The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 05, 1895, Image 2

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Published dally, except Sunday by
xZilllALI) 1'OltLlHlllNO CUMI'AHV,
Publication ofllco and mechanical Jcpartmont
North Mnrkct Street.
. tTi j In dollvcrod In Shenandoah and
me pencuu surf0Uneiing towns for Six Cents
weok, pa yablo to the carrlors. lly mall, Three
DollarH a yoar or Twenty-live cents per month,
It) advance
JLttvrrtUementM charged according to space
ted position. The publishers reserve tho right
to clianeo tho position of advertisements when-
over the Dubllcatlon of news roaulres it. The
rli ht la also reserved to reject ony advertise
ment, whether paid for or not, that the pub-
tlhcrs may deem Improper. Advertising rates
seade known upon application.
Rathor Than Yield to the De
mands of Great Britain.
Sntercd at the post offloo at Shenandoah, I'a
si second closs mall matter.
Shenandoah. Penna.
Evening Herald
FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1895.
llcmly to Sco Tholr Homri nnd Cities Des
olated mid Laid in Aslioii Hatlier Tlmn
Submit to What Tlioy Kcgnrd as Na
tional Dishonor.
Washington. April 5. It Is stated by
persons In a position to sponk with author
ity that as soon as Venezuela is convipccu
Groat Britain hits finally declined to arbi
trate or settlo tho boundary dispute, as
suggested by tho United Stntos through
Ambassador mynrd, tho southorn repuu
Ho will regretfully but resolutely resort to
what sho reanrds as her only rccourso a
resort to force, ''onezuola fully recog-
nlzos tho groat military strongth or Great
Brltuln, but it la declared that her people
nro ready to soo tholr homos and their cit-
les desolated and laid In ashes rathor than
submit to what thoy regard as national
Joaquin Crospo, who thrco yoars ago led
tho revolt that resulted In the overthrow
of President Palaelo, is now president of
the republic Ho Is a bravo and detar
The row between England and France
Is another case of an African In the wood
TnE Chinese should tear down their
Great Wall and build school houses with
the material.
THAT Spanish apology is evidently lost
In the mails. Our Spanish friends really
should reform their postal arrangement?
If it seems to be necessary later on to I
set the Monroe doctrine to music and
compel John Bull to sing, we are quite
prepared to do It.
The bodv of another robber, riddled
with bullets, has been found in the woods
near the scene of the recent attempted
hold-up" on the Cincinnati Southern
Railroad. This makes three. To arm
train hands is conducive to honesty.
Sam Ills rather for Slnnilor.
PAN Fkancibco, April 5. Tin- row lu
tho Spreokels family has reached n nomo
what sensational stage. Young Gin
Ppreokels llled a complaint In tho superior
court yesterday charging his fatlior with
slander. Clans Spreckcls.ln a vecentnows
paper intorvluw, practically charged Ills
younger sons with unibozzlumont and "a
typo of hlaokmall" by which thoy woro try
ing to beat him out of S2,(W0,000. una sues
for only $300 damages, saying ho moroly
wishes to refute Ills fnthor'R chargos.
Urging a l'ro Trnilo 1'nrty.
Minneapolis, April 5. Tho state Dom-
ocratlo association Is at work on a groat
political Rcliomo. It is tho formation of a
free trade party, which snail cm Draco tno
whole country. Tho association lias sent
out circulars Inviting a conferenco of all
bollovors in freo trado to bo held In Chi
cago during tho first week In October. Tho
movement Is claimed to havo tho endorse
ment of Prosldont Cleveland, Secretary
Carllslo any many other leaders In tho
Whirled Around it Mm ft.
IIONESDAU:. I'.i.. April 5. Charles
Grlmstone. ngud II yoars, of Bethany,
three miles from this place, was seriously
Iniured In an nccmVnt at Seelyvlllu mills.
Ho was holplng Jacob Hausertoguta load
of sawdust whou his sleevo was caught lu
tho koy of a pulley and ho wi whirled
around tho shaft. His loft arm. right leg
and throo ribs wero broken and ho was
internally Injured. His recovery is doubt
ful. Illinois Democrats and the Currency.
SPniNGFIELD, Ills., April 5. Tho Demo
cratic state central commltteo of Illinois
issued a call for a state convention to meet
at Sprlngflold on June 4, to consldor tho
ourroncy question, whloh it is proposod to
make tho issue for tho noxt campaign.
Mexican Fanatic Create a Miniature Kev
nlntlnti .Jul Ovur the llonlor.
Galveston, Tox., April C A lottor to
Tho News from i'rosldeo, Tox., on the Rio
Grando, tells of an incipient Insurrection
among Moxlcau fanatlos. Tho trouble,
which has boon browing among tho Mex
icans of tho bordor ovor tho person Known
as "Saint Toresa," who claims power to
perform miracles, broke out again this
wcok. Tho nioro Ignorant of tho Mexicans
aro greatly stirred up about tho matter.
Tno miniature revolution wliicti toon
placo at Mulatto has culminated at Ojl
nangojd'rosldoo dol Norte), Moxlco. Tho
prisoners takon at Mulatto woro Incar
cerated in jail at OJlnango. Tho hunch
bach loader of tho Saint's party domaud
thosurront'erof tho prlsonors, and upon
being refused sont word to OJlnango that
ho would uso torco to obtain thorn. Suit
ing his actions to tho words tho hunchbach
started with an armed forco of 150 mon.
Tho authorities, hearing of his approach,
started a forco to moot .him, and In tho
light which onsuod, which was kopt up
until dark, eight woro reported' dead on
botli sides and several wounded. Tho au
thorities retreated to OJlnango, and tho
hunchback remained outsldo tho walls of
tho city, threatening It for thrco days, and
OJlnango is still in a state of slcgo. Tho
women and children havo crossed the Rio
Grando into Toxas for safety.
tJUEEN Victoria has given her consent
to the bill passed by tho South Australia
Parliament bestowing the full right of
suffrage on women. Woman suffrage is
now on trial on bo b sides of the world,
rwl CLfmlpntfi J' . olltics will watch the
results erest.
The trade revival, which began to man!
iest itself two orjthree weeks ago, becomes
-mnro mnrlrpd ns the time nasses. On the
stock market the improvement is par
tlcularly noticeable. Not only ia the
volume of saleB larger than they were,
but the prices are higher. Nobody, of
course, looks for anything like a boom in
the next few months. The business torpor
of two years can not be overcome sud
lpnlv. The improvement will be slow
for a while, but it will be continuous and
before the present year ends the normal
conditions will probably be restored and
trade reach the level of the period in
,..o,1lntplv nrecedlnc the panic. As
measured by bank clearances, the busl-
ness of the country Is still 10 or 15 per
cent, below that of 1892, but the gap 1b
steadily narrowing. Prices of all sorts
are about this much below the average of
that year, so that the present clearances
may represent as large a volume of tran
sactions as those did. Because of the in-
mined lighter, and Is pronounced in his
opposition to tho British Uemaiuls. 'inero
was considerable hard lighting in Ven
ezuela boforo tho triumph of Crcspo's fol
lowers, and while tho trouble was going
on It was openly stated that victory for
Crospo and his accosslon to tno prosiuonoy
would mean tho poacef ul cession to Great
Britain of tho disputed territory. When
Crospo won, however, and was mado pres
ident, ho proved to bo as good a patriot as
Palaelo had been, and Hoes not proposo to
glvo up an aero, let alono tho vast terri
tory England domands, with Its fabu
lously rich gold mines, without tho bitter
est kind of a strugglo.
It Is said that tho contention wltn lireat
Britain is not so much ono of territory ns
of tho sentiment and honor involved. So
firmly impressed have tho pcoplo Decomo
with this that tho opinion is expressed
that thoy would rather soo tholr country
go out or oxistenco man pass into tno prao
tlcal oontrol of a foreign power. Llttlo
doubt is felt under these clrcumstaucos
that Vcnozuola will forcibly assort her
rights to tho disputed Orinoco territory ns
soon as Urcatlirltain s rejection oi a sonu
ment aro dollnltoly communicated.
This territory oxtends about 150 miles
along tho coast, running back thirty-five
miles to what Is known as tho Schomberg
lino. Through tho middle of this strip
runs tho Orinoco rlvor, commanding tho
commorco to tho Interior of South Amer
ica. Groat Britain, is already woll ln
tronchod thoro with a naval station at the
mouth of tho river.
The interest of tho United States In the
controversy has progressed steadily in re
cent days. It bogau with tho friendly sug
costlon through Mr. Bayard of a settle
ment, and a request from congress that
Great Britain submit the matter to arbi
tration. The United States squadron un
der Admiral Moado was accorded an ova
tion at Venezuelan ports quite rocontly,
nnd stops wero takon to commemorate the
Monroe doctrine by oreotlng a statuo to
Presldont Monroe at tho capltol of Vene
zuela. Within recont days Venezuela has
ranted lartro concessions of tho Orinoco
councry to cltizons of tho United States,
O not be deceived.
This brand of White Lead
s still made by the "Old Dutch"
process of slew corrosion. It is a
standard brand of
Strictly Pure
White Lead
The recommendation of
"John T.Lewis &Bros."
to you by your merchant is an
evidence of his reliability, as he can
sell you cheap ready-mixed paints
and bogus White Lead and make a
larger profit. Many short-sighted
dealers do so.
For Colors. National Lead Co.'s Ture
White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can t&
. ?5-pound lceg ot Lead and mix your own
paints. Saves time and annoyance m matching
shades, and insures the best paint that it is
possible to put on wood.
Send us a postal card and get our book on
yamls and color-card, free; it will probably
avu you a good many dollars.
dilMirafcr'n KnclLh Diamond Itratlrf.
Oriclnuland iniy uenuino.
safe, alwaj reliable, ladies ask
Drugjrirt for Chtchrattr Kngtith Dia-A
n.fiM.1 limtut In U. and Gold metallic
iboiei. teaiea wiid Diue nowu, ibho
tinwtm .A 4mltnlin,iM. At DrrJITirtgt . OT Mud 4c
In itampt for particular!, tvitlmoniali ani
"iteiicr lor i.naie. itwnij rviur
i (t.iiitii Testimonial!. Aunt Jtoper.
ChlMiPiprChenilculi..Miuilnn Houare.
old by atV Local UrugnUU. Fhlluda., l'a.
Stop at
One Stan Killed and Several Wounded In
Indian Territory.
Oklahoma City. Anrll 5. Flvo men
stopped a Hock Island train near Dover,
I. T., at a lato hour, and mado a desporato
hut fruitless attempt to secure the con
tents of tho safo in tho oxnross car. Ex
press Mossongcr Jonos rof usod to open tho
door, nnd was shot through a cracK in mo
door, sustaining a sorloils wound. Tho
rohhors wont throuuh tho cars, which
wero well flllod with passongors, and com-
nolled thorn to empty tholr pockets, secur
ing in this way $350, six watches, two dia
mond rings, and other nrtlolos or vaiuo.
Then tho robbers rodo oil.
Word has roached horo that the posso
which wont in pursuit of tho outlaws ovor-
tookthem about fifteen miles from tho
Rpnnn of tho robborv In a fight that fol
lowed ono man was killod and several
wounded. Names aro not glvon. Iho
lnnilors of tho robbery. It is now known,
were Charlos Balloy and Zyp Wyatt, of
Ingalls, l'ayuo couuty. Thoy wero recog
nized bvox-Unlted States Marshal Grimes,
who was a passougor on tho train. Tho
otliors wero evidently local thlovos from
General 9Iaceo ILands In Cuba.
Madrid, April 6. A dispatch from
Cuba states that a filibustering steamer
was run ashoro noar Duabas, a short dis
tance oast of Baracoa, near tho oastorn ex
tremity ot tho Island, nnd twenty-two
robols wnro lauded, lnoludlng General
Macoo, Crombet and Valdcs. Two sailors
belonging to tho stoamor wero captured by
tho Spaniards. Thoy stated that uie mi-
bustorers had killed tho captain ot the
vossol for refusing to land them at tho
nlaco thoy destined. SeuorDupuydoLomo,
the nowly appointed Spanish minister to
tho United States, loft Madrid Wednes
day ovculng with Marshal Martinez do
Camno3. Ho accompanies the mar ai io
Cuba, and will prooood thonco t' Vash-
Clerk Nolan's Stealing
New York, April 5. Noth .g has yet
boon heard of William T. Nol vj, formerly
olork of tho Park Avonuo ho.-J, who dis
appeared on Saturday last, leaving many
irreu-ularmos in nis uooks. xc nau uecn
said that tho extent of Nolan's defalca
tions might run from ?20,000 to $30,000,
but Goueral Earlo, proprietor or the hotel,
said that he did not think tho amount
would bo ovor $8,000. Ho said that Nolan
had stolon tho monoy by turning over
falso balances to tho auditor, Miss Lans
ing. Nolan lived in a flat in West One
Hundred and Fifty-first stroot with his
wlfoand two llttlo ohlldron. Tho story
that he led a double life Is Indignantly do-
Is the one which will the
most thoroughly and quickly
drive out of the blood the
accumulations that are in
evitable in the winter months,
and which threaten health
when the habits of life change
under the warming sua. of
A spring cleaning" is as
necessary for our bodies as
in our houses. You will never
have spring fever if you an
ticipate it by thoroughly
cleaning the system.
This is the best time to
put your bodily house m
thorough order. You can do
it easily, comfortably and
satisfactorily with
Forecastfor 189!
1 p-Jsl
For Shenandoah and Vicinity.
Fair trado winds, with increasing
velocity in nil branches of bus
iness, followed by frequent
showers of Dollars into the
coffers of tno HERALD adver
Do Ifou Wan
To be in the
Lager and
Pilsner Beefs
,...-,.. I A Connecticut Murder Mystery,
zuu Norm viemre oiruui.
Meals at all hours. Ladles' dining room
,tq"hp(l Finest wines. Manors, cigars.
crease In population and In extent of In
dUBtries, however, which has taken place . nn(1 a strong nop0 6eems to bo entertained
in the past three years, higher figures
than those will have to be reached before
the level of the prosperity of 1892 will be
touched, but It Is evident that that line
will soon be In sight.
on tho part of Vonozuola that the Unltod
States will not stanu mty uy " a rosor 10
forco Is mado.
It Is understood that tho position of
Groat Britain In declining the suggestion
of tho Unltod States for the sottlomont of
tho trouble with Vonozuola is substan
tially as follows:
First Great Britain takos the position
that tho question of arbitration was onco
before proposed by Venozuela. At that
tlmo tho forolgn office gavo tho subject tho
most caroful consideration, and then sub-
North Main St., MA.HAN0Y CITY.
Largest and finest hotel la the region.
Finest accommodations. Handsome fixtures.
Pool and Billiard Rooms Attached.
It is now clearly apparent that the
manufacturing supremacy, so long held
by New England, Is seriously menaced,
and what is very significant is that New a ombodylng ft,)rop09itlon to
Kngland statesmen recognize anu ap-. ftrwtrate certain uelinito suujoets 01 oon
preclatethe fact. They have set them- troversy. To this proposition Vonozuola
p , , , , 1 has nevor mado a roply, either accepting
selves to investigating the why and the or rojeotiug tho proposed basis of arbltra
wherefore, for if tne manufacturing ' tion. Under these clroumstanoes It Is not
industries of their respective states TX&
W. J. Canceirius, Saloon I
31 East Centre Street, Shenandoah.
Beers, Porter, Ale and Cigars. Temper-
once drinks of all kinds. Finest
brands of whiskies.
likely to be crippled by the activity and
success ot like industries in the South
and the West, it will. leave their hitherto
marvelously prosperous section of the
oountry with but few of the natural
resources enjoyed by those sections in
which this manufacturing activity is so
markedly assorting itself. The West and
the Northwest have already made great
progress, and the South appears to be
awakening to a full sense of her ability
to add manufacturing In its various
branches to the vast natural resources
with which that section abounds. Evi
dently there Is going to be a wider dis
tribution of the many blessings vouch
safed this widely extended country ot
ours. The manufactures of New Kngland
have not only made Massachusetts and
her sister staUi wealthy and prosperous,
but they have also contributed in au
eminent degree to the mental cultivation
f th naoDle. The same results will
follow the establishment ot manufao
tones on a large wale In ny section of
the oountry, and liunee, in addition to the
uuilding up of the labor Interests, there
will be an outgrowth of culture that will
greatly enhance the blessing.
Second In any event there are certain
portions of territory to which Venezuela
lays claim, which under no circumstances
will be made the subject of arbitration, as
they nro recognized and established por
tions of the British domain, and are not.
thorofore, a subject on whloh the Judg
ment of arbitrators oould be invoked.
Third The subject matter Is ono be
tween Gceat Britain ana Venezuela, so
that tho good ollloes of tho United States
nro not regarded as ossentlal to a settlo
nient, as It is not unuerstooii mat tne
Unltod State- has assumed a protectorate
ovor Vonozuola or has othur Interest than
that of a friendly power.
New rnatmater Appointed.
Wasmnoton, April 5. Korty-ono fourth
elasH postmasters woro appointed yester
day, of whlcli tiurty-sevon were to uu va
cancies caused by ueotli or resignation.
Among these wero: Maryland Abingdon,
J. W. Wilson; Ammendalo, J.W.Franch;
Butler, S. W. Tipton; Snydersburg, K. A.
Snyder; Thomas Hun, W. T. Forward.
Pennsylvania Iilyhtoiie. Mrs. M. J.
l'ayuo; Oakville, J. M. Brown.
A County Treasurer'! Hlmrtnge.
PlTTSFlEi-D, Ills., April 6. For some
time a shortage has been suspected in the
county treasurer's oiuoe, and a oommlttoo
has been at work on the hooka. As a re
sult J. W. iAnville, deputy oounty treas
urer. has been arrested, and is now look
ing for bondsmen. Ills shortage li esti
mated at 12,000.
Wholesale and Retail
22-31 Bouth Main St., Hhenanaoan
Aeent for D..G. Yuenglltg & Bon's celebrated
Beer. Porter Ales etc.
Safe and Reliable Horses to Hire.
Fear Alley, Rear Coffee Honse.
The Dest rigs in town. Horses taken to
board. Hauling promptly attended to.
Caipels, Fealta, Malta, Sic,
"" iu.,.i v. ga jsast uoai at.
New Hayek, April 5. The state expert
who lias boon examining for several
months the blood stains at the home of
Storskowsjl, the Polo aooused of murder
ing his wlfo and stepson at East Thomp
son, has determined, after several Hundred
tests, that tho blood Is buman. This has
been ono of tho most mystorlous tragedies
In the records of Connecticut crime, Tho
most caroful soaroh thus far has not re
vealed tho bodies. Tho accusod man says
that hU wlfo and child havo gone away,
and that the blood in tho houso is that of
Sirs. IJeane Will Mnke a Legal Fight,
Toi'EKA, Kan., April &. The new state
board of charities met at the asylum and
organized by oloctlng Morton Albaugh, of
Kingman, as prosldont anu ueorge A.
Clark, of Junction City, socrotary. The
election of Clark as socrotary was a recog
nition of the man appointed by the gov
ernor as successor of Mary A. Lease.
Mrs. Lease was present and gave notice
that she considered tho proceedings Illegal,
and said she would take steps at onco to
have the now secretary ousted from tho
Lawyer Disbarred for Fraud.
Trenton, April 5. John W. Wartman,
a lawyer ot many years standing and largo
practice in Camden, was disbarred yester
day by the supremo oourt, which rendered
a decision lu the matter of tno charges
against the lawyer. There were fourteen
ot these, contained In as many specifica
tions, all of whloh charged oithor fraud or
extortion. The oourt took up only two of
the cases, saying that all the othors were
ot a kindred nature.
Finest, Purest, Healthiest.
Cartel? Bock Beer
On tap at all the leading saloons.
Chris. Schmidt, Agt
207 West Coal St., Shenandoah.
ybodj in Shenandoah
cs to the columns of
Millions of Dollars
Go up In smoke every year. Take no
risks but get yonr houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., Insured In flrst-ciaas, relia
ble companies, as represented by
DAVID FAU8T, Insurance Agent,
ISO South Jardin Street.
Also Life and Aooldontal Companies
"Whon it Comoa to
Our stook speaks for Itnelf. M you don't
come to town, send your orders, 'lhy
VU1 be nicely filled.
20 K. Centre Btrcot, Hbenandoab.
(s the cheapest and best fence made. Cheaper
than a wooden lence for residences, l&wns.cem
etcry lota or any kind of fencing. M. II. Mastsb
oas the agency and carries it In stock at his
marble and granite works, 127 H. J1KDIH ST,
For an Advertisement of any
thing- worth bringing to the
notice of the public. They
rarely waste time over other
papers. Do you see the point?
..The Moral..
Is that if you have any induce
ment to hold out to the 17,000
residents and the throngs of
strangers constantly visiting
the largest town in Schuylkill
you should use the columns of
the Herald.
Not only does it guarantee
the widest publicity, but its
rates' are proportionately low.
A Young Wife Murilored.
Chaiileston, W. Va., April 6. News
has been received horo ot tho murder of
the IS-year-old wlfo of IJIIey Thomas, noar
Slssonsvlllo. The murdered woman was
found dead In hor bed, having evidently
been choked to denth. Suspicion of tho
crime has fallen upon hor husband, who
for Homo time has been disturbing tho
neighborhood by his insane jealousy.
Mr. Ktuke Vujt UU Tux,
NkwYokk, April 6.-W. B. I). Stokes
has sent a check to the oolleoUir ot per
sonal taxes for tftW) aswissed on him In
1M on tW,(XX) ot ihartM In the defunot
Madison Bouare bank. Justice ISeaoh on
Wednesday slffiiod an order committing
Mr. Htokes to the county Jul! until tho
amount oiaiiueu was paM.
Giltnores Aromatic Wine
A tonic for ladies. If you are
suffering from weakness, and
feel exhausted and nervous ;
are getting thin and all run
down, Gilmore's Aromatic
Wine will bring roses to your
cheeks' and restore you to flesh
and plumpness. Mothers, use
it for your daughters. It is
the best regulator and corrector
for all ailments peculiar to WO'
manhood. It promotes diges
tion, enriches the blood and
idves lasting strength. Sold by
106 N. Main St.,
Shenandoah, Pa
OrHlnil Vmitir a Jail Wall.
Louisviuk piil o.Whlle workmen
were teariug 'In n i wall ai tun Jail here
ywiterday II fell, burring Taylor Mills.
luilnred, uiidsnniath It, Mid orushlng him
Ui uuatli.
If your clothier doesn't koep
Hammerslougli : Bros
Bwoll, ltollablo, Now York
Make him get It. Tholr celobratod
$15.00 Molton Ovoroont
Wears like steel andls sold by every proml
MM clothier In the sUite. No no genuine with.
out JlammerBlouKb uros. looeu
The reputation of our job
department for neatness and
despatch is well known, as(the
amount of work turned out
will attest.
"We have just added to this
department all of the latest
and neatest faces of type, mak
ing it one of the most complete
jobofficesinthe county. If you
are in need of this class of
work leave your order with
The Herald
Markot St., btw. Lloyd and Centre.