EVENING HERALD rabllshcd dally, except Sunday by JSBJIALD 1'VllZ.lHlllSa COSIPJJfX, rbllctlon office and mechanical Jcpurtment North Market Street. Bv tfonalfl Is flellwrcd In Shenkndo&b And az Pelala surrounding towns tor Six Cent! week,pjablo to the carriers. By mll, Throe Dollar a year or Twenty-live cents per month, la advance. A&xmrtlttmenl charged according to Bpao. ad position. The publishers reserve the right to change the position of advprtlscmcnta vthon- vtr the publication ot cows requires It. The. right la also reserved to rejeot any advertise mot, whether paid for or not, that the pub' liners may deem Improper. Advertising met Bade known upon application. Entered at the post office at Shenandoah, Fa. ai second eloss mall matter. rnx xricNixa uxraid, Shenandoah, Penna. Evening Herald. FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1895. The EVENING HERALD ACCE1TS ad vertising ON A DISTINCT GUARANTEE THAT ITS CIRCULATION IS SHENANDOAH IS LAI. OER THAN ALL THE DAILY NEWSPAPERS COMBINED THAT COME TO TOWN. OUR PRESS ROOM AND HOOKS ARE OPEN FOIi INSPECTION. WE COURT COMPARISON. WE ALSO GUARANTEE PUBLICATION IN ALL THE EDITIONS. AN IMPORTANT DECISION. One of the greatest annoyances that pissengers on electric or steam railway cars are subject to is the presence of a drunken individual who labors under tLe Impression that he owns the car and has the right to annoy and insult the passen gers. This has frequently been the casa on a pay night in electric cars and in some instances the conductors, when they attempted to exercise their author ity, were set upon by the drunken rowdies and assaulted. The Supreme Court ot Maine recently rendered a decision ou this point which A of general interest and which should be made a precedeut by other courts. A man named Robinson was a passenger in a car on the Rockland & Camden Street Railway. He was intoxicated and used profane and iutleceat language in the presence of lady passengers. When the conductor remonstrated with him Robin son cursed him and iletletl him to put 1 1 u off. The cjnductor accommodated him and R.ibinsou was compelled to go home "afoot and alone," as he alleged his coal plaint against the railroad company brought soon alter, "wet, muchly and rhenmntic." The case came up for trial i at the Knox county court, and it is not creditable to the jury that the latter gave a verdict of $1187 to the plaintiff. Th? Supreme Court, however, saw the matter in the proper light, and promptly set aside ths verdict, and in doing so enunciated a doctrine of law which will be rend with delight by any one who has ever been annoyed by the presence of a drunken rowdy. The decision is as follows : In this state the use of indecent or pro fane language in a street railway car is a breach of the peace. It is n crime for which a person may be punished by fine or Imprisonment. And tho conductor of the car may immediately arrest any person guilty of such a breach of the peace, and hold him until a warrant can be obtained, or he can be placed in custody of the proper oflhers of the law. Or the conductor may remove a person guilty of such a breach ot the peace from the car. And in the exercise of this right the conductor acts as a police cfllcer. When indecent and profane language is being used in his car, it is his duty to check i una lie will lie guilty ot a breach of duty if he falls to do so. And if, in a car filled with passengers, nearly half of whom are ladies', a man in earnest conversation undertakes to emphasize his statements, as some men are apt to do, by profanity, the law makes it the duty of the conduc tor to check him; and iu each event it is the ophiion of the court that he may rightfully be remcved from the car, not as a punishment for his Insult to the c inductor, as an individual, but to vlndl cate the authority of the law, which forbids the use of such language in a street car or any other public place where women and children have a right to be. Down In Maine a man who never reads neivbpapers paid $10,000 for a supposed gold brick, the va'ue of which was about $3. I'htrie are plenty of people in Sbeu. aiuijnh who can, but do not read, ne b-1'Hpe-s. Here wuUid be a good field for these gold brick sharper, Mu Ciioate .peaks correctly when be saysof the income tax law that "It has been left too long uninterred ;" and the same thing ma) be said, by the way, of the Deu.oc rttlo party. The inert b ed demand for American tecuritiesin London goes to show that ,ondon goes to show that .lists are convinced that foreign capita bnnntss improvement i fixed fac;. FtWKNiWIABOUr THE SHAK ERS 0F:M0UNT LEBANON. We may not accept their peculiar re- liglouj views. We cannot enter Into the spirit of their sacrifices, and therefore we do not study their habits of life. It is not necessary to believe ns they do, but we can and do respect their sincerity of purpose and the honor and upright ness which mark all their busines deal logs. In one particular the Shakers !excel all other men or claps ot men. This 1b iu the cultivation ot medicinal heron and and plants. They have made it a study for more than one hundred years. They are also expert in extracting from them their characteristic essences and medl clnal virtues. This Is their peculiar industry. Their lives have been devoted to It. By It they are supported. They txcel In this branch as do the Monks ot the order of St. Benedict with their famous liqueur called "Benedictine." Now, this lifelong study on the part of the Shakers has not been in vain. They have accomplished much good. Their medicinal extracts and cordials are known throughout the world. The Shaker Digestive Cordial is pmb ably the most useful medicine ever ghvn to the public. It is not a cure for all diseases; it doesn't pretend to be; but one disease it will cure, and that is indices tton. It Is not pretended that it will cure auythlng else, and a sulttrer has not long to wait to see the result. The effect is immediate. Almost the first dose will give relief, and, if continued, a perma nent cure will follow. The Shaker motto is : "Prove all things and hold fast that which is good." For this reason the Shakers put into the hands of the retail druggists who sell their remedy small trial bottles, which can be had for ten cents eHch, so that for this small sum the reader can ascertain whether it is adapted to his case. YE'STEtfDAY'S gASEBALL GAMES National Lcacae. At Cleveland Philadelphia, 6; Cleve land, 1. At St. Louis St. Louis. 5: Bal timoro, 9. At Cincinnati Cincinnati, I); Washington, 0. At Pittsburg Pittsburg, 10; New York, 3 At Chicago Chicago, 0; Brooklyn, 5. Tho Ljulsvillo-Bostou game was postponed on uccount of wet grouuds. Eastern League. At Rochester Rochoster, 14: Provi dence, 1. At Buffalo Buffalo, 11 j Scran ton, 3. At Syracuse Syracuse Syracuse, 7; Springfield, 3. At Toronto Toronto, iy: wiiKesuarro. la. How to Treat a Wife. (From i'aciilc Hctllh Journal) First get a wife ; b'econd, be patient, You may have great trinls Hnd pernlcxl lies In your business, but do not, there fore, carry to ynnr home a cloudy or con tracted brow, Ynur wife may have trials. which, though of less magnitude, may be bird for her to bear. A kind word, a tender look, will do wonders in chasing from her brow all clouds of gloom. To this we would add always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Coutth Remedy In the house. It is the best and is sure to be needed sooner or later. Your wife will then know that you really care for her and wish to protect her health. For sale by Gruhler Bros. Druggists. Notice to Subscribers. Subscribers to the Evening Herald who are not receiving their DaDer reim Urly and people who wish to receive the paper as now hubscrlbers. are requested to le ive their addresses at Hooks & Brown's itatlonery store. n North Main street. Electric Bitters. Electric Bitters Is a medlciue suited for any season, but perhaps more generally needed iu the soring, when the languid exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alternative 1 felt. A nromnt use of this medicine has ofteo averted lon and perhnp fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act mere sorely iu counteracting and freetng the system from the malarial poison. Headache, Indigestion, constipation, dizziness yield to Electric Bitters. Only fifteen cents per oottie at A. Yvasiey's drug store. Coming: Events. Wav 18. Annual nicnlcof the Citizens' Cornet Band, of Wm. Penn, in Win. Penn urove. May 30. Monster picnic at Columbia patk by the Gymnasium Club. May SO Ice cream festival in Rohbins' hall, under the auspices of the Young People's Working Society of the United Evangelical ctiurcn. T 1 1 n i. ft T.ontlii-i. Tit T? nt T Itnbmtn entitieu, "i'uat's tne Alan," in tne f. Al. church. Mr. D. P. Davis, a Drominent llvervman and merchant of Goaheu, Vu., has this to say on tne subject of rheumatism : J tatce pleasure in recommending Chamber Iain's Pain Balm for rheumatism, as J know from personal experience that it will do all that is claimed for it. A year ago tms spring mv nrotner was lam up tn bed with inilsmmatorr rheumatism uud suffered Intensely, Tho first application ot Chamberlain's Pain Balm eaed the piin and the use of one boltU completely cureu mm. f or sale oy urumer liros Druggist. Kalnnliy'a Ilrslgn'ttlim Filially Accepted, Vienna, May 17. Count Kalnnky, tho Imperial minister of fur.'lgu affairs, has resigned, and tho em iierorhm accepted his resignation. The oouut tendored his res ignatlon inoru thau it week ago, but It was uot thou acooptou. Tho tioublo g.-ew out of tho utterances of Mgr. Ai?llall, tho papal nuncio, who denounced tho ecclesias tical laws. Clitneae Troop Loot a City. Tientsin, May 17. Tho troops stntloued at Sban-Hal-Kwan openly revolted last evening nnd looted the city. The people are neolng. Marvelous Results. From a lettf r written by Rev. dermau, ot Dlmondale, Mich,, permitted to make this extract: J. Gun we are 1 have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results were al most marvelous in wie case ot my wiie. r M.Twiturtfu Mnu n -Wnut w. nnim While I was pastor of the Baptist church MILWAUKEE, May ly.rrost was qulto at Rives Junction she was brought down Bencrnl throughout the. state again Wed with pneumonia succeeding la grippe, nesday nighty uud garden truck oud fruit Terrible paroxysms ot coughing would crops are being stuadlly wiped out In the last hours with little interruption nnd it seemed ns it she could not survive them seemed as if she could not survive them. ,TS.rcSSd!ta Kfi' Regular size (0c and (1 00. i DEM OF ftovornor MoOorklo's Tribute to West Virginia Minorsi ETEIKEHS PERFECTLY OEDEELY. The Oorernor Declares Thnt at No Time lint There Keen Any Evidence of In tended lawlruiieii-Alarming ItcporU Utterly MUleadlnr. Wheeling, W. Va., May 17. Following on the hools ot tho interview with Gover nor O'Forrnll, in whloh that gentlomnn decided that only tho pretence of Virginia troops at Pocahontas proventcd bloodshed by kcoplng tho West Virginia miners In check, tho following tolegrnm from Gov ernor McCorklc, of this state, is not only Important, but is a contribution to the interesting stato ot affairs that has arisen between tho governors of tho two states growing out of tho refusal ot tho govornor of West Virginia to grant tho roquost of tho govornor of Virginia to allow Vir ginia troops to cross the bordor. Tho dis patch Is signed by Governor McCorklo, and is as follows: "Iu Wednesday's dispatches to tho press from Pocahontas you say: 'West Virginia miners aro closely watched, us firing on tho picket linos has Increased.' This state ment doostho West Virginia minors gross Injustice, not n shot having been ilrcd by any West Virginia miner nor by nny minor, and not a breach of tho pcacu has occurred. Nothing has been dono by nny West Virginia workingmau to warrant tho suspicion thnt they intend to anything moro than peacefully strike. Tho report wcro sent out by Interested part'os for n purposo nnd the motive is well known. All the newspaper reports from that section have been utterly misleading, and highly colored, intended for tho purpo.o of In fluencing public opinion. Tho four or live shots flrcd ouo day woro not fired by any miner, nud nro now knowu to hava been nrrangod for by other parties'. "It is absoluto and uttor nonsense to at tempt to dignify the procoedlngs In that section by any suspicions of damage to tho peaco of the stato. I am thoroughly familiar with tho situation, and, without discussing tho cnuso of tho strike, will say lu my Knowledge no strike in tins couu- try has been ever conducted in so peaco able and law abiding manner, and the continued Imputation that West Virginia minors nro breaking the peaco and lnvnd lng other states with riotous intentions is disgusting to all who know the true sit uation. 'When the ilrst highly coloicd reports come to this office every arrangement was mado by mo to vigorously preserve tho peace of this stato uud proveut any law lessness. I would do so at ovcry hazard. My vlows on this point nro woll known. But tho attempt to make tho world believe that our law abiding pcoplo aro armed rioters, and that a peaceful strike Is a tur bulent iusurrcction, breaking tho poaco of our own state ns well as others, Is fraught with too much injury to our matorial in terests to bo longer homo In silence. "This statement is confirmed by tho sheriffs of tho counties, by my own repre sentatives on tho ground and by tho super intendent of tho railroad. Tho latter for n week has wired mo chilly saying that everything is quiet in that section, nnd such hns been the continued direction ot nil correct Information from that fluid. I maico tms statomunt in orucr mat simpio justice may be dono our people." Still No DIsorrfor at Pocahontas. Keystone, W. Va., May 17. Pocahon tas is quiet today. Many citizens from surrounding villages have coino to look upon tho situation from a business stand point, but find llttlo key to tho situation. It Is dlulcult to obtain nny accurate in formation, nud the new miners aro being closoly watchod. Soma apprehension was felt among tho military ot au outbreak last evening, and thoy wero kept near their quarters. The old minors havo been anxious to know how tho now miners were doing, but tho closest watch has been kept upon the minors ami no one admitted in coal companies' grounds. Some of tho West Virginia operators who are identified with tho Norfolk and Western railroad, are here, and It is believed that au effort will bo made to start up tho mines In West Virginia by Juno 1. Nicaragua Pays the "Smiirt Money." London, Mny 17. In compliance with tho ugreement under which tho British mon-of-war withdrew from Nicaragua on condition that the smart money, amount ing to $73,000, demaudod by Great Britain for tho expulsion of Consul Hatch, bo paid in London within flftoou days, that amount of monoy wnsyostorday converted into tho treasury of Groat Britain on bo half of Nicaragua by Scnor Chrlsanto Medina, minister to London for Salvador, who has acted for Nicaragua in London throughout tho oplsodo thus closed. Nica ragua had until Mny 23 to pay tho Indem nity. Such dainacos for losses to British subjects tn Nicaragua as aro- claimed by Great Britain tho British government has consented to submit to arbitration. To Call Out rittauurg District Miners. Pittsbuho, May 17. A resolution or derlng a gonoral suspension of work In tho mines in the Pittsburg district was adopted at the minors' convention here yesterday. It was also directed to ostab llsh camps at all tho pits working bolow tho sixty-nluo cent rate. Tho delegates left for their homes last evonlng to ascer tain tho sentiment among tho minors, and will report to tho convention today. There was a meeting of operators and minors after tho convention adjourned, but both sides were firm and nothing was accomplished. Tho operators say they will now bring now men into their mlucu. If they do there will likely bo sorlous trouble. White Man Lynched in Kentucky. MAItlON. Ky.. May 17. John Howerton, white, was lynched here about 1 o'clock in the morning. On April 5 Howerton as saulted . Annn Pierce, tho 10-year-old daughter of a promluent farmor, who now lies In a critical condition, with slight hopes for her recovery. A mob stormed tho jail and compolled tho jailer to glvo up tho keys. Tho prisoner was then taken to a slaughter house and strung up. More Front In YVUcoiult northern ptrt of tho state, hnow that fell early lu tho week still remains on thi Karly overytblng on top of th. early lu tho week still remains on tho the nnd other i crops will have to be replanted, Weak, Tired, Nervous "I was feeling as miserable as any ono could feel, tired all the time, many times unablo to go out on tho street oven after I had started. If I went up one flight ot stairs I felt as though I should fail. I had palpitation ot the heart and suffered greatly with catarrh ot the head and throat. I Anally decided to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, and soon felt better. I used tho third bottlo and I then felt llko a different person. I hopo others in ill health will do as I did. If you take Hood's Sarsaparilla and use it faithfully I am suro you will bo benefited. I have also found Hood's Pills to be of great benefit and I highly recommend them." Miss Jessie Fbemont, Saddle Rivor, N.J. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only Prominently in the publio eyo today. Hood's Plllo cure all liver Ills. 25c PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE Senate Passes tho Hill Making Marrlngo License Records Public. HAllltlSDUIto, May 17. Tho houso passed on second reading yesterday, without much opposition, tho congressional, sena torial and legislative apportion incut bills as reported from committee. Thoy will como up next Tuesday for third reading and Until passage. Tho house congres sional and senatorial apportionment is different from tho senate bills, nnd tho re sult will be that all tho incisures on this subject will go to n conference committee, assuming that lh;y pass both housc3. Tin judicial apportionment passed the hou" six wocks a2o. nnd is now huug up In tli. senate committee. Tho bill creating a commission to nscor tain tho best methods of utilizing convle labor in tho Institutions ot Pennsylvan as not to inturfero with legislative it (liiritrles passed the house llnaUy. Tlio senate resolution fixing tho time i final adjournment for Thursday, June l was roforred to the rules cummlttoo whe it reached tho house. Tho resolution wi ba 'hung u:i" iu the coinmlttoj until tl. sunato dlsp'j.i -s of the S " houso bills on it calendar for Until pass-iigo. Tho apportionment of bills cut of th way, tho liousa proc -eded to tho consldcrn lion on third raiding and Until passage ol forty-eight bill? repjrtod hist Thursda.i lrom tho appropriations committee, most ot which went through. A communication, was received from th governor givlug uotlcu of his approval o the Farr compulsory education bill. 'Ilio senate cnnlluned tho nomination' sent In yesterday except that of Isaac .1 wister, or l'lilliulelplila, appointed to fl: tho vacancy caused by the death of Richati Vaux, which was laid over at tho mines. of Mr. Penrose. Tho bill to abolish tho Phlladolnhl public butldiug commission was defeate by u vote of 115 to 11, not a constitution!. muririty. Tho adverse vote was rocui! sldered, and the bill Is ezpeotod to pas, noxt, weoic. aiiu juim resolution proposing nn amendment to tho constitution nbollshlnr Auuinmj ujuuuuus iKisseu ino sonatu finally, but nj tho houso has votod down a similar bill It cannot again bo considered in mat uoily under old rulos. Tho sennto also passed finally the bill requiring clerks of orphans' courts to keep marrlngo license dockets open to the inspection of the puouc. faeuato adjourned until Monday evening, A Queenly Head can never rest on a body frail from disease any mote man tne lovely illy enn grow in tne sterne sou. When cjonsumpllou fastens its hold upon a victim, the whole physical structure commences Its decay. At such a period, before the disease is too far advanced. Dr. Pierce's GoHeu Medical Discovery will arrest and cure It Send 0 cents In stamps for a Book (160 pages; on uonsumption ana its cure. Ad dress World's Dispensary Medical AssO' elation. Buffalo, NT Y. unce used. Dr. Pierce's Pel eta are always lu favor. Specific tor constipation, piles, oiuousuess ana headaches. Saved Her Daughter from Aainult West Chestek, Pa., May 17. Near Parkcsburir. thi nnimtv tra Whitomnn was walking along n lonoly road about sundown when sho was tit tnp.trnrl liv fumn ri'Kn 1 1 1 j i in; tauuiv BUJZtJU UVi and threw her to tho ground. Tho wonmu Bereuuiou anu struggled wltli all her strencth. Mrs. Willlnm M,.r4 nin-,.,, i, mothor, heard tho scroams. and boforo the uruto coum accompllsn his purposo sho uppunruii running uown tbe road with riilo In her hand. Tho sight of tho v.-oma ...1.1. .1 M.I . . V a n rii.u me gun lnguccueti tno tramp Ho Is still at largo. off. Hear Admiral Almy Dead. Washington, May 17. -Rear Adml ol "inn o. Aimy, united states navy, ro- niiu, men nere yestonlav uttor a long 111 noss. aged 81 years. Mrs. Almv, Ml S3 Aimy und tho oldest sou.Charles G. All wero at his bedalfln wl,..,. ti,, nn,i ,.. Ho leaves two other soiis.Lloutomint Will me. am a. AUUV. Or tlio h'irtll I-ni-iilro. I I.. tenant Augustus C. Almy, of tho' nnv and tinothur daughter, tho wlfoof Lloutoii ant John T. Humes, now stationed ut cpriuguuiu, juass. A Spnolal Offlcur'a iin.nrnii Philadelphia, May 17.-Spocial OfUcer MeMtimis, of Gnnhil Brothors, was nr restod by Detectives Hnmin and Kukxtoln, r.iiarired with stonlli,.. ,...i , . .mvuiien mm jew elry, suld to bo valued at 8,000, from tho firm Uy which ho was employed. The stealings aro said to have boon going on for some time, nnd tho articles taken m eluded iLauiond and plain rings, pins wotchei, etc. About 11,000 worth ot the tolcn ievrejry wm reogrered. A mAVAIIAN Mor;cHY. Report That H-Mlul,ller Thurston Is Work- Ins tor 1'rlnccn Knlulitnl. SAN FltA(!isco, May 17. A ioonl papei prints tho following: "Private let tors re Ov Ived from Honolulu by tho steamer Alts tralla declare that a chuuguot adinlnlstr:i tlon will soon occur there, and that th change Is advocated by no less nn lmpo: ' tint personage than ex-Minister Thurston luo Intormatlnn enmot from a most reha ble source, and cannot bo questioned. "At i recout confotviteo UJtwocm Mr Thurston and President Dolo and otln-. member of his cabinet tho foruiur d clnrcd thnt tho only hopo of pormaticn peace on tho island will lie realized I1 placing Pwnccss Kalttlanl In tho po.lllo' whioh tho former niouui-chy proposed thi she should some clay havo. Mr. Thursto' is reporced to havo advocated this step so strongly thnt President Dolo and his cab Inot benimo alarmed, and havo slnuo give' tno matter many hours of consideration "P.iBsongers ou tho Australia havo con tided tho flint that tho republlo Is on li last legs. Various big organizations in breaking away from President Dole, iiik. tho opposing forces, which wero some what subdued after tho roceut uprising by tho show of arms mado by tho govern ment, nro now becoming moro bold. au alarm Is liable to bo soundsd aui night,' remarked ono p issengor, 'and if li Is you can expect to hear of tho downfall of tho republlo. There Is no oscapo for it Minister Thurston's uticnslnoss has be como so apparent to tho opposing forcei that tho latter hnvo gained moro courage Tho fact that Mr. Tnurston favors a change Is no longer n secret, and when wi loft Honolulu It was common tall: that In was then planning to carry out to a sit' ccssful oud tho conversion of tho republn back to a monarchy.' " Decrensetl Ponnnylvuitla Knrm Values. HAllRISBUItc, May 17. Tho stato de partment of agriculture hoslssuod circular letters ton largo number of Its official cor respondents in nil of tho counties of the stato, asking for estimates of tho ''avoracri dcoronso In tho actual valuo of farm lumlr during tho past tweuty-flvo years." Re plies havo baoii received from n largo per centage of thoso corrospondonta. As was oxpectod, this shrlukagoof valuos has been greatest in districts remote from good markets, and varies from SJ per cent, in southeastern counties, to 55 per cent In northern and lntorior oountios. Reports from Susquehanna county appear to In dicate that the shrinkage in that county has boon as great or ovon greater than in any other. A Northumberland county correspondent estimates tho shrinkage of land in that county at !33)4 per cent, upon a gold basis." O not be deceived. This brand of White Lead s still made by the "Old Dutch" process of slew corrosion. It is a standard brand of Strictly Pure White Lead The recommendation of "John T.Lewis &Bros." to you by your merchant is an evidence of his reliability, as he can ell you cheap ready-mixed paints and bogus White Lead and make a larger profit. Many short-sighted dealers do so. For Colors. National Lead Co.'s Fure tVhite Lead Timing Colors, a one-pound can tn i 25-pound keg of Lead and mix your own paints. Saves time anil annoyance in matching -hades, and Insures the best paint that it i3 ossible to put on wood. Scud us a postal card and get our book on paints anil color-card, free; it will probably ave you a good many dollars. JOHN Ti LEWIS & EROS. CO., Philadelphia, Lageranc sner Beefs Finest, Purest, Healthiest. laauer Bock Beer1 On tap at all the leading saloons. Chris. Schmidt, Agt 807 West Coal St., Shenandoah. HOTEL KAIBB) CHAB. HUKCniLL, Prop. North Main St., MAHAN0Y CITY Largest and finest hotel In the region. rine it accommodations. Handsome Qxturea Pool and Illlll&rd Rooms Attached. BnKNANDOAn'a Hkliabls Hand Laundry Oor. Lloyd and White Hta. All work guaranteed to be Brat-cltsa In ever; BirtleuUr. Bilk ilea and laco curtain eipo laity, UoodJ called (or and delivered. A trial solicited. Safe and Reliable Horses to Hire. LIVERY SNEDDEN'S PMur Alley, Kw Calf ea House. The beat risn Jn town. Hones taken to board. Mauling promptly attended to. in the' Spring Even for those wlio get safely through the risks of a harsh and changeable climate ; for the strain upon the system through the long months of winter in fighting off its menacing perils always leaves a weakening reaction. Is not only an unequalled blood purifier, but a tonic in its true sense. It drives out of the blood the foul matter that in the winter season un avoidably accumulates there; and acting directly on the nervous system ives Health M.J. LAWLOR, Justice of the Peace Insurance and Real Estate Agent, 123 B. Centre St., Shenan mwo-STORY Krarne Hulldlj&e. 30i feet nn. 1 Bontn CUestDUt streeiry Kents tor S18 per month; wl 1 to sold cheapj r OB HAtjR. Half lotfSAd two houses. lu uataon west i;enne.trci. w,n r.a id- percent on InvestmeatTand can h LnnVht nn. asy terms. T?AItI KOlt SALH- r,rm of 33 acres 1? within three miles nt mvi mt IM-enty-nlne acr8 uivtter culi.valloo, ana four acres of (rood tlmberi Frame farm house, six '.. Vfr.' B ,i' "'.. Jt!'u ,u booo condition. Will he iHjId -or Jl.HW cash. FOR BALE. Licensed hotel ptand In Maha nov townshiri, near the ooroughfline. Frame buildlnir, nlhe r- ora. doin? eoo'bui ness. Good reasons elrtn inr Koiimc JA har (tain for a'lyi.odr. Apolt to t 3 SAwlor, Justice of the p.'ace, 123 Eat Centre street pKHGUBON'S THEATHE, P. J. FERGUSON, MANAOIB. To Close the Season. WEDNESDAY, MAY 22dr '95. Ame-lca's Greites' Comedy-Drama, Mil. JAMES A. HEAKNE'a Beaut. lul four act pUy, "Shore Acres 95. Presented with ent re new scenery an' ntopcrtlcs. Direction of Henry U. Ml. er. Manacer Frrc ison ciu'ar.tees lhat th'i pro duction of 'Shwre Acres' will te similar in, every deial 10 that seen all last year at Daly'si Theatre, New Yor. The Play's Record: 257 times In New York. 148 times in Boston. 00 times in Chicago. 40 tinier in Philadelphia. Prices asc joc, 75c and $x. Re.wvod goats at Klrlln's drugstore. HARTKEAIff Steel Picket Fence Is (be cheapest and best fence mido. Cheaper than a wooden fence for residences, lawns, cem. etery lots orany hind of-fenclng. M.U.IUsteic has the agency and carries It In stock at his marble and granite works. 127 S. Jardin St. JOHN FCLEARY, ' " " Temperance Drinks. Mineral waters, Weiss beer. Bottler ot the finest lager beers. 17 an! 19 Peash Alhy, Shenanioah, fa. 'AMSY PILLS! J i v