The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 15, 1895, Image 4

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MONDAY. Al'KIL 15, 1803.
Climatic Influence on Health.
It cannot be denied that the influence
of cllmnte upon health Is great, and It is
in recognition ot tuis tact tnnt pnyei
clans send tmtients sufferintr with nul
monary diseases to great distances for
"change ot air." But when the sufferer
happens to be too poor to net upon tbo
ndvlce his lot is hard, indeed. But it Is
not necessarily hopeless, Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery can be had at
any medicine store, and to it thonsands
whose cafietf were considered desperate
owe their lives.
Up to a certain point in the progress ot
Consumption, Dr. i'lerce's Uoklen Metll
cal Discovery is a positive remedy. But
delav is dangerous with Consumption
In all the conditions that lead to it, the
"Discovery" is the remedy. With severe
lingering Coughs or Weak Lungs, nothing
acts so promptly. Every disease that can
be reached through the blood yields to
this medicine. The Scrofulous affections
Of the lungs that's called Consumption is
one oi them. For tins, una tor every
other fo-m of Scrofula, for nil blood-
taints and disorders and all chronic
Bronchial. Throat, and Luntr affections.
the "Discovery" is the only remedy so
certain tuat, once used, it is always in
Can anything else be "just ns good" for
you to buy f
Don't you believe It.
Fire Alarm Boxes.
The following list shows the location
of the alarm boxes ot the Shenandoah
tire department :
15 Coal nnd Bowers streets.
16 Bowers and Centre streets.
24 Bridge and Centre streets.
25 Mnln nnd Centre streets.
82. Jardln and Oak streets.
84 Main nnd Poplar streets.
35 Main and Coal streets.
42 Gilbert nnd Centre streets.
43 Gilbert and Cherry streets.
46. Oak nnd Gilbert streets.
48. West nnd Poplar streets.
52 Chestnut and Coal streets.
54. vVest and Lloyd streets.
To send an alarm open the box, pull
down the hook once and let go. When an
Alarm is sent in the fire bell will sound
the number of the box and repeat the
alarm four times.
If the alarm is sounded from box 15
the Are bell will strike one, then pause
and strike five, which will Indicate that
the Are is in the vicinity of No. 15 box.
Every nlnrm is repeated four times.
Relief in Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis
eases relieved in b!x hours by the "New
Great South American Kidney Cure,
This new remedy is n great surprise on
account of its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys,
back and everv nan ot the urinary pas
nairei. in male oi female. It relteves re
tention of water and pain in passing it
almost Immediately. II you want nuicK
relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold
Rt the City Pharmacy. 107 S. Main St,
next door to the post office, Shenandoah
fa. 4-y-um
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers to ibe EVENING HERALD
who are not receiving their paper regiv
larly and people who wish to receive the
fiiper ns new subscribers, are requested to
eave their addresses at Hooks & Brown's
stationery Btore, en North Mnln street.
Cure guaranteed. No oneration. In
quire at the Shenandoah drug store, No,
3 South Main street. 9-13-tf
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Costorla,
'When ehe hod Children, she gave them Costorla.
Are You Going ?
The tickets to Denver, Col., and return
for the meeting ot the National Educa,
tlonal Association will be on sale Jnly
3rd, 4th nnd 5th at rate of one standard
fare, with two dollars added, for the
round trip. Teachers and others that In-
tend taking advantage ot the low rates
ctn have sleeping car reservation made
In advance and get full Information as
to cost ot side trips to the ptinclpal
points of Interest throughout Colorado
and Utah.
Reduced rates by addressing John R,
Pott, District Passenger Agent Chicago,
Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, Will
iamsport, Pa.
Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life
is the tiuthfnl, startling title of a book
about No To-Bac. the harmless, uuuran
teed tobacco habit cure that braces ud
nicotlnized nerves, eliminates the nicotine
nolson. makes weak men gain strength
vigor and manhood. You run no physical
or financial rUk, as No-To Bao Is sold by
Mrs. A, Wasley under a guarantee to
cure or money refunded. Book free,
Address Sterling Remedy Co., New York
or Chicago. 13t cod
Bny Keystone flour. Be sure that the
nameLESsio & Baer, Ashland, Pa., is
printed onevery sack, tf
Coralne Events.
April 15. Easter bill In Robbins' opera
house for the benefit of Mrs. James
Donovan, whose husband was killed at
the Shenandoah City, colliery.
April 23, 24 Entertainment in the All
Balnts' P. E. church to raise library funds.
Thompson's Diphtheria Cure Is guar
anteed to cure sore-throat, (inlnsv. croun
or any' infection ot the throat if used as
the directions require. Sold only at Kir
ltn's drugstore. 8l0tf
When you want good roofing, plumb
ing, gas fitting, or general tiusmlthlng
done call on E F. Gallagher, 18 Webt
Centre street. Dealer In stoves. 3 4-tt
" " Eme Groceries
201 West Centre Street.
Dealer in grocerlau, Soar, irovllous, tea,
a offees, sugar, cto. Bom quality, lowest prlMN.
Mrs. Foltz Is visiting friends in Miners
Stephen Tregembo is visiting frionds at
Henry Sampsell hns moved his family
to Ellongowan.
S. G. M. Hollopeters family moved to
Philadelphia today.
Elwood Jncoby, of town, spent last Lost Creek.
C. L. Fny, the laundryman, transacted
business at Dolano today.
Joseph S. Beddall, of Tamaqua, was a
town visitor this morning.
Harry Needhom, of Philadelphia, Is
visiting his father in towri.
S, Li. Brown Removed his shoo storo to
the Tltman building today.
Jadob Bamberger spent today at Potts-
vllle, St. Clair and Tamaqua.
Mrs. Edward Foley, ot West Coal
street, has given birth to a son.
Philip Wesner, of Mt. Car m el, spent
yesterday visiting friends in town.
Mr. nnd Mrs. B. F. Landig, of Hazle
ton, were visitors to town yesterday.
Miss Sadie Davis, of South White
street, U vlitlng friends at Pottsvllle
Ex Senator Tor bert, of Girard Manor,
was a guest of C. E. Tltman yesterday.
David Kennle came up from Mt. Cnrmel
on Saturday to spend Easter Sunday in
Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson, of Pottsvllle,
were the guests of Mrs. Leckte, of East
Centre street, yesterday.
Mrs. G. H. Preston, of Pottsvllle, spent
Sunday in town with her sister, Mrs.
Hyde, of South Plum street.
Mies Mnme Acker, of Shenandoah, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Henry Krell, on
Gay street. I'amaqun Courier.
Michael Stack, a student at Lehigh
College, Bethlehem, is spending his Easter
vacation with his parents here.
Miss Schall, of Shenandoah,' is the
guest ot Misses Margaret and Mattle
Lewis. Free Press, Mincrsvllle.
Misses Maggie Egan and Sallie De
laney left town on Saturday to spend a
week with friends in Philadelphia.
Miss Vlrgle Fowler, of Mahanoy City,
spent Easter in town, the guest ot the
Hesser family on West Coal street.
Messrs. William Nelman, ot town, and
Joe Beddnll and Burr Lewis, of Wn .
Penn, spent Sunday in Philadelphia.
Capt. Frank H. Barnhnrt, well known
hereabouts and who has been sojourning
in Florida for some time past, has re
turned to the county.
Messrs. O. T. Weaber, W. J. Woodring.
Jacob Relchard, Charles Knauss and
Albert RInn, of Allentown, were In town
today drumming up trade.
Joseph Lihmler, who was Injured about
two weeks ago by a part ot a building
falling upon him on East Centre street,
is now nblo to go about on crutches.
Richard F. Coogan, proprietor of the
popular Lakctido hotel, spent yesterday
and today in town. Mr. Coogan is pre
paring for the summer opening of his
M. D. Masteller, n prosperous merchant
of Beaver Valley, Columbia county,spen'
a few hours in town today with old time
friends. He is looking well and sayB the
hard times have not affected him.
Rev. J. Pastorfleld, who filled the pulpit
lu the Methodist Episcopal church in this
town several years ago and who has been
preaching in Washington, D. C, fell
dead in the post office of that city on the
2d instant.
M,. M.. Ballou, formerly of Boston
editor, publisher and writer, is dead.
Was .editor and publisher ot the first
Illustrated weekly paper in this country,
first called Gleason's Pictorial, and lat
Ballou's Pictorial. Mr. Ballou was, the
originator ot the Boston ulobe and was
Its editor.
A dinner will be given by a number of
Philadelphia and New York newspaper
men to Chas. S. Lee, the pas'ienger agent
of the Lehigh Valley, in New York. Mr
Lee is very popular with the newspaper
people in the cities, and the dinner will be
a deserved compliment to him. He has
had 'much to contend with, being a hew
man and unacquainted with the people
along the line, but he seems to be banking
an excellent reputation.
Easiest way to kill a chicken is to break
the egg before it is hatched. Same is
true of consumption. Dr. Wood's Nor
WBy Pine Syrup is a positive cure for
coughs and colds. Nothing will cure
consumption. Does it pay to neglect the
com r
. ...
Give the Trolley a Chance.
From Dally Ashland Local.
Its a mystery to us, how the trolley
roads In Schuylkill county are able to
make ends meet, when you take Into con
sideration the great amount of capital
invested, the trivial and unbuslne'ss like
manner in which they are so frequently
treated, by those who ahould consider It a
duty to assist, instead of throwing every
obstacle In their Way. Give the trolley
companies a fair chance In their earneit
efforts to give the .traveling public first
class service.
Strouse, tha jeweler, for watches.
Tax Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that nil delin
quent taxpayers must make settlement
with the undersigned for 1S93 and 1894
taxes within ten days from date and in
default the property or household goods of
the delinquents will be levied upon and
sold without further notice.
Rojelver ot Taxes.
Shenandoah, April 12, 1895. 4-1 2-10 1
Ten-cent box .Magic Paste Stove Polish
lor scents, ask your grocer. 1'lctures tree,
Special This Week.
Gents' good white shlrto, 33 cents. Fair
ticking for 5 cents per yard. Good quality
sheeting, 14 cents. Table oil cloths, 12
3 23 tf 28 South Main HtreoL
Saving Fund Shares.
'I he Safe Deposit Building and Saving
Association still has some shares fgr sal
In the March series. Call at the offleu-pf
ia. ii, waster, marble yard, 127 r-iortn
Jardln street, if you want borne. 4-3-8 w
A Mysterious Aftair In Which a Shenan
doah Party is Mentioned.
The Shttinokln Dispatch, on Friday,
contained the following btt of nows lu
two nets :
Anthony Volock says that he came from I
Shenandoah last night on the 9:20 Lehigh
train nnci it slowed up at Luke Fldler to
allow mm to get off, as he desired to go
to Springfield, where he had friends.
Atter getting off the train the man was
accosted by jiw men who nsked him for a
chew ot tobacco and after that for ten
cents. He shook his head no to both re
Volosk wns then jumped on by the men,
who beat him nnd robbed him of all his
money, which was nine dollars, an over
coat, undercoat, and shoes from his feet.
The attacking party then fled and their
victim, Volockj wandered to town In his
end plight and found a policeman to
whom he told his story and asked for a
place ot safety. Ho was taken to tho
lockup for tho night nnd this morning
was furnished with j pair ot shoes, coat
and hnt, after which he started to find his
friends. Thus en led chapter 1st.
Between 12 and 1 o'clock Inst night n
thumping was heard at the side entrance
ot Dr. E. S. Robin's residence, corner
Orange and Sunbury street''. The noise
continued quite a while and startled the
folks from their sleep, who thought some
one wns trying to get in the bouse. As
they were about to awaken E. S. Robins,
Jr., they happened to look down on Sun
bury street from the front window awd
saw a man In his shirt sleeves, running
at a 2:40 gait up Orange ttreet toward
Dewart street. Going down stairs they
found a double breasted sack coat, a pair
of Congress shoes and a soft brown felt
hat, all in good condition, except the
coat, which was very muddy.
Before we conclude with this chapter
The Dispatch will state that a represent
tatlve called at the Lehigh station at
noon and ascertained that last night's
20 train did not slow up at Luke Fid
ler. It being a station nil trains stop
when passengers desire to got off. There
was no stop made last night.
Strouse, the reliable jeweler.
Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil has cured
hundreds of cases ot deafness that were
apposed to be Incurable. It never fails
to cure earache.
School History Complete.
Messrs. William T. Trezise and W. J.
Watklns have .completed the history ot
the public school of town which is to be
published in the IIekald'h silver anni
versary souvenir. It is very exhaustive,
containing upwards of 15,000 words, and
vet Is nu interesting recital of all
icts In connection with the schools since
the incorporation of the borough.
18 karat
solid gold wedding rings at
He Smashed Windows.
Easter eggs did not aree with George
Walautakonis, a resident of the First
ward, anfi he sent a stone crashing
through a window of a housa occupied by
one John Zubnrls. Justice Lnwlor put
Walautakonis under 1300 bail for trial at
edici ne
Is a necessity because the toniq of winter
air is gone, and milder weather, increased
moisture, accumulated impurities in the
blood and debilitated condition of the
body, open the war for thai tired feeling,
nervous troubles, and other ilia. The
skin, mucous membrane and the various
organs strive in vain to rellove the im
pure current ot life. They all welcoma
c arsa-
to assist Nature at this time when she
most needs help, to purity the blood, tone
ana strengmen me iBDoring organs ana
Duna up tno nerves.
"I was in a run down condition.
was weak and nervous and could not cat
anything. I began taking Hood's Sarsa
parilla and before I had finished the first
bottle I could see a change for the better.
I kept on taking it and I am now so that
I can eat heartily and can do my work."
Mns. John W. Peacuey, Alloway, N. J.
The Blood
"I hirre found Hood's Sarsapariila a
good spring medicine and it relieves that
tired feeling." Bukdkttb Youno, West
uneonta, new xoric. uetoniy nuuu a
tj ,j f the after-dinner pill and
riOOU S FillS family cathartic. 25c"
WANTED. -Gentleman who can Rive bond
to likcrtn of a business In Shenan
doah, Address with reference, Champion
arrg uo., M'oainown, ra.
TIOUND. About ten days ago, a sum or
P mnnflV. f "nil fit ttlH Hell ALU OfllCO
, 4-15-St
T7Cr h TTrnTTl Honest, energetic men to
W AlN 1jL). solicit orders for Nursery
Stock, feimt pent employment, expenses and
salory. Write at once for t rnoB and territory
lor fall dellverv. It G. Cbasr &Co., 1130 BoutU
Penn Square, Philadelphia, 1'a,
TirilY rin ticnnlR onmtilHin of hard tlmns.
VV when iiuv woman or mai von make
from (5 to ilOn day eakllyf Ml navehea'dot
the wonderful eucotts of tnc tllmax Dlan
Washer j yet many nr pi to think they
can't make money selling U ; but anyone
can muko monev. became etery Nmlly wants
ouo Ono a. em has made (178SQ lu the last
three tor DuyinK all exnentes and at-
tejtdlPg to regular buulneMS besides. You don't
nave to canvass : as soon as peome unow you
havH It for sale thy send for a
Address th- Climax line- co.i i
Columbue, Ohio, tor particulars.
A Noted ScU-uliHt ! .onnWy Drowned. i
Alton, Illr. , nprll lo. Hon. William j
MoAdams, noted as a profossor ot nrcha;- I
ology, is probably urownud. (Saturday
night ho star tod up tlio rivor in n sailboat,
nnd later his boat nnd dog wuro found
soven mllos up tho river. Relatives bo
llovo ho was strlokon with apoploxy and
fnii nvnrunnr,i
Ho was tho author or
many goologlcnl works, and had chorgo of
the stnto oxhlbltlon at the World's lair.
A Mysterious Prisoner.
Philadelphia, April IB. Tho police
havout headquarters a mystorlous pris
oner. Information concerning his Identity
or tho ohargo against him is refused. It Is
gonorally supposed, however, that the ar
rest Is in connection with tho murdor of
Johanna Loguo, for wldch crime hor hus
band, "Jimmy" Loguo, tho notorious
burglar, is in custody.
To Command Japnn's Armies.
Hiroshima, April IB. Prince Komatsu,
escorted by throe men of war, Balled today
for Shiifionoscki, whence ho will proceed
to tho command of tho Japanose troops in
China. ,
Heavy rains are- reported from Now Eng
land, and the rivers are rapidly rising.
A Romo dispatch says that a sharp
earthquake shock wns felt last night In
Vonlce and Vuronn.
Arthur A. Zimmerman, tho noted cy
clist, was married at Troy, N. Y., last
night to Miss Grace Rlloy.
Profossor Jamoa D. Dana, a goologlst of
worldwide fame, died suddenly at Now
Haven last night, afed 83.
Dr. CJinrlos H. l'arusworth, who was
shot in Boston Friday last by Witham, n
jealous husband, died yostorday.
Tho American squadron, under com
mand of Admiral Meade, arrived at Colon
yesterday and was enthusiastically re
solved. Bargains In Boots and Shoes.
A. Womer has purchased Snyder's shoe
tore and offers the entire stock of boots
and shoes at less than cost. Next to
Womer's truck store. 3-25-lm
An amusing, instructive nnd entertaining
exnioition oi me wonaers ana
mysteries of
Wednesday Ev.e., April 17th,
Admission, 25c. Reserved Seals, 35c.
13 North. Jardiu Street.
Saloon and Restaurant,
19 North Main Street.
FlnfiRt Whlfitipv Tlppr. IJnrt.pi- anrt Alp
always on tap. "Come ar.d hit one." Choice
teiLDerance drinks and clears. Free lunch
9 to 12 p. in.
W. J. Canceirius, Saloon I
81 East Centre Street, Shenandoah.
Beers, Porter, Ale and Cigars. Temper
ance drinks ot all kinds. Finest
brands of whiskies.
Our Easter Opening
Ladles, you are all Invited to call next
Saturday, Monday and Tuesday and ex
amine the largest assortment of trimmed
hats, strictly of the very latest New York
styles, ever shown In Shenandoah. We
have them at prices to suit the wants of all
New York Cash Millinery Store,
29 North Main Street.
We Have the
Best illuminating oil made. Odor
less, colorless, brilliant, safe per
fection. If you are in the dark,
drop us a postal. We'll enlighten
you and lighten you.
Eclipse Oil Gom?y
Oils, Gasoline, Candles, Lamp Wicks,
Burners, etc, .' ,
213 South Jardln St., SHENANDOAH; PA
Mail orders promptly attended to.
Weeks' Museum,,
Grand display of birds and animals of all
selectlonb and finest paintings lb the county.
Best Beer, Porter and Ales.
Finest Brands of Cigars.
Free lunch every morning und evening.
Jon Weeks, Proprietor
Q. W Davidson, Bartender
Anthony Schrnicker's
104 aovui MAijr sr.
Toe finest pool and billiard rooms In town.
neuuioB oeer, porter ana Pottsvllle ale con
stantly on tap. Ulve us a call.
Millions of Dollars
Go up in Bmoke every year. Take no
nsKS nut get your houses, stock, fur
nlture, etc., insured in first-class, relia
ble companies, as represented by
DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agont,
120 8outJ Jardln Street.
Evan J. Bavies,
Also Life and Af . oldental Companion
Did yoa ever see one of tho fatnotv;
waterproof Interlined Collnra or CufTt
It'9 very easy to tell, for tlioy nre nil
marked tills way
They are the onlv Interlined Collars
end Cuffs, and of linen, cov
ered with waterriroof "CELtutoiD."
Thcy'll'stand right by you day in nnd
day outbid they arc all marked this way
ETl i in rtf
Tho first cost a tho only cost, fot
tliey kee clean, a long time, 'and when
soiled you can clean them in a minute
by simply wiping off with a wet Cloth
tuat w tlio kind marked this way
collars nnd cuffs will outlast
six UneThvoucs. The wearer escapes
liunory tfhds and laundry bills- no
ctiatoa nccKana no wutinK down tf
you Ket a coDtr marked this way
Ask vonr dealer first. andVakc noth
ing that hes not above txadgkmatk, if
you desire perfect satisfaction. All
others arc Imitations absolutely"
If vou can't find collars oi
marked this way, we will send y'
sample postpaid on receipt ot j
Collars, 25 cts. each. Cuffs 50 cts.
Give your size and say whether stand5
up or turned-aown collar is wanteo.
427-29 Druodwnr, NEW YORK.
Jiistice of the Peace
Insurance and .
Real Esiato Agent,
123 E. Centre St., Shenandoah
mW O-STORY Frame Bulldine. 30x45 feet, on
J. South Chestnut street, items for 18 per
month! wl 1 te sold cheap,
OH SALE.-Hwlf lot and tno bouses, sit-
uate on west CenlioHreet. will nav 12
per cent, on investment, nna can De cougni on
easy terms.
T7ABM KOK SALE X fsrm of 33 seres,
JC wllUln threu miles of goid market.
Twenty-nlno acres under cultivation, nna four
acres or goon tiroDcr. i1 rarne iarm nouse, six
rooms, good barn nnd nil in good condition.
Will be sold for $1,100 cash.
FOR HALE. Licensed botel stand In Mabn
noy township, near the borough line.
Frumo buildlnir, nine rcoms, dolDg good busi
ness. Good reasons glvf n for selling. A bar
gain for anybodv. Apply to M.J Lawlor,
justice oi toe .trace, ijsi A';am uemre Bireei.
A Cleap, Quick Shave
Can always be had at
Charles Derr's Barber Shop.
Flrss-class hair cutting and singeing.
Ferguspn House Building,
Cor. Jardin and Oak
Call and see
Watches, Clocks, Je welry,' Musical Instruments and Optical Good's.
You can save 50
Between Oak and Cherry Streets.
eudem's p Wall pApER; e.
We have just received a fine line of the most benntitul nnd .artistic papers in tho
market, which we will sejl at very reasonable prices, we have oIbo in stock
great deal of last year's patterns which yrq are selling nt a sacrifice, Come and
Bee pur line of goods, we have the most Tie'autlful and artistic papers.
Largest Paper Store in Town. Finest Stock and Lowest Prices.
House, Swn and Decorativk Painting. 224 West Centre Street.
All orders promptly nttenaea io.
aTo. 3LO aiTortii SEafrn. etroot, Sto.oaaa.dLoaaj., Fa.
Clothes of all description neatly done up in a first class manner. I can refer to
spores of families in this city ns tO my care In washing and superior neatness in
doing Wp clothing. I do my work better and quicker than other laundry In this city.
iJTLXJst Received 2
Two pieces Black Dress Batln, 27 inches wide, worth $1.7Bour price, tl per yard.
A new line of stylish Infants' Cloaks and Robes.
Big and cheap line of Children's School Hats and Ladies' Hata and Bonnets, In
all the newdesiRns of straw, eump and leather effects.
Large line of Domestlo und Imported Flowers, from 10c to$1.50. Vlolets.So bunch.
Black nnd colored Laces for dressmaking and millinery. Infnnta' Cans and Hats,
new and nobby line for spring und summer. Nnn's veils from J1.25 up.
Hata end Bonnets rendy-made. Hair switches from 50c up.
Mrs. J. J. Kelly, 26 S. Main St.
Art 3UEvto:tiljs,
Hubbor 9tn.3xxps.
Agents for DAILY PAPERS.
4 North Main' St..
( Order spring garments now).
Besides giving ample time
for delivery it enables you to
have your pick of our spring
Complete line of domestic
and imported novelties in
trousers and suiting.
Saloon and Restaurant,
231 North West Street.
, Finest brands of clgdfs. Choice Wines
au ijiquors.
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert St.
Finest Beers, Wines and liquors.
Choice Temperance Brinks.
BoBt Brnndti of 5 and 1 0c Cigars.
New Tinsmith Shop.
.Has opeord anew tliifmlth stiopnnd lspre-
f ared 10 do tlnronfintr, spouting, stove repair
ng and all kinds of Jobbing at reasonable
rates. Satisfaction guaranteed.
236 East Lloyd Street.
A genuine welcome
Awaits you at
Joe Wyatt's Saloon!
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys,
beers, porter and ale constantly on tap.
Cbolc-i tempornncr drinks and cigars.
Miners, Mechanics and Laborers'
Will Issue a
Limited to 400 shares. The sale ot shares
will take place at the office ot John II.
Coyle, Esq., on WEDNESDAY, APRIL,
17th, 1895, between the hours of 5 and S
o'clock p. m. , u , 3,0,8,10,135,10
Rainter and
Paper Hanger,
Largest1 Assortment and Lowest Price.
A1J orderSjrOmptlyattended to
our fine stock of
per cent, by calling on
129 South Main Street,