The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 18, 1895, Image 4

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Tlit'KSDAY, APHIL 18, 1805.
Climatic Influence on Health.
It cnnuot be denied that the influence
of clitnate upon benltli s went, and it it
in recognition 01 mis met tunc puyst
clans send patients sulIerliiK with nul
monary diseases to great distances (or
"change of nlr." But when the sufferer
happens to be too poor to act upon the
advice his lot Is hard, indeed. Hut it is
not necessarily hopeless. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery can be had nt
nnv medicine store, and to It thousands
whose cases were considered desperate
owe their lives.
Up to n certain point in the progress of
uonsuuintlon. Dr. f lerco's uoiuen jueut
cal Discovery is a positive remedy. But
delav is dangerous with Consumption.
In nil the conditions that lead to it, the
"Discovery" Is the remedy. With severe
lingering Coughsor Weak Lungs, nothing
nets so promptly. Every disease that can
be reached through the blood yields to
this medicine. The Scrofulous affections
of the lungs that's called Consumption Is
one of them. For this, and for every
other fo m of Scrofula, for all blood-
taints and disorders and nil chronic
Bronchial, Throat, and Lung affections,
the "Discovery" Is the only remedy so
certain that, once used, it Is always in
Can anything eUe be "just as good" for
you to buy ?
Don't you believe It.
Fire Alarm Boxes.
The following list shows the location
of the nlarm boxes of the Shenandoah
fire department :
15 Conl and Bowers Btreets.
16 Powers and Centre streets.
24 Bridge and Centre streets.
25 Main and Centre streets.
82. Jardin and Oak streets.
34 Main and Poplar streets.
35 Main nnd Coal streets.
42 Gilbert and Centre streets.
43 Gilbert and Cherry streets.
46. Oak nnd Gilbert streets.
48. West nnd PoplHr streets.
52 Chestnut and Coal streets.
54. iVest and Lloyd streets.
To send an alarm open the box, pull
down the hook once nnd let go. When nn
alarm is sent in the fire bell will sound
the number of the box and repeat the
alarm four times.
If the nlnrm Is sounded from box 15
the fire bell will strike one, then pause
and strike five, which will indicate thnt
the fire is in the vicinity of No. 15 box,
Every alarm is repented four times.
Relief In Six Hours.
Distressing . Kidney nnd Bladder dis
eases relieved In six hours by the "New
Rrwiit South American Ktdnev Cure,
This new remedy is a great surprise on
account of Its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys,
back and everv nart of the urinary pas
Raises in male or female. It relieves re'
tention of water and pain in passing it
almost lmmediatelv. II you want, ouicK
relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold
at, the Citv Pharmacv. 107 S. Main St,
next door to the post office, Shenandoah
Pa. 4 9 -3m
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers to the Evening Herald
who arevnot receiving their paper regn'
larly andYeople who wish to receive the
paper as uew subscribers, are requested to
leave their nddresses nt hooks ec urown'i, n North Main street.
Cure miarnnteed. No ODeration. In'
quire nt the !henandoah drug store, No,
3 South Main street. u-ia-ti
When Baby was sick, tto gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When the had Children, she gave them Castorla,
Stronse for'tnuaical instruments.
ArelYou Golnff?
The tickets to Denver, Col., and return
for the meeting 'of the National Educn
tlonal Association will be on sale July
3rd, 4th and 5th at rate of one standard
fare, with two dollars added, for the
round trip. Touchers and others thnt in
tend taking advantage of the low rates
can have sleeping car reservation mod
in advance and get full Information
to cost of side trips to the principal
points of Interest throughout Colorad
and Utah.
Reduced rates by addressing John R,
Pott, District Passenger Agent Chicago,
Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, Will
iamsport, Pa.
Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life
is the truthful, startling title of a book
about No To-Bac. the harmless, guaran
teed tobacco habit cure that, braces un
nicotinlzed nerves, eliminates the nicotine
poison, makes weak men gain strength
visor and manhood. You run no ohysica
or financial rlk, as No-To Bao is sold by
Mrs. A. Wasley under a guarantee to
cure or money refunded. Book free
Address Sterling Remedy Co., New York
or uuicago. iat eou
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the
name Lkssio & Baku, Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every sack. tf
Coming: Events.
April 23, 2-1 Entertainment In the All
balms' lJ. K. church to raise Ubraryfunds
April 20. Entertalnmeut by the famous
Smim "'amlly, under the auspices of the
W. C. T. U., in Ferguson's theatre.
Thompson's Diphtheria Cure Is guar
antve1 toioure sore-throat, quinsy, croup
or any iinecuoo oi tue tnroat it useu r
the directions require. Sold only at Kl
llu'a drug store. 3 10 tf
When you waut good roofing, plumb'
inc. gas fitting, or general ttusmithing
done call ou K F. Gallugher, 18 West
Centre street. Dealer In stoves. 3 4-tf
""Fine Groceries,
201 West Centre Street.
Dealer In trooerUs, flour, provl-ions, teas,
o o trees, sugar, etc. Best ij null ly, lowest prices.
Colonel Brannon. of Hawaii. Plays An
other One of His Check Tricks.
On Friday evening, April 5, there
dropped Into Dooner's Hotel, Philodel
phin,n veteran who represented himself
the ndvnuce guard of the Medal of
Honor Legion, which was booked to hold
its annual meeting on the following Tues
day. The man, who was about 70 years
of age, over six foot high, with gray bnlr,
closely cropped whiskers nnd n clean
phaven chin, registered as II. A. Flanders,
t Deuver, Col. His commanding presence
nnd entertnlnlng talk quickly captivated
the genial landlord, who wns determined
to do all in his power to make the Medal
Honor men feel at home. He was
ntroduced to General Mulholland and
other men of high standing in military
circles, with whom he seemed perfectly
at home.
From day to day the Medal of Honor
coterie at the hotel grew in numbers
and with all of them "Colonel"
Flanders was bail fellow well met,
That he might do his part at enter
taining his newly found friends he ob
tained $5 from Mr. Dooner and gave him
in return a check for $120 In favor of H.
Flanders, drawn upon the Miners'
National Bank of Pottsvllle, and purport
ing to be signed by H. W. Sortman. The
$5 did not last long and again Mr. Dooner
was importuned for more money, as
Colonel Flanders wa meeting so many of
the old boys. The accommodating land
lord made the sum advanced $20, but
when the Colonel made his third attack
upon the ramparts he was repulsed, Mr.
Dooner telling him he was not in the
habit of doing business that way.
After Mr. Dooner went home on Mon
day night he determined to telegraph the
following day to Pottsvllle and ascertain
whether the check was good, but upon
arriving at his hotel on Tuesday morning,
the day the meeting was to convene, Mr,
Dooner found thnt Colonel Flanders had
vacated his room at 6 a. m. and had not
been seen since. In reply to a telegram
tne I'ottsvllle Dank answered that no
account was kept at the bank in the name
of H. V. Sortman. Mr. Dooner placed
the matter in the hands of detectives,
who expect to locate the man soon, as he
went to Wilkes-Barre from here, where It
is said he worked a hotel for $55.
When Colonel Flanders was asked to
show bis medal he said he did not keep it
for exhibition. Observing a shuffle board
at the hotel he pretended not to know
what It was, but when Mr. Dooner played
a few games with him and found himself
bested every time he thought the colonel
possessesd remarkable skill for one so un.
It is now believed that H. A. Flanders
la none other than Isaac F. Brannon, who
was colonel of the Forty-eighth Regiment,
Pennsylvania Volunteers, whose record
as a forger Is known from New York to
Denver. According to a Reading paper.
the National Hotel at that city was re'
cently victimized of $20 by a worthless
check for $100 presented by Brannon. He
was arrested at the depot In Reading us
he was about to take a train for Potts
vllle. The Rocky Mountain Herald, of
Denver, also relates how one "H. A,
Patchen" was at one time arrested on the
charge of passing a forged check for $100
on the Southern Hotel of Pueblo nnd was
held in $500 bail, adding thnt he is Colonel
Isaac F. Brannon, who passed a forged
check upon the editor of the Herald, and
was sent to the penitentiary for one year
for the offense.
On October 27, 1891, .Colonel Brannon
was held under ball by Magistrate Mllll
kin on the charge of obtaining $42 by false
pretenses from a hotel in Harrisburg
Colonel Brannon has an honorable war
record. According to Bates' History o
Pennsylvania Volunteers he enlisted in
October, 1801, In the Forty-eighth Regl
ment, and was honorably mustered out
of service July 17, 18G5. From captain o
Company K ho was promoted to major,
then to lieutenant colonel and finally to
colonel. When Colonel Gowen was killed
in April, 1805, during the assault on Fort
Mahone, Lieutenant Colonel Brannon as
sumed command, ordered the regiment
forward and captured the works. His
gallant conduct on this occasion won f jr
him the colonelcy.
Stronse, has n
fine line of society em
Special "Pennsy" Rates.
For the laying of the corner stone of
the parochial school at Pottsvllle on
Sunday, April 21, 1895, the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will sell excursion
tickets to Pottsvllle and return (good only
on day of issue) at single fare for th
round trip.
Strouse's watch charms are elegant and
reasonable In price.
Tax Notice.
Notice is hereby given that all delln
quent taxpayers must make settlement
with the undersigned for 1893 and 1604
taxes within ten days from date and
default the property or household goods o
the delinquents will be levied upon and
sold without further notice.
Receiver of Taxes,
Shenandoah, April 12, 1805. 4-12-lOt
Stronse for optical goods.
Special This Week.
GentB' good white shirts, 33 cents. Fal
ticking for 6 cents per yard. Good qunllty
Bbeeing,14 cents. Table oil cloths, 12
P. J. Monacjiian,
3 d8 tf 28 South Main street.
18 karat
solid gold wedding rings at
Bargains in Boots and Shoes.
A. Woraer hns purchated Snyder's shoe
store and offers the entire stock, of boots
nnd shoes at Jess than cost. Next to
Womer'a trnok store. 8-25 lm
I Have your carpets, feathers and roat
' tresses cleaned by the Steam Ronovatlng
Co., 33 East Joal street. 4-17 3m
Mr. Richard Aiiderou,lu hts successful
play "The Indian Hero," will be the
attraction at Fergtuon'a theatre this and
tomorrow evenings. The play Is now in
its fifth reason and is now in perfect
form. Mr. Anderson Is supportod by a
capable compauy nnd nn excellent por
formance is nssured.
The Four Emperors of Music will be
the stars at, Ferguson's thentre on Mon-
ay evening, April 29d, in their new and
succe-nful farce comedy "A Jolly Lot."
Tliey have the reputation of being the
cleverest musical organization thnt ap
pears on the American stage. One of 1
t'jem is a clever black face comedian, and
he adds much to the entertainment In
this capacity. One of their most charm
ing accomplishments is an imitation of n
church organ on two flutes, n vlollncello
nnd accordeon. One of the principal
features Is the street parade, at noon
through the prlncipil streets and concert
on public fquare by their grand military
brass band.
A red letter attractltn Is expected from
that highly successful organization
headed by Conroy and Fox, in "Hot
Tamales." This is a strictly high class
entertainment and will appear here for
the first time at Ferguson's theatre on
Thursday evening, April 25th.
Up to Date.
Pottsvllle will have a boulevard when
the county pays for it. Then and not
until then.
The PottBvllle Republican and Sunday
News are slobbering over each other.
Strange bed fellows.
Harrlty wbn again In Harrisburg, yes
terday. No use kicking, Cleveland is
back of that machine.
As we predicted all along the new
county bill Is a "go" and few Schuylkill
couutians will be sorry to lose part of its
The people who are kicking against the
Judges retiring bill are those who voted
to put an'old man on the bench and now
want him to resign.
Editor Parker was disappointed in
hearing Charles Emory Smith's sliver
speech. There are others who are getting
tired of Smith, too.
"Fears are entertained," says the
Journal, that the Quay county bill will
go through next week. What use are the
"patriots" any way ?
The Legislature has come-to the rescue
of the Third Brigade band of Pottsvllle.
Now let the people of that wealthy town
go down Into their pockets and pay off
the band's debts and give them a fresh
Council meets tonight. Perhaps some
thing can be done to save the $500 ex-Tax
Collector Toole owes the borough by
assessing the Councilmen, pro rata, who
were instrumental in allowing a default
in the payment.
The verdict ngnlnst the Philadelphia
Times for $45,000 Is excessive and out of
proportion and will not stand. In any
other court in the state the defendant
would have been acquitted or mulcted
with a few cents costs.
The Commissioners will spend about
$1000 to prevent the passage of the new
county bill and won't succeed ; but the
price of printing will he cut down still
lower to make up the loss.
Delllnger, the printer, of Lancaster,
was sentenced three years to the Eastern
Penitentiary for printing and selling
obscene literature. Some of our officers
in this county could give information as
to the location of similar concerns not
thousand miles from town.
bn't it about time that the list of the
borough resources be examined into and
revised. The Idea of adding tn the list of
resources the "extension of the electrio
light to Turkey Run." That was an ex
pense the same as any other, such as re
pairing the streets, for instance,
Strouse, the reliable jeweler.
Washout Causes n Railroad Wreck.
Richmond, Vn April 17. Train No. 35,
which left Richmond at 7:13 last night
over the Atlantic Coast lino, was wrecked
on tho Northeastern road within about
six miles of Floronco. S. 0., early this
morning. A washout was tho cnuso of the
accident, and two sleeping cars wore
burned. No ono wns seriously Injured.
Wounded In a French Duel.
Paris. April 18 A duel with swords
was fought between two woll known
writers, Jnlos Huret nnd Catulle Mondos,
nrlslug from tho fact that tho fnrmor con
nocted the latter's naino with that ot Oc
cur Wlldo. M. Mondos was slightly
Russell Sage, tho bankor, Is seriously 111
at his homo In New YorK.
Secretary Carlisle will address the sound
roonoy convention at Memphis May 23,
Tho Third brlgudo of Ponnsylvnnla mil
itla will enoamp at Mt. Gretna, Aug. 3
to 10.
Ex-Governor Fltzhugh Loe hns been tip
pointed by tho president as cplloctor of In
ternal revenue for tho Sixth district of
Dynumlto" J. W. Woks, tho bogus
priest who assailed Catholicism nnd wnp
jailed at Pirn- Bluff, Ark., for profanity
wns rideimed on paying $10!) and costs uud
mining ti, ti'jivo town.
Saving Fund Shares.
The Safe Deposit Building nnd Saving
Association still has some shades for sale
in the March Berles. Call at the office of
M. n. MaBter. marble yard, 127 North
Jardin street, if you want some. 4-3-2w
To Pottsvllle.
flm af,(,nmmnilflHnli nf TinrennH lift.
siring to attend the laying of the corner
btone oi tne new parocuiai scuooi at
1 Pottsvllle on Sunday, April SUt., by
' MonsignorSatolli. the Philadelphia and
Heading IMlroad will sell tickets at
Klngle fare for round trip and run special
trains at hours to suit. See small bills.
the jeweler, for watches.
As Others See Yc.
Harry Decker on Doyle's Curiosity
Mickey Doyle, of the Shenandoah News,
Is not pleased with our article on Cor
rtnne which appeared last week, and
wonders lu that furiously fiery fashion of
his whether the star's diamonds are
similar to thoso found nt Preston Hill or
the Hammond. Now we do not wonder
ftt Mickey's curiosity, or his ignornuce in
all matters pertaining to diamonds, as
the poor fellow's experience In this respect
has been necessarily limited. Mickey was
always curious he was curious when he
was treasurer of it certain press associa
tion at ons time strong in this vicinity,
and he will no doubt be curious all dur
lug his life. His way of looking at things, sometimes defectivuas nresnl'
of his regordirtr nntttre through tue rer
ends of cocktail containers go frequently,
and relative to which little weakness of
his Tom Joyce recently said: "When it
became known atLost Creek or In the
quiet Ringtown Valley that the editor of
the XewB was coming that way, and that
was generally every day, barroom doors
were thrown wlde'opon and licences were
nnilrd outside on n tree." Verily, there
is much in that sentence and after careful
consideration we are forced to believe
that it was after one of the trips men
tioned that he wrote the criticism of our
article. And lastly we would say that
when Mickey issues a paper like the Item,
or even near like It, then his readers will
rise up in appreciation and leave him in a
position to wear diamonds such as light
the way for our ptn at the present
IScopenfiS:" DKcardetT'Oll Wiilla.
Upper Sandusky. O., April 18. Tho oil
boom has caused a fresh lmpotus to opera
tions lu this section. Tho Standard Oil
company has instructed Its employes to
roopon nud start up all tho wells owned
by tho company. This moans that scoros
of wolls that tho Standard a year or so
ago considered valueless will now bo op
erated. Tho company Is even ro-leasing
land which thoy throw up months ago.
Fatal Scuffle for a dun.
NewCastlb, Ph., April 18. AsaPnlno,
Jr., was shot and killed by Charlos Urn
bright. Tho boys, lu company with two
others, wcro hunting ducks along tho
Shenango, whon Pnlnj and Umbrlght be
gan to scufllo for possession of tho gun. It
was discharged, tho shot taking effect in
Palue's right hip. He bled to death lu
twenty minutes.
Pnnngylrnnla's Democratic Chairman.
HAltttlSBUtta, April 18. --Tho stato Dem
ocratic committee met hero yesterday to
select a chairman. Thoro wore only six
absentees out of olghty-nlno committee
men. Tho rasult was a comploto victory
for tho frlomls of Mr. Harrlty, Robert E.
Wright bolug chosen chairman without
rie b'amauf
NEURALGIA and similar Complaints,
manutaoturea nnaer ihb swingens
X tt . 1 1 . i i t t A
iuresciiDeaDy eminent paysicianss
lOnlv cenulno with Trade Mork"Anchor."I
IF. Ad. Eichterft Co.,17WtrrnCt.,HKW I02E.S
12 Branoh HouBes. Own Glassworks.
25 & 50 cte in Shenandoah for ale by k
h.r ' . D. Klrlin, off. Ma'"" , ,
iH lsn.7h.wn si., y. .n. ub-
p. i. rsnacsoN, iiahaoiu
THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, '95.
"Cheer up Willie, they are eolrjg to stop and
CONROY : and : FOX
Those clever comedians, with thtlr splendid
company, in
Mot Tamales
The Great Farce Comedy Buccsi.
Direct Irom WalnutBtret Theatre,
Philadelphia, Fan from start to
finish. Wit, humor, with music,
dance and none
A High-class Attraction
Prices, as, 50 and 75 cents.
Seats on tale at Klrlln'a druir store.
FOUND. About ten days ago, a sum of
money. Call at the Herald office
AXrANTED.-Gentleman who can rive bond,
ii iu mr.o viiurro in a Business in anenan-
?! r,AaoreS1' with reference,
6 H'UUltrUJWU, i d.
TKT A TvTfP'TP'n Honest, enerfsetlo men to
VV XI IN IJliU. solicit orders for NurBery
Stock. I eitn. ncntf roplojimenexpenecsand
Balary. Write at once fnr t-rnns and territory
lor full delivery. KG Chase & Co., H80Bouth
Penn Square, Philadelphia, Pa.
! WSTnen tSorrttt
irom l to liua day eaBtlyt All have heard ot
the wonderful success ot th Climax Dish
WBBuer ; yei many arc apt to think they
can'1 make money gulling it ; but anyone
uuu made money, became even- lumlly wants
one Ono aent has made 8478 KU in the lant
three months ,atter raying all expene and at
tending to regular bublucts besides. You don't
have I o canvass , s soon as people Unow you
hav- it for sale they fend for a Dish Washer.
Address the t'llmax Mfg To., 45 UtarrAve.,
Columbus, Ohio, for particulars.
Call and sec our fine' stock of
Clocks, Jewell y, Musical Instruments nnd Optical Gocds.
You can save 50 per cent, by calling on
Between Oak and Cherry Streets.
Cor. Jardin and Oak
Garden's WALL pApER jStoe.
We have just received a One line of the most beantiful ard artistic papers in the
market, which we will sell at very reasonable prices. We have also in stock a
grf at deal of lost year's patterns which we are selling at a sacrifice. Come and
see our line of goods. We have the most beautiful and artistic papers.
Largest Paper Store in Town. Finest Stock and Lowest Prices.
House, Bigk and Decorative Painting. 224 West Centre Street.
All orders promptly attended to.
2To. IO 2Toxtb. Taiaa. Stxeet, 63a.GX3.a.xx(3.oa.fe., 3?a.
Clothes of all descrintlon neatlv done us in a first class mannpr. T rnn refpr tn
scores of families In this city as to my care In washing and superior neatness in
doing up clothing. I do my work better and quicker than other lanndry in this city.
Our Grand Spring Opening
Of French Pattern Hats
We are dlsnlavinc hundreds of the
French and American deslcns in flowers
silk, No. 5, fic; No. 7, 7c; No. 9. 9c; No. 12, 12c; No. 10, 15c; No. 80, 25o per yard all
colors. Sailor hats, 15c up ; ladles' hats, 25a up ; infants long cloaks, cream and
white for $1.00 up. Infants' christening outfits. Silk velvets, to close out, down from
$1.00 to 50c per yard. Black satin, 24 Inches wide, $1.00 yer yard, worth $1.75. Nun's
veils, $1.25 up. Infants' caps, 15c to $1.75, at
Mrs, J. J. Kelly,
js3E3r333xr.axrxOja.ia:, xa..
Spring : and : Summer
(Order spring garments now).
Besides giving ample time
for delivery it enables you to
have your pick of our spring
Complete line of domestic
and imported novelties in
trousers and suiting.
24 Noi;th Main Str,, Shenandoah, Pa.
We Have the
Best illuminating oil made. Odor
less, colorless, brilliant, safe, per
fection. If you are in the dark,
drop us n postal. Wa'll enlighten
you and lighten you.
Eclipse Oil Gom'y
Oils, Gasoline, Candles, Lamp Wicks,
Burners, etc.
213 South Jardin St., SHENANDOAH, PA.
Mail orders promptly attended to.
Weeks' Museum,
Grani display of birds and arjlmalB of all
solectlonb ana nnest paintings in the county.
Beet Beer, Porter and Ales.
Finest Brands ot Clears.
Free lunch every rxornlne end evening.
John 'Weeks, Proprietor
O. W Davidson, Bartender
Our Easter Opening
Ladies, you are all invited to call next
Saturday, Monday and Tuesday and ex
amine the largest assortment of trimmed
hats, strictly of the very latest New York
styles, ever shown In Shenandoah. We
have them at prices to suit the wants of all.
New York Cash Millinery Store,
29 North Main Street. .
Evan J. Davies,
13 North. Jnrdin Street.
A Clean, Quick Shave
Can always be had at
Charles Derr's Barber Shop,
Flrss.class hair cutting and singeing.
Fergu&on House Building.
129 South Main Street,
Painter and
Paper Hanger,
Largest Assortment and Lowest Price
All orders promptly attended to
and Bonnets is Now on.
choicest and most select stvles ever shown.
of everv descrintlon. Chean ribbon, nil
26 S. Main St.
Agents for DAILY PAPERS.
4 North Main St.
Millions of Dollars
Go up in smoke every year. Take no
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured in first-class, relia
ble companies, as represented uy
DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agent,
1!) South Jardin Street.
Also Life and Accidental Companion
Saloon and Restaurant,
234 North West Street.
Finest brands of clears. Choice Wlnea
and Liquors.
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sts.
Finest Beers, Wines and Liqnors.
Choice Temperance Drinks.
Beat Brands ot 5 and 10c Cigars.
New Tinsmith Shop.
Has opened anew tlntmllh sbopand is pre
pared to do tinrooflng, spouting, stove repair
fng and all hinds of Jobbing at reasonable
rates. Satisfaction guaranteed.
236 East Lloyd Street.
A tfenulnu welcome
Awaits you at
Joe Wyatt's Saloon!
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys,
beers, porter and nle constantly on tap.
Choice temperance drinks and cigars.
Anthony Schmicker's
.The finest pool and billiard rooms in townt
Heading boer, porter and Pottiville ale con
stantly on tap. Give un a oll.
Feelers C5af e
36 North Main Streot.
The most populnr resort in the town.
Excellent beer, porter nnd ale on tap. Our
cigars are the finest.
Saloon and Restaurant,
10 North Main Street.
Finest Whiskeys, Beer, Porter and Ale
always on tap. "Come and hit ono." Choice
temperance drinks and clears. Free lunch
t to in p.m.