The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 29, 1895, Image 4

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MONDAY, AI'KIL 29. 18U5.
A Great Object Lesson In the History of
the United States.
Buffalo Bill's Wild West, which Is soon
to appear at Pottsvllle, Is admitted to be
the most wonderful and .Interesting ex
hibition ever idven in the open nlr. The
sweepinK charge ot the cavalry com.
pnnies from the United States, Grent
Britain, France, Knssla and Germr.ny,
the queer antics of the Indians, the
rough riding indulged in by the cow
boys and South American Gnmhos, the
wonderful display of shooting by Miss
Annie Oakley, Johnny Baker and Colonel
Cody, the reproduction of the b-itileof
Little Big Horn, and the attack on the
Deadwood stHge coach, are all features
that have not only won the admiration of
the Deople of the Uni'cd States, but of
every great oity of Kurope. The enter
tainment is truly an ouject lesson In the
history of the United States. At this
season of the year the amusemouMovlng
public must have something lu the shape
of outdoor entertainment to please
them, after tae long and tedious winter,
and nothing can be more pleasing and
instructive than Buffalo Bill's Wild West
and Congress of ltough Hiders of the
world. This season the entertainment
will be presented in new, Improved aud
enlargtd form. To round out the efforts
in the past of Colonel Cody and Nate
Salsbury, who have so long been asso
elated toaether In the management of
the Wild West, has been added the ma
tcrlal experience of James A. Bailey,
now and for many years the nctlng head
of Barnum's show. This managerial
trio have spared no expense and neglected
do opportulty for increasing the Interest
and correctness of the exhibition, which
will be iriven on May 0, afternoon nnd
evening, at Pottsvllle.
A Skeleton in the Closet.
How often Jo we hear of this In domestic
life at this day. But what Is more
anoalling than the living body made
renulslve with skin and scalp diseases.
salt-rheum, tetter, eczema and scrofulous
sores ana swellings, ur. rierces uouien
Medical Discoverv is the positive cure for
all of these diseases If taken iu time, it
also cures Lung-scrofula, commonly
known as Pulmonary Consumption, tsy
Keyser, N. C
Dr. R. V. PlEiicn : Denr. Sir When about
three years of age 1 was taKen wltn
mumps, also had fever, Anally I had that
dreaded disease Scrofula. The most
.ntnent nhvsicUiiB iu this fcectlon treated
ine to no avail. I had running scrofulous
sorei on left side of neck and lace. I was
small and weakly when eight or nine
years old, nnd in fact was nearly a skele-lone.
tn Six hottles ot Dr. Pierces dolden
4UCU1UU1 UIHUUVCIJ wiuunuu uin. Tciutm
changes. Although the sores were healed
in eittht months. I did not unit taking it
until I was sure it had been entirely
routed from my system. The only signs
eft of the dreadful disease are the scars
which ever remind me of how near death's
door I was until rescued by the "Dis
covery." I am now eighteen years old
and weigh 148 pounds, aud nave not neen
sick in five vears.
Your, respectfully,
Harvey M. Hou.eman,
Agt. for Seaboard Air Line.
Pottsvllle Points.
A "Greater Pottsvllle" is the talk. We
would like to see It In reality. Tho old
drones will have to die first.
The Journal has the largest and finest
editorial, business and other rooms In the
As a base ball town Pottsvllle takes the
lead. Every other person Is a crank on
the subject.
Judge Pershing was out driving one
day la&t week aud was kindly greeted by
his numerous friends.
The County Commissioners will be on
hand In Harrlsburg tomorrow to continue
their fight against the new county.
Judge Lyon has received his commission
and Is now prepared to enter upon the
duties of his position.
Relief in Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis
eases relieved In six hours by the "New
Great .South American Kidney Cuie.
This new remedy is a groat surprise on
Mi-i-i.ii nr nf its exceeding nromntness in
rellcvi'-g pain iu the bladder, kidneys.
hnck and everv nart of the urinary pas-
In male or female. It relieves re
tention of water and pain in passing It
almost Immediately. If you want quick
relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold
m thrt CAtv Pharmacv. 107 S. Main bit.
ne tt Ooor to the post office, Shenandoah,
pft 4-y-am
Coming Events.
M(iv 30 Ice erearn festival in Bobbins'
hall, under the auspices ot the Young
Peon Working Society of the United
Evangelical church.
When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When die became Mta, she clung to Castorla.
When die had Children, she gave them Castorla.
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the
usuieLwwiB & IlAER. Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every sack, tf
Special This Week.
Gents' good white shirts, 88 oent,
Fair tloklng for 8 oenU per yard. Good
Quality sheeting, U cents. Table oil
oloths, 12 cent.
8-22-tf 28 South Main street.
Strouse, the jeweler, for watches.
"Fine Groceries,
20i West Contro Street.
TUalirln frni trli s, t'..m i rnvl .m-, i
o flees, sugar, etc Him. .junln, i jvusipxcie.
Mere Mention.
It would be a Rood thing for Council to
repeal all the ordinances. At most they
are a dead letter.
Saturday's rain brought out the buds
aud gave the town a good cleaning.
The air waiJ full of music on Friday,
hand organs, brass bands, drum corps,
&c, helped to make the town lively. I
Post 140, G. A. It., Is making arrange
ments for Decoration Day. As usual, It
will be fittingly celebrated.
Shenandoah will be well represented at
Atlantic City thissnmmer. Already two
of our town inmlllea have opened board
ing houses Ithere.
If you are a property holdor you should
assist lu making the HEltALD's silver
souvenir edition n success.
The finest job printing turned out from
the HERALD job rooms. All tho newest
styles In type recently ndded-to our al
ready extensive job plant.
Our p'eanut Couucllmen, who were
instrumental In sending out of town for
their printing, have been receiving a, fear
ful "roast" from the newspapers through'
out the state.
Watkin Waters Post No. 140, G. A. It.,
with nuxllery organizations, will attend
divine service In the Primitive Methodist
church on Sunday evening, May 20th.
Some of our Couucllmen could set an
example for other peoplo to follow by
cleaning their own premises.
Cattle and swine continue to roam at
large and add greatly to the plctur
esquness of the town.
The Grand Army of town has selected
Rev. Meredith, pastor of the M. E, church
of town, as orator on Decoration Da.
The reverned gentleman Is a veteran of
the war.havlng served a9 Chaplain in one
of the state regiments.
The Shamokln Dally News Is rather
severe npon our peanut uouncumen
Some of them are mean enough to skin a
loupe, but they are few In number and
hard to find outside of Shenandoah.
There is n young couple in town that
want to get married but have not the
means to Becure a license.
The Journal Is walling bitterly against
the new county. There is danger in the
air, else why all these lamentations t Too
bad; too bad.
There ore no signs yet of the new gov
ernment building in Pottsvllle. The high
nrice asked for building sites may have
something to do with its delay.
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup seems
sent as a special providence to the little
fn tg. HiHHKiint, to mire, nencciiv Harm
less, mid uhnolutelv sure to clve instant
relief in all cases ot com or lung trouuie.
Strouse for musical instruments.
A Diseased Stomach is Believed To Be
the most common complaint In this
country and is assuredly a most serious
The diseased stomach inevitably
nml speedily causes grave troubles iu the
Kidneys nnd Liver, vital organs that nre
ordinarily exceedingly difficult of treat
ment. There is but one proper course to
pursue in dealing with disorders of the
digestive functions, and thnt is the
employment of a medicine that will
effect a radical cure, for which nothing
else is so reliable as Dr. David Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy. It nlone promptly
and thoroughly restores healthful action
to the nffected organs, eliminates impu
rlties from the blood, nnd so cures the
many diseases that spring from a vitiated
condition of the life current. Liver and
Kidney diseases, that yield to no other
medicine, are readily cured by this potent
Strouse for clocks.
Have your carpets, feathers and mat
tresses cleaned by the Steam Renovating
Co.. 32 East Coal street. 4-17-3m
Want to Know
What has become of the Schuylkill
Press Association f
What the Pottsvllle newspapers will do
after the Judges' Retiring and .Quay
county bills pass the Legislature r
What will be the result of the libel
suits Instituted by Steward Hartman
The verdict against the Philadelphia
Times Is not a very encouraging outlook
Will Pottsvllle have a boulevard f
Whether Judge Pershing will ever sit
in court again V
Why Council did not ask for bids from
Pottsvllle papers for publishing the
notice "Proposals for Coal Hauling t"
Why cuttle, swine and other anlmnls
are allowed to roam at large ?
Why the ordinance relating to oh
structing the alleys Is not enforced t
Why our people are so slow lu clounlng
up ?
Strouse for diamonds.
You Don't Have to Swear off
says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture
1 . 1 1 . t 1 1 4. x- Ml - . 1. .. I
ill hu euuuriui iiuuuu ami- iu-xiuu, tuo imii
Otis tobacco habit cure. "we Know oi
manv cases cured by No-To-Bac. one.
oromlnent St. Louis architect, smoked
and chewed for twenty years: two boxes
cured him so that even the smell of tobacco
makes htm sick." To lino sold an
guaranteed by Mrs. A. Wasley. No cure
no pay. Book free. Sterling Remedy Co,
New York or Chicago. lat eou
More Warnings.
The borough of Bloomsburg will pay
$7,300 to a man who fell through a defee
tlve sidewalk. Mlllville, a small vll'age
In Columbia, pays WOO to allow a man to
get Judgmeut for tlOO on account of a
little carelessness of a property holder In
recant to his pavement. It should be the
duty of every cltissen knowing of bad
plaoes tn the sidewalks Ic report the fact
to the Council and theu the Council should
not lose any time iu having the defect
remedied. A little attention given In time
may Have hundreds ot dollars to the ttx
payers. When any affair is brought to
toe attention of the Council they hoilld
not delay In waforolug the rules.
In eases of burns, sprains, fcefllds, or
any of the other HCcldrntal pain likely to
ometn the liiiii'uu body, Dr. Thomas'
Eclectrlo Oil lilve almost instant relief.
All the latest novel u
like fttfttr.iune's
in tue'juweiiy
Syuiimthy for n Mini Slayer.
Milwaukee, April 2fl. -City Treasurer
Lusooinbe was formally placed under ar
rest yesterday afternoon, ohftrged with
murder in tho first degree for shooting his
brother-in-law, Emll A. Sanger, brother
of tho champion bloyclUt.Haturday night
Tho prisoner was released on $10,000 ball.
Public sympathy seoms to lie with Lus-
oombo. Kven some of the members of the
Sanger fniully do not bear him any great i
reseutmune, knowing, as they did, that ,
tho murilereu man nnd cruelly beaten his
wife and threatened to kill Limoombu.
Sanger wont to the Lusoombe homestead
on Grand nvotiuu and Fifteenth street,
where his wife had taken refuge with hor
brother and father aftor he had beaten
hor, and when he tried to force an en
trance Lusoombe shot him through a
heavy plate glass, Ills head win filled
with the plocoit, instantly killing him.
Sisters Sentenced for Shoplifting.
PlTTSBUUO, April SO. Mrs. Mary Ko
hout, Mrs. Colin Stakely nnd Annie Den
nlston. tho sisters oouvicted of shoplifting,
wore sentenced yesterday. Mrs. Kohout
said her sisters wore lnnocont, that sho
had got them Into trouble. When told sho
would have to spend five year in the pen
itentlary she orlud, "I will die there. I
will never live to get out." Mrs. Stuktly
was also given five years, and Anuio Den
nistou was sont to tho Moranza reform,!
tory. Two Killed on tlio Nmv York Central.
NEwnunoil, X. Y., April 2W. Two men
wore killed on the Hudson Hirer division
of tho Sow York Central railroad on Siu
urday. The Cnio.igo limited, going south,
struck u team at Croton,- injuring tho
drivor so badly that ho died soon after
wards. Tho special limited mail, going
north, struck una instantly killed u la
borer half n mllo below Dutchess Junc
tion. llrnUemnn Mcgitlmn Ground to Dontli.
ALTOONA, Pa., April i'U. Tho body of
William Mcgahan was found ground to
pieces on tho Pennsylvania railroad at
Tipton, nfow miles east of this city. It Is
supposed tho extra train, of which Mcga
han was a brakumnn, stopped at tho point
hero ho was killed and that bo got off
and in doing so slipped In front of tho fast
lino west.
Howard for Mrs. l'arnoll's Assailant.
BORDESTOWN, N. J., April 89. A re
ward of ?250 lias at lust been offorcd for
information that will lead to tho capture
of tho cruel assailant of Mrs. Parnoll. Tho
reward Is offered through Proseoutorof
the Pious Ecitard P. Budd. Mrs. Pnruull
continues to improve, nnd Dr. Shlpps now
thinks she may pull through.
Reports from St. John's N. D., say thnt
500 Indians and halfbrccds aro on the
Willlo Pfloairer, 0 yours old, was bitten
by iv rabid cat in Bnltlmoro yostorday, aud
hydrophobia Is feared.
Frank Boobcl, a contractor, was mur
dered nnd robbed of 100 by tramps ou tho
highway near Mansllold, O.
J. B. Michencr, a loading lawyor nnd
politician of Canton, O., is undor arrest,
charged with passing counterfeit coin.
Miners of tho Massillon (O.) district havo
boon ordered out on May 1, to avort orders
from tho Columbus convoutlon of May 3.
Mine. Medlugor, wlfo of tho woll known
bicyclist, killed hor husband und horsolf
in Paris when sho loarued of his intimacy
with another woman.
Edward Tucker, who practiced wlfo
beating, was taken from his homo by fe
male whiteenps at Port Tampa, Fin., and
uumercofully whipped.
Mrs. Mary Post nnd her daughter, Mrs.
P. Flnloy, and hor grandchild, littlo Ethel
Finloy, wero drowned by their rowboat
capsizing in Au Train rlvor, in Alger
county, Mich.
Because his comrades accused him of
being the Cheyenne Oscar Wilde, Corporal
Henry, of Company D, Eighth United
States infantry, committed suicide by
ihooting at Fort Russell, Wyo.
House Wrecked by Natural Gnt.
Pittsburg, April "u. At isdgowoou, a
suburb, tho residence of Attornoy A. L.
Snindler was blown apart by an oxploslon
of natural gas, which leaked Into tho
collar through a drain. Rebecca Splndlor
was probably fatally injured by fulling
from tho second floor to tho collar. Two
other explosions wrockud tho adjoining
dwelling houses of A. L. Swift, Professor
D. W. Downing nnd T. A. Johnston. Tho
loss Is $20,000,
Crushed by n Fall of Cnnl.
Tasiaqua. Pa., April 89. David Llddlo,
an employe oi won oouiory, ni rusenrorn,
was killed by a full of ooal. Llddlo und
his buttio were waiting Torn shot to go off,
when a prop In the mines gave way, let
ting down a fall of ooal, which burled
Mm. When tho men inside commenced
tn illtr tho ooal nn additional fall tool)
place, proventlug tho recovery of the body
f jr soveral hours.
Grim Warnliis to Turkish Itebels.
Fez, April 20. A letter from the sultan
has been reail in tne jiosnue nere an
nounolnz a sigunl victory over the rebel
lious Ruhamu tribesmen at Murrnkesl
After the reading of the letter tho heads
ot sixteen of the robels wore suspended
fi'om ono of tho gates.
A. l'rleift btrlckun with Apoplexy.
ELKTON, Mil , April 20. Hev. C. It
Farley, recently appointed pastor of the
Catholic church here, was probably fatally
ttnekon yesterday with apoplexy, ttov,
Mr. Farley U !i6 years of ago
Cure Guaranteed. No operation. In
quire at the Shenandoah drug store, No
3 South Main st reet. 9-18-tf
All watches repaired
anteed for one year.
by Strouse guar
13 North Jardin Street.
W. J. Cancelrius, Saloon B
.il East Centre wtreet, Hheundoah.
Beers, Porter, Ale and Cigar Temper
ance drinks of all kinds. Finest
brand of whinkieo.
Evan J. Davies,
Did you ever es one of the famous
waterproof Intcriinnd Collars of Cnff 5
t! 1 very easy to tell, for tliey are all
mnri-ea uiis way
hey are the only Interlined Collars
and Cufitt, and are made of linen, cov
ered with waterproof "CRr.r,t;r.otD."
They'll stand right by you day in nnd
day but. and they arc all marked this way
aO ' MARK-
The first cost te the only cost, fo:
they keep i:;.in u long time, and when
soiled you can clean them in a minute
by simply wiping off with n wet doth
-mac is me Kmu uiutkuj iuis way
These collars oud cuffs will outlast
hnen ones. Tee wearer escapes
laundry trials and ftwudry bills no
chafed neck ard no "Stilting down it
to.: get u collar marfficd this way
Ask vour dealer first, and tnl
ing that haa not above trade marl
you acsirj pcricci suusiucuuu.
others ore imitations absolutely.
If Ton can't find collars or
marked this vny, wo will Bend you n ;n
sample postpaid on receipt oi pritu.
Collars, 25 cts. each. Cuffs 50 cts. pair.
Give your size and say whether stand
up or turned-down collar is wanted.
4a-2 Broadway, NEW YORK.
"TfHY do peoplo complain of hard times,
VV when any woman or man can make
lrom 85 in jiuaaayeaniyi au navencaraoi
the wonderful success of the Climax Dish
Washer; yet many re opt to think they
can'' make money sr lint; tt ; but anyone
can mnhe money, becnuto everv inmlly wnnis
one One anent lias made ? 178 SO in the laxt
three months.after paying all expeee and at
tending to regular business besides. You don't
have lo canvass : os soon as i conic know you
hav It for sale thry (-end for a Dish Washer.
Aaaress inn uumiix jug i;o., 43 -siarrAve.,
Columbus, Ohio, lor particulars.
For Sale, Cheap !
On North White Street,
Double hlock of dwelllncs. Nos. 80 and
82North White street, between Centre nnd
Lloyd streets. ' ,,
Also, auoume diockoi uwemngs, mvr,
110 oud 118 North White street, between
Lloyd and Coal streets.
We Have the
Best illuminating oil made. Odor
less, colorlp.w. brilliant, safe, per
fection. If you are In the dark,
drop us a postal. We'll enlighten
you and lighten you.
Eclipse Oil Oom?y
Oils, Gasoline, Candles, Lamp Wicks,
Burners, etc.
213 South Jardin St., SHENANDOAH, PA
Mall orders promptly attended to.
Full line of
Base Ball Goods.
Special inducements to clubs.
Agents for DAILY PAPERS.
4 North Main St,
New Firm.
New Stock,
Hats and Bonnets
Ready Trimmed or Ma tie to Order
We make no extravagant statements,
but are certain that you will flndo jr
stock a.tapted to your wants, and
above all
You Want Style.
Our reputation is well known in that
direction. Visit our store, see our stock,
compare styles, note prices and your trade
is surely ours. Largest assortment of
sailor hats, bridal wreaths and flowers In
town at
M. & L. STANK'S,
No. 7 South Main St., Shenandoah
Spring : and : Summer
( Order spring garments now).
Besides giving- ample time
fQr delivery it enables you to
i have your pick of our spring-
; assortment.
Complete line of domestic
and imported novelties
trousers and suiting-.
24 North. Malu Bt., Bbtnandoah, Pa.
11 n hrs o
Call and sec our
Watchts, Clocks, Jimliy, Musical
You can save 50 per
Betwoen Oak nnd Cherry Stroots.
Cor. Jardin and Oak
ITo. 3.0 ISToxtli aaln. Stroot, Clj.Bii.&3a.ia.oQ,i1., pa.
Clothes of all description neatly done up in n first clnss manner. I can refer to
scores of fnmllles In this city ns to my care In wnflilng and superior neatness in
doing up clothing. I do my work better nnd quicker than other laundry in this city.
Our Grand Spring. Opening
French Pattern Hats
are displaying hundreds of the
Frenoffinnd American designs in flowers
silk, Ny5,Bc; No. 7, 7c; No. 9. 0c; No. 12, 12c; No. 10, 15c; No. 80, 25c per yard all
colors. 'jSallor hats, 16o up ; ladies' hats, 25o up; infants long cloaks, cream and
white fd?1.00 up. Infints' christening outfits. Silk velvets, to close out, down from
81.00 to bttftper yard Black satin, 24 inches wide, $1.00 yer yard, worth $1.75. Nun's
veils, $1.2qfcp. Infants' caps, 15c to 81. 75, at
MrsaJ. J. Kelly,
Garden's iRT WALL jStoie.
We have jnst received a flee line of the most beautiful and artistic papers in tho
market, which we will sell at very reasonable prices. We have alto in stock
great deal of hut year's patterns which we are selling at a sacrifice. Come nnd
see our line of goods. We have the niOBt beautiful and artistic pnpers.
Largest Paper Store in Town. Finest Stock and Lowest Prices.
IIouse, Sign and Decorative Painting. 224 West Centre Street.
All orders promptly attended to.
If you wnnt a
Fine Horse or Pair of Horses,
TUESDAY, APRIL 30th, 1895,
At the Commercial Hotel,
At 2.00 p. m.-
The stock consists of heavy draucht
horses, brewery horses, fine double teams
and fine sinale teams, and three extra
fine drivers, which must be sold, rain or
shine. This Is the finest car of horses
ever shipped to this region. Do not forget
tne place anu uate.
Will dispose of fcer entire stock of
Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry, Etc.,
3ESolox7" Cost.
Stock must he sold immediately, owner in
tending to remove from town.
A good Marvin Safe, show fixtures, &&, will
besoldveiy cheap.
No. 129 West Centre Street,
Saloon and Restaurant,
10 North Main Street.
Finest Whlikevi. Beer. Porter and Alb
always on tap. "Ooino nnd hit one," Choice
temperance annus ana cigars. Free nines
a to 12 p. in.
A business property. Storeroom and dwell
ing In excellent condition. Centrally located.
Apply on the premises.
Ho. 1 29 West Centre Street,
1 M II
ma b
xiitc stock of
Instrummis tnv Optical Goods.
cent, by calling on
South Main Street,
Painter and
Paper Hanger,
Largest Assortment and Lowest Price.
All order promptly attended to
and Bonnets is Now on.
choicest and most select stvlei ever Rhown.
of every description. Cheun ribbon, nil
26 S. Main St.
Ladies, you are all invited to call next
Saturday, Monday and Tuepdny and ex
amine the largest assortment of trimmed
hats, strictly of the very latest New York
styles, ever shown in Shenandoah. Wo
have them at prices to suit the wants of nil.
New York Cash Millinery Store,
29 North Main Street.
A genuine welcome
Awaits you at
Joe Wyatt's Saloon!
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys,
beers, porter and ale constantly on tap.
Choice temperance drinks and cear.
Saloon and Restaurant,
234 North We?t Street.
Finest brands of cigars. Choice Wines
and Liquors.
Anthony Schmicker's
The finest pool and billiard rooms in town
Heading beer, porter and Potttville ale con
stantly o i tap. QlvousuoOl.
Weeks' Museum,
Grand display of birds and animals of all
solccttonb ana finest paintings In the county.
Best Beer, Porter and Alos.
Finest Brands of Cigars.
Free lunch every corning nd evening.
Jons VTkkks, Proprietor.
G. W. Davidson, Bartender.
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sts.
Finest Beers, Wines and Liquors.
Choice Temperance Drinks.
Boat Brands of 5 and 10c Oigara.
36 North Main Street.
The most nonular resort In the town.
Excellent beer, porter nnd nle on tap. Unr
cigars nre tne unest.
JP. 3VE.Xj3ZS'S",
: Jeweler
IB North Main Street.
Repairing of all kinds prinoptly attended to.
A Clean, Quick Shave
Can always be had at
Charles Derr's Barber Shop,
Flrss-olass hair cutting and singeing.
Ferguson House Building.
Our Master Opening