or V, Apill J7.-K-P. 1 ( i H. Fnirsr (lied lint ni rlit. th l apopl "-Hp stroke Ho was Ird dog.ic M.sson, captain ol A, Twenty-Hrst Now Jersey durliiK the civil war, uml im of tho Now Jersey ussom')Iy. tain (iwi' result o. a Thirty Coinpniv volunteer ex-raoinli" lXur Town Nearly Dctrojcd by Flood, BUDA PJtsnt, April 27. Four towns In Huuirnrr, Kutox, Vltovn, Hiullfsgrad nmlMosrin wuru almost destroyed by tin' recotit floods. Tho damage amounts to 15,000,000. a NUGGETS OF NEWS. 3. A. Rowo, county treasurer, has dis appeared from Montezuma, la., with JU0, 000 of the Ciiuii.y's money. Tho numb r of immigrants from Italy during ten mouths past was 10,825 less thau or the same period last year. Tho mule splnliors of Lowoll, Mass., have votod to request the restoration of tho 1803 schedule of wages. Heavy rain nnd hall storms visited southeast Texas yesterday. In many places fences were battered down. Many men havo desortcd from the Unltod States cruiser Olymphla at San Francisco, alleging 111 treatment by the first lleuton ant. Alva S. Andrews, a farmer near White Hall, Wis., Is andor arrest, charged by his daughter with murdering her Illegitimate Infant child. Forest Arcs In the woods near Kenno bunk, Mo., burned over fifty acres of val uable woodlxndamldld considerable dani' go to railroad property. HEART DISEASE! Fluttering, No Appetite, Could Not 4 Sleep, Wind on Stomach. r "For a long time I bad a terrible pain at my beart, whicb fluttered al most incessantly. I had no appetite i ana coum not sieep. l wouia ne com- i pelled to sit up in bed and belch gas A from my stomach until I thought j , that every minute would be my last 1 There was a feelling of oppression g about my heart, and I was afraid to 3 draw a full breath. I could not sweep a room without resting. My hus- ' band induced me to try J , Dr. Miles' Heart Cure ' and am happy to say it has cured .e. ' 1 now havo a splendid appetite 1 and sleep well, its effect was truly I J marvelous." J MBS. HARRY E. STARR, I'ottsvMe, Pa. Dr. Miles noart Cure is sold on a posltlvo PL guarantee that tho Urstbottlo will benoflt All druggists sell It at U, 0 bottles for 45. or If will If nmn.lil i ii n,.nlnt n9 .1 by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL CONSULT THE .OLD RELIABLE V SPECIALIST 329 N. I5lh St Below Callowhill, Philadelphia, Pa. Thirty years' continuous practice in all special diseases of both sexes. The terrible results of Sell-Abuse, tho humili ating condition of Impotency, the misery of Sleeplessness- Lose ot Appetite an! all the wretchedness resulting from Blood-Polsonlng, diseases of the Nervous System, Skin, Bladder and Kidneys can be overcome by consulting Dr. Lobb who will guarantee a permanent cure and restoration to Health and Manly Vigor in every ease he treats. Consultation and ex amination free and strictly confidential. Thirty years' continuous practice Is proor .enough of his ability. Office hours dally and '"MJundays, from 9 a, m. to 3 p. m and 6 to B evenings. Call or send for free book on Errors ot Youth and obscure disease of both sexes. HOTEL KAIBR, CHAS. BURCHILL, Prop. v North Main St., HAHAN0Y CITY. Largest and finest hotel in the region. Finest accommodations. Handsome fixtures P ind Billiard (tooms Attached Y our Stomach : : : Cannot stand the same washing that your boots do. nnd the water you anna isn't even nt for that purpose, use Lorenz Schmidt's Beer and Porter. JAMES SIIIEIiDS, Manager Shenandoah Branuh, per-Colored outb, Ilalr .U07 Mf mUle.l;uleaKO.Ill..f nr nronf nt fmreH. i Capital S 500,000. 1'atlentacnred nine year JOHN A. KEILLY, Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALER, w. Hnnth Main SL. HhnnnnrWl, OYSTER BAY I 10-5 East Centre Street. PamilieE Supplied with Oystors. Dining parlorB attached. flriirc? "Tlio New Inriillll.t)' HUlbO Turkish Capiuloaiiover falll Itt sealed, fAwlUiailvlte Mat wiurreYeut fu ture Irregularities. Sc. btamp for particular! I-omiuu C'heiu. Co. New Egypt, If 3, MODEL 41 COLUMBIA K&J Physicians recommend bicycling. form. Two new models for women's use in eolanilria Bicycles. Model 42 Columbia has been especially designed for the many ladie3 who prcfor to wear knicker bockers rather than cumbersome skirts. Ladles' wheels also in Hartford Bicycles at lower prices $80, $60, $50. - Model 4a Columbia GEO. H. KRICK, gent lor Columbia and Hartford Blcclts, Shenandoah, Pa. s m The New Captain General Given an Affectionate Welcome, THE EEBELLI0N WILL BE CRUSHED. No Cessation of Hostilities Until the ltc- voltls WhollySubdued The Commander Will Enforce Strict Obedience nnd Hu mane Treatment of All I'rlsoners. Havana, April 27. A reception to Cap tain General do Campos was given nt tho palace yesterday. Genoral Ardorius, brother-in-law of Marshal de Camrms, gave tho new captain general an affection ate wolcorae in tho name of tho army, the volunteers, the militia and the firemen. Ho reiterated In strong terms the adhesion to tho captain gonoral of thoso whoso motto Is discipline and love of nation and king. In reply Marshal do Cnmpos said he know the difficulties with which ho had to contond, but doolared that tho insur rection would soon bo brought to an end. Ho stated that operations against the rebels would not bo suspondod under nny circumstances. Ho had given strict or ders to tho several columns of govprnninnt troops that thoy wero not to rutlro uof-irn ,tho robols unless the latter should bo in strongly superior forco and oblige them to do so. Ho would roward thoso win) p"r formed meritorious actions,' but, ho would demand tho exact fulfillment of duty, aivl thoso who did not do their duty would bo punished. Continuing, Mn-shal do Campos de clared that he haj como to curry on the war as humanoly as possibly. Ho had given strict orders that non-combatants and tholr families must bo troatcd with respect, and furthermore that tho prison ers and wounded must bo treated kindly, Outrages upon women and other Immoral actions would meot with speody and so vero retribution. Ho did not want any one to over bo nolo to say that ho had con sented to such actions. In Spain it was hoped that all tho loyal people of Cuba would support each othornnd lilmsnlf in order that tho Insurrection should be speedily quolled. His only desiro was to bring about poaoo In tho island. Tho press and all tho political parties manifest groat confldonco in tho elevated spirit In which Marshal do Campos Is car rying out his delicate mission. Fatal Hall Storm In Arkansas. CAMDEN, Ark., April 27. A terrible hail storm swept ovor this portion of Ouchita county, doing much damage to growing crops and property. Vegotatiou of all kinds was blown to the ground. Reports from adjolulngeountryshow that tho corn crop Is beaten down, and replanting will bo necessary. A negro woman named Kauilman. who had boon In bad health, was frighloned to death by tho terriflio storm. A houso was blown down and two noizro men wero caught In tho dobris nnd inlurod. Glass, windows, shutters and frail houses wero nttorly demolished. A Man Hunt with Moodliounda. ANDEI5SON, Ind., April 27. A mob of 200 farmers and citizens of Iugnlls, with bloodhounds nnd guns, aro In pursuit of two tramps who fatally injured Mrs, William Humes. While sho was gather ing flowers In a grove thoy attacked nnd stabbed her twico. Sho wns thrown into tho collar, half filled with wator, which so revlvod hor that sho was able to crawl up tho steps, whoro sho was found by persons who saw tho tramps running from tho house. All tramps found here havo boon nrrosted and aro hold for investiga tion, lClll.KTbV a Mii'ie Cnvein. HAZLETON, Ph., April 27. William Du gau and Georgo Weaver wore entombed by a fall of coal In Pardee's Cranberry col liery. Dugau's dead body was taken out a few hours later. Weaver was allvo when the rescuers began work, but as ho has Blnce failed to signal thorn It Is feared he Is dead. Rescuing partlos aro working hard to reaoh him. Another Challenge for Dixon. Buffalo, April 27. Frank Erne, the liuilalo foathorwolght, issues a challongo to George Dixon, to moot him for 12,600 a 1 sldo and the championship, tne matcn to take nlaco in Juno, before the club offer- inir tho larceSt plirSO. MM nas COOU Killed by a l'et Hone. MATTAWAN, N. J., April 87. Robort Carson, a well known Democratlo poli tician living nt Crawford's Corners, was suddenly nttnoked and killed by a pot horse. Cnrson was curing for tho horso at tho time tho nuimal attacked and killed him. . Slra. I'nrtiell Still Improving. BoitDBMTOWK. N. J.. April 87. Mrs. Paruell's oondltiou is reported as much Improved, anil Dr. W. 11 Slitpps ba greater hopes of her ivoov. COLUMBIAS They almost lly. Dame Fashion says it Is "good POPE MFG. CO. Central Officii end Factories, HARTFORD, Conn. BOSTON NHW YORK OHIOIOO AN mANOISOO pnovioiNoa BUFFALO Send for Catalogue. Freo at an; Columbia Aconoy, or by mall for two cent stamps. Six handsome Paper Valla, show ing ladles' bicycle costumti by notad designers, mailed for five -cnt stamps. THEEL 1317 Arch St. Phile. Pa. BLOOD POISON -SniW icuxei cured in 30 to UU iIuj-b. lilotrliun, Ulcere,. Skin HlxcnNes, .NervniiH DrlilUly lnml Krrors of Youth, I.oxs ofl'dircr nnd jStricturuii (No Cutllus) Cured for a Ui'( tunic. IliOstlllnniiood nml Snmll Shrunken Or- BuiiN Full)' ltestoroil. Scientific method never falls nnlees case is beyond human aid. Heller at once, and you feel llkeamnn unions men la ralrul and body. All losses?- wictnt iiuuicumiujr uilu I'UIluuueu Improvement. Kverv obstacle to napny mnrrieu lire removea. Kerve force, will, energy, brain power, When fatllnir nr Inst, nre rpntnrerl hv I the combined NEW treatment. Victims nt I abuses and excesses, reclaim your manhood ' Sufferers from folly, overwork, early errors, ill health and excesses In married lire reenln Jyour strength. Don't despair, even If In the last stages. Don't be discouraged. If quacks I have robbed you. I will prove to you that medical science and honor still exist. Bend UveZ-cent stamps for book " TRUTH," the only Medical book exposing quacks (no mutter what they advertise to save themselves from exposure) their tricks and devices, calling; themselves celebrated and famous, giving free advice and guarantee, charging enormousl prices for cheap, poisonous drugs, and there by rulnlnc thousands. Houm 9 to a Even Sings, 8-8.30. Wed.andBat. Kve'gs, 6-0.80. Bun., 1'J-ii notice am anuciea witn dangerous ana Inopeless cases should call for examination. Daily, from 9-1. Wed. and Sat. eve'gs, ft-9. and sun., 9-12. Wrlto or mil. Treatment by mall. Finest, Pnrubt, Healthiest. Lausr Bock Beer On tap at ail the leading saloons. Chris. Schmidt, Agt 807 West Coal St.. Shenandoth Gilmoris Aromatic Wine- A tonic for ladies. If you are suffering from weakness, and feel exhausted and nervous ; are getting thin and all run down, Gilmore's Aromatic Wine will bring roses to your cheeks and restore you to flesh and plumpness. Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator and corrector for all ailments peculiar to wo manhood. ItTproinqtes diges tion, enriches the bloolKand t- ..I. C1,l gives lasting sti ciigiu. oum uy A.. WASLTY, 106 N. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa Easily, Qulokly, Permanently Restored. AVenknoea, Nervonaneas, iieuuity, ana Ml the tram or evns irom eany erron or later excesses, the result at overwork, sickness, worry, etc. Full strength, devtU opment ana tone given M every organ and portioa of the body. filmpK, nat ural methods, lmmedl ate Improvement teen. Killnm Imnnssihle. I'. OXI references. Book. xplauation and proofs mailed (sealed) ttt. ERIE MEDICAL 00., Buffalo, H.Y. When In POTTSVILLE, Stop at PHIL. WOLL'S HOTEL 200 North Centre Street. Meals at all hours. Ladles' dining room Attached, finest wines, Honors, cigars. Lager and Pilsner Beers only a mnwm. Japan Was Not Threatened by the European Powers. THE JAPANESE WILL. EEOEDE. She Will Insist Upon All tho Terni? l'enco Treaty rt lllglitrnllj- Hrr IlnW Critical Stntn of Affairs Existing In 1'ekln nnd Yokohama. London, April 27. Direct nnd positive Information from ofllclnl sources Is nt hand concerning tho exact negotiations between Kussla, H ranco and Germany on one hand and Japan on tho other. Tho Husslan, French and Gerninn mm lstors separately Interviewed tho Japanese vlco miulstor for foreign olfolrs, under In structions from tholr respective govern ments, and presented memorandums, in which It was stated that the governments of Kussla, Franco and Germany, upon ex amining tho terms of peace Imposed by Japan upon China, havo found that tho possession of tho ponlnsula of Lino Tung, claimed by Japan, would bo a constant monnco to tho capital of China and at the samo time would threaten the Indepen dent of Corea and render It non-effective In fact. In this senso and for other roasons it would bo, it was stated, a constant menace to tho permanent peace of tho far oast. Consequently tho governments of Franco, Kussla and Germany, desiring to show tholr sincere friendship for tho govern ment of Japan, advise it to renounce tho absolute and final possession of tho penin sula of Llao Tung. Tho memorandums of the thrco govern ments make It plain that thoy aro pro- soutod in tho way of friendly advlco to the Japanese government, and aro not in tended in any way to convey nny open or covert menace. Tho impression Is gaining ground that Japan cau rely upon tho friendly counsel of tho United States at the present mo ment. Tho governments of Great Britain and Italy havo made it plain that thoy do not Intend to follow tho oxamplo of Rus sia, Franco and Germany, and tho great commercial Interests of the United States In tho far oast, which tho Japaneso-Chl- neso treaty would lurgoly benefit, no less than tho constant attitude of the United States toward Japan, load diplomats to bollovo that tho United States at this junc ture will not fall to make such a uso of its good offices as will prevent Japan from bo lnc deprived of the fruits of hor victory. Tho treaty of poaco has already beon ratified by tho emperor of Japan, and It would bo oxtromely difficult to make any change. Tho only effect of Itussia's, France's and Gormany's attitude must be to oncourago tho party In China which is opposed to any moderate and reasonable settlement, and thus to prolong the wai indefinitely. It may bo stated Hn the most posltlvo terms that tho reports thus tar circulated regarding Japun's roply to tho powers aro not correct. Tho roply hud not been sent as late as tho ovouing of tho 20th, and from tho intimations received from tho highest and most reliable sources hero It may bo stated that tho roply, while mod erate and conciliatory in tono, will not contain any recession from what Jiipuu regards as rightfully her duo. It is bolloved that Japan was surprised by tho protests made by Russia, Franco and Germany. Tho dispatch of the latest Japanese expedition to Port Arthur was ordered for tho purpose of allaying tho dis content that exists In that portion of tho army which has not shared in tho honors of tho campaign, and also to forco tho Po- kin government to ratify the peaco treaty. A Poklu dispatch to Tho Times suys ID is tho cosjiou of southern Manchuria, as provided for in tho treaty of peace, that is chieily opposed In tho (Jhlueso capitoi. Tho agreement to this end mono uy iji Hung Chung specially grieves the em peror, becauso tho province of Manchuria is tho ancestral portion of the emplro. Thoro is loss opposition regarding tho ces sion of Formosa, which Is u new province. Tho othor articles of the treuty uro re garded as bearable. Soveral governors and soino of tho generals oppose submis sion to the public proclamations that huvo been made. Apprehension in Yokohama. Yokohama, April 37. The demand made by Kussla, Franco and Germany that Japan rofralu from annexing tho Llao Tung peninsula, Is expected to try tho sou restraint of tho dapnueso nation very soveroly. Tho govornmont will ilnd It dlilioulty, If uot lmpossmio, to comply without great risk of Interim! trouble. Tho present situation is viewed with much apprehension. At tho samo tlmo, It is bolloved that the govornmont will bo oompollcd to do its utmost to moot tho Kuropoan viows. Affairs In Tekln Critical. SHANGHAI, April 27. A dispatch re ceived here from Pofelu says that affairs thoro aro in n critical stato. Somo of tho gonoruls aro in favor of continuing the war. The censors ooject to viceroy u Hung Chang nnd tho terms of tho treaty of pouco botweon China and Japan, and the officials aro claiming that tho emporor nlono Bhould decide upon tho terms. Tho ratification of tho tronty consequently is uncertain, and if it is ratified tears that there will be troublo with tho urmy. tIotlier'a Charge Against n Clergyman. Kuttluutl, April 27. Mrs. Hall, tho motlfewpf the youug woman, Kmiua Hull, whosonntli iu a hospital at Detroit, Mich., has eostuusplcloii on tho Rev. Jonathan Hell, ifenhu'os sho has fiulllclont, ovidonoo to convictlbo Kov. Jonuthnu Bell, whom sho holds RKpouslble for her child's dontli. Mrs, Hall si3Jthnt tho Rev. Mr. Boll sent Emmn to AiiOcloa. Mrs, Boll, wlfo ui the mlsslnfr pastosnys she does not know whether hor huSTisind is dond or allvo. Tho members of th5pv. Mr. Boll's congregation consider his ru to bo fully established. lloat CapaUed, Two Drowned. NewYouk, April 87. Joseph Cronln, 19 veara old; Jninos McEvoy, 10 yonrs old, nud John Kltzgnrld, 19 years old, who wore all employed on tho coal dock of Ed ward Cunningham, went rowing on East river, and Cronln and MoBvoy wore drowned, while Fitzgerald was saved, ufter tho boat had capsized at tho south erly end of Bhtokwell's Island. ' Father and Two Children 1'erUIi. Fbaskfokt, Ky., April 87. A bluck of etoreroum and tenement houses,. known ns the Knoel block, was destroyed by an incendiary lira during the night. Jams Yeagor, an old man, and his two ohlldruu, aged 5 and' 9 years, were burned to death, and a half dozen famlllea barely esoaped. COTTOLEKE. 1 Yon Will never need another dose of Dyspepsia Medicine after a meal, if your food is cooked with Cottolcnc, the new vegetable shortening, instead of lard. Cottolene aids the digestive powers lai;d destroys hem, which will you Cottolene is identified bv trauWinark steer's head in cot-ton-plaSttt wreath on every pail. The N. ivfc,Falrbank Company, CHICAGO, and ym ,J.,.,Ii.,uc,,,t.,. Insomnia is often the result of som wearing pain, slight in itself, yet sufficient to prevent sleep. Instead of using an opiate apply an ASlcock's Porous Plaster to the aching spot; relief will come, and with relief, sweet, refreshing sleep.' Ilpnnrc of Nostrums. See that you get " ALLCOCK's." Do not accept any other. Allcock's Corn Shields, Allcock's Bunion Shields, Have no equal as a relieC and cure for corns and bunions. Brandreth's Pills first purify, then invigorate the sys tem, facilitating healthy growth. Mll.tl V i?lt TFIA.Fl ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Has stood the Test ol Time MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRAIN ua uumuinLu BAKTMAN STEEL PItJKET FENCE La. is the oheapest and best fence made. Cheaper than a wooden fence for residences, lawna.cem ttery lots or any kind of fencing. M. H. Mastjb nas the agency and carries it in stock at hie marble and granite works, 127 N. JAKDIK ST. Bhenandoah's Reliable Hand Laundry Cor. Uoyd and White Sts. All wort r ir&nteed to be flrat-class in everj particular -'ilk ties and laco curtain saspec Ulty. Qoo U oillad for and delivered A trial S0ll'tl"i Chlcheti'r'H Knell.lt Dlumond Ilrantf. OliWROYAL PILLS Ortfflnul anil Only Genuine A 8rc, always rt-liable. ladies aik R mvml Brand tn UeJ and Gold mettlllovw s, m tiled with bluu ribbon. Tuko a7 Inu other. Jteute dangenu$ ixth$t Uu v ions unit imituttuHB. a i uruggiKis, or senate n stanips for partloaHrs, tcatlmoDliU mi "Itpllcf Tur LiUtllei. in Utter, br return Mull. lO.OOIl TeiltuiftDiak. Kama Iiar. rhlchchtfp t'hpnilciil t3a..Mutl1nn Nn mil 1 Looai UrntUtJ. Vblluiliki I'ft, -DR. A. A. SEIBEIIT"- Hpeciallst in diseases ot the Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat. 207 West Market Ht., l'ottsvllle. Hours 8.S0 a. m. to 12 m.i 1 to 4 p. ni., 7 to e p. iu. ounaays, v a. ra. 10 x-i m, ly IClockSprinfillladc. (Only Perfect Comb. rorenaugh Circuses, Ask your Dealer for Pee our naroftkn the handle, SfltlXU CUKI1T CO KtW rli.mArT 1UARAH EE tat ara Involuntflrf KtulaiioDfl pitta and AUtrr UAiug. 1 Si n iffl mm Hold by P, P( I). KIULiJf$ jyruvvlst, 'tihtnattdoah, fa choose? The genuine this , SaaitSf g PROFESSIONAL CARDS M. 8. KIBTLEH, M. D PaVSIGTAN AND SVRGBON. fflce. 131 North Jardln street, Shenandoah. M. 11UKKK, ATTORNEY-A T-LA W, SHENANDOAH, PA. Ofne. Kiriin hnlldlne. corner ot Main and Centi'etrtets, nhennndoah. w, STK1N. M- U PRTSICIAH AND SURGEON. Oflleodlnnm '2. KjJAn'A Nnw HnllfHnp. r.ni. ncr MafE nnd Centre streets. Shenandoah. omce Hours: Rio 10 a, m.: 1 to 3 p n; 7 to 9 p. m. Night oUceNo. 230 West Oak street. G. M. HAMILTON. M. D pnrawiAN and surgeon. Office Wator Company building, W West Lloyd alreot. s, 0. SPALDING. M. D. Diseases of the Hkaiit and Lungs a Specialty Office and residence, No. 29 8. Whlto xtreet. Office hours 7 to 9 a m , 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p. m. M.J. LAWLOR, Justice of the Peace Insurance and .... Real Estate Agent, 123 E. Centre St., Shenandoah TWO-STORY Frame Building, 30x15 feet, on Houth Chestnut street. Uents tor $18 per month; wl 1 ce sold cheap, FOlt BALK. Halt lot and two houBe3, sit uate on West Centre street. Will pay 12 per cent on lnvestmeat, and can he bought on easy terms. 171 Alt l FOR SALE A tirm of S3 acres, . within three miles of gojd marttet. Twenty-nine acres under cultivation, and four acres of good timber. Frame farm house, Biz room, good barn and all in good condition. Will be sold for J1.200 cash. FOH SALE. Licensed hotel stand in Maha noy township, near the borough line. Frame building, nine rooms, doing good busi ness. Good reasons given for selling. A bar gain ior anyDoav. 'VPPiy iawior, Justice ot tho Peace, last Centre street. AMUSEMENTS. pEKQUSON'S THEATRE, P. J. FERGUSON, MANAUEH. THURSDAY, MAY 2d, 1895. Everybody's Favorite, FANNY RICE,. In her latest . . . And greatest success, . . .NANCY. . . Adapted from the German Drei-Paar Schuhe. Prices 25c, 50c, 75c and $r; Reserved eeatB at Klrlln's drug store. If your clothier doesn't keep Hammerslough : Broa Swell, Kellable, New York -OLOTiailJ-NTO- Make him get it The lr celebrated $15.00 Melton Overooat sVears like steel and is sold b.r every promt, neni clothier In the state. Nona genuine with out Hammerslouch llroj ' label. SY PILLS? DRUG IBSJFE AND SURE. SEND 4c. F0H-WQMAM 3 SA1S lOEi'.fll GUARD:' Wilcox 0PECIFI6 CcPhiuUPa. Spring Gurry Comb Boil as a Brush. Fits every Curve. Tho Used by U. S. Army and by Barnum and and Leading Horsemen of the. World. It. Sample mailed post paid 2t cents. Jill CO., 102 tafajetto St, South llcnd, Indian. RESTORE LOST VIGOR Will hraM vnn nln Mlk Bold With 1VRXTT11 NrTonD('hilitv. LoMOfBiUl Poww in llhtl from auy caaae. If neglected, nch troubUa lefcd cnnxuuiptiun or imtti jt f l.iKJ per DOS oj man, o oMvm iur pa, t' ivu ini oru-r we Btve a writua guano tec to euie or refund the isoomt, AdoxMCt rJSAL UELiCINK OO,. d!Tluid.Obto.