It I EVENING HER ALD -f a-fi.1JLA1 V &JLlXXAJLjy Published dally, except Sunday by skuaIjI) l'VimtHituro tiOJirvAH, f tullcatlon office and mechanical department, North Market Street, (jfhe tJpi A I dellvcrod in Shenandoah and X"Si"u surrounding towns for Six Cents week, piyablo to tho carriers. By mall,Three Collars a year or Twenty-five cents per month, : advance. , J.deertlsement charged according to space nfl position. The publishers reserve the right la change the position ol advertisements when ever tho publication of news requires it. The cttht is alio reserved to reject any advertise tusnt, whother paid for or not, that the pub Mhcrs may deem improper. Advertising rates nadc known upon application. Entered at tho post otnoeat Shenandoah, Pa ft second closs mall matter. Till! JSVJSXXNa UHltATM, Shenandoah, Penm. Evening Herald MONDAY, APRIL 8. 1995. The Republican victories in St. Louis tnd Chicago lust weok demonstrated that the Cleveland Administration and the Democratic policy are condemned by the people with as much alacrity as they -were last November. In Ohio the same story Is reported the Democratic party lias met again with a rebuke tbe only city where it had any kind of decent sup port being Columbus, which has been for .years a stronghold of that party. 'Tiikre Is an old saying that "preven tion la better than cure," and experience proves it to be true. If the very fussy ladles of both sexes of tho "genus" prude, .who have lately been hounding the '"unfortunates" from public places of amusement although these have paid for their seats and behaved as well as others if these, we say, wish to provo ithelr sincerity In their work, let them practise prevention and avoid persecution. JLet them cease harrying the immoral -women who are irreclaimable, and whose -vices are to a great degree the faults of society aud of immoral men, and let them strike at the root of our great social vil. This cannot be done by adding to Che hardships of adults, but by improv ing our laws uud ameliorating the lives ol the children. It is too late when social pests have been manufactured by unjust laws and cruel conditions, to blame them tor the misfortune of their existence. Rather let us place the sin where it de servedly stands upon our own shoulder?. We, a Christian people, rejoicing in wealth and freedom, permit tens of thousands of our very poor to herd like beasts and to grow up like brutes. Our slums are crowded with those who live, one, two, threes or more families, In one room, where every function of life is per formed by nil. These frequently comprise many grown or growlng-up youths of both sexes. Brothers and sisters, fathers and daughters, mothers and sons, huddled together In the same miserable bed, every shred of modesty stripped from each from their very infancy, every decency of civ iliz.ed life dally violated. And the owners of such places of ten pocket the profitable proceeds of these Incestuous tenements, and then persecute the prostitutes who Slave been born and bred there. Ah well l&me mushrooms for growing on a -dunghill. TnE proper ventilation of churches is very properly beginning to attract a rea sonable share of public attention. That some of our churches are badly ventilated no one who has ever attended during ser vice when they are crowded will dispute. Host persons are afraid of draughts, and vary properly, but It does not appear to bare entered Into the minds of the masses of church goers that there is as much danger In churches that have little or no ventilation as in those that are affected with draughts. The air In an air-tight hnrch becomes vitiated, and Is therefore .pernicious and poisonous. Pure air has life-giving qualities, of which it is fobbed in such edifices by being breathed and rebreathed many times over. It needs not the saying that the breath of many persons, men and women, is in the highest degree offensive, the offenslveness always proceeding from some disease. Kach respiration from such mouthi and throats carries with It Into the atmosphere tpolsonous air, which, of course, mingles with the atmosphere, and Is taken in t -divided quantities Into other lunga where it may Impart disease. A great many iperssns never think of this danger, not to apeak of the disgust naturally Inspired by the contemplation of the subject, individual oups are beginning to take the gilace of the chalice at communion sen .sons in quite ft number of churohes, and jiuiely on hygienic grounds. The change ia to be commended, though it makes the administration of the Sacrament less im pressive; but those familiar with the ill foots of breathing suoh Vitiated Fir as that sure to abound in badly ventilated burcheu will agree that between the -wo evils the danger from it Is very much greater than Irom the use of the old j&uhioned chalice. sm" "mtSlSioot British force movl ngto the relief of Mi- Robertson, tlie British ngent nt Chltml, nns nivcl nu oUKitgelfflbnt with 0,000 Swmu, wlio ware trying, to block the MohVkund I'nss. Tlio enemy word put to flight niter loslnfr thirty killed by a chnrgoof cavalry. Tho brlgado Is now at Khar, In Swat, whoro It la awaiting tho organization of a transport sorvlco. A considerable num bor of fanatics from Upper Swat have Joined Umra, khan of Jandol, who Is lend ing tho forcos ngnlnst the British, and a big fight Is oxpectod. Japan's Peace Terms. PARIS, April 8. It Is stated on rollablo authority that Japan has proposed tho fol lowing conditions for tho conclusion of peaco: The Independence of Corcn, tho cession of southern Manchurn, including Port Arthur, the cession of tho Island of Formosa, tho opening of Chinoso ports and rivers to comtnorco, tho payment of an in domulty of 400,000,000 you and tho occupa tion of a number of Strategic points until the indomtilty shall havo boon paid. Clergymen Investigate aillwoukco Vices. Milwaukee, April 8.-r-Tho Rev. Walter J. Prtttbn, of Asbury Methodist Episcopal church, and nnothor preacher, whoso nnmo Is not positively known, spent nearly tho wholo of Saturday night in a tour of tho Mllwaukoo tenderloin district. They woro accompanied by a woll known man about town; nnd they saw things, Mr. Pattou Bays, that ocllpse for moral depravity any thing ho has ever scon, and ho has nlado iuYostlgntions of, tho snmo kind In Chicago nnd Now York. Thoy' also visited tho gambling housos. Mr. PnttOn iutlmntos thnt'tho ovldunco ho secured will bo used In a enmpatgn ngnlnst vlco that has been mnpped out by well known pooplo. Exciting Scene In n'UoIglan Court. Brussels, April 5. Thoro wns an excit ing scono Inn lnw court hero following tho trial of two anarchists who wero convicted of writing pamphlets, etc., denouncing tho military and upholding anarchy. Tho prisonors wero quiet enough during tho progress of tho trial, but when tho jury returned n verdict of guilty thoy aroso nnd in tho most vlolout langilago insulted tho judge nnd jurymen. Many frlondsand sympathizers of tho anarchists wero In tho court room, and thoy joined in shouting imprecations against tho court officials. Tho nttompts of tho judgo to restore order wero without avail, and tho uproar oon tlnuedHintll gendarmes cleared tho court room. i , lit Hung Chang's Wound Honied. Shimososeki. Japan, April 8. Tho wound in tho faco of Li Hung Chnng, tjio Chlneso penco envoy, who wns shot March 21 by a patriotic fnnntic, hns now com pletely healed. Tho bandages wero re moved yesterday. Prince Komatsifc commander-in-chief of the Jnpaneso army nnd navy, will lenvo Hiroshima on Wednes day next to establish his headquarters lu China. Pensioners Will Revolt. Nashua, N. H., Aprils. Tho pensioned soldlors np tho State Soldiers' Homo, whoso pension money, except $3 n month, under tho rules of tho homo, is kopt by the man- ngoment, navo rouoiieu, stating thnt they wlllrefuso to turnover tho money when it comos this week, nnd that they will leave the homo in a body if tho point is forced. Tho directors say thnt tho rules will bo enforced. Dlsnstrous Hnll Storms In Georgia. Athens, Gn., April 8. This section of Georgin wns visited by two destructive hall storms yesterday. Hnll stones ns largo as hen's eggs descended and wrought groat damage to fruit und garden plants. Tho rain foil heavily, nnd was accompauied by a strong wind. It is thought tho storm will provo to bo ono of tho worst that hns occurred in years. Governor Alurvll Falling Ilapldly. LAUREL, Del., April 8. Govornor Mnr vll is failing rapidly. His factories havo been closed down to avoid tho noise, nnd tho streets havo also been roped off nt each end of tho block to provont teams passing. Good authority stntos that in all proba bility tho end cannot bo far oil. SIny be Killed by a Jackstone. ' POTTSVILLE, Pa., April 8. A 5-year-old child of poorgo Manjunas, u Shonnndonh saloon keeper, hns swallowed A cast Iron jackstone, such as children play with,, and is not expected to' live. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Praise services woro held throughout Nobraska yesterday to give thanks for re cent rain storms. Lin Chin Fung, a son of Li Hung Chang, has boon appointed by China to assist in the peace negotiations. It is foarod that John Rnokum was burnod to death by n flro in tho Kirklnnd blook at Northampton, Mass. Tho mou who robbed the postofflco nt Sprlngfleld, Ills., aro known to the au thorities, nnd their capture Is considered rertaln. Thoy aro nil export thlovos. Tho mill operatives gf Provldonce, R. t., hnvo docldod to go on strike on 'Wed losday for n return to tho old rnto of frages. Employers doclaro thoy cannot lay tho prices asked. "DAI NT cracks It often costs more to prepare a house for repainting that has been painted in the first place with cheap ready-mixed paints, than it would to liave painted it twice with strict ly pure white lead, ground in pure linseed oil. Strictly Pure White Lead forms a permanent base for repaint ing and never has to be burned or scraped off on account of scaling or cracking. It is always smooth and clean. To be sure of getting strictly pure white lead, purchase this brand: "John T. Lewis & Bros." Fa Colors. National Lead Co.'s Pure While Lead Tinting Colon, a one-pound can ". 35-Ppuud keg of Lad and mix your own paints. Saves time and annoyance in roalchiug shades, and insures the best paint that it ia pw silile to put on wood. bend u- a postal card and get our book on pamih and i ulor-card, free ; it will probabl) save mju a good man) JOHN T, LEWIS & 3ROS CO., Philadelphia. Wh Castorla Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's proscription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantco is thirty years' usp by millions of Mothers. Castoria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Onstorlalsso well adapted to children that I recommend it ns superior to any prescription" known to me." n. A. Anemia, M. D 11 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " The use of ' Castoria ' is so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of, supererogation to endorse it. Few aro tho intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos JIartyk, D. D New York City. Tmt CsOTAUtt FEARING A LABOR RIOT. fnvcrnor Worts of New Jersey, Called Upon for State Troops. Pehth Amiioy, X. J., April 6. Tho Btatou Island Term Cotta company nt Spa Springs, near hero, of which J. Edward Addloks is president, wont into tho hands of rccolvers a week ago. Lawyer Georgo V. Bacon, of Jersey City, and Mr. Addtcka were appointed temporary receivers by the chaucellor. Tho omployoi of tho company on Mon day, to tho number of (W0, went on a strike. Tho wages duo tho strikers amount? to nearly $28,000. It was runtored among tho strikers that thoy woro to re ceive their wages yestorday, and thoy wero very much auprlsed to flud tho works in possession of tho deputy sheriffs. wnon tno company llrstleurned that tho strikers meant to fight for their money Secretary Lylu notified Sheriff Servlss, of Mlddlesox county. Ono hundred special deputlos wero thon sworn In. Shorlff Sor- viss himsolf appoared on tho scene Inter. Wlion ho saw tho largo number of strikers, and learned that thoy had thrown out pickets and that men wero in hiding in trenches nearby, waiting for tho signal to attack tho works, ho bonnmo nlarmed. Ho said his men woro not proparod to faco SO largo a Dody ol strikers unless thoy had firearms. Ho telegraphed at onco to tho authorltloa at Tronton for fifty Winches ters ana to Now York for fifty pistols and ammunition. Shortly after 1 o'clook Robert W. liylo, secretary and munagor of the company, drove up to tho works. Tho men grow greatly oxcited, and DoputiosHoussollnud Flaherty marchod out tho resorves thoy had held within tho works. For hours tho strikers and the deputies faced each other thus on either sldo of tho Pennsylvania railroad tracks. Ten minutes after he arrived Mr. Lyle rccolved a commlttoo of tho strikers. Mr. Lyle told tho mon that tho money due thorn was In the bank, but It could not bo paid until certain legal matters woro adjustpd. "If you go to work tqmorrow," said Mr. Lylo, "you'll bo paid for ono day's .work tomorrow night. J.t you dcxi't go to work you must not ' provent others from working. Wo must open tho works at once." The mon retired quietly last night, but tho sheriff fears serious trouble, and has called on tho governor for troops. Call for State Troops in Nexr Jersey. jEiiSET City, April 0. Governor Worts, of Now Jersoy, who is In this city, says that ho has recolvod a request for troops to suppress tho labor troublos at tho Staton Island Terra Cotta factbry at Spa Springs. Ho says ho will tako no action until ho can Investigate. To Abolish SpVlng Elections. HAKIU8BURQ, April 0. Tho liouso wos in a good humor yestorday and oheorf ully granted all tho special ordors asked for by members anxious to advance their pet measures, The requests for this courtosy woro so numerous as to causo Speaker Walton to remark that senatorial courtosy was undoubtedly predominating in tho house, Mr. Nlckell secured u special order for his proposition to amend tho constitu tion to abolish spring ulcotions. Tho cal endar was cleared of tho bills on first read ing, aud the houso adjourned until Mon day evening. Charged with Larceny Philadelphia, April 6. John O. Hauts, for many years omployed as a pay olerk In in tho olQcs of the paymaster of tho Penn sylvania railroad's Philadelphia division, is under arrost on the charge of larcony of a sum not yet definitely ascertained, but estimated at from iS.OOO to 1510,000. It Is bellovod that tho monoy was tnkon in small amounts deducted from tho salaries of omployos on tho pretonso thnt it was to bo used to purchase uniforms for thorn. Hauts has hitherto borne an unblemished reputation. Oklahoma Terrors Subdued. Perry, O. T April 6, From a mill oarrlor between hero and Stillwater no.vs was received of a fight at Gushing, O. 'i'., on Thursday. Charllo Wilson, Charlie Mooro and Jack Sims, three dospera o men, rodo into Cush,lng heavily arm d and procoedod to terrorize tho citizens, and raided several stores, Tho town of floors organized a posso to toslst tho out lows, In tho fight Sims wos shot lu tho head and killed. Tho other two men wero arrested and lodged, in jail. The Motormaii Acquitted. Brooklyn, April 6. Orlando Worth lugton, tho Syraougo (N. Y.) motormiui charged with manslaughter in the geooml degree, the claim being that tho car opcr uted by him knocked down, ran over and killudSuiuuiil Urashley, aU-year uldhuhoul buy, was yestorduy afteruuon ni'jultted und dlbi-hnrgud. Worthlnytun came hire nt the timo of the strike tu take the phico ut a striking uuiou motormau. at IS Castoria. ' . Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, ' " ' ' L Without injurious medication. ''For several years I havo recommended your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwik F. Paroke, M. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Company, 77 Mokoatt Sthkkt, New York Cm TRAGEDY AT A CHURCH DOOR. Worshipers nt Wichita Witness a Wlf Murdoi' and Suicide. Wichita, Kan., April 8. A horrible tragedy occurred on tho steps of tho Lin coln Street Christian church as tho con gregation woro walking out of tho church after the services woro over about noon yesterday. On tho sidewalk in front of tho church Walter Scott fired a bullot Into tho brain of his wifo, and sho foil at his feet a corpse. While tho people stood aghast at tho terrlblo deed Scott placed the muzzlo of tho revolver In his mouth and sent a bullet crashing into his brain, add fell dead almost within reach of his wife's arm. At tho sight of tho bloody tragedy two or three women fainted and much excitement provallod. Whon . Mm. Scott was" shot sho was walking out of tho church with her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Scott were married about two years ago, when sho was 17 and ho 19. Thoy separated about a yearago. Scott returned to Wichita a weok ago. Ho wont to church yesterday, and as ho walked out asked his wlfo if sho would return to him. and upon her refusal sent a bullet Into her brain. Klllml by a .Single Illmv. La Porte, lhd., April 8. A murder was committed hore yesterday, tho vie :!m be ing Henry Fnbenheim, n houso painter, aged 35 years, whi(se death resulted from asiuglo blow of hbs father-in-law's fist. Fabunheim had a long fuio terrorized Ills young wlfo, being especially1 ?:iisiyo when drinking. About 1 o'clock yd&trjlny morning, while intoxicated, Lo went to ifta. homo, where both fa'mllies llvo In a double houso. He nt onco commouced to abuse his wifo, and finally choked her. Her screams awakened Jier father, Jacob Ott, and as ho entorcd Jhe door sho warned him to bo careful, as her husband wns armed with a hammor. Without further ado Ott struck him a powerful blow In tho head with hi-- fist, knocking him senseloss. He soon revived, howover, but commenced to Bpit blood, and died in a fow hours. Itun Down on n Railroad Hrlilce. Philadelphia, April 8. Georgo It Wlnflold, aged 35 years, was struck and Instantly klllod by a Reading railroad train yesterday. Winfleld and a compan ion named' William Hambo, followed by an unktiown man and woman, w6ro cross ing tho Domino Lauo railroad bridgo, on tbe outskirts of tho city, whon a train ap proached. Thoy all stepped on tho south bound track only to find another train bearing down on them. Bambo leaped to the ground, a distance of thirty feet, and escapod with slight Injuries, and tho man nnd womnn' saved tholr lives by scramb ling over the railing on to one of tho piers of tho bridgo, but Winfleld became bewll dorod nnd wns run down. AMUSEMENTS. -ERGUBON'S THEATRE, P. J. FERQUSOH, MANAGER. One solid week, commencing MONDAY, APRIL 8th, 1895. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. J. NUGENT S METROPOLITAN COMEDY CO. In the Following Repertolr: Monday Evening , "The Fugitive" Tuesday Evening "East Lynn" Wednesday Matlnee..."Kanchon the Cricket" Wednesday Evenlng.r. "A Royal Pardont' Thursday Evening "Lost in London" Friday Evening.... "Fanchon the Cricket' Saturday Matinee "East Lynn" Saturday Evening "Little Ferrett" Prices, io, 20, aud 30 cents. ifltlnee Prices : 10 cents to all parts of the house. Reserved Beats at Klrlln't drag store Your Stomach : : : Cannot stand the same washing that your boots do. and the water yon drink Isn't even fit tor that purpose. Use Loronz Schmidt's Beer and Porter. JAMES SHIELDS, Manager Shenandoah 'Branch. J iHSSIuJIKj llipuiVVBVBj Wti) Tie STEAM BEMITIIIE C0fl hXifilnH SALLIE DEAN'S I 1 Startling Dfjvolppmo'iits in Mary land's Latest Tragedy, HER S0E00L TEA0HEE AERESTED. It la Chargod Thnt He Wns the I'rlnclpul In tho Murder of Pupil, Who Wn Kilted to 1'revont Her Testifying Agalnitt ' Illm. Baltimore, April 8. Grant Cochran, tho school tonchor of Salllo Dean, tho 14-ycar-old girl who was outragod and mur dered, was arrested by Baltimore dotoc tlves near Hormony, Caroline county, and brought tp Baltimore. It is understood thnt Cochran's arrost was brought about through a statement In tho nature of a partial confession mndo by Marshall 1C. Prlco to Chlof of Pollco Froy. Cochran, sii far as known, has mitdo no statomout. Tho pollco seem to think they havo a case against both men, but surround It with an air of mystory. Cochran is about 30 years old and pop ular in tho county. Ho Is said tj, navo boon on vory friendly tornis with tho Dean family. 1$ Is oharged that Price and Cochran met tho girl on her way ttf schOoJ nnd at tempted to assault li'or In n lonely spot. Sho called the men by name nnd said sho would expose them ns soon, as she reached, homo. Thon It was decided to kill tho girl. ' Brloo says that Cochran was tho in stigator ofjtho crlmo. Both of the accused aro woll connected. At tho request of tho county authorities Deteotlves Gault and Seibold were sent down to holp solve tho mystory. Thoy soon spotted Marshall E. Prlco, a Sl-yoar-old blacksmith of Harmony, who had served on tho coroner'B jury nnd had shown rcmarkablo eagerness lu ovory way to holp find tho murderer. Tho detectives encouraged him to talk, and took him about with thorn. Ho told thorn that ho had been so en grossed on tho subject of tho crlmo that he had dreamed pf It moro than onco. Tho last timo ho dreamed of it was Tuesday night. Thon, in his sloop, a vision of tho sceno camo over him, and very divply im pressed him. It was very vivid. He told how ho, following tho mysterious imagina tion of ills sleep, in company with ono of tlio searchers, had walked,dlroctv, to the spot and dug up tho knife a long, keen and dangerous weapon;- with blood still upon It with which tho child's throat was cut. ' Ho spoko also of other articles which had beon burled by tho murderer, Inclnd ing a llttlo pioco of ribbon which Salllo Dean woro that fatal day. Ho had found these, he said dramatically, aftor 3,000 per sons had searched the ground over and obtained no clow. In his statement fur ther on ho bocamo oxcited, made an ap parent blunder, and, turning deathly pale, would havo fallen, but ono of tho officers presont in tho magistrate's room caught liim. Ho had beon seized with a slight fainting spoil, aud Dr. Enoch Georgo was hastily called In. Prlco then resumed his statement, which boro little relevancy, oc casionally protesting his Innocence The dotootlves thou formally mado the affidavit, charging "Marshall E, Prlco with having murdered Sarah E. Dean on tho 0th day of March," and Sheriff Georgo H. Berry toolc him to jail. When tho news of tho arrest was circulated publio fooling ran high, nnd tho detectives determined to hurry their prlsonor to Donton. Tho talk cat - tctho cars of Mrs. Price, tho pris oner's young wlfo, but In no way has her faith lu him faltered. Sho Insists on going to Denton wlflj her husband and tho officers lndulgod hei When finally sho bocamo convinced that ho was actually arrested'for tho crime, tho youug wlfo, who Is but 19 yiirs old, broke down, but maintained her faith in hor husband's lnnoconco. New York's Indicted Official. New Yohk, April 8. Tho park cpmmis sloners and pollco officials lndlcted'by tho grand jury were arrostcd and taken o po lice headquarters. Geofge C. Clatisen, the brewor: Nitthan Straus, tho million aire dry goods man, and A. H. Tnppon, a lawyor and a rich man, woro Admitted to ball In $1,500. As park commissioners thjoy nro accusod of permitting the city cheated on contracts for asphalt pavliig- roucu iuptniu ivuineii was uu.muwu iv ball at $10,000 under o charge of bribery!. Patrolmen Cassid'y, Miller and Thrally woro bailed out at ?3,000 each. Thoy weroV dntion. Ex-Suporintondent Brady, of tho building department, had to furnish a bondsman at 10,000. Ho also Is Indicted for bribory and ulso for accepting unlaw ful gratuity. A Hoy Shot from Ambush. Asiieville, N C April 8. Ernest Sumner, a boy, was shot from amlmsli eight miles from hero and instantly killed. Charllo Wost, another "boy, was filled with shot from the samo charge that killed Sumner. Tho boys woro riding double- on n horso within 175 yards of tho house' of Josso Sumuer. West, It Is foarod, Is foj tally injured. Josso Sumner is uuder ar rost, suspected of tho crlmo. All tho par ties are well known, and of good and well to do families. Chicago's Police Chief Realgns. CniCAuo, April 8. Superintendent of Police Bronnan tondorcd his resignation to Mayor Hopkins, nnd tho latter has ap pointed Assistant Superintendent IClploy to tho vacant position. Disagreement with the pollco commissioners over tho dlschargo of olghty-flvo extra men, whom Superintendent Brennnn wished to retain on tho foroo, Is supposed to have caused tho resignation. ' A l-rouame ouuuay juuruer ift llayonne. BAYONNK, N. J., Api-Yl 8 Dlodrlch Garbo, a saloonkeepor jfo East Twenty second street and Vjbusklrk romi, on Constable Hook, tWa cjty, was stabbed so severely yesterdiwjTby Patrick Sheehan, Who resides In tlj0 adjoining houso, that It is thought ho wjfntU0. It is said tho as sault was unprovoked. Christians iJfot Endangered lu ByrliK Paius, Apri 8. Oillolnls of tho Turkish embassy heE0 Bay with rcferenco to tho dispatch of American warships to Aloxau dretta and -fcvdana, Syria, that thore is no truth whatt')Vl,r jn tho report that a mas jacro of Cf jrutlaus Is Impondlug. They declare, on Uhe contrary, that perfect order prevulls lu ryriiv. ' A NeW' yorjt I'ostolllco Itobhfld. Tnoy, N. iy , Apiil H. Tho postoffloe at Waterford, " Saratoga county, was visited by thieves SutVrday uiifht. Tho safo was blown opoa and- woMn 0f stumps and a small amount c ,t monoy wn3 tllk(m Up Your 1 IvCll la I I ' jx- -T and on this winter ? HJave you had La Grippe ? Do you feel that the winter has been a hard One fo.r you, and now that the sminer is here, vou would be over all your troubles if vou only felt Strang? good! neart. iu you want is 4 11 to gi ve your weakened nerves strength; natural, not fic titious strength. Then you. will feel yourself build up , dayj by day, and get that blessed feeling of strong health. You say: "That's wha : I want; what will do all t lis for me?" JOHN DAIiTQN, AGENT FOR . Sbpnaiidoah and Vicinity FOR CELEBRATED leer and Porter. A trial order solicited. TTf BABBITS BOCK BEEB. Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. Weakness, Nervonsnens, ueoiiiiy, ana an tno train . 01 evus irom eariy errors or 9 later excesses, the resulu.t f o'-e-Svri.. sicVne'-;. V7ofrr.- etc. Full strength, devel opment ana tone gi von to jevery organ and portion of the body. Simplo. nat ural mothod3. ImmedU ato Improvement seen. FnlhirA Imnnaftllite. 2.000 references. Book- xplanatlon and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL 00., Buffalo, N.Y. OYSTER BAY! 105 East Centre Street. Families Supplied with Oysters. Dicing parlors attached. r Wholesale agent for Ftl(Bsptii't Stuart, X. J Expert Lager aid Saazer Pile Beer, No finer Ef de. Fine liquors and ClRrs, 120 South Main Bt. DR. A. A. SEIBERT- Specialist in diseases ot the Eve, Ear, Hose and Throat. SOT West Market St., PotUvllle. Hours 8.30 a. m. to 12 m.i 1 to 4 n. m 7 to 8 p. m, Sundays, 9 a. m. to 12 m. y Millions of Dollars Go up in smoke every year. Take no risks bnt get your houses, stook, fur niture, etc., insured in first-class, relia ble companies, as represented by DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agont, 120 South Jardln Street. Also Ufa and Accidental Companies v- J OHN A. BEILLY. Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALER, 22-21 South Main SU, Shenandoah. Agent for D..G. Yuenglltg & Son's celebrated Beer, Porter Ales etc. 1 1 V 60R of MEN