'tter of
thanks to th public and the committee.
putting them In the right place." "The
way to win a buttle," said Napoleon, "Is
to mass your troops at the critical mo
ment against the weakest spot in the
enemy's line." "The way to euro many
ailments," said the great Dr. Abercroui
lite, "Is to purify the poisoned spring In
which they arise, generally the torpid
and Inflamed digestive system."
Thus wUdom and experience simplify
and condense. Thus the Shakers of
Mount Lebanon reasoned when they
sought, and finally found, a remedy for
indigestion and dyspepsia. Where one
person has something else, they argued, a
thousand have this. To cure this alone
will almost rid the world of sickness.
Why should we vx ourselves with con
fusing definition,. P A good digestion is
life and health; a bad one disease and
death. Hence, from the healing and
stimulating mountain herbs, they ex
tracted the principles which make the
Shaker Digestive Cordial the rarest and
most effective of mciieiaes for one dis
ease, and one only Indigestion and dys-p-t
Do you suffer from any of these miser
able feelings J depression of spirits,
heaviness and pain in the stomach after
meals, bad taste in the mouth, wind In
the bowels, irritable disposition, nervous
weakness and alarm, worry and wearl
ness, costlveness or Irregularity of the
bowels, nausea, palpitation, sick head
ache, heartburn, loss of appetite and
sleep, dry skin, etc.?
Don't Indulge In fifty foolirh fancies,
You have indigestion and dyspepsia ami
nothing else. Set the disordered stomach
right with the one medicine which will
surely do It, Shaker Digestive Cordial,
and these symptoms will vanish with
their cause. A good effect will follow
the first doses, fcveu chronic cases soon
Test the cordial, at practically no cost.
by taking a ten cent trial bottle. For
sale by nearly all druggists.
)r ThppM317Arch St.
UliIllGCI Phllade bhla. Pa.
xap uniy i-emunn pecmiiHC in Amer
ica, ftoiwiinNinnuinir wnat
Other Advertise.
Special Disease, Vnrlenae Vein and
airicinrrstna 1,1! lunar; rermanenuy
Cured In 4 to 10 Darn.
Relief at Once.
harmlessmethod. 6 years' European Hospital
and 32 practical experience, aaCertlUcates and
Diplomas prove. Rend Ave 2-cent stamps for
book "TKUTII," the only True Medical
Hook advertised. It Is a true friend to all
sufferers and to those contem plating marriage.
I The mmt stubborn and danirerniiR r-fiflpfi nnlln.
Ited. Write or call and be saved. Hours,9to3;
ev'gs, sto sror examination and trcatmentln
chronic and dangerous cases. Call daily I) to
I i.;ju wea. anaaai. iromvio 4 ; ev fis, o I
I v. flu , null,, v lu i w iiraioivnioTmilu
I ChlehMtf r' EngUtb, Diamond Ilraart.
Original and Only Genuine.
Arc. alwar rellftbl. iadik tax
Drmubt for CktcXtturt EnalWt Xtla-
mandBrmnd in lfd and Gold mcullio
Iboxcf, mini with blue ribbon. Take
no nt Wr. Bftuit danatnrut tttbttftv-
ILnaatulimitatUtu, At Drontnta. 0rend4.
la ettsipl for iirUeaUri, tttUmooUit and
"Keucr ror IMeKninlttter, toy return
Mmll. llLltAII TfHtlnitDfJl. XatM Panur.
?iiiMt(!kri9lrAlCo..MAdlann Knuiie.
Lootl pricrtt. VMlada., 1.
of MEN
Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored.
Weakness, N vouaneae,
jeoiiiir. ana an me tram
of evils from early errors or
later excesses, the results c(
overwork, slckueu, worry,
etc. Full strength, dertU
opment ana lose given ic
everv ore&n ana nortioB
of tho body. Simpld, nat
ate Improvement seen.
Failure Impossible. l00O references. Book,
explanation and proofs mailed (seaieaj ire.
North Main St.. MAHAN0Y CITY,
Largest and finest hotel In the region,
Finest accommodations. Handsome fixtures
Pool and Billiard Rooms Attached.
Shenandoah's Reliable '
Hand laauimdx?
Oor. Uoyfl and White Sts.
All work guaranteed to be first-class In evtrj
cartleular. Bilk ties and lace curtain sa ipso
laltr. Qoods called for and delivered. Atrial
' Temperance Drinks
Mineral waters. Weiss beer. Bottler of
the finest lager beers.
17 and 19 Peach Alloy, Shenandoah, fa.
Millions of Dollars
Go nn in smoke every year. Take no
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, eta, insured in nrst-ciass, relia
ble companies, as repreaenieu uy
DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agent,
ISO South Jardin Street
Also Life and Accidental Companies
Stop at
200 North Centre Street
Meals at all hours. Ladles' dining room
Attached, i'lnest wines, itanors, cigars.
Safe and Reliable Horses to Hire.
Pear Alley, Rear Coffee House.
The rjestrlgs in town. Horses taken to
board. Hauling promptly attended to.
7 fii
OcKX l
Afwrwrr. .)
to mm union.
Presbyterian Assembly Eenews the
Assault on That College,
You he Men Who Are Studying In That In
stitution U'lll N'nt Kecelre the Indorse
ment of the New York Presbytery, So
NecessHry to Ultimate Success.
Pittsiiuiio. May 21. Tho Presbyterian
General ABsombly demonstrated yester
day that Its action in continuing directors
of Union seminary as members of church
aonrils, which was taken on Tuesday and
Wednesday, would seem to have been dic
tated by fear of tho result which might
follow tho puitoyof exclusion. The policy
adopted yesterday Is the beginning of an
active warfaro nirainst tho Sewiork seni
inary. It is said that other measures even
moro drastic aro in contemplation, but as
to their exact naturo nothing could bo
The question of the relation of tho stu
dents of Union seminary to tho presbytery
of New York camo tin on an overture
from that body. A lone opinion was de
livered, and it was recommended that tho
presbytery of New York bo instructed and
enjoined not to recelvo under Its caro for
licensure students who nro pursuing or
purpose to pursue their studies In theolog
ical seminaries respecting whoso teachings
the General Assembly disavows responsi
bility. lhls motion was carried by a largo vote
and In announcing tho result Moderator
uooth and tho New iork nresbvterv prob
ably would note tho instructions given by
its superior authority and would obey its
The opposition to this action was de
cided, but it was Insufficient to affect tho
vote of the assembly.
I ho rule In the Presbyterian church is
for students of tho ministry to present
themselves to somo presbytery at the out
set for examination anil approval of their
intention to enter tho ministry, nnd to up-
pear regularly during their course or study
for further examination aud approval of
their progress. Such a student is said to
bo under care of tho presbytery. The pres
bytery is supposed to take thu place of a
father to them. As tho approval of the
local presbytery is necessary to a young
minister who seeks his first appointment,
tho adoption of this rule is a practical boy
cott of tho students of Union seminary.
Tho policy adopted yesterday is too be
ginning of an active warfaro against .tho
New York seminary, which is avowedly
Intended to bring it to Its knees or drive
it entirely out of all relations with the
church. It Is said that other pleasures
even moro drnstlb are in contemplation,
but as to their exact naturo nothing
could be learned.-
Some of tho matters passed upon wcro
of general interest to the denomination
but the bulk of the work affected the
boards of tho church and their missionary
or benevolent work. Tho evening session
was devoted to the quarter coutcnnlpl
celebration of the reunion of the old nnd
new school branches of tho church, which
occurred in the Third Pre,sby perian church
Pittsburg, in lb0.
Orglng Presbyterian Union.
PlTTSBUIto, May 24. Yesterday's after
noon session of the United Presbyterian
Assembly was taken up with the recep
tion of a committee from tho Presbyterian
General Assembly.- Central James A
Beaver made a speech .advocating th
union of the two denominations. His re
marks were greeted with great applause.
and Moderator McMichaels answered him
in the samo strain.
Another Outbreak in Ecuador.
Washington, May 24. Cablegrams re
ceived by tho state department from Ecun
dor announce that tho revolvtion has
broken out nfresh in that country. While
no particulars aro obtainable, the move
ment has been regnrded as serious enough
to warrant tho sending of a warship thero
to protect American interests. Accord
ingly tho Hanger, now at Panama, has
been ordered to proceed nt once to Guaya
quil, Ecuador.
Deceived Italians doing Hack to New Tork
Norfolk, Vo., Mny 84. Ono hundred
and seven Italians who were induced
go from New York and Philadelphia to
tho Pocahontas coal mines on n promise
of so much per diem, which was reduced
on their arrival here, left lust night via the
Old Dominion lino for New York.
Closing Quotations of the New York and
Philadelphia Kxchangres.
New Youk, May 23. An Improvement In
the tone of speculation on the Stock Exchanea
wus apparent at the opening of business this
morning, and prices advanced In the early
dealings, in the nnai dealings, however,
there was a reaction, the last being the low
est prices of the day. Closing bids:
Del. & IIudson-..131 W N. Y. Central 101
I)., L. & V IDS N. Y. & N. E 42)4
Erie 13W Pennsylvania.... 62
Lake Erie ic W... Kitf Heading 19
Lehigh Nav 47M St. Paul 6CM
Lehigh Valley.... 37 V. N. Y. & Pa 4
Mew jersey uen-iuu4 west Shore 11)0
General Markets.
PnnADEi.rniA May 23. Flour firm; win
ter siperflne, J3&8.20; do. extras. S3.20&3.45
No. 2 winter family, S3.5O3.70; Pennsylvania
roller, clear, d.75S3.3; Pennsylvania roller.
straight, J4 ffl 4.25; western winter, olear,
J3.7Sa-3.85. Wheat strong, higher, with 84c,
bid and 84Uo. asked for May. Corn hicher.dull
with 6IIHC. bid and C0c-)4. asked for May. Oats
nrra, higher, witntfiHc. hid and 860. asked for
May, May steady: good to choice timothy
813H, Beef lirm. Pork dull; new mess, 818.7J
14.50. Lard lower; western steam, 50.80. Hat
ter firm; western dalry,7ji12c. ; do.creamery,
llSltsc.; do. factory, Itiivyb; ttlglne, 18a; iml
tatlon creamery, 8H13c-: Now York dairy,
l017c; do. creamery. 18o.; Pennsylvania
ireamery prints, extra, 19c; do, choice, 18c,;
lo. fair to good, 15017c; garlicky and in
Jerlor, 10&15c.; prints Jobbing at 20823c,
Cheese Bteady; Now York large, 4i0J$o.;
smalMHaWc.; part sklmB,lUQ4c.;f nil skims.
1c. Eggs heavy; New York and Pennsylvania,
lOiOHHc; western fresh, 13HOHc: south,
ern, 1213o.
Live Stock Markets.
New Yohk, May 23. European cables quote
American steers at ll(S12c , dressed weight;
refrigerator beef, eWOlOc. Calves steady; poor
to prime veals, SII&6.25. Sheep and spring
lambs firm; yearlings higher; poor to prime
sheep, JI85; yearlings, fair to choice, 85.80
6.25; southern Iambs, poor to choice, $0.25
8. Hogs higher at 84.WH&5.20 for Inferior to
EabtLibbiity, Pa., May 33. Cattle steady
and unchanged. Hogs active and a shade
higher; Philadelphia,; mixed and
best Yorkers. SLTOftUS; common to fair
Yorkers, $4.55 a 4 05; roughs. Sliffll- Sheep
active and strong: extra, Sl.304 50; common,
f 1 504(250: best lambs, i5,15!i5.40; common to
fair do., 82.50a3.K); veal calves, J5.505.T5.
Fry Fish
and other food in Cottolcno and there wIH be
no complaint of indigestion or dyspepsia. It
is more healthful more economical, better in
flavor than any other shortening. Genuine put
up in pail with trade mark
steer's head in cotton-plant
wreath. Made only by
1B3 N. Delaware Ave., Phllada.
in irricrr may 12. ltM.
Trains leave Shenandoah as folio
ror New York via Phlladelnhla. week davs.
2 ",, 7.20, am, 12 58 2 55 ",.Vi Mmiday
zju, a. ra. -r jow vorar vu .mrucii nunK,
week davs. 5 2-i. 7 20 a m,125S 2.55 n. m
or Reauing aua Philadelphia eek days,
2.10,6.25,7.20, a. m., 12.K, K.fw. 5 55p m Sun-
jhv. Z.1U. a. in.
rir Pottaville. week davs 2 10,7 20. a. m..
l&u z.oo, o.oa p. m. "ir nay, mi iu a. m
Ujr Tamaqua and JInhnuoy city weekdays,
MO, 8.25, 7.20, a.m., 12,58 2 55, 5 5" p. m Bun
aav. x.iu. a. m.
ror vviiiiTpO',T unDury ana i.ewisourg,
wees: avs. m uJ a in i.-j -u p m
Sundav. :t 25 a. m.
For Mr "anor P1f" week davs 2.10. 3 25 5 55.
T.tO, 1130 a T 12 58, 1 51, 2.V5 5 55 7.20 .3
p.m. punaay.ziu -r a m
For Ashland and -hraokln week days 3 25.
7.HJ, 11.80 a. m , 1.50 7.20 . p. in. aunaay.
i.k a. rr.
Vnr Italtlmnre Washington ard the West via
ii & u. u tt.inrouen iraini leave ueauing
Tormlrjr 1,1'Ullft icpnia 1' suit u at;('jj
755 It 28 a.m.. 3 4(1. 7.27 n. m . Sunday 3 2fl.
7 55 1126 a m 310 7 27 p. m. Adilitloual
train frjm ZItnnnn Chestnut streets statinn
eek davs. 1 15. 5.11. 8.21 n. m. Bundavs. 1.35.
5w p.m.
Leave Ni" Yn'tr via PhliadelDnia weekdiys,
Biwa. m., iisu 4 w, 7.w p. m num. anu
aav. iiuu i.. u.
Leave New York via Mauch Chonk.wcek days,
4 30. 9.10 a m . 1 10, 1 30 p. m.
Leave rniiwieJn a, Jteaaing Terminal,
week lavs. 4 20 8 3-'). a. m.. und 4 00
flt2 -iSIn m. Huiday 11 30 - t
ea lie-id tr. week davs 1 35 7 10 10 06.11 55
a m ou i.ui p. m sunt ay ii ra
Leave PottsvlUe. weev days 2 35, 710 s m,
12 30 (1 12 o m Sunday 2 35 a m
Leave Tnmaoua week duvs 3.18 8 50.1123 a.
m i i 7,it jar.m suunay, 3 is a m
Leave ila'-auov City week days 5 45.0 21
1147 a m., 1.51, 7.39 9 54 p m Sunday, 3 45
u. m.
Leave Mahano? P are week davs 2 40. 4 00.
6.30, 9 37, II 09 a. m. 12.58, 2 00 5.20 0 20,7 53, 10 10
p. u . ounaav, z.u, i w a. m.
Leave WUHimsiort, wee days 742, 1010
a m ,;(.;, n.i;) p. m. auncay, n.itt p. m.
Leave Philadelphia. Chestnut Btroet Wharf
ana south Htreet wnan tor Atlantic wtj
Week-Days Exdi-psb. 9.00, a. tr . 2.00 (Sat-
uraaysoniy a uuj, l uu. ouu p. m. Accommoaa
Uod 8.00 a. m. 5 4on m
Monday Express. 9 00, 10.00 a. m. Accom
modatlon. 8.00 a. m. and 4.30 p. m.
Keiurning, leave Aiiaoiio iniy, aepoi, corner
Auanuc ana Araansas avenuoa.
week-Davs Exrress. 735. 9.00 a. m and
i vu at a mu p. m. Accommodation, e.m a. m.
anataz u. m.
Hundav Exrress. i 00. 5.15. 8.00 n. m. Ac-
oomrroamoB, 7.1a a. m., anu i p, m.
rarior care on an expren iraira
O G HANCOCK "en. Pass Agt.
Philadelphia, Pa.
I, A. SWEIQABP, Gen. Bant.
onuTijtrrj Division.
APRIL 21, 18S5.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the ibov
Xate lor 'WIfgan's, Gllberton, Frackvllle, Ne
jaeue, 01. ujair,.roiiavmB, xiamourg, iteaaint
Pottstown, Phccnlxvllle, Norristawn and Phil
weipnia imoaa street station) at o:u at a 1111
l. m. and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays rorPottt
nut, ana intermediate stations b:is i, m.
ror Wlrgan's, Gllberton, Prackrllle, Nl
uuue, bi. uiair, roiisvuie ai o;ub. uitia. rx
and 1:10 p.m. Tor Hamburg, Reading, Pout
own, i-Eoenixvuio, norrurawn, rauaaeipBi
t 6:00. S:40 a. zn.. 8:10 o. m.
Trains leave rrackvllle for Shenandoah
10:40 a.m. and 12:14, 6:04, 7:41 and lsi!7p.B
lundavs. 11:18 a. m. and 6:40 n. m.
Leave Pottaville for Shenandoah at llilt
il:48 a. m. ana 4nu,7:i& ana io:uu p. m.iiuEas
it 10:40 a. tn. and 6:16 p. m
Leave Phllsdelnbla (Broad street stitlccl fc
Ihenandoah at b 67 and 8 85 a m, 4 10 and T II 1
9 weex Bays, un iaunaays leave ai 0 do a m,
Lieaveuroau streeioiaiion, r-nuaaeipma,
For New York. Exnress. week-divs. 3 20.
-4 05.4 50,5 15,0 50,7 33. 8 20, 91.0, 10 30 (dining
car;, 11 w, 11 it a m, i uoon, jz? fi.ioiiiea
1 21 ano 4 22 p in Dining Cars), 140, 2 3J (Din.
ng Car) 3 20. 4 00, 5 00, 5 58 (Dining Car , 0 W,
6 50,8 12, 10 p m, 12 01 nlcbt. Sundays. 3 20.
4 05.4 59,51 812,9 51, 10 80, (dining car ,1103
am, 12 44,2S0(dlnli gcar), 400 (Limited 422),
5 20. 5 60 (dining car). OSo, 6 50,812, lo p in,
1201 night.
Kxpress for Boston, without change, Ham
wee days, and 6 50 p m dally.
For Baltimore and Washington 3 50, 720, 8 81,
9 10, 10 20, 11 18, 11 as a m, (12 86 limited uiuini
ear.) 180. 8 48, 4 41, (5 18 Congressional Lin.,
iter), dining car), 617, 6 56 (dining car), 7 40,
(dining carl p m . and 13 15 night week day.
Sundays, 8 50, 7 20, 9 10, 11 18, 11 88 a m. 4 41, 5 5t
(dining carl. 6 16 (dlnisi car), 7 40 (dining car)
p m and 12 03 night.
Leave Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia
Bxpreea, 8 60 a m, 2 10, 3 30 (Saturdays only) 4 II
and 6 00 p m we days. Sundays, Express.
8 4i and 845 am.
For Cape May, Asglesea, Wlldwood act
Solly Beach, express, 9 a. m., 4 00 p m wee)
days. Sunday, 9 00 am.
For Sea isle City, Ocean City and ATaloi
Kxpress, 9 00a m, 400 p m week days. Hue
lays, 9 00 am.
ror Bomers Point, express, 8 50, a m, 4 10 )
n week days. Sundayi, 8 45 a m.
9. M. PaavoBi, J R. TTOOD,
Oen'l Maearir Oeo'l Pasr'r' 1
nave yon Sore Throat, Pimples, Corpcr-Oolored
Bpoff, Aches, Old Bores. Ulcers In Mouth. Hair,
rallies? WrlWCoott ltrmrdy Co., H07 Mtt
onlcXcmple.Chlcoao.Iil.Jor proofs of cures.
Capital 8&00,M0,PaUcntscurodiiliieyears
ago today sound and well OO-jiniBhooUfyffe
Wholesale and Retail
22-24 South Mala St, Bhenandoah.
Agent for D. G. Yuengllng & goa's celebrated
Beer. Porter Alea etc.
1 r . 7 w Vri: r ' -U
Selua sad Utu
Sold by r r, D, KlltLItf,
Tirmirrr m
IN EFFECT MAI'.CIl 24, 1895.
Passeneer trains leavo Shenandoah forPenn
Haven Junction. Much Chunk. Lehlgbton,
Siatlngton. WMte HhII, Catasauqua, Allen
town, uethlehem, Easton and Weatherly 6.04.
88, 9.15 a. m , 12.43, .17, o.-zi p m
For New York nnd l'hllartelnhlo, 6.01,7.38,9.13
n. m 12 i 2 57 p. m. Kor ijuauaite nwitch-
back, (lerbntds nnd lludsonaale, 9.1 a. m-,
nnd 2 57 p m.
l-or wiiKtB uarre. y nue naven, i-insion,
Ifeyvllle. Towanda, Syre, Wnverly and El
mlra, 6 01, P.15 a. m.. 2.57, 5.27 p. m.
f or Kocnener. lsunnio. Niagara raus ana
tho Wet 9.15 a m .2.57, 5.27 p. m.
For liclvldere, Delawnrw water Gap and
Strnudsburg, 6.01 a. in., 5 27 p. m.
r or ijamoenvuie aua 1 reuioo, v. 10 a. m.
For Tunkhannock, 6 04, 9.15 n. m., 2.57, 5.27
p. m.
r or itaaca ana Geneva, e.m, u.ia a. m., o.n
p. m.
horAuourn a 15 a.m. ear n.m.
For JeanesvlUe. Levlston and Beaver
Meadow, 7.S8 a. m , 12.43 p. in.
For Stockton and Lumber Yard.
9.15 a. m., 12.43. 2.57, 5 27, 8.08 p. m.
r or nuver urooK juncuon, Auaenrfa ana
Hszleton. 6.04. 7.3-i. 9 15 a. m.. 12.43. 27. 5.27.
8.08 p m.
r or Hcranton 0 ei .ir a. m 2.57, 5.27 p. nr.
For Hazlebrook. Jeddo. Drifton and Free.
land, 6.04, 7.38. 9.15 a. nr., 12 43 2.57, 5.27 p. m.
For Ashland, Girardvllle and Lost Creek,
4.40, 6.15, 7 30, 9.13, 10 20 a. m., 12.85,1.40,4.111)
6 35, 8 22 p. m.
For aven Run. Centralla, Mount Carme'J
and Bhamosln, 9 13, 11 14 a. m. 1 32; 4' 20, 8 2S,
For Yate8vllle. Park Place, Mahanoy ' ltj
and Delano. 5 50. 6 04, 7 38, 9 15, 11 05-a m 12 43,,
2(7,5 27,8 08.9 25, 10 53 p.m.
j rains win lea eenamoltlnatsis, 815, IX 4S
m . 1 55. 4 80. fl 30 o. m.. and nrrlyn nt Hhias
andoahatOOl, 9 15 a m., 12 43, 2 67, 5 27,1115
p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for PottsvlUe. 601, 7 38,
9 08, 915,1105, 1130 a.m., 1241, 2 57,4 10,5 27.
8 0dp m.
Leave PottsvlUe for Rhenandoab, 600.7 4SL
9 05.1015.1140a.m.. 1232. 3 00. 4 40 sat. 71i.
765,9 40 p.m.
i.eavo onenanaoaa lor uazleton, 8 04, 7 38,
9 15 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 OS p. m.
Leave Hazleton lor Hhcnandoab, 7 35, 10 05,
11 06 a. m., 12 16, 2 58, 5 30, 7 25. 7 66 p. m.
Trains leave for Raven Tlnn. enntntli.. urt
Carmel and Shamokln, 645 a.m., 2 40 p. rd.
and arrive at Shamokln at 7 40 a. m, and 3
p. ui.
Trains leava Shamokln fnr Hhonfimlnoh it
7 55 a. m., and 4 00 p. m., and arrive at Mhenan-
uunu aioiva.iQ, ana 4 09 p. m.
Trains leave for Ash-and, OlrardvlUe ana
Lost Creek, 9 40 a. m., 12 30 p. m.
For Hazleton, Black Creek Junction, Penn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown,
Bemiehem.Easton and New York, 8 49 a. m,,
For Philadelphia, 12 30, 2 55 p. m.
Tor Yatcsville, Park Place, Mahanoy City
and Delano, 8 49, 11 35 a. m., 12 30, 2 65. 4 68, 6 01
P m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8 SO, 11 33
a. m 105,5 30p. m.
Leave Bhenandoah for PottsvlUe, 5 55, 849,
932a. m,2 40 p. m.
Leave PottsvlUe for Shenandoah, 8 30, 10 49
a. m., 1 35, 5 15 p. m.
South Bethlehem, Pa.
CHAS. S. LEE, Gen'L Pass. Agt .
A. W. NONNEMACI1EU, Asst. G. P. A.,
South Bethlehem, Pa
Office. 120 North Jardin street, Shenandoah.
Office. Egan building, corner of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
y N. STEIN, M. D "
Office Boom 2, Egan's New Bnlldlng, cor
ner Main and Centre streets. Shenandoah. Pa.
Office Hours: 8 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 3 p. m.; 7 to
p. ui. tigoi omoe--iMo. sj west uajc street.
Office. Water Company building, 26 West
Lloyd street.
Diseases of toe Heart and Lunqs a
Office and residence. No. 29 & White street.
Office hours 7 to 9 a m , 1 to Sand 7 to 9 p. m.
For Sale, Cheap !
On North White Street,
Double block of dwellings, Nos. 80 and
83Xorth White street, between Centre and
Lloyd streets.
Also, a double block of dwellings, Xoa.
110 ond 118 North White street, between
Lloyd and Coal streets.
H AFjl rc-"IliB Nfw Inrnltlbla
?, , . Turkish Capsules never Hill ty
mill, sealed, f2. with advice tCiatwillrreTeatftf.
KbbsjI turelrregularltleB. 2n.UinpforiiartlculM)
naM l'ouiuut CUeui Co, iew Kgyp iii.
" 1 you un in wow Domwim nuniq
InTOluntirT tmiinoM from any Cio IfDegUctert aacb treabUi Ui4 W
cotiiumptioD or loitu itf. pr box by mill, & bt in for W. With TtM x
UruggUt, Shenandoah, l'a.