The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 10, 1895, Image 4

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    , - n.L. .wcta . ,j, ..iaiMMIrdi, --ri fWf nil fWIMiMfPaMlf1HWBnmTMnMWlWl"iniglMMIMWI i WmTT " II fTfff1 11,1 '"I I II T ' 3 J' ' .V;. "v ,V -, uiiw , A:r,,1 . W fjlHHM Willi tiRMUPry
Voiili!lr Lyiiflieis Thwarted.
Homnky. W. Vu.. April 10. Ihinlol S.
Shawn, whoso aeiitiMicc wiw commuted to
llfo lniprlsonini'Hf by Governor MuoCorklo
last week, narrowly escaped (loath from n
mob of indignant citizens Monday night.
H was discovered that an organization had
been effeoted, and that he would be lynched
before morning. Prosecuting Attorney
W. B, Corn well uoUsd promptly. As Sheriff
I'ugli and Judge Dnlley were not In town
a team was hitched up, and tho prisoner
removed from tho jail and hurried away
In tv blinding rain storm. Ho was kept In
a homo In an out of tho way placo, thrco
miles from here, all night, and Deputy
Bhorlff J. W. Holllngtook him aboard tho
early morning train at a neighboring Bta-
tlon and took mm to tho penitentiary,
"Am I Harried or Not?"
Asked Mr. A., despondently, "I declare,
my wire is so nervous
I don't stay In the house a moment longer
than I can help. My home isn't what It
used to be." "Mrs. A. is suffering from
some functional derangement, I pre
sutne," snm is. "les, rub tins, been an
Invalid for years." "Exactly. Her ex'
perience is mat oi my wire, but sue was
cured by Dr. Pierce's Favorite PrescrlD'
tlon. Get this remedy for Mrs. A., and
the happiness of your home will soon be
restored." Mr, 13. was right. For pro
lapsus, painful periods. Irregularities In
short, all "complaints" peculiar to the
female sex the "Favorite Prescription"
Is a sovereign specific.
Rupture, or Hernia, permanently cured,
or no pay. For Pamphl
and references
address, World's Dispensary
Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
'A lury I'ofaoupcl by Liquor.
GltKKNVlLl.E, O., April 10. William
Shoo, a boy of 15 years, residing at Weav
er's Station, was furnished liquor by Will
lam Arlington, a, and tho effects
caused his death. Arlington has lied, and
If found may be mobbed.
The Wrntlier.
For eastern lnnsyl vmil nnd Now Jer
oy, fair; cooler tu e:ist.T,i portion; north
west winds. For District of Columbia,
Maryland, Virginia and Delaware, fair;
westerly winds.
Those who never read the advertise'
meats in their newspapers miss more than
they presume. Jouathan Kentson, of
Bolan, Worth Co., Iowa, who had been
troubled with rheumatism in his back,
arms and snoulders read an item in his
paper about how a prominent German
citizen of Ft. Madison had been cured.
He procured the same medicine, und to
me his own words : "It cured me rlclit
up." He also says: "A neighbor and his
wife were both sick In bed with rheuma
tism. Their boy was over to my bouse
and said they were so bid he had to do
the cooking. I,told him of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm and how It had cured me, he
cot a bottle and It cured them up in a
week." 50 cent bottles for sale by Gruhler
Iladtrv! CTnlns It. Denmnrlc
Copenhagen, April 10. Tho gonoral
elections for members of tho folkcthlng,
the lower houso of the Danish diet, lias re
sulted lu the return of 01 Iladicals, 28
M idcrctej and 21 members of tho Right.
Tho Iliidinals galnod fifteen seats. General
J. J. Hahnscn, tormnrly mlnistor of war,
find M. lioeiTin-r, minister of tho interior
in tuo present cabinet, were both defeated
by Radiants. M. Kfedt, leailerof tlie Free
Trade party, was elected.
Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life
is the truthful, sturtliuir title of a book
about No ToBac. the harmless, inmraii
teed tobacco habit cure that braces up
nlcotinlzed nerves, eliminates the nicotine
poison, makes weak men gain strength,
vigor and manhood. You run no physical
or financial rink, as JMo-To-liac is sold by
Mrs A. Wasley under a guarantee to
cure or monev refunded. Book free.
Address Sterling Remedy Co,, New York
or Chicago. iat eou
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers to the Evening Herald
who are not receiving their paper regu-
larlv and neonle who wish to receive the
piper as new subscribers, are requested to
leave their addresses at HookB & Brown's
stationery store, sn North Main street.
Our better halves say they could not
keep house without Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It Is used in more than half
the homes in Leeds. Sims Bkos., Leds,
Iowa. This shows the esteem In which
that remedy Is heldwitere It has been sold
for yesrs and is well known. Mothers
have learned that there is nothing so good
for colds, croup and whooping cough, that
-cures these ailments nulcklv and per
lently aud that It is pleasant and safe
children to take. 25 and 50 cent bottles
Sr sale by Gruhler Bros.
Bargains In Boots and Shoes.
A. Womer has purchased Snyder's shoe
store slid offers the entire stock of boots
and shoes at less than cost. Next to
Vomer's track store. 3-25.1m
Relief In Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder
e ises relieved In six hours by
ureal South American Kldni
This new remedy Is a great surprise on
account of its exceeding nromDtnefcs in
rellevii g pain In the bladder, kidneys,
back and every part of the urinary pas
sages In male or female. It relieves re-t--ntl''ii
of water and pain lu passing It
nlmoit immediately. If you want quick
relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold
a fie Olty E'barmaoy, 107 S. Malu St.,
next door to the post office, Shenandoah,
1'a 4-9-3 in
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the
nameLESSIO & Bah:, Ashland, Pa., Is
printed on every sack, tf
When Baby iron sick, yte gave her C&storla.
When she- vaa a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When shebeconie Mlas, she clung to Castoria.
Whea she bad Children, she gave them Castoria.
" ' Fine. Groceries,
201 West Centre Street.
Dealer In groceries, flour, provl'lons, teas,
a oSeea. mifar, etc Host q uallty, lsvreit prloes.
nn i riTiTT ,N THt: HANDS 0F THE JURY-
Now Purify the Blood;
Feed the Nerves !
Take Paine's Celery
Compound Now.
It Speedily Makes Peo
ple Well.
Cures disease When All Else
Every CM Lanfl It
Used by Physicians
Every Community.
Indorsed by Thousands of Peo
ple in Pennsylvania.
in every civilized country people are
now taking Paine's celery compound.
Persons employed constantly indoors
emerge irom the long confinement or
winter reduced in strength and nervous
vitality, The need of a spring medicine
for years impressed Itself on the atten
tlon of a thinking people.
But with a lack of a really valuable
scientific preparation people were accus
tomed to take all sorts of home-made con
coctions some harmless, but none of any
great value.
Finally, In the famous laboratory of
Dartmouth medical school, Prof. Edward
E. Phelps, M. D., LL. D., discovered the
formula for Paine's celery compound,
the remedy that has become the standard
nerve restorer, blood purifier and
strengthener from one end of the countiy
to the other, the preparation that stands
unrivalled as
The world's great spring remedy.
Not only is this known to the people
generally today, but it Is the ode remedy
invariably ordered by the modern class of
physicians in all cases of nervous debility
Since the appearance of Paine's celery
compound, when first prescribed by Prof.
Phelps, there has been no difference of
opinion among scientific men as to its
unrivalled merits.
The reports of the many cases where
this remarkable remedy has saved life
and restored health, have again and
again been given at length in the medical
reviews and the newspapers, until today
the whole country 13 falnillar with the
power or l'alne's celery compound over
disease. More than ono influential paper
has spoken in editorial columns ot this
great modern remedy as a remarkable
instance of a scientific discovery, e'manat'
ing from the very highest medical
authority, and taken up later by the
whole people till today it Is the recognized
remedy of the world for all forms of
No such complete agreement of the
popular belief and professional judgment
ever before happened.
Just now, when the new year that Is
the spring is overhauling the body and
trying to arouse it to drive out disease, it
is well to know what to do in order to help
the good work along. When the nerve
count up the gains and losses of the
winter, most every one Is sure to find that
he stands in need of a spring medicine lo
tone him up, to make richer and purer
blood, and to make his nerves sound and
vigorous. The marvelous ability of
rapidly reconstructing worn-out tissues,
of purifying the blood and feeding tired
nerves has won lor Paine's celery com
pound the written indorsement of thous
ands of careful physicians.
It is a fact much commented on that
men and women ot national reputation
and prominence, educated people, who
are careful what they employ when sick
have of their own accord sent letters de
scribing fully their permanent recovery
from rheumatism, heart weakness, sleep
Iessuess, debility, kidney troubles and
Irom dbenses of the stomach and liver,
111 all these cases of recovery' from
serious disorders and the general feebl
health' that comes directly from a bad
iitateof blood and impaired nerves, Paine'i
celery compound has always removed
disease and established health, again. It
begins to give Its great help Immeliatelr.
This is how It bas'made men and women
I come to speak. Pt It as "the remedy that
I makes people well." This significant
phrase bat been repeated so often from
' mouth to mouth that it Isnow everywhere
inseparably associated with Paine's celery
compounq, not only py me puyeicia
who daily prescribe it, but by the, thous-
auuB oi auiag people, young ana nia, wm
go to if'fo'r aid and comfort. ' ' "x '
Take Know. '
ii i nsr
Verdict for tlu Drfi-imc Exported In Aun.l
Dlcltliiftoti'n Daiiinjco Huit.
8CUASTDN, l'.i. Willi). III I re .Vtclie
son, In tho Vnltcd Slates rluult. court,
comploted his charge to tho jury Into
' I
torday afternoon, and tho now famous
suit of Anna Dloklnson, the noted polltl
oklnson, the noted polltl.
tragedienne, against her in the hands of 1
i cal spoakor nnd
Ulster and four nth
tho twelve for final decision. Miss Dick- 1
lnson scoks to recover ?50,000 damages for
bolng confined flvo weeks In tho Danville
Insimo asylum In 18511. Tho trial has oc
cupied eight days, mid has been attended
by prominent men and women friends of
the plaintiff aud defendants. Tho crowds
havo boon so large that hundreds have
dally been denied admittance to the court
Judge Achcson occupied an hour in
charging the jury. His charge was plainly
in favor of tho defense. Ho brought out
tho strong points in tho ovldonco which
showed Miss Dickinson violent, and tho
peculiar actions nt tho time of her incar
ceration. When tho caso was endod it
was tho opinion of lawyors aud spoatators
that tho jury would elthor disagree or And
verdict In favor of tho defendants.
A Row nt New Hrunswlck lie tween Whites
and Negroes.
Tho oloctlons throughout Now Jersoy
yostorday were very closely contested, nnd
thoro wero several oxclting incldonts. In
Now Brunswick there wero a number of
fights more or less vicious. Just boforo
the polls closed thero was a riot in tho
Sixth ward, and - shots woro llred. Tho
fight began when a negro, ono of a gang
of about twenty-live, demanded money lor
his voto from John Fornian, n Democratic
worker. The latter refused to pay, and
the nogro broke out In a volley of curses.
Formnu turned quickly and struck the
colored man heavy blow on the face, and
in n moment n hundred men woro lighting
In the strcot. Tho whites outnumbered
tho negroes three to ono. and tho lntter
wero obliged to retreat. In tho midst of
tho fight four shots wero fired in quick
succession by ono of the negroes. Ono of
tho bullets struck Forman on tho shoul
dor, making an ugly though not serious
wound. Williamson, Rep., was olocted
mayor by 500 majority. Tho Republicans
elected three aldermen, and tho county
board of freeholders will bo Republican
by about two majority.
At Orango two Democrats and thrco Re
publicans woro oloctod to tho board of al
dermen. This leaves tho Republicans two
majority in tho board, Threo membors of
tho board of education elected aro Repub
llciins and two Democrats. In East Or
ango, Joseph P. Thompson was oloctod
presldont of tho township over II. II, Hull,
his Democratlo opponent.
At Mont Clnlr Mrs. Marshall was de
feated for tho position on tho school board
by twenty-eight mnjorlty. Threo Demo
crats and two Republicans wero elected to
tho council.
In Camden the election was warmly
contested. Mayor Wostcott and tho ontlro
Republican tluket havo been re-elected by
a majority of about 800 to 1,200.
In Hoboken tho Democrats carried
everything, electing their mayor by ovor
800 majority.
In Newark tho Ropuhllcnns won by
good majorities. They elect tho flvo mom
bers of tho board of works and will havo a
majority In tho board of aldermen.
Tho Republicans swept Trenton, elect
ing Emory N. Yard, their candidate for
mayor, by 2,300 majority, and reducing
materially tho presont Democratic minor
ities in common council nnd tho county
board of freeholders.
In Harrison, tho Democrats elected their
four candidates for alderman.
Kcarnoy went solidly Republican,
Tho Democrats had a clean sweep In Bay
onuo. Tho board of aldermen will .stnnd
isevou Democrats and four Republicans',
and tho board of education will bo eight
Democrats nnd seven Republicans.
Tho Republicans carried Elizabeth. The
council will stand seven Republicans nnd
six Domocrnts. Tho Republicans gain two
in tho board of school commissioners.
In Rahway Mayor Dally, Republican,
has beon ro-eloctod. The city government
remains Republican.
The election in Patcrson rosultod in a
Democratlo victory, while Republicans
won In Jersoy City.
"The Feast of Vjlborty" was a grand
fostivul hold by tho Athenians onoo in ov
cry flvo ycnr.i to commemoruto tho victory
at Salnmls. It wtis nlways eolebrated on
tho bnttloflold of Platasa.
A pair of Bhonrs with blados 10 inches
lona is amoiiK thu spoils of Pompeii. The
Instrument btlonged to n tunlo maker.
jfeiielekJ VlllyAttuck the Italians.
Bkhlin, April 10. Monolokll, king of
Abyssinia, has i.ostponod his visit to
Europe. He Intends to attack the Italians
in the autumn. His troops, who are armed
with Fronoh rltles, aro bolng drilled by
Frenchman. It is probnblo that tho forces
of tho mahdi will attack the Italians
tnultunoously with tho Abysslnlans.
The Democrats carried tho Now Castlo
(Del,) town election, and elected Evan G,
iloyd .mayor.
Sir Thomas Buxton has .boon appointed
governor of South Australia, in succession
to tho Earl of Kldtbro.
Joieph B. Groouhut Is charged by Re
ceiver McNultu, of tho whisky trust, with
absorbing t2!5,000 in ono transaction and
never accounting for It.
"Bat" Masterson, who, as marshal of
various wostorn towns, was a terror to
evil doors, died at Dodge City, O. T, Ho
had killed twenty-olght dosperadoos,
- -The alleged mistake of Druggist Berod
on, of New York, in putting oil of plnl in
a'proscrlptlon, instead of oil of rlctnl.cauied
'tho death of 4-months-old Solomon Cohen.
l!x-Chl,tr OrnilT ltimrr,..liil.
COU'MHIA Pi.Am-U 10 -Thomas M
Grady, ox-cwlilor of Hie First
j bank of Marietta, was rearrested yesier
1 day afternoon upon a warrant, Issued b.
I ITnlt.,f1 S2,nl ..a f 1. ....... D-ll, 'HI... n..i.. .1.... t.l... l
v;iuiip;- tkuillliai; itliii in
"""dulontly dr.iwlu
e"u 51,o m. on th,
of, PWlndplph a, ami
fraudulently diuwlug eight drafts, aggre-
io First National bank
and mado navable to tho
order of I,. 11. Taylor, stock brokers.
Amos Bowman, Grady's successor as cash
lor, tostlflod that tho latter's shortage
amounted thus far to fB3,r00. Grady Um
made a compete confession, mid attributes
his misdeeds to unfortunate speculation,
which has continued for a numbor of
yonrs. Ho w.w held In ?15,0J0 ball for
trial, and gave bond.
Ills Mother Favored Ilia I.j-nclilnp.
Atlanta, April 10. Tho Jury In t: .
hnuglngbr.T" ' " 'ho Worloy conspiracy
caso was sell"' d yesterday, and tho sen
sational testimony was begun. Worloy
was hanged by a bund of kuklux for re
porting Illicit distlllorles, and John Qtinr
los and David Butler are on trial for par
ticipation In tho effort to hang him. John
A, Dixon, county treasurer of Murray
county, who Was with tho kuklux party,
and who Is giving state's ovidonco against
his former companions, told how Worley's
own Inother, when her son wnsbroughtby
her house on the Way t6 tho lynching! had
said: "No, I don't want to soothe traitor."
Diamond Cutter Mntt Go Hack.
Washington, April 1'). The commis
sioner of Immigration has telegraphed
Dr. Zonncr, in Now York, an order for t ,o
deportation of tho diamond cutters who
havo boon hold by tho Immigration officers
awaiting tho decision of tho bureau upon
the question whether their admission
would bo a violation of tho alien contract
labor laws. Tho officials of tho bureau
hnvo dccldod, after full consideration of
tho caso, that the entranco of tho diamond
cuttors would bo Illegal nnd consequently
nil the mon will bo returned to Europo at
the oxpenso of the steamship company
which brought them.
It will be on agreeable surprise to per
sons subject to attacks of bilious colic to
learn that prompt relief may be had by
taking Chnmberlatn's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. In many instances
the attack mny be prevented by taking
this remedy ns soon as the first symptoms
of the disease appear. 25 ana 50 cent
bottles for sale by Gruhler Bros.
Fire Alarm Boxes.
The following list shows the location
of the alarm boxes of the Shenandoah
fire department :
15 Coal and Bowers streets.
10 Bowers and Centre streets.
24 Bridge nnd Centre streets.
25 Main and Centre streets.
82. Jardin nnd Oak streets.
34 Main and Poplar streets.
85 Main aud Coal streets.
42 Gilbert and Centre streets.
43 Gilbert, and Cherry streets.
40. Oak and Gilbert stroets.
48. West nnd Poplar streets.
52 Chestnut and Coal streetB.
54. vVest and Lloyd streets.
To send an alarm open the box, pull
down the hook once and let go. When an
alarm is sent lu the fire bell will sound
the number of the box and repeat the
alarm four times.
If the alarm Is sounded from box 15
the fire bell will Btrike one, then pause
and strike five, which will Indicate that
the fire is in the vicinity of No. 15 box.
Every alarm is repeated four times.
Tliat Plate-
of the
On tho steoriniT'
head o everv Col
umbia bicyclo of this year's mako
that name-plato appears. It is
unique, handsome, and indicates
much satisfaction and highest en
joyment to tho rider.
rlo other bicycle has ever equal
led a Columbia. No other bicycle
ever shall equal a Columbia. Tho
greatest bicycle factory in the
world says so.
New Price $1 ftp
HARTFORDS, next best, $80 $60.
$50 for boys' and girls' sizes.
Hartford, Conn.
BOSTON, cmcuoo,
new yobk. eu niANCitco,
All Art Catalogue of these famous
wheels at any Columbia Agency, or will
be mailed tor two -ceni sunups.
Agent lor (he Columbia and Hartford Bicycles,
Shenandoah, Pa,
OR HALE. A desirable property, Kindle
houcc'acirju on coal sireei ann aoutne
lock on rei-ri f the lot. Anrtlv to Airs. J II,
Iloxhy, '.22 West Coal stieet, bhenandoah, 1'a.
AIT ANTE O. A tlrl for general housework,
T ? Jvppiy si win Jiost uemre m., up stairs,
WANTED. Iwo or three b lent hoys to
learn the printing business. Apply at
once at the Hekalu office, Market atretic
TT 7 A 'KT'PTJ'T'l Honest. energMIc mon to
W A IN ilaU. solicit orderhfor Nursery
Stuck, i erm nentn piojment.expeneesand
salnry, Write at one for t rrrg and territory
for foil delivery. K G Chase & Co., MSOHouth
1'enn Square, Philadelphia, Pa,
WHY do people complain of hard times,
when any woman or man can make
from 5 In 10 a day easily? All have bean! ot
the wonderful success -of thw Ollriiax Dish
Washers yet many are apt to thlnfe they
can't make monev selling It s but anyone
can make money. bpa"Fe 'evprv txmUy waos
one One agent has made tftSM in the last
three inonthB, after paying all expenses and at
tending tp regular business besides. You don't
have to canvass: as soon as people Vnow you
bav It tor sale they end for u Dish 'Washer.
Address tba Climax Mtg Oo.,-45 BtarrAve.,
iuiyuiwiw, juioriur particulars. .
Anthony Schmlcker's
lot sotrxu MAijf Ar.
The finest poolfand billiard irooms in town.
Heading oeer, porter ana rottivme ale con'
Btantly on tap. nUtv us a wlU IMt
.fVH oft with atareh and gloss serene,
The linen collar starts the mom;
Full oft nt noontime it it seen
All wilted, wrinkled and forlorn.
That's what you must expect of
sucu n r. uar; it's the linen ot it.
ne stand-up collars won't staud
1 1 Up, aud the turn-down collars will
a wilt down. The easy, cheap, and
pleasant way out ot Ulis 13 to wear
" Celluloid " Collars and
Cuffs. These goods are made
by covering linen collars or cuffs
on both sides with"CELLULOiD,"
thllft mnlrltltr tllpm ofrntirr
durable, and waterproof, not uticc
ted by heat or moisture. There
are no other waterproof goods
made this way, consequently none
that can wear so well. When soiled
simply wipe them off with a wet
cloth. Every piece of the genuine
is stomped like uns :
Tnaifit nnon troods so marked
It you expect tun sausiacuun, uuu
if vour dealer docsnot keep them,
. -x! 1
send direct to us enclosing amount
and we will mail sample. State
size, and whether a stand-up ot
turned-down couar is wanieu.
Collars 25c. each. Cuffs 50c. pair.
427-29 Broadway. NewYork.
Our Easter Opening
Ladles, you are all invited to call next
Saturday, Monday and Tuesday and ex
amine the largest assortment of trimmed
hats, strictly of the very latest New York
styles, ever shown In Shenandoah. We
have them at prices to suit the wants of all
New York Cash Millinery Store,
SO North Main Street.
3G North Main Street.
The moat Dormlnr resort in the town.
Excellent beer, porter and ale on tap. Our
cigars are the finest.
A Clean, Quick Shave
Can always be had at
Charles Derr's Barber Shop.
Flrss class hair cutting and singeing.
Ferguson House Building.
16 North Main Street.
Repairing of all Vlnds prmoptly atteuded to
13 North Jardin Street.
Evan J. Davies,
Call and see cur fine stock of
Watches, Clock', Jewelry, Musical Instruments and Optical Gocds.
You can save 50 per cent, by calling on
Between Oak and Cherry Streets.
Garden's iT WALL pApEP jStore.
We have
just received a fine line of the most beautiful nnd artistic papers in I
which we will sell at very reasonable prices. We have also in stool
eal of hut year's patterns which we are selling at n feocriflce. Cornea
great deal
sec our line of goods, we have the
Largest Paper Store in Town.
House, Sign, and Decorative Painting. 224 West Centre Street.
All orders promptly attended to.
3STo. iO aSTortta, Meylaa. Street. S33.erLO.sid.oali, 3Pa.
Clothes nt nil ilncrlnttnn done Ut) in a first class manner. 1 run refer trt
scores of families In this city as to
uyiug up ciouimg. i ap my wpric Better
Two pieces Black Dress Satin; 137 inches wide, worth 81.7&-onr price, tl per yard.
A new line of stylish Infants' Cloaks and Holes. '
Big and cheap line of Children's School Bats ana Ladles' Hats and Bonnets, in
all the new designs of straw, jramp and leather effects.
Large line of Domestio and Imported Flowers, from lpc to 11.60. Violets,5o bunch.
Black and colored Laces for dressmaking and millinery." Infants' Caps and Hats,
new and nobby line for sprlntr and sumnifer. Nun's veils from 11.25 up. '
Hats and Bonnets ready-jnade, Hair switches from SOc up. '
Mrs. J. J. Kelly, 26 S. Main St.
Easter Cards
..and Novelties..
Agents for DAILY PAPERS.
4 North Main St.
FROM $40 to $90.
ko. 1.
23 Pounds, 28 inch Wheel 875 00
8 and 6, 21 pounds 10 00
No. 4, 22 pounds, 20 inch wheel 75 00
Scorcher, 20 pounds, 28 inch wheel I no
No. 4, 22 150 " " 60 w
linmbler, 14 to 25 pounds,.,.- 100 00
Ladles' wheels also.
Solo JVgOXLtN.
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert SU.
Finest Beers, Wines and Liquors.
Choice Temperance Drinks. V ,
Jest Bnindf of 5 rnul 10c Cigars.
S'aloon and Restaurant,
ft 231 North Vest Street.
finest brands of clgars.H Choice Wines
A genuine welcome
a Awaits you at
Joe Wyatt's Saloon!
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys.
beer.4, porter and ale constantly on tap.
Choice tetnperancfi drlnUa and c.ffars.
Weeks' Museum,
I 17 HOVTll JIIAiy STltJSEl.
GrarW display of birds nnd arimals of all
selecllbnH ana Hnest paintings In the county.
Best Beer, Porter and Ales.
Finest Brands ot Clears.
Freollunch every morning vnd evening.
John Weeks, Proprietor
G. W. Davidson, Bartender.
Nevv Tinsmith Shop.
lias opened a new tlncmlth shop and Is pre
pared toldo tlnroonng, spouting, stove repair
ing and) nil kinds or Jobtlnc at reasonable
rates. Matisfacilon guaranteed.
236 East Lloyd Street.
We Have .t he
Best llluminutluK oil ;mde. Odor
lessj, colorless, brilliant, safe, per
fection. If you are in the dark,
drob us a postal. We'll enlighten
you nnd lighten you.
Kclips Oil CSom'y
Oils, Gasoline. Candles, Lamp Wicks,
Burners, etc.
213 South Jardin St., SHENANDOAH, PA.
'Mall orders promptly attended to.
129 South Main Street,
stock a
which w are nel 11 tie at a Sacrifice. Come and
most beautiful and artistic papers.
Finest Stock and Lowest Prices.
31j JEl3UEl
my care in washing and superior neatness in
nuu juiub.oi uwu umer launury intuiscity.