The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 22, 1895, Image 4

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MONDAY, APKIL 38. 1805.
Pertinent Paragraphs From theReporters'
Pens and Pencils.
The continued advance in the price of
meats will, no doubt, be nn lucentlve fop
our Catawlssn Valley farmers to go Into
the cattle raising business. If the farmer.)
would convert some of their cheap wheat
Into fat cattle they would get more money
for their wheat and consumers would get
cheoper beef, and nil parties would be
benefitted by the operation. This, of
course, 1b upon the supposition that the
advance In beef Is caused by a scarcity of
fat cattle and not by a corner got up for
the sole benefit of the beef trust. Mean'
while the best way to compel a reduction
in the price of beef is for consumers, for
the time being, to use more of the product
of cheap wheat and other cerealR and less
high priced beef. The vegetable diet will
be quite as nutritious for most people,
and a little popular abstinence on this
score will bring down the price of beef
whatever the cause of Its advance. The
beef producers and dealers, wholesale and
retail, grow and handle beet to sell, and
If people won't pay exorbitant prices they
will eventually get It nt their own price
The rise in beef has hardly come to stay,
certainly not if beef consumers display n
little common business prudence.
An exchange says if you WHnt your town
to Improve, improve It. Just so, and if you I
want to make your town lively, make it
so. Don't go to sleep but get up and
work for It, talk about It and talk favor
ably. If you have property improve It,
paint your house,clean up your alleys
and back yards. Make your surround
ings pleasant and you will feel better and
your property will be worth more In the
market. It 7011 are doing reasonably
good advise your friends to come and
invest near you. Work for your home
Interests, trade at home; help your
dealers; keep your money at home as
much as possible anddt is likely to help
you in return. The successful towns have
been made by property owners holding
together. Public improvement is on in
vestment that pays. Don't waste your
time over dirty quarrels and hold back
your aid for good objects through spite,
but work for some good and you will find
yourself benefitted.
Corporal James Tanner suggests that
n fund be raised to test the ruling of
Pension Commissioner Lochren on
which 1O.CO0 Union pensioners have been
dropped from the rolls In order to make
a nice showing of a reduction which
has already amounted to $25,000,000 to
the injury of the men who sacrificed their
health that the Union might be preserved
Corporal Tanner was shamefully abused
by the Harrison administration on account
of his work In the interest of soldiers,
.while Commissioner of Pensions. He Is
the man who first discovered the fact that.
a two dollar pension Is not enough to
support an old soldier. He raised pen
slons of that kind, for the reason, ns he
gave it, that a pensioner who ought not
to have more than two dollars a month.
ought not to have anything. Under his
rulings In favor of the men who furnished
the muscle for the army, the pension ex
penditures increased, and this brought
the opposition of the men who furnished
the money. As a common, Chough very
unpatriotic result, the money won, and
Corporal Tanner was ouBtefi from his
office. He was not ousttd from his
, plare in the hearts end affections of the
. old soldiers, and their wives and children,
who have had cause to bless him for his
work in their behalf. The principle he
.advocated has been pat Into law, and no
pension less than $6 is granted.
She Would Keither Ptlnt nor Powder.
"I positively will not use cosmetics,"
. said & lady to the writer, "yet my com
plexion is so bad that it occasions me con
stant mortification. What can I -do to
gft rid of tbexe dreadful blotches f"
"Take Br. Pierce's Favorite Prescription,"
was my promptrr-ply. "Yeur complexion
Indicates that you are wallerlng from
functional jlgr-ant'emetita. Remove the
nCHHW'tft ' Ire blowhefi "SnTfcyJjeekB
will won wear the hue of IiealthTPtiw.
'Favorite Prescription' Is a wonderful
remedy for nil diseases peculiar to your
sex. ltd proprietors guarantee to return
th" money if It does not give natiifactloa.
But it never fails. Try It." The lady
followed my advice, and now her com
plexion is ai clear iw a babe's, and she
enjny better health then she ha for
masy years.
To serinanectly cure ionstipation, bi'I
ouxnens and sick heartache teie Dr.
Pierce 1 Pellets. Of dealers.
Coming Events.
April 98, 24 Entertainment in the All
Saints' P. E. church to raise library funds.
April Entertainment by tbeasous
.Smith Family, under the auspices of ihe
W, O. T. U., in Ferguson's theatre.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became lltss, she clung to Castorla,
When she had Chi ldren, she gave them Castorla.
Bargains In Boots and Shoes.
A. Wonier has purchased Snyder's shoe
store and offers the enflre stock of boots
and shoes at less than cost. Next to
Womer's truck store. 836. lm
, ,
Strouse for clocks.
201 West Centre Street.
Deiterti' . ro.trlu-., Hour 1 mvl- o ,s ie,
oofieet, Butai etc i!om hi .in , iui tt unu n.
A light lletvrrcn 1'rlemli and Opponent!
of tho Gronter Pittsburg mils.
11 ARRIBBURO, April 22. There is liable
to be trouble in the house to-morrow when
tho Fllnn greater Pittsburg bills 001110 up
on sooond r "idlng. Tho resolution fixing
the special order for their consideration
read that thoy should bo taken up just
nttor tho reading of tho journal, not later
than 11 o'clock. Tho special order for the
consideration of tho Smith bill for tho dis
tribution of school funds wn fixed for 11
o'clock, aud thore Is whoro tho hitch comes
In. The lobby of the capltol will swarm
with thofriondsnndopponontsof tho three
annexation measures.
Chairman Nllos, of the houso judlcUl
apportionment coinmlttco, hu3 flx -,1 n,-
morrow for a hearing on tho momoritu of
J. W. M. Ncwllu, tho Philadelphia law
yor who chargos Judgo Gordon, of that
city, with holding a secret court In vloin
tlon 01 tlio Mil of rights, lioth sulci lm )
been notiflod to bo present. Tho lnvosli
cation will bo conducted by 11 sub com
mlttco of five. Representative Kuukel, of
this city, Is chairman.
A meeting of tho houso congressional
apportionment committeo will also 1
held tomorrow evening to preparo a bill.
Tho measure will practically bo tho same
as that of 1803, and will give Philadelphia
and Allegheny each an additional mem
bcr. Tho houso ways and moans commit
too will meet the sanio ovonlng to consider
finally the new revenue bill. It is gen
erally conceded that tho bill will bo brought
out of committeo and killed on second
reading. A special calondar will bo mudo
for tho revenue, upportlonmont and ap
propriation bills.
Standing of tho Clubs In tho llnce for tho
LrnKUB Pennant.
CiAJns. w. 1..
Clubs, w. l.
Baltimore.. 1 1
Fhilada 1 1
Louisville.. 1 2
St. Louis... 1 2
Cleveland - 0 3
Wash'ton... 0 2
Boston 2 0
Cincinnati. 3 0
Chicago 2 1
Pittsburg... 2 1
Brooklyn ... 1 1
New ork. 1 1
satukday's national leaque oaiies.
At Now York New York, 10; Brook
lyn, 0. At Baltimore Baltlmoro, 23;
Philadelphia, 4. At Washington Boston,
12; Washington, 4. At Cincinnati Cin
cinnati, 14; Cloveland, 8. At Louisville
Pittsburg, 10; Louisville, 9. At St. Louis
Chicago, 11; St. Louis, 5.
yesterday's games.
At Cincinnati Cincinnati, 13; Cleve
land, 3. At St. Louis St. Louis, 8; Chi
cugo, 7.
You Don't Have to Swear off
says the Rt. Louis Journal of Agriculture
in, an editorial auout jN o-lo-isnc, tne lam
ous tobacco habit cure. "We know of
many cases cured by No-To-Bac, one, a
prominent St. iwouis aremtect, smoKeu
and chewed for twenty years ; two boxes
oured him so that even the smell of tobacco
makes him sick." No-To-Bac sold and
guaranteed by Mrs. A. Wasley. No cure
no pay. Book free. Sterling Kemeuy (Jo.,
Now York or Chicago. 13t eod
When vou want good roofing, plumb
ing, gas fitting, or general tinsmithlng
done call on E F. Gallagher, 18 West
Centre street. Dealer in stoves. 3-4-tf
Don't fail to go and see "A Jolly Lot."
It Is one of the funniest farce comedies
ever written and is brimming over with
fun. It will drive the blues away. The
original and only "Four 'Emperors of
Music" are with "A Jolly Lot" and are a
whole show in themselves. At Ferguson's
theatre this evening.
Conroy and Fox with their high class
singing and dancing company of com
edians will present their highly successful
musical comedy "Hot Tamales." These
quaint comedians are as humorous as of
yore and their company fully sustain
their reputation as refined and talented
performers of personal charm end talent.
The Allen Sisters, a recent importation
from London, are wonderful wing and
buck dancers. Ren Shields, a policeman,
Is very funny. Thomas Watson, a danc
ing comedian, James C. Cherry and others
are In the cast. At Ferguson's theatre
on Thursday evening, April 25th.
"My husband had two cancers taken
from his face, and another was coming
on his lip. He took two bottles of Bur
dock Blood Bitters, and they disappeared.
He is completely well." Mrs. Wm.Kirby,
Akron, .brie Co., N. x.
Tax Notice.
Notice 1e hereby given that all delln-1
quent taxpayers must make settlement
ith the undersigned for 1893 and 1804
taxesVMjliin ten days from date and in I
default theprowirtyor household goods of
the delinquents wflT!iftfclevled upon and
sold withoufcfurther notfi
M. J. SCSbxan
Iieseiver of Tas
Shenandoah, April 12. 1895. 4-12-10
Pertinent Comments.
Shenandoah's fire alarm is said to be
uuusef ul and will soon follow their stone
crusher to destruction. What about its
water works t When will the next loan
have to be authorised f
The following are clippings from the
hint Issue ot the Mahanoy City Tribune:
The.county treasury Is busted. Not a
dollar remained on hand at noon on
Thursday. The tax collectors are very
slow in making their returns and the
expense xuns right on. Fighting the
new count) is the latest way at getting
rid of the cash.
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup seems
. .. -I 1 .1. !,...,. tlw, II. .1
folks. Pleasant to take, perfectly barm -
1 less, and absolutely sure to give instant
I relief In all cases of cold or lung trouble.
I Cure guaranteed. No operation. In-
' 1ulre at tue Shenandoah drug store, No.
8 South Mnin Bireet, 0 13"W
' " . ... ,
Teti'Oant box Magic Paste btova Polish
, for5 cents. Ask your grocer. Pictures f ree.
VaiUaDlC rropertV IOr Mie.
A rrnnrl tliro.utnrv lirlnW hnnst.. ntlrfi.
room and dwelling Best looatiou. Next
door to I'lrst National Bunk. Apply to
No. 30 Oak street, Mt. Carmel, Pa. lm
In cases of burns, sprains, scalds, or
any of tbeothi-r accidental imlus like1'"
to cume 1 1 the human l-ody, Ur. Thonu s'
Kelt ctf'lo (nl gives almost Instant relit
The Water Works.
The celebrntlon In honor of the now
works hns been indefinitely postponed.
To watch the dam of the public water
works cost the borough last year $380.75.
The dam is there yet, but it leaks.
If the leak at the dam Is of such a
small affair as some of the smart Council
men assert, why don't they have It re-,
paired and turn on the water t l
Ttie estimated expense to run the new
public water works, that has already cost
the taxpayers nearly $200,000, this year
will be $20,000 a mere trifle ( and easily
borne by the people.
Another inspection, by Council, of the
new plant, Is now In ofder. The lunch,
carriage hire and extras need not cost
so mnch as heretofore, t'ottsvllle caterers,
if allowed to put In a bid, will make
these Items costless.
Not counting carriage hire, refresh
ments, extras, &c, there was expended
on the worKs last year, outsiue 01 tne
contracts, t3,512.78. Most of this was for
extra labor that should have been In
cluded in the contracts.
Strouse for stick pins.
A Train Incident.
Miss Coffee, of Shenandoah, stepped
aboard a Reading train at Tamacjua this
morning, and placed a package of shoes
near her seat, about two feet long by one
wide and as high the package. Onoof
the trainmen espied the bundle and say
ing it could not keep company with the
fair passenger, removed It to the baggage
car. The young woman thought perhaps
it was an act of politeness on the part of
the trainmen, for everyone knows how
polite they are, but on arriving at Maha
noy City she was confronted with a bill
of twenty five cents for services rendered
by the express company betwten the two
towns. She is a young business woman
and "kicked" like a young business man,
but it did no good, so she paid the quar
ter, and started for Shenandoah, vowing
to travel via the Central and Mauch
Chunk if it cost her several times as
much. This rule of ngainet carrying
articles of merchandise In passenger car
Is one of old creation on the Reading, but
it is just recently that it has been so
strictly enforced. Mahanoy City Record.
Strouse, the reliable jeweler.
Buy Keystone flour. ' Be sure that the
name Le&sio & Baer, Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every sack. tf
Strouse for musical instruments.
John lu as a JAte Saver.
Boston, April 22. Ex-Champion John
L. Sullivan distinguished himself as 11
Ufo savor yesterdoy afternoon. As John
was leaving his boarding house, on Dover
streot, just before 4 o'clock, he hoard tv
woman scroam in tho rear of tho house.
Ho ran down tho stairway and saw at
onco that there was a flro in the kitchen
and that Mrs. Margaret Donnelly, tho
cook, was In dangor of burning to death,
her clothing having boon ignited by blaz
lng fat on tho stovo. Ho quickly wrapped
a big mat around tho woman and suc
ceeded In extinguishing the fire. The
woman was so badly burned, howovor,
that sho died in tho hospital early this
morning. Sullivan hod both hands badly
One that you can keep clean all
the time a collar that does not
wilt when you get over-heated ;
that does not fray on the edge, or
tear out at the buttonholes, and
can be cleaned by simply wiping
off with a wet sponge or cloth.
These collars and cuffs ore made
by covering linen collars or cuffs
on both sides with waterproof
"celluloid," thus giving strength
and durability. They are the only
waterproof goods so made, and
every piece is stamped 03 follows:
WAR. "
Ask for this, and refuse to take
any imitation if you expect sat
isfaction. If your dealer does not
keen them, send direct to us, en
closing amount, and we will mail
you sample. Collars 25 cts. each.
Mis 50 cts. pair, titate size, ana
wmstMer stana-up or turned -aown
Tmoit RENT. An houso on
P White street, between Lloyd and Centre
streets. Apply at 0. K. Tltman's office,
corner of Main aud Centre streets 4 21-21
Oil B A I.E. Columbia Model, No. Sl.tloyclo,
1 H
almost new, guaranteed In an A No. 1
Ilion. uu-irniiiee
ood until June. Ap-
ply at theuKHALD office
VTfyPTfire op DISSOLUTION. Notic
1M hereby piven that tho partnership hereto-
foro exlatlng between Clmrles K,
Titman of
hiuenancio-iii, a'm uauiui miepp, ui xunuuiuu,
lias been tbis day dissolved. All claims should
be made to tho mid Charles E. Titman, to
whom all mony due the 11 rm must b paid.
Daniki, HlIEPi".
Shenandoah, Ta., Mar. 2, 1885. 4-20-8t
. TxrilY do people complain of hard times,
VV when inv woman or man can make
1 ? wnen any wmuau ur man
, fTOU! 5 to 110 a day fttSlly Ml liaVB lieBTd Ot I
.washer -, yet mauy are pi. to think Ihey
can'1 maKe money selling it ; but anyone
can make money, berae e ery lomlly wauls
one Ouo iK'tnt Ims made fl'Hijy in the last
tbree monthi-.afler inymt all i xppnes and at.
tendli k ton KUlur biimneaHbis.des. You don't
have 10 canas , s mion tn i i'o,le luiow you
nav it tor sale tin y i-t nd iur n DiBh Washf-r.
Address th llmux MIk Co, 15 HtarrAve.,
Columbia-, Ohio, lor nurtluulars
Mr. Jones Answers.
Kditoh Evening Herald s I noticed In
the IInitAl.D of Friday evening, lOthinst.,
n complaint wns made by A. D Gable
before the Council meeting on the prevl
ous evening about me dumping uulsance
behind ray stable, corner Catherine and
Oak streets. I wish the whole Council
would make It a point to Investigate tne
property above mentioned, and also In-
vestigate the lower end of Oak street,
nbout 40 or 50 feet from A. D. Gable's pro
perty, which is nearer the front of his
tenement houses than the back of my
stable. After they do this I am satisfied
they will decide the nuisance is a great
deal nearer Gable's place than the place
he referred to. I believe it would be
more proper for this gentleman to pir
more attention around his own home. It
would be better for him and less expense
for tho borough. It is only n few days
since two men were cutting and removing
the nuisance on Catherine and Oak
street? to make the street passable, which
Is but forty feet from his property, right
In front of the window of the property he
lives In.
Henry L. Jones.
Shenandoah, April 22, 1893.
A Workman Sived' In Two.
PlTTSnURO. April 22. Sawod In two by
a circular saw was tho horrible futo of
Thomas Burns, a sawmill employe at
Tolly Cavey. In stepping from the car
riage ho slipped and fell In front of tho
saw, which cut him through diagonally,
tho trunk being held together by a few
shreds of flesh.
A Mounter Steel Freight Iiimt.
Bay City, -Mich., April 22. Upwards of
a thousand peoplo witnessed tho launching
of tho monster freighter James J. MoWill
lams, of Buffalo, nt Whoelor's shipyards.
The boat Is 303 feet long, all steel, and one
of tho finest of her class afloat.
Relief in Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder
New eases relieved In six hours by tho
Great South American Kidney Cure.
This new remedy Is a great surnrlse on
account of Its exceeding promptness In
relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys,
back and every part of the urinary pas
sages in male or female. It relieves re
tention of water and pain in passing it
almost Immediately. If you want quick
relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold
at the City Pharmacy, 107 S. Main St.,
next door to the post office, Shenandoah,
fa. 4--am
Weeks' Museum,
Grand disnlay of birds and animals ot all
selections ana nnesi painungs in ine county.
Best Beer, Porter and Ales.
Finest Brands of Cigars.
Free lunch every coming vnd evening.
John Weeks, Proprietor
G. W DAVIDSON, Bartender
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sts.
Finest Beers, W;.nes and Liquors.
Choice Temperance Drinks.
Best Brnrifla of 5 and 10c Cigars.
Spring : and : Summer
( Order spring garments now).
Besides giving- ample time
for delivery it enables you to
have your pick of our spring
Complete line of domestic
and imported novelties in
trousers and suiting.
24 North Main Str., Shenandoah. Pa
2E. IF. OME-flLXjaES-X-,
waiter : aii : Ji
IB North Main Street
Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to,
36 North Main Streot.
The most nonular resort In the town.
Excellent beer, porter and ale on tap. Our
cigars are tne nnesi.
Our Easter Opening
Ladles, you are all Invited to call next
Saturday, Monday and Tuesday and ex
amine the largest assortment of trimmed
hats, Btrlctly of the very latest New York
styles, ever shown In Shenandoah. We
have them at prices to suit the wants of all
New fork Cash Milim, Store,
29 North Main Sti,et.
. Sealed proposals w'. be received by the un
derslgned, or at tv Phoenix Hobo House,
until 7 o'clock p. r ., Wednesdny. April 24
1SU3, for excavatlr.' and building a cellar wall
iurure nouse.)f nans and specifications at
the hoRfi house.y.r at the ottlro of the orcbl-
teci, frank s. Rellly, rotUvllle, l'a. Tbe
rinni is reserr ;a to reject any and all pro.
4-19 6t William MrronicLL, Pres.
Salod n and Restaurant
10 North Main 8treot.
Finest WlliSkeyj Jieer. t nrlnr null A 1a
always on tap. "Come and hit one," Choice
temperaice drinks and cigars. Free lunch i
B to 12 p. ra. I
What is
Castorla is Dr. Sainticl Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless snhstltuto
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its giiarantco is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castorla is tho Children's Panacea
tho Mother's Friend.
"Castorlaisso well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to me." It. A. Ancasn, JI. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"The use of 'Oastorla' Is so universal and
Its merits so well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the
Intelligent families who do not keep Castorla
within easy reach."
Cablos Mahtvn, D. D
New York City.
The Centaob
earden's $T WALL pApEr fSbm.
We have just received a fine line of the most beautiful and artistic papers In tho
market, which we will sell at very reasonable prices. We have also in stock a
great deal of last year's patterns which we are selling at a sacrifice. Comeand
see our line of goods. We have the most beautiful and artistic papers.
Longest Paper Store in Town. Fin
House, Swn and Decorative Painting. 224 West Centre Street.
All orders promptly attended to.
Call and see
Watches, Cloch, Jewelry, Musical Instruments and Optical Goods.
You can save 50 per
Between Oak and Cherry Streets.
1 1
Cor. Jardin and Oak
2STo. lO 3STort3a. Main. Stxeet,, Pa. ..
Clothes of all description neatly done up In a first class manner. I can refer to V
scores of families In this city as to my care in washing and superior neatness in
doing up clothing. I do my work better and quicker than other laundry in this city, j
Our Grand Spring Opening
Of French Pattern Hats and Bonnets is Now on.
We are displaying hundreds of the choicest and most select styles ever shown.
French and American designs In flowers of every description. Cheap ribbon, all
silk, No. 5, 5c; No. 7, 7c; No. 9, 9c; No. IB, 12c; No. 16, 15c; No. 80, 25c per yard all
colors. Sailor hats, 15c up ; ladies' hats, 25c up; Infants long cloaks, cream and
white for 11.00 up. Infants' chrhtenlng outfits. Silk velvets, to clo3e out, down from
$1.00 to 50c per yard Black satin, 24 inches wide, $1.00 yer yard, worth $1.75. Nun'a
veils, $1,25 up. Infants' caps, 15o to SI .75, at
Mrs J. J. Kelly, 26 S. Main, St.,
Ivan J. Davies,
13 North Jardin Street.
Millions of Dollars
Go up In smoke every year. Take nc
risks but get your houses, stook, fur
nlture, etc., Insured in first-class, relln
ble companies, as represented by
DAVID FAUST, Insnranco Agent,
120 South Jardin Street.
Also Life and Accidental Companion
We Have the
Best illuminating oil made. Odor,
less, colorless, brilliant, safe, per
fection, If you are in the dark,
drop us a postal. We'll enlighten
you and lighten you.
Eclipse Oil tSom'y
Oils, Gasoline. Candles, Lamp Wicks,
Burners, etc.
213 South Jardin St., SHENANDOAH, PA.
Mnil orders promptly attended to.
Castorla cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di
gestion, Without Injurious medication.
"For soveral years I havo recommended
'Castorla, and shall always continue to do
so, as it has invariably produced beneficial
Enwm F. PAnnEE, M. D
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
Compant, 77 Murray Street, New York Cirr.
st Stock and Lowest Prices.
our nne stock of
cent, by calling on
129 South Main Street,
Painter and
Paper Hanger ,
Largest Assortment and Lowest Price.
All orders promptly attended to
Novelties, s
Agents for DAILY PAPERS.
4 Worth Main. St.
A gennlne welcome
Awaits you at
Joe Wyatt's Saloon !
Pool room attached. Bluest whiskeys,
beers, porter and ale constantly on tap.
Choice temperance driDks and cigars.
Anthony Schmicker's
101 SOVlll MAIN ST.
The finest pool and billiard rooms in towni
Reaaing lieor, porter ana FotUvllle ale con
stantly en tap. (live us a cull.
A Clean, Quick Shave
Can always te had at '
Charles Derr's Barber Shop,
FlrsH-cluss balr cutting and singeing.
Ferguson House Oullding.
t I