The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 16, 1895, Image 4

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TUESDAY, APIUL 10, 1605.
Climatic Influence on Health.
It cannot bo denied thnt the inllnonce
ot cliuinto upon health is great, nnd It it)
in recognition ot this fact tbnt physi
cians Bend patients suffering with pul
monary discuses to great distances for
"change ot nlr." But when the sufferer
happens to be too poor to net upon tho
advice his lot Is hard. Indeed. But It is
not necessarily hopeless. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery can be had nt
nny medicine store, nnd to it thousands
whose cases were considered desperate
owe their lives.
TJp to n certain point in the progress of
Consumption, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi
cnl Discovery is n positive remedy. But
delay Is dangerous with Consumption.
In nil the conditions tbnt lend to it, the
"Discovery" is the remedy. With severe
lingering Coughs or Weak Lungs, nothing
acts so promptly. Every disease that can
oe renouea through the uiooa yieius to
this medicine. The Scrofulous affections
of the lungs that's called Ctnsuraptlon is
one of them. For this, nnd for every'
of her fo.m of Scrofula, for nil blood-i
taints and disorders nnd nil chronic
Bronchial, Throne, nnd Lung affections,'
the "Discovery" is the only remedy so,
favor. I
Can anything else be "just as good" for
you to buy f
Don't you believe it.
Fire Alarm Boxes.
The following list shows the location
of the nlarm boxes of the Shenandoah
fire department :
15 Coal nnd Bowers streets.
16 Bowers nnd Centre streets.
24 Bridge nnd Centre streets.
25 Main nnd Centre streets.
32. Jardln and Oak streets.
34 Main nnd Poplar streets.
35 Main and Coal streets.
43 Gilbert and Centre streets.
43 Gilbert and Cherry streets.
. 40. Oak nnd Gilbert streets.
48. West nnd Poplar streets.
' 52 Chestnut and Coal streets.
54. vVest nnd Lloyd streets.
To send an nlarm open the box, pall
down the hook once nnd let go. When an
alarm is sent in the fire bell will sound
the number of the box and repent the
alarm four times.
If the alarm 1b sounded from box 15
the fire bell will strike one, then pause
and strike five, which will indicate that
the fire is in the vicinity of No. 15 box.
Every alarm is repented four times.
Relief In Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney nnd Blndder dis
eases relieved In six hours by the "New
Great South American Kidney Cure."
This new remedy is n great surprise on
account of its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys,
back and every pnrt of the urinary pas
sages in male or female. It relieves re
tention of wnter and pain in passing it
almost Immediately. If yon wnnt quick
relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold
nt the City Pharmacy, 107 S. Main St.,
next door to the post office, Shenandoah,
Pa. 49-3m
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers to ibe EVENING HERALD
who are not receivlnir their rmner recn
larly and people who wish to receive the
paper as new subscribers, are requested to
stationery store, en North Main street.
Cure guaranteed. No operation. In
quire at the Shenandoah drug store, No'.
3 South Main street. 9-18-tf :
When Baby was sick, xro gave her Castorla.
"When sho was a Child, -she cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla.
When she had Children, she 'gave them Castorla.
Stronse for musical instruments.
Are You, Going?
The tickets to Denver, Col., and return
for the meeting of the National Educa
tlonal Association will be on sale July
3rd, 4th and 5th at rate of one standard
fare, with two dollars added, for the
round trip. Teachers and others that In
.tend taking advantage of the low rates
can have sleeping car reservation made
lu ndvunce and get full Information as
to cost, of side trips to the principal
points of interest throughout Colorado
nnd Utah.
Reduced rates by addressing John It.
Pott, IJIstriut Passenger Agent Chicago,
Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, Will
lam-port, Pa.
You Don't Have to Swear off
says the -t. Louis Journal of Agriculture
lu an editorial about No To-liac, the fain
ouh tobacco habit cure. "We know of
many ca&ed cured by No-To-bac, one, a
prominent St. Louis architect, smoked
and chewed for twenty years: two boxes
cured him so tbnt even the smell of tobacco
raakts him sick." No-To Bnc sold and
guaranteed by Mrs. A. Wasley. No cure
no pav. Book free. Sterling Remedy Co.,
New York or Chicago. 13b eod
Buy Kevstone flour. Be sure that the
name Lbmio & BAER, Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every sack. tf
Coming: Events.
April 33, 24 Entertainment In the All
Saints' P. K.chnrch to raise library funds.
April 86. Entertainment by the famous
Sm ' amlly, u r the auspices of the
W. C. T. U., in Ferguson's theatre.
Thompson's Diphtheria Cure Is guar
anteed to cure sore throat, quinsy, croup
or any affection ot the throat if used as
the directions require. Sold only at Kir
lin's drug htore. 3 10 tf
When you want good jooflng, plumb
ing, gas fitting, nr geperal tiusinithlng
done call on K F. Gallauher, 18 Webt
Centre street. Dealer in stoves. 3 4-tf
" ' Fine Groceries.,
' 201 Wett Centre Street.
Detler In groceriss, flour, provMona, teas,
colleen, sugar, etc. Uet quality, lowest price.
If You Read This The Newspapers' (
"So-Called" Britannlca Under the j
Searchlight What Real Examl- j
nations Show. i
PlTTSTON, PA., August 20, 1894.
Some time since, I bought n set of the
Britannlca, believing it to be n new edi
tion ot that work and revised to date,
1891, aB represented in the advertisements
nnd testimonies publlshodln the Wilkes
Bnrre Record ; but I find after n careful
examination of this work called the
Britannlca, that it Is not n new edition of
the llrltnnnlca.butnchcnp and mutilated
reproduction of thnt work with a most
importnnt part, the American copyrighted
articles, omitted,
I also find that the work Is not revised
to dnte, but the articles of English origin
for the most part stand as printed in tho
real Britannlca which begnn being pub
Itshed nbout twenty years ngo. I have
returned tho work having no use for a
patched up copy of the Britannlca from
ten to twenty years behind tho times.
Before purchasing this "so called"
Britannlca, I was called upon by n man
representing himself as the ngent of the
Wilkes-Harre Record. He desired me to
glvo him a testimonial expressing my
opinion of the Britannlca, and having
used tho present edition of the genuine
Britannlca for the past ton or fifteen
years, and knowing it to be n valuable
work, but now needing revision, I did not
hesitate to give him n recommendation ;
but my testimonial was given for thereal
Britannlca, n new edition of which I sup
posed he was representing. My testi
monial was certainly not given for the
cheap inaccurate and pirated edition of
that work. I have requested that they
discontinue the publication of my testi
monial. W. I. Hmns.
George W. Gelser, of Easton, Pa., ex-
District Attorney of Northampton county,
recently bought a set of the so-called
Britannlca, which tho Wllkes-Barre
Record, the Philadelphia Inquirer nnd
some other papers are now imposing on
their patrons through a company of book
men doing business in the name of vari
ous -newspapers and using the papers'
names and influence for a valuable con
slderntion as a lever to gain access to the
graces of the people. Read what Mr.
Gelser writes of this work :
"I recently bought a set of this news
paper Britannlca, examined it, nnd find
ing it worthless, returned It."
Real examination shows this newspaper
Britannlca to be a cheap photograph of
the real work and from ten to twenty
years behind the times ; supplemented
in part with matter taken from Chambers
old Encyclopedia of 1860. sat&tues,
Strouse, the jeweler, for watches.
A Severe Arraignment of the Old State
A meeting of representatives of different
PostB of the Grand Army of the Republic
of .Philadelphia was held in that city, on
Thursday evening last, at which a new
organization was effected.
Dr. Albert W. Hendricks, Commander
of Post 56, a native of Tamaqua and son
of the late Hon. John Hendricks, who
represented this district in the State
Senate in the '50's, made u vigorous
speech denouncing the manner in which
the. present department officers conduct
Its affairs. He said : "At the last meet
ink.' of- our Post, when.. I iw'as elected
chairman of the camp fire, certain de
velopments pertinent to, ev,ery member of
the G. A. R. were made. You are? all
aware of the peculiar rotation in office
that has gone on since tire -organization
ot the.State G.- A.- R, - Assoclatlop. You
all know how few men were elevated
from the ranks. The affairs Of the State
Department have been in charge -of a
combination of mennwho have made
their offices not pnly one ioi emolument,
but also of- aggrandizement. Itis.atWelt
known fact that members of the depart'
ment commandery' have beeti 'placed in
lucrative positions by taking advantage
of the prestige of their office. We have
now a man' holding a position paying
$1,800 a year in the Department of Penn
sylvania and a 2,500 position in the tax
office. There are some maimed veterans
who could do the work of the depart
ment just as well as that incumbent and
leave him to live in luxury on his $3,600 a
year. A boy has been doing all the work
in his office for $3 .a week. I have nffi
davits to prove that the lists have been
padded to nn enormous extent in the De
partment of Pennsylvania.
"The time is coming when we will huve
to disband or join an organization whic'i
is honest in his intentions. The depart
ment officers have purposely padded the
list ot members so as to make Pennsyl
vania the lianner state In the Union.
The object of .this meeting is to form an
honest organization."
Past Commander McCready, of Post
400, made -an address, after which Com
mander Hall nominated Dr, Albert W.
Hendricks for president of the Eistein
Association, and he was elected by accla.
matlon. The other ouicers eleoted are
Theodore E. Wharton, of Post 303, Sec
retnry; Richard Nuttle, of Pest 50, Cor
responding Secretary, and Comrade
Bishop, of Post 35, Treasurer.
This organization will have many fol
lowers throughout the state who have be
come disgusted with the manner In which
the affairs of the old organization which
they claim has been in the interest ot a
certain ring. The next meeting of the
Department Encampment will probably
take some action In regard to thU new
movement and lend to some exciting
Strouse, the reliable jeweler.
Saving Fund Shares.
The Sate Deposit Building and Saving
Association still hns tome shares for sale
lu the Ma rah series. Cull at the QfTiee ot
M, II. Master, marble yard, 127 North
Jarulu street, if you want some. 4Sw
Ten cent box Mflglo Paste Stove Polish
roro cents. Ask your grocer. Piotures tree,
Inhabitant of Towns in Austria nnd Italy
I'niilo Stricken,
Rome, April 10. Severo earthquakes
havo been oxporlonond at Trevlso, Korrar- i
andlno nnd Padua. At Venlco four shocks-
woro folt, causing tho Inhabitants to bo
como pnulo strlokou. Tho onrthqunkes
extended from Vienna to Trlosto In ono
direction, nnd from Klnggonfurth. capital 1
of Coslnthn, to Agram, capital of Crotls
and Salvannlo in tho other. Twonty-ilvo
shocks woro folt at Lnlbnch, whoro two
porsous woro killed.
A dispatch from Viennn says thnt in
Lnlbnch not a slnglo houso oscnpod with
out dumugo. Tho theater, musoum nud
churches suffered severely. St. Mary's
church Is in ruins. Mnny persons woro
injured by fnlllng chlmnoys. Tho dam
aged housos threaten to collnpso, nud tho
greater part ot tho population havo taken
rofugo In tho neighboring forests. The
palace nt Soda was dnmngod, nnd must bo
pulled down, ho dangorous buildings
havo beon cordoned for military Inspec
tion. Tho pooplo are In despair, fearing
that tho shocks will bo ropoated.
In Vienna tho shooks woro folt severely. .
In ono thoater the orchestra stopped play
ing, nnd lmmodlntoly nftorward the wholo
structure, walls, boxes, galleries nndohnn
dellors, woro scon swaying to nnd fro,
Tho audience fled panic strlokon into the
street, thinking that ovory moment tho
building would fall. Many of tho resi
dents of Fhinm sought refugo aboard the
ships In tho harbor. Similar reports of
pnnio come from Humorous towns und
villages. In many places tho towers of
tho churches swung so violently thnt tho
bolls In them rang.
Harrison Will Not Tnke the Stump.
Cleveland, O., April 10. PostmaBtor
Anderson and Congressman Burton re
turned from Indianapolis today, where
they wont to Invito ex-President Harrison
to mnke an address boforo the oonvontton
of tho league of Ropublloau clubs, to bo
hold In this city In Juno. Mr. Harrison
said that ho regretted very much his Ina
bility to address tho' convention, but that
ho could not do so oonslstohtly. "Mr.
Harrison has taken tho position that ho
will mako no political speeches," said Mr.
Burton. "Ho told' us that tho only reason
ho workod In New York in tho intorost of
Morton last fall Was that the story had
beon startod that ho was opposed to Mr.
Morton, and ho desired to show by his
work that'ho was not."
A Woman Confesses 'Murder.
CniOAQO, April 10. With his hoad al
most severed from his body William Fer
guson, colored, was found lying on tho
Boor in Pearl Smith's room, at 157 West
Lnko streot. A few mlnutos later Pearl
Smith, also colored, who confessed to tho
crlmo, wn3 arrestod. Ferguson had been
living with tho Smith woman. Ferguson
is said to havo served a two yours' term In
tho penitentiary for cutting tho woman.
A Witness' Sensational Confession.
RUTLAND, Vt., April 10. The trial of
Henry Harris for tho murdor of Henry
Domillo Lnwronco camo to a sudden ter
mination yesterday. Albort Brown, a
stato witness, contcssod that his fathor
and himself killed Lawrenco nt their homo,
and that Harris know'nothing of it. Har
ris was at onco acquitted nnd released.
Brown's fathor and mothor, who wltnessod
tho murdor, aro dead.
The Futo of Cyclist Lonz.
London, April 16. The Daily News
publishes an Armenian letter giving the
result of tbo lnqulrlos mndo to ascertain
the into of Frank Lonz, tho American
bicyclist who dlsaDDcnrod in Armenia
whilo engaged In making a tour of tho
world. Tho writer of tho 'iotter says ho
hears that Lonz was shot doad on tho road
botwpon Kourtall and Zahar.
Boston Subway 1)111 Practically Defeated.
Boston, April' 16. The Boston subway
received a blow In the legislature, whon
tho houso Votod, 98 to' 73, to order to a
third rending tho bill reooallntt tho law
Tolntivo to th6 construction of Subways in
tho city of isoston. The committee on
judiciary has roportod adversely on the
bill to prohibit thp 'use ot' high hats in
theaters. ,
Fatally Injured by a Trnln..
CONNKLL8VILLE, Pa., April 10. While
crosslug.tho railroad In. a grocery wagon
yestorday Andrdw Cooper, aged -S3, and
Wilbur Kogsrs, ngod 15, received injuries
that will probably result fatally. Tho
wagon was struck by an express train on
the Baltimore and Ohio road. Both horses
woio klllod nnd tho wagon demolished.
Is Yamngnta an Austrian?
London, April 16. A dispatch to The
Standard from Berlin says thntn singular
rumor Is current in that city to tho effect
that Flold Marshal Count Yumngntn, the
Jnpnnoso mlnlstorof wnr, Is tho longmlss-
lug Archduke John, or Austria, who wont
abroad some yoars ago undor tho name of
John Orth.
Delaware's New Secretary of State.
Dovmt, Del., April 10. It is announced
that tho governor will appoint J. Hurvoy
Whltqinan, of Now Castla county, secre
tary of state. Mr. Whltqman was a mem
ber of tho houso in 18S9 nnd spoakor in
1S03. He wns summoned horo by tho gov
Strouse's watch charms are elegant and
reasonable in price.
' Ta Notice.
Notice is hereby given that all delln
quent taxpayers must make settlement
with the undersigned for 1S93 and 1804
taxes within ten days from date and In
default the property or household goods ot
the delinquents will be levied upon and
sold without further notice.
Rejeiver of Taxes,
Shenandoah, April 12, 1895. 4-12-10t
Strouse for optical goods.
Special This Week.
Gents' good white shirts, 33 cents. Fair
ticking for 5 centB per yard. Good quality
sheeting, 14 cents. Table oil cloths, 13
3 ! tf 28 South Main street,
18 karat
solid gold wedding rings at
Bargains in Boots and Shoes.
A, Womer has purchased Snyder's shoe
stpre'nnd OffeM the entire stock of bootfl
and shoes at less thnn cost. Next to
Werner's truck Btore. 3-96 Ira
All the latest novelties
line atStrouoe's.
In the jeweli y
A Murder Wlti'css liccomc Insane.
St. Louis, April 10. Rose Fatollo, tho
servant girl employed in tho household of
Dr. Arthur Duoslow, tho millionaire who
murdered his wife and son lnstyonr, has
gone Insana ns tho result of Booing tho hor-
rlblo crime committed.
A Veteran of Two Wars.
Vmirrnv S Tl At-I1 lit nmmpnl H
T. Campbell, ono of tho pioneers of this
Bbiitu, uiuu yusiuruuy lib ocuunuu, o. u. aiu
was n votoran of two wars and colonol of
tho Flfty-sovonth Pennsylvania regiment
in tho civil war.
Three big mills at Danlolsonvlllo, Ky
hnvo voluntarily lnoroasod tho wages of
their workmen.
Thomas MoKnno, West Virginia's old
est inhabit.; dkl nt Huntington, aged
108. Ho fougiit lu tho wnr of 1813.
Aloxnndor Wilklo, cnshlor for n com
mission house In Toronto, has disappeared.
So has f 10,000 of his omployors' money.
President Clovoland reviewed tho Eman
cipation day parado nt Washington from
tho north portico of tho White Houso this
Nearly nil tho mines on the Wheeling
division of tho Baltimore nnd Ohio rail
toad started up this morning with negroes,
mdor tho protection of deputy sheriffs.
A thlof entered the npnrtmcnts of Mmo.
"ana, wlfo ot tho Chilian minister nt
tVashlngton, during her nbsonco, nnd
tolo $5,000 worth of diamonds and pearls
General Sclioflcld to Visit Memphis.
Memphis, April 16. A prlvato telegram
hero nnounces tho aocoptanco by Llouton
ant Gouoral Schollold, United States
army, of tho invitation to nttond tho state
drill and encampments to bo hold horo In
-T, onion.,
NEURALGIA and similar Complaints,
aanauctnrea nnaer me stringent
.Prescribed by eminent physicians!
Onlv ffenuinewlth Trade Mark"Anclior.'
jManufucturexiCommcrzienratliDr.Iliclitcrof 1
BF. Ad. Elchterfc Co., 17 Wines Ct.,l!SW SOSZ. I
12 Branoh Houses, Own Glassworks,
& 60 nt In Bnenandoab. for hale b
n u t. if iriin. BR. MttinBt . J. W.
Ll lnn.7S.M8IH SI., 11. u.
nbUCDif, rj. rur. uiuiu i
T70UND. About ten days ago, a sum of
JL' money. Call at the Herald offico
IfAN.TED. Gentleman who can Klvobond,
YT 10 ibko cuario 01 a Duaincss in anenan
donh. Address with reference,
M'I'g Co., Mlddletown, fa.
TJCr A "NTtM? Honest, encrRCtlo men to
W XiJN XihU. solicit orders for Nursery
stocK. I'erxai nent employment, expenses nnd
Rftlarv. Write fll nnce ff.r t..rmR and lerrltorv
for fall delivery. H O. Chase & Co., 1430 Uouth
Penn Square, Philadelphia, Pa.
WHY do people complain of hard times,
when any woman or man can make
irom to io tin a nay easily j ah nave neara ni
the wonderful success of the Climax Dish
Washer; yot many are apt to think they
can't make money soiling it but anyone
can make money, t:Vant.e every family wants
one. One aeent haKmade 478.36. in .the last
three moUths.altr paying all expenses and at
tendlne to reeular business besides.' You don't
nave 10 canvass : as soon as people Know you
havn lt'for sale they 'eend for a Dish Washer.
Address tne uumnx jure, uo., a aiarr Ave.,
Columbus', Ohio, for particulars.
An amusing, Instructive nndentertalnlng
exmoiuon.oi yie wonaers ana
! k ( jnjsteries of
- OUSON,iB.. -r
Wednesday Eve., April 17th.
Admission, 25c. Reserved Seals, 35c.
Seats on sale at Ktrlln's drue store.
Rutotoor Stamps.
Agents for DAILY PAPERS.
4 North Main St,
W. J. Canceirius,. Saloon I
81 East Centre Btreet, Bhenandoah.
Beers, Porter, Ale nnd Cigars. Temper
ance drinks of all kinds. Finest
brands ot whiskies.
Saloon and Restaurant,
10 North Main Street.
Finest Whiskeys. Ilcer, i'ortor and Ale
always on tap. "Come and hit one," Choice
temperance drinks and cigars. Free lunch
8 to 12 p. in
Miners, Mechanics and Laborers'
Will Issue a
Limited to 400 shares. The sale of Bhares
will taku place at the offlse of Johu It.
Covle, Esq., on WEDNESDAY, APHIL
17th, 1805, between the hours of 5 and 8
o'olook p. m. 8,6,8,10,18,15,10
Call and see our
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Musical
You can save 50 per
Between Oak and Cherry Streets.
Cor. Jardin and Oak
earden's $T WALL (Store,
We have just received tl flee line Of tbe most beautiful nnd artistic papers in the
market, which we will sell ot very reasonable prices. Wo bnve also in stock a
great deal of ltift year's patterns which we are selling nt a sacrifice. Comeand
Bee our line ot goods. We have the most beautiful and artistic papers.
Lorgest Paper Store in Tow.u Finest Slock and Lowest Prices.
JIouse, Sign and Decorative Paiktino. 224 "Weat Centre Street.
All orders promptly attended to.
IO ITortli 2va.l3a. Street, Bb.enandoali, Fa.
Clothes of all descriDtion neatlv done
scores of families in this city ns to my care in' washing and superior neatness in
doing up clothing. I do my work better and quicker than other laundry in this city.
v .
U.1 VJiailU U11U Vvf jJKtLllLlg j
Of French Pattern Hats
We are displaying hundreds of the choicest and most select styles ever shown,
ench and American designs In flowers of, every description. Cheap ribbon, all
i. No. 5.5c; No. 7. 7e: No. 9. 9c: No. 12. 12c: No. 16. 15c: No.' 80. 25c ner vard all
colors. Sailor hats, 15o np ; ladleB' hats, 25c up ; infants long cloaks, cream and
white for $1.00 up. Infants' christening outfits. Silk velvets, to close out, down from
$1.00 to COc per yard. Black satin, 24 inches wide, $1.00 yer yard, worth 81.75. Nnn's
veils, $1.25 up. Infants' caps, 15c to' $1.75, nt
Mrs. J. J. Kelly, 26 S. Main St.
Spring : and : Summer
( Order spring garments now).
Besides giving1 ample time
for delivery it enables you to
have your pick of our spring'
Complete line of domestic
and imported npvelties in
trousers arid suiting1.
34 North. 'Alain. S'tr., Shenandoah, Pa.
We Have t Ike
' " BestMIuminatifig'6ll rnaae, Odor
fess, cplorless, 1'brilllaritirAaf,e, 'per
fection, If you ,ar,p nth,! dark,
drop, us a. postal.,, W'll enlighten
you and lighten you. . : .
Eclipse pil Oom'y
Oils', Gasoline, CandlesVEamp Wicks,
Burners'; etc.
213 South Jariiln St.,, SHENANDOAH, PA.
Mail orders promptly attended to.
Weeks' Museum,
Grand display ot birds and animals of all
selections and finest "paintings in the county.
BesJ I?eer, Porter and Ales,
finest Brands ol Cigars.
Free lunch every rxornlng vn& evening.
Jons Weeks, Proprietor
O. W. DAVIDSON, Bartender
Our Easter Opening
Ladies, you are all invited to call next
Saturday, Monday and Tuesday and ex
amine the largest assortment of trimmed
hats, strictly of the very" latest New York
styles, ever shown in Shenandoah, We
have thern at prices to suit the wants of all.
New York Cash Millinery Store,
29 North Main Street.
Evan J. Davies,
13 North Jardin Street.
A Clean, Quick Shave
Can always be bad at
Charles Derr's Barber Shop,
Firss-class hair cutting and singeing.
Ferguson House Duildlng.
fine stock of
Insirumcnis and Optical Goodi
cent, by calling on
South Main Street,
Painter and
Paper Hanger,
Largest Assortment and Lowest Prloe.
All orders promptly attended to..
un In a first class tnannfir. I can refer to
, CHARLES LSB, Manager.
and Bonnets is Now on.
Justice of the Peace
Insurance and ... .
Real Estate Agent,
123 B.' Centre St., Shenandoah
TWO-STORY Frame Building, 30x45 feet, on
' South Chestnut street. Kents for $18 per
month; wl 1 be sold cheap,.
TIOR SALE. Unlf lot and. two nouses, slt-
I? uate on West Centre meet. Will nay 12
per cent, on.invesljnent, and can be bought on
easy termB.
T?AltM JFOB "SALE K Una of 33 acres.
JO- within 'three imlles of good market.
.Twenty-cine acres unaer cultivation, ana lour
res o
lro6ts, 'good barii anay-nU'ln good condition
'Will be soldUOr ll.SOO casn.i
rt70R!A.IiB.IricensedlOtelBtaml In Maba
T , .noy .township.- near the .turougli .llne.
"Frame building, nine rooms, doing pood busi
ness. Good reasons given for selling. A bar
gain for anybody. Apply to-M.J Lawlor,
Justice of the Pcace,-123 East Centre street.
Saloonand Jlestaurant, "
834 North Wcat.Street.
Finest brands of cigars. Choice Wines
and Liquors.
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sts.
Finest Beets, Wines and Liquors.
Choice Temperance Drinks. . V
Bost Brands ot 5 and 10c Cigars.
New Tinsmith Shop.
3VE. J". X-i3DVOXZ
Has opened a new tlntmlth shop and is pre
pared to do Unroofing, spouting, stove repair
ing aiiu nil Klaus ui jopDing
at reasonable
tmiisiacuon guaranteed.
23D East Lloyd Street.
A genuine welcome
Awaits you at
Joe Wyatt's Saloon!
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys,
beers, poster and ale constantly on tap.
Choice temperance drinks and cigars.
Anthony Schmicker's
The finest pool and billiard rooms lu town,
Reading bear, porter and l'ottsvtlle ale con
stantly on tap. Give us a call.
Millions of Dollars
Go np In smoke every year. Take no'
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured in first-class, relia
ble companies, as represented by
DAVID FAUST, Insnranco Agent,
120 South Jardin Btreet.
Also Life and Accidental Companios