EVENING HERALD f Published dally, ozeept Sunday by dSJtALl) I'VllLltMlTfO COMPANY, fttbllcttlon office and mechanical department, North Market Street. Mvn tJaltB1ri Is delivered In Shenandoah and JIB jieiaia surroundinK towns for Six Con ts Keek, payable to the carriers. By mall, Throe DollnrH a year or Twenty-nvc cents per month, s advance. AUvrrtUemtntt charged according to space vcA position. The publishers reserve tho right 10 change the position ot advertisements when ever th" publication ot news requires It. The rljht Is also reserved to reject any advertise ment, whether paid for or not, that tho pub liners may deem improper. Advertising rates xtde known upon application. Entered at the post office at Shenandoah, ii second closs mall matter. nut uriwixo umtAhn, Shenandoah, PenDi. Evening Herald. FRIDAY, APIUL 12, 1895. The pluck of Vouezucla Is to be nd mired, and It may create a sentiment In her favor that will moke the job of whip ping her ft bigger one than England an ticipates. The big Republican victory in Chicago is a direct and decisive condemnation ot the Democratic incapacity which made it necessary for Federal troops to bo sent there during the Debs strike. n Venezuela would be outclassed la a 3ght with England, but tho battle is not always to the strong. Courage and a good cause count for something, and the little South American nation has both. THE congregation of Rev. Mr. Cleve land, the brother of the President, by a Tote of 28 to 1, have asked him to resigu. If this Republican tidal wave keeps grow ing that will shortly be the proportion of people In the nation who would like to see the political brother do as the religious one has been asked to do. At a public meeting of Cubans in Phil adelphia last week one of the orators said to the Americans present : "If the people of Cuba seem enthusiastic for lib erty, do not blame them. The desire co lies from watching the progress of this country " Talk like this in the neighbor hood of Independence Hall is not Inappro priate. It seems as though all the European powers were Itching for a fight. Scarcely 1b one seeming difllculty settled than another arises, threatening the peace of Europe. The last inenaco in that di rection Is a possible rupture between Russia and Germany, in consequence of the alleged intended Interference of the former with the possible rupture between Sweden and Norway. Lake the many indications of war that have presented themselves within a year or two, this one is likely to pass without actual conflict, Belgium seems to have bit upon a much better plan to get rid of its bach elors and make useful citizens ont of them by wedding them to some good woman than the schemes to tax them which some of our American Legisla tures have under consideration. The Belgian law gives unmarried men only one vote, but confers two upon every married one. Further than that, severe penalties are lmposjd upoa those who don't vote. Making men vote under heavy penalties would be to make them ot some use in the community even if they did not do their full duty by marry ing some nice girl. But again, there are a good many bachelors who are active and ardent politicians and who on occas Jon think more of an extra vote than anything else you could offer them, and who would even sacrifice their much boasted liberty as single men to double the power of their ballot. Millionaires are generally presumed to be happy, at least suoh Is the opinion of most unthinking people, who conceive that money, or the love of It, Instead ot being the root of all evil, Is, it there is abundance of it, the basis upon which all true happiness is founded. The tribula tions of late years of so many of the millionaires and millionaire families ought to convince all who entertain such views that their belief is a delusion pure and simple. The other day a row in the Spreckels family was taken to court in San Francisco It was a case of son against father, and founded solely upon money. The son has sued for (2,000,000, not for the purpose of getting the money, for those who know "Gus," as the son is familiarly called, are aware that he is a man paBMed of a soul above dollars, No, money has nothing to do with the suit. Vindication is what Is wanted and wndlcatlon only. But it will be ua irdlnu little to say that if "Gus" ' .os bis cose, aud the two millions are awarded him, he will consider the ao "cptanct: of the amount sued for neces sary to make the vindication complete. INCOMK TAX AKdili: The Government Will Uphold the Ju&tico of the Moasuro, OEIGIN OF THE DIRECT TAX CLAUSE Assistant Attorney Gnnoral Whitney De clares Thnt It Wait Placed In tlio ConntU tutton tin the Intorunt of Slavery, and Should be Wiped Out. WASHINGTON, April 13. In nn Inter viow Assistant Attornoy Gonornl Edwnrd D. Whitney spoko ns follows in connec tion with tho rocent doolslon of the su promo court In tho Income- tax caso. Mr. Whltnoy participated with Attornoy Gen eral Olney In tho argument ot tho case on behalf of the gevorninent. He said: "Tho govern incut was not n party to tho Income taxes whlcn have boon decided. It only rocolved informal permission to bo hoard. It cannot, thorofore, movo for a roargument. The decision, however, Is not to be regarded as final upon tho rental question. It can bo brought up again at tho next term of court, in a oaso wlnjrotho government Is less at a disadvantage. "This rental question was not argued with any npproach to fullness on tho part of tho govcrumont. Merely ono or two out of many arguments on this question woro ovon mentioned, and thbso cursorily. Tho number of questions ralsod was so great, and those questions were so Intri cate, that It was impossible in tno very limited tlmo allowed to nrguo thorn all. Tho government was obliged to dovoto ltsolf almost exclusively to answorlng tho positions taken by tho opponouts of tho luw In their oral nrguments. 'Tho oponing argument 1b always sup posed to cover tho points on which nppol lants' couusol roply. Tho governmont counsel found their tlmo insufficient ovon to treat fairly tho question of tho validity of tho law as a whole, and could spond but a few moments on each of tho othor ques tions. Tho opponents of tho law asked no special rollef as to rentals In tholr bills of complaint, nnd raised tho question for the llrst tlmo In briofs filed a week bofore tho argument. Nor did thoy bring it up in tho oral argument until it was ralsod by Mr. Choato in his closing address, when tho governmont had no opportunity to roply. This Is an unusual course, putting tho other party at groat disadvantage Doubtless, howevor.lt was not Mr.Choato's Intention to take nny unfair advantago, but tho lmportnnco of pressing this point was an afterthought, lie made, uowover, a very oloqueut and powerful nddross. "Tho stories in tno nowspapors as to plans of awaiting changes In tho porson uel of tho court, and as to hopes of Influ onclng Individual judges, are lnvontlons of tho reporters or their informants. It is believed that at tho prcsont stago of tho litigation tho judges' minds nro opon to conviction upon a rohenrlng. lloversnls on a rehearing nro not common, but nro not unknown. Tho governmont will rely on tho belief that every justlco will carofully listen and wolgh tho arguments which will bo presented. "I do not deslro to discuss tho law ot tho decision, ovon If It would bo proper for mo to do so. From an economlo point of viow it npponrs peculiar. Most of tho econo mists ngroe that an income tax, takon as a whole, is a direct tax, as is a tax on all tho land of a country at valuation. I be llevo, howovor, that all or almost nil econ omists would agrco that a tax on ronts colloctod by landlords from their tenants is Indirect, becauso it cun bo shifted by tho landlord on tho shouldors of tho tenants. Yot tho tax on routs now stands as Indi rect. Tho present decision, thoreforo, If it stands, cloarly impllos that oconomlo defi nitions are o) no value In c6nstrdlng this part of tho fpdoral constitution. To this oxtont it ngrcos entirely with the argument of tho government. "If tho income tax should eventually be doclarod void tho rumedy of tho pcoplo is vory plain. If thoy deslro such a tax thoy can secure tho pnssago of a constitutional amondment wiping out tho direct tax clauso of tho constitution. This clause, now so Important practically, has outlived its original reason. Its adoption was mainly procured by porsons who dosirod to protect tho Institution of slavery. Thoy were afraid that the anti-slavery move ment would take tho form of prohibitory taxation, either by n poll tax or .by aland tax (for slavos woro usunlly considered to be real estate). This clauso, originally in tonded to protect tho slavery of tho black by tho white, now effects the oppression of tho comparatively poor as compared with tho rich. "In common with tho groat majority of my countrymen, I buliovo tho Income tax to be a wiso, just and fair tax. Our pre vious system of taxntlou, by Import duties nnd Internal revenue oxolses, bora 1m monsoly hardor on tho poor than on the rloh, and this can bo righted by an Income tax. Suoh a tax cannot bo advantageously levied by separate states for many roa sons. It must be a national tax or not bo effeotive. I believe, thoreforo, that ultl mutely we shall have a national income tax law, whatever may be the final decis ion of tho court about this law." Americans Not Wnnted In Cuba. TAMPA, Fin., April 12. Tho steamship Masootte, which arrived from Havana last night, brought many passengers, from whom It is learned that tho customary holy week Cathollo prooesslon in Havana was forbidden by the government. An Amorlonn engineer who wont to Matanzns was prdorod away within three hours, Do ing told ho was not wantou. a snip onnn dlor and provision merchant there, Frank Cabollero, was treated llkowlse, as tho governmont claimed ho had supplied tho insurgents With provisions, uuuan taxos aro to be lncronsod $5,000,000 to provide war expenses. Itloody Murder in Alabama. GrtRRNVlLLE, Ala., April la. A bloody murder occurred twelvo miles from this olty Wednesday night. Five negroes had a dispute about olearing some laud, which resulted In a desperate light Bob Ponglor and his two sons attacked Frank and Shade Brown. The Ponglers stabbed Shade In two places, either wound bolng sufficient to cause death. Thoy thon broke his nook with a huge olub. Frank Brown had un arm broken In tho souffle. Two ar rests havo been mado. llasehalllntii Arrcntod a Inaurecuta. Tampa, If la., April 18. A baseball team going to play bull in Havuua was mis taken for a baud of Insurgents, and were arrested Much indignation is expressed over tho nunpu--.ilon of the Musonlo meet lug in Cuba Humid tho formation of It-public In- ult iijpu-d the Loii-itllutiuu adopted April 1 1S()S), will hi- u-.ed. (lull lomoo's forces will bo umh r tho command f Maooo DEPENDING LADY SOMfiHSET Mln FrnncU Wlllnnl Jlnnminro Cruol Ao- cuaatioiit AtraluU Iter. LONDON, April IS. Charww made bv Mr. Malts, of Chicago, recently that Lady Houry Somerset runted oonsldornblo of her property to llquordealers, and that her tenomonts woro allowed to remain In n disgracefully unhealthy condition, have causod much Indignation nmong Lady Somerset's friends. Relntlvo to tho matter Miss Francos Willard says: "As soon ns Lady Houry Somerset had loft tho United States old statements con cerning her saloons, hor slums, her parks, oto., wero rovlvod. In England nono of tho criticisms would bo rooolvod for a mo mont. It is well known that whon sho enmo Into hor property most of it was tin dor nlnoty-nlno years loaso, with which sho could no mora lntorforo than nn out sider. A fow licenses of tho tow nubllo houses on her estate havo run out, nnd In ovory Instance- sho has declined to ronow them. "Lady Henry Is just now hnvlnrr'n law suit with hor vi'Uiteos, who cl uu that for her not to ronow tho license ot tho White Hart, a famous hotel In tho towu ot Rel- guto, near Loudon, where she lives, Is a publlo Injury, and that as trustees thoy aro In duty bound to provent tho proporty ueoomlug loss valuable In hor dofenso Lady Ilonry assorts tho right ot con Bclonco, nnd that sho Is not to bo required to do what sho considers to bo wrong,ovon though tho property should suffer. The question is a most interesting one, and tho public is watching eagerly for tho deci sion," INSANE CRIMINALS AT LARGE. No Trace of Terry and Ills Three Fellow Fugitives. Fishkill Landing. N. Y.. Anrll 12. Thoro Is still no trace of Oliver Curtis Perry, tho noted train robbor who escaped from tho Mnttowan criminal asylum, nor of tho throo burglars who escaped with him, though sixteen mon nro scouring tho country high and low. Perry wns sorvlng a sontenco of forty-nlno years, and was transferred to tho insnno asylum somo months ago. Though ns yot no ovldoncQ has been adduced to show that Night Watchman Carmody had any hand In the oscapo, tho circumstances point so strongly to negllgonco that Superintendent Allison has rolloved Carmody from duty ponding nn Investigation. Tho asylum authorities aro still unable to find out how tho mon loft tholr rooms without forcing their doors. Tho only koys to tho doors wero In tho possession of Koepors Boylo, Altoy and Mo Auulty nnd Roundsman Carmody. All those mon produced their koys except tho roundsman, who says that his woro takon from him aftor tho prlsouors had ovorpowerod and tied him to Perry's bod, whero ho was found. Causo of Advance in Aleuts. CniOAQO, April 13. "Thoy will hnvo It that thoro is a combine, won't thoy?" ex clnlmcd Colonel Favorlto, of tho Armour company, whou asked In regard to the statomonts of Secretary Morton that an in vestigation would bo mado into tho causo of high moat prices. "There is no combine. Secretnry Morton knows ns woll as wo do why It Is, nnd ns far as wo nro concerned wo hope that ho will Investigate tho mat ter thoroughly. Ho Is now shipping grain to tho destitute fnrmors of Nebraska and their condition Is about tho same ns all tho cattlo feeding districts of tho coutrnl states. Nearly 300,000 hoad less havo boon recclvod slnco Jan. 1 than was rocolved last year for thoso throo mouths." Governor Marvll's ruuernl. Laut.el, Dol., April 12. Tho funeral of Governor Joshua H. Alarvll took pluco yos- terday afternoon. Tho funeral was at tended by hundreds pf pooplo. Company I, National Guard, was a guard of honor. Tho services wero hold in tho Methodist Episcopal church, and the sermon wns preached by Rev. S. N. Pilchard. Ad (Iressos woro mado by Rovs. T. A. H. O'Brien and T. E. Martlndalo. Govornor Vntson, who. was 111, aroso and attended tho funoral. Both houses of tho general assombly woro also prosont. Another Kesplte for murderer Kohl. Newark. N. J . Anrll 12. Just as Slier iff Lohlbaok, of Essex county, wns about to placo the' death watch on Henry Kohl, confined' hero under sontenco to bo hanged for the murdor of his cousin, Joseph Prel nol, he rocolved word from Govornor Worts at Trenton that ho had granted the oondomnod man a roprlove of four wooks dating from April IS, in ordor to giro his counsel tlmo to appeal for commutation to tho board of pardons. This is tho second reprieve tho governor has granted tho con demned man, Fatally Injured at 1'lay. Siiamoicin, Pn., April 12. John Kotyk, of Hickory Rldgo, rocoivod fatal lnjurios whllo romping with Katlo Zala, tho 7-year-old daughter of his boarding mistress. Tho little girl grasped a pokor that was at almost white heat and made a lunge at Kotyk. Sho misjudged tho distance, and tho rodhot pokor plorced his clothing and ponotratod his bowols. Intornnl hemor rhages have sot in, and ho will die. Unable to Hat for Tiro Month. Lynn, Mass., April 12. Miss Mary Croughan, aged 25, dlod at tho .homo of her paronts hero as tho rosult of nine wooks of almost continuous ntooougniug. Hor peculiar case attracted tho attention of Boston specialists, as a tumor had formed In her throat and Miss Croughan prnctloally died ot starvation, having been unable to take rood tor over two months Committed for Train Itobbery. Colokado Spkinos, Colo., April 12, United States Commissioner Sovnry lin3 committed Robert Taylor and Jamos Gib son, who woro tracked by a bloodhound, in default of $10,000 ball for nllogod par ticipation In tho rocent train robbery on tho Florence and Crlpplo Creek railroad, noar Victor. Tho other thrco prisoners Were discharged. Murder at a Dance. Jamestown, N- Y., April 18. Jnms Ralney, an upholstoror, stabbed nnd killed Fred Mitchell at adsmcont thoiiotoi trior enca at Fluvanna. Tho murder was tho outcome of a nuarrol about a girl. The slash from Ralney's knlfo sovered Mitch ell's jugular vein. The murderer gave himself up. A Hint to Marriageable Ladles, London, April IB. Vanity uir say that the widowed DuoheM of Marlborough, formerly Mrs. Louis Hummersley, of New York, who Is onaagou to marry uwu will- lam Beresford, has settled 0,OOJ yearly on the brldUf'room-eliw't. Crushed Hvr Kou's llad Willi a Ktooe. W'ISM'HAM Ma.. ., April 1 J. -Mrs ,jol(: Hobblov murdered h ir 17 year old son hy crushing his hoad with a stcoe while bo lav la bod. It Is believed shi is iusauo. Flnre 1 invai ",, fit Sotilh Jeraor. Run -Urb iu. V. .i , April 12. A (1 e i'. r.- .1 fir lin-i ! Dim burning In this sec. mu si. in- f.i "l.i y-.,r,.rday morning. It origi nated Hbuui. two mllos from Hlwood and has boon working Its way towards this olty, burning Its way through the most valuable pluos and hunting grounds of South Jersey. Thonrm of Senator GardJ nor Is threatened and fonrs nro entertained for the safoty of his largo park. Tho loss thus far Is estimated at $0,000. How tho flro originated Is not known, but thoro Is a theory that it was Btnrted by a gang ot gypsies who were camping noar tho placo whoro It started. The Kflbrt to Save Uuclinnan. Washington, April 12. Justlco Brown, of the United States supremo court, yes terday hoard tho attornoys and rocolved tho petition of Itobort W. Buchanan, un der sontenco of death In Now York for tho murder of his wlfo, for n stny of proceed ings, but Instead of taking action ordered thnt tho petition bo presented to tho su promo court on Monday. It Is assorted that Buchanan was not tried by an im partial jury, In support of which allega tion it is represented that upon the trial ono of tho petit jurors, ono Paradise, be came montally lncnpac.ltatjd, rHEbestinvestmcrri in real estate is to keep buik nigs well painted. Paint, piot.'cf' the house and saVes repairs. Yo .iometimes want to sell kiawj 'jood house has remain'd ur.s ' for want of paint. The rule shor.l. be, though, "the best pair.t i none." That means Strictly Pure White LeasJ You cannot afford to use thra baints. To be sure of getting Strict ly Pure White Lead, look at th-, and ; this one is safe : John T. Lewis & Bros,' .'oa. Cni.n;s. National Lead Co.'i ,.i vv i-s Lead I mting Colors. Hies 1 'f p--a-f iii O'ir-pound cans, e-ici 1m .j i.-n , , i . pounds of strut! i"! V ,,-r i tbudcsired'ghadei they arc ,t seii-i '..(!-. mufd paints, but a combinatlo. ' ,i"tii- i- i i'if colors m tl.fc handiest form t Strj, i. 1'iv IVhik-1 ea'-h ' aoo i n.: tiv tho'iiad dollars have been saved nperty-'nviiers i.y iiavlnR our book on aiming vi'i col'oi tard. bend us a postal caid and get .oth frei . ir.HN T. LEWIS & BROS. CO., Philadelphia. ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Hat stood the Test ol Time MORE SOLD BRANDS Easily, Qulokly, Permanently Restored. AVcalcncac, Ncrvonsnens, IJoDinty, ana an trie train or evils iroin eariy errors or later excesses, the results ( overwork, sickness, forry, etc. run etrengm, aevi opmentaua tone given v leveryorean and portloa ofthotiotly. Simpler, nat ural mothoila. Immedt. ntn improvement seen. Failure Impossible. 2,000 references. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (scaled) free, ERIE MEDICAL 00., Buffalo, O. Csls,Urs,Mattrsssts;k, Tbe STEM IUDYITIIC COffffiff&ffi"-' Sate nnd Reliable Horses to lilie. SNEDDEN'S LIVERY Fear Alley, Roar Coffee Honso. The oest rigs in town. Horses taken to board. Hanllng promptly attended to. Dave too Soto Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored I Spots, Acbes, Old Bores, Dicers In Month, IT air-1 Falling? Write Cook Itemedy Co., U07 Ma-1 onlo'remple,ChlcuKO,IlI.orprootsof cures I CapUultaoo,ooo.l'aUenticarodnlnevear. 1 quo today bound nnd well. lOO.pnpghnoafVfe I CfclehMttr' EnglUh Diamond Hrand. ENNYR0YAL PILLS original and nlj Genuine. .&,Mboxei, tealftj with blue ribbon. Take other. HtfuM danattouM auhttutu r iwn. um .muaiiuiu. a. urnuuii. dp mtih 'Id itunp' for vwtUuUn, twtfiuoattl aj " Itellcf for T.u(Ue,M in Utttr, by return IM If MILocil Prunl.u. I'ulludtt., JOHN A. REILLY. Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALER, 22-21 South Main Sw. Shenandoah. Agent for D. Cl. YuengUcg & Sou's celebrated JJ- II whviwc minus t wa jw issaJiJWEiumi. wM Mild kxTRA-FiNC ''P IHt AMIRICAN TOBACCO CCWAH1 SUtCtSWR W MWQHUH f THAN ALL OTHER 9 COMBINED iieer. rorur aiw uw. iN CHIMA. Itrtitnl Trt-niini-nt of ImiTlri.ii I. dli br Uhlnesp -i.l.llpr. Vancouver, h c., Apr" 18. Mull nd vloes by tbo stumner BniDrens ot Jupnti say thnt nil Is oonfunlon ,In tbo olty of IJokln, nnd tbo tronblo threatens to onl mlnnto In a panic, scores of cowardly of flcors fcnrlng to visit sick nnd nged pamnts. Two American womon woro walking on Lcgntlon Hfcreet, in Pokln, whon thoy woro assaulted by tho soldiers, whllo tho natlvo guard posted on tho stroet for pollco pro tection looked on nnd grinned. Tho ladles gnrmonts woro badly torn, but thov man aged to frco tbomsolvos and ran into thu Kusslnn legation. Tho soldlors who as saulted thorn woro aftorwnrds almost beaten to death by tho angry husbands of tho women, Tho 1'ekln nuthorltlos hnvo allowed tho two ladles to havo a guard of Russian soldlors during tholr walks. Particulars of nn nttaolc by plratos on tho camp of two young Frencbmon near Thalnguyan nro given. Messrs. Honrlo and Sabot wero engaged In superintending tho construction of nn English lino be tween Choraol and Thalnguyan. There wero thirty In tho party. Suddonly tho pirates mado tholr appearanco, and sur rounding tho party domamled tholr sur render. Sabot refused and he and tho guards flred. The flro was returned. Honrlo wns killed by a shot In tho neck, and nearly all of tho laborers fell wounded. Sabot was captured and carried off. Tho Buddhist priests havo been dis charged from Formosa by order of tho em peror of Japan, owing to tho number of spies being caught posing as members of that fraternity. Other provinces nro to follow Formosa's lend. Tho Buddhist church threatens to inflict punlshmont In retaliation similar to excommunication. Probably Fatal Flro In New York. New Yoisk, April 13. Flro broko outnt 9 o'clock last night In tho flvo story brick building at tho corner of Columbus avo nue and Ninety-fourth stroot, owned by Hyman Brothers, liquor donlers, and oc cupied by tho Colonial bank. Elovon fam ilies occupied rooms on tho upper floors, nnd a number of daring rescues woro re ported. Tho building was valued ntS12S,- 000, and tho loss Is estimated at $100,000. It is reported tbat ono servant girl was burned to death. Dotoctlvo Sergeant Ed wnrd Armstrong roscued Crosar Ii. Pinto. Ho then roturnod and succeeded in effect ing tho roscuu of Pinto's wlfo nnd two children. Pluto was badly burned, and was taken to a hospital. His wlfo and children woro only slightly scorched. Tno More Train Robbers Killed. Hennessy, O. T April 12. Tho Lncey mall carrier brings tbo nows of another desporato battle between tho Dover train robbers and United States marshals, In which two more outlaws havo beon killed. Tho outlaws wero tracked to a desortod ranch sovonty miles northwest of horo, woro surrounded by tbo officers and chal lenged. Tholr roply was a volley of bul lets. Then followed 11 desporato fight. Tho outlaws'attompted to forco tholr way out, and after a short battlo three of them escaped, closoly pursued by part of tho marsbnls, tho rest taking charge of tho two outlaws that had been killed. Tho names of tho dead men nro not known. Venerable Msturs Found Dead. HAVEltlULL, Mass., April 12. Llzzio nnd Jonulo Bryant, unmarried sisters, about 70 years of ago, respoctod rcsldonts of this city, wero found dead In tholr house, 28 Kent streot, yosterdny, Tho body of Llzzio was found burned to a crisp and besldo it was an overturned half burned keroseno oil lamp. Tho other body was In n recumbent position in an adjoining room partly on tho floor nnd partly on the bod. Pollco investigation dccldod that Llzzio mot hor death by tho overturning of tho lamp, nnd thnt Jonnlo, who had been confined In bed by heart disoaso, died from shock. The Murdered Good Children Avenged COLUSIDUS, O., April 13. Charlos Hart wns hanged in tho annex of tho Ohio pen tontlnry at 12:00 this morning for the murdor of llttlo Ashloy nnd Elslo Good, In Paulding county, Nov. 4, 1891. Hart was an lgnorurlt lad of 18 yoars, and nervy to the last. Although he made n confosslon after his arrest ho made tho statement on tho gallows, "I am not guilty of this crime." Hart, after killing Ashloy Good, ravished llttlo Elsie and then out her throat. Ho thon mutilated both bodies with a corn cutter, und triod to burn them on a pile of brush. Tho Rogus Stamp Company. Hamilton, Out., April 13. Airs. A. T, M'nck, clerk of tho Canadian Novelty nnd Supply company, was remanded in pollco court here till April ,15 on tho ohargo-of selling counterfeit stamps. The prosecu tion asked for adjournment. Captain Thomas Pottor, of tho United States se cret service, and Postal Inspector Stowart, of Chicago, aro bore working on tho case, Sovoral packages of bogus stamps wore found In tho company's office. Serious Charge Against Trustee Duss, PlTTfeBUltG, April 12. At tho hoaring before v. W. Tnompson, master In tho famous Ecouomlto caso, yesterday John Woggol mado serious charges against Trusteo John S. Duss, accusing tho latter of Impropor rolatioy s with a young girl. Duss says the slot was manufactured by Woirgol out of revougo because he had lost a $15,000 damngo suit against tho Kcono mlto soolety for lnjurios received In tho Economy sawmill. Arrested for Child Sturder. Huntington. V. Va., April 12. Two months since Stella Marrs, 13 years old, daughter of prominent parents, dlod. Yos terdny her fathor, 11. A. Marrs, and her stepmother woro Indicted for Jior murdor. Cost of t.'io Lexow Investigation. ALBANY, April 12. The Loxow commit tee oxpenso bill, Introduced in tho sonate yestordny afternoon, provldos for tho ap propriation of 107,431.10, of whloh 33,600 is lor counsel tees. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Over half a foot of snow felj In different parts of Wisconsin yesterday. Potor Matter and Stove O'Donnolt nro (Hatched to light at Conoy Island May 80. A bill permitting iniscegenntlon was vetoed by Governor Holcomb, of Cobras Jca. A Snrnnna Lnko (N. Y.) dispatch says that the mercury stood nt 8 degs, below zoro at Lyon mountain yestordny. William Jackson, who poisoned his wlfo, wus yostordny sontenoud nt Qroonup Ky., to nlnety-ulno yoars' Imprisonment. At tho feed mill of Gilbert S. HUlermnn & Hon, at Watkins, N. Y., Mr. Hillorman wn8 so badly sualded by au exploding boiler that In- dlod. Thu Deiawnrn, the Susquehanna nnd Schuylkill rivors, the rising waters of which have caused such damage to prop irty, are rupldly falling. FORE1GNEI otood For it is the basis of health. Not only is the origin of most diseases impure blood, but the first step to a cure in all is to purify the blood. This can be most quickly, thor oughly and gently effected the best preparation of that greatest natural blood puri fier and tonic Sarsaparilla. At this season of the year especially, health can most surely be obtained and re tained by a thorough course of the one remedy that pre vents disease as well as cures it. AMtrSEBl&jNTS. piERGUHON'S THEATRE, P. J. FERGUSON, MANAGER. One folld week, commencing MONDAY, APRIL 8th, 1895. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. J. . NUGEtoTS METROPOLITAN COMEDY CO. In the Following Repertolr: Friday Evening "f anohon tho Cricket" Saturday Matluee "Fancbon the Cricket" Saturday Evening Colleen Dawn" Prices, 10, ao, and 30 cents. Matinee Prices : 10 cents to all parts of the house. Reserved Beats at Klrlln's drag store F ERQUSON'B THEATRE, P. J, FERGUSON, MANAGER, E3 MONDAY, APRIL 15th, 1895. MISS JOTBH&E hall, Supported by a Btrong Company of Comedians, Vocalists and Specialists in "THE TELEGRAM r A Telegraphic Misdemeanor in Three Sharp Bhocks, Committed by Mark E, Swan, perpetrator ol "The Kodak," and other offences. A farce with a plot. Screaming situations. Unique GUmazes. Brilliant Dialogue. Appropriate Music and Strong Specialties. Prices, 25, 35 and 50 Cents. Reserved seats at Klrlln's drug store. JOHN DALTON, AGENT FOR Shenandoah and Vicinity FOR BAB'BEY'S CELEBRATED Beer and Porter, A trial order solicited By Usiiio Try BARBBY'S i 1 - ---whiten Iii