The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 04, 1895, Image 2

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.Published dally, except Sunday by
xx.i r, l'VitijisniNa cumi'anx.
Publication office and mechanical Jepartmcnt
North Market Street.
tfhe Tienfllrl ' J0l'v0rci1 ln Shenandoah and
" peraia surrounding towns for Six Cents
ireek,pijable to the carriers. Uy mall, Three
Collars a yoar or Twenty-five cents per month,
ta advanoe.
lfter"HemewU "charged according to space
bad position. The publishers reservo the right
to change the position, of advertisements when
HTer the publication of news requires It. Tho
right la also reserved to reject any advertise
ment, whether pal J for or. not, that the pub
tahcrs may deem Improper. Advertising rates
tsade known upon application.
Entered at tho post office at Shonandoah, Fa.
r.t second closs mall matter.
Shenandoah, Pcnni.
Evening Herald.
Great Britain's, .Reply to. Ambas
sador's Bayard's. Arguments,
That Government Declare Thnt tho Con
troverny I One ln Which Our Gnvorr
luent In Not Interented The Nosotla
Hon Mny Draft Alone for Months.
SECRETAlir GnnsilAM is learning, to his1
tuortltication, that he belongs to a peace-!
at-any-price Administration. i
A vigorous assertion of the Monroe,
doctrine, accompanied by activity in the
navy yards, would tend to promote the
revival of business.
Mr. Olnby'B opinion in the Central Pa
cific Railroad matter will displease as
many people as were pleased by his argu
ment ln the Debs case.
"Ex-SECRKTART WlIITNEr appears to be
the only prominent Democrat whose
blood Is of the kind that boils when the
American flag Is fired upon.
Emperor William Is behavirife in the
Bismarck matter, not only like a sensible
and patriotic ruler, but also like u Baga
cious and practical politician.
JIates (or money are advancing on both
sides ot the water. The improvement In
business Is retnonsihle for this. The
trade outlook all over the world is bright.
Col. Ingersoll's phrase, "a storm
center of misinformation," applies well
lust now to the nart of Cuba from which
the Spanish are sending news dispatches
The report that Cleveland hai been
inverted to a belief in the income tar
jprobaWy signifies that he is determined
not to agree with Hill even in that one
Secretary Carlisle is in Kentucky,
but refuses to talk on politics. He Is
probably afraid of being asked to explain
liow he came to sell bonds for 104 that
were worth 120.
The increased production of wheat in
the Argentine Republic Is likely to keep
the price down in the United States, and
our farmers will do weli to turn, their ,at-
tention to other crops from which better
returns are to be expected.
There is every prospect that China'i
treasury will be completely stripped. In
addition to paying Japan a large cash
war indemnity the Chinese government
will now have Ll Hung Chang's doctor'i
bill to settle.
THE Monroe doctrine does not establish
a United States protectorate over the In
dependent nations of Central and South
America, and never was intended to do
this. Those countries must be made
understand that we will not and c
mot protect them from the consequences
of any misconduct on their part toward
European nations. AH that Monroe and
Secretary of State Adams meant by the
declaration of 1828 was that the United
States would consider an assault by any
European Power on any nation of this
continent an unfriendly act toward her
self. This has been sufllolent, heretofore,
liowever, to save the Latin-American na
tions from any encroachment from the
rest of the world except in a few In
Why Do I Feel So Miserable
in the Spring ?
II is Your Poor Condition Causing Spring
Washington, April 4. There is reason
to bollovo that tho Hrltlsh gorornmont has
given our nmbnssndor, Mr. Bayard, to un
derstand, ln rosponso to his representa
tions in tho Venezuelan boundary matter,
and his suggestion that it bo submitted to
arbitration, that It must persist in regard
ing tho subject ns unto In which only Great
.Britain and Venezuela aro concerned. Of
oourao tho idea wu it out Very diplomat
ically nnd courteously, no its to avoid giv
ing offenso, as far as possible, whllo still
making It plain that tho United States
could not bo regarded as having any proper
.Interest in tho matter.
bo ins It stands the Hrltlsh govornmocut
still Insists upon Its absolute right to oo
oupy all of tho territory to tho eastward of
tho Sdhomborg line, while professing n
willingness to- submit to arbitration it
claims to tho lands lying westof that line.
Tills, was the offer mailo to Venezuela
years ago, and it has not boon modified in
any respect since, .notwithstanding Mr.
Rayard's ufforts:
It has.bcoa lntlmatcd that tho United
States might acqnlro.a right to intervene
ln behalf of Venezuela by-doclarlng a pro
tectorate over, with tho as
sent of its people, and behind this sugges
tion Is at least ono of tho great European
powors, who would bo glad to have its re
lations with tho disturbed .countries of
South and Central America placod on a
stablo. basis, so that It might look to soinu
thoroughly responsible highly civilized
government to insure tho pcrinanouco of
trndo and prevent frequent revolutions.
But to oone'edo tho necessity for such n
protectorate at a pro-requisite to interfer
ing to provent tho acquisition of Ameri
can territory by a Europoan power would
amount to a renunciation of tho Mouroo
doctrlno by tho United States, nud this
cannot bo contemplated by tho adminis
Thuro aro indications that tho British
foreign olllco officials aro willing to dis
cuss this feature or tho case with air. iiay
ard at length, and so tho negotiations may
drag along for many months unless a col
lision occurs botwocu tho British and Ven
ezuelan forcos in tho disputed territory or
tho now Minnesota company forcos nu is
sue by beginning operations under tho
largo concessions it has obtalnod from
Vonezuola.of lands ln that section.
It Is apparent htyo that the progress of
Mr. Bayard's offorts aro being watched
with tho most lutonso Interest by all of tho
dlplomatlo representatives of tho South
nnd Central American countries stauoncu
in Washington, for they realize that tho
issuo may bo of vital Importuned to allot
thorn in tho futuro. They had expected
that tho administration would bo called
upon to assume a deflnlto position ln re
spect to tho oxtdht It would penult tho
Europoan powers to intorf oro in tho affairs
of tho American republics ln tho rocent
Son Dominican affair, but tho United
States was enabled to avoid tho issuo, ow
ing to concessions on tho part of Franco
resulting ln an nmlcablo ndjustmont of
her dlllcroncos with tho Dominicans.
Ono of those diplomatic representatives,
ln speaking upon this subject, remarked
that tho majority of tho southorn ropuu
llos woro staggering under foreign, debts
nnd wore unable lougor to meet thoir ob
ligations. Thoy could not moot tho In
terest on theso ucnts, mucu less count tuoy
pay off the principal, owing to tho torriblo
cdmmorclal depression. Some of those
countries had defaulted on thoir' lutorest
on foreign debts and ln others, notably
Costa Rica, it was nowproposeu to repudi
ate nt loast half of tho debt. The question
confronting theso countries Is whothcr tho
United States will stand by nnd pormlt
tho creditor nations of Europe to collect
theso debts by forco.
Meanwhile, to strengthen thoir claims
fdr Protection upon the United States,
thero is lu progress among tho smaller and
weaker republics" a movomcnt to entanglo
their intorosts with our own, so as to make
lt mnttorof (,leop conporn to our people
Ehould any European powor attack them.
Tho first Indication of this policy wns 6eon
ln thd claim of San Domingo to oxeiilption
from tho "French domand upon her reve
nues, on the cround that these had all
been farmed out to an American corpora
tion, which would bo ruined by compllunco
with tho French domand. Thou thero Is
tho rocont concession niado to nn Amer
ican corporation by Vonezuola, to fnrco
tho United States into tho issuo between
her and Great Britain by lnbtlvoa of direct
Belf interest, and in other count run there
has been adopted a polloy ot farming out
to syndicates certain prlvllogos, suoh as
the right to Import touaooo anu opium,
and tho collection of customs initios.
The Spring a Very Critical Time, Es
pecially If You Are Out of Order.' '
Tho New
Viirli Socl.'ly Ienilor a Victim
of I'neuiiinnltt
Nf.w York, A prll 4. Mrs. Pornn Ste
vens, ono of tho best known women ln
New York society, died yostorday after
noon. Slio was strioken with grip, which
Anally dovoloped into pneumonia, which
was the causo of hor death, , ,
Mrs. Paran Stcvons, who was about Ot
years of age, was the widow of Paran
Stevens, who was ono of tho most prom
inent hotel koopors In tho country, con-
It Is Important to observe the precise
method by which ships have beon con
traded for in American shipyards. A
Republican Congress passed an Ocean
Mall hill, by which contracts were entered
into with the American Line tor a period
at years. All the arrangements for se
curing the building ot the new ships were
made by the Harrison Administration,
and the registry ot the Paris and the Now
York was provided for by special act.
Neither would the ships have been built,
mor the two English vessels transferred
to the American flag, it a Republican
Congress had not put a premium upon
mail servioe by a National Line. If this
iiad not been done, the Inman Line would
have continued to receive from the British
itovernnwnt a large sum for the privilege
of reserving the Paris and the New York
for naval use in an emergency, and the
,-t. liouis and the St. Paul would have
teen built ln an English shipyard under
I jjgliBh names.
Fatal Fall of an Blevator.
Springfield, Mass., April 4. Tho ele
vator at tin, store of the Metropolitan Fur
niture oompany ot this olty fell a distance
of twelve feet, carrying with It seven pas
sengors, flvo men and two women. The
lar. ns the oar struck the bottom, loosoned
tho four heavy counterweights which
camo orashlng down through the wire roof
of the oar, and struok James ll. Uownor
and L. A. Walker, who received probably
fatal Injuries. William G. Dyour, J. S.
Stevens, who was running the elevator,
and Dr. W. II. Young were slightly in
ltnunillnir Up the Kxpreas Thlevei,
Jersey City. April 4. Tho nrrost ot
William S. Harding in Blnghomton, N
Y., for complicity lu the robbery of the
United States Express company is, aocoru-
inir to Chief of Polloo Murphy, to bo fol
lowed by more arrests lu the course of a
day or two. From information obtained
by tho company's doteotivos it appears
that a large part of the proporty stolon
from tho company was shipped direct to
William Harding at Blnjihamtan, who is
a cousin of tho bill dork, Robort Harding,
now ln oustouy noro.
The Hero of I.lbby Triton Murdered,
MoR&ANTOWN, Ky,, April 4. Morgan-
town is ln a fever of excitement over the
murder yesterday of Major A. J. Hamilton,
the famous originator and executor of tho
escape from Llhby prison lu JHol. bain
Spencer has been arrested nnd placod In
Jail with evidence against him.
Killed hy a Fall of Coal.
Ashland, Pa , April 4. Stlue Olvener,
ngod 25 years, was Instantly killed by a
fall of coal and rock at Tunnol Ridge col
You nlways feel worse in the spring.
You have lost your old-time snap and
vim. Work that you used to do with
ease, now tires you. You often feel dull,
dispirited nnd without ambition. You
pass more or less sleepless nights, wake
mornings, tird and unrefr.shed, have
little Or no appetite for breakfast, your
head foels dall, there is a bad taste in the
mouth, and your bowels are constipated.
You go about your employment with a
sense of weakness or weariness, and a
distaste for taking hold of your work.
Besides, yoil nre nervous, Irritable, and
often "blue" without, apparent cause. ,
Then look to yourself, foweak feeling
Is the forerunner of exhaustion. Every
sleepless moment you' pas at night,
presages days of prostration ; every hour
you feel weak, nervous, 1 languid, tired,
with shattered nerves, trembling limbs.
dull head, disordered stomach and irregu
lar bowels', may be followed by weeks and
months 6f sickness. Every day you
neglect these symptoms may mean years
ot unutterable misery, or those terrible
results, nervous orostration, heart failure,
paralysis, insanity or premature death.
These symptoms are the warnings that
you are running on the rocks ot disease,
anu mat unless, you seem immediate
safety, wreck of brain, nerve and body
are inevitable.
W. II. Wakefield, of Montpeller, Vt.,
writing on this subject says :
"About a year ago my health was very
poor. 1 was very nervous, with a bad
feeling in my head and .at the base ot my
brain, extending down the back of my
neck. I was thin in flesh, and pale, weak
and tired, and unable to sleep nights. I
had a terrible deathly feeling which I
should describe as a falling sensation, and
many times 1 should have fallen if I had
not taken noia of something.
"This condition continued lor about
three months before I found help. I
heard, of Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and
nerve remedy and commenced using it.
Before I had taken one bottle, I felt the
good resultH of It, and before I hnd used
the second, 1 was entirely cured of all the
above troubles.''
This wonderful restorative of brain and
nerve, JJr. Ureene's .nervura blood nnd
nerve remedy, will give back to the
weakened and exhausted system the
itrength it has lost. It will impart
strength and vigor to the brain and
nerves, vitalize and invigorate nil the
physical powers, aud restore you again to
that grand degree of lusty strength, of
bounding pulse, aud strong physical and
nerve power, which, by overwork, ignor
ance or folly, you hnve exhausted.
It is not a patent meulclne, hut the
proscription of the most successful livincr
specialist in curing nervous and chronic
diseases, Dr. Greene, of 35 West 14th St.,
New York City. He has the largest
practice In the world, and this grand
medical discovery is the result of his vast
experience. The great reputation of Dr.
Greene is a guarantee that hla medicine
will cure, and the fact that he can be
consulted by anyone, at any time, free ot
charge, personally or by letter, gives
absolute assurance of the beneficial
action of this wonderful medicine.
Ehe Telephone anil Sweat Shop lllllu Van
Second Heading.
HARHISDuro. April 4.1 Tho Grlgsby bill,
fixing telephono rates and prohibiting dls
crimination by telephone companlns.passed
second reading yesterday ln the houso.
Sneaker Walton offered a resolution de
ploring the wounding of Horl. John E,
Faunco. and extending sympathy. Tho
resolution was.ndopted by a rising vote,
The Baker "sweat shop" 'bill went
through on second reading on a special or-
dor. It provides for tho appointment of
eight additional factory inspectors and tho
safety of persons employed In tenement
houses ' where' clothing, cigarettes, cigars
and cortnlu'othor articles are mado.
Tho bill to provide for the Incorporation
ot institutions of learning with tho power
to confor degrees in, art,, pure, and applied
scienoes, philosophy, literature, law and
theology, aud for their .supervision nnd
regulation, excited a long debate, TIio
bill, ln Its original form, was endorsed by
tho College profossors of tho state, and
provided that before an institution ot
learning could confer degrees, cto.,lt must
havo an ondowment of JBOO.OOO. It was
amonded so us to pormlt colleges ulrcii y
ln oxlstenco, with an endowment of Slut),
000, to Issuo dogreos, and then passed beo-
ond reading.
Much time of tho houso was consumed
ln discussing tho bill to prohibit tho sale
of Intoxicating liquors on Memorial way.
which finally passed second reading.
trolling ns ho did tho Coutinontal ln Phil
adelphia, tho Fifth Avenue, ln Now York
aud tho Tromont nud Rovero in Boston.
Mrs. Stevens wns tho second wlfo of
Paran Stevens. Ho wus 49 and she was
20 whon thoy woro married. Ho diod In
IS73, 'leaving nn estate worth'about'fci.OO),
000, which ho tlod up in a-very romarkablo
fashion, loaving his widow 8100,000 out
right, tho use of his Fifth'avenudhud Now
port rosldencos nud thovdncome of 11,000,
OOOforllfo. Tho remainder of his ostnte
was loft chiefly to his children by his two
wlvos His daughter by his second wlfo,
Mary, becamo associated with tho English
aristocracy by marrying Arthur Paget.
Tho Illindo Island Election.
Providisnce; April 4. Tho oloctlon ln
Rhodo Island for stnto officers yesterday
was very quiet, llttlo or no interest bolng
tnkon. Charles Wnrren Lippltt (Rep.)
was elected govornor over Gocrgt) L. Llt
tleflold (Dom.) by 10,600 plurality. Tho re
mainder of tho Republican state ticket,
Edward Allon for llouennnt govornor,
Charles T. Bonnott (soorotnry of state),
Edward C. Dubois (attorney general), and
Samuel Clark (general treasurer) aro all
elected by pluralities of about 10,000. Tho
next assembly will lneludo thirty-two Ko-
publlcan senators and slxty-nlno Repub
lican representatives, three Democratic
senators and threo Democratic representa
ITurrs- St. John a Srurderer.
Oklahoma Citv, O. T April 4. Horry
St. John, son ot ox-Govornor John P. St.
John, of Kansas, shot nnd killed his wlfo
yesterday afternoon nt his homo. By some
menus ho had become possessed of a lotter
addressed to hor, and demanded to know
tho writer, threatening to kill her if she
did not dlscloso tho author. Sho refused,
and, ns ho claims, tho gun was discharp d
accidentally, shooting her through the
breast. She died without uttering a word.
Tho dead woman was his second wlfo. His
first wlfo secured a divorce from him ln
1887, alleging drunkenness.
A Caliirh
SuflWr's Story
of His
The Wonderful Cure Made by Munyon's
Little Pellets. '
Mr. John B. Albert, of 100 Colgate
street, Cleveland, Ohio, says : "For the
past six years I have suffered terribly
from catarrh in its most disagreeable
forms of that loathsomo disease. There
was a continual dropping of mucus into
my throat, a buzzing and roaring In my
ears and violont pains above the eyes and
nostrils. My breathing was labored and
heavy, and, at times, I would be literally
gasping for breath. My system was
nearly broken down from the disease
when I began to use Munyon's Catarrh
Remedies. I had not milch faith in them,
but In a very fhort time a big improve
ment was noticeable. Now lam thorough
ly cured and enjoying better health than
I have for six years."
Have you Catarrh 1 Are you willing tb
investigate a treatment that cures ca
tarrh by removing the cause t I so ask
your druggist for a 25 cent bottle of
Munyon's Catarrh Cure and n "5 cent
bottle Of Catarrh Tablets. The Citarrh
Cure will eradicate the disease frpm tho
system, and the Tablets .will pleauso and
heal the afflicted parts aud restore them
tp a natural and healthful condition. ,
, Munyon's Homoeopathic Home Remedy
Company, of Philadelphia, put up speci
fics for nearly, every .disease) which are
sold by all druggists, mostly for 25 cents
a bottle:
Thoe who. aro in doubt ns to the nature
of their dlsenoe should address Professor
Munyon. 1505. Arch , street, Philadelphia,
giving full symptoms of their diseaxe.
Professor Munyon will carefullytliagnose
the case and give you the benefit, of ,hls
advice absolutely free ot all charge. The
Remedies will bo sent, to any address ou
receipt of retail price.
Justice, of the Peace
Insurancand ....
Real Estate Agent,
123 B. Centre St., Shenandoah
rnWO-HTORY Frame Building, S0x45 fpft, on
.1 South Chestnut street, lienls for ?18 per
month; wl 1 do sold cheap,
TyOH t?ALE.-Hplf lot and two houscp, sit
P ualebn Wosti enlieftreet Will tnv 12
per ccnt. oninvestme t one can be I ought on
eay terrns: ,
IP AH vl i.'0H SALK-c Drm of 35'ncrts,
willilu three miles of go d market
'ivenWDlnencrr-H under cultivation, una four
crcs of good timber. Frame iMrm house, six
room", good ba pni nil ln good condition.
wnrboso d for Jl.soocash.
OH 8A tfi. Lit-nstdl)Oioi p'taiid In Maba-
Ilnv lAwtintiln. fiArtr iV.n rnrnlirh linn
Frame buUdhi?, nine r. omf, d"JDfr pood burl
dpss. Gcod'tendouVclv 11 lor selling. A bar
gain for a .vuodi Apyly lo M.J Lawlor,
Justice )of tte I'faee, 12(u;a t Ventre street
. ' u
FROM $40 to $90.'
We Have the
Best illuminating oil made. Odor
less, colorless, brilliant, safe, per
fection. If you are in the dark,
drop us a postal. We'll-enllghten
you and lighten yon.
E! clips e Oil CSom'y
Oils, Gasoline, Candles, Lamp Wicks,
Burners, etc.
213 South Jardin St.. SHENANDOAH, PA.
Mall orders promptly attended to.
filcnmlinnt Ictrojeil, Ono Life Lost.
POMEItoV, O., April 4. Tho Pittsburg
nnd Cincinnati packet Iron Queen was to
tally destroyed by flro at Antiquity, twelve
rpllos abovo hero, yostorday. Tho flro was
caused by an exploding lamp ln tho en
gine room. One colored chambermaid was
lost lu tho disaster. All tho passengers
wore saved, with most of thoir baggago.
Captain Calhoun nud Clerk Bob Kerr ren
dered heroic sorvlco ln saving the largo
numbor of passengers. Tho dead woman
is Mrs. Mattlo Molloy, who, after being
rescued, rushed back to get somo clothing.
Threw Dynnmlto In Hie Stove.
DUNKHtK, N. Y., April 4. Officer Wal
ters wont to tho houso o' Joseph Schmudo
to arrest tho latter on a charge of murder
ous assault proforrcd' by Mrs. Sohniudo.
As tho olllcer entered tho door rjchmudo
throwa stick ot dyunmlto Into tho stove,
nnd nn explosion followed which com
pletely wrecked tho houso, thrqvr the po
llcemnn twenty fcqt and hurt him badly.
pchmuuo was burled ln tho debris, tho
calf of his left log torn off, and ho was
otherwise mutilated, but not fatally hurt.
Thn Vaccination Itulo Sustained.
NEwnuitan, N. Y, April 4.-In tho pro
ceedings brought to compel tho board ot
education of this city to permit children
who havo not boon vaccinated to attend
tho publlo schools, Judgo Barnard has re
fused to grant a writ of mandamus. Tho
court fluds that tho law of 1833 requiring
all public school children to bo vaccinated
was not repealed ly tho compulsory edtf
cation law of 189j, as claimed.
No 1. 21 Pounds, 28 Inch wheel S75 00
Not. 3 aid 6, 21 pounds 40 00
No, 4, 22 pouuds, 20 Inch wheel 75 00
corcher, 20 pounds, 28 Inch wheel...,
Ha blf-rl 14 to 25 tiounds....- 100 00
Ladlesj wheels also,
Solo iLgoxits.
ROPOSAL.S for elnhinga single track trial
slone at Mldvallev co'l'erj. Ho 2. will be
received by the undf-rstgned untl Saturday,
A prll (lib. 1895. Information ns to size of slope.
Ac. and conditions of contract can be
obtained fom John Conway, Inside loreman
jno. z colliery, or 1' ranK u. uiemens. aupenn
enaem, ana .uugineer mi, isrrnei, i a.
Right to reject any or all bids Is reserved.
Miners w uted nt No. 1 and No. 2 collieries,
at once. Apply t collieries. 4-1-lw
New Tinsmith Shop.
Has opened a new tlnrmlth sbor nnd Is pre-
ag and all kinds of jobbing at rca-ouable
rates, oaiisiucuon guurnmeeu.
236 East Lloyd Street.
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sts.
Finest Beers, Wines and Liquors.
Choice Temperance Drinks.
Beat Brands of 5 and 10c Cigars.
Finest, Purest, Healthiest.
IdeLues Sods -Beer
On tap at all the leading saloons.
Chris. Schmidt, Agt
207 West Coal St., Shenandoah.
Saloon and Restaurant,
el North West Street.
Finest brands of cigars. Choice Wines
and Liquors.
Saloon and Restaurant,
19 North Main Street.
Finest .Whlskeyj. Beer, Porter and Ale
always on tap. "Come and hit one," Choice
temperacco drinks and cigars. Free lunch
9 to 12 p. m.
Indignities to an American Family,
El Paso, Tex., April 4. B. P. 'Ihrosher,
of Cambridge, Mass., with his family, ar
rived hero from Aguas Calloutos, or Hot
Springs, Moxlco, where- they havo served
a term lu jail. Mr. Tbreshor is ludlgnaut
at his troatmont, and proposes to mako
the mattor one ot International Investiga
tion. His story, whloh Is said to be veri
fied by a conductor of tho Moxioan Com
tral railroad, is that he stopped at tho
Palaco houso, kopt by George King. Whon
ho prepared to leave King charged him
double the rate agrcod upon. Tho guest
refused to pay, and King had Thresher,
his wife and throe children put ln jail,
where thoy remained until Consul D wight
Furuess, at Qunaguato, interfered. Tho
mayor of the town suddenly discovered
then that the wholo business was a mis
take, and roloasod tho Americans with
most profuse apologies.
County Commissioner. Censured.
WELL9BOBO, Pu April 4. Tho grand
Jury made a roport to tho Tioga county
court, eeverely censuring tho county com
ruissioners for extravagance in tho receuc
expenditure of $4,100 for metallic caeos aud
furniture for their ofllcos. The jury says
that fBOO spent ns thoy suggest would have
mot all domands ln tho oommissiouors' of
fice. They also criticize tho maimer of
lotting bridge contract privately, and
aver that MoKeau oolillty hu of the
same oonuurn the same sort uf bridges for
till a .miming foot, which txmc Tioga
county por foot. In behalf uf the tux-
payer Ui. y demand an explanation.
A Warrant for "Marshal" llrowne.
Massillon, O., April!. A warrant was
issuod yostorday for Carl Browne, mar
shal of tho Coxoy Common woal, for crim
inal libel. Pollcomnn Henry Sonmnn is
the complainant. A wook ago Browne
was muklng n speech, whon somo boys
throw ectus at him. In his pnnor. The
Poople's Party Campaign Ouotus, Browne
charged that Officer Soaman was respon
sible for tho outrngo.
Three Drowned with a Sinking Seow.
Baltimore, April!. By tho sinking of
a boow threo men, two white and ono col
lored, were drowned at the mouth of Mn
gothy rlvor Tuosday afternoon. Tho
drowned mon were: Hobort Andrews, of
Philadelphia, captain of tho schooner Sid
ney K. Jones; Washington Audrows, Jr.,
aged 18, the captain's nephew; John Phil
lips, colored, of Baltimore
Another Thieving Hank Cashier.
Chicago, April 4. It has beon discov
ered that F. W. GrliTln, assistant cashier
of tho Northwcstorn National bank, of
this city, is a defaultor to tho extont nf
$50,000. He has boon arrestod, and has
confessed. Grlillu's shortage will ln no
wiso affect tho standing of tho bank, and
creates no excitoment.
Ten-cent box Mngio Paste Stove Polish
for5cents. Ask ypnr grocer. Pictures-free.
Maryland' Democriitlo stats Convention.
Baltimore, April 4. The Domooratlo
state oentrul committee yostorday decided
to hold the state convention In this cltv
Wodnosday, July 31. Tho most nromlnent
candidates for tho governorship Include
Governor Brown, ax-Congrossmun Ialdor
Baynor and ox-SUito Senator Thomas G.
Death Sentence 'Commuted,
Harbisbuko, April 4 The death sen
tence of Antonio Rlzznttl, the Kohuvlklll
sounty murderer, has been commuted to
llfo imprlsoumont by (iovoruor Hustings,
on rooommoudatlon ot the board of pardons.
Weeks' Museum',
Grand dlsclav of birds and animals ot all
selections ana nnesi paintings in tne county,
Best Beer, Porter and Ales.
Finest Brands of Cigars.
Froe lunch overy morning ond evening.
John Wqexb, Proprietor.
G, W. Davidson, Bartender
: :i : Ji
16 North Main Street.
Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to
Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored.
Wsikncu. Nervousnea,
lemiiiv. Ana &u tuo
Ol evils iroru earijr "' --.
overwork, sicxuos,
N etc Full strength, devrt-
ate lmproveratnt tn.
F.llnr, Imnnsslhle. 2.000 references, , aoo.
explanation and proofs mailed (saeoj iroa.
ERIE MEDICAL 00., Buffalo, H.Y
every organ and portion
.i.'.Kw KlmDld. nat
ural method. fmmedU
' ' ' Temperance Drinks
Mineral waters, Weiss beer. Bottler of
the finest lager beers.
17 ani 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah, Pa.
3ilsner Beers
Safe and Reliable Horses to Hlte.
(s the cheapest and best fence m&de.
Fear Alley, Rear Coifee Honso.
The Dest rigs ln town. Horses taken to
board. Hauling promptly attended to.
than a wooden fenco tor resiaenooo,
etery.lots or any kind ot fencing. M. B. Mastib
nas the agency and carries H tastoek t hla
marble and granite works, 127 H. JAKDIN St,
OHAS.BTJK0niIjIj, Prop.
North Main St., MAHAN0Y CITY.
Largest and finest hotel In the region.
Mneataooommodatlons.- Handsome fixtures,
Fool and Billiard. Kooms Atiacnea.
Anthony Schmicker's
The finest Bool and billiard rooms ln town.
Reading beer, porter and 1'otUvllle ale con
stantly on tap. Give us a o ill
Wholesale agent for
ftliifii'i HtJwli X, J Export
Ligtr til Sa&zer Pile Beer.
No finer made. Fine liquors and Cigars.
120 South Main Ht.
Whon it Cornea to
Our stock speaks for Itself. If you don't
come to town, send your ordors. lhey
will be nicely filled.
28 E. Centre Street, Shenandoah.
StFlANO SURE. 6tK0 4o.F0S"WtlMll'S BAH