EVENING HERALD Published dally, except Sunday by jsjuialv rviiLisiiiita tosivAirx, Fabllcitlon office and mechanical department, North Market Street. Bit,. TTt j Is delivered In Shenandoah and uu jaiu surrounding towns for Six Oonta week, piyablo to the carriers. By mall, Throe Dollars a year or Twonty-Qvo cents per month, tn adrance. J.dvertir,mmta charged according to space end position. The publishers reserve the right to efcange the position o! advertisements when sver the publication of news requires It. The rl(ht Is also reserved to reject any advertise, want, whether paid tor or not, that the pub Uhtrs may deem Improper. Advertising rates cade known upon application. Entered at the post offlco at Shenandoah, Pa ai second closs mall matter. Tim ErjsiriNG ubbazd, Shenandoah, Penni. Evening Herald. WEDNESDAY, APKIL 10, 1895. Sl'AIs has made the required apology in the AUtanca case, but the fact remains that It may be necessary for us to Insure her future good behavior by absorbing Cuba. It 1b true, as Mr. Depew observes, that "Nothing but a miracle can wrest tri umph from the Republican party;" and miracles never come to pass for the bane fit of the Democrats. Plaintiffs In libel suits or prosecutions generally fare badly. In such procedures they substantially put their whole lives under cross-examination. And generally their complaints result in advertising the alleged libel, which, if left alone to be lived down, might never have been heard beyond a limited circle. CHINA will undoubtedly be a large pur chaser of sliver after the war ends. This is one of the reasons why that metal is advauclng, and another reason is the general improvement in business. There is a chance that the increased prices will lead to increased production, in which case another drop may take place. Thus far in the Cuban rebellion the mother country perhaps stepmother would be a better name has been get ting the worst of it. It would have been money in Spain's pocket had she ac cepted that $100,000,000 provhiouiilly (ibflered for Cuba by the Polk adminis tratlou. TllE commercial failures of the paf-t three months were fewer than were those of the corresponding time in 1694, and the liabilities involved were smaller. Co incldently with this decrease in business mortality there has been a large Increase in the aggregate of business transactions, This change In conditions Is highly slg nlflcant and encouraging. A recent writer suggests that if there is anything in the law of averages or his torlcal precedents, It is about time for the United States to have another war, The average period between wars here tofore has been about twenty-five years and thirty years have now passed since the civil war. Never before in our his tory, that is to say, has there been so long a period of profound peace as the one through which we are now passing and if history Is going to repeat itself, a war must soon ensue. The value of judicious advertising was once more Illustrated recently, this time at St. Cloud, Mlou. There were a num ber of candidates for Mayor, each of whom was a "hustler" and freely spent his money to gratify his ambition. A man named Boyd stepped into the race toward the end of the preliminary "scor ing" for position. He contented himself with a simple advertisement or announce tnent la the newspapers, telling the people that ho would like to be elected and that he would, If elected, carry out certain reforms. He made no promises personally, asked for no votes, spent no money, bought no drinks, and was op posed by the "machines" of the city, yet he carried every ward in St. Cloud. While Americans will frown upon any attempts of the Cuban patriots to en tangle this country In the present out break, It Is impossible for them to conceal their sympathy with the Cuban cause. people which fought for and won its liberties at the point of the sword cannot remain indifferent to a neighbor which is engaged in a similar struggle. Further more, Cuba Is bound to the Republic by Inseparable ties. Her interests are largely Identified with our own and destiny has unmistakably marked her for a part of the Union. General Campos may suc ceed in battling the Cuban aspiration for freedom for a time, but eventually Spain will be driven from the Pearl of the Antilles as it has been driven front the American continent which It once dominated. An Aooidontnt Wheeling, W, Va,, with Fatal Results. BIX LIVES PROBABLY SACRIFICED. Among the Demi la Ilov. F. II. 1'nrkc, Vicar OannralottlioCntlinllo Dloccno of Wheel Ing The Accident a Iteiult or Criminal Negligence. Wheeling, W. Vn., prll 10. Yester day tho south wall of tho four story brick block of T. T. Hutchinson company, on tho cornor of Mniu street and the alloy touth of Twelfth, collapsed without warn ing. Noxt north of it W. II. Chapman & Son wcro Just flnUIilug n live story brick block, to bo used ns n paint, gloss and builders' supply iroro, and thoy already hml stored In It about tU.OOO worth of stock and were doing business thuro. Hutchinson & Co donlt In hardware, sad dlers' and woon makers' supplies, mid tho building was pnekod full of goods. Tho wall on tho nlloy Hrst fell out, pulling with it tho party wall between Hutchin son's and Chapmans'. Peoplo who woro near say that tho cracking of timbers was llko tho rattlo of musketry, and that in a few seconds everything was rendered in visible by a hugo cloud of dust. The crash of the falling bulldtns was terrifloand soon drow thousands to tho scone. The horror of tho accident was in creased by flro, and as there were larire quantities of oil, turpentlno and tho llko in Chapman & Son s tho situation was delicate. As soon as pooplo about tho ploco be- carao cool enough to think it was found that thero woro buriod in tho Hutchinson building ruins four employes, as follows: Hobort Wlncher, Eugene Birch, P. J. Iloran and M. J. Ford. Charles Hallcr, tho bookkeeper, and Adam Blumo. junior partner, woro penned up against tho roar wall, and woro reloased by pressing tho Irons off tho windows. Thoy woro unhurt. Mr. Hutchinson was in the second story.nnd was badly Injured, but was roscued alive, and hopes ore on- tcrtalned that ho may recovor. Ford was reached after hard work by a largo forco of men and found allvo, but unconscious. Ho was taken out aftor an hour's work and romoved to a hospital. Ho may get woll. Tho othor three employes, wlncher, lilrch and Horau, aro still In tho ruins and doubtless dead. When tho collnp.se enmo Ford was sell ing a bill of goods to Benjamin Prltchard, a wagon manufacturer of Buchannon, W. Vn. Prltchard's dead body was found lying across Ford's logs. Ho was Morally crushod to death. Shortlv before tho accident Very Rev. Father F. H. Parke, vicar genoral of tho Catholic dloccso of Wheeling, was seen to outer tho alloy, and ho was bollovod to bo killed, and this belief was sadly confirmed last night by tho recovery of his body. Ho was 72 years of age. a distinguished clorgy man, chaplain of Mount Do Chantal acad emy, and had been twice administrator of tho diocese. A Wostorn Union tolegraph mossonger boy, Harry Cowl, ogod 11, is also known to havo bjou In tho alloy, and his body has not been recovered. Great Indignation is nxnrossed, becauso at tho timo tho old Melodeon hull proporty was roinodoled and a story added, In 1891, by Mr. Hutchinson, tho walls woro con demned, but ho peislstcd In using them, and owing to tho lack of adequuto laws could not bo prevented. Selected Tier Own Collin Before Suicide. AUBUltN, N. Y., April 10.-Aftor having drossed horself for hor funeral and writing three letters, each containing a confession of suicide, Mrs. Marietta Rich yostorday took a dose of luudanum and died soon nftor bolng found. Five weeks ago Ed ward C. Rich her husband, was found dead In uod, having boon asphyxiated by escaping gas, and Mrs. Rich statos in ouo of her lottors that sho could not hear to seo his body, which reposes In tho vault at tho cemetery, "put under tho earth," and requested that his body bo burled at tho Enmo time as hers. On Maroh 11, after paying the oxponsos of her h usband's fu neral, sho selected and paid for her own caskot, saying sho had plonty of money then ana might not have It when tho time came for her to dlo. Cincinnati's Ills Tailors' Strike. Cincinnati, April 10. Tho striking coatmakers held another mass meeting yostorday. Reports woro road from the additional shops on strlko, making tho to tal numbor out 8,000. Tho shops in Cov ington, Newport and other Kentucky su burban points havo joined tho strlkors. Socrotary Abo Bloom, of tho Cincinnati Clothiers' association, statod that tho wholosalors would meet them half way as Individuals, hut they want to moot tho rcprosontntives of shops, and not thoso of the Coatmakers Protective association. Massachusetts' Sweeping Sunday Law. Boston, April 10. Tho house yesterday discussed tho bill to regulate tho observ ance of tho Lord's day and thonoogrossed it In concurrence with tho senate. Tho hill provides that no entertainment shall bo given on bunday to which an admission foe Is charged, prohibits any manual labor, buslnoss or work, except works of necessity ana charlty,nny sport or game of any description. Severe ponaltios are pro vided for violations. The bill only laoka the governor's signature. Ultimatum to Striking Miners. PlTTSUUUa, April 10. Tho Pittsburg Railroad Coal Operators' association last night isjued another statement to the minors. They say that somothlng radical must bo douo if the Pittsburg district wishes to retain its lako trado. They make a final proposition to tho minors that thoy will stand tho discrimination in shipping rates, hut the men must agroo to work for the sixty cent rato prevailing in Ohio, or tho mines will have to he shut down this Disastrous Floods In Hungary, BUDA Pksth, April 10. The affluents of the Danube havo overflowed their banks in tho south of Hungary. Tho streets of many towns are submerged, and tho foun dations of hundreds of housos have crum bled tuid boon washed away. In Semliu 2,000 people are homeless nnd suffering from exposure, having lost everything, in cluding their clothing. The Workers Win a T.ung Strike. Wilkrsbarkh, Pa., April 10. The Pitta ton Stove works, which were eloted about five months ago by a strike, when the company attempted to enforce a 10 per cent, reduction, resumed ojieratlons tills morning. All the union man have been reinstated and tho old scale of wagon will bo paid. In tho body of an adult person thero aro about IS pounds of blood, Tho blood has as its most important ele ments, small round corpuscles, red and white, In proportion of about 300 red to 1 white- one. If tho number of red corpuscles becomes diminished and the white ones Increased the blood is impure, thin, lacking In tho nutrition necessary to sustain tho health and nerve strength of the body. Then That Tired Feeling, Nervousness, Scrofula, Salt Rhoum, or others of tho long train of ills, according to the temperament and disposition, attack the victim. The only permanent remedy Is found in a reliable blood medicine like Hood's Sarsaparllla, which acts upon the red cor puscles, enriching them and increasing their number. It thus restores the vital fluid to healthy condition, expels all Im purity, cures Nervousness, That Tired Feel ing, Scrofula and all other diseases arising from or promoted by low statoof the blood. That these statements are true wo provo not by our own statements, but by what thousands of perfectly reliable people say bout Hood's Sarsaparllla. Read the testi monial in tho next column from' a beloved clergyman. Then take HlOcS 3 The Blood Purifier anH Anot (i..r TliluMiig Postal Clerk. I Chicago, April 10. Patrick C. Crano, ' teller of tho monoy order division of tho Chicago poatolllce, was arrestod last ovon-' Ing charged with tho ombozzlomcnt of -$1,410. Ho bus beuu employed In tho post olilco three years, and has boon an oxcel lont employe. Ho confessed, saying ho was , heavily in debt when ho onterod tho olllco, ' and took the money to satisfy his dobtors. i He offered to rnstoro tho monoy after bo-1 Ing arrested. ltttuntnn of llnrtrnnft's Division. HAV.itiBituno, April 10. Tho survivors of Hnrtranft's division of tho Eighth Army corps held their reunion here yes terday. Among those in attendance were Mrs, HartranU, tho widow o-t the famous general, and his son Linn. A camp lire was held in the evening, at which ad-' dressos were made Dy Governor Hastings,! Adjutant General Stowurs and Linn Hurt- ranft. Engineer nntl Flrom.ni Kllh.ti. St. Joiinsbci:y, Vt.. April 10. A pas senger train on tho Pa-isuinpsio division of tho Boston and .Maine railroad came in collision with a largo boulder on tho track, near Smith's Mills. Tho locomotive was thrown oil tho track and overturned, and the engineer, S. J. Roonoy. and Fireman Lewis Kmorson wuro so badly scalded that they died soon afterward. Confronted with a a.'urtfar Cliiirxo. Baltimore, April 10. Williams and Whitnoy, tho highwaymen arretted in Pittsburg, who attempted to rob and murder in Baltimore Councilman Swin dell, tho glass manufacturer, aro now cm fronted with tho charge of murdor. Tho Altoou (Pa.) police stato that on tho night of tho day Williams and Whitney readied that city In their flight from Baltimore an aged German was bound and gagged and murdered and his house robbed, and that tho men arrested aro bollovcd to bo tho murdorors and robbers. Should the' Altoona polico produce convicting ovi- douce Williams and Whitnoy will bo sur rendered to tho Pennsylvania authorities. M. J. LAWLOR, Justice of the Peace Insurance and .... Real Estate Agent, , 123 Centre St., Shenandoah TWO-STORY Frame Building, 30x45 feet, on Sout h Chestnut street, itonts for 18 per moniu; wi i Be sola cneap, FOR BALF- Hair lot and two houses, sit unta on West Centre street. Will nay 12 per cent, on Investment, and can be bought on i easy terms. T7AUM KOR SALE A farm of 83 acres, JC within three miles of good martot. Twenty-nine acres under cultivation, and four acres of good timber. Frame farm bouse, six rooms, good barn and all la good condition. Will be sold for 81,200 cash. FOR HALE. Licensed hotel (stand In Alarm noy township, near the torough line. Frame bulldln?, nine rcoms, doing good busi ness. Good reasons given for selling. A bar gain for anybody. Apply to M.J Lawlor, Justice of the Peace, 123 East Cemro street. C&r(els,Featks,Mattressss,Sse., Tk. STflU RDMVITIIIC M.fihfnandoah, rmai HIVnill ItfcllMlfKMIU WWIf 83 Kast Coat SU JOHN F.CLEARY, Temperance Drinks. Mineral waters, Weiss beer. Bottler of the finest lager beers. 17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah, Pa. W. J. Canceirius, Saloon I 31 East Centre Street, Shenandoah. Beers, Porter, Ale and Cigars. Temper- .1 -1 1 1 1 1.1 , T II A. f niiuo unuu ui hu jiiuub. jurat. brands of whiskies. Miners, Mechanics and Laborers' Will issue a mw SERIES of mui Limited to -100 shares. The sale of shares will take place at the office of John R. Coyle, Esq., on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17th, 1805, between the hours of S and 8 o'clock p. m. 8,0,8,10,13,15,10 Blood " In view of tho benefit I have had from Hood's Sarsaparllla I wish to give the fol lowing testimonial. I have several times been badly Poisoned With Crooplng Ivy. As tho old school of medicine simply tried to remove the symptoms Instead of tho sources of thorn, much of the poison was left in my systom to appear in an itching humor on my body with every violent ex ertion In warm weather. At all times there were more or less indications of poison In my blood, up to a year agolast winter, when Largo Soros Broke Out on my body. I then purchased a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparllla, and after using that and a half of another bottle, the sores and humor disappeared. I attended the Christ ian Endeavor Convention in Montreal and also visited the World's Fair in the hottest weather of tho summer. Was on the go all the time, but Had No Recurronco of tho burning and Itching sensation which had marred every previous sum mer's outing. I have reason, therefore, to bo enthusiastic In my praises of Hood's Sarsaparllla." Samuel- B. Sohnell, pas tor of Free Baptist Church, Apalachlu, N. Y. S lli 3 e& S B 1 1 0. Tntn NW.ro 'tv-- PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. A Number of llllls Itushed Through. In Both Itrnnclies. HAnmsnuRG, April 10. Tho loglsloturo is taking a day off today to attond tho launching of tho stenmship St. Paul at Philadelphia. This is tho vossol which tho Cramps tried to launch two wooks ago, but failed on account of bad tallow. Tho order of hinlnoss in tho houso yostorday was consideration of bills on third read ing and a large numbcrof measures passod this stage. Tho bill to prohibit tho capture f or salo or barter of quail, partrldgos and wood cock, and providing a stringent penalty for violation of tho proposed act, passed finally by a vote of 101 to 33. Should this bill become a law It will prevent the sorv Ing of theso birds by restaurants and hotels. Tho bill establishing a stato gamo commission also passed finally, as did bills requiring tho publication of shorliT s sales notices In a German newspaper of genoral circulation in the several counties; regu lating tho construction, maintenance and Inspection of buildings and party walls In cities of the second class, f nd authorizing the sheriff of tho city of Philadelphia to advcrtlso tho real estate in ono Gorman newspaper. In tho senate a mossr.go was recolved from tho govornor announcing tho ap pointment of John M. Walton, brothor of tho spaaker of tho houso, as controller of Philadelphia The nomination was unani mously continued. Among tho bills passed finally In tho senate wero: To authorlzo tho incorpor ation of companies for constructing and maintaining bjuwvardsj to oxtond to cities of tho first, second and third classes tho act authorizing boroughs to manufac ture electricity for municipal purposes; to regulato tho salo of Intoxicating liquors in clubs, requiring them to pay $1,000 llcenso In cities of tho first and second classes, 200 in cities of tho third class, $150 In boroughs and $100 In townships; to create tho ofllco of deputy auditor goneral, at an annual salary of $3,000; providing for tho teaching of vocal muslo in tho publlo schools; to punish pool selling, recoivlng and transmitting hots, or aiding in pool selling or betting. The Fnrr compulsory education bill was recommitted. Charges of Corruption Not Sustained. Little Rook, April 10. The bribory in vestigation euded in a complete vindica tion of all tho parties about whom rumors havo so frequently circulated, and against whom Representative Yancey made a di rect ohargo on tho floor of the house last Saturday. The spoclal committee pre sented a report setting forth the fact that a full and thorough Investigation had been made, every rumor run down and over forty wltnosses oxamlncd, and that the majority bellovod that thore was abso lutely no ground for the charges of brib ery that have boon so frcoly made. The flvo mombors who signed tho majority re port wore nil supporters of tho railway' commission bill, to prevent tho passage ol which, It was charged, monoy was used. Counterfeited Two-Cent Stamps. CniCAOO, April 10. United Statos soorot servlco detectives have unearthed tho most unique swindle evor perpetrated on any government, ana It is Douovoa that thou sands of dollars have boon socurcd by a gang of counterfeiters who have repro duced with wonderful skill tho two-cent postage stamp. The headquartors of the gang aro at Hamilton, Ont., and the stamps have beon supplied Dy the "Cana dian Novolty and Supply Company," that "company" furnishing ?UB in two-cont stamps for $100. Canadian officials have beon notified, and the gung will doubtloss be captured. Six Strikers Indicted for Murder. Pittsburg, April 10. The grand Jury returned truo bills against Tarentum glass house strikers, six in numbor, who murdored Philip Kouruoy Sutton, of Dun kirk, Ind., on March 23. Sutton was working in tho faotory as a non-union man. Tho murderers aro all mombers of the Bee gang In Tarontum. Flvo othora were also lndlctodfora robbory committod on tho samo night, Truo bills woro also roturnod against tho Dennlston slstorfl, sb-ipllttors, who aro known all over tho country. Ilellef In Cockrnn's Innocence. Denton, Md., April 10. Exoltoment In Caroline county ovor tho murder of little Salllo Deau continues. Tho post mortem examination proves conclusively that tho assault was committod beforo her assail ant had added murder to his fiendish crime. Tho people nro a unit in boliovlng that the young sohool teacher, Oookran, who Price in his confession charged with being tho principal aotor In tlio urime, Is entirely Innocent. The dead girl's fathoi share- in this belief. AH those terrible, Itching diseases of tbo sklu that help to make life miserable for us are caused by external paraaltes. Doan's Ointment kills the parasite and cures the disease. Perfectly harmless, never falls. Six Polish Miners llndly Itiirnetl. WlLKEMiAltnE, Pa., April 10. A terriflo explosion of as in shaft No. 2 of the Sus quohanna Coalt company, at Nnntleoke, severely burned' six Polish mlnTs T'ic.v aro: Simon Marcnski, aged :-' mariic l and has a family; Stanly Zurolf. aged '27, (vlfo and ono child; Stanly K"M)tltnkl. B3, wife and nno child; WiuldleU So.i-li.NU. 85, sluglo; Malilan Kiooske.-. !!., m.in-iuil family in Poland; frank ICoui-limikx 2s, family in Poland. Probibly thrv or four will rocovor unless Interna! lnjin-n s r.e volop. Ilnnk OITlclnls tlelil for Ilurglnry. Binghamtok, N. Y.. April 10. Tli.' ex amination of D. L. Hrownson. president Df tho Chenango Valley hank, e.liarged with burglary, and of Tracy Morgan, cashier, charged with burglary and grand larcenoy, was continued beforo Judge Arms yostorday. At 4: 15 tho dofcuso closed and J ml go Arms hold Morgan In $0,000 bail to await tho action of tho grand jury on two charges of grand larcony and one of burglary. Brownson was hold for burg Itry in tho sum of $l,fi00. Dolnwiiru's New Govornor. Doveh,I)o1., April 10.-William T. Wat- Ben, Delaware's now govornor. has boon 111 for some time, and left a sick room In ordor to bo mvorn lu. Later In tho day ho recovored somewhat from his Indisposi tion, aud thero Is now no doubt of his abil ity to assume tho duties of his now olllco. Tho govornor will retain his seat an san ator. 'William T. Records, of Sussex county, was choson speaker of tho senate. The funeral of Governor MarvU will take ploco tomorrow afternoon. Who Murdwred, lluslinnd Missing. CnowN Poist, Ind., April 10. Noar Cedar Lake Monday Mrs. Barnoy Kl wangor, a Bohouiian, aged 35 years, was murdered. Her body was found yesterday by neighbors. Tho back part of hor skull was crushed, liar noso brokon and hor body covered with bruises. A rolling pin was found near tho body. Tho husband of tho woman is missing. Tho family re cently havo had troublo about tho division of proporty, i.nd It is probably the causo of tho murdor. Three Trainmen Killed. Bradford. Pa., April 10. A freight train on tho Buffalo, Rochester and Pitts burg railroad ran into a washout noar Sykes, a small station botwoon Dubois aud Punxsutawney. Tho ontlro train was thrown Into tho torrent. Englncor Taylor and his fireman, Chase, and n brakeman named McClelland woro buriod under tho wreck and killed. Wilson's Conviction Affirmed. Albany, April 10. Tho court of appeals has afllrmod tho judgment of conviction of Charles F. Wilson, now confined In Auburn ponltontlary under sontenco of death. Wilson was indicted jointly with his brothor, Lucius R. Wilson, tor the killing of James Harvoy, a detcctlvo, at Syracuse, who was trying to arrost them. Both were convicted. Judge Mnrtlne's Successor. Albany, Apill 10. Governor Morton hns appointed Thomns Allison ns judgoot tho court of gonoral sessions in tho city nnd county of Now York, to fill tho va cancy caused by the death of Randolph B Mnrtlne. REMEMBER there are hundreds of brands of White Lead .(so called) on the market that are not White Lead, composed largely of Barytes and other cheap materials. But the number of brands of genuine Strictly Pure White Lead is limited. This brand is standard "Old Dutch" process, and just as good a3 it was when you or your father were boys : "John T.Lewis &Bros." For Colors. National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can ta a 3j-pound keg of Lead and mix your own paints. Saves time and annoyance in matching shades, and insures the best paint that it Is possible to put on wood. Send us a postal card and get our book on paints and color-card, free; It will probably uve you a good many dollars. JOHN T. LEWIS & BROS. CO., Philadelphia Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored, Weakness, Nervousness, lieouiiy, ana all the train .oi evils trorn early errors or Hater excesses. Oe results f overworn, sickness, worry, uti;. UllbllBUUlll, UOTI1 opmcni ana tone siren l jevery organ ana portion ofthebody. Rlmpw, nat ural methods. Immedi ate improvement seen. Failure linnosslble. -'.000 references. Book. explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) xree. ERIE MLuiCAL 00., Buffalo, N.Y. Spots, Aches, Old Sores, Ulcers In Mouth, HaU i sltlngl Write Cook ttemcdr Co., OT1Ib anloXemple,ChtcaBo,lllxor proof of cures. Capital HSOVjOOO. iatlents cured nine rears ngosy sound and well. lOjo-pjtigfclioeUfW e. -DR. A. A. SBrBERT- Specialist In diseases of the Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat. 07 West Market Bt, Pottsvllle. Hours 8.80 a. m. to 12 m.i 1 to t p. m., 7 to B p, m. ounaays, vu.m.iu j. m. ly JOHN A. REILLY. Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALER, 11-21 South Main St., Bhenandoab. Agent for D. Q. Yuengllig & Bon's celebrated - tlA.tA. A 1 aa oln LtCUJ A U -v vim tf-lis ZxttTl 1 in tlie Spring Even for those who get safety through the risks of a harsh and changeable climate ; for the strain upon the system through the long months of winter in fighting off its menacing perils always leaves a weakening reaction. 1 Isjnot only an unequalled blood purifier, but a tonic in itstrue sense. It drives out Jot he blood the foul matter- ai?!.. ii i .... iiuic m uie winter season un Sjjviidably accumulates there; ianc acting directly on the meivous system SB. JIETOU'BON'S THEATRE, P. J. FERGUSON, MANAGER. )ne solid week, commencing ' MONDAY, APRIL 8th, 1895. m Matlntes Wednesday and Saturday. Me. NUGENT S METROPOLITAN COMEDY CO. IruF-ie Following Repertolr: Wednesday Kvenlne -....'........."East Lynn" ThursdajJ Evening "Little Ferrett" t'Tiaay tajenlng "A itoyai raraon" SalurdayfUatlnee "Kast Lynn" SaturdayjEveniDR - Colleen Dawn" Prices, xo, ao, and 30 cents. Matinee Prices : 10 cents to all parts ot tho house. Reserved Beats at Klrlln'i drug store JOHN D ALTON, AGENT FOB Shenandoah and Vicinity FOR BAEBBT'S ' CELEBRATED kr and Porter. A trial order solicited. Try BARBBY'S BOCK BEER. Wholesale agent for ftljeiifu'i Xtinti 8. J Export Lijtr ud Sum Pile Beer. No Oner made. Fine liquors and Cigars, laJBouthMiln-ai. Millions of Dollars Go up In smoke every year. Take no risks but get yonr houses, stock, fur niture, etc., Insured In first-class, relia ble companies, as represented by DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agent, ISO South Jardln Street. Also Llfo and Accidental Companies 3DLKI3EIXS, OYSTER BAY I 105 East Centre Street. Families Supplied with Oysters. Dlnlne parlors attached. .JL wtiSI nsrsri ua eU 2 0 (J I'.mr, m tkswft i hi