The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 16, 1895, Image 2

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r JbUshed dally, except Sunday by
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Tuts umKiyo herald,
Shcnandoih. Penna.
Evening Herald
THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1895.
Some newspapers are attempting to
draw political inferences from tho late
reception given by ex-l'ostmaster-General
Wanatnaker to the Governor and hla staff
and members of the Legislature. A Pitts
burg paper thought it was in the gather
ing the opening gun of Mr. Wanamaker's
campaign for the United State Senator
ship, as the successor of Senator Cameron.
Others see it In a probable movement to
give to Mr. Wanatnaker the Pennsylvania
'delegation to the National Republican
convention and push him as n candidate
for President. Whether or not there was
any political significance in the gathering
we are not in a position to say. In the
Kathering were men of all shades of po
Jltical opinion, and of all walks and call
ings. It was a great social gathering,
but as far as outward signs indicate, there
'was no political significance in it.
Whether or not ex-Postmaster General
Wanatnaker has any ambition for either
the Seaatorshlp or the Presidency we do
cot know, but either position is such as
any American citizen has a right to aspire
to, if he has capacities in that line. Mr.
Wanatnaker is fully qualified for either
the Senatorship or the Presidency, and
there are thouaauda of voters In Pennsyl'
vanla who would gladly see him represent
the state in the United States Senate,
and as gladly vote for him for the Presi
dency. Mr. Wauamaker, by his admlnis
ftration of the post office department,
showed in a remarkable degree great
executive ability. He instituted many
needed reforms, and gave the country
the best postal service it has ever had.
His large business experience and ac
quaintance with business men and busi
nest, methods well qualify him for any
position in the gift of the people. If Penn
sylvauia wants ability, experience and
practical business methods lu its Senator
and a patr iotic devotion to the interests
of the state and nation, it can find no
better material for a United States
Senator than in John Wanatnaker. He
would be a most creditable repreacnta
itive of the state, and his large acquaint
since with public men and public tueas
ares, acquired during his connection
with the Harrison administration, amply
qualify him for the position. He would
he a Senator of whom the state could
tttl prou 1, and who would reflect honor
a pou himself and the country in the
It may be that the Presidential light
wing may not strike Pennsylvania next
year, but if It should and a man is wanted
from the Keystone state to lead the Re
publican hosts to victory, what better
leader could we have than ex-Postmaster
General Wanatnaker. He Is a thorough
Republican, rooted and grounded In the
Calth, sound on protection and finance, a
thorough American In his Ideas, and with
executive ability of the highest order. He
would make an excellent chief executive,
and no Pennsyl vantan, and no American,
would ever have cause to regret his eleva
tion to this exalted position. If our state
Is to have a candidate. Wanamaker will
fill the bill In every particular. He has
made a record, already known all over the
ills ability is unquestioned, whether as
Reslness man or a statesman and all
factious and shades of opinion would be
able to rally around such a standard
tbearer. Pennsylvania has not had a can-
Hdate for the Presidency since James
Buchanan in 1650. Its position among 1 W, PF"11? recommending Chamber
, t . . , , , loin's Pain Balm for rheumatism, as 1
tfae Republican states shonld command know from personal experience that It
epectand a fair hearing of Its
It la the banner Republican state of the tod with Inflammatory rheumatism and
Union, the great manufacturing state,
.. . . . -V. ..
almost a nation In Itself
It ought to
lixve apoteutlal Influence
. the national
oo iveminn, and with all due repeor to I
other inraeg that have baea coupled with
the PrpsidtgitlHl nomination, wo ask con
llilontly, why sboild not Pennsylvania
noxt year preseut to tin national conven
tion the name of John Wanainaker as Its
cliolce for the Presidency 1 Around hint
a united party could rally. With a name
above tho brsath of suspicion, an honor
able career without a stain, a record un
sullied and unavailable, the Republi
can p.trty in 1S90 could go before the
country with Jehu Wauomaker as Its
standard bearer and win a grand and
glorious triumph for Protection und
AiiiC'lcm interests, and assure the conn
try of a thoroughly patriotic business
like and able administration.- York Dis
Mt ld?as are nor. In accord with those
of this Administration. I am just as
much disgusted with it as the people at
large In this country are, and I preferre I
to quit, rather than continue my counea
tlon with It. I am an Ametican aud a
Union man. Those are two things that
this Administration cannot stand. I am
a Republican, and a man who lives on the
oceon Is apt to imbibe patrlorlstn and
loyalty. I Und these articles at a dis
count with the present regime. I want
to be untrammeled, so that I can think
and speak as I like, and to that end I will
doff the gold lace and don the habili
ments of a cltiz'ju, who at least has the
prerogative of standing up for his couu
try's honor Admiral Meade.
The co'orr-d men of this country who
emigrate to Liberia ate given 125 acres of
land and three months' board, and are
expected to erect their own houses fram
materials furnished by the government.
This beats 40 acres and a mule all to
pieces. Rut the trouble that confronts a
man who wants to get to Liberia is that
he does not generally have the money to
pay his way. Alvices from Mourovia Bay
that the emlgiauts from this country are
very comfortably fixed.
THE bpanlsn troops In Cuba have been
guilty of burning the houses of women
whose husbands are in the insurgent
army. This sort of warfare can only come
to one result similar action on the part
of the insurgents, and when that comes
It will be u sorry day for the Gem of the
IF China now goes to work to introduce
Imerican appliances and methods of
civilization, as is reported to be her in
tention, she will fare much better in her
next war with Japan.
Chief Whirlwind, the aerce Cheyenne
warrior, after a cyclonic career, Is dead.
He has been in something of a lull for a
year or so and passed away as gently as a
summer zephyr, with his boots off.
Gov. Turnet, of Tennessee, will serve
another term by reason of a glaring
fraud, and the people will see that his
party never gets a chance to repeat the
This Is a good time for workingmen to
promote their interests by refusing to put
strikes In the way of the restoration of
general prosperity.
How to Treat a Wife.
(From Pacific Health Journal.)
First get a wife; second, be patient.
You may have great trials and perplexl
ties In your business, but do not, there
fore, carry to your home a cloudy or con
tracted brow. Your wife may have trials,
which, though of less magnitude, may be
hard for her to bear. A kind word, a
tender look, will do wonders in chasing
from her brow all clouds of gloom. To
this we would add always keep a bottle
of Chamberlain's Couszh Remedy In the
house. It is the best and is sure to be
needed sooner or later. Your wife will
then know that you really care for her
and wish to protect her health. For sale
by Gruhler Bros. Druggists.
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers to the EVENING HERALD
who are not receiving their naner recu
larly and people who wish to receive the
fiaper as uew subscribers, are requested to
eave their addresses nt Hooks & Brown's
stationery store, en North Main street.
Relief In Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis
eases relieved In six hours by the "New
Great South American Kidney Cure."
ThU new temedy la a great surprise on
account of Its exceeding promptness In
relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys,
uuua. miu every puri, ui tuu unuary
sages in male or female, It relieves re'
tention of water and pain in passing it
almost immediately. If you want quick
relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold
at the City Pharmacy, 107 S. Main St.,
next aoor to the post ouice, snenamtoan,
a. 4-a-am
Coming Events.
May 38. Annual picnic of the Citizens'
Comet Hand, of Wm. Penn, In Wm. Penn
May 80. Monster picnic at Columbia
paiK uy tue uymnasium uiud.
May 80 Ice cream festival In Robblns'
hall, under the auspices of the Young
People's Working Society of the United
evangelical cnurcn.
June 0. Lecture by Rev. T. Bateman,
entitiea, "inat's tue Juan," in tue if, Al,
Mr. D. P. Davis, a prominent liveryman
say on the subiect .of rheumatism! "I
ir&ltSW ATa Balmeoaed The
nntu HJ tU .1 I It. 1 - . I
Da'n and th,) U8e ' one hottU completely
5 jgp
Work 35
It Is a constant round of caro and toll
from which there la no escape. How es
sential, then, aro health and strength, and
yet with how many women these aro al
together lacking. They aro tired all day
and unable to sleep at night. In this con
dition the systom will soon break down.
Rostoro tho Strength,
overcome that tired feeling, build up tha
system by tho use of Hood's Sarsaparilla
before It Is too late. This great medicine
is exactly what ovorworkod women need.
It makes pure, rich blood, creates an ap
petite, gives strength to the nerves.
food's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently in tho public eye today.
Hnnrl'c Dlllc- aro tasteless, mild, efteo
11UUU S rlllb tlve. All druggists. 25c.
Natlonnl League.
At Pittsburg Pittsburg, B; Philadel
phia, 1. At Cleveland First game: Bos
ton, 3; second gumo: Clovoland, 8; Bos
ton, i. At Chicago Now York, 0; Chi
cago, 1. The Cincinnati-Baltimore nnd
Louisville-Washington games were post
poned on account of ralu.
Eastern League.
At Buffalo Wllkosbarro, 6; Buffalo, 3.
At Rochester Springfield, 18; Rochoster,
9. At Toronto Toronto, 10; Scranton, 3.
The Syraouse-Providence game was post
poned Ofi account of wet grounds.
A Queenly Head
can never rent on a body frail from disease
any more than the lovely Illy cn grow
in the stbrile Foil. When Consumption
fastens its hold upon a victim, the wholr
physical structure commences its decay.
At such a period, before the disntse i-s
too far advanced, Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discover,' will arrest and cure it.
bend 0 cents in stampt for a Book (100
pages) on Consumption nnd its cure. Ad
dres World's Dispensary Medical Asso
ciation, Buffalo, N. Y.
vjnee ueu. ur. fieren's fsiipt.a nrv
always in favor, bpeciflc for constipation,
piles, biliousness and headaches.
Joseph WMtal;r, founder of Whltuker's
Almanac, dli-d in London, ugnd 80.
Striking mluersi at Sprjngfluld, Ills., re
lumed work at the oporaturs' terms.
Window glass manufacturers, In session
t Pittsburg today, aro dismissing tho ad
visability of forming a trust.
When William Fredericks was taken to
;ourt in San Francisco yesterday to bo
entencea to death for murder ho croatod
mch a scone that scntonco was postponed
Counsel for Dr. Buchanan, tho Nev
York wifo murderer, havo been ordered to
tvppoar in Albany on Monday next to show
causo why a day should uot bo sot for ex
ecution. A San Francisco newspaper says the
United Statfls contract labor laws are
broken overy few weeks by tho arrival of
large numbers of Japanese who come by
svsry steamer under t.ho contract of farm
ers In the interior of the state.
You Don't Have to Swear off
says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture
in an eattoriat aoouc jxo xo-iiac, tho lam
ous tobacco habit cure. "We know of
many cases cured Dy iNo-To-Bac, one, a
prominent St. Louis architect, smoked
and chewed for twenty years : two boxes
cured him so that even the smell of tobacco
makes him sick." No To-Bac so d and
guaranteed by Mrs. A. Wasley. No cure
no oay. liook free. Sterling Remedy Co.,
iNew xovk or unicago. in eoct
Mr i:ill Athmead-ISartlett DffemU Tar
bey unci Her Kuler.
London, May 10. A very animated
meeting of tho Central Assoclatlqn of Mo
hammedans of London wnsheld last night
to protest ngalust tho agitation which is
being so vigorously pushea on tno Arme
nian atrocities. Sir Ellis Ashmead-Bart-
lott, the well known uonsorvatlve mem
ber of parliament for Shoillold, was ou
tho platform. His sympathies with tho
Turk in tho Armenian controversy had
already been made known in an open let
tor addrossed to Mr. Gladstone, In which
ho protostod in the natno of common hon
esty and true humanity against Mr. Ulad
stone's condemning tho sultan and Turk
lsh army uuhonrd. Ho also oxprosscd his
doubt that any deliberate ntrocitlos wore
committed In Armenia by the troops, and
assorted that.thoro was no uvidouoa that
tho sultnu was responsible.
Tho Armenian agitation was doclnrod
do be an attack on Mohammedanism. Mr.
Gladstone nnd tho Duko of Argyh woro
blttorly attacked for their attack upon tho
Turkish government. A disturbance oo.
currod at this, and Sir Ellis Ashinead
Bartlett callod for ordor reneatodly. Ho
theu descended Into tho hall aud person
ally ejected tho disturbers. Sir Ellis Is
American born, Brooklyn having boon his
birtbplaco, and ho was eduoatou nt Am
herst college, lu Massachusetts.
Electric Bitters.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for
any season, but perhaps more generally
needed in the sprlug, when the languid
exhauited feeling prevails, when the
liver is torpid and sluggish and the need
of a tonic and alternative Is felt A
prompt nse ot this medicine has often
averted long and perhaps fatal bilious
fevers, No medicine will act more purely
iu counteracting ana ireeiug urn system
from the malarial DOlson. HnaiWlin
InlnaaHnn n... o fr 4 n Inn ,1 i -l I 1 1
luiiiakiuu, wuauiiai ivu, -..,. uoaa yiciu
to Electric Bittern. Only fifteen
t Tmtrta t A Wgalotr'a Hrticf urnrn
Lord Kimborley's Demand on tho
Little Pacific Republic
The Republic May lo Ankeit to I'ny an In
demnity for tho Arrest of Stinkard and
WaUtor, and Will Ili-nlnt Minister Thum
ton Upheld, but Will Not Como Back.
SAN FnANCIsco. May 10. Tho stoamor
Australia, fr.nn Honolulu May 8, arrived
yostordav with tho following: MluUtor
Hatch has handed Minister Willis his an
swer in regard to tho recall of Thurston,
which will go forward by this mall. It Is
o lengthy document, nnd makes a general
denial of tho charges against the Hawaiian
minister, The latter's cottrso Is uphold in
every particular, Mr. Gresham is Informed
that Thurston will not bo returned to
Washington, but tho loiter doas not namo
his successor.
Tho decision of Lord Kimborloy regard
ing Great Brltnln's position on tho ques
tion of citizenship and protection to those
concorncd In tho recent uprising has just
been rocelvod in tho casos of Walker and
Rickurd, convicted of treason. According
to this doclslon, Walker and Richard are
lookod upon as citizens of Great Britain
and subject to protection from that coun
try. Tho doclslon Is particularly Inter
esting on account of tho letter recently ro
colved from Secretary Gresham, which In
dicates a policy directly opposed to that
of Groat Britain. Walker and Richard
aro naturalized citizens of Hawaii, took
tho oath of allegiance to support tho con
stitution and tho laws, and swore allo
gianco of tho king.
walker and Kloknrd havo maao ontn
that when they took tho oath of allegiance
to Hawaii tho king told thorn that it
would not affect their citizenship, tho
British commissioner at that tlmo coin
ciding with this statement. While iu tho
dispatch Earl Kimborloy simply states
Rlokard nnd Walker must bo protected as
British subjects, it ninkos no indication
of what stcp3 will ba taken. It Is under
stood tho Hawaiian government will not
admit for a momont theso mou as British
subjects, and will acoept tho consequences.
Hawaii is willing to leavo tho mattor to
arbitration ns a Anal resort, but will not
yield in any other way.
Tho Hawaiian oath of alloglanco pro
vides that a naturalized cltlzon shall bo
no longor amenable to his natlvo sover
eign while residing lu this kingdom, nor
entitled to resort to his natlvo country for
protection or Intervention." .
Earl Kimberloy's decision setting at
naught this law has been mado without
nsklng for tho Hawaiian government's de
cision. Tho remainder of tho decision Is a
matter of much doubt. In view of the ac
tion of Great Britain in tho mattor of
Nicaragua, it Is foared tho British may
proceed to oxtromo measures without sub
mitting tho mattor to argument or arbi
If tills course should be taken, tho re
public may bo asked to releaso Rlckard
and Walker and pay a largo indemnity at
once, or it will bo threatened with forclblo
occupation of tho south. If thcro should
bo a forclblo occupation it would un
questionably be followed by insurrec
tion 'and bloodshed, as tho natives would
bclievo it meant nothing but the forclple
restoration ot tho ox-quoon.
Tho inauy rumors regarding tho ar
rival of n filibustering expedition havo
causod tho government to charter a steamer
for tho purpose of patrollng Hawaiian
waters to prevent tho landing of arms for
tho revolutionists.
It is understood that tho government
has decided to pay damages to J. J. John
son, ouo of tho men who was forcibly do
ported from tho country. A claim was
mado in his behalf by tho British govern
ment. Ashford, who was pardouod some
weeks ago, arrived in San Francisco on
tho Australia.
The "Astor Trninp" Goes to nn Asylum.
NewYouk, May 16. John Garvoy, the
Bowery tramp, who, on Nov. 18, 1S94, was
found comfortably resting lu n bod In the
mansion of Mrs. William Astor, and who
slnco that tlmo has boon Imprisoned in tho
Tombs, was yesterday judicially declared
insano nnd ordored to bo sont to tha state
Insano asylum at Mattoawau, When Gar
voy was first arrested he was fined $5 for
disorderly conduct, but at tho Instance of
John Jacob Astor tho tramp was subse
quently indicted for burghiry. A stubborn
fight was mado in his bohalf, but on Doo.
14 ho was convicted. A now trial was
granted on tho ground that the von.Uct
had not boon properly rocordod by the
O'Drlen Committed for Trial.
PAitts, May 10. The examination of
Thomas O'Brien, tho notorious Amoriean
bunco stooror, for tho murder of Reed
Waddoll, or "Kid" the North
eru railway station on March 25, was hold
hero yesterday. Both aro well known in
criminal annals. Whott tho magistrato
asked O'Brien why he killed Waddell he
said: "It was necessary that ono of us
should disappear. I know him to be capa
ble or everything, bo I mado a point of act
Ing first. Ho got what ho deserved." Tho
prisoner was committed for trial at tho
next session of the court of assizes for tho
department of tho Sclno.
Narrowly Escaped an Ocean Collision,
New York, May 16. Officers ot tho
steamer Monmouthshire, just arrived hero
witn a cargo Irom China, tell a sensa
tional story to tho effect that tholr vossol
nnd tho Cunard llnor Umbrla had a nar
row escape from colliding at 8 o'olook last
Saturday attornoon. Tho vossels passed
each other 100 miles east of Sandy Hook.
A douso fog prevailed, and the cantaln of
tho Monmouthshire sighted tho Umbrlu
ahead In time to get out of tho way. They
passoa a Hundred feet apart.
Lieutenant Stevens Acoultted
Washington, May 18. The report of
m iriui ot liioutonnnt xnomas Stevens
OXeCUtlvn nfflr-ni- nf ttin r-rillanw Vlrfrtwn
has been rnrjilwnil nt. thn
Lieutenant Stevens has boon acquitted of
the charge preferred by Commander Fol
ger. which was ono of intoxication while
on duty. The court martial was ordered
uy Aumtrai uarponter, In command
tho Aslatlo station.
Murderer Kohl Get a Reprieve.
Jehsey CITY, May lO Govornor Worts
nas gramuu, u reprieve in tho case
Honry Kohl, the Newark murderer, w
wua 4uu uj)i vauuuiuu touny. rno ro
n.lnua lPhiott trlll T - I 1
Ijwu.v, ..... vui.uiLittLu uu xriuuy,
May 21, was granted after a conference
popweuH mo g'JYoruur, 1,-rosooutor urnue
and Executive Clerk Vox hero last evou-
Castoria is Dr. Snmucl Pitcher's prescription for Infants
nnd Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria is tho Children's Panacea
tho Mother's Friend.
"CastorlaisBo well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to mo." II. A. ARcmin, M. D
111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"Thonsoof 'Castoria' Is so universal and
Its merits so well known that It seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Carlos Martyh, D. D
New York City.
The CuuTAua
KevociUIon of tlin Year's Leave of Absence
Gr.iuted lllm.
Washington, May 16. Tho socrotary of
tho navy has issuod an ordor revoking tho
leavo of absauco grautod to Rear Admiral
Meade sove.-al days ago. When Admiral
Moado bjcame dissatisfied- with his com
mand, aud asked to bo detachod from the
command ot tho North Atlantic squad
ron, ho also asked for n leavo of abseiico
of a year, with permission to go abroad,
saying at tho same tlmo that ho would
also in a day or two nsk to bo retirod.
Tho request to bo detached was immodl-
itoly granted, as wa tho request for tho
year's leave of absence. Then camo tho re
quest to bo retired, but hoforo any action
could bo tukon tho lutorviuw was pub
lished which has caused so much diffi
culty. No action has boan takou upon
sho request for retlcom-nt, but tho action
evoking tho leave of absouco Indicates
that tho request for retirement will notbo
granted. The effect will bo to place Ad
miral Meade ou waiting orders subject to
auy duty at any time which tha depart
ment may do3lro to assign him.
It was understood that tho leave of ab-
seuso granted to Admiral Moado contained
permission to go abroad, and ho intended
to spend tha summer in Europa. Ho could
not go nbroad while ou waiting orders
without violating tho naval regulations.
If ho woro not ready to ro3pond to an)
order of the department when Issued ho
would bo subject to discipline for not
obeying ordors.
It is bellovod now that It Is hardly likely
that auy action will bo takoa to court
martial Admiral Meado for his expression
of disapproval of tho administration, as it
is bullevod to bo Impossible to obtain tes
timony from competont wltuosses.
Smallpox Epidemic at Stimnton, Vn,
Staunton, Muy 1(5. Six now cases of
smallpox doveloped yesterday. Tho epi
demic thus far is confined almost exclu
sively to tho colored pooplo. Staunton,
Lexington aud Bucna Vista aro under
strict quarantine, aud business Is at n
standstill. Thero aro In this city five large
female seminaries, an insane asylum, and
a deaf and dumb Institution with 800 in
mates. Washington and Leo oolloge and
tho military Institute. All tho pupils are
being vacclunted, but thero has as yot
been no general exodus. In fact fills'
would be impossible, as tho towns both
north and south have established strict
Probably Fatal Accident at Atlanta.
Atlanta, May 10. An accident lu
which five men wero soriously Injured oc
curred at tho new building erected by tho
Exposition Cotton Mills company. Thu
men woro working on tho third floor ana
wero raising a piece of timber by moans of
adorrlcu when the ropo gave way. Tho
timber fell and struck other timbers, and
tho whole lnsldo work of tha Immense
building was soon lu ruins, with five men
Durieu uoneath tho brokou and twlstod
lumber. The Injured uro: S. B. Pylant,
Will McKenny, Henry Clay, Will Dun-
lap and John Dunlap. It Is thought three
or tno men will dio. All aro colored ex
cept Pylant, tho foreman.
Marvelous Results.
From a letter written by Ruv.
J. Gun
derman, of Dlmondale, Mich.,
permitted to make this extract :
we are
"I have
no hesitation in recommendlncr Dr. Kine'a
New Discovery, as the results were al
most marvelous in the case of my wife.
While I was nastor of the Bantist church
at Rives Junction she was brought down
-with pneumonia succeeding la grippe.
Terrible naroxvsms of couching would
last hours with little interruption and It
seemed as if she could not survive them.
A friend recommended Dr. King's New
Discovery; It was quick In Its work and
highly satisfactory In rotults." Trial
Dottles iree at A. Wesley's drug store.
Regular size SOc. and tl.OO.
Alleguif dud tvluuTer Arriittod.
Kenosha, Wis., May 10. Detective El
liott arrested Walter Marshall Crowoll,
a prominent lawyor hero, on a chargo ol
complicity In an allogod land swlndlo. It
Is claimed that Crowoll had no title to
land In Texas which he traded forChioago
lots, but that it belonged to the St. Louis
Railway company.
Another I'owiler 31111 Explosion.
TltOY, N. Y., May 18. Four of the mills
of the Sohaghtlcoko Powder company, of
Schairhtlooke. N. Y.. blew up yostorday,
The shock was torrlilo. Cbauncey Lohnos,
unmarried, was killed, nnd Charles Clum,
who had a wife and throe children, was
fatally Injured,
TIia Weather.
For oautorn Pennsylvania and Now Jer
sey, partly cloudy weathor ; northerly
winds, becoming variable. For District
of Columbia, Dalawaro and Maryland,
throatoaink weather.; probablo-showoraln
wostoro M&ryland, rarlable winds
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Dlarrhcea, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promote di
gestion, Without injurious medication.
"For several years I have recommended
Castoria,' and shall always continue to do
bo, as It has Invariably produced beneficial
Edwin F. Pahdek, II. D.,
135th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
Company, 77 JIdbbav Street, New York Citt.
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Stc
Finest Hfors, Witm and Liquors.
Choice Teit-perame Urlalrs.
Best Brands of f and 1V, Cigars.
Stop at
200 North Cantee Siflaat. -
Meals at all hours. Ladies' dlnlm? room
Attached. Finest wines, Honors, cigars.
Justice of the Peace
Insnrance and .
Real Estate Agent,
123 E. Centre St., Sheuaud
mWO-STORY Frame Bull
j. tsoutn unestnut street;
, SOxit feet, on
month; -wi 1 ce sold cheapXftyj"
HIOR SALE. - Half lo'taboa!
I1 untn nn Wflat nnt rft uti-f
tor (sis per
percent on lnvestmeat?ar- W" 12
easy terms. ld caa be cusbt on
Jb" Within three ?I of 33 acres.
three flitleW J ?i " ?5'
icres underl ' ??. SOU market,
i fownsnip, i,naar the Borough'"!".
Frame buildin, nine ravins, doinir eooflbusl.
ness. Good reasons glven for sellina. 'A-bar.
L noy township, indar the oorouelJ
5aln for anybody. Apply to M.J Lawlor,
ustlce of the Peace. 123East Centre street,
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
A trial order solicited.
Millions of Dollars
Go np In smoke every year. Take no
risks but get your bouses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured in first-class, relia
ble companies, as represented by
DAVID FAUST, Insurance Aflent,
190 South Jardln Street.
Also Llfo and Accidental Companies
(Formerly Murphy Bros.)
Saloon and Restaurant,
10 North Main Street.
The bar supplied with first-class wines,
liquors, beer, ale, porter. Choice cigars
mill, scaled, 1 with adTlcu tilt will preTeutftH
I'ouiuui VUvuu Co. New Etfrpt, XJ,