The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 09, 1895, Image 3

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Heart Disease 30Yrs!
j. Short Breath, Palpitation.
Mr. G. W. HcKinsey, postmaster of.
Kokomo, Ind., and a bravo cx-soldier,
says: "I Lad been severely troubled
kwlth heart disease ever since leaving
tho army at the close of the late war.
I was troubled with palpitation and
shortness of breath. I could not
sleep on my left side, and had pain
arounci my nearu 1 oceanic so ill
that I was much alarmed, and for
tunately my attention was called to
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
I decided to try It. The first bottlo
made a decided Improvement In my
condition, and five bottles have com
plctelyi&urcd me."
Dr. Miles Heart Onro Is sold on a positive
euaranteo that tlio Urst bottlo will boncflt.
All druggists eollltatJl, Q bottles for 15, or
it will bo sent, prepaid, on receipt of prlco
by tho Dr. Miles Modlcal Co., Elkhart. Ind.
One solid week, commencing
MONDAY. APRIL 8th, 1895?
Matinees Wednesday nnd Saturday.
In the Following Repertolr:
aesday Evening "East Lynn"
,'ednesdav MftlInco....."Fancbon the Cricket."
( Wednesday Evening "A Hoj al Pardorl"
Thursday Evening -"Lost In LoadiWi"
ABTiaay evening "x ancuon ine uricsc'i-
lAMUlHjt) .tUblUVU...... ...... .............. Maav ujuii
-.Saturday Evening "Little Ferreflt"
Prices. 10, 20, and 30 centra.
Matinee Prices : 10 cents to all
parts of the house.
Reserved Beats at Klrlln'x drag store
flr Thpp1317Arc!iSt.!
Uli I IICCI Phlladetnhla. Pa.
The Only Ocniilnn Specialist In Amor- I
ici, ftniwitiiHinniunir tvunt
Others Advertise.'
Special DUonscii, Vnrlcoso Veins nil
Strictures) (No Cutting) Permanently
jureu in 4 u iu nays.
Relief nt Once.
ni'nnn pnijnu v secondary
DLUUU rUIOUIl cured by entirely new
harmless method, v years' Eurotje&n Hospital
and 32 practical experience, asGertlflcates and
Diplomas prove. Bend Ave Scent stamps for
book "TltUTII," the only True-Medical
Boofadvertleed.' It Is a true friend to all
sufferers and to thoeo contemplating marriage.
The most Btubbora and dangerous cases solic
ited. Write or call and be saved. lIours.9tos;
ev'gs. 8 to 8 for examination and treatment In
chronic nnd dangerous cases: Call dally O to'
X,tu I ouu ooi. IIU1UVU 1 , BV gs, O IS
k.u , sun.) v nj a, iimiiucuiurmau.
rjavo yon Boro Throat, Ptaplas, Copper-Colored
?pots, Aches, Old Sores, Ulcere in Mouth, nal
Usui Write Coolt llemedv Co- HOT Ma.
onToTerople,Chlcuiro,Ill,rforproofscf cures.
Capital 8500,000. Patients cured nlneyeors
329 N. 15th St
Below Callowhlll,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Thirty years' continuous practice In all
special diseases of both sexes.
Tho terrible results ot Self-Abuse, the humlll
.atlng condition of Impotency. tho misery of
Sleeplessness Lose ot Appetite and all the
wretchedness resulting from Dlood-Polsonlng,
diseases of tho Nervous System, Skin, Bladder and
Kidneys can be overcome by consulting Dr.
JLobb who will guarantee a permanent cure
onri rAfltnratlon to Health and Manfe Vlnnr In
every case he treats. Consultation and ex
. iminntlnn free and strictly confidential.
Thirty years' continuous practice Is proof
frenough of his ability. Office hours dally and
K3UnOUyS, HUH " ' LI Lll. , uuu V IAIV
evenings. Call or send for free book on
Errors of Youth and obscure disease of both
When !n POTTSVUiIiE,
Stop at
200 North Centro Street:
Meals at all hours. Ladlea dlnlngirooin
attached. Finest wines. Uonore, clgara.
'HOTEL kaibr,
tjorth Main St., MAHAN0Y CITY.
J Largest and finest hotel in the region.
Finest accommodations.- Handsome fixtures,
Pool and Ullllsrd Booms Attached,
Safe and Reliable Horses to Hire.
PBar Alley, Roar Colfoe House.
Thn ni-st ritrs in town. Horses taken w
toarU. Hanling promptly attended to.
Delaware's Ohiof Executive Yields
to His Long Illness.
Drlcf Life Sketch of the Dead Governor nnd
of William T, Wntsnn, Who Ilecomcii
Governor by Virtue of Ills Selection as
Speaker of the Senate,
DovElt, Dol., April 9. Governor Joshua
II. Mnrvil died nt 0:20 last night, after
having been unconscious for nn hour and
a half. Ho was surrounded by tho mem
bers of his family, nnd the end enmo
peacefully and painlessly. Speaker Wat
son, who by reason of 'Governor Mnrvll's
death becomes chief cxccutlvo of thnstato,
arrived hero front his home in Milford nt
9 o'clock this morning, when ho was in
ducted into office by Chancellor Wnlcott.
Sonator Records, of Susses, will probably
bo chosen speaker pro tent.
The death of Governor Mnrvil will
grontly add to tho present political com
plications in tho state. Tho sonato ns at
present constituted stands flvo Democrats
and four Republicans, but tho Democrats
Includo Mr. Watson among their numbor,
and if ho loaves tho senato it will bo a tlo.
Ho may olect to serve in both capacities,
ind It 1 understood now that he will take
is soat in tho sonato whonover his vote is
ceded by the party, while Senator Roo-
rds will continuo to not nsspoaker pro
era. Tho Republicans will doubtless pro
est against this arrangement, which will
add another to tho many bitter contests
now provalllng in tho legislature.
It is thought, too, that the doath of
Govoruor Marvll will hasten the solutlou
tfll tho senatorial contest by bringing tho
opposing rnctlons togothor.
Joshua Hopkins Mnrvil wns born in Lit
tle Creok hundred, Sussox county, Sept.
8, 1825. His family was originally of En
glish doscent on tho paternal and Frencli
on tho matornal sido. Ho was tho son of
Josoph Mnrvil, a farmer, who wns drowned
in 1831, leaving n widow nnd six children,
nono grown. Joshua wns the fourth child.
Ho wns obliged to work, and found tho
farm labor so pressing that ho wns only
ablo to attend school for a small portion
of tho school year.
Ho remained with his mother until 21
years of ago, and then hired a man to tako
his plnoo, whilo ho followed tho wnter for
n yonr. For sovou years thereafter tho fu-
turo govornor was engaged In shlpbulld'
lng, at which calling he demonstrated
raro mechanical ability, and in a short
tlmo was mado foreman of tho yard in
which ho was employed.
When S3 years old Marvll established a
shop for tho manufacture, of agricultural
implements, and carried it on until 1805.
In 1870 ho invented a machine for manu
facturlng berry baskets, nnd by linnd
powor mado 25,000 in that year. Tho noxt
year, steam being introduced, ho turned
out 000,000 baskets, bosldos crates to con
tnln tho same. Tho business gradually
grow until tho cstnbllsmont now mnkes
8,000,000 bnskcts ovory yenr, bosldes other
boxes for tho transportation of fruits. A
number of establishments in other states
nro using his machinery.
Mr. Marvil married Miss Snrah Ann
Simian, of Sussex county. Ho leaves th
sons, two of whom woro associatojlwTth
him in business. Ho was netinsistcnt
momber of tho Methodist Enlticopal church,
always having tnkon a omit interest in Its
Tho govornorhaa boon for yenrs nfllictod
with heart ana kidnoy troublo, aud has
been imabioto attend to his duties since
' March Jrbxcont nt irrotrular norlods.
William Thorp Watson, who, by tho
dontu of Otovornor .Marvil, becomos gov
ernor of Dolawuro, was born in Milford
1 Kent cnimtv. Tjalnwnrn. nn .Tunn 23. IRK).
and Is tho son of Bcthulo and Ruth T.
Watson nnd grandson of Govornor Will-
lam Wntsomwho wns chlof oxecutlvo from
January 1847, to January, 1851.
Govornor Watson wns educated nt Chos-
tortown, Md., nnd nt tho conclusion of his
studios returned to his home in Milford.
An uncle of the govornor, Colonel C. S
Watson, wns a momber of tho senato iu
1857, and his fnthor was at one time
member of tho lower bouso.
Governor WatBonmovedtoPhlladolphla
in 1870, aud resided there about four years,
after which time he returned to Milford
and was nominated by tho Democrats for
a sent in the houso of representatives in
1885. Ho wns elected, but the question of
his eligibility having been raised (he not
having beon a residont of tho stato for
throe years immediately preceding his
election and n rosldont of tho county for
ono yonr), Mr. Watson refused to tako tho
seat. In 1892 he was nominated for the
stato sonata and oleoted by a largo major
ity. At the;beglnnlng of tho present sos
slon ho was elected spoaker, and by that
election became the legal successor of Gov
ernor Marvll, thero being no lieutenant
govornor In Delawaro.
Twins Cremated in a Kitchen Ranee.
St. Lodis, April 9. An anonymous lot
tor roceived by Assistant Chief of Pollco
Roady led to tho uncovering of u horrible
crime, jurs. Margaret starts, a miawifo,
aged 03, is under orrost, nnd L. R. Ryan
is hold to await investigation. On March
29 Emma Tourvillo, aged 25, daughtor of a
H'raniciin county fanner, called upon Mrs.
Storts at hor homo for treatment. Ton
days ago sho gavo premature birth to
twins, and the Infants were cremated in a
kitchen range by Mrs. Storts. Tho mothor
dlod aud tho corpso was shipped homo for
burial. Mrs. btorts admits all tho facts
stated, nut denies that a criminal opera
tion was performed.
County Iteeords Missing,
POTTSVILLE, Pa., April 9. A sonsotion
was creatod In court when Judge Beohtol
mado tho announcomont that the reports
of the oounty auditors for tho years 1809
to 1889, Inclusive, woro' missing from tho
prothonotary's oillce, and that no trace
had boon loft bohlnd. The loss of thoso
books Just nt this time appears very BUS'
ploious, as thoy contain many surcharges
.against ex-publio officials, which havo
beon ordered ta bo pushed by the county
i commissioners.
Mrs. Helm Dismissed.
Washington, April 9. Tho presidont yes
terday reappointed Frank W. Joplln post
master at Ellzubethtowu, Ky., vlco Emily
Helm. This is ono of tho appointments
mode during tho session of oongrosa which
failed of confirmation. Mrs. iieim is sib
ter-ln-law of tho lat Presidont Ltuooln,
and has held the oflloe for years.
The Weather.
For Now Jorsoy, District of Columbia,
onstom Pennsylvania, Delaware, Mary
land and Vlrglnln clenring; coolerj winds
(hitting to westerly.
Every Joint in His Body
Racked By Rheumatism.
Could Not Hove His Arm and Was
Constant Pain A True Story of
a Remarkable Cure.
Wm. F. Maier. 18 Park Place. Zanes-
ville, Ohio, says: "About a yenr ago I
hnd to nillt work on account of rheuma
tism. I had tho disease In my hips, bacic
and arms, In fact, iu every joint in my
body. The pnin was intense, and I suf
fered the most excruciating r.gouy. My
doctor could not do anything for me,
and I tried every remedy that could be
suggested; none of them did me any
good, nnd finally my joints became
stiffened and sore. At times I could not
tnovo my right arm, and was In constant
pain, I procured a bottle of Munyon's
Rheumatism Cure, and within a short
while was completely cured. I am free
from stillness and pain, and can cheer
fully recommend Munyon's Remedy as
the best I have ever known.
Munvon's Rheumatism Cure acts al
most instantaneously, cartas many ob
stinate cases in a few hours. It is guar
anteed to cure rheumatism iu any part of
the body. Acute or muscular rheuma
tism cured In from 1 to 5 days. It never
falls to cure sharp, shooting pains In the
arms, legs, sldes,i back or breast, or sore
ness ot any part of the body in from one
to three hours. It promptly cures lame
ness, stiff and swollen joint, and all
pains In the hips and loins, chronic
rheumatism) sciatica, lumbago or pain
in the back are speedily cured. It seldom
falls to elve relief after one or two dosen.
and almost Invariably cures before one
oottie nis oeeu used.
Munyon's Homoeopathic Home Remedy
Company, of Philadelphia, nut uo speci
fics for nearly every disease, which are
sold by nil druggists, mostly for 25 cents
a bottle.
Lager ant
Pilsner Beers
Finest, Purest, Healthiest.
Lauer Bock Beer
On tap at all the leading saloons.
Christ Schmidt, Agt
207 West Coal St., Shenandoah.
la the cheapest and best fence made. Cheapei
than a wooden fence tor residences, lawns',cem
etery lots or any kind of fencing. M. H. Mastbb
nas the agency and carries it In stock at hi
marble and granite works, 117 N. JAK31N ST,
We offer sDeclal facilities to operators large I
I or small, lor trading ou .margins in stocss,
aralns or Droviilona. Market letter issued reg-
I ularlr. clvina latest confidential advices. Or-
I tiers received on one per cent margins. Our
jook, " Speculation, or liow to Trade," mailed I
on receipt ot two-cent stamp: VAN WINKLE I
A CO.. oth tlocr.uas Hollaing, ui Bane street, l
I Chicago.
Shenandoah's Reliable
Hand Iauntdry
Cor. Lloyd and White Sts.
All work guaranteed to bo flr3t-class in every
particular. Silk tics and lace curtain ea speo
laltv. Goods called for and delivered. A trial
n.l.f,.ird n,rlUh Diamond Tirana1,
safe, Hwiiji relUbl. i5
mon J Brand in Ited and OeU meUllioNA
'.""57.SXK: nt Drnnktl. or Mod 4c.
. D.a,. Jinfimll tUAltltUa
In etampa for particulars, tciumonlau ana
"Keller for IjidU-a,"(itf'er,,tr "J""1
follci alfUaal llrussUli. rmmutt., l-a.
Your Stomach : : :
Cannot stand the same washing that
your boots do. and the water you drink
Isa't even fit for that purpose. Use
torenz Schmidt's Beor and Porter.
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
Saloon and Restaurant,
10 North Main Street.
Finest Whiskeys, Beer, Porter and Ale
alwavs-ontap. "Oome and hit one," Choice
temnerance drinks and cigars. Free lunch
If your clothier doesn't keep
Hammerslougli. : Broa
Swell, Itellable, New York
Make him get It Their celebrated
$15.00 Molton Ovorooat
Wears like steel and is sold by every promt
nent clothier in tho state. None genuine wiw
out liammersiougn uros,- lauoi.
HUltO Turkish Caiul6s never fall Ilf
sealed, (2, with advice that wlllproreutru
ture Irregularities. 2c stamp for particulari
i in
It Blooks Eailroads in Westorn
Kansas and Eastern Colorado,
Appliances for Rattling with Snowdrifts
Prove Powerleaa In Combating the New
ISnemy Hardships of .Men Compelled to
Work with Pick and Shovel.
KANSAS ClTT. April 9. Tho railroads
havo boon battling with a now enemy In
westorn Kansas and eastern Colorado
sinco last Friday night. It was n combl
natlqu sand and snow storm which swept
over thoso regions, completely demoraliz
ing train schedulos and causing serious in
convonlonccs and discomfort to travelers.
Tho flakes of snow and particles of sand
mingled and woro driven across tho prairies
at a terrific speed by tho gale, which blow
lncossantly for two days. Thore was no
loss of human llfo because tho storm was
Dot accompanied by tho usuul degreo of
tola, but many cattle and horsos in west
ern Kansas aro reported to have boon suf
focated by tho whirling clouds of snnd.
Tho sand aud snow filled up tho rail
road cuts nnd burled tho track. Tho snow
molted and the sand sottled down in a
hard unyielding mass. Rotary anowr
plows and all tho modern mechanical ap
paratus for battling with snowdrifts woro
useless against this new enemy, and the
rnllrond companies woro compelled to en
gago men with pick and shovel to romovo
tho sand from the track. The work was
begun whilo tho galo was still In progress,
and tho suffering of the workmen is said
to have beon intonso. The particles of
sand drlvon by a slxty-mlle-an-hour wind
cut througli tho clothes of tho mon and
perforated their skin like knivos. A fow
hours work was all a man could stand
without seeking shelter from tho blind
ing, suffocating storm of sand.
On board the bolated trains the condi
tion of travelors was not much better.
Every door and window was closed to
shut out tho sand, yot it sifted In persist
ently until the floors of tho cars were cov
ered and everything was gritty to tho
touch. Tho nlr In tho enrs became hot and
stifling and tho passengors in soveral In
stances were compelled to go without
food. Tho first train sinco Friday to reach
this city from Denver excopt tiie Burling
ton trains, was tho Missouri Paclflo train
which arrived ou Sunday. Tho Burling,
ton tracks were outside of the storm belt,
and its train schedule was not affected.
The Santa Fo's Colorado train arrivod
Sunduy night after a protraotcd battle
with sand and snow drifts. The Union
Paclflo did not bring in a single train from
Denver until 5 o'clock this evening, when
the ovorland ronchod Union depot. N
Rock Island trains from the west reachcu
hero until today sinco Saturday.
No direct wiros wero secured to Denver
until yestordny. Thero is every probabil
ity that whon reports begin to come in
thoy will show that outtlo on the ranges
havo suffered great hardships, and It is not
Improbable that considerable los3 was sus
tained by tho stockmen.
In the nands of Receivers.
Pensacola, Fin., April 0. Tho South
ern States Land and Timber company, an
English corporation, with headquarters in
this city aud offices in Now York and
London, has been plnccd In tho hands of
rocolvers by Judgo Pardee of tho United
States circuit court. Tho compnny Is tho
inrgest lumber concern In the south, oper
ating iu this county four lnrge mills, hav
ing a dully oapaolty of 500,000 foot of lum
ber, and owning extensive tracts of tim
ber lands In this nnd tho adjoining county
of Baldwin, in Alabama. Tho capital'
stock Is $323,000, all ot which is owned in
England, Lord,Rosebery. England's pre
mier, being ono of tho stockholders. Tho
bonded Indebtedness is about 025,000.
All of the bonds aro hold by pnrtlos in
this country. The mills will probably be
kept in operation by the rocelvors, and it
is believed the local creditors will lose but
llttlo If any of their claims.
Speaker Peel's Retirement.
London, April 9. Bof oro a crowded houso
tho speaker of tho houso of commons, tho
Rt. Hon. Sir Arthur Wollesloy Peel, M.
P., arose and announced his resignation,
and then uellvored his farewoll address,
Tho chnncollor of the exchequer, Sir Will
lam Vernon Harcourt, in expressing tho
thnnks of tho houso for tho services ot Sir
Arthur Pool, paid a high tribute to his
zeal, ability nnd unremitting attention
and firmness with which bo hnd main
talnod tho privileges aud dignity of the
houso. Ho concluded with moving nn ad
dross to her majesty praying that a slgunl
mark of royal favor may bo couforrod
upon tho lato spoaker, Tho motion was
Immediately adopted.
North Carolina's Crop Report.
Raleigh, April 9. Tho first state crop
report of this year was issued yostorday.
It indicates a largo increase of tobacco.
truck and grain crops aud corresponding
roductlon of cotton acreage, and adds that
thero will bo a groator diversification of
crops than over bof oro. Wheat looks well,
but tho sovoro winter damaged winter
oats considerably. Tho fnrmors nro much
behind with their work, owing to exces.
sivo March rains. Tho rocent grout ruln-
fall will causo additional dolay.
Great Britain Will Not Aid Queen 1.1 1
London, April 9. In tho house of com
mons blr miwnru Urey. parllnmontary
socrotary, replying to a quostlon on tho
subject, said that the government had
heard that tho ox-queen of Hawaii, Lllluo-
kalanl, had boon sentenced to Imprison.
niont, but the matter was not one in which
Great Ilritnln count interfere.
Cholera Among Japanese Troops.
LONDON, April 9. Tho Times publishes
a dlsnntoh from Kobe saying that it is re
ported thero that cholera, has broken out
among tho Japanese troops nt tne reaca
doro Island. It Is added that 400 cases of
cholera have occurred, and that of this
numbor 100 persons havo dlod from tho
Venezuela Has Not Explained.
London, April 9. Replying to Sir
George Badon-Powell, Sir Edward Gray
said that the aovernment had not yet re
celved any communication from Veno-
xuolu respecting tho demand mado by
Great Britain for nn explanation regard
tug tho hauling down ot the British flag
SIma, .Tolnaux'e Appeal Rejected.
Brussels, April 9. The appeal of lime.
Jonluux, the poisoner of several members!
of hor family, who w as sentenced to lifo
Imprisonment on Feb. 3, lv.i.'i, aud who on
the following day made applicutlon
through couusel for a new trial, has boon
would be a more appropriate name for that common
cause of suffering dyspepsia because most cases of
dyspepsia can be traced to food cooked with lard. Iet
COTTOLENE take the place of lard in your kitchen
and good health will take the place of Dyspepsia.
fe gggjp 132 Jt.
mimmso EMBER IS. 18SI,
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows i
Tor New York via Philadelphia, wnek. it
1.10,6.25, 7.20, a.m., 12.33, 2.56, MVS p.m. Fu -
110, a.m. Tor New York via Maun Cfj.
week days, 6.25,7 20 a. m., 12.82, 2.(0 p. m
Tot Reading and Pbl'ndolnhla, week rU:
UO, 6.25, 7.20. a.m., 12.32, 2.65, R p. n '
ity, 2.10, a. rc.
For PoU3ville, weok days, 2.10, MO, i. ti
12.82, 2.65, 5.65 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 a. m.
f or Tamaqua ana Mananoy uity, weer a
10. 6.25. 7.
12,82, 2.56, 5 p. m.
dav. 2.1(1. a. m.
r'or vviinamspori, aunoury ana tirwiro
weok aays, u.zs, a, m i., i.ns r
Sunday, a. m.
ananoy Plane, week days, 2.10, t.IS, f
20, 11. SH
l.K), Z.Ul, D.OO, t.Mt O ft'
m. Sunday, 2.1U, s.zs, a. m.
For Ashland and Si&mokln, week d&;s. J.s
,20, 11.80 a. m., 1.85. 7.20, B.85 rj, ra. sa 6
,xa a. m.
For Baltimore, "Washington and the West
. & O. R. R.. through trains leave Read'-
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. & R. R. R.) at 3.S
,oa, ii.vsj a. in., B.iQ, 7..', d. m., nuna a
5. l.29 a. m.. 3.40. 7.27 D. m. Additions
train from 21th and Chestnut streets station
woek days, 1.45, 5 41, 8.23 p. m. Sundays, 1.35
Leave New York via Phlladelonia.week C
CO a. m., 1,80. 4.00, 7.80 p. m., 12.16 nlfht.
lav. 6.00 n. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week da
80, 9,10 a. m.,, 4.30 p. m.
Leave Phlladelnhla. Reading Tormina
week days, 4.20, 8.85, 10,00 a. m., and I.
sk, p. m. Hunaay, p. m.
ueave neaaing, ween uays,, .iu, iu.uo, 1 1 or
m., 5.6S, 7.67 p. m Sunday, 1.85, a. m
Leave Pottsvllle. week days, 2.85, 7.41 a. -
12.80, 6,12 p. m Sunday, 2.85 a. m.
Leavo Tamaqua, week aays,,, u.ra
n., 1.20, 7.15, 9.28 p. m. Sunday, 8.18 a. rr.
Leavo Mahanoy City, week daysi 8.16, v.ll
11.47 a.m., 1.51, 7.S9, 9.54 p. m. Sunday, 8.45
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week dtvs. 2.4(1, 4 00.
I.S0, 9.37, 11.69 a. m., 12.68, 2.00, 5.20, 8.26,7.68,10 If
i. m. sunaay, z.4U, 4.uu a. m.,
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 7.42, 13. IU
. i).6D, u.ibp. m. aunaay, p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Wharf
ad Houth Street Wharf for Atlantlo city.
Week-Davs Exnress, 9.09. a. m.. 2.00. (Sat
urdays only 300), 4 5 00 p. m. Accommoda-
uuu, o.w a. iu. u -o o. iu.
Bnnday Express. B.oo, 10.00 a. m. Acccm
modatlon, 8.00 a. m. and 4.30 p. m.
Returning, leave Atlantlo City, depot, cornet
Atlantlo and Arkansas avenues.
Weck-Days Express, 7.35, 9.00 a. m. anc
00 and 5.30 n. m. Accommodation. 8.15 a. m
and 4.32 D. m.
Hundat Exrress. 4.00. 5.15. 8.00 p. m. Ac-
comrr oditlon, 7.15 a. m ana 4 15 p. m.
rurior cars on an express trains.
O. Q. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Philadelphia P
I. A. SWEIGAK)). Gen. Sunt.
Professional Cards.
Office. 120 North Jardln street, Shenandoah.
Office Ecan bulldlnz. corner ot
Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Office Room 2. Egan's New Building, cot
ner Main and Centre streets. Shenandoah. Pa,
Office Hours: 8 to 10 a. m.: 1 to 3 n. m.: 7tc
p. m. Night offlceNo. 230 West Oak street.
Office Water Company
building, 2d West
Lloyd street.
Diseases of the Heart
Office and residence. No. 29 S. White street,
Oflloe hours 7 to 9 a, m., I to S and 7 to 9 p. m,
"Whoa it Comos to
Our stock speaks for Itself. If you don't
come to town, send your orders. They
will be nicely filled.
20 E. Centre Street, Shenandoah.
Sara ano sure, send ao. i s-'WOMAM'a &aj
DUAKOl' WILCOX upccirio COrnUArAi
Clock Sprint? Blade
Only Perfect Comb.
Korcpaugli Circuses,
Ask vour Dealer for
rVe our name on the handle. SPUINU CU11UT
Hametlxcaa needs a reliable,
me purest drugs
Or. Peal's PenroyroaB PilBs
Ther are pronint, safe and certain In result The gsaalne (Dr. Peal's) bstu iittfr
nolnt, Gent anywhere, 81,01,, Addr tSAi. MsDiciK Co., aorsland, 0,
Bold buP- -P. H. KiniilS, Vrttaal'f, BK(indaah, Pa,
U 1
Try it. Every pail of the genuine
COTTO LE N E bears this trade mark
steer's head in cotton-plant wreath.
Made only by
The N. K. Fairbank Company,
Delaware Ave., PliUada. Igj
Pflsseneer trains leave Khenandoah (or Penn
Haven Junction, M uch Churk, Lehlghton,
atingtuu. W lte HmII. CatHSauaua. Allen.
town, tletblehem, Raston and Weatherly 601,
,3S, 9.15 H. m , 12.43. 2 57, 6 27 p m
f or wew Yo'Kana ruimncipnin, o.ui, 7.js,w.i
, m.. 124. 257 n. m, For Ouakake Swllch-
back, C4erbads and Iludsou'nle, 915 a. m..
and 2 67 p m.
For w ik.s uarre Wh t- Haven. Pltuton.
Laieyvllle. Towanda, Snye, Wnverly and El
mlra, 6 01, Clt a. in., v.67, 6.2J p. m.
For Hocheter. Huflalo. Jlugara Falls and
the West 9.15 a m.. 2.57, 5.27 p in,
For Belvldcre. Delawar- Water Oan nnd
Stroudsbuig, G.OI a. m.. 2 57 p. m
r or ij'iinueriviiie a, a Trenton, v 16 a. m.
For Tunkhannosk, 0 04 9.15 a. m., 2.57, 5.27
p. m.
ior ltnaca ana ucnevn, e.ui, w.isa. m.,t.zi
, m.
For Aubu'n 916a.m. 6 27 p. m.
For Jeacesviile. Levlston and Heaver
Meadow, 7.3S a. m., 12.43 p in.
For Stockton and Lumber Yard, 6.01,7.38,
15 n. m., 12.43 2.57, 5 27, 8.08 p. m.
For Hllver Brook Junction. Audenrled and
Hazieton, 6.01, 7 3 9 15 a. m., 12.43, 2.57, 6,27,
.ua p iu.
r or ocramon o ui a. m 2.57, 5.2, p. m.
For Hazlfhrook. Jeddo. Drlfton and Free-
land, 6.01. 7.38, 9.15 a. m.. 12 43 2.67, 5.27 p. m.
For Ashiand, Glrardvlllo and Lost Creek,
.w, o.n, i su, I'.i s, iu hi a. m, i.w,4.iu
sso, o -1 p m,
and Hhamokln, 9 13, 11 14 a. m, 1 32, 4 20, 8 22,
10 p. in.
For Yatcsvllle. Park Place. Mahanoy CltT
and Delano. 5 50, 6 01, 7 38, 9 15, 11 05 n m 12 43,
01,0 a us. u a, iu m p. m.
TralUR will leae Shamokln at 5 15, 8 15, 11 1.5
. m.. 1 65. 4 30. I) 3 ) n. m.. nnd arrive at Shen
andoah at 6 01, 9 15 a m., 12 13, 2 57, 5 27,11 15
. in.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle. 6 01. 7 3S.
908, 1105, 1130 a. m., 12 41, 2 57,4 10,5 27,8 04
. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Hhonandoah. 0 00. 7 40.
K, 10 15, 11 40 a, m., 12 32, 3 00, 4 40, 5 20, 7 15,
55, 9 40 p. m.
i.euvo niieuanooan lor nazioion, uui, 7ia,
15 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 OS p. m.
Leave Hazieton for Hhenandoah. 7 35. 10 05.
11 06 a. m., 12 15, 2 58, 5 30, 7 25, 7 66 p. m.
Trains leave for Raven Run. Centralln. Mt.
Carrael ajd Shamokln, 6 45 a.m., 2 40 p.m.,
and arrive at Shamokln at 7 40 a. m, and 3 45
p. m.
Trains leava nnamoKio. lor ouenanuouu at
55 a. m.. and 4 00 d. m.. and nrrive at Shenan
doah at 8 49 a. m , and 1 68 p. m.
Trains leave for Ash and. Ulrardvllle and
Lost Creek, 940 a. m., 12 30 p. m.
r or tiazietou, macic ureeu j unction, renn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown,
Bethlehem. Easton and New York. 8 49 a. m..
iiiu, i oa p. m.
For Phlladelohla. 12 30. 2 55 D. m.
FoT Yatcsvllle, Park Place, Mahanoy City
and Delano, 8 49, 11 3 a. m., 12 30, 2 65. 4
Leave Hazieton for Shenandoah, 8 30, 11 30
m 1 05, 5 30 p. ra.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 555. 849,
932a. m,2 40 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoan, 8 30, 10 4(1
a.m., 1 3o,5l5 p. m.
iiollin a. wiLiiKii, uen'i. supt,.
South Bethlehem. Pa.
CHAS. S. LEE, Qen'l. Pass. Agt ,
south uethienem, i-a.
MARCH 30, 1895.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the abovs
late for Wlggan's, GUberton, Frackvllle, New
Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle, Hamburg, Reading,
Pottstown, PhocnlxvlUe, Norrlstown and Phu-
taeipnia (uroaa street station) at o:u atra nits
t. m. and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays ForPotta
mie ana intermeaiate stations ;iu a, m.
For Wlggan's. GUberton. Frackvllle, New
Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 6:03. 0:41 a. m-
ina s:iu p. m. For uamourg, iteaaing, i-otu-
town, i-neecixvuie, nornsiown, i'niiaucipnj
tt 6:00, 9:40 a. m., 8:10 p. m.
Trains leavo r racicvuie lor ononanuoan at
',0:40a.m. and 12:14, 6:04, T.t'i and 18i27p. m.
lundays, 11:18 a. m. and 5:40 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at Hill.
11:48 a. m, and 4:40,7:16 and 10:00 p. m.Sundir
tt 10:40 a. m. and 5:15 p. m
Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station) for
Jhenandoah at 6 67 and 8 86 a m, 4 10 and 7 11 p
n week days. On Sundays leave at 6 60 a m.
Loave uroaa streetotation, miaueionui.
For New York. Express, week days,
at 8 20, 4 06, 4 50, 6 15, 6 60, 7 S3, 8 20, 9 60, 10 80,
dining car), 11, 11 it a m, iz noon, u it iuim
ted 121 and 4 23 p m dining oars), 140, 2 80
(dining car), 3 20, 4, 5,6, 6 60,713, 8 12, 10 p m
12 03 night. Sundays, 3 20, 4 06, 4 50, 5 15, 8 12,
0 60, 1 J 01 (dining car), 1103 a m, 12 44, 3 80
(dining car), 4 00 (limited 4 2!), 620, 6 30, 6 50,
7 IS, 8 12, 10 00 p m, 12 01 night.
express lor uoston, wituout onunKo, usm,
weekdays, and 6 50 p m dally.
For Baltimore and Washington 3 50, 720, 8 31,
9 10, 10 20, 11 18, 11 83 a m, (12 80 limned uuuuit
jar,) 180, 3 48, 4 41, (6 16 Congressional Lim
ited, dining car), 5 65, (dining car), 6 17. 6 65,
(dining car), 7 40, (dining car) p.m., and 12 08
night week days. Sundays, 850, 7 20, 9 10. 11 18,
1138 am, 4 41, 5 65 (dining car). 8 65 (dining
car), 7 40 (dining car) p m and 12 03 night.
Leave Market street Ferry, Philadelphia
Express. 8 60 a ra, 2 10, 8 30 (Saturdays only) 4 10
and 5 00 p m week days. Sundays, Express,
845 aud945am.
For Cape May, Anglesea, Wild wood and
Holly Beach, express, 9 a. m., 100 p m week
days. Sunday, 9 00 am.
For Sea Isle City, Ocean City and Avalon,
Express. 0 00 a m, 4 00 p m week days. Hun
aay s, 9 00 am.
For Homers Point, express, 850, am, 410 p
m week days. Sundays, 8 45 a in.
B. M. PB1V08X, J R. TTOOD,
Qen'l Manaeer Wen'l Pasi'g'r Agt
Spring Curry Comb
Boft ns a Brush, Fits every Curve. The
Used by U. S. Army and by Barnum and
aud Leading Horsemen of tho World-
It. Sample moiled post paid 25 cents.
C011U CO., 102 Lafayette St., Bouth Vend, Indiana.
medicine, (inly I
aueuia Be nsea,
yoa want the best, get