The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 25, 1895, Image 4

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.A Special Train Over the Pennsy Lines
to the Sea Annihilates Time.
The magnificent physical condition of
the Penusylvnnln railroad's double lines
to Atlantic City was fully attested April
Slst, In the splendid run made by the
special train from Philadelphia to At
lantloClty. The train put out of the
slip at Market street wharf at 5:30 a. m.
precisely, aud fifty-one and ono half
minutes thereafter came to n stop In At
lantic City station.
The train left the station In Camden
sis and a quarter minutes after the de
parture from the Philadelphia side, so
that the actual running time was only
forty-five and three-quarter minutes.
The distance by this route Is fifty-eight
and three tenth miles, and the average
speed wns seventy-six and one half miles
per hour. Thl Is the fastest time ever
made between the Delaware and the At
Untie ocean, and is actually the fastest
time ever made by any railroad train for
the distance. From Wlm-low to Absecon,
twenty four and nine-tenths miles, an
average speed of eighty-three miles per
hour was maintained.
The fastest Blngte mile was made in
forty-one seconds, which Is an average of
eighty-seven and eight-tenths miles per
This is the most notable performance In
railroad speed which has yet been re
corded. It could not be accomplished
without the aid of the best aud most
substantial roadbed, the finest modern
equipment, and the skillful management
of experienced men.
No portion of the Pennsylvania system,
off the world-famous main line, Is su
perior to the division over which this
phenomenal run wns made. Tho track is
laid with heavy steel rails on stone
ballasts, a great part of which has been
renewed during the past wluter, and the
movement of trains Is protected by block
signals. The equipment has been greatly
Improved by the addition of locomotives
of the highest standard and handsome
coaches and parlor cars.
These facts are of peculiar interest In
view of the great traffic which the sum
mer will bring this popular route.
The management Is tully alive to the
demand for the best accommodations and
the quickest time consistent with safety,
and the summer schedule will undoubt
edlv nresent the largest number of the
best equipped and fastest trains ever en
joyed by the travelers between the Dela
ware and the ocean.
She Would Neither
Paint nor Powder,
"1 positively will
not lite cosmetics,'
said a lady to the writer, "yet my com
plexion is so nau mat it occasions me con
slant mortification. What can 1 do to
tret rid of these dreadful blotches i
"Take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.'
was my prompt reply. "Your complexion
indicates that you are suffering from
functional derangements. Remove the
cause of the blotches and your cheeks
will soon wear the hue of health. Tho
'Favorite Prescription' is a wonderful
remedy for all diseases peculiar to your
sex. Its proprietors guarantee to return
the money if it does not give satisfaction.
But it never fails. Try it." The lady
followed mv advice, antl now ner com
plexion is as clear as a babe's, and she
enjoys better health then she has for
many years.
To permanently cure constipation, bili
ousness and sick headache take Dr.
Pierce's Pellets. Of dealers.
Coming- Events.
April 20. Entertainment by the famous
Smith Family, under the auspices of tho
w. V. 1. U lu .Ferguson's tneatre.
Mav 80 Ice cream festival in Robbins1
hall, under the auspices of the Young
People's Working Society of the United
Evangelical church.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Jliss, she clung to Castorla.
When she had Children, she gave them Castorla,
Bargains In Boots and Shoes.
A. Womer has purchased Snyder's shoe
store and offers the entire stock of boots
and f-hoea at less than cost. Next to
Wonier's truck store. 3-25.1m
Strouse for clocks.
Cure guaranteed. No operation. In
quire at the Shenandoah drug Btore, No.
8 South Main street 9-13-tf
Relief In Six Hours.
Dispensing Kidney and Bladder dis
eases relieved in six hours by the "New
Great South American Kidney Cnre."
This new remedy is a great surprise on
account of Its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain In the olauaer. Kidneys,
haok and t-verv part of the urinary pas
RiiL-ex In male or female. It relieves re
tent.iou of water and pain in passing It
aliuot immeuiiitelv JI vou want auic
refff and cure thl Is yonr remedy. Sold
at thu City Pharmacy, 107 S. Mnlu St..
next door to the post office, Shenandoah
Ph. -t-D-Sm
Buy Keystone flonr. Be mire that th
name Lessiq & Daei:. Ashland. Pn
printed on every sack. if
Valuable Property for Sale.
A good three-story brick house, store
room and dwelling.. Best location. Next
door to First National Bank. Apply to
No. 30 Oak street, Mt. Carmel, Pn. lm
Eine C-rocez'ies
201 West Centre Street.
Dealer In groceries, flour, provl-tons, teas,
ottee, sugar, etc. Best quality, lowest price.
Up to Date.
Tho State Legislature Is In no hurry to
It looks as if Philadelphia Is to be
The "Greater Pittsburg" bill will be
come a law,
Fnrr's compulsory educational bill has
passed the Senate finally.
Statesmen Loach has locked horns with
Chairman Gllklson on the new county
The new Mayor has already commenced
to reorganize tho Philadelphia city
The Philadelphia & Reading Company
continues to Insist on a fair percentage of
the coal business and will probably win.
If the apportionment bills pass this
session of tho Legislature It Is feared
Schuylkill county will lose one of Its
The Income tax returns go to show that
a great many people In this country are
spending more than S4.000 per year with
out making it.
The Mahanoy City health authorities
are making war upon the owners of filthy
houses. Shenandoah has plenty of the
same kind nnd something should be done
to abate the nuisance.
May the bill increasing the powers of
Justices of tho Peace become a law Is
the wish of nine-tenths of our people.
There would be less going to Pottsville
during the terms of court.
The members of the Pennsylvania Edi
torial Association will vote on the place
of their June outing. They are to select
from the following names: Atlantic
City, Atlanta, Georgia, Chautauqua Lake
and Niagara Falls.
Strouse for watch repairing.
Ten-cent box Magic Paste Stove Polish
for 5 cents. Ask your grocer. Pictures free.
StrouBe, the jeweler, for watches.
A Big Improvement.
Red lanterns In profusion decorate
West Centre street, between Pear alley
and Jardln street, every night and attract
considerable attention. They are placed
as danger signals on the street and pave
ments while the work of connecting the
Robblns' property with the West Centre
street sewerage line progresses. Mr. Rob-
bins says it is one of the best things he
has ever done and he marvels that good
sewerages has not become more general
in the town.
Strouse for diamonds.
Krllglulin War Against tho llrllish.
Simla, April S3. Dr. Robertson rouorts
that Colonel Kelly arrived nt Chltral at
noon on Saturday last. Ho states that
tho position of tho fort was not hopeless
until March 3. After that dnto all tho
Chltrnlis outside -Wore compelled to join
tho forces of sihor Afzul. whom thov be
lieved was supported by the nmoer of Af
ghanistan, mid Unira Khan, Slpah Snlnh
and tho Mohuminednns Joined In a re
ligious war against tho British. There
fore tho position of tho latter was desper
ate. Striking Weavers Win.
Trenton, April 25. Sainuol K. Wilson.
tho mllllonalro woolen manufacturer,
whoso employes hnvo been on strike for
tho past seven weeks for tho restoration
of tho second 10 per cont. reduction mado
In their wages last fall, met a delegation
ot the striking weavers yesterday and con
sented to their domands. Tho mills will
resume operations noxt Monday. About
Boven hundred operatives work for Mr.
Nearly Wiped Out by Fire.
Cumberland, Wis., April 25. The vil-
lngo of Perloy, nlno miles south of hero,
on tho Omaha line, wus nearly wiped out
by lire yesterday. Help was asked from
this city, but tho mayor did not dtlro send
a flro englno, owing to tho dangorous con
dition here. It is intensely dry and forest
fires are raging on threo sides of the city.
Much damage will be dona If rain does not
come to prevent it.
No Danger of an Indian Uprising:.
Omaha, April 25. A special from The
Boe's man hurriedly sent to the Winne
bago reservation to ascertain tho truth as
to the rumors of a probaUlo uprising says;
"There is no danger of fight with tho In
dians ns a result of leasing reservation
lauds by white sottlors. Much bad blood
has been engendered, but at uo time hns It
reached the proportions of Imminent dan
ger of uprising."
Testifying Against Her Husband.
For.T Scott. Kan., April 25. Mrs. Noah
Strovil voluntarily took tho witness stand
and testified ngainst her husband, who Is
now being tried for murdering his father,
so that ho might come Into possession of
his property. She declared that her hus
band had confessed thu orlmo to her.
ItUBsIu's Protest to Japan.
St. PETKitsnuito, April 25. Tho govern
ment has sent a note to Japan intimating
that there an- various conditions to tho
treaty of peico between Japan and China
that Russia cannot allow to be put Into
Tllllo Rausch, 0 years old, died in Now
York from eating "April fool" candy
given her by a playmate.
Tho Domocrntlo stato executive commit-
teo of Mississippi stapdlS to 5 for frco and
unlimited coinage ot silver.-
Heavy rain and hail storms visited
southeast Texas yosterday. In muuy
places fences were battered down.
Thirty-two of tho 112 mombors of tho
Now York Coat Manufacturers' associa
tion hayo signed tho soalo deriiandod by
tho striking workmen.
Whllo excavating for n big building in
Now York two woll preserved skolotpnsof
Indians wore unonrthod. Thoy had prob
ably been burled a hundred years.
Madelluo Pollard, who recovered a $15,
000 verdlrt In her damage suit against Col
onel Breckinridge, will sail for Europe on
Saturduy as tho companion of a lady who
In to muUa a four yours' trip around tho
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers to the EVKNINQ HkuALD
who are not receiving their paner regu
larly and people who wish to recelva the
paper as new subscribers, ore requested to
leave their addressee at Hooks & Brown'ti
stationery store, en North Main street.
Strouse for broaches.
TIid Honorable Military Services of Major
General Wesley Merrltt.
! Washington, April 35. Goucrnl Wesloy
Merrltt, whoso appointment usmnjor Bon
oral of tho army, to succed General Mo
Cook, retired, was nnnouueed last night,
was born In Now York nnd ontorod the
, military academy from Illinois in 1853,
grnduntod hi 1800, was appointed brovot
socond lloutenant, Second Dragoons, and
promoted socond lloutonant Jan. 28, 1801,
and first lioutonant, Second cavalry, May
13, 1801, whllo serving In the field with tho
Utah expedition. In July, 18(11, ho wns
appointed regimental adjutant. In tho
spring of 1802 he was ordored to Washing
ton as aide de camp to Gonornl Cook, and
later to General Stoueman. Thenceforth
ho sorved with the cavalry of tho armies
of tho Potomao and tho Shenandoah to
tho closo of tho war, occasionally on tho
staff of tho commanding gonornl of cav
alry, and took an active part In all tho
raids and battlos in which the cavalry of
tboso armies was engaged.
Ho was commissioned a brigadier gen
oral of volunteers Juno 20, 1803, and given
tho command of the regular ' brlgndo of
cavalry, which ho commanded In the op
erations In central Virginia, and fought
tho actions of Rappahannock Station.'
Aug. 1, 1803. In Novombor, 1803, ho was
givon command of tho First cavalry divi
sion, which he led In tho battlu of Culpep
per Court House, Nov 8, 1803, and Barn-
nott's Ford, Feb. 8, 1801.
He took part in Grant's Richmond cam
paign; In Shorldau's raid to tho James Jn
May, 1804; In Shorldan's raid on the Vir
ginia Central railroad, aud In August,
1804, ho joined the Army of tho Shenan
doah, and took part in no loss than twenty
combats between Aug, 10 aud Oct. 19.
Kojolning the armios oporatlnc against
Richmond, ho wns In nil tho cavalry ac
tions in that campaign; was present with
his command at tho capitulation of Gen
eral Lee's army at Appomattox C. H..
April 9, 1805, and wns ono of the three
commissioners appointed to arrange tho
terms of surrender. Ho had boon succes
sively promoted to second lloutenant, first
lieutenant, captalu, lieutenant colonel,
colonel nnd brigadier gonoral In tho regu
lar army, and blgadlor gonoral and major
general of voluutoers, tho last two named
promotions for gallantry In action. Ho
also received a numbor of brovets for gal
lant and meritorious sorvicos.
Subsequently he served in the regular
army In Louisiana, in Texas in the Big
Horn and Yellowstone expeditions, andln
tho Uto expedition, und wns superinten
dent of tho United States Military acad
emy from 18S3 to 1837, and has slnco com
manded tho dopartmonts of Missouri and
Of thu groat cavalry leaders in tho Union
army which tho war produced, viz: Sheri
dan, Cooko, Pleasantou. Griorsou. Stone-
man, Wilson, Merrltt, Kllpatrick, Custer,
Buford, Grogg and Dovlu, Gonoral Merrltt
Is the ouly ono still In active borvlco.
Full Income Tux Decision Published.
Washington, April 25. Tho text of the
opinion of Chief Justice Fuller In tho ln
como tax casos, which was delivered on
tho 8th Inst, was mado public yosterday.
Tho opinion Is preceded by an elaborate
review of thu history of the casos. Tho
opinion proper is introduced with tho
statement that "The constitution proves
that representatives and direct taxes
shall bo apportioned among tho soveral
Btutes according to numbers, und that no
direct tax shall bo laid except according
to tho enumeration provided for and also
that all duties, Imposts and excises shull
bo uniform throughout tho ontire United
States "
Western Farmers Migrating South.
Baltimore, April 25. In addition to
tho tract of 100,000 acres in Georgia to be
taken by western colonists, a telegram to
Tho Southern States Magazine announces
tho sale of u 15,000 aore tract of farming
land In Twiggs county, Ga., to another
colony, supposed to be Pennsylvanians,
while a Dakota company reports that It
has coinplutod arrangements for settling
5,000 people on n 50,000 aore tract In Texas.
This company writes that a groat many
farmers in Dakota and tho adjoining states
are preparing to move south.
Wlnterchlef Gets the Full Penalty.
Frederick, Md., April 25. Frank Wln
terchlef, tho negro who waylaid and fiend
ishly attempted an assault upon Mrs.
Emma Butts on her return from St.
Mary's Catholic church, Sunday morning,
Broad Hun, this county, was taken
before the circuit court, having been
Indicted by a special session of tho grand
jury. Ho pleaded guilty, und Judge Lynch
sentenced him to ton years in tho Mary
lnnd ponlteutiary, tho full penalty of the
A Woman's Life Sentence.
Des Moines, la., April 25. Cora Smith
was sontencod to Ufo imprlsoumont yos
terday as a result of her confession that
sho poisoned hor father, Michael Smith.
Sho fainted. Her mother, Betsy Smith,
was somo time ago convicted of tho crime,
and Is serving the same sentonce. Cora
Smith Is n cypriau, Hor avowed motlvo
in confessing was to free the mother, who,
according to Cora, Is not rightfully Im
The Alice Walsh Murder Mystery.
New Yoiik, April 25. Tho murder of
dissolute Alice Walsh Is still at largo, and
It is reasonable to believe that the detec
tives are at sea on tho caso. Tho detectives
are investigating a story that was told
about four men having been In tho Walsh
woman's company nrr hour hottsro she was
found bleeding In tho hallway of 143
Thompson street.
Klght to Die for One Murder.
City op Mexico, April 25. Tho supreme
court of tho state of Oaxacu has ulllrmed
the suutenco of death passed by the dis
trict court against the eight prisoners held
lor tho murder ot Count Mazano,a wealthy
Italian nobleman, who was klllod at bis
hacienda ovor a year ago,
18 karat
solid gold wedding rings at
Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life
is the truthful, startling title of a book
about No To-Bac. the harmless, guaran
teed tobacco habit cure that braces up
nlcotintzed nerves, elimlnutes the nicotine
poison, makes weaK men gain strengtu
vtrrm-nml mnnhnnd. You run DO oh V'siCH
nr financial rlfk. as No-To Bao Is sold by
Mrs A. Waslev under n guarantee to
nun n. mnnpv refunded. Book free
Address Sterling Remedy Co., New York
orvmcago. loteuu
Strouse for inUBlcal instruments.
Buy your wall paper and room mould
ings at John L. Hnssler'a, 4 U-Sra
All the latest novelties
line at Strouse's,
In the jewelry
Fire Alarm Boxes.
The following list shewa the location
of the alarm boxes of the Shenandoah
fire department :
IB Coal nnd Bowers streets.
16 Bowers nnd Centre streets.
24 Bridge nnd Centre streets.
25 Main and Centre streets.
82. Jardln and Oak Btreets.
84 Main nnd Poplar streets.
85 Main nnd Coal streets.
42 Gilbert nnd Centre streets.
43 Gilbert and Cherry streets.
40. Oak nnd Gilbert streets.
48. West nnd Poplar streete.
52 Chestnut and Coal streets.
54. West and Lloyd Btreets.
To send an nlarm open the box, pull
down the hook once Bud let go. When an
alnrm is Bent in the fire bell will sound
the number of the box nnd repent the
alarm four times.
If the alarm Is sounded from box IB
the fire bell will strike one, then pause
and strike five, which will Indicate that
the fire Is in the vicinity of No. IB box.
Every alarm is repeated four times.
The Work of Albert Lynch.
Albert Lynch, whose work Is becoming
bo much more generally known to Ameri
cana through his drawings in Scribner's
Magazine and his cover designs for The
Lidies' Home Journal, Is a Peruvian by
birth, but of English parentage. He is
only thirty-three years of age, and of ex
tremely retiring disposition. He is un
married and lives In Paris. The young
artist commands the highest prices for
his work, his smallest water color paint
ings readily selling for $000 to 1900 each.
In 1693 he received the Salon's first prize
for his beautiful panel of "Spring," show
ing a single figure. This picture won the
admiration of the French art critics nnd
the public to such an unusual degree that
the painting was sold for a fabulous rum
to a private Paris buyer. Recently The
Ladies' Home Journal acquired all publi
cation rights to this painting, aud it will
serve ns one of the cover designs for that
mogaztne.E-The next issue of the Journal
will also have a design by Lynch, por
traying his conception of a woman's ideal
costume. A succession of other cover de-
lenn by Lvnch 'will follow these two.
Tio roilUu.
NEURALGIA ana similar Complaints,
manufactured uiiaer tne stringent
jpresciibedby eminent physicians:.
fid a RH IJBtfi Oil
iOnlv cenuine with Trade Alark"Anchor."l
Manufactnrer:CommerzicnrathDr.richterof E
I F. Ad- Bichter& Co., 17 Wsttsa 0t.,SW S02S. B
12 Branch Houses, Own Glassworks.
k2.i Kn s in Bhennndoab tor mle 1
P I'. D. Ivimn. Oct. Main i-i ,j. ai.
k.Hlllan.7!. MB'n 1., y. a. iia-
L,iya wis.
Will dispose of her entire stock ot
Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry, Etc.,
Bolow Cost.
Stock must be sold Immediately, owner in
tending to remove from town.
A good Marvin Safe, show fixtures, &c, will
be sold ve y chear.
No. 129 West Centre Street.
New Fiiim.
New Stock.
Hats and Bonnets
Ready Trimmed or Made to Order.
We make so extravagant statements,
but are certain that you will And o-jr
stocfc adapted to your wants, and
above all '
You Want Style.
UUr remitntion 1 Wll tnnnn In f,nf
direction. Visit our store, see our stock,
compare styles, note prices nnd your trado
ii I'. ur"' largest assortment or
sailor hats, bridal wrpat.hR nnd flnwora In
town at
M. & L. STANK'S,
No. 7 South Main St., Shenandoah
. A business properly. Storeroom and dwell
ing in excellent condition. Centrally located,
uu mo premises.
No. 129 West Centre Street,
FOK BALE.r-Columbla Model, No.Bl.blcycle,
a'm0Bt new, guaranteed In an A No. 1
Slv t t uuaran''o i ooa unit) Jnne. Ap.
..... uum t-aw
V"V. d0 People complain of bard times.
.,w.ne5.any. wmiian or man can make
;V,J rrJXV. ?aa;f ttBl'y' A" uavebeimlot
wisher l cc"8 thB Cllnm Dlsl
wasner, yet many are apt to think Ihev
S2S lm?Lale M"y filing Tt ; but nnySno
55? m??oney.. beoaute every lxmllv wants
una unuuBtuwias made fcmsn in n.o ini
Aoaress tue i mnux life Co.. 45 HtaVr AvB
Columbus, Ohio, lor partTcularl '
Out Sa,
Call and see our
Waiches, Clocks, Jewelry, Musical
You can save 50 per
' 129
Between Oak and Cherry Streets.
Cor. Jardin and Oak
T, ,
35To. lO aTortla. avCalu. Street, Slio.a.eioa,li, 3a.
Clothes of nil description neatly done up In a first elnss manner. I can refer to
scores of families In this city as to my care In washing and superior neatness In
doing up clothing. I do my work better and quicker than other laundry In this city.
Our Grand Spring Opening
Of French Pattern Hats and Bonnets is Now on.
We are displaying hundreds of the
French and American designs in flowers
silk, No. 5, 5c; No. 7, 7c; No. U, Uc; No. la,
colors. Sailor hats. 15o nn : ladles' hats.
white for 11.00 up. Infants' christening outfits. Silk velvets, to close out, down from
$1.00 to 50c per yard. Black satin. 24 inches wide, $1.00 yer yard, worth 81.75. Nnn'a
veils, $1.25 np. Infants' caps, 15c to $1.75, at
Mrs, J. J. Kelly,
earden's JRT WALL pApEI tce. '
We hnvo just received a fine line of the most beautiful and artistic papers In the
market, which we will sell at very reasonable prices. We have also in stock a
grent deal of last yenr's patterns which we are selling at a sacrifice. Come and
see our line of goods. We have the most beautiful and artistic papers.
Largest Paper Store in Town. Finest Stock and Lowest Prices.
Iouse, Sign and Decorative Painting. 224 West Centre Street.
All orders promptly attended to.
Evan J. D
13 North Jardin Street.
36 North Main Street.
The moat Donular resort in the town.
Excellent beer, porter and ale on tap. Our
cigars are the finest.
Millions of Dollars
Go up In smoke every'year. Take ni
risks but get yonr houses, stock, fur
nlture, etc., Insured in first-class, rella
ble companies, as represented by
DAVID FADST, Insurance Agent,'
120 South Jardln Street.
Also Life and Accidental Companies
We Have tlie
Best illumlnntlng oil made. Odor
less, colorless, brilliant, safe, per
fection. If you are In the dark,
drop us a postal. "We'll enlighten
you and lighten yoa.
ESclipse Oil Oom'jf
Oils, Gasoline, Candles, Lamp "Wicks,
Burners, etc.
213 South Jardln St., SHENANDOAH, PA.
Mail orders promptly attended to.
W. J. Canceirius, Saloon 1
81 East Centre Street, Shenandoah.
Beers, Porter, Ale and Cigars. Temper
ance drinks of all kinds. Finest
brands of whiskies.
A genuine welcome
Awaits you at
Joe Wyatt's Saloon!
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys.
beers, porter and ale constantly on tap.
Choice temperance drinks and cigar?.
Anthony Schmicker's
The finest pool and billiard rooms in town.
Beading beer' porter and JPottsvllle ale oon
Btantly on tap, Give Us a oU.
Saloon and Restaurant,
19 North Main Street.
Beer, l'orter
and Ale
alwavs ontonT ''Come Wd. bit one.
drinks and cigars. Free lunch
9 to 12 p. m.
A Clean, Quick Shave
Cen always be had at
Charles Derr's Barber Shop,
Flrss-claBs balr cutting and singeing.
Ferguson Houso Building.
rine stock of
Instruments and Optical Goods.
cent, by calling on
South Main Street,
Painter and
Paper Hanger, , ,
Largest Assortment and LowcBt Price.
All orders promptly attended to
choicest and most select styles ever shown.
every description.
Cheap ribbon, nil
lac; No. lo, 15c; No. 80, 25c per yard all
25c up : infants lomr cloaks, cream jinrt
26 S. Main St.
Art ZVEivtoxifxlsr, .
3a"0-S7-l"fcJ3 y
Huto"bor Stamps.
Agents for DAILY PAPERS.
4 Worth Main St
Spring : and : Summer
( Order spring garments now ).
Besides giving' ample time
for delivery it enables j ou to-
Have your pick of our spring
assortment. Complete line of domestic
and imported novelties in
trousers and suiting.
24 North Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Watcliato : aii : Jovir
16 North Main Street.
Repairing of all kinds prmoptly attended to.
Weeks' Museum,
ot birds and animals of all
selections and
nest paintings In the county.
Best Beer, Porter and Ales.
t Finest Brands ot Cigars.
Free lunch every itornlng v nd evening.
John "VTekks, Proprietor.
Q. "W. Davidson, Bartender
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sta.
Finest Beers, Wines and Liquors.
Choice Temperance Brinks.
Boat Brands of 5 aud 10c Cigars.
Our Easter Opening
f r
Ladles-, you are all Invited to call next
Saturday, Monday and Tuesday nnd ex
amine the largest assortment of trimmed
hats, strictly of the very latest New York jf
styles, ever shown In Shenandoah. "We'
have them at prices to suit the wants of all,
New York Cash Millinery Store,
20 North Main Street.