EVENING HERALD S n itUAY, APML 2T, 1865. THIRD EDITION Literary Announcements. "The Crimtnnl Crowding of Public Schools" and "Crowded ScIiooIb ns Pro moters of Disease" are two subjects of pressing Importance that will bo taken up la The Forum for May. Professor J. H. Pennlman, of Philadelphia, by a study of school reports thomsolvos of many of our principal cities, shows what lamentable lack of sulltcleut and wholesome build ings there are how, Indeed, much of the educational work In Boston and New York and many other cities Is worse than wasted. Dr. H. D. Chapin, of New York, lays down the conditions that should govern the healthful building and ar rangement of schoolrooms. In the McDowell Fashion Magazines just at hand can be feen many illustra tions of theio new fabrics and their nppll cations. The latest styles of skirts and copes appear In special coupon patterns, These popular and artistic patterns con tinue to form a most characteristic feature of the McDowell Journals, and are highly prlzsd for their accuracy of details and their practical excellence. "Lu Mode de Paris" and "Paris Album of Fashion" cot only $3.50 a year, or 33 cents each per copy ; "The French Dressmaker" is $3.00 per nnnum, or 30 cts. a copy ; "La Mode" costs only 81 50 per year, or 15 cents a copy. If you are unable to procure either of these publications from your news dealer do not takea substitute from him, but apply by mail to Messrs. A. McDowell & Co., 4 West Hth street. New York. She Would Neither Paint nor Powder. "I positively will not n.e cosmetics," said a lady to the writer, "yet my com plexton Is so bad that it occasions me con stant mortification. What can 1 do to get rid of these dreadful blotches t" "Take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription," was my prompt reply. "Your complexion indicates that you are suffering from functional derangements. Kemove the cause of the blotches and your cheeks will soon wear the hue of health. The 'Favorite Prescription' Is a wonderful remedy for all diseases peculiar to your sex. Its proprietors guarantee to return the money if It does not give satisfaction. But it never fails. Try it." The lady followed my advice, and now her com plexion is as clear as a babe's, and she enjoys better health then she has for many years. To permanently cure constipation, bili ousness and sick heailacbe take Dr. ierce'a Pellets. Ot dealers. Rupture. Cure guaranteed. No operation. In quire at the Shenandoah drug store, No, 3 South Main street. 9 13-tf Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life Away is the truthful, startling title of a book about No To-Bhc, the hnrmless, guaran teed tobacco habit cure that brnces up nicotinlzed nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes wenk men gaiu strength, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or financial rick, as No-To-Bac is sold by Mrs A. Wasley under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free Address Sterling Remedy Co., New York or uuicago. uteou Fire Island clams at the Scheifly House touight. IS karat solid gold wedding rings at Strouse's. Valuable Property for Sale. A good three-story brick house, store room and dwelling Best location. Next door to First National Bank. ' Apply to No. 30 Oak street, Mt. Carmel, Pa. lm When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When she was a CMld, she'crled for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she gave them Castorla. Buy Keystone llonr. Be sure that the name Lufcsia & Uaer, Ashland, Pa., Is printed on every sack. . tf All the latest novelties In the jewelry Hue at ?tronse's. Coming- Events. May 30 Iue cream festival In Rohblns' hs.ll, under the auspices of the Young Peopi-'s Working Society of the United evangelical church. Strouse for diamonds. Atltiutlv to X-urcIti!. tne A ntvv Miprlt ATjLAKTIC CITY, April 37. Xiw en. oou null last night adopted a roouluiKii prnctioftlly deciding to purchase the tw.. local water plants for 771,782. The com nauie and the city huvo boon in litigation for several years To Crush the Oratlly Olenrette. Boston, April 27. By n voto of 01 to Mt the hoiuo of representatives ongrossed the bill imposing n flno of $100 for each offense ou any person who manufactures, wills or exibt for sale cigarettes with paper -wiaypers. . .Tim Wmttier. For eastern Paniuylvaula. Now Jorsey, DUlrU-t of Columbia, Delawnro and Mary land showers; ooolor; variable winds, moat? easterly. Special This Week. Uents' good white -shirts, 33 cents. Fair linking for 6 cents per yard. Good quality sheeting, U cents. Table oil cloths, 13)$ cents. P. J. MOMAGIIAK, 8-Se-tf 38 South Main street. Strouse, the jeweler, for watches. E. B. FOLEY, Pine Crrocevies, 201 Wwt Centre Street. Detlerin i-roceM-- il mr i rov" inns, ten OBoes, sugar, etc iuin jw( -iprlu.il. PROMPT PAYMENTS. Additional Evidence of the Home Friendly flnnA ft lid ttftte Matlin.-tc J B. F. Talley. President of the Home Friendly Soolety of Baltimore, Md. DRAlt SlK : I feel it a duty to return thanks for the promptness with which the claim of one hundred dollars ($100) on the death of Annetter Lever was paid and take great pleasure In recommending your society to the public. Annie Lever. West Spruce street, Mahonoy City, Pa., April 21, 1805. We, the undersigned, deem It our duty to thank the officers of the Home Friendly Society of Baltimore, for their prompt ness in paying the claim of one hundred and forty-four dollars ($144) due on the death of Patrick McGonlgle. We do not hesitate to praise your society kfor Its promptness and honesty. Catherine McGoniolk, Peteii McGoniole. East Lloyd street, Shenandoah, Pa., April 28rd, 1895. BASE BALLS. Paradoxical : The biggest man on our team Is Little. Unless Pottsvllle allows the home team a bonus the games scheduled for next Wednesday and Thursday will be played at the Trotting park. The story about Shennndoah having a man nt first base who cannot throw the ball across the diamond is told by people who haven't seen the team practice. It is hoped the suits for the home team will be completed soon. The players are impatient tp get into them and get down to business. When they start playing the dial of the court house clock Will crack with envy. PERSONAL. Miss Sadie Llngham Is the guest of Hazleton friends. Mrs. John Findlev scent the nast few days visiting at St. Clair. Misses Katie Goff and Helen Haley, of Glrardville, spent last evening In town. John Skrytulska, one of our leading Polish citizens, has gone to Connecticut to engage In business. Hon. D. D. Phillips, the able manager of the Lakeside Electric Railway, trans acted business In town yesterday. Daniel Brennnn, the popular beer dealer, who was confined to his home by illness for some time past, is able to be about again. Teams Runaway. A team belonging to William Neis wenter ran away from the Kehley Run colliery this morning. At the corner of M.tln and Line streets 'the tall board of the wagon fell out and the coal loaded ou the wagon was scattered along Line, Chestnut and Coal streets to the flats, where the team was stopped. One of J. J. Frnney's teams ran away this morning, on East Centre street. The large furniture wagon was upset ofter It collided with and damaged a farmer's wagon but the horses were stopped before they ran far. Strouse for musical Instruments. Children's Party. AIIss Eva Bender celebrated her twelfth anniversary last evening and entertained a number of her young friends at the home of her parents, on North Mar ket street. Among them were: Mamie Delowry, Laura Mostow, Llllie Brooks, Maggie McDonald, Minnie Dabb, Jen nie Kenelly, Clara Sheeler, Maggie Lavey, N ellie Maher, Willie Dabb, Bennie Lautersteln. Adle Kenelly, Johnnie Burns, Thomas Rogers, Charles Drum heller, Arthur Spayde, Homer Straub. House For Rent. A nice house, No. 322 West Coal street, for rent. Seven rooms, besides an attic and kitchen. Apply at 113 North West street. 4-27-tf Dr. Carver Kcmui-Unbfu Shooting:. ScilASTOX. Pa., April 27. Another phe nomenal record was nlado hero yesterday by Dr. W. F. Carvor, in his series pigeon shooting match with H. D. Swartz, of this city. Carvor killed 00 out of 100 birds, missing tho nlnuty-flrst. Swartz killed 70 out of 81. The match Is for $300. Dr. Carver won the first hhoot of tho berlos on Thursday in Wllkesbnrre by n sooro of tj out of 0(1. He had boon travoling all the previous night. Tho final shoot taker place this afternoon In Carboudalo. An Obnoxious Negro Lynched. SPr.lNOPlKLl), Ky., April 27. George Ray, i disreputable negro, was hanged noar Jensonton, soven mllos from hero, by whitooaps. Somo time ago Rny was or dered to leavo tho country and taken from his home and unmercifully whipped. He paid no attention to tho ordors, and con tinued bis acts of lawlessness. Ray also threatened n number of prominent men, whom ho charged with having u hand In tho whipping. Horses llurnett In an Incendiary Fire . LociANSi'OKT, Iud., Aprll37. NonrGrass Creek at midnight the big barn of Eman uel Hans was sot on flro by nn unknown person nnd oomplotoly destroyed. Seven horses wore cremated, A graiuery near by, in whloh seven pounds of dynamite was stored, niso caugnt nro, nnu tuo ex plosion wdilch resulted demolished all the buildings on the premises and danger ously woupded Mr. Hans and his wife. A Monster Itaft In the Delaware. HANCOCK, N. Y., April 27. Tho largost raft of hemlock logs ever sent down the Delaware river was sent from Funh's Kddy to Baston Pa., this week. It was 183 feet wide and 200 feet long. There are fow rafts on the Delaware this seaon, the Hoods having carried off the timliers. Many workmen have lost a whole on sou's work in this way. Another lloynllst 1'lot A(,'lnt Ilnuiill, San FtUNCiscu, April 87. Consul (iun- ernl C. I). Wilder, of Hawutl, and United States Seoret Service Agent Harris haye lmtu warned of a conspiracy ou foot in this elty to overthrow the Hawaiian govern ment by iiK Hii-i of any revolution. Kvl- denuo Is now ltlug gathered against those illlplll.lll vl HI tl plu(. The "Y" Program. The following nrnirram Ima been nt- ranged for the regular meeting of the IV this evening: Singing, "Y"; scrip ture rending; prayer; quartette, Brown and party; debate, "Resolved, That machinery Is and always has been detri mental to the working people," Frank j Williams, Robert L.iwfou, affirmative; , Richard Ouden. Bert Hooks, negative : ! solo, Miss Kehler; comic song, John Lnwson; critic, John Danks. Prayer meeting on Sunday afternoon nt 3:30 o'clock. Everybody Invited. Perper pot, nice nnd hot, will be served at the Scheifly House tonight 'ns a free lunch. Plenty for everybody. Strouse for clocks, MISCELLANEOUS. FOR HALE.-ColumMa Model, No. 3l,blcycle, almost new, pnaranteed In an A No. 1 condition Guarantee lood until .June. Ap ply at tho Hkuauj office 4-10 7t-d&w Airily do people complmn nf hard times, t i when any woman or man can make from 15 to K10 a day easily f All haveheanlol the wonderful aureus of the Climax Dish Washer : yet many nre apt to think they can'! make money se ling It ; but anyone can make money, beranfe everv tsmlly wants one One acent tins made 8-178 80 In till last three months.aftcr paying all expi-n'es and at tending to regular business besides. You don't hnvo to canvass : as soon as people know you hnv It tor sale they cnd for a Dish Washer. Address the Climax Mlg Co., 45 Starr Ave., Columbus. Ohio, for particulars. Scaled proposals will be received by the undersigned committee up to M -y 2nd. 1805. at 7:3U p, m., for hauling coal from tnellran donvllle siatlon to the Shenandoah Water Works. Th i committee it serves the right to reject any and all bids. SHENANDOAH WATKH COMMITTEE, A. Mkluskev, Chairman. GEORGE NAUJUNAS, Saloon and Restaurant, 234 North West Street. Finest brands of cigars. Choice Wines and Liquors. Anthony Schmicker's 104 sovin JUAIX ST. The finest pool nnd bill in rd rooms In town. Reading beer, porter and Pott-ville ale con stantly on tap. Ulveuacill Weeks' Museum, 17 SOUTH 31A1X STItBm Grand display of birds and aslmals of all selection, and finest ratnttngslu the county. Best Beer, Porter and Ales. Finest Brands of Cigars, free lunch overy c ornlng nd evening. John WnKns.-Proprletor Q. W Davidsow, Bartender ED. BRENNAN, Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sts. Finest Beers, Wines and Liquors. Choice Temperance Drinks. Boat Branrla of 5 nrul lOo Cigarc. Millions of Dollars Go np in smoke every year. Tt.ke nt risks but get your houses, stock, fur nitnre, etc., Insured In first-class, rella ble companies, as represented by DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agent, 120 South Jrdn Street. Also Life and Accidental Companlei IPeeles Cafe , 36 North Main Street. The most nonulnr resort In the town. Excellent beer, porter and ale on tap. Our cigars are tne on esc Jmm : id : Ji 16 North Main Street. Repairing of nil kinds prmoptly attended to. New Firm, New Stock. Hats and Bonnets Ready Trimmed or Made to Order We make no extravagant statements, but are certmn that you will llndojr stock adapted to your warns, and above all You Want Style. Our renutatlon Is well known in that direction. Visit our store, see our stock, compare uij irn, nine priceB ana yourtrade Is surely ours. Largest asi-ortmeut of sailor uats, tiriual wreatbsand flowers In town at M. & L. STANK'S, No. 7 South Main St., Bhenandrnh. We Have the Best illuminating oil made. Odor less, colorless, brilliant, safe, per fection. If you are in the dark, drop us n postal. We'll enlighten you nnd lighten you. IScl&pscfi Oil Oom'y Oils, Gasoline, Candles, Lamp Wicks, Burners, etc. 213 South Jardln St., SHENANDOAH, PA. Mall orders promptly attended to. W. J. Cancelrius, Saloon 1 81 East Centre Btreet, Bhenandoah. Beers, Porter, Ale and Cjgaro. Temper ance drinks of all kinds. Finest brands of whlskieH. FOR SALE OR RENT. A business iropry. Hu, re room and dwell ing In excellent ounOltion. Centrally loomed. Apply on the premise Nu. 1 29 West Centre Street, MAHANofc ( ITY. FINANCE AND TRADE. 4 mfldenee Taken the Throne So Long Held hy IMntrmt. Nbw York, April 87. -K. G. Dun & Go 's Weekly review of trade says: Neither the rile lu speculative markets nor the steady gain lu Industries has ceased, and It is wholesome that there nro fewer signs or hesitation In the productive Industries than in speoulntlvo prices. Wages strikes grow more numerous and oauso snmn trouble, and retail domnnd lags behind wholesale, sales and jobbing purchases be hind production In somo brnnchs, but' through many conflicting reports tho fact shines out that the Industries are ghlnltr not with a rush and a whirl, but tfidri safely. It Is less clear that railroads are IncriinV lug tholr earnings, or thiifoverproduetfo'' of cotton will bo cured by the advance W lo. lu price ;.i.tt cornering s.hort selt; ers of wheat al help to mnrket tho large surplus. But revival of activity iu nlft viiusu luruuuuuK, n posjuoiy QAcessjvQ in some, helps confidence to tuko ino"tllrbfio so long held by distrust. t , The failures fo.- the week have been 20 J luthe Unit! Mufen. rigalut ' 170 for the same week liwt und 87 (n Onnadn, against 20 last year. Bradstreet's i-evlew says: The features of the veek Is the eYin.inued sMvngth of prices of staples after tho striking mlvnii-ce-s of preceding Weelu. Tlunv it a flfnicr undertone In nearly all lines of trade, but nt n number of poitlt galhs lu lndtwtrUu are more marked than lu commercial lines. There Is moderate notlvlty In tjie market for wool, nnd cotton goods are Attn' on thendvnuco In cotton und higher wage paid eastern mill operatives. The Greater Pittsburg 11111s. -HAItRlsnuitO, April 37. Tho greater Pittsburg bills will gotothogovcruernexc week. Thoy passed tho house In oxactly tho shnpo they loft tho senate, oxcopt for somo very unimportant amendments. Tho sennto will conour lu those noit Tues day, when it reconvenes. Tho voto for or ngalnst consolidation' will tnko place nt tho presidential election lu 18U0, and If the vote Is in fnvor of consolidation tho dis tricts will bo united Into tho greater Pittsburg in March, 1S08. The combined populatl-4 of tho territory to bo consoli dated Is 400,0DJ. It is ostlmotod that this will bo increased to GOJ.OOO -before tho tail ing of tho next census. This would make It the fourth city of tho union, or the fifth if New York and Brooklyn consolidate. All wntches repaired by Strouse guar anteed for one year. If you want a Fine Horse or Pair of Horses, attend E I HORSE SA m OF WM. NISWENTER, TUESDAY, APRIL 30?h, 1895, At the Commercial Hotel, At 3.00 p. m. The stock consists of heavv draught horses, brewery horses, fine double teams and fine single teams, and three extra fine drivers, which must be sold, rain or shine. This is the finest car of horses ever shipped to this region. Do not forget the place and date. MBS. PHILIP KEUSGHEE Will dispose cf her entire stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ec, Stock must be sold Immediately, owner in tending to remove from town. CALL EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS. A gocd Marvin Safe, Bhow fixtures, &c, will be sold veiy cheap. ' No. 129 West Centre Street, MAHANOY CITY, PA. Spring : and : Summer S'u.itirLg'S- ( Order spring garments now ). Besides giving ample time for delivery it enables you to have your pick of our spring assortment. Complete line of domestic and imported novelties in trousers and suiting. PORTZBROS. 24 North Main St., Shenandoah, Pa. A Clean, Quick Shave u alt? aya be had at Charles Derr's Barber Shop, FirM-eittS hair cutting and singeing. FeriUon House llulldlng. Closing Out Sale PAIUE'S CELERY COMPOUND." Jest S pring Remedy in the World. It Makes People Well. There is one true specific for dlseaees arising from a debilitated nervous system, and thnt Is Palne's celery compound, so generally prescribed by physicians. It Is probably the most remarkable remedy that the scientific research' of this country has produced. Prof. Edward E. Phelps, p-escribed what Is now known tne world cure for dyspepsia, biliousness, liver complaint, neuralgia, rheumatism, all nervoii diseases nnd kidney troubles. For the ceeded again and again where everything The medical journal? of this country years to the many remarkable cases where the use of Palne's celery compound has made people well than to any other one subject. , Call and see our rine stock of Watches, Clock. , Jewelry, Musical Instruments end Optical Gocds. You can save 50 per cent, by calling on DON'T FORM1 THEPLME t Between Oak and Cherry Streets. -GrO T, H, SNYDER Ij . Cor. Jardin and Oak FOR YOUR WALL PAPER. CHINESE 2To. lO XTortk. 3eLlaa. Street, Sl3.011ax1.doa.l1., Fa. Clothes of all description neatly done up In a first class manner. I can refer to scores of families in this city as to my care in wyi8hlng,nnd superior neatness"fe, doing up clpthing. I do my. vot better and quicker thaij pfher laundry, Ih tl)isclty.' CBAELES LEE, Manager. i Our Grand Spring Opening Jjf Of French Pattern Hats and Bonnets is Now on. yVe are displaying hundreds of the choicest and most select styles ever shown. French and American designs In flowers of every description. Cheap ribbon, all silk, No. 5, fie; No, 7, 7o; No, 9. 9c; No. 12, 12c; No. 16, 15c; No. 80, 35c per yard all colors. Sailor hats, 15c up ; ladles' hats, 25c up; infants long cloaks, cream nnd white for tl.00 up. Infants' christening outfits. Silk velvets, to close out, down f ro.ya $1.00 to 50c per yard Black satin. 34 inches wide, $1.00 yer yard, worth $1.75. Nun's veils, $1.25 np. Infants' cops, 15c to $1.75, nt Mrs. J. J. Kelly, 26 S. Main St Garden's M WALL JStoe. We have just received a fine line of the most beautiful and artistic papers In the market, which we will sell at very reasonable prices. We have also in stockfft great deal of last year's patterns which we are selling at a sacrifice. Come and see our line of goods. We have the most beautiful and artistic papers. Largest Paper Store in Town. Finest Stock and Lowest Prices. JT. 3E. 0,3EtXDES3ST, .y House, Sign and Decorative Painting,. 224 "West Centre Street. All qrders promptly attended to. HOOKS & BROWN Boolz.8, Stationery, JSrovelties, XItxToToox- I3to.33a.3os. Agents for DAILY PAPERS. 4 North Main St, . MURPHY BROS., Saloon and Restaurant, 10 North Main Street. Finest Whiskeys. Beer, Porter and Ale always on tap. "(Jomo and hit one," Choice temperance drinks and cigars. Free lunsh 9 to 12 p. m. M. D., LL. D., of Dartmouth college first over as Jfalne's celery compound, n positive IntUr Palne's celery compound has sue eUe has failed. have given more space In the last few IKE ORKIN, 129 South Main Street, SHENANDOAH. PA. TO Painter and Paper Hanger, Sis., SB EN AND 0 AH, At'WtM LAUNDRY Our Easter Opening Ladles, you are all Invited to call neit Saturday, Monday and Tuesday and ex amine the largest assortment of trimmed hats, strictly of the very latest New York styles, ever shown in Shenandoah. "Wtk have them at prices to suit the wants of all.' j (lew York Cash Millinery Store,, 30 North Main Street, , A genuine welcome J Awaits yqn at ( Joe Wyatt's Saloon J MAIN AND COAL STS. , . Pool room attaohed. Finest whiskeys? Choice temperance drlD ana e.gars. i MUMS'