The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 18, 1895, Image 2

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rjbllahcd daily, except Sunday tfj
'abllcatlon office and mechanical department
North Mnrket Street.
i . ti.-.t j I delivered In Snen&ndOjkb and
1 He Jieiaia gutroundlng towns f or Bli Cents
week, payable to the carriers. By mall, Three
Dollars a year or Twenty-five cents per month,
ti advance. 1
jt&vertitemtmts charged according to Bpaee
Bd position. The publishers reserve the right
to ekange the position of advertisements vrtien
mrthe publication of news requires it. The
right is also reserved to reject any advertise
neat, whether pU for or cot, that the pub
libera may deem improper. Advertising rate
ttado known upon application.
Entered at the post o nice at Shenandoah, Fa
as second clots mall matter.
xnx jcrBNmo hkrald,
Shenandoah. Penna.
Evening Herald
SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1803.
Times nre bard when a politician is
obliged to work for a living.
THE Cleveland Administration already
shows a deficit ol (50,003,000 so far this
A NEW York man called a Galveston
man a liar, and the doctors say- be will be
able to ko buck home In about three
months, If he is prudent.
BlSMATtcc believes tbnt women can
have great influence in politics. There
are plenty of women who will say that
Bismarck baa a grand old head on him,
when they read this.
Catt. J."W. Morris has skirted from
San Francisco in a 45 foot boat to make a
trip around the world. This may not be
so sure as walking, but it will be pleas
anter while it lasts
A British groom out of a job ndvertl'e
in Philadelphia to teach the "true Eug
lish accent." The people are getting more
of this than they want frjm the White
House and State Department.
The fact of interest about the
income tax law Is l hit it is certain to be
repealed at the next ses'on of Congress
if the Supreme Court doesn't knock it
completely out before that time.
The sto y that Cleveland is working
for the third term may be dismissed ns a
manifest absurdity in view of the fact
that the Republicans don't want him and
the Democrats wouldn't have him.
In deciding to abolish windqw and bill
board advertising the theatrical mana
gers of New York have taken a wise step.
Newspaper advertising is the most profit
able method of attracting pujiic atten
tion. Don't lick pottage stamps, cries a Brit
ish medical authority. They pass through
many bands, from the manufacturer to
toe office bjy. They are torn olf, folded
and carried through post offices in disease
stricken localities and sometimes ctrried
in mail baga dirtier than anything. They
may glvc you diphtheria, smallpox or
scarlet fever. They have on tap any kind
of disease that you call for. Therefore,
don't lick them. Moisten them with a
Wet sponge.
A RELI3IOUS play was recently produced
in Meadville, this state. The title is
"The Blue Bonnet" and the author is
Charles Barnard of repute as the writer
of New England pieces like "The County
Fair," etc. The avowed intention wa to
test the question whether a drama of
piety would succeed with pious people.
The Salvation Army was put upon the
stage eerlonsly, and the treatment of it
was sympathetic and appreciative. The
production was n decided sjccfs, at d
there is some liklibood that "The Blue
Bonnet" mpy be put on the road next
Accop.DIKO ol'OoJ authority, the He
brew women led the way in the matter of
spring house cleaning by the freshening
tip of every article about their house to
prepare for "Passover, At any rate, in
the abieace of any record to show that
northern nations clean out theli hounds
Of all the past yearM food before the 1st
of May, when they celebrated an ancient
pagan survival in the dances around the
Maypole if even they Bwept cut all
old rushes, then, from the floors It Is
worthy of notice that the Mosaic injunc
tion about the removal of everything
. . .
that would taint the hoise hns taken
strong ro among the Gentiles of Aar
Where and When Services Will be Con
ducted 'To-morrow.
English L ither n o'uirch. Hervloes at 10 SO
a. m. nd :S0 i. m. I'rencdng by llcv, O. w.
' curl -u o inuny scnooi i i :ou p. m.
Trinity ltcformed church, Rev Robert
'IJoyle, pastor Services to morrow at 10
.. m. and :) p. rn. Sundity school nt 1:30 p. tn,
Everybody welcome.
'eiYlces will be held In BL Paul's Proles
tint htoiicutml church tomorrow at 10.30 h. tn.
nud 7 p. rn, Cy Luv Reader Uskiut.
ou iaay tcuooiHi p. ui.
ICehelo Israel Congregation, west Oak
treat. Ho v. J. Mltnlck lUbbl : services
iverv Frldav evening: Balurduy and Sunday
Utrnoon and evening.
Welsh Uamlmchuroh. Prenchlhe services!
10 a. an. abdo . m. by the pastor, Rev. 1), I.
Svans. Sunday school at S p. tn. Everybody
rAftmViPiilhnHrt'ehtlYeh tit thu Afcmilhe.lfltlnh.
ihorry street, above West street, Rev. H. F.
l'ltelllv.nastot. Masses at Biuuana iu;uua.m.
eepcrs at 3:00 p. m.
St. Ge 'ree's Lithuanian Cathollo church.
ornir Jrdln and Cherrv streets. Rev. L.
vbromalils. pastor. Mass and preaching at 10
i m. vespers at a p. m.
first Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. J. P.
Me edit h, pastor, services at 10:30 a m. and
j:su d m. nunaav scnooi at s n. m. tunwortn
League at (145 n. m. Prayer meeting at 7:80
on Tnursany evening, strangers ana otners
vre always welcome.
Presbyterian church. Rev. T. Maxwell Mor
rlson, pastor. Services nt 10:3O a m. and 0:30
p. m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Christian
anaoavor society win meoi on Tuesday even
ing X 7:30. Prayer meeting on Thursday
ivening at r.M. ah are coraiauy invitoo.
Oslvn y Dantlst church. South Jnrdln street.
services at iu au h. m. nua at o:m d. m.
(reachlUR by the pastor, llcv. W. H Urrlson.
crnlsj sorvlco at n p. m. Sunday school at i
m. Mondiiv evcnlnir nt 7:30 the Y. P. B
3. will meet. Weuneday evening general
irnyer meeting. Everybody welcome.
Primitive Methodist church, Rev. John Haiti
jastor. Services to-morrow at 10:30a. in. and 6:3
j. tn. Wfsley prayer meeting at 5:45 p. m
sabbath HCbool at t p. m. Wesley League
Monday eveulng at 7:30. Class meetings
Puenday and Wednesday ovenlngs at 7 o'clock.
Prayer meeting Thursday nt 7 p. m. All
eats free. Anyone not having a church home
Is cor Jlally Invited to come here.
Against Prejudice.
"Prejudice is a thief and robs us of
many good things " Not the least of
those of which it deprives some of us is
the aid of the most valuable medicines,
upon which we look with suspicion,
"imply becuute they are proprietary
preparations. Yet. in certain CHses, those
medicines nre the perfected results of the
higliet pcIentiQc knowledge. There is
Or David Kennedy's Favorltf Remedy,
not ud in acco-dauce with a nrescriotio.i
thNt is 'employed with unbounded sue
ces. rnerrt is actually notningsogoi
to restore the disordered organs to health
md to purify the blood. This has been
D'oved in thommds of cases. The ner
o i wht would hesitate to use Pav rltv
Rt-medy because it is proprietary medi
cine, would be (ooll-h.
Tito 'ricTiimrne lalmut Confeue.
LjOXDON, May 18. The People publish"
a Bensatlonnl statement by tlio TicuborU'
cliilmant, which is a virtual confession o!
his fraudulent attempts to obtain tin
I'tchbornu estates mid titlo. He mlinltf
that he Is Arthur Ortou, the sou uf i.
butcher of Wupplng. The statement l
accompanied by u sworn affidavit attest
ing tlio truth of his confession.
New Hrlllfdi Mltilter to Jnpivi.
London, May 18. E M. Sutow, British
nlnUter at Tungler, .Morocco, hns been
.ippoiutud British minister at ToUio, Japan.
.n succession to the Hon. P. Lol'oert
The Weather.
For eastern Pennsylvania and Now Jer
icy, showers: warmer; southerly winds.
For District of Columbia, Delaware and
Uurylnnd, ruin; warmer; southerly wlndi.
How to Treat a Wife.
(Frm Pacific Health Journal.)
First tret a wife; second, be patient.
xou may nave great trial anu perplexl
ie In your business, but do not, there
fore, cam- io your home a cloudy or ciu
iracted hrow. Your wife may have trials,
which, though of less magnitude, may be
htrd for her to bear. A kind word, a
tender look, will do wonders in chasing
from her brow ail clouds of gloom. To
this we would add always keep a bottle
of Chamberlatu'H Couh Remedy In the
house. It is the best and is sure to be
needed sooner or later. Your wife will
then kmw that ynu really care for her
and wlh to protect her health. For sale
by Gruhler Bros. Druggists.
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers to the EVENING HBRALD
vho are not receiving their oaner regu
I trly and people who wish to receive the
pper as new nubscriben, are requested to
leave their addresses at Hooks & Brown's
itatlonery store, on North Main street.
Electric bitters.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for
needed in the snrintr. when the languid
exbnuited feeling prevails, when the
liver is tornid and e lnuclsb and the need
of a tonic and alternative i felt. A
nromnt use of this medicine has often
averted long and perhaps fatal bilious
fevers. No medicine will net more surely
in counteracting and freeing the system
irom tne malarial doisou. Heauncne.
indigestion, comalnation. dizziness yield
to Klectric Bitters. Onlv fifteen cents per
oottle at A. vv asiey 'a drug store.
Coming: Events.
av 18. Annual picnic of the Ct'izens'
Onrnet Baud, of Wm. Penn, in Wm I'enn
Mny 80 Mounter picnic at Columbia
pnik by the GymuHsinm Clnb.
Mnv 30 Ice cream festival in RoMilns'
hall, under the auspices uf the Yonug
People's Working Society of the United
evangelical cuurcn.
June 6. Lecture bv Rev. T. Bateman
entitled, "That's the Man," in the P. M
Mr. D. P. Davis, i prominent liveryman
and merchant of Gosheu. Va., ha tnli to
say on the subject of rheumatism: "I
taKp nlensure In recommendtnir Chamber
lain' Pain Balm for rheumatism, a-i 1
know from personal experience that it
will do nil tuat 1 claimed for it. A year
nuo thU spring my tirotner was lata up in
bed with infl tmmato'ry rheumatism and
miff 'red intensely. The first application
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm ewed the
p tin and tbe uoe of one hoitld completely
Marvelous Results.
From a lettr written by Rev. J. Gun
dermau, of OimoudHle, Mich., we are
permi'ted to mtke thU extract : "1 have
no hesitation In recommendini: Dir. Klne'i
New Discoverv. as the results were al
most mnrveious in tne cnee ot my wue.
White 1 watt pastor of the Baptist church
at Rive Junction she was brought down
with pneumonia succeeding la grippe.
Terrible paroxysms ot coughing would
hut hours with little interrnntion and It
seemed as If she could not survive them.
I A friend recommended Dr. King's New
Dwcovcry; it whs quick in iia work and
, Regular sze 60c and II 09.
Reel Blood
la tho Foundation of
the Wonderful Cures by
That is Why Uio cures by Hood's
Sarsuparilla are CuitUS.
That is Why llooO's Sarsaparilla
cures tlio severest cases of Scrofula,
Bait lllicum and other blood diseases.
That Is Why U overcomes That
Tired' Feeling, strengthens the nerves,
gives energy In place of exhaustion.
That is Why tlio testimonials for
Hood's Sarsaparilla are solid facts,
and will stand tho closest investigation.
That is Why the sales of iiood's
Sarsaparilla have increased year after
year, whilo other preparations of less
merit havo come, hold a little tem
porary favor, and are heard of no more.
That is Why Hood's Sarsaparilla
requires the largest Laboratory in tho
world. That is Why
E-2ood's Sarsaparilla
Es the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently in tho pnblic eye today,
sure to get Hood'a and only Hood's.
Hnnrl'c Dillc the rter-1lnner rlU nd
nOOU S flllS ftmlir cathartic 23c.
TlieCoM Snup Him Rntartled Retail Trade,
tint Improvcmnnt Contlnaea.
New Yoiik, May 18 R. G. Dun & Co.'s
weekly rovlow of trado says: Thu severo
cold snap, with nxtonslve frosts and in-
some tiUitss snow, has fortunately dono
littlo dnmagn to 'tho great crops, though
much to fruit, but Tins considerably re
tarded retail trade. Tho "best news of the
week Is tho advance of lOpercunt. In wages
tiy tno u.krnugie works, followed by tin
.lonos-Iriiuzhlln establishment, and evi-
(lontly implying u ndvanco b
many othur outrun. Tlio Illinois Steu.
company is starting Its furnaces without
granting tho demands of employes.
Imo ndvanco has beoli found practlcabli
in tho woolen mills, where conditions n
to prices and foreign competition nro ver
ilUerent, and nbout 10.0JJ workors art
filll idlo nt Olnovvlllo. where tho work
Hliould consumu CJJ.OJ0 pouiuU per wuok
in other depnrtmjutsof labnr troubles nn
not sorlous, and the demand for manufuu
lured jmiducts
Failures diirlutr tho past week havobeci
:il In tho United States, nir.tinst 210 la-t
year. undSTI'i Canada, ng.iiiistSl Inst yea''
Brndstreotn' rovlow says: Goueral trad
-onditions throughout tho country col.
ilnue In tho main quite favorable. Activ
ity In speculative and inveatuumt circle
nas exceeded that lb merchandise line
mt gains mudu liithulaucrhuvuin nearly
,dl Instances been retained.
An Cccentrlo lnslirttimuu's Will.
Indianapolis, Muy 18. Tho will ol
John Horron. an eccentric Kugllshmnn
who caiuo to Indianapolis thirty years ago
from Cincinnati, was probated yesterdav
afternoon. Ho left an estate of more than
f J5J.00J, uud all of It oiccpt a fow thou
sands to remote rolntivoa goes to public
Institutions. The Indiiiunpolis Art nsso
elation is to roojlvo $ii5,O0J. Hcrron was
unknown to i slnglo member ot tho asso
ciation, and novcr visited tho art exhibits
so far as is known. A month ago ho went
to California for his health. Thero ho was
accidentally burned, nnd tho Injuries re
suited fatully. Ho was 70 years old.
A Queenly Head
can never rest on a body frail from disease
any more tntn the lnv-ly illy can grow
in tne sterile ou. wtien uousumption
fntens Its hoi I upon n victim, the whole
physical structure o irnmences its decay
At such n period, b-fore the dlsisu Is
too far advanced, Dr. Pie'Ce'a G d !en
Medic tl D scover will arrett. and cure if.
Send 6 cents in starapi fnr a Book (lfiO
nicres) on Uonm motion and its cure. Ad
dres World's Dispensary Medical Asso
elation, Buffalo, X. Y.
Once used. Dr. Pierce's I'ellets are
always In favor. Spee.flc forconstipatiou,
plies, biliousness uuu neaaacnes.
llrltunnla I)efeti Allsa.
GnAVKSKND, Eng., May 18. Tho first
important yacht race of the season was
started from bore yostonlay afternoon uu
dor tho ausplcta ot tlio Kow Tliamca
Yucht club. Tho courso was from Graves
end to and around a buoy beyond South
End and return, n distance of about fifty
miles. "la tho race for tho largo yachts
Allsa, Brltnnnla,IsoIdunnd Caress started.
Brltnnuln won iu 3h.. 47 mlu., 50 sec, with
Allsa threo minutes behind her.
Admiral JVIeade ta b Retired.
Wabiiinoton, May 18. Tho presldont
has decided to comply with Admiral
Meado's reouest to lie placed on tho retired
list, nnd that otlic-or's autivo caroer will bo
terminated on .Mondny next An order re
tiring a naval oilicer does not relievo him
of responsibility for any act while on duty
or since his dotachmunt should his su
perior ofllcers ordor an investigation into
any matters proviously arising.
No Special Privilege In Chins.
Loudon, May 18. A dispatch to Tho
Times from Tientsin says that France,
Germany und Kubsln object to any finan
cial schemo under which China t-lmll con
fer special rights on nuy nation. Thiu
frtiRtratos tho reported proposals of un
American syndicate to advance the amount
of the Indemnity demanded by Japan on
tho security of concessions ot the right to
build u railway In China.
For everv Quarter in a roan's pocket
there are n dozen uses j nnd to use each
one io such a way as to derive the great
est benefit is a question every one must
solve for himrelf. We believe, however,
that no better ue could be made of our
of thee quarters than to exchange It for
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Itemed?, a medicine thit
every famllv should be provided with.
For sale by Gruhler Bros., Druggists.
Ten o'nt brx Msetc Paste Stove Polish
ifor5cw,U. Auk. jour grocer. Pictures free.
A Notable Event in the History of
Secret Sooieties,
Description of the 'nnlldlng nnd Sketch or
It Chief Promoter Jinny Thouaahdc
Will Visit Philadelphia on Tuesday Next
to View The raeDt.
fintADtfLrttiA, May 18. Ono f the
grontOBt occasions in tho history 'f sterol
societies will bo tho Odd Fellows' Jublloe
lexfweck In this city, when the bow Odd
Fellows' 'Temple will bo dcdlcntcd. Ar
rangements have boon mado with tho var
ious railroads for ono fare for tho round
trip from nil points in tho United States,
and tho characteristic hospitality of tho
Quakor City will doubtloss bo tested to its
utmost limit.
It is estimated that ICO.OOO visitors will
bo drawn to Philadelphia to witness the
ceremonies attending tho dedication of the
now Temple, which will occur on Tues
day next. Thu annual session of tho Grand
Lodgo nnd Grand Encampment of Ponn
nylvanla, Instlng from May 20 to 87, will
bo participated In by 1.CD0 representatives
from nenrly every town and hnmlot in the
state. Besides thero will bo prosont tho
GTand Lodgo olBcers of all tho adjacent
States, who -will como on special trains ac
companied "by 4orgo delegations df Odd
Fellows. Forty thousand men, with 100
bands of music, will partlcipnto in the
great parade. In which there will bo 5,000
plumed and bolted chevaliers of tho 'Pa-,
trinrchs MiUtant, Sprlugfleld, Mnss., alone
sending 333 of tboso, und San Francisco
sending a dolcgation.
Philadelphia Is also T;ho stronghold of
tho Order of Odd Fcllows.thoro being 30,000
in tho city, 115,030 In Pennsylvania and
nenrly a million In tho country.
Tho grand encampment will meet on
Monday morning, presided over by Grand
Patriarch F. L. B. Keffer, and on Tuos-
duy the Tomplo 1 will bo dedicated, after
which the big parade under Grand Mar
shal Samuel McICcover nud Chief of Stall
Harry S. Wright, will form at 1:30 p. in.,
moving promptly at 2 n. m. Tho sessions
of tlio grand lodge will bo presided over
by Grand Muster Harry L. Neall.
Grand Maxtor Harry L. Neall was born
less than thlrty-slx years ago lu tho Quaker
City. Hu received a liberal education in
tho Philadelphia publlo schools, und
studied law under tho tutorship of tho
present secretary of internal uifolrs of this
state Geuoval Lattu. His success as a
lawyer is hut the logical result of tho char
acteristics oi tno map uuu ins unuisputcu
ability. For a number of years ho has ably
discharged the duties of secretary of tho
Philadelphia civil scrvlco board.
Ho is an active member of Robert Mor
ris Lodgo No. 20, ot Philadelphia, uud
from bis connection witli the triplo links
has taken an uctivu interest lu its works.
Tho mngnlflcout structure to bo dcdlcntcd
on Tuesday will over remain a monument
to his ludefatigablo zeal uud progressive,
rigorous, broad, liberal conceptions of
what tho ordor should accomplish, nnd its
great possibilities. Whllo othors deserve
llko credit for tho construction of this
great bulldlntr. yot Its dedication will be
tho fruition of patlont, untiring work
upon the part of Grand Master Jiarry lx
The now Odd Follows' Templo is the
greatot structure of its kind In tho coun
try, co-itinir a round million dollars.
I- onds wore IsBitod to tho extent of nearly
tCOO.UOO, which wero easily disposed of to
the lodges which will havo headquarters
in tho building. Tho work of raising the
funds was put In thu hands of tho build
Ing committee of tho Hall association and
they havo workod diligently nnd consci
entiously. This committee is composed of
Hurry L. Nonll, chairman j Henry Kengott,
secretary; Edwlu h. Rltter, M. S. Olloy,
James Illngham William McCrackon
Louis S. Amonson, John B. Reeves
Charlos H. Goldoy, Theodore E. Smith
William A. Wltherup, A. T. Zelslng,
Charles Crano, Jr., Drayton S. l.owlj.
John 11. Stuutler, Frank A. Snowdon, 1J.
O. Uoorjo. It. A. Rockhlll. . Georgo R
Brown, A. K. Keolor and E B, Kelly, who
is a practical bulldor.
On the ten UoOrs all but four will bo
uscitfur tho purposo of the order. Thorn
lire 11 (teen lodge rooms, varylug from 113
by 15 feet to -ID by 60 feet, with a colling
10H foet high. Tho docoratluns differ, no
two lodge rooms being finished ullko. As
thoro will bo six lodges meeting In each
room, nlnoty lodges every weok will be ac
commodated. Two anterooms urs attached
to each lodgo room, one of which is pro
vided with numerous wardrobes and com-
purtmcuts for, tlio storage of regulla and
paraphernalia: Each lodge room Is beau
tifully lighted by doy by numerous win-
dowfinndeof opaque glass, and ot niht.
lncuiidoscent celling lights, covered with I
large .ground glow gloUa, Illuminate the
WmSgi . ST?
t iwmwttiiiminww
Model 41 Columbia
Physicians recommend bicycling. Darno Fashion says it is "good
form." Two HCW models for wnmcn'9 sn In
Columbia Bicycles.
Model 42 Columbia has been -especially ideslgnoa
for tho many ladles who prefer to wear knicker
bockers rather than cumbersome skirts.
Ladies' wheels also In Hartford Bicycles at lower
prices $80, $60, $30.
Model 42 Columbia
gent for Colunbla and Hartlcrd Blcjdes,
Shenandoah, Pa.
At the northwest corner of tho eighth
Door Is n banquet room, 15 by 115 feot, with
a seating capacity of 000 or more. Adjacv r
to It are a serving room and dumb waiter,
which connects with tho kitchen above.
The assembly room or auditorium Is on
tho Cherry street side, at thu eastern end.
on tho first floor. It Is in this room tha
the Grand Lodgo will hold Its svsslom
but tho public will bo interested in it, n
It will be let for balls and concerts. Tin
auditorium is 70x0 J feot nnd tho ceiling I-
forty feet high. Upon tho stngo will It'
built n good plpo organ Tho seating en
paclty is -1,200. Autorooms, cloak robin
and a ticket olllco complete tho appoint '
ments. A niomorial-ln honor of Howe.
Hopkins, tho .'first 'president of Uho Ha
association, will be placed lu tho audi-'
The degreo Toom, In which tho secret
door Work 'will -Tie performed. Is -50 'bj ,
0 feet, und -largo -doublo doors opui
into tho untorodm. affording .plenty o
upaco for thu team performing tho work'
(o move in and ottt -In columns df four
Without swerving from tho proper lino 01
march. Ono Btdo'df tho dogTooTooui wilt,
tw utted With scenory which may l
shifted. An ospeclul convonlonco will bf
found in tho largo nnd numerous ante
rooms. A parlor for tho uso of ladles ha
bocu provided ou tho fourth Uuor, und In
the tenth flojr thero will bo dining rooms
and restaurants, open to tho publlo,
Tho building is iu tho Italian rcuals
(anco stylo of architecture, chasto and
piiro In doalgn, with all tha decorations
nnd furnishings lu harmony with this
period. Tho material U3od is largoly brick
and terra cotta, surmounted on a sollu
granite base, making It ono ot "tho mo3t
imposing structures In Philadelphia.
The ceremonies In connection with the
dedication of tho now Templo will be in
augurated tomorrow morning by the at-
tendanco of members of tho order lu 1'hll
adelphlu and from nearby counties at di
vine sorvlco In tho Tnbcrnaclo Barltlst
church, Eighteenth and Chestnut streets.
Grand Muster Neall has made a formal
request for this occasion and o vory lurge
gathoring will bo present. Hov. George
B. Recs, pastor of thu church, will prouch
tho sermon.
Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored.
woalmeii, N vonsnena,
ueuuity, and au tne tram
or evil irom eariy error or
later excesses, ths results f
overwork, slckneia. worry.
etc. htm etrengtn, oevi
opment and tone given U
every organ ana uortiua
nfthabodr. almclc. nat
ural method. Immedi
ate Improvement ttep.
raii,i imwaklVil ' nrm references, lioua.
explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) f ru.
Lager and
Pilsner Beers
Finest, Purest, Healthiest.
Laucr Bods Beer
On tup at all tbe leading saloons.
Chris. Schmidt, Agt
907 West Coal St., Shenandoah.
Bsfe and Reliable Horses to Hire.
Poar Alloy, Rear Coffee House.
The neat rigs In town. Horsea taken to
board, Hauling promptly attended to.
Specialist lu diseases of tbe
Eve, Ear, Kose and Throat.
07 West Market St., Potlullle,
1 , HourrSO a. l2m.i l to 4 p. m 7 to
VIGOR of mm
i n tin i i nti'i
COLUMBIAS-They almost fly.
General Office
and Factor!,,
san rnANOisco
Send br Cnfalouo. Freo at any
Columbia Agency, or by mail for two
cent stamp.
1 S'Sjandsomo Paper Dolls, show
lag ladies bicycle costumes by noted
designers, mailed for five a-cent stamps.
Justine of thfiPflanft
Insurance and ... .
Roal Estate Agont,
123 E. Centre St., Shenandoah
TWO-STORY Krame Buliaing.Mxtt tt. go
Boutn Chestnut street, ltents tor 918 per
month; wt 1 to sold cheap,
POK HALfC. Hull lut and two house", lt
untoon WoatiJeniiektreet. Will pav 12
per cent on Investment, nnd can be i ought on
easy terras.
FAHU KOK SALE- frm of Si acres,
within three miles of go d rzarfcet.
Twenty-nine acres under cultivation, ana four
acres of good timber. Frame farm bouse, six
rooms good barn anl all In good condition.
Will be sold lor tl,20ucaah.
FOK HALE. Licensed bote! ntand in Maha
noy township, near tbe oorocgh Hne.
Frame buildlnr, nine r.'oms. Colng rood lu-5-ness.
Good reason? glvrn tor selling. A bar
gain fc aiyhodv. A poly to M J Lawlor,
Justice of tte P- ace, 113 Eat Centre street
p. J. rxnousoit. uahaqer.
To Close the Season.
America'!" Greatest Comefljrrama.
lul four att play, A
Presented with tfnt re new scenery
an-i ropirtles. lpirectlou ol Henry
O. Mi er. J
ManaperFfrg-isi.ij. g'l.'a'iteesthat Ih's pro
Ouotlon of 'Shore Mcrts' will le timlhr io
every deta 1 o thatirsfeu all Ujtyeir at Daly's.
Theatre, New Yor".
The Play's Record:
7 times In New York.
148 times in Boston.
CO times in Chlcaeo.
40tlmes iu Philadelphia.
Prices asc, soc, 7.1c and ftu.
Reserved sats at Klrlln's dru? store.
Steel Picket Fence
Is tbe ckeapest and- best fence undo. Cheaper
than a wooden fenocv'.or rtsidsnces, :awos,cem
etery lets or any kino, of -fertlng. M. H. M astxb
has tbe agency and curies n la stock at bi
marcle uad granite work.
127 S. Jardin St!
J33EX OA.3Z.
Temperance Drinks
Mineral waters, Weiss beer. Bottler ot
the Unest lager beers.
17 anl 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah, Pa.
North Main St., MAHAN0Y CITT.
Largest and finest hotel In the region.
Finest accommodation. Banasozae nzturea.
Pool and Billiard Koom Attached
Hand Zaaundvy
Cor. Lloyd and Wblte 8ts.
All work guaranteed to be urst-class In evry
particular. Bilk tie and lace curtain eaapco
laity. Qooda caUed for aua delivered. A trial
Ifyour clutrder doesn't keep
Hammcrslough : Bros
Swell, Reliable, New York
Make him get it Tbelr celebrated
115.00 Melton Overcoat
Wears Uke steel and is sold by eyir promir
Mat clothier in tbe aUta. None genuine with'
out Bamaerelougb Uroi label. i