EVENING HERALD Tl1.MAY, MAY 7, 1895. THIRD EDITION Our Silver Souvenir. Tlilo xllvcr Anniversary souvenir edition of tlio llKitAU), which will appear on the 26th Inst., will coutnln n history of 8hen anilonh find biographies of Its lending business men nnd oltlzens. The principal atroetn ot nil the large towns In Schuyl kill comity will be profusely Illustrated, anil the H KHALI) I the first newspaper In Schuylkill county tliathasevcrpubllshed n combined historical nnd Imluitrlal edition, nnd also the first piper In this town thnt ever attempted to publish nn Imue of twenty pnuo or of Htmllnr magnitude nnd churncter. Another fentttreof thin mammoth edition will bo n general write-up of nil the loading towns of the county taking In the hlstorW cnl facts nnd growth to Its past achieve uients. It will constat of 10,000 copies of twenty panes each, weighing O.OOOpounds, or one nnd four-llfths of n ton. This edition will equal NI.OOO copies of the regular size of the KVKNIN'O HKltAI.n, Jf Ntretched out In a continuous sheet twelve Inches wide It would be throithe million eight hundred and llfty thousand Inches long nnd would reach n dlstauc of sixty miles or from Shenaudoah tfor Allotitown. (stretched out in n sing; sheet It would make a carpet completely covering nil the streets In Shenandoah from curb to curb. If reduced to nn Inch In width It would makon band T20 miles long equal to the circumference of the state of Pennsylvania. A Piece of Her Mind. A lady correspondent has this to ay : "1 want to give a piece of my mind to n certnln class who object to advcrtlsii g, when it cotn them anything this won't cost, them a cunt. "1 sulTered a living death for nearly two years wltn ncailat'ii' h, tucKaclie, in pain standing or walking, wns being literally drugged out of existence, my mUery in (.tiuikimI liv ilrllv'L'lllir. "At Ins't, In despair, 1 committed tho sin of trvlng an advertised medicine, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and it re Htored too to the blessedness ot sound health. I honor the physician who, when he knows bo can cure, hns tho moral c iiirnge to ndvertlso the fact." The medicine mentioned cures nil the delicate diseases peculiar to females, as "I'Vmalo Weakness,'' periodical pains, irregularities, nervous prostration, Miasms cholera or St. Vltus's dance, sleeplessness threatened Insanity. To permanently cure constipation, biliousness, indigestion or dyspepsia, use Dr. I'ierco's l'leasant, renew. It Will be a Great Day. One of the events of tho year will be the dedication ot tho mammoth nnd mngutll r.ent temple ot the Independent Order ot Odd Kollows, just completed, nt I'hlln dolphin. The dedlcntory ceremonies, which will bo of a highly Impressive diameter, will take place In tho new butldlug on Tuesday, May SI, and will bo supplemented by a great parade ot the Order in the afternoon ot tho same day The procession will be ono of the lnrgest nud most Imposing civic pageants oyer witnessed in this country, and it is pro dieted that moro than 100.0UO visitors will pour Into i'hlladelphla from points more r less distant. In this nnd other states, To en.ible the public nt large, as well as Odd fellows nud their families, to enjoy the Kreat spectacle at a moderate expense, t ie leading Railroad will sell special excursion tickets from all stations on its liues to Philadelphia at the rate of sitU'lo one wiy fare for tho round trip, no tlekeis, however, to be old for less than CO cents. Children' between live nnd twelve will bs earvted at one-half th H.XHilal rates Thew excursion tickets will toe good on all train going to Philadel lihiu on May 20th and 31st, and for the return trip until and lnolndlug May asd, Mr. I). P. Davis, a prominent liveryman mid merchant ot luWheu, V.i., has this to ssrati the sulilect of rhenuistlMn : "I tkke pleasure in recommending Chamber liun's l'alu Halm for rlieumat Ism, as I know from personal experience that it will do all that U claimed for it. A year ago this spring my urotuer was lam up lu beduitli inflammatory rheumatism and suffered intensely. The first npplic irton of I'tinmberlalu s Pain Halm eased the p. In ami the ue ot one bottli completely cured him. For sale by Gruhlcr Bros. Uruggi&t. Reduced Rates To Denver, Col., via Pennsylvania Rail road. For the accommodation of persons who desire to visit Colorado on the occa sion of the meetlug of the National Rducalloual Association, at Deuver, Col., July 5 to IS, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets on July 3. 4, and S, to Denver, Colorado Springs, Manltou and Pueblo, at the ex tremely low rate of teO.75 from New York, from Philadelphia, HTM) from Baltimore and Washington, MT.S5 from HarrlfctMirg . proportionate rates from other point. There ticket will be good ier return piesage trout Colorado points on Juu 14. 13, 14. and 11. with an exten sion until September 1, it deMred. A i-pectal train of Pullman Buffet hleepiug cars will be rnu. I oh vine New York at 10.10 a m.. Juli 4, KiopptuK at promlueut iutriuMiie rtotui. ana arming at Duvr the Hrtermwe of Jalvft. This affords a grand opportunity for a trip to the world-reaowBed Rocky Mountain re- toruta Catorada ataeftmparativelysmalti cot Columbia's Great Sales. The Columbia HrevtUg Cownaay fintthed lu flrkt year on April luk, Ut, with Ml of a little over 91,000 barrek, which pk well for the oompaBy't product. E. B. FOLEY, Fine Groceries, 301 VTt Cectrt Street, Dralerln croeerif. oour rroT'-'OBs. u. cfe,rx ar,t. Setleutbiy lewettprtc. PERSONAL. Dr. Brady, of Lost Creek, wns n town visitor i his morning. Joseph II, Kehler, of Allcntown, U a guest of town friends. Miss Mnttlc Linton, of Mnhnnoy City, spent Inst evening in town. Col. Schellly received Information yes thnt ho wns granted nn original pension. Benjamin Davis, ot town, hns nocoptod n clerkship In 0. L. Voshage's store, Ash land. Blcgmond Gradomoltz, of llrooklyn, N. Y., wns the guest of Max Reese yes terday. Misses Lillle Dcrr nnd Louise Kester were callers upon Ashland friends yes terday. K.C. Mnllck and Thomas Dntly wit nessed the Wild West show nt rottsvllle yestcrdny. John K. Housenlck hns returned from n business trip to Now York and n soclnl visit to Herwlck. M. Uurke, Jr., representing J. W. Uenrdsley's Sons, of New York City, Is In town for n few days, Kdward Johnson, Sr., of North Jnrdln street, left town this morning to visit relatives in Lit7.erno county. Ilov. A. M. Snmpsell, of Lltitz, Lancns ter county, is spending a week's vacation with tho family of Chnrlcs Derr, at KLUeuirowiu....... , present uncertain. No objection will bcmovlng tho restriction in the law prohlb raised in Borlin to a moderate lucreaso irjtlng bank stockholders from bolng no tho Indemnity. By her compllauco Jnpaitnrlcs public; to provldo for the filling of removes ono of tho germs W dlsturbancvnconules In tho olllccs of burgess nnd in eastern Russia. It Is semi-official! constnblo; houso bill to repeal tho act to preach tonight In the Reformed church at Mahnuoy City, for the cdlflcntlon of the Society of St. Andrews. Jnmcs Goodman, of the firm ot Good man & Bro of Phllndelphin, PottsvlIIo, Mnhnnoy City and Shenandoah wholesale produce dealers, spent yesterday in town on busluess connected with the firm. Strouso for Btlck plus. Merc Mention. Wo havo ono of the best health officers in the county, but ho Is hnudlcapped by so mo of our best citizens. He cauuot be blamed If he uses sevcro measures. In looking over thonrrnyof names of tho nutl-county boomers it makes one smile. Were it not for future political favors two-thirds of them would show their preference for the new county. Advertisers nre fnst learning that the Kvksinu HuitALl) has a larger circulation in Shenandoah than nil the county papers combined. When you hnvo nny thing to advertise put it in tho Hekalu, where the people are bound to see It. Messrs. Heed and Lovett, of Wcntherly, contemplate locating another silk mill. We would advise our people to try nud secure this industry, but it Is no use, ns the Horouuh Council hns refused to live up to ItB promlbes, nud no reputable clli sen will undertako to Invito people to come here. Whatever course the IlnuAUihas taken on tho now county bill has been gratut tons, not expecting nny return. The people living nt the lower eud of Lurerne county deservo to wiu as thoy have al ways been put to great costs and iuconvon louces on account of the long distance from the county sent. Strouso tor broaches. How to Treat a Wife. (From l'nclnc Health Journal.) First get a wife; second, be pntient. lou mny have great trials aim perpiexi ties In your bustnes-s, but do not, there fore, carrv to vour home a cloudy or con traeted brow. Vour wife may have tilals, which, though of less magnitude, may he hard for her to benr. A kind word, a tender look, will do wondur. in ohasing from her brow all clouds of gloom. To this we would add always keep a bottl of Chamberlain's Couuh Remedy In th' house. It is the best and is sure to be needed sooner or later. our wife will than know that you really care for her and wish to protect her health. For sale by Gruhler Bros. Druggists. Clean Up Your Premises. The condition of some parts of the towu Is fearful, and the Btenoh arising from opu sewers is enough to almost knock a person down. If nn epidemic were to break out in the town, the people would have themselves to blame. The cause Ot this state of affairs lies much nt tho doors of the intelligent class of our citizens as it does that of the ignorant, I . is almost Impossible to compell abso lute cleanliness without resorting to extreme measures on the part of the authorities. It will have to come to this eventually, otherwise the Innocent as well as the guilty will suffer from the evil effects of the foul odor. Once more we found the warning clean up, For every quarter In a man's poc' et mere arc a tloien uses j ana to Ui-e en one In such a way as to derive the gra est benefit Is a Question every one mut Bolve for himself. We believe, howevtr that no better use could be made ot one ot thefe quarters than to exchange it for a bottle ot Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medicine th every family should be provided with, Kor sale by Grnhler Bros., Druggists. Not Through Yet. What did it cost Schuylkill, anyway, to have the new county bill defeated Will Commissioners Martin and Allen j answer, or will we have to await the next - - i th sabject f Sunday News. Removal, H. Bury, the jeweler, changed bis plnee of business to the Owens' building, on Soutk Main ttrtet, recently vacate! by DABlel asd Dodson, and Is prepared to receive orders tar all k.ud&of repairing in the jewelry line, which he will do pt-MBptfy and on reasonable terms, lw Have your oarpeU, feathers asd mat tr eleaned by the Stam ReoovtlBg' O., S Kat Goal street. 4 17 3n 1 Valuable Prp;rtv ter Sale. ' A jrood iferrc-fctory brick house, ttere rowm and dwUtag Best toeattes. Next door to Ptrtt NaUoaal Bank. Apply to No. 30 Our street. Ml- Canael, Pa. 1m strcuie for clocti. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. Tim Hatme Blniln a I'rnto.t At-nltut llrlt- lah Oomiptttlon of Nicaragua. HAIUtlBliUttO, May 7. The houso held n busy session Inst night, tho order of busl noss being somite bills on first rending una local ami special bills on second and th nl mm 1 n . .1 1 i, . on tho part of tho members to talk, nnd mo uiiis went inrougu with practically no j opposition. Among bills passing second reading were lnrgo number providing ponslons for members of tho National Guard who wore disabled nt Homestead during tho memorable, riots lu 1803 and at Gettysburg last August. A resolution was introduced by Mr. Focht, of Union, thnt the house maintain thnt "no foreign power should bo permit ted to raise Its flag or land its troops upon this hemisphere, and therefore expresses lts'disapproval and disgust with tho tin Amorlcun nnd unpatrlotio courso of tho natlounl administration in permitting tho hoisting nnd floating of the British ling in nnd the occupntlon by British troops of tho ropubllo of Nicaragua." Objection was madu to tho resolution and no further action upon it wns taken. In tho sennto Mr. LandlB, of Lancaster, offered a resolution, which wns ndopted, condemning tho Cluvelnnd ndminlstration for its course with regnrd to tho British lnterferonco in tho republic of Nicaragua, A resolution wns adopted to drop from tho calendar bills " postponed for tho presont" after this week. , Among bills passed Anally wcroi Re erect tho villago of Darby, Delaware coun ty, into a borough so far as relates to tho number of councilman nnd their terms of offlco; houso bill authorizing trulley com panies to gather and distributo United States malls. YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL GAMES. National League. At Pittsburg Pittsburg, 12; Brooklyn, At Cincinnati Cincinnati. 4: New York, .'1. At Chioago-Clilcago, 4; Wash- ngton, 0. Af tt. Louis Boston. 8: St. Louis, 0. Tim Clovolttnd-Ualtlmoro gamo was postponed on account of rain and tho Louisville-Philadelphia gamo on account of tho Kentucky derby. Kuileru League. A.t Scrnnton Buffalo, 9; Scrnnton. 3. At Wllkosbarro Toronto, 18; Wilkes bnrro, a. At Providcnco Providence, ;i, Rochester, 1. At Springfield Svracuso. ; Spriiigflold, 8. THE "PENNSY" REACHING OUT. Officials of the Company Make a Signif icant Visit to Mt . Carmcl. Thete nppears to be no question but what the Pennsylvania railroad people havo determined upon coming into Mt. Carmel by wily of another route than that now used, nnd which in that event will give them exceptional facilities and advantages. Although a grent degree of retieeuce in giving the matter publicity isdisplnyed by the officials sufficient hns beon glenned to substantiate the belief that this will be accomplished before tunny months. The presence of officials of thecompnuy In Mt. Carmel Inst week revives the probability of the Pennsy's completing the connection between Mt. Cnrniel and Frnckvllle, ns projected several years ago. The company owns and operntes its own Hues from Philadelphia to Pottsville and thence to n short distance below Frnck vllle, From Frackville, along the Broad Mountain to Fountain Springs, across the hills to Germautown, and thence to Mt. Cnrmel, a line wns surveyed and still stands on tho maps of the company s on available through line from the west to Philadelphia. The coustrucilon of this short connec tion would prove very expeu-tve, but not more so thnn a similar distance on many parte of the Pennsy from Pottsville to Philadelphia. Ic would necetltate the construction of a very high bridge from Fountain Springs hill tp the tot ot Ash laud, and a tuuuel from Germautown to the.uorth side of Locust Mountain east of Mt. Carmel, but these would be con sidered trifling hludrnuces to the further ance of the project. The Schuylkill Vnlley route from Potts vllle to Philadelphia, which runs par allel to the Reading, does not prove as remunerative as it might, aud by making the connection said to be in contempla tion it would provide another through nnd direct route for a large portion of the immense traffic the Pennsylvania has c iltivated. Its lines from Harrisburg to Philadelphia nre crowded at certain seasons, and the newly acquired through line would permit of a relief of any emergencies by bringing western freight over the P. & E. from Erie and thence over the Schuylkill Vnlley to Philadel phia, thus converting it into an exceed- lngly remunerative roadway. The completion ot this through route would establish a line that would enter largely into competition with the Read ing and provide an additional outlet from the coal regions for such collieries ns are not controlled by the latter corporation, The recent decision of the Reading, in which it refused to handle coal forwarded over other lines, hampered those In par ticular that were situated on the lines ot the Lehigh Valley. By the establishment of this new route they would be indepen dentot the Reading, for the Pennsylvania would then drain the anthracite region almost as effectively as tho first named Waste Parr. Time and ace in we have called atteu tion to that worst ot nuisances, throwing paper on the streets, and there does not seem to be any abatement. Mne-teutb ot the runaways are canted by this suse less praotice, and nny person caught throwing paper or other refuse ou the streets, alleys and pavement should be arrested and fined. One or two atresU will have a tendeney to put a stop to the praotice. Why Not Gold? Sbeoiviidoih seems to hare made a grind muuike In reservoir building. It would b&Te been cheap: to have tued all ver initead of earth la their construe tioa Suaday Kew . POLITICAL POINTS. Schuylkill county will not be disturbed under tho apportionment bills. , Early conventions will be the rule this year, but not until nfter the Legislature j ' adjourns. ciiuire ueogier is nirenoy geiwuK m fence fixed for the Republican nomlna- ol J-reosurer nexv year. x-oor uirector uerr, wnose time with this year, we are Informed will be a candidate for a re-nomination. Wm. D. Seltzer, Esq., of Pottsville, will be n candidate be Are the next Republican convention for Judge of the Orphans' Court. It is getting almost too warm to talk politics, but not warm enough to deter candidates from announcing themselves tor office. Thisyenr there will be nn Orphans' Court Judge, District Attorney, Poor Director nnd Coroner to bo elected, and in the event of Judge Pershing retiring, a successor to him. In the event of Judge Pershing resign ing or being retired, George M. Roads, Esq., of Pottsville, will be a prominent candidate before the next Republicnn convention. Mr. Roads stands high in tho cstlmntlon of the people of this county nud has never been identified with nny of the factional fights of the party. Over 20,000 Barrels Sold. The Columbia Brewing Company put out its first product on April 14th, 1894, nnd sold the first yenr, just finished, n little over 20,000 barrels, which speaks well for the product they furnish. Strouse for diamonds. Coming Events. May 30. Monster picnic ot Columbia park by the Gymnasium Club. Mny SO. Ice cream festival in Robbins' hall, under the auspices of the Young People's Working Society of the United Evangelical church. June 0. Lecture by Rev. T. Rateman, entitled, "That's the Man," in the P. M. ohurch. "TiO i-'nmoi,. for KHEUHATI KEUI5ALQIA and similar Complaints, maatitaoturod under tne stringent GERM AH fr'EDICAL LAWS. .'E(0h. - .1 It I (-! . wvvre3criDeaDj eminent pnyBiciaus, DR. rvluHTcK S JOnlv cenmuo villi Trade ,lark"Anchor Uanufactarcr:CommerzlcnrathDr.Kichterof i F. Ad. Hichter& Co., 17 Wrrn Si.,KS7? TOES. 29 HIGHEST AWARDS, 12 Branch Houses. Own Glassworks. Lai & 50 rts In SternBdoah for sale bj- . Hllluii.7 1-. Ma n &i.. S- an- - , . ....... .ion'. ''OJ,"!'l3., MISCELLANEOUS. irANTEr A coodelrl for eeneral house VV work. Apply to H. M Peters. No. 36 North Jardln street. Must sleep ut home. It I70U HhNT A rorra suitable tor a lodce, 17 newlv carneted n d painted. Unoccupied Wednesday iifcbt Inoulre at Refowtch's cimliiDgstore 5-2 tr HTHY do nconlf complain of hard times, when any woman or man can make from J5 to J10 a day easily? All have heard oi the wonderful succtfs of the Climax Dish washer : yet many are apt to think they can i make money selling It ; but anyone can malic luonoy, bernui-o every lamlly wants one One&sent has made $t!. !6 In ihs last three monlhb.atter nay Inc all expense nnd nt. leudti'K to regular business besides. Yon don't rave to canvass; as soon as people unow you uv u lor snie iney teno lor a Liisn wnmer, ACinre tne rii'iisi Ml rv.. JS Starr Avn. Coluiubue. Ohio, lor particulars. nHARTEK NOTICE.-Notlce is hereby j giva hat an aprl'catUm will be tunde 10 in uovciDoroi i-euuevivanift nn tup nith day of May, lb!, by W. JI Urewer, H. J. MouaehxD. G. M. Hamilton. V. J. Hrminnn Hiid J. R. Coyle, under the Act of Assembly ui mo wuminuviweHiia oi rennsyivai is, entitled "An Act to provide for thelucorpora- tiou and resulstion of certnlo cimo tlnni.." apprwed AptU2, 1S71, and tho supDlemeiils in reie. lor toe cuauer oi an luiRt.opn rnmnr. atton, to be called Pennsylvania State Building ine cnaracipr una ooieci wnereoi 18 -o nccum. nlnte a 'und by the periodical contrlhntlnn nf its xfmbers. nnd to safely Invest the sumo to aud with Its members, and for their benefit, a ,id to have hold and exercise Mich i.thpr fr -trellises and prlvlleces as now nre or hero. Biiermsy no grantea ti uuun'iig nna Loan Associations, and for those purposes, to have. poess and enjoy nil the rights, benefits and linvncgcs oi me sum aci oi AbBemuiy ana 1' suppieinems. J. K. UOTLk, solicitor. 4-2t-oaW-3t AMUSEMENTS. pKKQUSON'8 THEATRE. P. J, rXRQUSON, UAHAQIR Three nights, commencing THURSDAY, MAY 9tli, '95. ltcturn engagement ot The'ClairM.Patce Co. In a repertoire of new plays, never before pre sented here. PrlccH, io, to, ami 30 cents. Itmtrvcil scats nt Klrlln'g drug store. Weeks' Museum 1 17 SOUTH 31AIN HTHKm. st iccttotik nud flDcst paintings lu the oounty. llest llee'r, I'orter nua Ale. Flttst llrands ot Olgiirs, Htte luntU every u omlnj vnd etenlng. Jomi w kkkb, Proprietor 13 mil J, Beyer's U'urmerly Mutpliy Drm.j Saloon and Restaurant, 10 North Main Btreati Tho bar sujiplled wiih fl, , ItquorH. beer. ale. porter, t hole" tlga"; Call and see our rinc stock of WatchtS, Clock, Jiwelry, Musical Insiruminis. rno Cpliccl Go.is. You can save 50 per cent, by calling on IKE 129 DON'T FORGLT THE PLME Between Oak and Cherry Streets. -GrO T, H, SNYDER Cor. Jardin and Oak FOR YOUR WALL PAPER. CHINESE :- STo. 3.0 2Toxt3a. 2a.!.2a. Street, Slloila.ndlca.il, Pa. Clothes of nil description neatly done up In n 'first clnss mnnner. I run rWfn scores of families in this city ns to my care in wnshing and superior neatness in doing up clothing. I do my work better nnd quicker thnn other laundry in this city. Our Grand Spring Opening Of French Pattern Hats We are displaying hundreds of the French and American designs In flowers silk, No. 5, Be; No. 7, 7c; No. 9, Oc; No. 12, 12c; No. 10, 15c; No. 80, 25c per yard all colors. Sailor hats, 15c up; Indies' hnts, 25o up; infants long cloaks, cream and white for $1.00 up. Infants' christening outfits. Silk velvets, to close out, down fiom $1.00 to 50c per yard. Black satin. 24 inches wide. $1.00 yer vnrd. worth $1.75. Nim'a veils, $1.25 up. Infants' enps, 15c to $1.75, at Mrs. J. J. Kelly, Garden's JKT WALL jStore. We linve just received a fine line of the most beautiful nnd artistic papers in the mnrket, hich we will sell at very reasonable prices. We have also In stock a great deal of InRt year's patterns which we nre selling nt a sacrifice. Come and see our line of goods. We have the most beautiful and artistic papers. Largest Paper Store in Town. Finest Stock and Lowest Prices. 3". 3P. 03LEt333E:Kr, House, Sign and Decorative Painting. 224 "West Centre Street. All orders promptly attended to. L. REFOWICH, Leading Clothier 10 and 12 South Main St., Hns been appointed the sole agent for the Slater woolen uompany INDIGO SfflJES. L I?, SUITS All other goods offered for pale are not the genuine, it these goods snouiu cnange color within five years your money will be refunded. Have a full line of spring and summer clothing. All genuine goods which cannot be beat for price. Au im mense stock of men's, boys' and children's summer clothing. Each purchaser of a suit before Decoration Day will be enti tled ton genuine American shamrock free. L. REFOWICH, Reliable Clothier. ED. BRENNAN, Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sts. Finest Beers, Wines and Liquors, Choice Temperance Brinks. Best Bnuula n fi nnd lOo CigftrB Why waste your time shopping around for Hats and Bonnets when you know that yon can always be suited in price and quality by going direct to Hyde's, 29.N. Main St., Shenandoah and Bet the latest styles in slianes and trimming for less MONEY than nny place in tue town or county. New York Cash Millinery Store, 20 North Main Street. A Clean, Quick Shave Can always te had at Charles Derr's Barber Shop, Firts-clans hiUr cutting nnd slocetne. Ferguson House liulldlng. Spring : and : Summer S'u.Itlm.g'S- (Order spring garments now ). Besides giving ample time for delivery it enables you to have your pick of our spring assortment. Complete line of domestic and iimiorted novelties in trousers aud suiting. PORTZ BROS. ill North Mnln Ht., Hlioiinndotili, l'u. -"dkTaT a7 beibeht " Specialist In diseases bt the Evo, Ear, Noso and Throat. m West Market Bt , 1'otUvllle. Hours g.ft0 a. m. to Jit iu.i 1 to 4 p. in., 7 to p. ui. Bandars, 9 a. ui. tu IS in. ly ORKIN, South Main Street, , SHEKANDOAH. PA. TO Painter and J Paper Hanger, Sts., SB EN AND 0 AH. Largest Assortment anil Lowest Price All orders promptly attended to LAUNDRY CHARLES LEE, Manager. and Bonnets is Now on. choicest nnd most select stvles ever shnwn. of every description. Cheap ribbon, nil 26 S. Main St. HOOKS & BROWN Full line of Base Ball Goods. Special inducements to clubs. . Agents for DAILY PAPERS. 4 North Main St. We Have th Best illuminating oil mtde. Odor less, colorless, brilliant, safe, per fection. If you are In the dark, drop us a postal. We'll enlighten you and lighten you. ESclipse Oil Som'jf Burners, etc. 213 South Jardln St., SHENANDOAH, PA. Mali orders promptly attended to. 'St 36 North Wain Siixet. The most popular resort in the town. Excellent beer, porter and ale on tap. Our cigars are the finest. , A genuine welcome Awaits you at Joe Wyatt's Saloon! MAIN AND COAL STS. Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys, beers, porter and ale constantly on tap. Choice temperance drinks and e.gara. Fashionable Millinery. We are now prepared to show the ladies of Shenandoah and vicinity the most attractive assortment of the latest style Hats and Bonnets in this oity, and nt remarkobly low prices, A call respectfully solicited, M. & L. STANK'S, No. 7 South Malu St., Bheuandoah. Evan J. Davies, UNDERTAKING ! AND LIVEKY. 13 North Jnrdin Street. 3V3C. : anil : Jn 16 North Main Street. Meralrineof all kinds rrmoptly attended to.