The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 26, 1895, Image 2

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" - e Isheii dnlly, except Sunday bj
t -Mcnt'on ofttoe and mecbanloal department
N mil Market Street.
rf. tfonaTrl h dollvered In Shenandoah and
iaz jieraia surrounalng towns f0r six cents
week, piyablo to tho carriers. l)y mull, Three
Dollars a year orTwcnty-flvo cents per month,
Ik advance.
JL&vtrtiftncnta charged according to space
and position. The publishers reserve tho right
10 change tho position of advertisements when
ever the publication of news requires it. The
rlcht Is also reserved to reject any advertise
Kent, whether paid (or or not, that the pub
lihsrs may deem Improper. Advertising rates
made known upon application.
Entered at the post ooice at Shenandoah, Pa.
il second closs mall matter.
Shenandoah, Pcnna
Evening Herald.
Ik his controversy with his parishioners
In Watertown the Rov. William N. Cleve
land baB been upheld. He should send
his distinguished brother in Washington
explicit instructions ns to how he man
aged it.
BEFORE the Democrats fully make up
their minds to nominate a Southern man
for President, it there is one who would
consent to play such a part merely to
save some Northern man the humiliation
of being the worst beaten candidate of
the century.
IF the Germans will cast an eye over
the present price of American beef they
will discover that the microbe Is highly
esteemed in this part of the world. The
German prefers sausages of American
horsemeatat Tc. a pound, and it is not to
be denied that he seems well nourished
and healthy.
The Washington Post's powerful sug
gestlon to the Democratic party to go
South for Its candidate next year has
been taken less seriously in tho South
than in any other section of the country.
Southern politicians are smart enough to
know that the people of the North are
not ready to put a Southern man In the
White Houbo, even at this remote period
from the war.
The strained relations which Mr Cleve
land has established between the Demo
cracy and the silver people destroys the
last hope of his demoralized party. The
silversmiths might have tinkered up the
Democratic party so as to have carried it
through another campaign, but with
their art denied to it the Democracy is
dead for all time and without hope for
eternity. And like Its fourfooted proto
type, it leaves no progeny behind.
TnE experiment upon the new tin plate
process, made at the works In Bellefonte
owned by ex Governor Beaver, has proved
a great success. All that remains now Is
to wait until a patent on the same is pro
cured and then the public will learn of
its greatness. It Is Bald by those who are
in a position to know that the new pro
cess will completely revolutionize the tin
plate industry and enable the United
States to successfully compete, in an open
market, with the foreign countries, so
that tin plate will be made an American
Industry in spite of the claims of the
ARE we not crowding too many
studies Into our public schools P is a
question very frequently asked, and as
far as public opinion is concerned, the
aljnost universtl response is in the af
firmative. We have too many educa
tional theorists now. A great many of
our most experienced public school teach
ers think the present curriculum is al
ready too crowded, and that the natural
result Is far less thorough training In
what may be termed the indlspensables
of popular education, simply because im
possibilities are demanded of llttlo chil
dren. You can't put a gallon of water
into a pint bottle, nor can you educate
children as they should be educated when
you impose upon them studies which
their undeveloped Intellects are incapable
of comprehending. But we are blandly
informed that it will not do to lag in the
race of progress, that we must keep fully
abreast the lead of other educational
centres, and must adopt new branches of
study, and infinitum. It such a course
be necessary in order that the town's
reputation for educational progress may
be maintained, It Is clearly a mistake.
Far better that a child be taught fewer
branches and made to understand what
he is studying, than that the present
y stem of cramming and crowding him
with matters of which his knowledge
ultimately consists In being able to re-
psat certain rules and definitions parrot
fashion, and without anything like
correot comprehension of tholr meaning,
and without the ability to apply them in
practice. A child should be made to
understand whatever he may be study
ing before he is confronted with other
studies, and hurried through them, with
a like indifference to bis lack of ability
to comprehend their true meaning.
Sho Continues to Snub Groat Brit
ain's Ultimatum.
Thin Action Itenortoil to Hnve Ilrcn Ac
complished by the llrltlsh Hqundrnn nt
Ttint Center Mr. Guzman, the Nlcarn
gunn Minister, Ilotlcent.
Washington, April 20. Tho vory latest
Information received hero is to tho effect
that there will bo no chango in tho atti
tude assumed by Nicaragua toward tho
British ultimatum, and tho confldont bo
llof is that tho British will occupy Corinto
today to onforco tholr demands.
Lnto last night a well known diplomat
recolved private information from connco
tluus in Now York city to tho effect that
Nicaragua had decided to rofuso to accedo
to Great Britain's ultimatum and would
resist it. Dr. Guzman, tlio Nlcarnguan
minister, has not as yot recolved any in
formation from his government respect
ing the matter, but ho Is of tho opinion
that matters will transpire as indicated
Nicaragua's last hopo of assistance, from
tho United States in her controversy with
Great Britain to prevent the seizure of
Corinto, vanished yostorday afternoon.
Dr. Guzman, tho Nicaraguan minister,
who had boen waiting with Intense, anxl-
ty to soo bocrotary Grosham, was finally
successful about 3 o'clock, when the sec
retary camo Into tho department from tho
Whlto House, whoro ho hod been In con
sultation with President Clovolnnd, pre
sumably on tho sumo subject.
Ho refused to sny a word as to what had
takon plnco, but It can be stated that tho
secretary gavo him to understauu vory
clearly that tho United Statos would not
lnterforo In tho caso as It stands. So there
aro now throo courses open to Nicaragua,
namoly: To pay tho Indomnlty, to pormlt
tho occupation of Corinto, or to fight.
ts already stated In tho Associated
Press dispatches, tho position taken by
tho president in this matter Is that tho
dlsputo is ono ontlroly botwoou Groat Brit
ain and Nicaragua In which tho United
States has no call to lnterfero unless there
should bo committed acts Injurious to
Amcricun lntorosts In Nicaragua, or there
should bo shown a disposition by Great
Britain to acquiro Nicaraguan territory.
On each of thoso points n favorable- assur
ance has boen had from Great Britain, and
all it is said that can now bo done Is to
watch tho courso of events.
In behalf of Nicaragua, though without
uooess, it would appear that It had beon
urged that the occupation of Corinto by
tho British troops would bo in direct vio
lation of tho Clayton-Bulwor troaty uo-
tweon tho United States and Groat Britain.
A provision of that treaty prohibits Brit
ish occupation of Central Amorlcan torn-
tory. Artlclo 1 covenants that tho United
States and Grout Britain agroo "that
noithorwlll over erect or maintain any
fortifications commanding tho Nicaragua
canal, or In tho vicinity thoroof.or occupy,
or fortify, or colonlzo, or assume or exor-
clso any dominion ovor Nicaragua, Costa
Rica, tho Mosquito coast, or any part of
Central Amorica.
It is pointed out that this is oven more
binding than tho Monroo doctrine, as the
lattoris a prlnciplo assorted by tho United
Stutos, while tho treaty is an agreement
to which Groat Britain Is a party.
COLON, April 2(S. It is reported hero
that tho British squadron at Corinto, Nic
aragua, has closed that port.
An Aged I'hyslclan Causes a Sensation.
SritlNOFIELU, ills., April 20. A great
lensatton was created on Sixth street, near
the government building yostorday after
noon by Dr. Henry Bell, an old physician
from Chlcugo and u gray haired man, on
dcavorlng to sccuro possession of his 8-yoar-old
duughtor, Nollle, from his wife,
who with two young daughtors was walk
Ing along tho stroot. Dr. Boll was pretty
roughly hustled by the crowd which
gathered, attracted by tho cries of the
child, and was finally arrosted and lodged
In jail. Mrs. Bell had lnstltued suit for
divorce In the Cook county courts, charg
ing her husband with cruolty. Ho has
been hero for three days ondoavorlng to
securo a reconciliation, but failed, and his
wifo also refused to glvo him any of the
Fatal Collapse of a I'lazza.
Albany, April 2i5. By the collapso of
socond story piazza last ovenlng Anna
Hoaloy and Bridget Hoaley, of this city,
and Mrs. Kate Mulllus, of Hobokon, N.
J., woro precipitated a dlstuuco of twelve
feet to the floor bolow. All wore badly hurt
Anna will dlo, her skull bolng fracturod,
together with intornal lnjurlos. Mrs
Mullin had a 5-months-old infant in her
arms, which oscaped injury, while tho
mothor's ankles wero broken.
The "Kentucky Itosebuil" Defeated.
Baltimore, April 20. Joa Gnns. the
colored llghtwolght champion of Mary
land, dofeotcd tho "Kentucky Rosebud
(Walter Edgetou, colored, of Philadel
phia), in eight rounds last night. Guns
had tho "Rosobud nonr out In tho fourth
and was punching him all ovor tho ring in
tho eighth, when time was called in the
mlddlo of tho round to savo tho "Bud'
from being knocked out. Two thousand
people saw tho battle
Hell Cannot be Extradited.
DKTBOIT, April 20. The prosecuting at
torney has decldod that Rov. Johathan
Boll, of Birmingham, England, formorly
pastor of a Brooklyn, N. Y., church, can
not ho extradited on a charge oi being an
accessory to tho murdor of Emma Hall.
Thero is no ovldonoo that Boll advised a
criminal operation. In fact It is bolloved
by the authorities that ho was opposed to
such n courso, but left tho mattor with tho
girl horsolf.
Steel Armored Outlaws.
St. Louis, April 2d. A special to The
Republic from Guthrlo, O. T., says a dos
porato fight occurred in tho Pootoowatomio
country yesterday botwoen outlaws and
doputy marshals. Ono of tho deputies was
killed and ono of the othors wos seriously
injured. The deputies sliot several of the
outlaws, but tho bullets wero turned off
without even Injuring thorn, as the des
peradoes wore steel plate over their baok
and ehost.
Convicted Indian Policemen lteleased.
Sioux Falls, 8. D.. April 80.--Judge
Hdtrerton released Straight Hoad and Soars
the Hawk, the two Cheyenne agenoy o
llctmieu Indicted for tho murder of Will
iam Fielder, and oonv'eted of assault with
Intent to do grout bodily harm. Thoy were
sentenced to one yoar In the penitentiary.
Their conviction had demoralized tho Iu
dial! police forco on the rusurvutlon.
lis New UimnMi Mlniater Now In the
New York, April an. The Swinish
steamer Pima ma iirrlvod at Q,iarautlniiit
80 last night, nftnr a rapid though tm-
entful run of three d-tys and llttwn
lours from Havana Among tin passon-
goM on board 1 j M. Dupuy do Lome, tho
Spanish minister to Washington.
Tho minister, when soon today, said:
The oxcitomant outujil by tho troubles
Cuba is dying out. I am conlldi-nctliat
they will be soon settled. Captain Gen
eral Martinez Campos will urrlvo In llu-
ana In a few days afl or his roturn from
tho affected district whoro ho la visiting
to suppress any disorder that may art"
Tho alleged Insurrection is conllnodchlolly
to negroes, tho whlto? not taking an active
part. I nm positive, having n knowledge
of his capabilities, that the captain guu
cral will be prompt and energetic. Ho has
perfect knowledge of Cuban aflnlrs,
making him tho host man for tho sltua
Tho minister will remain In V w Yor';
for several days to await thu a. rival of his
fa'iilly from Kuropa. Ho will stop nt tho
Hotel Savoy.
The lllnlr Lynching Trouble.
Mt. StkIIMSo. Kv.. April 25. The Bliilr
lynching trouble Is liable to break outun.v
moment. Al ter Kormaii and Roach worn
acquitted .Tames and Jesso Blair, brothers
of Tom Blair, who was lynched, went 'to
tholr homo in Morgan county. Yesterday
they returned, and with them was a largo
crowd of their mountain friends. All day
long thoy have paraded tho Btrcots In a
body, but what their object Is nobody
knows. Tho police aro on tho alert, and
if the Blalrsmako tho slightest demonstra
tion thero will bo a bloody flglit. Tho
Morgan county people do not bcllovo that
Roach and Forman wero guilty of tho
murder of Blair, but thoy aro determined
to ilnd nut who did, and until that Is
found out mid tho murderers punished
there will bo enmity bet woou the counties.
Charges Acniiist n rhiljirinlplil.i .Zuilge.
Hamiisiiitho. April 'i I. W. M Nov-
lin, of Philadelphia, was ncorded ,1 hear
ing Inst nlsht by tho hotivi jinlioin.-y gen
eral committee in su ipof!. of his p-tltlon,
In which bocomphiiiis in . .in -'U r.lon.
of Philadelphia, h dd a se':' -r -n, 1 el'liis
court, in viol.iuo.i of Ji VI .f ri -'its.
Mr. Nowlln asked tii u -n ; o -ti n
mou tho olllrers of Court No :i. o' Phlla testify In r -'.a; ion inh;s charges.
Thocommlttue tool; til ' 111 vit.i r tilider ad
visement, and will announce lis determin
ation tonight. Judge Gordon was not
present ut the hearing, nor did ho havo a
roprosontatlvo there.
Queen Victoria's Seventieth bencendant.
Darmstadt, April 25 Qucon Victoria
arrived hero from.Nico yesterday, and at
tended tho christening of tho daughter of
tho Grand Duchess of Hesse, formerly
Princess Victoria Mellta of Saxo-Coburg-Gotha,
daughter of tho Duko of Edin
burgh, second son of her majesty. Tho
baby was born on March 11 last. Tho
baby just chrlstoned is tho seventieth de
scendant of Queen Victoria, who had nino
children, forty grandchildren and twenty
ono great grandchildren. Slxty-ono of
those descendants aro living.
She Would Neither Paint nor Powder.
I positively will not use11 cosmetics."
said a lady to the writer, "yet my com
plexion Is so baa that it occasions me con
stant mortification. What can I do to
get rid of these dreadful blotches ?"
Take Dr. lJlerce's Favorite irescnption."
was my promptreply. "Your complexion
Indicates that you are suffering from
functional derangements. Remove the
cause of the blotches and your cheeks
will soon wear the hue of health. The
'Favorite Prescription' is a wonderful
remedy for all diseases peculiar to yonr
sex. Its DroDrietors euarantee to return
the monev it it does not give Hausiacuon
But it never falls. Try it." The iady
followed mv advice, and now ner com
plexlon is as clear as a uaue s, ana sne
enjoys better health then she has for
many years.
To nermnnentlv cure constipation, bili
ousness and sick heartache take Dr.
Pierce's Pellets. Of dealers.
Fire Alarm Boxes.
fhe following list shows the location
of the alarm boxes of the .Shenandoah
Ore department :
15 Coal and Bowers streets.
16 Bowers and Centre streets.
24 Bridge and Centre streets.
25 Main and Centre streets.
32. Jardin and Oak streets.
84 Main and Poplar streets.
35 Main and Coal streets.
42 Gilbert and Centre streets.
43 Gilbert and Cherry streets.
40. Oak and Gilbert streets.
48. West and Poplar streets.
52 Chestnut and Coal streets.
54. West and Lloyd streets.
To send an alarm open the box, pull
down the hook once and let go. When an
alarm is sent In the Are bell will sound
the number of the box and repeat' the
alarm four times.
If the alarm is sounded from box 15
the Are bell will strike one, then pause
and strike five, which will indicate that
the Are is in tho vicinity of No. 15 box.
Every alarm is repeated four times.
You Don't Have to Swear off
says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture
1 nlinnt. Nn.To-Bac. the fam
ous tobacco habit cure. "We know of
many cases cured Dy iNO-io-uac, one, a
nrntnlnnnt hL IjOUIB arcmieub. huiu&cu
and chewed for twenty years ; two boxes
cured him so that even the smell of tobacco
ninVps him sick." No-To-Bao sold and
guaranteed by Mrs. A. Wasley. No cure
no pay. uook iree. sterling itemeuy iu.,
New York or Chicago. an eoa
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers to the EVENING HERALD
rhn am nnt, receiving tholr naoer regU'
larly and people who wish to receive the
paper as new subscribers, are requested to
leave their addresses at Hooks & Brown's
stationery store, en JNortn juain street.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Casta rla.
When sho was a Child, sho cried for Castorta.
When sho became Miss, she clung to Castorta.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria,
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the
nameLEBSia & BABR, Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every sack. tf
All the latest novelties in the jewelry
line atStrouse's.
i "H E best invest, m. .
in real estate is to keep bj.:.
:-ri well painted. Paint protect
no house and saves repairs. Yoi
ometimes want to sell many .
ood house has remuiird unso!
.'or want of paint. The rule shot;!,.'
be, though, "the best paint vi
none." That means
Strictly Pure
You cannot afford to use cheap
paints. To be sure of getting Strict
ly Pure White Lead, look at thc
orand ; this one is safe :
"John T. Lewis &Bro?,'
For Colors.-National Lead Co.'s
I'uie White Lead Tinting Colors.
Theecnlors are sold In one-pound cans, each
-ra being iiiflirictit to tint 25 pounds of strictly
Pure White Lead the desired shade; they arc in
no sense reads-mixed paints, but a combination
nf perfectly pure colors in the handiest form to
tint Sttictl Pure White Lea.l.
A good many thousand dollars have been saved
property-owners by having our book on painting
and color-card. Send us a postal card and get
both free.
'iiV.itioei.twr lii 11 l$a!Cii.
CA1U10NDALE, Ph., April 20. Phlllpnl
Scarcla was killed by olectrlclty Inst night
In tho saloon of hauto Pughliano, on Dun
doff street. Scarcla stood on a wet floor.
graspod tho lamp socked, and received tho
full forco of tho curront fifty volts. Ho
died fifteen minutes later.
Satolll Will Not Tenvo America.
Washington-, April 20. It was of
ficially announced at tho rosldenco of
Mgr. Satolll last night that tho statement
that ho was about to leave for Romo not
to roturn is without tho sllghtost founda
tion or truth.
The Weather.
For Now Jersey, increasing cloudiness.
cooler in central and northern portions:
variable winds. For District of Columbia,
eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland
and Virginia, Increasing cloudiness with
showers; cooler; variable winds.
Franklin Fairbanks, tho prominent Now
England manufacturer of patent scales,
died at St. .lohnsbury, vt aged 57 years.
Ex Postmaster General Blssoll, with his
family, took his final departure from
Washington for his home in Buffalo yes
terday afternoon.
The trl-ccntenary of tho death of Tor-
quato Tasso, tho great Italian poet, was
celebrated at Romo and olsowhero through
out Italy yesterday.
Mrs. Emily Thornton Charles, formorly
of Lnfayette, Iud., i poetess, whoso work
was done ovor tho itom deplume of "Haw
thorite," died In Washington, D. C, yes
Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored.
IVeaknesj, Nervomnem,
ueoiiiir. ana all tne train
01 evils irom eariy errors or
later excesses, tha results (
overwork, sickness, worry,
etc. t on streegtn, qotsi-
otiment ana tone tnven tm
every organ ana portion
nfthebodr. Slmnls.&aU
nd proof i
tirnl mnfhnda. fmmfwlU
1 M V ate Improvement en.
EVIInre imnns&lhle. 2.000 references. Book.
xpla nation ana proois mauea (seaiea) ire.
Stop at
200 North Centre Street.
Meals at all hours. Ladles' dining room
atiacnea. finest wines, nauors, cigars.
Specialist In diseases of the
Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat.
207 West Market St., rottsvllle.
Hours 8.30 a. m. to 12 m.j 1 to 4 p
t p. m. Bundays, 9 a. m. to 12 m.
Whon it Comes to
Our Btock speaks for itself. If you don't
come to town, send your orders. They
will be nicely filled.
28 E. Centre Street, Shemndoah.
Wholesale agent for
Ftltiifn'i levari, X, J Export
Liger ud Sum Pile Been
No Bner mtde. Fine liquors and Clears
im souin uiu at.
m r-fm 11 1 nrnpnn I A I
329 N. I5lh
Below Cnllowhlll,
f niittucipniu, fa
Thirty years'
continuous practice in alt
special diseases of both sexes
The terrible results of Sell.Abuse. the humlli
nttntr condition of Imnoiencv. tho miaerv of
Sleeplessneij. Lots ot Appetite and all the
wretchedness resulting from Blood-Poisonlng.
diseases of the Ntrvoui System. Skin, Bladder and
Kldnevs can be overcome bv cousultlnir Dr.
Lohb who will guarantee a permanent euro
and restoration to Health and Manly Vigor In
everv case he .rents. Consultation and ex
amination free and strictly confidential.
Thirty years' continuous practice Is proot
enough of his ability. Office hoars dally and
Bundays, from 9 a. ra. to 8 p. ra.. and 6 to 9
evenings. Call or send for free book on
Errors of Youth and ohsouie disease of both
North Main St., MAHAN0Y CITY.
Largest and finest hotel la the region.
Finest accommodations, Handsome fixtures
Pool and nilllard Rooms Attached.
NiA L'"(.''"!.ATlJr
Si-sand r 1
! ,' II.
A liliull
1 li'iited of
HAinisntt!!o A'n'M xi
limine was
The order
The mem-
In a working moo 1 y,.
was hills on weond n
hers for 01100 considered the hills on their
morlts and did not fritter away tho tlmo
in usoloss debate. Tho result Is that tho
second reading onlondar Is almost clear
for tho first tlmo this sosslon. Lobbyists
aro beginning to throng tho chamber and
lntorforo with thoproceedlngs.Tlic speni;r
is dotormluedto Btopthis, and unless theso
persons regard tho rules they will not uu
accorded tho privileges of tho house.
Iho bill ceding Jurisdiction over tho rotil
cstato of tho Monongahela Navigation
company to bo acqulrod by tho United
Statos went through finally on 11 special
order. Bills granting to wator power com
panies tho authority conforred on olcctrlo
light companies and providing that ono
burial pormlt bo a sufllclcut authority for
tho Interment In a cenietory partly within
the limits of two or moro municlpalltle,
also passed tills stago on special orders.
Tho Brown road bill was substltucd for
tho Smlloy bill, ami then killed after It
had beon jumped upon by tho rural mem
Among tho bills which passed second
roading woro theso: Requiring county
commissioners to locate county. boundary
lino monuments; regulating tho manner
of changing county seats; providing for
tho appointment of measurers of building
material and tho adjustment of disputes
arising from the erection of buildings;
giving profcronco of appointment or em
ployment to honorably discharged soldiers,
sailors and marines; changing tho method
of incorporation of boroughs by abolishing
tho method of proceeding by laying tho
application boforo tho grand jury; author
izing boards of health in cities of tho third
class to regulate house drnlnago, tho reg
istration of master plumbers and the con
struction of cesspools; enabling county
commissioners to carry out tho provisions
of the election law of 1892, to provldo suit
able placos for holding eloctlons.
Tho Seauor act to provout tho udulto ra
tion of food, under a heavy penalty, was
killed, and tho act providing for tho em
ploymont of nono but Amorlcan cltlzous
on public work was droppod from tho cal
endar. A similar mousure has already
passed tho house.
Methodist Bishops at Carlisle.
Carlisle, Pa., April 20. Tho soml-nn
nuul meetlug of tho bishops of tho Meth
odlst Episcopal churoh In tho United
States opened In Boslor hall, Dickinson
college, yesterday. Sixteen of the eighteen
bishops aro prossnt, tho absentees being
Bishop Thoburn, who is in India, and
Bishop Taylor, who Is in Africa. Tho con
feronce will bo in session for one week.
The bishops took part In tho coromony of
breaking ground for tho now Denny reci
tation hall, which is to be erected on tho
spot whore the old homestead of tho Denny
family has stood for moro than a century,
Arccoptlon was tendered to tho visitors at
Allison Momorial church last night, at
which Governor Hastings and other prom
inent gentlomon delivered addresses.
Arrested on Murder Charge.
Terre Haute, Ind., April 26. Offlcors
from this city went to Alexandria, Ind.,
and arrosted William Dlsbennott for tho
murder of an unknown man whose body
was found In an alley In this city on
April 21, 1890. Tho dead man was sand
bagged and robbed of his monoy. Tho
murder remained a mystery until about a
weok ago, when a man who was with Dls-
bonnott when tho crlmo was committed,
made a confession. Dlsbennott has served
a term in tho Michigan prison slnco ho did
tho killing.
Big Ulaze In Charlotte.
CnARLOTTK, N. C April 20. At 3:30
o'clock yostorday afternoon flro destroyed
tho warohouso of Sanders & Blackwood,
and the stores of Harrison Watts, W. K.
Burwoll, H. G. Springs, J. W. Brown, J.
T. Soarboro, J. A. Overcash, Southern
Chemical company, H. G. Link, Field
Brothors, R. A. Duncan, W. H. Hoover
and tho offices of J. H. Sloan & Co. Tho
loss is not less than $125,000.
Little TUlle Itausch Not Poisoned.
New York, April 20. Deputy Coroner
O'Hanlon yesterday porformod an autopsy
on tho body of 0-yoar-old Tllllo Rausch,
whom, it was alleged, died from oatlng
'April fool" candy given her Dy a com
panion. Ho announced that ho had boen
unable to find tho slightest traco of poison
in tho child's stomach. Tho' Indications
are that tho child died from an acuto at
tack of cholora morbus.
An l!x-Flr Cillers Suicide.
NEW York, April 20. John McCabo,
60 years old, cr-chlof of tho flro depart
ment, committed suicide In tho Mllhol-
land club rooms yostorday by shooting
himself In the right tomplo with a re
volver. Tho dead ox-ohlof was dismlssod
from the department about blx or sovon
years ago for ringing in tho "throo sizes
alarm, but was afterwards reinstated by
tho courts.
An Old Woman Killed by a Train.
AUBDUN, Pa., April 20. Mrs. Sarah Do-
walt, aged 75 yoars, in orosslng the.Phllo-
delphla and Beading railroad in this bor
ough, was struck by tho south bound ox
press train and instantly killed. Tho train
was running at tho rata of forty miles an
hour. Tho step of tho onglno Was torn off
by tho forco of tho blow.
The Wrecked Itelnn Resente Located.
Gibraltar, April 23. Tho Spanish
frigate Isla de Luzon has discovered tho
wreok of tho missing crulsor Kelna Re-
I gente, wmcu was tost wniio oounu irom
Tnnglor for Cadiz in March last. Tho
wrecK 110s midway ootwoon 'lama nntt
Trafalgar in wator 109 fathoms doop.
Robbers Make si Good Haul.
Mifflintown, Pa.. April 26. Early In
the morning the storo of Noah Hort.Ior,
at Port Hoyal, this county, was robbed of
stocks, bonds and cash amounting
about f35,uuo. Tho safe was blown open
and all tho cash, consisting of $250 and $20
in now pennies, was takon.
Fourth Class Postmasters.
Washington, April 20. Fourth olass
postmasters woro yostorday appointed as
follows: Now Jorsoy, II. II Worteudyko,
Midland Purk. Pennsylvania, F.C.lJrown
Cataract; S. II. Kussel, Hawthorn.
Itepresentatlve Lemon Growing Worse.
New York, April 20. Representative
M. 11. Leiiiuii, of Allegheny City, Pa., who
Is lying at tho point of death at the Sturt
ovant House, Is gradually growing worse
Another South Jersey Hold Up,
Bkiwikton, N. J.. April 20. Nathan
Dullield, a farmer, was hold up by two
mmskod burglars on tho road loading from
Doorlioia to Vtuulana aud robbed of 130,
Up Yur
Have you had a bad cold off
and on this winter ? Have
you had La Grippe ? Do you
feel that the winter has been
a hard one for you, and now
that the spring is here, you
would be over all your
troubles if you only felt
strong ?
good heart. All you want is
to give your weakened nerves
strength; natural, .not fic
titious strength. Then you
will feel yourself build up
day by day, and get that
blessed feeling of strong
health. You say: "That's
what I want; what will do
all this for me?"
HURSDAY, MAY 2d, 1895.
Everybody's Favorite,
In her latest . . .
And greatest success,
. .NANCY. . .
Adapted from the German
Drei-Paar Schuhe.
Prices 35c, sue, 75c and Szi
Ileserved seats at Klrlln's drug store.
Your Stomach : : :
Cannot stand the same washing that
your boots do, and the water you drink
Isn't even fit for that purpose. Use
Lorenz Schmidt's Beer and Porter.
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
Temperance Drinks.
Mineral waters, Weiss beer. Bottler of
the nnest lager beers.
17 and 19 Peach Alloy, Shenandoah, Pa.
Gilmore's Aromatic Wine
A tonic for ladies. If you are
suffering from weakness, and
feel exhausted and nervous ;
are getting thin and all run
down, Gilmore's Aromatic
Wine will bring roses to your
cheeks and restore you to flesh
and plumpness. Mothers, use
it for your daughters. It is
the best regulator and corrector
for all ailments peculiar to wo
manhood. It promotes diges
tion, enriches the blood and
gives lasting strength. Sold by
106 N. Main St.,
Shenandoah, Pa
Safe and Reliable Horses to Hire.
Pear Alloy, Rear Coffee House.
The Dest rigs la town. Horses taken te
board, Hauling promptly attended to.
Am Fe-"Ho New Infallible'
nuito Turk.lttiCaiul6snorerillt Of
seaieu. f .wuitauTicu mat wiuiircTcui. iw
ture IrreirularUles. Zc. stamp for particular
1' oiiiuiu Clieui. Co. Kew Egypt, XU