The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 01, 1895, Image 2

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relished dally, except Sunday bj
MH H.l VVtlXjlSniNO LOBtl'ANT,
-Wcatlon oflloe and mechanical deportment,
North Market Street.
Tjori,M I dellvored In Shenandoah and
ne JPsrRla surrounding towns for Six Oents
Treek, psjablo to the oarrters. By mall, Three
hilars a soar orTwonty-Qvo cents per month,
.. advance
Advert ircmenta charged according to space
and position. The publishers reservo the right
oaango the position of advertisements when-
rer the publication of news requires It. The
Hght Is also reserved to reject any advertise-
Ant, whether paid for or not, that tho pub
.slurs may deem improper. Advertising rates
CMle known upon application.
itnter-d at tho post oflloe at Shenandoah, Pfc.
it second closs mall matter.
tub ernxtso irr.uAT.v,
Shenandoah, Peon.
Overling Herald.
THE debate between the Uev. Madison
C. Peters and Ula more or less 'esteemed
controversialists of the Roman church
has reached the heated state, or Is rapidly
approaching It. For example, the Rev.
Henry A. Drann, referiing to Brother
Peters, says : "He Is a conspicuous n
stance of shameless and egregious ignor
ance and malicious mendacity, and if he
does not change bis habits of preaching
be will go further than purgatory and
fare worse." It is assumed that Brother
Peters will reply to Brother Braun, and
inform the reverend disputant that he
can go there himself, aud so the Christian
discussion will go on with increasing
fervor and interest.
The managers of the cotton states and
International Exposition which is shortly
to open in Atlanta, Ga., find that space is
so much in demand that it is necessary to
construct another building for the display
of agricultural implements. This is only
one indication of tho great interest that is
being manifested in this undertaking, and
the prospects are that the people from all
over the land who will visit Atlanta dur
ing the progress of the exhibit will fairly
awamp this prosperous city of the South,
Southern hospitality will, however, doubt
less rise superior to all emergencies. The
exposition will surpass anything of the
kind ever before attempted in the South
and It will result in unquestionable benefit
to that section.
There Is only one class of crimes which
seems to be beyond the reach of police or
detective influence, and that has been
growing in the past ten years, and that is
the crime of defalcation or embezzlement.
in .Mew lorKClty in the past live years
there have been discovered defalcations
by trusted employes or ogents amounting
in the aggregate to more than the nggre
gate of bank burglaries throughout the
United States In the past thirty years. In
the midst of the panic of '93 and during
the hard times of '94, the community re
ceived a succession of shocks, caused by
the revelation that trusted officers of
banks or financial institutions were de
faulters in large amounts. These dis
coverlea have resulted in radical changes
in the methods of bookkeeping in many
of the banks, so that now the prevailing
rule 1b to shift bookkeepers about and do
It at Irregular intervals, and to have such
examination and checking and counter
checking as would be likely to reveal
discrepancies as soon as they occur. Yet
such a system as this was In vogue In one
of the banks and implicitly relied upon
and yet It was discovered that a confiden
tlal clerk had been able to embezzle some
JCO.OOO, taking small sums at different
times, the crime going back a number of
Take care of yourself. If you don't,
.aobody will take oare of you. This ad--vioe,
while suitable to everybody, Is par
ticularly applicable in the case of young
'men. In one of his recent talks to this
class Dr. Talmage said : "Let me say In
regard to your adverse wordly circum
stances that you are on a level now with
those who are finally to succeed. Mark
ray words, and think of it 30 years from
now I You will find that those who, 30
years from now, are the millionaires of
the country, who are the poets of the
country mightiest in church and' state
are now on a level with you; not an
inch above, and with you In straitened
circumstances now. Herschel earned his
living by playing a violin at parties, and
In the Intervals of bis playing he would
go out aud look up ot the midnight
heavens, the field of hie immortal con
quests. George Stevenson rose from
being the foreman ot a colliery to be the
most renowned of the world's engineers.
No outfit, no capital to start with ! Young
man, go down to the library and get some
books and read what wouderful
mechanism God gave you in your hand,
In your foot, in your eye, in your ear, and
then ask some dootor to take you into the
iMeoting room aud illustrate to you
what you have read about, and never
gain commit the blasphemy ot saying
you have no capital to start with."
Will Pay the Indemnity If the
British Will Withdraw.
Prnpotnls of tho United States to Ilrlng
About a Settlement Afireed to by Nlcn
rnguniK, hut Thus I"nr the Concessions
Havo Not ltcen Accepted.
Managua, Nicaragua, May l.-Nodoll-
nlto Information has been given out hero
ns to tho attitude of Great Britain on tho
proposal that hor warships bo withdrawn
front tho port of Corlnto as a condition
precedent to tho pavmont m London, fif
teen days Inter, by Nicaragua of $77,500 de
manded by Great Britain. It Is known,
however, that communications nro actively
passing betweon tho Managua and Wash
ington governments through Sonor Guz
man, tho Nicaragua minister, looking to
securing Groat Britain's nssont to tho
prompt evacuation of Corlnto. Tho actual
terms for tho bringing about of this end
hnvo not yet been settled, but according to
the Information at hand It can bo stated
that Nicaragua is willing to settle tho
trouble by accepting tho proposition for a
compromise- on tho linos nbovo set forth.
Tho nttltudo of the United States In on-
donvoring to bring about a settlement of
tho dolicato questions Involved is highly
appreciated uy those who have tho best in
terests of Nicaragua nt honrt, and It is bo
llevcd that eventually, through tho oxor
clso of hor good olllcos, tho matter will bo
settled peaceably with honor.
When the British took possession of Cor
lnto they found that tho .town had not
been only practically abandoned by Its
rosldents, but that evory effort bad been
mado to prevent any but real pronorty
from fulling Into their hands. All tho
goods, etc., that had been entered and
warehoused at tho port had been removed,
and no nrtleles of export could bo found,
their recoipt having been stopped when It
becamo positively known that tho British
would tnko possession of tho plnco.
Among tho lower olass Nlcuraguans tho
feeling of bitterness against what they
term tho nrrogaut and Insolent attitudoof
Great Britain increases dally, and tho lo
cal authorities nt Paso do Cabollos and
Snn Juan del Surhavo had somo difficulty
in preventing overt demonstrations. It Is
bolioved, however, that tho disorderly cle
ment Is now well In hand. Tho authori
ties will do everything In their power to
provont nnv further troublo nrlslng from
tho animosity against tno .uritisu.
All trade at tho port has boon nbau
doned, and tho Pacific mull steamers no
longer call thuro since tho government de
clared tho pluco to bo no longer n port of
entry. Nicaragua wus well within hor
rights when slit- adopted una course, ami
tho possession by tho British of n desorted
town, whoro not a dollar's worth of murl
tlmo business is being dono, affords amuse
ment to those who am not interested In
tho dispute except as observers.
Martial law win proclaimed by tho gov
ernment on VouuoaiUy last, and on
unlay morning tho British occupied the
town, landing lu.ogotuor 400 armed ot
fleers and men at lour dlffoivul places on
tho Island.
UousiUorablo comment has h'-n caused
by tho (.coming imtiBpojitiun ot Uiu United
States tj more actively intervene In the
dispute, some poi'..uus that she
should have done moro in support oftlu
Monroo doctrine, bin the scleral foeliug
is that If tho troublo is set lud houoniblj
to both dii-pui.iutf, thanks will bo owing
to tho United States.
Many prominent eitlz.-us havo conferral
with President Zolait on this aspect of
tho situation, and also upon tho probable
nocosslty of submitting to Great Britain's
demuuds should she decline to entertain
tho proposal for a compromise. A major
ity aro anxious to contiuuo tho efforts to
adjust tho troublo through arbitration
and regain possession of tho territory now
under tho British Hag.
A popular loan Inn been started for tho
purpose of furnishing tho government
with tho money to pay the British do-
mnnds. Ono Englishman, It is stated, has
cabled a subscription of 1,000 storllug to
tho loan.
The British Attitude Generally Regarded
nt Washington.
Washington, May 1. At tho stato de
partment tho news that Nicaragua had
agreed to pay tho f 77,500 indemnity within'
fifteen days after tho departure of tho
British troops was seomlnly oxpected,
though no direct advices had boon re
ceived by tho dip irtment. In fact, Min
ister Baker is now In Costa Rica, and
thero Is very little e unmunioatlon betwoen
this government and the legation at Man
agua. The British rtovoruinent wants the
money paid in the p-vsi-nco of tho British
lleet at Corlnto, or whilo tho llect Is still
there, and the troops aro in piwsossion of
the town. The British govern mMit. accoru-
t . , . i - - into
HERE is but one
way in the world to be sure
f having the best paint, and that is
. i u-e only a well-established brand
jf strictly pure white lead, pure lin
seed oil, and pure colors. The
"John T. Lewis & Bros."
brand is standard "Old Dutch"
process, and is always absolutely
Strictly Pure
White Lead
If you want colored paint, tint
this strictly pure lead with National
Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting
There colors are sold In one-pound cans, each
can being sufficient to tint as pound of Strictly
Pure White Lead the deolred sluule they are in
no acute ready-mixed paints, but a combination
of perfectly pure colore in the haadlett form to
tint Strictly Pure White Lead.
Send ua a poetal card and get our boo on
paint and color-card, free.
Indicate ns surely as any physical
symptom shows anything, that tho or
gans and tissues of the body nro not
satisfied with their nourishment.
Tlicy draw their sustcnanco from
tho blood, and if tho blood is thin, im
puro or insufficient, tlioy nro in a state
of revolt. Their complaints arc mado
to tho brain, tho king of tho body,
through tho nervous system, nnd tho
result of tho general dissatisfaction is
what wo call Nervousness.
This is a concise, reasonable expla
nation of tho whole matter.
Tho euro for Nervousness, then, is
simple. Purify and enrich your blood
by taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, and tho
nerves, tissues and organs will havo
tho healthful nourishment they crave.
Nervousness and AVcakncss will then
givo way to strength and health.
That this is not theory but fact is
proven by tho voluntary statements of
thousands cured by Hood's Sarsapa
rllla. Head tho next column.
thd pnymcnCnil.ue'lis though umtoriTUrcss.
It is hoped, however, that tho offer mado
nt tho suggestion of tho United States, sult of u fmny foua between tho FtUg
nud which Managua advices say havo boon ;mlns and Tuwncuds four peoplo wore
satisfactory to tho JNIcaraguan govern
niout, will bo agreed to by Great Uritaln,
though m assurances to this effect havo
been rocetved.
it niiiK'ui.-t, m this connection, that tho
throatof rovolutloniiiKlcnraguahas given i
mo uiiucii ouiws mi u;;ui muity v urge
with more force u peaccablo settlement of
tho present difficulty, ns such a rosult of
thd British occupation might seriously
threaten the llvo3 and property of United
Statos citizens.
It is generally considered hero that tho
Kicaraguau government has acted with
great shrewdness. Their oiler places tho
responsibility for further complications
ontlrely on tho shoulders of England. Tho
Nicaraguans' refusal to ylold to superior
forco whllo their chief seaport Is com
manded by British cannon nnd occupied
by British sailors and murines cannot be
condomned by civilized public opinion. If
England persists in attempting to enforce
her demands nt the cannon's muzzlo all
indications point to serious nnd prolonged
dllllcultlos, In which this country will In
evitably bo Involved.
The Government Will Not Llston to Offers
of Compromise.
London, May 1. It Is learned from
official sources that thero has been no
chango In tho nttltudo of Great Britain
towards Nicaragua, tho British govern
ment having no altcrnntlvo but to Insist
upon a settlement of Its demands and not
to listen to nn'y offers of compromise. Th
Cnltod States, It Is added, Is not Interven
ing in tho mutter.
Tho report that tho British warships
Wild Swau and Satellite have been or
dered to Paso do Cabollos nnd San Juan
del Stir, and that Keur Admlrnl Stephen
son hits cabled to London saying that Cor
lnto Is a usoiess possession is unfounded.
In regard to tho report circulated by a
nows agency thut It is tho intention of
Groat Britain to soizo ports In Honduras
in ordor to securo tho payment of nrroars
of lntorost on a long outstanding loan It Is
pointed out thut it Is contrary to tho policy
of tho British government to tuko such
notion, or to intcrforo directly to collect
Interest on loans.
Bcrnntnns L'ostofllco Controversy.
ScitANTON, Pa., May 1. Postmaster
Vandllng, of this city, Is engugod in a con
troversy with tho postofllco department
over uti ordor to suspond ton mall carriers.
Tho ordor was basod upon a roport of
secret service detectives who had been
hero spotting tho carriers. Four of tho
suspensions wore ordered for drinking
whilo In uniform, nnd ono for loitering.
Postmaster Vandllng has asked tho de
partment to icconsldor Its order. Ho con
lends that the postofllco regulations do not
tontaln n rulo prohibiting drinking In
uniform oxcopt when on duty. Tho carrier
charged with loitering has proved that ho
was waiting for a street car.
Transfers of Army Olllcers.
Washington, May 1. Tho oxpected Ira
portaut transfers arising out of the reoeut
army promotions in tho higher ranks wore
mado yostorday by Socrotary Lnmont.
Major Goneral Rugor has been transfer
red from Chicago to Washington, for
special duty with the secretary of war;
Major General Morrltt, from St.' Paul to
Chicago ( Brigadlor Gonerul Brooko, from
Omaha to St. Paul; Brigadlor General
Copplnger, to Omaha, relieving General
Brooko; Brigadlor General Wheatou, from
San Antonio, Tex., to Denver, In plnoe of
McCook, retired, and Brigadlor General
Bliss to Sun Autonlo, Tox.
Another Htny for Huchunun.
Albany, May 1. Deputy Attorney Gon
eral Hasbrouek last evening advised War
den Sage, of Sing Slug, that ho had better
suspend tho oxecutlon of Dr. Hobort Bu
chanan until nftertho appeal on tho habeas
corpus proceedings has been decided by the
supremo court bf tho Unltod Stutos. Tho
question that now arises Is this: "If tho
Unltod States supremo court dismisses tho
uppoal In tho habeas corpus application,
will Dr. Buchuuau have to be resontonccd
boforo ho can bo oxecutodf" It Is tho
opinion hero that a rosontenco by the
court whore ho was originally sontoncod
will havo to tuko placo.
Jupnu I Defiant.
London, May 1. Tho Timos publishes
a dlspatoh from Kolrn, dated April 28, say
ing that thuro Is no mistaking tho fact
that there Is ryUeiioo of a serious crisis in
the relations iietweou Japan and Russia.
The correspondent says: "Information
roaches me troin a reliable source at Hiro
shima thai the ministry havo adopted a
resolute attitude agulust Russian dicta
tion. They deny Russia's right to inter
fere and even oontemplato u deilauoe of
of Russia, believing that the Russian
military foroos in tho oait aro not power
ful enough to enforce her demands."
Strouse has a
flue line ot Boolety em
" With pleasure I wUl stato that Hood's
Harsoparllla has bolpcd mo wonderfully.
For several months I could not Ho down to
sleep on account of heart troublo and also
Prostration of tho Nerves.
For thrco years I had been doctoring, but
could not got cured. I recoived relief for a
while, but not permanent. Soon after bo
ginning to tako Hood's Sarsnparilla there
was a chango for the better. In a short
time I was feeling splendidly. I now rest
well and am able to do work of whatover
kind. If I had not tried Hood's Sarsapa
rllla I do not know what would have bo
como of me. I keep it in my house all the
time, and other members of the family
tako It, and all say there is
Nothing Llko Hood's
Sarsnparilla. I have highly recommended
It and ono of my neighbors has commenced
taking it. I recommend Hood's Sarsapa
rllla at every opportunity." Mns. S.
B haddock, 404 Erie Av., Wlllinmsport,
Bo euro to got
i.-UUr K'wfina i-umltj- Keud.
Xi.-v-nr.iixio. Tenn.. Mav 1. As tho ru
kllb'd last ovoulng. Tho parties got to
gether, words passed, pistols wore drawn
and fired rapidly, resulting In tho almost
Instant killing of It. V. Townsend and
his son Beauregard, and Abb uud John
The Weather.
For Now Jersoy, eastern Pennsylvania,
Delaware, District of Columbia and Mary
land, unsottled weather and showers;
northeasterly to easterly wluds.
A Skeleton In the Closet.
How of ten do we hear of this in domestic
life nt this day. But what Is more
appalling than the living body made
repulsive with Bkln and scalp diseases,
salt-rheum, tetter, eczema and scrofulous
sores and swellings. Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery is the positive cure lor
all ot these diseases. If taken in time, it
also cures uung-scrotuia, commonly
known as Pulmonary Consumption. By
Keveer. N. C.
Dr. R. V. PIERCE : Dear Sir When about
three years of age I was taken with
mumps, alto bad fever, Anally I had that
dreaded disease Scrofula. The most
eminent nhvsiclans in this section treated
me to no avail. I had running scrofulous
sores on left bide of neck and face. I was
small and wenkly when eight or nine
years old, and in fact was nearly n skele
ton Six bottles ot Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery wroutrht marvelous
changes. Although the sores were healed
in eight months, I did not quit taking it
until I was sure it had been entirely
routed from jny system. The only signs
left of the dreadful disease are the scars
which ever remind me of how near death's
door I was until rescued by the "Dis
covery." I am now eighteen years old
ana weigh 1-4S pounds, ana nave not been
sick in uve venrs.
Your, respectfully,
Haisvey M. Holleman,
Agt. for Seaboard Air Line.
Coming Events.
Mav 80 Ice cream festival in Bobbins'
hall, under the auspices of the Young
People's Working Society of the United
Evangelical church.
When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorla.
Whea she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla.
When she had Children, she gave them Castorla,
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
A trial order solicited.
ChlchMtCr'a Knu'.l.h Diamond Ilrnnrf.
Ufif inal and Only Genuine
BArt, llwijB TCllfctilt). ladicb tk
Druggiit for ChlchetttrM XbuitUh Dia
mond Brand la Hed and Gold meulllo'
Ibexu, tc&led with tine ribbon. TaLo
no other. Jitfut danaerout 6ifu.
Hunt anil imltatinna. litlrjiiakli at urnA Am.
In tUmpi for partlouUri, toulmonUli and
"iiruti io p inuu-M," tmmer, m return
,MnlL 10.000 T'rtiiuoniaU. A'm Jtaxr.
Whon it Comes to
Our stook speaks for Itself, if you don't
wluVe0nriy'fiTlSS.y0Ur m Tbey
28 E. Centre Street, Shenndoah.
I 4 'Li
laid tj UI Looal
i rc:rLATURr
ii'i I) f-)liil, 1nt Muy
JlAnniRBrno. M.iv 1 Tin- Quay county
movement wan giveu a sc-tiiM aotbail. in
the hrnwo yeRterdny. Tho bill creating the
now county def'-atod on final passage
by a vote of 1)2 yeas to 88 nays, less thnu a
constitutional nmjo.lty. The advoeatos
of tho bill have aln-ody prepared to make
a fight to reconsider the bill. They are
In a majority, but It is a question whether
thoy can inustor enough votes to pins It
finally. Tho bill has already passed tho
Tho Cotton building nnd loan associa
tion bill was also dofeato 1. Tho moasm-o
wns Introduced by request of tho Pitts
burg Building nnd Loan Association
loaguo. It was advocated by Mr. Cotton
and other members from Allegheny nnd
Wjostoru Pciinsylvnnla. Tho bill author
izes building nnd loan associations to
Isbuo two kinds of stock, ono for invest
ment and the other forborne builders. Tho
opponents of tho bill claimed that it would
allow theso associations to do n banking
business, and that it was in direct opposi
tion to the Interests of tlfo homo builders.
Tho Marshall bill, prohibiting tho sulo
of oloomargarlno nnd othor imitations of
puro butter, passed finally, Tho bill Is
similar to tho act of 18S3, except that It di
rects that one-half of tho lino colloctcd
from violators shall go to tho county and
tho othor half to tho department of agricul
ture for tho uso of tho stato dairy nnd food
Tho bill creating tho office of donuty
auditor gonoral passed second reading ou
a special ordor, und will bo considered this
nftomoon on third reading nnd final pass
ago. It has already passed tho senate.
Should It become n law tho position will
be tendorod to Captain P. D. Brickcr, of
Jersoy Shote, tho present corporation clerk
of tho department. Tho bill provides that
It shnll go Into effect nt onco. It will prob
ably bo received and signed by tho gover
nor by next Tuesday, in order that Cap
tain JJrlcKer mny enter upon tho duties of
oflleo at tho somo tlmo ns Auditor Genoral
Chairman Lnwronco reported tho con
gressional apportionment bill from com
mittee. Tho bill gives Philadelphia and
Allegheny each nu additional district.
Tho McQnowu nrohlbitchniiirliio
of toxt books by 6chool boards oftener
than onco In five years after their adop
tion, wns called up and dofcatcd finally.
Among tho bills passed finally woro: Giv
ing fomalo teachers the samo salary as
malo teachers whon occupying similar po
sitions; authorizing tho board of public
buildings and grounds to set asldo n plot
In Capitol park for a monument to bo
erected by tho Sixteonors' association in
memory of Govornor Curtlu,
The Co-Itejpoiulent Goes to Jail.
St. Louis, May 1. Judgo Murnhv. In
tho case against P. W. Chandler, n former
well known mombor of tho Merchants'
Exchnngo, who Is chnrgod by James F.
uoylo, a promlnont business man of this
city, with immoral conduct with tho lnt
tor's wife, yesterday sentenced tho dofon
dant to pay a lino of J500 nnd sorvo six
months in tho workhouse. Tho suit re
sulted from tho suit for dlvorco brought
by Coylo recently against his wife, in
which Chandler was namod n3 co-respon-deut.
Tho dlvorco caso is still ponding.
An Opportunity for Architects.
WAKIIINOTON. Mnr 1 Tim lmrnnti nf ffco
Aniorlcnn republics is Informed that tho
government or the Argentine republlo has
decided to Invito bids from architects
throughout tho world for plans of a now
building intended for tho uso of congress.
Three prizes will bo offorod for tho host
design ono of J20.000, one of ?10,000 uud
ono of $5,000. Tho nrchltcot receiving tho
ursc prizo will bo given tho execution of
tho work.
Closlnc Quotations of the New York and
Philadelphia Exchanges.
New YonK, April 30. The result of today's
speculation on the Stock Exchange Is a very
general depreciation In values, which Is mo3t
pronounced In tho Granger shares. Closlnz
Del. & Hudson-...lU7W
D L. & W- 159
Erie Wi
Lako Erie & W.... 1
Lehigh Nav lf
Lehigh Valley 33
Now Jersey Con... 03
N. Y. Central 08
N. Y. & N. E 38M
Pennsylvania 62)4
Ki-auine mi
St Paul 62
W. N. Y. & Pa.... 04
West Shore 10334
General Markets.
Pfiiladelpiii A. April 30. Flour firm: win
ter super., Si.20il2.30; winter extras, S2.50a
2.G0; No. 2 winter family, $2. 7JU2.90: Pennsyl
vania roller straight, 82.01)13.20; western win'
ter clear, $2.90'S3.10. Wheat weak, lower,
with 08c. bid and USWc. asked for April. Corn
weak, lower, witli 52c. bid and M!4c. asked
for April' 52o. bid nnd 52Xjo. asked for May,
Oats quiet, easier, with 3(iV$o. hid and 37c,
asked for April. Hay quiet, firm; good to
choice timothy, $13313.50. Beef steady. Pork
dull. Lard weak, lower: western steam, $7;
city, S0.J7W. Butter steady; wostern dairy,
12o.; do. creamory, 1210c.;do. factoryj'JK
m,Hc; cigins, iuc; imitation creanioTjs;UJ
He; New York dairy, 1017c; do. oreamy,
10o.; Pennsylvania creamery prints, iany,
23c.; do. choice, 22c.: do. fair to good and Ear-
!lcky,18&21c.; prints Jobbing at 227o. Cheaett
steady; Iscw York large, UQ8c.; small, oato,
part skims; 3Q6c; full skims, lSdMo, Egg
marKot sieany; tsew York ana t'ennsylvanla,
Ufflal-wa western Iresh, WMStWHc,; south
em, 1213o.
Live Stock Markets.
New Yohk, April 30. European cables
quote American steers at HHi12c., dressed
weight. Calves moderately active and steady;
poor to prime veals, $3j$5.50. Slump and lambs
firm; unshorn Bheep, fair to prime, $1.50
5.39; good olipped do., 4.23; ordinary unshorn
spring lambs, f3. J&31.M. Hogs steady at S3
EAST Liberty, Pa., April 30. Cat tie steady
prime, 35.50(30: good $UK)&3.3!; bulls, stags
and oows, $23.6Q. Hogs dull and lower;
I'hlladelphlas, $5.1535.20; common to fair
Yorkers, S1.W5; roughs, $131.25. tiheep
steady at yesterday s prices.
Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa.
I2I3I4I5 2i27 1
19 20 21 J22 J23 J24 25
2Q27 Uti 29 30 1 31 1
-1 0:44
I p.m.
Q Quarter 16
j Full
p in
kVew OA 7:48
PMoon At a.m.
-u First qi 3-48
J? Quarter ol a.m.
For it is the basis of health.
Not oulv is the orieiii of most
diseases impure blood, but
.1 f t. j i - 11
tne nrst step 10 a cure m an
is to purify the blood. This
can be most quickly, thor
oughly and gently effected
the best preparation of that
greatest natural blood puri
fier and tonic Sarsaparilla.
At this season of the year
especially, health can most
surely be obtained and re
tained by a thorough course
of the one remedy that pre
vents disease as well as
cures it.
Justice of the Peace
Insurance and ....
Real Estate Agent,
23 E. Centre St., Shenandoah
TWO-STOrtY Frame Building, 30x45 feet, on
South Chestnut street. Rents tor 18 per
month; wl 1 co sold cheap, ,
FOR SALE. Unlf lot and two houses, sit
uate on West Centre street. Will nay 12
per cent, ou lnvestmout, and can be tought on
easy terms.
I 7 ARM FOR SALE h. frm ot 33 acres,
within three miles or go id market.
Twenty-nine acres under cultivation, and lour
acres of good timber. Frame farm house, six
rooms gooa Darn ana an in gooa conamon.
Will be sold for $1,200 cash.
FOR HALE. Licensed hotel stand In Maha
nov township, near the borough line.
Frame building, nine rooms, doing good busi
ness. Good reasons given for selling. A bar
gain for anybodv. Apply to M. J Law lor,
Justice of the Peace, 123 East Centre street.
THURSDAY, MAY 2d, 1895.
Everybody's, Favorite,
In her latest . . .
And greatest success,
. . .NANCY. . .
Adapted from the German
Drei-Paar Schuhe.
Prices 35c, 50c, 75C aud $xi
Reserved seats at Kirlln's drug store.
(s the cheapest and best fence m&de. Cheaper
than a wooden fence f or resldentes, l&wns, cem
etery lots or any kind ot fencing. M. H.MAstib
n&B the agency and carries It In stock at his
marble and granite works, itl H. JAIDIM St.
Shenandoah's Reliable
Hand Xaundry
Cor. Lloyd and Whle Hts.
All work guaranteed to be first-class In every
particular. Bilk ties and lace curtain sa spo
laity. Goods called for and delivered, Atrial
Stop at
200 North Centre Street.
Meals at all hoars. Ladles' dlulng'tyom
attached. Finest wines, Honors, cigars.
"2r . '.'1?