ft. EVENING HERALD f-jbllsbed dally, except Jnriday by ItXHAhl) PVHLISUINO cosri'Aifr, V nbllo&tlon oflloa and mechanical Jepartment, North Market Street. rii. TJa-alfl Is delivered In Shenandoah and peraia Burroun(llng t0WnB f0r Six Cents week, payable to the carriers. Dy mall, Three Dollars a year orTwenty-flvo cents per month, It advance. A.drrtlement charged according to space ad position. The publlehors rosorvo the right 'o change the position of advertisements when liver the publication of nows requires It. The tight la also roservod to reject any advertise ment, whether paid for or not, that the pub libers may deem Improper. Advertising rates tfcade known upon application. Rnterd at the post once at Shenandoah, Fa, s second closs mall matter. the jtrjitrixa imhal,ip, Shenandoah, Penna. Evening Herald. THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1S05. SPAIN has nt last made up her talnd to proffer that apology. But she has waited so long about It that nobody cares very much whether she apologizes now or not. THE Spaniards In Cuba report that they have just won another great "victory" over Maceo, the insurant leader. By day after tomorrow we niny learn Just how far the Spanish forces have been compelled to retreat In consequence. The cap and gown Idea for commence ment exercises has not found favor with the Honesdale school board. At Its pes slon last week the following resolution was presented and unanimously adopted. "Resolved, That the suggested innova tion for the graduating clsss to wear caps and gowns on commencement evening Is unanimously disapproved, and that the graduates be requested to dress simply and inexpensively. And we deprecate the custom of publicly making presents to members of the graduating class and also regret the large expense annually In enrred for flowers. And we trust that the good sense of the parents and scholars may aid us to check these growing Inap propriate and extravagant practices. And, be It further resolved, that all flowers given to the members of the graduating class be placed at the front of the platform before the beginning of the exercises and no flowers presented during the exercises " The graduating class bra approved the policy of the board. "When Colonel Waring, the oirlsh street Commissioner of New York city, says the Carbondale Leader called the members of the Grand Army of the Republic "pension bummers," he probably ex pressed the sentiment of the kid glove snobocracy of this whole country. Tho men and the sons of the men who Bent substitutes and staid at home and got rich during the war have now only con tempt for the bumble, men who ask their country to give them pensions. Perhaps some pensions have been granted to un worthy men. Nlnety.nlne hundredths of them have not. At a time when they hud all that life offers aspiring youth before them, these young men turned their backs upon It all and went out to fight that this Union might be preserved. They gave up the trades thoy were going to learn, the education they were going to get, the professions they were about to acquire, the commercial enterprises that were to enrich them, and became soldiers. Some of those who went were older and left families of little children dependent on their daily wages. When gold was at p tr, In the beginning of the fight, they got $11 a mouth pay. Afterward, when it required $2 85 of our paper money to equal one of gold, the soldiers' pay was $18 a month. Boiled down to a gold 'basis, this was equal to lass than 16 a month, less than half what the poorest paid laborer in America re ceived. Thousands of them left their bones decaying In unnamed graves on southern battlefields. The men who staid at home raised big crops or manufactured supplies for the army at the highest prices or lent money to the government. The soldier got 40 cents on the dollar, the bondholder lent 40 cents to the govern ment and got back a dollar, with Interest. This Is cold fact. More fortunes were made during the civil war than at any other time in this country's history. Those who made them handed them down to their children. The soldier's children sometimes went to the poorhouse, some times were supported by charitable neighbors. When the war was over, the old boys were turned out to catch on again and pick up a living as they might. Hundreds of them were maimed and halt and blind. Thousands of them had spent the golden years of their lives standing up to be shot at for M a month, gold basis, and the year thns sputthey never have bean able to make up again In the race for a oompetauoy. These, with their toll stiffened hands, their plain clothing and white hairs shall the American kid glove snobocracy eall these men "pension bnmmerB t" IS1X INSTANTLY KILLED Aiid a Number Injured, Some Fa tally, by a Kansas Oyolone-, SWEPT EVERYTHING BEFORE IT. It Swept Over n Narrow Strip of Land for Sixteen Miles, Demnlliilitng- ISvery House In lt Path Foresight Saves Many School Children. Wichita, Kan., May 3. A special from Halstoad, Kan., says: About 4 o'clock yes serday afternoon a.fcarful cyclone dovas tatcd a strip of country sovoral hundred yards wldo and at least sixteen miles in length, killing six porsons outright and severely injuring sovornl others, while many havo received' slight Injuries. Tho oyolone struck tho houso of Mrs. Fry, a widow who lived about nlno miles south west of Halsted, completely destroying it and slightly lnjurlug Mrs. Fry. It picked up tho' houso of John Schultzback and scattered It In every direction, Tho fluo two story houso of Joseph Weir .was entirely swept uwny, killing Mrs. Jo seph wolr, Grnco Weir, aged 11 J Herman Wolr, agod 5, and n5-wcoks'-old baby. Mr. Wolr had previously left tho houso, and whon tho cyolono struck it was about fifty yards away. Ho clung to a troo, but was badly Injured by flying debris, and will die. Joseph Weir, Jr., and his sister, Maud Wulr, tlio only' ones In tho family who took to tho cellcr, oscaped With only (light brulsos. Tho homo of E. C. Caldwell, which was 100 yards to tho west of tho Wolr home, was unroofed and ono sldo torn nwny. The family escaped by taking to tho col lar. Tho noxt houso in tho path of the storm was William Armstrong's, which was completely wiped from tho f uco of tho earth. Mr. Armstrong was killed, Mrs. Armstrong seriously and perhaps fatally Injured, and Grandma Chapln, who was thoro sick In bed, was killed. About a hundred yards cast of tho Armstrong hoUso tho largo two story residence of B. E. Frlzzel was picked up, as was also the largo two story houso of J. F. Frlzzel, located jtlst across tho road, and both, to gether with tho outbuildings, wore com pletely swopt nway, leaving only enough debris to show that a houso stood thuro. Tho families of both tho Frlzzels escaped Injury with tho oxcoptlon of Mrs. J. F. Frlzzel, who was corfsfdornbly brulsod about tho head. The noxt placo visited was tho homo of Captain William' White, which was only partly destroyed, ono wing of the houso Doing torn away. Across tho road from White's tho homo of Cyrus Hlnkston was entirely carrlod away. Mr. Hlnkston re ceived painful, but not serious Injuries. Sponcer Ross bouse was in tho lino or tho tornado, and was carrldd nway, as wero also tho homos of A. S. Powoll, J. A. Comas, Andrew Thompson and Monno Hego. Miss Daisy Neff, at Powell's house, was badly Injured, as was Mrs. J. Comas. At the Hego district school tho children had just been dismissed. Mr. Hego saw tho storm approaching, and fearing Its re sults hurried tho scholars to his cyclono collar. His foroslghtedness provontod an awful holocaust, for just as tho last child had been safoly stowed away In tho cellar the cyclono struck tho houso over them and domolishod it. As it was not ono of them was ovon slightly Injured. Tho fury of tho storm seems to havo done Its worst about flvo miles west of Halstoad, whore all six of tho persons woro klllod. Thosowho ilrst saw tho disastor coming say it made very slotv progress, traveling not fastor than a person eould run. It seemed to waver first in one direction, thon in another. As far ns heard from, covering a dlstanco of eighteen miles across tho country from southwost to northwest, twenty residences, nearly nil of thorn large ones, were completely de stroyed. Tho loss will fall not less than 1300,000, besides tho six deaths and tho Injured, two or throo of whom will prob ably dio. Physicians from Wichita wont to the re lief of tho injured and local assistance is glvon to tho suffering families. Every body in tho track of tho storm lost overy .thing, and outside aid will probably have to bo callod for. Price's Confession of Murder. Denton, Md., May 3. In tho trial of Marshall E. Prico for tho murder of Salllo Dean, Dctectlvo Solbold.of Bid tlmoro, tes tified that Prlco said to him on tho train when under urrest: "I want to toll you about tlid murder. I can't kepp It any lon ger, for my heart Is breaking. I did tho dcod." Prico added, In answer to a query: "So help' mo God, I did not criminally as sault her." The dofenso objected to tho Introduction of a type written copy of Price's confession of the murder made in Baltimore. Ono Killed, Ono Illsmomberod. TrtENTON, May 2. Last night Audrow Gromborg, agod 45, of 778 Elovonth avo nue, together with an unknown man, jumped from a Pennsylvania railroad freight train, upon whioh they had been stealing a ride, and started across tho traok at tho Bridge street crossing, Thoy were struck by a passenger train, which killed tho unknown and cut' off both of Gromborg's legs, Peace Treaty Not Yet HatMed. ' Pkkin, May 2. No decision has yet been reached in regard to the ratification of the treaty of peneo. LI Hung Chang, tho senior Chinese ponce onvoy, has arrived in Peklu and been given nn nudlenco with tho emperor, but what action was agreed upon, if any, is a court secret. No edict lias yot been published concerning tho re sult of the deliberation. A Death Sentence Commuted. HAIII1I611UHG, May S. The board of par dons last night decided to rooommeud a purdon for Charles Clark, of Allegheny, for assault. The death seutenco of Krod MoDounoll, tho Crawford county boy, was commuted to life Imprisonment. . Tho case of Hugh F. Dempsey, the Pittsburg labor loador, was held under ndvisomunt. Public Debt Statement, Washington, May 2. The monthly pub llo debt statement shows the debt of ths United States, less cash In the treasury, to be H)17,880,9)8, an Increase for tho mouth of 9,10D,b57. Tho oush balance in the treasury is 1160,817,010, a ilocraut dur ing the last mouth of 7,0JW,316. Monster Cloudburst In Minnesota, Winona, Minn., May a. There was a turrinci elouuburst hero yosterday after noon. Within tel. minutes an inch und u half of rain fell, flooding the streets be yond all precedent. Numerous buildings were struck by, lightning, but uo material damage Is reported. hat is 1 i Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing' Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' wso by Mlllions'of Mothers. Castoria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria 19 so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior toany prescription known to me." If. A. Archer, II. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Thousoof 'Castoria' Is so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse It. Few nro thd intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Cab Los IIaktyn, D. D -New York City. Tdk Cestaub AN ALARMING REPORT. Investigation Proves No lit Feeling II o Uretm Indians nml bottlers FAliao, N. I).. May 1. United States Marshal Cronun rereiveil tho following dispatch from Deputy buiiiiller, at St. Johns: '"Between 2X) and it JO hos'tlles at Langan are preparing to real St, Itud citi zens nro leaving St. Johns through fear. if you como at all, bring nsslstauco enough to quiet tho dlsturbauco uud protect set tlers." It Is stilted also that tho IudlnUs had burned the bodies of sottln'rs who had tes tified nguliwt them. But on running tho story down It appeurs that but ono caso of that kind has decurrcd. Sunday tho mar shal and deputy had a council with tho In dians who had rescued a half breed charged with cutting timber on govern ment land from arro-it, and told that thoy had como there to arrest tho parties, and unit mey suouiu surely uo 1C. ijiuiOBiicu, chief of tlio Turtle Mountain Indians, told thorn that tho government had nevor paid tho Indians for their land, that ho had given permission to out tho timber, that ho had a right togivothut permission, and tnnt they would not. allow any ono to bo arrested for cutting timbor under his or dors or with bis permission. Tho marshal reiterated tho statement that thoy had como to mnko arrests and intended to do It. Tlio Indians askod who thoy wnntod, mid on boing informed, thoy callod tho porsons, and when thoy camo in tho marshal road tho warrant and under took to m.iko tlio arrost, but tlio Indians forcibly roslstod. Tho mnrshal returned to Fargo and wired tho uttoruoy genoral for Instructions. Tho olTouso Is slight at rriost, and fooling is general among tho sottlcrs that tho Indictments against Bottlers and othor3 in that region aro moro for tho purposo of making fees for officers than any othor purposo. Thoro Is no probability that anything will como out of tho alleged outbreak. There is no fooling botwueu citizens and Indians, but towards Sbindlcr, tho deputy who inado tho nrrost, and has made ulnt- self obnoxious in othor matters, tho feel ing Is blttor. After Maryland's Governorship. BAUIMOlilJ, May 1. Ex-Cougrossman Isndor Ravnor. who nronosos to mako a determined fight for tho Democratic nom ination for Maryland's governorship, re gardless of party machinery, opened tho campaign at Music hall last night in tho prosonco of 1),000 pooplo, including hun dreds of ladles. Tho addresses woro re ceived with much enthusiasm. Murilorcr Garrett's Desperation, Lebanon. Ph, May 1. Charles Garrett tho wife murderer, who is to bo haugodon Tuosday next, sent for District Attornoy beluer and several uowspaporlneu yester day, and wheu they arrived whipped out a big dirk, which he bad concealed on his person. It is feared that ho Intended to kill tho district attornoy, but that official gave tho prisoner to understand that he Was afraid of nothing. Garrett displayed some temper, and thon declared that tho knife had been given lilm by Jules Ferry.' a fellow prisoner, n week nftr tho tazor had been found upon hlni. Ho called at tention to several bars In Ids cell, which had been out through and the grooves filled with soap. Then he asserted that Ids sister, Snllle Garrett, gave Forry a file, which Ferry had refused to glvo to him. It is bollovod that Garrett had Intended killing District Attornoy Seltzer, but that ills nerve failed him. The knife was taken from him, and ho will bo closely watched. NUGGETS. OF NEWS. Rlfllans boarded tho Dutch brlgantlno Anna off the coast of Morocoo, killed the captain and pillaged tho vessel. Governor Groonhalgo, of Massachusetts, has appointed a oommlttoo to ropresont tho state at tho Mexican exposition. New York's grand jury Indicted Bolo inon 11. Mnnu on a charge of causing tho death of Miss Lorotta Hannlgan by a criminal abortion. Loo Ward, a West Virginia moonshlnor, was klllod whilb resisting arrest. A hun dred moonshiners, havo boon arrostod In Logan, Wyoming, McDowell und Morcor counties. A shooting mutch for 11,000 a side and tho championship of Ainorlou has been ar ranged between A. J. Vwn Duesen, of Wluonn, Minn., and Fred C. Hoss, of Brooklyn. Flftttui thousand oonl miners employed along the Ohio extension of the Norfolk and Western raiioad, near Pot'ahontaji, Vu., aro out on sU'lke against a 80 per cent, reduction. An American named Howard Is under arivist In London olutrgod. with poSheshUlg ougruvod jnutes for forging Uank of France notes, vqiIou railway bonds aid American poking Mumps. Castoria. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without Injurious medication. "For several years I havo recommended 'Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so, as It has Invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pardee, M. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave., Now York City. Cojipanv, 77 MunoAV Street, New York Cut. BATTLE WITH DESPERADOES. Thoy Slnlie a Ilnlil Dash for Liberty, but Are Captured. St. JoSEril, Mo., May2. For somodays past a gang of tough characters havo been hanging around St. George, a suburb' of this city, and Tuesday nlht Information was brought to tho Burlington oilleiiils that tho Omaha express wos to bo held up. William H.utg, a hotol man, furnished th.' Information, and the ollicors sont.u possj, who frustrated tlio design. Last night wnuo tticuum jtau, an,oluployo oi liaag, was sitting in thq barroom of Hnag'3 place, Thomas Fnrroll, ono of the gang, stopped Inside tho door, whllo his partner, who gives tho name of Dan Howard, watched on tho outside. Farroll stopped up to Rau and without a word shot him through tho stomach, inflicting a fata' wound. As Farrell rau out tho door he called to hU partner, "I havo ulioc tin wrong man," realizing that he had failed to ge.t the man who had given tho Infor mation. Several citizens started In pursuit of the two men, who run out on tho railroad tracks toward tho Kansas bt'UUn. A num ber of shots worn iii. tl by both parties, but without effect. A tliofugitiv. nearea tho brldgo ox-Sheriff Carson and Oilicer Barry, who hoard tho firing, jumped Into a burrgjfl ana gave chase, catching up with tho two men Justus thoy woro leaving tho Kansas end ot tho bridgo. Carson covered How ard with a revolver and forced him to Bur rendon Officer Barry attempted to cap ture Fnrrell, who whipped out two revol vers and bogan firing, shooting tho olllcer through tho nrm. Then Farroll dashed Into tho woods, fol lowed by Barry aud two other officers, Franz aud Shea, who had arrived by this tlmo, and u battlo onsucd during which over forty shots wero fired. Farrell was finally shot through tho loft breast, tho byllot passing through his lungs, and ho Is In a dying condition. Knrrell Is sup posed to hull from St, Louis, whllo How ard's residence is so far unknown, us ho refuses to ttdk. A Skeleton In the Closet. Ho w of ten do we hear of this in domestic lite at this day, But what Is more appalling than the living, body mtde repulsive with skin and scalp diseases, salt-rheum, tetter, eczema and scrofulous sores und swellings. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Is the positive cure for all of these diseases. If taken In time, it also cures Lung-scrofula, commonly known as Pulmonary Consumption. By diugglsts. Koyser, N. O. Dr. It. V. PlEItCE : Dear Sir When about three years of age I was taken with mumps, also had fever, finally I had that dreaded disease Scrofula. The most eminent physicians in this section treated me to no avail. I had running scrofulous sores on left side of neck and face. I was small aud weakly when eight or nine years old, and In fact was nearly a skele ton. Six bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery wrought marvelous changes. Although the sores were healed in eight months, I did not quit taking It until I was sure it had been entirely routed from my system. The only signs left of the dreadful disease are the scars which ever remind moot how near death's door I was until resoued by the ''Dis covery." I am now eighteen years old and weigh 148 pounds, and have not been Blck in five years. Yours, respectfully, HAnVET M. HOLLEMAN, Agt. for Seaboard Air Line. Coming Events. May SO Ice cream festival In ItoSblns hall, under the auspices of the Young People's Working Society of the United f.vnngeiicai cnurcn. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. JOHN A. BEILLY, Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALER, 22-21 Bouth Main St., Shenandoah. Agent for D. G. Yuenglirg& Bon's celebrated Boer. Porter Ales etc JOHN F CLEARY, Temperance Drinks. Mineral watero, Weiss beer. Bottler of the finest lager beers. 17 and 19 Peach Alley. Shenandoah, Pa. SPANISH OFFICER EXECUTED. Lieutenant (tl'i stmt for Cowardice 111 n Portress nt linrnnn. ITavaka, May 2. Lieutenant Valentino Gallogo, who surrendered fifty Spanish soldlors to the rebols and who was after wards captured and turned over to the military authorities here, was, nftter trial by court martial, sentenced to be shot. This sontenco was onrricd out yosterduyln tho fortress of Cabann bore. Lieutenant Valentin Gallogo should not be con foundod with Llouteunnt Benjamin Gal logo, of tho Peninsular roglmont, who was recently tried by oourt martini and shot nt Santiago do Cuba for nllowlng the robols to surprise him in o saloon nt Jurn gua City. In approving tho sontenco of tho court mnrtlal which condomnod Ltcutonnlit Val entin Gallogo to death, Captain General Martinez do Campos Issued n proclama tion In which ho said that It was tho first tlmo In tho history of his military llfo that he had known a Spanish officer to bo exe cuted as a coward. Lloutonnnt Vttlontln Gnllogo's execu tion was conducted with tho usunl mili tary ccromonlos, nnd ho personally guvo tho order for tho firing squad to shoot. Tho captain general lias loft here for Matnnzas, Cardonns, Santa Clara and Clonfuegos. During tlffe absonco of Cap tain Goncral Martinez de Campos from Havana, General Joso Ardorlus will uctas captain general. NICARAGUA TROUBLE SETTLED. Honduras Would Have Sent Soldiers to Aid Nicaragua It Needed, -lONDOtf, May 3. In splto of tho stato mont which emanated from tho foreign ofllco saying that thcro has boon nochango In tho attltudo of Groat Britain tov.'iirds Nicaragua, it is learned that Great Britain has agreed to tho proposed sottlomont of her dispute with Nicaragua If tho pay ment of tho lndomnlty Is gunrantood. In this caso tho British floot will linmodlately withdraw from Corlnto. It Is not known what guarantco Great Britain domnnds for tlio payment of tho indemnity, but it is bollovcd in official circles that tho affair is practically sottlod. MANAauA.Nlcaragun, May 3. Tlio Hon duras government has given assurance to Nicaragua that her troops will bo at the disposal of Nicaragua should thoy bo ne cessary, This Is tho only tender of troops that has boon mndo by tho Central Amer ican governments, although tho othor re publics havo shown tholr Interest hud co- oporntion In othor ways. . Tho offer from Honduras is not likoly to bo nccoptod, 'ow ing to tho prespnt favorable turn of af fairs, but at ono tlmo tnere wos a prospect of concerted action by tho forces of tho two countries. An Alleged Female Dentist In Trouble. Fort Scott, Kan., May 3. At Hlatts vlllc, n small vlllago near here, ovor half a dozen peoplo havo been poisoned, some of them porhap3 fatally, by medlclno ad ministered by a traveling woman dentist, who has skipped tho town slnco tho con dition of her pntlonts bocamo known. The victims nro: Taylor Paxton, pastor of the Mothodlst church; Mlssos Myrtle Wallace, Nora Burtwell and Llzzlo Llddoll, and Mrs. William Clark. Miss Llddoll Is dy ing, and it Is feared somo of tlio others may succumb. The dontlst traveled under tho nnmo of Dr. Alberta Oberlln, and ndvor tlsed horsolf as n "painless tooth extractor of St Louis." In tho dispatches which havo been sent out asking her nrrost she is descrlbod as "n largo, remarkably hand somo woman of stylish und prepossessing appearance" Denying the liecf Trust Story, Chicago, May 3. Philip D'. Armour de nies tho assertion that a trust in beof ox lsts, and that it is caused by a combina tion of tho firms of Armour & Co., Nolson Morris & Co. and H. H. Swift & Co., of Chicago. "It Is porfectly astonishing," snld Mr, Armour, "that this craze is so widespread, and that thoro nro bo many believers that thoro Is a beef trust. I say with ull slncorlty that Armour & Co. did not mnko any money In the beef buslnoss during the yenr 1691, nnd up to tho pres ent tho year 1895 has proved equally bad." llurned to Death In a Stable Fire. Wilmington, Del., May 3. Froderlck A. Froonoy, a 33-yoar-old colored man, was burned to death In the stables ot tho Wil mington Tpmsfp.r company yestordny. Tho unfortunate man had evidently boon asleep In the second story of tho building when tho flro broko out, and whon ho nwoko ho saw that osoapo by tho front door was cut off. Again and ngaln ho throw the weight of his body against n barred window, but wns unnblo to break through, and ho porlshcd In sight of hun dreds who wero poworloss to help him. Great Britain's Snub to China. Shanghai, May 3. Tho Chinese Inhab itants of the Island of Formosa recontly sont n, deputation to tho British roprosont otlvo there, urging him to roquost tho British government to provout tho Japan eso from annoxlng tho Island, and offering in roturn for tills protection a largo share In tho profits of the Formosa mines. The matter was referred to tho British govern ment, which repllod thnt it could not on tortaln tho proposal. Secretary Greshnun Again III. Washington, May 3. Secretary of Stato Grosham Is again confined to his rooms et his hotol suffering from an at tack of aoute neuralgia of the stomach, with liver complications, very similar to that ho experienced about two mouths ago, His illness was aggravated for a tlmo by the pain due to the passage of a gall stone, though tho effects of this have completely disappeared. Policemen Stoned In Austria. Vienna, May 3. About 80,000 workmon attonded May Day meetings hero and in tho neighborhood yostordny. Tho usual resolutions favoring eight hours as a legal day's work, freedom of tho nross and uni versal vuffrago were adopted. In tho Meldllng district a crowd of poople stoned tho pollce,and several arrests were made in eousequonoo. Lost Stolen Money by Speonlatlon. Eatj Oi.jliiie. Wis.. Mnv 2. Harry B MoMastor. assistant cashier of the Eau Clalro National bank, Is an ombezzlor to the amount of tS,000, and was arrested last ovenlng. Tho stockholders horo made up tho shortago. It Is claimed that Mo MoBter loBt the monoy spooulatiug on tho Chicago board oi trn.uo. Lucks CuurHge to Commit Suicide. Lebanon, Pa , May 8. Charles Garrett, tho wife murderer, tout buoriu rjtluo yes torduy that' last week ho declflod to nom mit suicide, and made the attempt Tups day night by uuttiug his wrUt. After making n slight out, ho said, his courage failed him, and houas uow oouciuded to nivparo for death, BESlUED F..JM TORMENT. Kvtry Joiut m Ms d0dy Harked by IlstOmaiisiii, v Could Not Move His Arm and Was In Constant Pain -a True story of a Remarkable Cure. William F. Mnler. is P.rb t,.. Zatiesvllle, Ohio, wiites: "About a year ago I had to quit work on account of rliehmnttsm. I had tho disease in my hips back and n'rnif. ih fact, in every Joint In my body. The pulu w Intense, and I suffered' the mott excruciating ngohyv My doctor could not do anything for nm, utid -1 tiled overy remedy that coul'i be suggested; none of them did me hiiv good, and llnally luy joints became stiffened and sOre At times I could not m my right nrm, add was in constant PHi" I procured a bottle of Munyon's KueumatNni Cure, and within a short " complexly Cured. I am free fr' m Mitltie'ffcl mill niilrt nml n ,, M,n,-. fully fetlommend Mtibyon's Hemedy as the oedt I have ever known." " " "' Munyou's Rheumat'lsm Cure acts al most Instantaneously, coring many ob stinate cases Jrt a few hours. It is "guar anteed to cure rheumatism in any part of the bbdv. Acute or muscular rheuma VVP "fell? '" from I to 5 days. It never fhlU tb cute snarl), shontihrr nolno r, ih. arm's, legs, sides, 'back or breast, of Sore- nsuiu) pitrbui me oouy tn Irom' one to three hours. It p Omptly cures lame lies,' stiff and swollen joints, arid all pains iu the hips nnd loins, chrdnlc rheumatism; sciatica, lumbago or pain in the back are speedily cured. It seldom falls to give relief after one or two doses, and nlmost Invariably cures before one bottle has been used. AInnvon's Homoeonathlc Home Itemed Company, of Philadelphia, put up speci fics for nearly eVery disease, which are sold by all druggists, mostly for 25 cents a bottle. Best is Cheapest. Every one admits this theoretically, and yet many continue to use inferior articles because they think they save a few cents. Allcock's Porous Plaster is the ideal remedy, for lame back, sciatica, pleurisy, rheumatism, pneumonia and similar complaints. Bo Sure and get the genuine Allcock's. Do not be deceived by mtsrepi esentatlons. Allcock's Corn Shields. Allcock's Bunion Shields. Have no equal as a relief and cure for corns and bunions. Brandreth's Pills by purifying the blood assist nature. They aro purely vegetable. M.J. LAWLOR, Justice of the Peace Insurance and .... Real Estate Agent, 123 E. Centre St., Shenandoah TWO-STORY Frame Building, 30x15 feet, on Bouth Chestnut street. Heats for $18 per month; wl 1 ce sold cheap, Foil BALE. - Half lot aud two houses, sit uate on West Centre street. Will nay 12 te- cent, on Investment, ana can be bought on easy terms. 17A.HM FOB SALK--V trm of 33 acres, J? within three miles of go id market. Twenty-nine acres under cultivation, ana iour acres or gooa timuer. Frame rarm nouse, six roomi, gooa earn ana ail in gooa coauuiuu. Will be sold for Jl.aoo cash. FOlt BALK Licensed hotel stand In Maha noy township, near the borough line. Frame bulldlnir, nine rooms, doing good busi ness. Good reasons given lor selling. A bar. gain for anybody. Apply to Al. J Lawlor, Justice of tbe Peace, 123 East Centre street. AMUSEMENTS. TjlEHQUSON'S THEATRE, P. J. FERGUSON, MANAGER. THURSDAY. MAY 2d, 1895. Everybody's Favorite, FANNY RICE, In her latest . . . And greatest success, ...NANCY... Adapted from the German Drei-Paar Schuhe. Prices 35c, 50c, 75c and $ti Reserved seats at Klrlln's drutr store. Bhknandoaii's Reliable Hand Xaaundvy Oor. Lloyd and White Bts. All work guaranteed to be first-class In every particular. Bilk ties and lace curtain sa spae laity. Goods called for and delivered, Atrial solicited. Whon it Comes to GROCERIES 1 Our stock speaks for itself. If you don't oomo to town, send your orders. They will be nicely tilled. MUSSER & ,BEDDALL, 39 E. Centre Street, Shenandoah.