The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 23, 1895, Image 4

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The llcor Tiit ami Company Store Bill
I'm tho llomo rinnlly.
HAlimsiiuno, May 88. Tho Cochrane
bill taxing mnlt liquors twcuty-four oeuts
b barrol of thirty-one gallons, brewed or
manufactured lu the state, passed finally
5n the Houso yosterdoy nmld much oxclto
mcnt. The vote In fnvor of tho measure
was 101, or only one more than a constitu
tional mojorlty. Tho unys were OS. Tho
opponents of the bill are confident tho
proposition will be killed in the Keiiato.
Tho Ormo company storo bill passed
finally by a vote of 193 to 12. Tho measure
lmposus a tax of 10 per cent, upou the face
value of all orders, chocks, dlvldors, pass
books or other paper representing In part
or Whole tho earnings or wages of any
employo given him in payment of labor
and not redeemed in lawful money within
thirty days by any person, firm, partner
ship, copartnership, corporation or asso
ciation engaged in any kind of manufac
turing, mining, transporting or transmit
ting business. A ponulty of 25 per cent,
is aiso imposcu upon an sucn persons or
corporations neglecting or refusing to
make return to tho auditor general of the
amount of all such orders, checks, cto., Is
sued and not rodeomod in cash lu thirty
Tho principal subject under discussion
In the senato was tho bill introduced by
Mr, Smith, of Philadelphia, to nrcvont
teachers In tho publlo schools of tho state
from wearing any dross, insignia, marks
or emblems to indlcato their connection
with any religious order, sect or denomi
nation. Tho measure passed second read-
Among the bills passed finally by tho
senato woro: To assist In tho erection of a
hospital In Phoonlxvlllo borough. $30,000
to assist In tho erection and furnishing of
a hospital in Aiicntown, ?0,000j Sharon
ana toharpsvlllo hospital, 517,000; to pur-
cnase wiuiam 1'unn'd charter of liberties.
Jlu.OOOj to glvo each of tho sis wards In
iaroonuaie representation in tho poor
Tho senate confirmed tho nomination of
Isaac S. Wlstar as a manager of tho East
ern penitentiary, in placo of Richard Vaiix,
National Lookup.
At Chicago Chicago, 15; Philadelphia,
7. At St. Louis Now York, 4; St. Louis,
S. At Cincinnati-Cincinnati, 21; Bos
ton, 8. At Cleveland First gamo: Cluvo-
lauu, o; urooKiyn, u. second game:
tuovclaml, lu; Brooklyn, 0. At Louis
villeBaltimore, 11; Louisvlllo, 4. A
Pittsburg Washington, 14; Pittsburg,
XSastern League.
At Syracuse Syracuse, 8; Wllkcsbarro,
3. At Rochester Rochester, 9; Seranton,
C. At Toronto Toronto, 15; Springfield,;).
At ilullalo Buffalo, 10; Providence, 3.
roimsylvnula State League.
At Carbondalc Carbondale, 8; Lancas
ter, ,. At llazloton Hnzloton, 2.i; Har
rlsburg, 10. At Pottsvillo Pottsvillo, 10;
lleaillng, 0.
The Discovery Saved His Life.
Mr. G. Caillouette. DruccrUt. Beavers'
vllle. 111., says: "To Dr. King's New
DUcoverv I owe mv life. Was taken
with La Grippe and tried all the phy
sicians for miles about, but of no avail
and was given up and told I couldnot
live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery
In mv store I sent for a bottle and began
its use and from the first dose began to
tret better, and after using three bottles
was up and about again. It Is worth its
weight in gold. We won't keep store or
house without it. Get a free trial bottle
At A. Wasley's drug store.
Coming: Events.
May 30. Monster picnic at Columbia
park by the Gymnasium Club.
May 30. Ice cream festival In Robblns
hall, under the auspices of the Young
People's Working Society of the United
Evangelical church.
June 0. Lecture by Rev. T. Bateman,
entitled, "That's the Man," in the l'. M.
June 19. Strawberry aud Ice cream
festival in Robblns' opera house, aus
pices of the Presbyterian church.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for Cuts.
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
lever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, L'orns, and all bkln Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
nerfect satisfaction or mornov refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For Bale by A.
Reduced Rates
To Gettysburg, Pa., vU Pennsylvania
Railroad. For the accommodation of
those who desire to witness the Decora
tlon Day exercises at Gettysburg, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell on May 29 and 30 excursion tickets
Ircm New York city and all stations In
Pennsylvania and New Jersey to Gettys
burg and return at one and one-third
fares for the round trip, good for return
passage until May 31, inclusive. This
will make the round trip rates as follows:
New York, 8.73; Trenton $0.47! Phila
delphia, $6.40 : Pittsburg, $10.03 ; Williams'
port, $5.53 ; proportionate rates from other
The only baby medicine Luks' Syrup.
Return tbe Books.
No more books will be Issued from the
public library of town until the second
Thursday of June, next, but the library
will be open at the usual hours on xnurs-
days and Saturdays to receive them, and
all persons having books are requested to
return them at once.
By order of the Library Committee,
5 30-Ot ifltANK hanna, Librarian.
Typewriter For sale.
A national Typewriter, aimosi new
and In perfect condition, for sale cheap.
Inquire at HERALD office.
" " Fine Groceries,
2C1 West Centre Street.
Dealer in groceries, flour, provisions, tea
o dees, sugar, etc. lies t quality, loweat prices.
Pertinent Paragraphs Prom the Reporters'
Pens and Pencils.
People love to talk About the weather.
They like It almost an well as to gossip
about their neighbors. Well, lot' em.
A gentleman of Massachusetts has
written to a number of towns stating that j
his company was anxious for n new loca
tion lor their machine tool works and
closes his letter with "Is there any chance
for local machine work in your locality V
He failed to write to Shenandoah for in
formation, evidently having heard of our
Council "going back" on their promises.
The school year has closed already in
some places and will soon close in others.
Then tho youngsters will be free to get
outdoors and in work aud occupation
learn the object lessons which constitute
much of the best of their education. Bat
it is wearisome to think of tho re-examin-
ntlons, in some places, for certificates
thai so many of tho poor teachers will
have to undergo in order to get schools
again. It will take away the pleasure of
vacation, There Is no sense in these re
peated reexaminations that school
teachers in constant practice must un
dergo. AVhy does not the law require
doctors, lawyers and preachers to be re
examined and get new diplomas every
year or two f
The sailor hat seems to be the choice of
the girls this season. It is natty and nl
ways becoming. In straw hats as in mat
ting there have been mighty strides made
of late, and no fellow can correctly guess
where this branch of evolution will stop.
The deal In mattings this year has been
bigger than ever before, because of more
and better goods for fewer dollars. But
it was of tho sailor hat we started out to
speak. It is a graceful topping out of the i
female form unless the wearer has a
badly turned up nose. Then it (the hat)
is ont ot its class. Thanks to kind nature
Shenandoah has no girls with noses point
ing sky ward and so it goes that the sailor
hat has a big field for Itself right here.
Pretty flowers aro blooming and they'll
be wanted for Memorial Day purpose.
Loving hands arc leading them up to that
point when with sad hearts nnd tearful
eyes friends will place them upon soli
made hallowed by the inanlmtfte forms
of those who have gone before over the
dark river to the great beyond. Flowers,
tears, heartaches and hopes, all blended
into one. What n bouquet and what a
story it tells 1
The coALOtrrruT from the Shenandoah
town. Get a move on you, business men
and property holders.
Superintendent Schaeffer has appointed
a woman as superintendent of the public
schools of Forest county.
Miss Hendrick, a school teacher in
Bethlehem, aged 20 years, is likely to die
from the effects of blood poisoning caused
by the picking of a pimple on her lip.
Miss Hendrick's finger-nails probably
deposited the deadly poluon in her blood.
Au ex-clergyman was discovered Tues
day night In the House distributing
pamphlets reflecting upon the Roman
Catholic church, entitled "Open the
Convents." Representative Fow arose to
a question of privilege and, pointing to
the ex-clerlc, said that he was distribut
ing scurrilous circulars, and asked that
the Sergeant-at-Arms be directed to
remove him. Representative McClaln, of
Lancaster, said he had read one of the
circulars, and anyone who would give
publicity to the lies contained in it was a
coward and a cur. While these denuncia
tions were taking place the object of
them walked toward the door and dis
appeared into the rotunda.
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the
nameLESsia & Baer. Ashland. Pa.. Is
printed on every sack. tf
Inter-County picnic.
A grand picnic will be held at Lakeside
on Thursday, May 30th (Decoration Bay),
It will be an inter-county affair and con
ducted on an elaborate scale. Excellent
dancing music will be furnished and
games and sports of all kinds will be ar
ranged. It will be one of tho events ot
the soason ut this famous resort. 5 20-9t
Musical College.
Summer term opens July 22. Theob
ject of this school is to furnish Instnic
tlon to all who take advantage for tho
least expenditure of money, aud will be
found equally advantageous to students
in every stage of proficiency. Forcata
logue, address, Henry B. Mover,
i'reeburg, "a. .Director.
5 20 4t
Bogus Wild West Shows,
There are a number of misscalled
"Wild West" Bhows traveling through
the country and one of them showed in
Mauch Chunk several days last week
The Mauch Chunk Times speaks as fol
lows of it : This aggregation pulled up
stakes and left at midnight, much to tbe
joy of the greater number of our citizens
Several, however, were sorry to see them
I ieavei for they took with them many hard
earned dollars which the victims hoped
to regain possession of by Invoking the
I strong arm of the law. Sums ranging all
I the wav from $5 to $55 were taken from
Individuals who foolishly essayed to beat
1 the irambllng fakirs at their own game,
I An nttnmnt was made to train entrance
t0 ona or tw0 East Mauch Chunk rest-
dencos. but the culprits were frightened
I ftWay in each instance. Policemen on
both sides of the vlver were on duty from
the time the crowd arrived till their de
parture, and this doubtless accounts for
the general quiet aud good order wnicn
prevailed during their stay. The officers.
both regular and specials, did their duty
well, and merit the thanks of the com
Babies made happy with Luks' Syrup,
IIomr arc now bud dint:.
June 8fd will be, what Is known to
Berks oounty people, ns "battalion dnr."
Every one eats aiparagus, or ought to.
It is healthy.
Trout flshini; this year has been a
failure. We seldom hear now of a good
catch or bad one, either.
We are In favor of silver have always
been that way ot thinking so our sub
scribers need not have any doubts about
us taking pay in this kind of monoy for
subscriptions, &c.
We will have hot weather enough yet,
dou't fret, to make up for lost time.
An exchange says that a man who is
religious on Sundays only, is always
honest if well watched
The paper that will soon have the
largest circulation 19 nj puper.
In Pottsvllle when the Chief Burgess
wants to enforce the ordinances Council
will not let him.
The cold weather had little or no effect
unon the political crop. Candidates for
olllco aro as plenty as ever.
Unless a circus or two comes to town
soon our juvenile population will go on a
Max Schmidt is offering extraordinary
bargains this week. Read his now ad
vertisement. Grow county (that was to bo) has
stopped growing. The frost killed it. not paying big In Pottsvillo
nor It won't If the managers depend on
Pottsvllle patronage alone.
If peonlo went as far to meet their bills
as they do to meet trouble, there would
not be so much debt lu the world.
Americans pay nearly twice as high a
rate for fire insurance as do Russians;
nearly three times as much as Is paid by
those of England ; more than six times as
much as Germans pay, and more than
twelve times as much as is paid in
What has become of the soldiers'
monument project f
Strawberries and pineapples make the
best preserves.
A big hay crop Is now assured.
Evan J. Davles, tho North Jardln street
undertaker, has placed a handsome
undertaker's wagon upon the road.
Business men who are overworked
should not advertise If they want relief.
It cost the borough only 822.01 for the
use of Its own money for a few days. The
fun the members have had was worth a
great deal more, besides the experience
was worth something, too.
Considerable complaint 1b being made
by the citizens of that part of the town
near the Shenandoah City colliery. The
stench arising from the sewer there is
unbearable. The Board of Health shonld
take somo action in this matter and
ompel tho sewerage companies to extend
their lines beyond the borough limits or
serious sickness will occur from this
Borough Superintendent Whltaker is
busily engaged In examining the pupils
in the different schools. He will finish
his work on the 10th of June,
Frank X. Reilly, architect of Pottsvllle,
was in town yesterday with new plans for
the Phoenix hose company building on
Jardln street. The former plans present
ed-were acsepted but were subsequently
reconsidered and some changes made in
the building which necessitated new
prints being made.
The wagon of the Union Tea Company
overturned on Main street yesterday
afternoon, and but for the presence of
mind displayed by the driver, Jacob
Kester, a serious runaway might have
Forty-eight mules were received at the
Shenandoah City colliery yesterday. This
is evident that the colliery is about to
to resume operations In the near future,
and will be good news for the seven or
eight hundred men and boys who receive
. - - . . I
employment at that place.
A petition was filed on Monday asking
court to appoint a committee upon
Albert Rlddleberger, to pass upon his In
sanity to have him taken to the asylum
at Harrisburg for treatment.
Good mothers use Luks' Syrup.
EvAKS, On the 121st inst., at.Shenan
doah, Pa., Gettie, daughter of Lllzabeth
and the late John W. Evans, aged S3
years, 11 months and 10 days. Funeral
will take place on Friday, 24th Inst., at
d. m.. from the residence of Arthur
Whomsley, 419 West Cherry street. Rela
tives and friends respectfully Invited to
attend. 5 23-St
Shenandoah. Will business men ond
property owners awake to the necessity of
helping to make a Greater Shenandoah f
Getting: Suspicious.
"Dick" Morgan in Mahanoy Record.
When, oh, when is that water going to
be turned on ? Does it not look a little
suspicious to see the representatives of
the old rvater company hobnobbing al
most dally with certain water committee
men, and that they pay frequent visits to
the reservoirs of that borough I
NEURALGIA and similar Complaints,
mannftotared tinder tne stringent
kPrescrlDeuoy eminent pa;Bicuuuw
BrVnW rannlna with Trade Mrk"Anchor."
13 Branch Hcniei. Own QUiawoiks,
l lilllnn7 a. Alttiu OKI -
kgeSbuch.N.B. cor. uain a
Act almost instantly, speedily cuiinz tho
most obstinate cases. Rheumatism cured
in from 1 to 3 davs. Dvsnensia and all
stomach troubles quickly relieved. Catarrh
positively cured, ilcminciio curtu in o
minutes. Nervous diseases promptly cured.
Kidney troubles, Plies, Neuralgia, Asthma
nnd all Fcmnlo Complaints quickly cured.
Mutiyon's Vitalizer imparts new life and
vigor to weak and debilitated men. Ak
your druggist for n 25-cont vial of ono of
Munyon's Cures, and if you are not bene-
men your monoy win uo rciunueu. xnu
company puts ud
A fiUrG fOl everV QlSeaSG
Is a different thlncr from fashion. The
two ought to go togetuer, out some
times they don't, 'meres mig
ev don't. Tuere'8 mtglity
little style about some fashions.
Real style Improves any one's ap
pearance, but some fashions would
make an angel look silly. All our
goods are right in this season's
latest fashions, and, better still,
they are In true "style." Every
pattern In our Btock has been se
lected for that genuine artistic
quality which causes friends to ex
claim. "So becomlncr to vou 1'
Mourning goods a BpecTalty. Prices
lower than any other millinery in
Alice Jonnings,
214 South Main Street.
T nST.A reil leatlinr wallet contalnlne val-
Li uablo pipers nnd money, Reward will e
pild for return to Heuai.d office.
T70H SALE.-Two '01
Columbia bicycles.
Both in excellent condition. Apply at tho
UEitAi.D omco. II
TTIOK HALE. National Typewriter, almost
i' now ana in perlect conauion.
Inquire at I
nc.wlv cartieted ard Dftinted. Unoccupied
Wednesday night. iDQUlro at Refowich's
clothing Btore. 5-2-tf
JL friends or neighbors. Send A. F, Wood, I
fcrfumer, Wood Av., Detroit, Mich., 10c. for I
5 trial bottles Satin-Scent Perfumes: receive
offer to you. 018 2w-d&w
Jt? Latest Improved machinery for cleaning
mrnfl r. rpmiiRro. miutrf'RseE. uooairna? &i-
STnWr fera
can on u. r osteu, jc. uoim Bireoi, nuruau
doah. 5-21 3t
E CEASFD. Letters testamentary on tho
Rstntn nf .Tnhn P. Tfnffman. lute ot Hhoaan
doah. Schuylkill county. Pennsylvania, de
ceased, bavlng been grunted to tho undersigned I
aupersonsiuueDieaiosaiaesiiiearo requts
ed to make payment, and those having claims
tn nrPKP.nt the Slime -without delav to I
ea xo maKe paymem,UDU most, uavi
to nrescnt the same without delay to
w ilo.1 aji ujskk, .executor,
Shenandoah. Pa.
Or his Attorney, J. H. Pomeroy, Hhenandoab, I
iaa i-a-w-u w i
mrilY do neonle comnlaln of hard times.
V when any woman or man can makol
from tb to (10 a day easily? AU have heard ot I
me wonaenui success oi ine unmax jjisn
Washer ; yet many are apt to tbinfc they
can't make money selling It ; but anyone
can make money, becaueo every lamily wants
ono Ono acent has mado 8178.30 in the last I
three montbs.after paying all expenses and at-1
lending to regular Business i ou aon't
nave to canvass ; as soon as peopio know you i
hav it for sale thoy send for a Dish Washer. I
Address tbe Climax Mfg. Co., 45 Starr Ave., I
uoiumDus, uoio, tor particulars.
Pronosals will bo received by the
at 7
o'clock, for tho building and grounds on North I
Jardln street occupied by tho Phoenix Hose I
uompany. iae property win do soiq to ine i
highest bidder and the committee reserves the I
right to reject any or all bids.
5 20-lw Chairman of Committee.
Are now offered by the marfceU to easily mul-
tlnlv small canital each week by speculating.
Our customers make big money. Borne t!00 to I
Ll I
S300 a week on a tioo Investment. Can we not
qo tbe same lor you r bmnu margin required.
Our book on successful speculation and Dally
Market letter, tall ot money producing poln
cnerls. ers, sent, rrie. upccuiato tnrougu ex
Thomas & Co., Bankers and Brokers, Klalto
building, Chicago, 111. 6-21-lm
JPeeley's Cafe
36 North Main Street,
The most nonular resort In the town.
Excellent beer, porter and ale on tap. Our I
cigars are the finest.
13 North Jardin Street.
16 North Main Street.
I Repairing ot all kinds promptly attended to.
We Have the
Best illuminating oil made. Odor
less, colorless, brilliant, safe, per
fection. If you are In the dark,
drop us a postal. We'll enlighten
you and lighten you.
JBlxCAlltSe Ull UOm 37"
.. .
ui, uasoune. uanmes, mmp yicks,
213 south Jardln St., SHENANDOAH, PA.
Mall orders promptly attended to.
A Clean, Quick Shave
Can always be bad at
Charles Derrs Barber Shoo.
Fires-class hair cutting ;and singeing.
Ferguson House Building,
' 1
Evan J. Dams,
Largest aud
Call aud be convinced. Watches
springs furnished for 0 cents. All work guar
anteed for one year.
No. 129 South Main Street,
ITo. IO Tortta. afisvlaa. Street, Gla.eM.arj.aoato., Pa.
Clothes of all description neatlv done un In n first, nlnns Tiiniinpr. T run rpfpr f n
scores of families in this city as to my caro hi washing and superior neatness in
doing up clothing. I do my work better and quicker than other laundry in this city.
Our Grand Spring Opening
Of French Pattern Hats
We are displaying hundreds of the choicest nnd most select styles ever shown.
I French and American designs In flowers of overv rlenp.rlnHnn f',rihiinn nil
: silk, No. 5, Be; No. 7, 7c; No. 9, 9c; No. 13, 12c; No. 10, 15c; No. 80, 25o per yard all
colors. Sailor hats, 15c up ; ladles' hats, 2oc up ; Infants long cloaks, cream and
white for $1,00 up. Infants' christening outfits. Silk velvets, to close out. down from
$1.00 to 50o per yard. Black satin, 24 inches
veils, $1.25 up. Infants' caps, 15c to $1.75, at
s. J. J. Kelly,
Cor. Jardin and Oak
Garden's $T WALL pipER; jStore.
We have just received a fine line ot the most beautiful and artistic papers in the
market, which we will sell at very reasonable prices. We have also la stock a
great deal of laBt year's patterns which we are selling at a sacrifice. Come and
oca mif- Una rt finni! W n linva ilia mnat Tiaontlfi.l ami i 1 1 . ( o nnnn.u
Largest Paper Store m Town.
House, Shin and Decorative Painting. 224 "West Centre Street.
All orders promptly attended to.
. -i a -
1 y (f Y CkT Z rrl "XT' 5
iillVHlvA J- -VX XXV CA-L
To be sold at private sale. A car load
of BDlendid horses. Come early and get
your choice.
Spring : and : Summer
(Order spring garments now).
Besides giving ample time
for delivery it enables you to
have your pick of our spring
Complete line of domestic
and imported novelties in
trousers and suiting.
24 North Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Weeks' Museum,
Grand dlsnlay of birds and animals of all
selections ana finest paintings lu tne county.
Ueat Beer, Porter ana Ales,
Finest Brands of Cigars.
Freo lunch every morning nnd evening.
John YTkexs, Proprietor.
I m. .. "' t n 1. (i 1 a rl ! o
of Shenandoah and vicinity the most
I .... .A 11..
I attractive nssortmens oi mo
jate8t stylo
Hats and Bonnets
in this city, and at remarkably low prices,
A call respectfully solicited.
Nl, & L. STANK'S,
No, 7 South Main St,, Shenandoah.
best stock of
and iewelrv rcnaired. Main
Shenaadoah. Penna.
and Bonnets is Now on.
wide, fl.OO yer yard, worth $1.75. Nun's
26 S. Main St.
Painter and
Paper Hanger,
Largest Assortment and Lowest Price
All order? promptly ottended to
Finest Stock and Lowest Prices.
diner Clothier
10 and 12 South Main St.,
Has been appointed the sole agent for the
Slater Woolen Company
Allother goods offered for sale are not the
genuine. If these goods should change
color within five years your money will
be refunded. Have a full line of spring
and summer clothing. All genuine goods
which cannot be beat for price. Au Im
mense stock of men's, boys' and children's
summer clothing. Each purchaser of a
suit before Decoration Day will be enti
tled to a genulno American shamrock free.
L. REFOWICH, Reliable Clothier.
Why waste your time shopping around
for Hats and Bonnets when you know
that you can always be suited in price
and quality by going direct to
Hyde's, 29 N. Main St., Shenandoah
and get the latest styles in shapes and
trimming for less MONEY than anyplace
in the town or county.
New York Cash Millinery . Store,
29 North Main Street.
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sts.
Finest Beers, Wines and Liquors.
I Choice Temperance Drinks.
Best Brands of 5 and 10c Gigaro.
A genuine welcome
Awaits you m
Joe Wyatt's Saloon!
Pool room attaches. Finest whlakeya.
beers, porter ana ale constantly ou tap.
Unoice tempertuiuc uiu b ana cigars.
Fall line of
Base Ball Goods.
Special inducements to clubs.
Agents for DAILY PAPERS.
4 Worth Mam St.
Whan it Cornea to
Our stock speaks for itself. H you don't
come to town, send your order. aney
will be nicely filled.
W E. Centre Street, Shcaaadoia.