The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 18, 1895, Image 2

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rbllshed dally, except Sunday by
Publication offlco and mechanical department,
North Market Strcot.
9?he flevald 19 JollTcrcd ln Shenandoah and
He Jelala surrounding towns for Six Cents
weck,pyable to tho carriers. By mall, Throe
Dollars a year or Twenty-five conts per month,
IB adTance.
Advertisements charged according to spaco
rod position. Tho publishers rcscrvo tho right
ta change the position ot adTortlsoments when
ever the publication ot news requires It. The
right Is also reserved to rojoct any advertise-
Bent, whether paid (or or not, that tho pub-
uusrii may aeem improper. Advertising rates
taads known upon application.
Entered at tho post o Bee at Shenandoah, Pn.
n second closs mall matter.
Shenandoah, Pens
Evening Herald
It would be well If the Supreme Court
could get at all the legislation of tho
fifty-third Congress.
The apology from Spain has not come
to hand yet, bat American ships are no
longer molested ln Cuban waters.
The large cities of the country are
learning one after another that the best
kind of an advertisement is a Repub
lican majority.
It is evident that the Democrats who
voted the Republican ticket at the Novem
ber election are resolved to continue being
better than their party.
Senator Hill is now in favor of a South
ern irian for the Democratic nomination
for the Presidency. Dav97"liki"Arfemus
"Ward's bfcar, Wm "au'ieoBln'llttle cuss."
t)NE of the most urgent duties ot the
Fifty-fourth Congress is the repeal of the
emasculated income tax law. Even the
Anarchists and Populists who were re
sponsible for the act must be dUgUBted
with it in its present shape.
The' leading railroad in Connecticut
has applied to the Legislature to prohibit
the construction of electric roads between
towns now connected by steam lines.
A table is submitted showing that the
suburban trafllc of the steam roads ln
gome cases has been almost entirely lost.
The points urged are that the legitimate
business rights of the old roads are dis
regarded, and that the electric roads are
Infringing1 on the general highways be
longing to the public. The questions
raised ln Connecticut will soon demand
attention in other states, and it is evt
dent that throughout the country new
problems in passenger transportation are
coming forward for settlement.
A dispatch from McKcesport, tells,
ln a few words, of a trrfgedy" almost
unique In the history of the race. A man
who was being shaved at a barber's shop
was telling a funny story when he snd
denly expired. It is not too much to say
that this sad event was in opposition to
al precedent. It the barber, instead of
the customer, had been narrating a side
splitting story, after the manner of 'ton-
sorial artists in places like McKeesport,
bo one would hive been astonished at the
death of the customer. It is the habit of
provincial barbers to act as if they were
always scraping an a:qualntance. It is
probable that the unfortunate McKees
port raconteur died of shock. He had
strained his nervous system too far in at
tempting to get a laugh out of a barber.
Perhaps he was attempting to stave oil a
demand for "a shampoo" or "a hair cut,"
but, whatever was his motive In telling
that story, his late Is a warning. When
your ohln is being shaved repress Its
An impressive exhibit of the stupidity
of sootallstlo legislation in general is
found in the fact that the classes chiefly
Intended to be hit by the lncoma tax are
the very classes that escape it. The great
real estate owners ln cities and the largo
landed proprietors and bonanza farmers
of the country dlstrlotB were the men
principally aimed at by the Populists
and thj featherhead element ot the
Democracy who forced the income tax
through Congress, but the Supreme
Court's decision releases them from its
operation. The tens ot millions ot dollars
of the Astors' incomes from their hun
dreds of millions ot dollars' worth of real
estate which the Fetters, Blands, Aliens,
Slhleys and the rest of the sans culottes
ln Congress were particularly anxious to
assail easily eludes and bafllas them. The
part of the tax which stands is the part
wbioh Is ordinarily moat Ulflloult to col
lect. The income from notes, bonds,
si oi ks and the other securities which the
tax covers can dodge the collector to a
considerable degree, and the larger this
Income is the larger the proportion of it
which can conceal itself.
Its Effect Upon tho Politics of Eu
ropoan Nations.
Japanese Control of That Stronghold Is
Onl Tompornry, nnd the Nation Will
Thereforo Have No Cnune for Interven
tion on Thnt Score.
Tientsin, April 18. Japan's occupation
of Port Arthur Is tompornry, thus secur
ing China's integrity on tho mainland of
Asia nftor a term of years, and avoiding
the possibility of Europoan Intervention.
Tho latost reports concerning tho war
indemnity to bo paid by China to Japan
place tho amount nt 200,000,000 tacls of sil
ver. Tho taol Is not a coin, but a weight,
and consequently varies according to tho
prlco of stiver. In Pokln at present ono
tnul is. equal in valuo to ono andahnlf
Mexican silver dollars, or Bovonty-flvo
conts ln American cold. At this rato tho
Indemnity of 200,000,000 taols is equal to
flbo,000,0o0 in' American gold. Tho silver,
ln large transactions In tho east, is put up
ln tho form of bullion, or Ingots, each in
got containing' .silver -to tho amount of
from twenty to flfty taels. Tho Indem
nity Is tobopoldlnflvoyparly instalments.
LONDON, April 18. A dispatch to Tho
Times from Hong Kong soys ,lt is reported
thnt tho cession by China of tho Island of
Formosa to Japan dissatisfies the British
thero. Tho dispatch odds that tho Chinese
soldiers thronton to kill tholr command
ors It tho lslnnd Is coded.
A Berlin dispatch says ln roforonco to
tho Chinese edict thnt tho import, dutiesnt
tho open ports shall not exceed 9 por cant ,
thnt n commutation duty of 2 por cant, on
the original cost of Imports ijto Chlni
ropresonts, to nil intents nnd purposes, a
(inferential duty against Europe In tavor
ot Japan.
Editorially Tho Thnos says it presumes
that tho lndopondonce of Coroa really
moans a more or loss thorough Japnnoso
protectorate. It adds that when tho exact
torms of tho treaty nro known European
i diplomacy will probably make a show of
considering thorn, but If tho Japnnoso ro
fuse, as thoy presumably will, to listen to
diplomatic exhortations, It Is difficult to
Iconoolvo thnt nny moro offoctlvo interfer
ence with tholr plans neod bo seriously
, A dispatch from . Vlonnn says It, Is un
usual to comblno a troaty of pencq with n
treaty of alliance, and it isprobnblo, thoroi
fore, that n separate trpaty, pot destined
for publication, has boon signed by tho
Japanese and Chlnoso roprosentatlros.
Whothor.or not this'troaty takes tho form
of an offensive and dofonslvo nlllanco matr
tcrs little, slnco It, Is known that LI Hung
Chang has alyroys wantod to opon his
slumbering country to Europonn civiliza
tion. It is not likely that he would lot
slip such an opportunity of doing so with
the aid of tho Japanese.
A dispatch to Tho Dally News from Bor
lln says Tho National Zoltung declares
that all nations lnterestod in commcrco'ln
China must lose no time in protecting
their interests against n troaty which will
completely pnrnlyzo Europoan competition
ns against Japan. Tho dispatch adds that
all tho papers agree thnt ln regard to tho
territorial concessions Russia has tho first
Clever l'ostofllce Swindler Captured.
Chicago, April 18. 'William Hansen, a
truckman nt tho Doarhorn Stroet Railway
station, wns arrested at Elgin yesterday.
Hanson's night duties nt tho railway stn
f.lou consisted of handling tho mull
pouches. Ho would tnko a hnndful ot
lottors from a pouch, and especially thoso
addressed to postmaster's, nnd oxtract the
mohey' ndvice orders. Ho would thon
eonroh tho pouch for nil lottors addressed
to parties whom tho advice nnmod. Tak
ing thoso lottors ho wpuld wash oil ln
chemicals tho amounts named ln tho ad
vices,and tho ordors, (111 in a higher .figure,
inako tho money orders payable to some
one else, and have Identification waived.
Thondvl6es ho would remall to' tho post
ofllcos. A Lendlne Cyclist Killed.
New York, April 18. Robert. Center,
ono ot tho best known mon in tho social
Ufo of this city, died in Roosovelt hospital
from tho offocts of an accident recolvod
whllo riding his bloyclo on tho Western
boulovard, whoa ho was knocked down
nnd run ovor by a passing coal wagon.
His skull was fractured nt tho bnso and
tho bonos ln his nook wora brokon. Fred
eriok Wlnkel, tho driver of tho ooal
wagon, was nrrosted. Mr. Contorwastho
xlrst to Introduce ulcycles Into this coun
try, bringing tho first of tho wheols from
Fell from a 1 1 lull Cliff to Death.
NORTHAMPTON, Mass., April 18. Tho
body of ArthuM. Seoloy, 25 years of ago,
6on of Prosldout Sooloy, of Smith college,
was found by a searching party on Mount
Tom. The body was nt tho bottom of n
clllt a hundred foot high. It was evident
that Seeloy had struck ulreotly on the
orown of his head. Ho was probably walk'
lug along the precipice, where tho path is
near the edge, nnd made a misstep. Ho
wns perfectly familiar with the spot, and
must have been careless or sllppod on tho
dump earth and loaves.
A Jealnua Lover'. Double Crime.
Rikvkland. Anrll 18. Alexander Turk.
28 years of ago, called at the rosldoni j) of
his sweetheart, Miss Julia Fallon, 4und
fired three shots Into her body and thon
turned tho weapon upon himself. Tho
murdor and suicide wore both committed
without witnesses. Dcnth caiu,o to onoh
instantly. Jealousy Is supposed to bo tho
cuuso of the tragedy.
Policeman Charged with hurglnry.
Chicago, April 18. Charles M. Poole, a
pollco oillcor, hus boen sUJiouded from
duty ponding an lnvostlgntiou ot his con
nection with a woll organized gang ot
honso breakers and burrflnrs who havo
committed Bovornl big orlnos lately. It Is
alleged sovornl ot the g'ing are buslnoss
men who acted as "fonoibs."
Burned to Deatll In Her Bud.
PiTTsnuno, April is. Mrs. Mary Mo
Cormlok, a widow ofoo years, was burned
to death at her homfb on the South Side.
In some unknown) manner ulamn was
. upset In the room v, here Mrs. MoCormlok
was sleeping, and n-rore assistance miohed
her she was burnt d to death.
Many llurslnr1(,K i wuiluuuport.
Wn i IAMHIMUI, p., r,n 1N -Hlxburg-
Juries vw unmmii,, in iIih city and six
in dorsey nhore JLUtnv ugi,t, The pofct
I olUce nt Houth WiHamBpr,rt wog ftiBO roU.
bod. Eight mon bay0 boon arrested lot
I the burglaries.
Terrible Itching
" I had wliat the doctors pronounced to
be eczoma. It was accompanied by 8e-
vcro itching, and
my limbs pained
mo a good deal
and were swollen,
I became all brok
en out with pim
ples. This caused
me to scratch, and
tho eruptions
turned into one
solid sore. Tho
disease spread all
over mv bodr.
Jfl. V. Tl nvntrf At Inntyth Mn nt.
- -w it J j -
tention was called to Hood's Sarsapsrllla,
and I concluded to feivo it a trial. This
was in April, and I continued faith
fully with it Until Christinas. At
the same time I took the medicine, I ate
anything that suited my appetite.
I am Now Curod
and have no signs of the disease oxcept a
little inflamed color where the sores gath-
Hood's s Cures
ered. My affliction is healed: I feel like
myself again." F. T. Cbaig, Half way, Va.
Hood's Pills do not pnrgo. pain or gripe,
but act promptly, easily and efficiently. 45c.
Only ClreuiuKtantlnl Kvfdence Aifftlnst the
Aceuiiml Medical .Student.
San FiiANci-sco, April 18. Tho Eman
uel church murders nro still tho main
topic of discussion on ovory sldo ln this
city. Notwithstanding tho fact that ono
or two nouNpapors hnvo trlod nnd con
victed Durant ot tho frightful orlmos,
thoro sooms to bo n reaction in fnvor of
the young man. Tho evidence so far pro
due Hi n?.ilnst him Is only circumstantial,
nnd whllo tho pollco say thoy hnvoonon'ti
ovldanco to convict ton mon, It Is tloub.-!
If any jury wsuld find Durant guilty, tri
iess lurtiior.concluslvo proof Is fu "I
Tho young medical studont doo ,
llko u guilty man, and If ho did i
tho murdors ho certainly Is a, m r
markablo nerve. Last night ho sli-p.- w -i
nnd ho hus n good nppotito. Ho continu
to assort his lnnoccnco, and his whol.i de
jnoanor Is thnt of n man confident of prov
lng It when tho tlmo comes.
Tho Inquest over "the remains of Mlnnlo
Williams was continued yesterday,,. ...E.
Williams, tho fathor,.af.tho murdorod girl,
tcstlfl'od that sho had said to him that
Durant had not treated hor right, but
she did not go Into details. Ho identified
tho pockotbook found ln Durant's pocket
as ono ho had given his daughter. Tho
testimony of tho witness who claimed to
havo soon Durant and Miss Wllllanjs pn-toring-
tho church early Friday ovonlng
was rather vague. . -
Tho funeral sorvlcos over tho body of
Miss Williams wero hold ln tho First Bap
tist church. An Immonso crowd uttondod.
Goorgo King, who says that ho found Du
rant in tho church the day Miss .Lamont
yvas murdered, was ono of tho pallboarors.
Rev, Dr. Gibson was also in nttondnnco.
Rev. Dr. Boyton mndo a brlof addross, ro-
tfferrlng to tho murdors, nnd many of tho
women present wopt. Tho body of Miss
Lamont was shipped to hor homo in Dillon,
Mont., yesterday.
Five Young: Ladles Poisoned.
New York, April 18. Flvo yonng
women, mombors of tho Church Settle
ment Society of tho Episcopal Church of
tho Rodeomor, nro just recovering from
tho offects of arsenic poisoning. The drug,
it is thought, Was administered by nyoung
womnn who came highly recommended,
and was taken Into tholr household to pn,
nblflhgr.tq study tholr methods qf work.
Miss Gurney, , the thosocloty, ad
mits tho truth of the foregoing stntcmont.
Sho said: "Thore Is no doubt but thnt it
was tho work of a mauino. I will not give
the namo of tho woman wo suspect, be
cause if by chance sho Is innocout I do not
wish tho publlo uso of hernnmo to Injure
her." J
No Trouble Feared at Nicaragua.
Washington, April 18. So fnr nstho
state department knows Great Britain
has not rojeoted Nicaragua's proposition,
mndo in answer to tho British ultimatum,
to submit tho claims for Indemnity to ar
bitration. Tho British embassy and the
Nlcaraguan legation horo aro also with
out Information pn this polpt, although
thoy havo taken steps to ascertain tho
truth. It is still believed horo that Groat
Britain will not act hastily ln tho matter,
and nt tho Btnto department thero is an
impression that no sorlous troublo will on
suo. SHU Workers Get an Increase.
Providence, April 18. Tho first brenk
of Providonco manufacturers was made
yesterday, whon thoDycrvlllo cotton mills
announced a 5 por cent. Increase ln wages.
This will provent tho opejntlvos from
joining tho Olnoyvlllo mo, foment. This
action was taken nftor a consultation bo
twoon n committee of t'ao operntivos and
Superintendent Mpvfi-y, of tho mills.
No Ilvpe for Dr. lluohanan.
WAaniNfn'oN, April 18. Tho supromo
court of -tho United Stntos donlcd tho ap
plication of Robert W. Buchanan, of Now
York, for n writ of orror and supersedeas,
Ihe deoislon was read by Chief Justloe
Fullor. Buchanan is under sontenco of
donth for wife murdor, and unloss Govor-
nor Morton Interferes Buchanan will bo
eloctroauted on Monday next.
A Detective's Attempt at Suicide.
ROGHBSTKll, N. Y., April 18. Detective
Thomas Dukolow, of tho Rochostor police
department, whllo sitting in tho dotoc
tlvos' private room last night, drew a ro
volvor from his pookot and shot himself in
tho hoad four tlmos. It is said ho cannot
livo. Ho had boon suffering with ill health
for a long tlmo, and that is supposod to
havo prompted the not.
Andrew Cnrnecle'a Gift to Pittsburg.
Pittsbuko, April 18. The Commercial
Gazotto announces that Audrow Carnoglo
has donntod 1100,000 to build a monu
ment to Mrs. Mnry E. Schonloy, of Lon
don. Eng. Tho monumont Is to bo erected
under tho triumphal nrch nt tho entrance
of the pnrk of 400 ncros, which airs, bonon
loy proeonted to this olty, nnd which boars
hor namo.
An Eplncopnl lllnhop Married.
EPFALA, Ala., April 18. At 8 o'clock
Rt. Rov. E M Jackson, Eplsoopnl assist
ant bishop of Alabama, was united in
holy wedlock tu Miss Carrie Tonny Cncli
ran Tin- o n uony ns performed by ltt
Bv. Bihop It H Wllmer. A large and
fushiounble.crowd was in atteudancc, m
elinlitij; Governor Oatos, the unelu yi tho
I :-lde
iur tioM-i iimciit Will I), maml III Helen- e
mid mi Uxpimvil Inn from Frnnue.
Wasiiinmton. April 18. The stntode
inrtmeut ikm by no means nbnndonod the
;aso of John L. Wnllor, tho colored ex
United States consul to Mndugnicur. vo
Is now lmprisi i.
ln Mudngnscni uu
dor sentence ttfet.
French courl,Cf
tlal, nnd ns
as It hns complol,
cdtho prepnrntloii
of tho data sup
plied by tho Unit
ed States consuls
ot Tnmntnvo nnd
P-ort Louis tho
onso will bo
brought to tho at
tention of tho
French gbverft-
JOIIN L. WALLER. mont by Ambas-
lador E .tls. tho roloaso of tho prisoner
will bi requested nnd on oxplnnntlou
Tho facts which tho dopartmouc oxpocis
lo. prove as n basis for this action nrei
First, thnt Waller is nn Amoricnn caiu,
wp.nnd. tlmt lm was not irullty of nny im
proper interference between tho Fronoh
md tho Hovosj third, that. oven If ho
wore ho had not boon hecordod tho fnlr
frlnl to which ho wns entitled, the court
martial proceedings being obnoxious ln
ivory respect; nnd lastly thnt Wnllor hns
boon hnrehly treated. nnd hns.boen tho ob
ject of persecution, bocnuso ho stood in tho
way ui iiiu uuiuuni ui uuuiwaaiuuo.
Wenlthy Anarchists Invading Law.
Washington. April . Tho internnl
rovenuoolUclols positively decline to miiko
publlo nny statement in regard to incomo
tnx returns or to nuswer nny quostlons ro
lntlng thereto. It Is lonrnod that tho ronl
snuso of this rotlcenco Is tho groat number
3f blunders mndo by tho collectors ln their
iclcgrnphlo reports. Who Is blnmoablo for
ihis state of thlutrs Is not stated, but tho
result Is thnt from what has boon received
no intelligent estimate can yot bo given of
tho nunibor or nmount of tho returns uiou
with tho collectors. It Is undoubtedly truo
thntnlnrco percentngo of tho number of
persons subject to tho law havo made no
return at nil, and In consequence tno
oMcIp.Ib sco ahead of them it vast amount
of litigation nnd trouble.
Fighting fnr Her Children.
Chicago. Anrll 18. Astrancro caso came
tip before Judge lvohlsant in tho probnto
court yestordny ' afternoon. Mrs. Reglhn
Llnglo mndo nn nppllchtlon for tho re
moval of her daughter from tho guardian
ship ot hor own children. Tho two chlln
iron, Ruth and Whiting, aro entitled to
the inoomo from a fund loft by jtjholr grand
mother, now umountlng to C0,000. Mrs.
Whiting donlcd that tho society was In
tho slightest degree an Immoral ono, and
said that hor children wero glvou tho best
of care. Miss Annie Aiken, formerly a
member of the colony, gnvo damaging tes
timony against the morality, of the colony.
Tho caso will bo bitterly fought.
Minister T)o Loino Investigating.
Washington, April 18. SenorMurauga,
tho Spanish minister, received a dispatch
from Sonor do Lome, tho now minister to
tho United States, now at Havnua, stntlng
that ho would arrivo ln Washlncton Anrll
Do homo's arrival at Havana marks
tho opening of Spain's olllclnl Inquiry Into
tho Alllnnca Incldont. honor do Lomo lias
il ready visited Guantanamo and Santiago
3o Cuba, but at Havana hq will soo tho
:ommander of tho Spanish gunboat which
(lrod on tho Alllauca und tho other parties
having Information on the subject.
Justice Jackson Ready for Duty,
Nashville, April 18. In n published
intorvlow Assoclnto Justice" Howoll E.
Jackson, of tho United Stntos supromo
;ourt, snys: "I wrote u tow days since to
the chief justico, simply expressing my
willingness to go to Washington nnd make
full bench In cose tho court decides a re
hearing of the income tax cases at ..this
term of tho court. I havo hoard nothing
ilnco thon." Judgo Jnckson is Improving
ind growing strongor daily, and oxpects
to go to Washington whon tho court moots
in October.
Charged with Incendiarism.
Toronto, April 18. As thp result of a
rocommendatiou contained ln tho vordlct
sf tho ooronor's jury at. tho inquest to os-
iortaln tho causo of the recent Simpson
are, which entailed n loss of about 81,000,
XW, Alexander MoKoo und Joseph Sprott
have boon arrested. At tho tlmo of tho
tiro Sprott and MoKoo woro omployod
with tho Holmes Protection Pollco and
Flro Patrol oompauy, but wore suspended
by tho company's manager whon tho cor
snor's jury returned tho verdict.
Held Vp In 1 1 road Daylight.
Bridgkton.N. J., April 18. Two masked
mon, ln broad daylight, hold up Walter
Drosso and Joseph Cannon and robbed
thorn of $5. Thoy woro driving along tho
sutsklrts of town, The robbers emerged
from a thicket, jumped in tholr wagon,
snd with revolvers nt tholr bonds robbed
them. John Harmon, Nlcodomus Brown,
John Brown nnd John Allison, colored,
ire unuor arrest ns tho hlghwnymon who
liave been holding up pedostrlnns,
Nicaragua's New Ministry.
Washington, April 18. United States
Minister Bakor, nt Managua, has Informed
tho state department of the formation of a
now cabinet In Nlcnrngun on April 1 last.
Tho composition is as follows: Minister
of foreign nffalrs, Senor Don Manuel Car
jnel Mntus; war, marino and publlo
works, Gonoral Rubon Alonzo; interior,
General Francisco Balladaros Toranj fi
nance and publlo credit, Sonor Don. San
tiago Callejas.
Cuhan Itebejs Again Itouted.
Madrid, April 18. An olllolal dispatch
from Havana says that Colouol Kchovar
rla, commanding a govornmont force, had
routodthe robol band led by Mlro, killing
one and wounding sovernl of (lie Insur
gents. None of the Spanish troops were
Injured. Tho dispatch adds that porfoct
ulet Is now reported throughout the isl
and, except ln the eastern provinoo.
To Arrest Indian ISvlctorg.
PENDE.R, Nob., April 18. A new phaso
in tho reservation troublo developed yes
terday whon tho shorlff, with an armed
posse, loft horo to umbush a body of In
ilan police ns thoy are ejecting settlors
from tho reservation. Tho sheriff will at
tempt to surprise tho Indians and arrost
ihein. A fight Is oxpected.
Lincoln's lllrthday a Iga Holiday.
Trenton, April Id Uovqruor Werts
ias signed tho bill passed b-.- tho recent
legislature making Lincoln's birthduy,
Feb. l:i, a legal holiday ln this (tato. The
governor has sixteen bills yet in his hands,
upon which ho has taken no action.
Mrs. Henrietta Burton, of Janvier. N.
J., writes: "For a lon time I suffered
from a dl-ordered stomach. My appetite
was gone anu wunt little l ate dlscrcnea
me terribly. My health failed rapidly,
I became very weak and feared I should
never be well. After reading your 'Guide
to Health' I was encouraged to try Mun
yon's Dyspepsia Cure. Its action was no
prompt that I soon felt like a new woman,
and am now completely cured."
PEPSIA CURE cures all forms of in
digestion and stomach troubles, such ns
constipation, rUing of food, distress after
eating, bloating of the stomach, palpita
tion ot the heart, shortness of breath
and nil affections of the heart caused by
indigestion. It soothes, heals, and in
vigorates stomachs that have been weak
ened by over-eating, or where the lining
of the stomach has been Impaired by
phydc and Injurious medicines. Trice
25 cents. ... a
Munyon's Homooopathlo.Home Remedy
Company, of Philadelphia, put up speci
fics tor nearly. -every disease, which, are
sold by ail druggists, mostly for 25 cents
a uoitip.
Those who ore. In doubt-as, to .the nature
of their disease should address Professor
Mdnyon, 1505 Arch street, Philadelphia,
?;Ivlng full symptoms of their disease,
'rofessor Munyou will carefully diagnose
the case and give you the benefit ot his
advice absolute! free of nil charge. The
Remedies will be sent to nny address on
receipt of retnll price. '
Illvnl Houses I'ald to Ilcfraln from Put
ting in Bids.
TRENTON. Anrll 17 Tlin enrmtn InvnsM.
rmtlll IT nnmililt Inn wnolnrrlnv wna
c- O ..-.v ....... ... J t.jiv.i...; " " -
devoted to tho question of stnto printing,
Which Was linilnr rnnoldnriiMrm wrhnn t.hrt
committee adjourned last Friday. Otto
Heinz wns rocnllod to tho stand. Ho tes
tified thnt Lawyer Frank MoDormott, who
mmpnmil n.a Ilia nmittsnl r,M tiVlil-nr. linil
not boen employed to so not, nnd that Mc-
. ... ..
jjernioti nnu rendered nis linn no i orvico
oxcept to get through tho legislature a
bill, for which hp charged ?2t0Q5.
Mt iiemz, whon quostlouoa as to his
failure to bid for nrlntlno ahitn rnnnrts lit
.Gorman ln 1803, said h." refrained front
doing so ln consideration ol KM, received,
from John L. Kuser, who got the contrnct.
Mr. Uolnz sworo thut ho afterwards re
turned to Kuser $S50 of this monoy because
Kuser complained that ho had not got nil
tho work ho oxpected to under his bid.
Dunnes tto unison, or iTlnceton, who
bill IflW nn f.w-n, rnnni-foln 1 tffl'l f nctlflnd tl.tif
ho withdrew his bids and that ho got;tho
priming 01 ono or tno oooks from Kuser
at the higher prioo of spvonty-slx cents,
his bid Imvl nrrbnhn fnrl.v.flwn nnnfo nrwl
that ho got?500 ln consideration of g'lvlng
up mo omor uiuoi mcy-nvo cents. Jiultor tho Newark Doutscho Zoltung,
testified tlinf. sninn vnni- Tritco.- rw,lil
hlin $300 not to bid. Tho committee will
moot again next Tuesday.
Manitoba Catholics Threatened.
Winnipeg, April 17. Nothing slnco tho
bogitfnlng of tho Cnthollo school strugglo
ln this country has created a greater son
satlon than tho announcement of tho
Catholic archbishop thnt thoso Cnthollcs
who honcoforth lend their aid nnd in
fiuonco to thoso who would abolish Catho
lic parochial schools will bo excommuni
cated. Many prominent Catholics have,
during tho strugglo of tho church, ex
pressed themselves in favor of a nntlonal
school system, and among thoso pooplo
tho nbovo announcement has created tho
greatest consternation, At first It was
thought to bo simply a movo on tho part
of Arphblshop Langovln, and done with
out olther tho nuthorlty of Mgr. Satolllor
of tho popo, but it is Jonrnod ppsltlvoly
that Langovin's action Is based on au
thority received dlrect.from Rome.
An AlleeeiT Murder at 8ea.
NEW York, April 17. Four men', two
of thorn sailors, called at tho offlco of
United States Commissioner Shields and
said that William Seegor, n fireman on
board tho stoomshlp Orinoco, had boon
killed nt sea by William Soltau, tho chief
engineer, on tho voyago from New Yorl;
to Hamilton, Bermuda. Two of the mon
had boen mombors of tho Orinoco crow
The vessel renohod hor pier Monday morn
ing, and sailed again on the afternoon of
tho same day. The men said that Seo'gcr
died from a beating ho received because
he was too 111 to work. At tho offlco of tho
Quebec Steamship company, to which the
Orinoco belongs, It was Bald that ono of
the Orinoco s firemen died nt sea, but
death was due to natural causes. The
body was burled at sea. An Investigation
is in progress.
Senator (Joobel Acquitted.
Lexington, Ky., April 17. The trinl of
State Senator William Goobol for killing
uoionoi jonu ij. bauroru was hold yoster-
ilnv hflfnre .Tiulo-n fitnnhnns. Thn nlmrn-n
was manslaughter. A great many wit
nesses wero oxumincu. xno predominant
tostlmony was that Sanford accosted Goo
beVflrst and fired first. Attorney General
Hendricks wns positive on this point, and
his testimony was corroborated by many
wltnossos nnd oontradloted by none. On
tho ground that Senator Goobol acted ln
Bolt dofeuso ho wns acquitted nnd tho enso
Defeat for the A. V. A,
Rockford, Ills , April 17. As u result
of the hottest polltloal bnttlo ovor fought
ln Rockford li Iwnrd W. Brpwn, a candi
date ot the bnslnos3 mon nnd liberal qlp
mont, was yesterday elected mayor ovor
Amasa Hutohlns, candidate of tho A- P
A., by 55 majority out of 0,000 votes, tho
largest vote ovor pollod In tho olty. Tho
largo vote was n surprise to both sides and
out down Brown's oxpected majority. Tho
A. P. A. was tho distinct lssuo, and monoy
was contributed by lodgos all ovor the
Btato to Hutohlns' campaign fund.
105 East Centro Street.
Families Supplied with Oysters.
Dining parlors attached.
W. J. Cancelrius, Saloon I
81 East Centre Btreet, Shenandoah.
Beers, Porter, Ale nnd Cigars. Temper
ance drinks of all kinds. Finest
brands of whiskies.
pKItao. thkatkp,
r. J. rKlfattsoM, manaOeh.
Two Nights Only.
T3 APRIL 18lli 1 191b
America's greatest melo-drama-tlc
Mr. Richard Anderson,
Supported by W. L. DOBSON'S
select players in the Western
.Melo-Drnmn, z. :
The Indian Hero
UriUHl PrlCCH-
Reserved scats at Kirlln's drug store.
MONDAY, APRIL 22'd, 1895.
Headed by the 4 Emperors of
Absolutely the most perfect or
ganization of modern times
introducing Europe's fam
ous novelty,
The Voujare Family.
A comedy brimming over with
fun. Everything new, original
nnd up to date.
Grand Military Brass Hand and novel
street parade.
Prices, 35, 35 an 50 .Cents.
Reserved feats t Kirlln's flruir store
Justice of the Peace
Insurance and ....
Real Estate Agent,
123 E. Centre St., Shenandoaff
TWO-HTORY Frame Building, 80x45 feet, on
Houth Chestnut Btreet. Rents lor $18 per
month; wl 1 tie sold cheap, ,
FOR BALK. Half lot and two houses, Sit
uate on West Centre street. Will pay 12
per cent, on Investment, and can be bought on
easy terms.
"7 ABM FOB SALE A frm of 33 acres,
J? within three miles of good market.
Twenty-nine acres under cultivation, and four
acres of good timber. Frame farm house, six
rooms, good barn and all ln good condition.
Will be sold for 81,200 cash.
FOR HALE. Licensed hotel stand ln Maha
noy township, near the borough line.
Frame building, nine rooms, doing good busi
ness. Good reasons given for selling. A bar
gain ior aoyuoay. Apply xo ju. j uawio:
Justice of tbe Peace, 123.East Centre street.
sner Beers
Finest, Purest, Healthiest.
Lauev Bocli Beer
On tap at all the leading saloons.
Chris. Schmidt, Agt
807 West Coal St., Shenandoah.
to the obospest and best fence made. Cheaper
nu ,outo iur resiliences. iwns,cem
etery lots or any kind of fencing. M. H.Mabtib
5J?.wo.8?flnoy9nd crfes It InBtoolt t hla
marble and granite works, uj h. J1IDIN 8t,
When it Comos to
Our stotfk speaks for itself. If you don't
wSB We3?'n'3a70ur orles a'bey
26 E. Centre Street, Shenandoah.
Specialist iu diseases of tbe
Eye, Ear, Hose and Throat.
UOT West Market St., PotUvllle.
Hours 8.80 a. m. to 12 m.i 1 to 4 p. m 7 to
8 p. m. Sundays, 9 a. m, to It m. ly