The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 01, 1895, Image 4

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MONDAY. APRIL 1, 1895.
Fire Alarm Boxes.
The following list shows the location
of the alarm boxes of the Shenandoah
Are department :
IB Coal nnd Bowers streets.
10 Bowers and Centre streets.
24 Bridge and Centre streets.
25 Main and Centre streets.
82. Jardln and Oak streets.
St Main and Poplar streets.
35 Main and Coal streets.
48 Gilbert and Centre streets.
43 Gilbert and Cherry streets.
40. Oak and Gilbert streets.
48. West and Poplr streets.
53 Chestnut and Coal streets.
54. West and Lloyd streets.
To send an alarm open the box, pnll
down the hook once and let go. When an
nlarm is sent in the Are bell will sound
the number of the box and repeat the
alarm four times. '
If the alarm is sounded from box 15
the fire bell will strike one, then pause
and Btrike five, which will indicate that
the Ore is in the vicinity of No. 15 box.
Every alarm is repeated four times.
"Now good digestion wait on good appe
tite, And health on both,"
sayB the great Shakespeare, but he did not
have in mind a coated tongue or torpid
liver, with all the symptoms of bilious
ness, so common In this country. All this,
and more, can be cured by Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery, a purely vege
table compound, which restores the action
of the liver, gives tone to the flagging
energies of the dyspeptic's stomach, and
thus enables "good digestion to wait on
appetite, and health on both." By drug
gists. Asthma and Hav Fever cured, by a
newly discovered treatment. Address for
pamphlet, World's Dispensary Medical
Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers to the Evening Herald
who are not receiving their paper regu
larly and people who wish to receive the
fiaper an new subscribers, are requested to
eave their addresses at Hooks & Brown's
.stationery store, on North Mam street.
Relief in Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis
eases relieved in six nours uy tne -iNew
Great South American Kidney Cure."
t'hls new remedy is a great surprise on
account of its exceeding promptness In
relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys,
i icK aim every part oi tiie urinary pas
saces in male or femRle. It relieves re
tention of water and pain in passing it
almost Immediately. If you want quick
relief and cure this Is your-remedy. Sold
at the Cltv Pharmacy. 107 S. Main St..
next door to the post oQlce, Shenandoah,
fa. l-H-am
Curo cuaranteed. No operation. In'
quire at the Shenandoah drug store, No
3 South Main streeU 9-13-tf
When Baby was sick, wo gavo her Castorla.
When she was a CUM, she cried for Castorla,
When she become Miss, f ho clung to Castorla,
'When she had Children, she gave them Castorla,
Special This Week.
Gents' good white shirts, 33cents. Fair
ticking for 5 cents per yard. Good quality
sheeting, 14 cents. Table oil cloths, S
3 33 tf ' . 28 South Main street.
Those who never read the advertise
meats in their newspapers miss more than
they presume. Jonathan ICenlson, of
Bolau, Worth Co., Iowa, who had been
troubled with rheumatism in his back.
arms and stioulders read an Item In his
paper about how a prominent German
ctizeu of Ft. Madison had been cured.
He procured the same medicine, and to
U'e is own words : "It cured me right
no." He alo Bars,: "A neighbor and his
wife were both tick in bed with rheuma-
t sm. Their boy was over to my house
and said thev were ho bd he had to do
the cooking. 1 1 old him of Chamberlain's
Pilu B'tlm and how it had oured me, he
got n buttle and it cured them up In a
w-pk " sp cent bottles for sale by Urubier
Coming Events.
Apr. 3. Lecture In the Welsh Baptist
church by Rev. JOhu T. Griffiths.
April 13. Cake and Coffee Supper, un
der the auspices of the Salvation Army,
to he held lu their ball on North Main
street. ,
April 15. Easter b ill in Robbins' opera
Imupi" for the benefit of Mrs James
Donovan, whose husband was killed at
the Shi-uandoah City colliery.
April 38, 34 Entertainment In the All
Saints' P. E. church to raise library funds.
Our better halves say they could not
keep house witoout Chamber! tin's Cough
Rameily. It Is used In more than half
the houips In Leeds SlMS Hltos , Leeds,
Iowa. This shows the esteem in which
that remedy Is held w-iere it has been sold
for yeir and is well known, Mothers
liava lexrned that there is nothing so good
f ir cob In eioup and whooping cough, that
it cures l he- ailments quickly and per ami that It 14 pleasant and safe
lor children to take. 35 and 60 cent bottles
f i sile b Gruhler Bros.
Buy Keystone flonr. Be sure that the
PH."- Lbssig & Baku, Ashland, Pa., 1b
printed on every sack. if
A Yolce From Florida.
Dr. W. F. Bynum, Live Oak, Florida,
fays Red Flag Oil is one of the most
successful phIu cures we sell. It's an un
fallinir remedy for Rheumatism.Neuralirla
nnd Sprilus. Red Flag Oil costs 35 cents.
Sold at Uruliler tiros, drug store.
Chicken and oyster soups at the Schelfly
j louse.
' " Fine G-rocevies,
201 Wsst Centra Street.
Dealer la groceries, flour, provl'lons, teas,
c olleeti, sugar, etc. Best quality, lowest prices.
Smallpox Hm Appeared In Twetitr-ono
State of tlio Union.
Washington April 1. The abstract of
sanitary reports as mode by the surgi-oli'
General shows the presence of smallpox In
twonty-ono states of the Union. Of the
cities Milwaukee has suffered most from
this disease during the winter, recording
661 oases and 101 deaths. Philadelphia had
831 cases mill fill deaths; Chicago, BIO oases
and 41 deaths; Hot Springs, Ark'., 118 cases
and 27 deaths; Washington, 1). C, CI
cases and 9 deaths; Detroit, 81 cases and
SO doathsj St. Louis, 105 cases. and 35
deaths; New York. 55 cues and and 10
deaths. TIiupi nppjnrs to have been all
told 1173 di.i:lis from smallpox in tho
United States during the winter.
Cholera is opid.nnlo In many parts of
Russia, and thirty-nine dllferent places
are enumerated lu which oases appeared
from Jan. 1 to March 38. In Podollo alono
In that period thero wore 2.081 oases and
607 deaths. Gullcla, In Austrla-Hunsary,
reported 450 deaths out of s7 cusps for the
sami" period; Calcutta, India, iMi doaths,
and Constantinople 1)7 deaths. Thero is
also more or less oholora lu Argentina,
Brazil, Belgium, Ceylon, Franco, Gennuny
and Holland
Tho United States sanitary inspector at
Rio Janeiro reports that cholora In tho in
terior districts of Brazil Is rapidly declin
ing, owing to sanitary precautions, and of
yellow fovors says; "Though the weather
is very hot and sultry, I hardly thliikthoro
win oo an epldomlo this year."
Brazil reports a total of 187 doaths from
yellow fover up to Fob. S3, 55 of which oc
curred at Santos, out of a total of 75 cases.
In Cuba there had been 37 doaths and 74
cases up to March 13. There wero also a
fow cases lu Vera Cruz, Mexico; Guaya
quil, Ecuador; Puerto Rico, Salvador, and
uuracoa, West Indies.
An lnspoctor who was sent to Floyd
county, Ky., to Investigate tho mysterious
dlsoaso which recently appeared there
found It to be corobro-splnal meningitis.
Stabbed In Mlntnke for Another.
Hazleton, Pa'., April 1. Cormack
Duffy.aged 20 years, was going homo from
work Saturday night whon ho was pounced
upon and Btabbqd by an unknown man
who mistook him for another. Tho assail
ant plunged a dagger into Duffy's faco,
cutting out tho right oyo and sovorlng the
bono. Duffy fell and tho would-bo mur
derer again attacked him, driving tho
knife Into his breast to tho hilt. Ho was
about to strike, again when he discovered
his mistakes and lifted tho wounded man
from tho ground. A crowd hlul boon at
tracted, however, and In tho oxcltomont
tho man osoaped. Duffy revived sufll
clontly to doscrlbo his assailant as a for
eigner, but this is tho only clow. Tho stool
penetrated the right lung, and Micro are no
hopes of the man's recovery.
France Will Avoid War.
London, April 1. Another sharp warn
ing to Franco was given by tho British
cabinet when, after a long conferonco,
they Instructed Lord Klmborloy to take
whatever measures wore necessary to en
forco respect for British Interests In tho
Upper Nllo. Lord Klmborloy mado a ro
portupon a long conferonco which ho hold
with Baron do Courcol, tho Krcnoh am
bassador. Ho also presented dispatches
from Lord Dufforin, British ambassador
to France, telling of an intorvlow ho had
with M. Hanotaux, tho French foroign
minlatur Tim Intfcnr oxnrr!Ss.od Ills nlniwrn
dosiro to maintain tho most friendly rola"
tions between Franco and Great Britain.
Dentil of Judge Martlne.
New Yoiik, April 1. .Tudgo Randolph
B. Martlne, of tho court of general ses
sions, died very suddonly Saturday nftcr
noon at his home. No. 3,017 Fifth avonuo.
Ho bucaino 111 about flvo wooks ago with
what was thought to bo peritonitis. His
family physician wns In constant attend
ance, nnd under his caro tho judgo scorned
to Improve rapidly until about two wooks
ago. His death Is thought to have been
hastened by tho piano playing of a neigh
bor, Mrs. Friedenborg, who refused to
heed the complaints of the family and Ig
nored tho board of health. Ho was 53 years
A Mayor Charged with Ilrlhory.
. New Bkofoud, Mass., April 1. Counsel
for ox-Mayor Stephen A. Brownoll will
file n petition in tho supremo judicial court
for Bristol county this week for a writ of
quo warranto against David L. Purkor,
mayor of tho city, compolllng 'him to an-
swor to the churgo of procuring his elec
tion to tho ollloe of mayor for brlbory. Tho
petition alleges that ovor 1,000 votes wero
bought lu this city at tho last olection to
Insure the oluctiou of Mr. Parkor, who was
victorious by u plurality of loss than 400
Tried to Murder Ills Parents.
New Haven, April 1. Adolph Voiron
itz, living with Ills parents, was taken into
custody after ho had attempted to kill his
entire fumlh Ho aroso about 0 o'clock,
and arming himself with n big carving
knife started in to cut his father and
mother's throat. His fathor managed to
keep him at bay until a policeman could
bo sent for. Ho Is supposed to bo Insane,
Jlelglan Strikers Fired Upon.
Brussels, April 1. Tho striking weav
ers at Rennlx, East Flanders, and a num
ber of their sympathizers yesterday re-
nowou tneir nttueics on the gendarmes.
Several arrests were made. The burgo
master finally succeeded lu restoring (inlet.
During tho rioting the gendarmes fired on
the strikers, wounding two'of thorn ser
A Welsh Mountain Desperado Caught.
Lancaster, Ph,, April 1. Ben Grwrn, a
Welsh mountain tlospentdo, was arrested
oil the mountain at an early hour in the
morning. Green had been a fugitive on
the mountain for a long time, his knowl
edge of the hiding places tumbling him to
keep clear of the oliloers. He was looked
up for trial.
At Newmansvllle, Fin., E. Kaul, a raor-
chant, was murdered uy unknown pur
sous as ho was looking his store.
Anthony C. Hosing, formor proprietor
of the Illinois Stoats Zeltung, and father
of Postmaster Hosing, died In Chicago,
aged 7a.
Secretary Hoke Smith and family ar
rived lu Athens, lia., Saturday night.
Mrs. Smith and children will romaln
several months.
Forest fires nro raging in western Ken
tuck and southern Indiana. Throe white
men, two negroes and a whltowomau havo
been burned to death.
By tho wreok of u freight train' on tho
, ran Handle road near Newcomorstown,
O., John WllBon, Oscar Huzzy, William
Mercer snd Willis Berkshire, who were
1 tealln a ride, were seriously Injured
I lterksl Irs, who lost both legs, will die.
April Notes.- i
Cleaning up.
April showers.
New business openings.
"Umbrellas to mend," the cry.
Hope jou were not fooled today.
Southern vegetables in the market.
Good dwelling houses are In demand.
Spring and summer goods nowopenlng.
Carpenters, painters and paper hangers
Spring chickens and waffles the current
Order your lime now for disinfectant
nnd whitewashing purposes.
Garden seeds nnd garden and farm
Implements are being displayed;
Owners of teams are laughing at the
plumbers now. It Is their time of harvest.
It will be an agreeable surprise to per
sons subject to attacks of bilious colic to
learn that prompt relief may be had by
taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. In many Instances
the attack may be prevented by taking
this remedy as soon as the first symptoms
of the disease appear. 25 and 50 cent
bottles for sale by Gruhler Bros.
Plea for the Peddlers.
Editor Heiiald: Considerable has
been said in the newspapers lately con
cerning peddlers and I wish to say that
these people Bhould be given some chance
to make an honest living. I know of over
fifty peddlers who are willing to pay
fifty dollars a year for a license to peddle.
The business men having stores only pay
a license of $7.0 a year. These peddlers
pay thousands of dollars every year to the
railway companies and express companies
for fares and expressage and by tho war
that has been made on the peddlers lately
this town haslost several hundred dollars
n taxes. Since Dick Amour commenced
making the arrests about one hundred
and fifty Arabian peddlers have left here
and gone to Buffalo, N. Y., and Detroit,
Michigan. Most of these men v ere citi
zens and all of them paid faxes. The
only business people they hurt were the
dry goods merchants.
Shenandoah, April 1, 1895.
When vou want (rood rooflnir. nlnmh.
ing, gas ntting, or general tlnsmltblng
uone can on a
F. Gallaoher.
18 West
Centre street.
Dealer in stoves.
3 4-tf
A bad couch or cold calls for n onnd
remedy the cure for It. For Coughs,
Colds, La Grippe and Consumption, a
perfect and permanent cure is Pan-Tina,
the worst cases yield to Its healinz
properties. Costs 25 cents. Pan Tina Is
sold at Gruhler Bros, drug stoie.
Fire In tlui Chlongo Tlnies Ilulldlng.
CHICAGO, April I. Tho northern por
tion of tho old Times building, n flvo story
stono structure, was dalnnged $70,000 by
firo yesterday afternoon. At tho early
stagos of tho firo It looked very much as if
this old landmark of Chicago would bo
dostroyod, and it was only by oxtromoly
onergotlo efforts that It was confined to
tho ubovo placo. Tho publishing rooms
or Tho Journal of tho .tnurlcan Mem
orial association wero o';rtlroly burned
out. Mux Stern, printers and stationers,
nnd half a dozen printing firms wero also
badly damaged. Tho quarters of The
b role Prosse, a Gorman daily papor, was
thoroughly soaked, but thoy havo man
aged to put tho premises Into shape.
A Ilruve Sherlir Killed.
Sacramento, Cal., April 1. Two train
robbers hold up tho north bound Orogon
expross four miles north of Wheatland.
Tho robbers started to go through tho pas
sengor coichos, when Shorlff Bogard, of
Tehama county, openod (Iro on them. One
of tho robbers was shot dead. The oth'r
jumped from tho our, went to tho otlnr
end and shot Sliorlff Bogard from tho rear
nnd then fled. The sheriff died In a fow
niluiilos. Firom.iu NorUioott was nl;
shot In the neck and leg, and may die. The
dead robber has been Ulnntilled as John J
Daly, ox-clerk of tho Golden E.iglo hotel
at Murysvlllo.
Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life
is the truthful, startling title of a book
about No To-Bac, the harmless, uunrnn
teed tobacco habit cure that braces up
nicotinlzed nerves, eliminates thenlcotine
poison, makes weak men train strenirtb.
vigor and manhood. You run no physical
or financial rlk, as No-To-Bac Is sold by
Airs. a. Wesley under a guarantee to
cure or monev refunded. Book free.
Address Sterling Remedy Co., New York
or unicago. ut eou
PROPOSALS for Kinking a slntle track trial
slope at Mldvallev ctuberj. Ho 2. -will be
received by the undersigned unth Saturday,
April 0th. 1S95. It' formation as to size of slope.
&c., and condl'lons of contrac. cau be
obtained f om John Conway, Inside foreman
yo. a colliery, or Finnic u. Siemens. Huperin
tendent and Engineer MU Ciirrrtel, Fa.
itieni 10 reiect any or hii uins is renerveu,
Miners WHnted at Mo. 1 and Mo. 2 collieries,
aioBce. Apply i coiuenes. l-i-iw
A Clean, Quick Shave
Can always te had at
Charles Derr's Barber Shop,
Fires olars balr outllng and singeing.
Ferguson House Building.
For my spring stockjof CLOTHING I have
abandoned my Jewelry business, and
parties bavin? left watches for repairs
are requested to call at once for them.
Main and Cnerty Sis., Shenandoah
Weeks' Museum,
Grand display of birds and sDlmals of all
selections ana ncest paintings In the county,
Best Beer. Porter and Ales.
Finest Brands of Cigars.
Free luncn every rxornlng vnd evening.
John Weeks, Proprietor
O, W Davidson, Bartender
New Tinsmith Shop
zvr. a. LEAcn
lias opem d s new linimltb si op end is pre
pared lo do tlnrix flntr, tpouimg, stove rt pair
ing and all kinds ot jobbing at reatOLuble
rates, Hatlifscllon gusrantted.
236 East Lloyd Street.
Four Killed nnd Ii JUreil by Tliinp
Inc rrom tho Car.
HakLHTON, Pa.. Api'.l 1. A horrible cn
tnstrophe ooourrud on Saturday at Jeans
vllle, whan a trolley car ran away, dashed
down tho mountain. Instantly killlii';
threo passengers, fatall) Injuring two
moro, while others wore badly hurt. The
motormnn on tho Lehigh Traction line
lost control of his car, and tho passengers
who wore killed and Injured hod loapedto
savo their lives. Tho dead are: Mrs. John
Early, of Boaver Meadow; Edward Early,
her son, aged 8 years; Mrs. Wntkin T.
Williams, of Hazleton; Mrs. Joseph Evans,
is Hazleton, who died from hor injurlos
last night. Mrs. Evans was tho only pot
ion remaining on tho car who sustained
I any Injuries. Tho others woro hurt In
jumping. Hor 10-year-old son, James, la
In n critical oondltlon.
Motormnn Albert Seltz was lu charge of
tho oar. Thore wore nearly a score of pas
scngors In tho oar, nud it was glldlu '
along at a rapid spaed whofi it rouuhod the
top of tho mountain at Joausvllle. The
car crossed the orow and started down tin'
incline It had not gone far, howovor,
when tho passuugors noticed that tlmv
wero bolag whlzzjd along at n fenrfiti
speed, In a moment all seemed to rcaltzj
that they were aboard a runaway car
Motorman Soltz had lost control of It and
away It dashed down tiio mountain.
Thon somebody rushed for tho rear door
Instantly ovory other passongor followed.
Thero wero shrioks and cries and the con
ductor, who stood on the roar platform,
was unable to allay their fear. At this
momont th6 car was rushing at awful
speed, perhaps forty mllos an hour. Thon
off loapod ono of tho passongers. It was a
woman. Sho struok the ground, rollod
ovor and ovor down tho doclluo, nnd was
found thoro a corpse Anothor followed
hor, then from both sldos of tho rear plat
form thoy leaped to oscapo death. Threo
of thoso who jumped wore klllod Instantly,
whllo the othors rocolvod Injuries of moro
or less sovorltv.
iTbe Railroad -farj,!
iTrje Oer'gyroar?,
jTh? Business fai7t
5 nud all other men who have to
look neat while at work, should S
5 know about "Celluloid " Cot-
5 LARS AND CUFFS. They look ex- si
5 nctly like linen, wear well and a
being waterproof do not wilt ?!
down with heat and moisture. S
g They do not soil easily and can i
be cleaned in a moment by sim-
1 ply wiping off with n wet sponge g
or cloth. Do not confuse these n 5
your mind with composition
poods. Every piece of the genu-
g inc is stampcu hkc uiis ; s
I Ask for these and refuse anything v.
s cisu ii yuu wibii hausiucuun.
I member that goods so marked
1 are the only waterproof cocxK
made by coating a linen cpflar
5 with waterproof "CclluloidLjlhus
giving strength and durability.
If your dealer shouldjl!ot have
tiie "Celluloid" setuUamount di-
rcct to us and wevHllmml you
sample post-paidyf Collars 25c.
I each. Cuffs, 5ocjfpair. State size
y and whether stfmd-up or turucd-
down collar isnvanted.
427-29 Broadway, New York.
TJ10R5ALE.-A desirable property. Single
jl ikjue e lacing on uoai sireei ana aounie
blociron red r of the lot. Apply to Mrs. J II
Roirby, ?22 West Coal street. Shenandoah. Pa,
OK HENT.-Btoreand dwellintr on North
Main Mreet. Annlv to Mrs. rirldcnt
nuiun, a w . uuui Bireei. 3-ytl
T7I0II KENT. A three-storv frame house on
D l-outb white street. Apply to Jarob
3-2(1 -tr
"DEMOVED. Llehtstone's barenln More
IV has been removed to the corner at Wnt
Ri.d Centre Mrreis, whre he will continue ana rni-rs to sell me rmlnnrn nf Mi
stoclt, within the next thirty, days, at le s
man cnsi. . 4-1 iw
OOf! ler acre, for choice live acre fihlt and
J pojllry farm, one milt- from depot, at
&leiie, N. J. finest markets avallubl ,
Whethf-r for occupation or lEyestmtn'.you
umu ueurr wruo lor jwrucuiars, 10 u. It.
ltisiey, aa a. lutu Bt fhuaqeipaia, fa.
FOB HALE CHKAP.-A lingers square piano.
In eood condition. Cost when nen. 8750.
Used only In nrlvalo famllv. Annlv nt
iiiiAi.u om ce jpr iniormaiion.
17OII BENT. A good storeroom on South
" Main atroat Hna ln.ln I , n,nn
"' Bl.kV.. UH. UVbtllU ,IUV0, BICTOIU
neat and fine plate glass windows. Suitable
for any business. Apjlyto T.J. Hlgplne, 10
iiui 111 uuru n aireci. a JJll
TKT A TvTTTP'n Honest, energetic men to
tv solicit orders lor Nursery
Stock, ifim nentemplojment.experfcesand
omry. rue mono ior urrrs ana termor
for lull de iverv. H G Chase & Co., 1130 Soutl
Penn Square, Philadelphia, Pa.
TO MA KE BIG MONEY selling our eleotrlo
Telephone, ben seller on earth. Sentall
coir pit te ready to eetun; lines ot any distance.
A prsctlcal tleotno Telephone. Our agents
uiamuK iu oiu a uav easv. rcvervrjoav nuvs
m,b hiui cjr wimuub worK. I'rices low. ad
One CSn make 7fi nir mnnlh. Af1drii.a "w 1
Harrison & Co., Clerk No. 11, Columbus, Ohio.
OTIOE.-Notlce Is hereby given ihatmy
Xi wife. Kale, has left any t-ed and board
and that I will not be responsible lor any
debts she rosy contract. I give notice to all
merchants not to give her credit on my
Shenandoah, Pa., March 29, 1805. 8-29-8t
XTOTICE Is hereby Etven that the nartner
X, sn'P lately suhsistlntf between Mablon
W. Yeager and Daniel! niecl.of Hliena. doab.
under li e Arm of Yeager & Hiegel. explied
on the 1st day of Apili, h. U , 18-6 All debt
owing to talrt partnerkhlu are to be received
by ld Mablon W. Yeager and all demands
jm iu p&nnersnip are to tie presentea to
Daniel Hiigel,
Mahloh W. Ykaoku.
Tir11Y.00 people cumplBin of hard times,
TT wben any woman or man can make
from IS 10 110 a day easily 7 All have beard ot
the wondmul succens of the Climax Dish
Wssberj yet many are t to think thev
can't make money seding It ; but anyone
can make money, beraute every lamllv waniB
one Oueastn' has made 1178 80 In the last
lurvo iuvuiur.uii:rmyiiig an expenses and at
iruuu'K iu icsumi-uumueho Deciaes, Youdon'
unvDiuiavHj b upon aa j eopie know yi
havltforealelhtyendfor a Dish Wanhi
Address the Climax 15 (g Co., 43 Starr Ave.
Columbus, Ohio, lor particulars.
Tired, Weak, Nervous
Hood's Sarsaparilla Restores
Strength and Bodily Vigor.
Tho cause of that tired, weak, nervous
condition in which so many people find
thomselves, Is the failure of the blood .to
properly nourish
the nerves and tis
sues. Food the
nerves upon puro
blood, and thoy
will bo steady and
strong. Read this:
"It is with pleas
ure that I recom
mend Hood's Sar
saparilla as an ex
cellent nerve tonlo
and blood purifier.
I havo taken it
moro than once
Mm. C. n. Yen able
snd am taking it now. I was tired, my
body ached, and I felt very badly all ovor.
was afraid I would bo slok. I thought I
would take Hood's Sarsaparilla, and
It Has Cured Mo,
and I find that It is cheaper than tho doc
tor's bills. Hood's Pills are the best I
have ever taken and I use no other. I am
glad to havo an opportunity to recom
mend Hood's Sarsaparilla." Mas. C. H.
Venablb, Kolthuburg, Hi.
Y rrAcy Sarsa-
Be sure to get- flj f 5
Hood s.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold bv all drutr-
Slsts. fit six for $5. Prepared only by
. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Hnnrl'o 15511 c cure all liver Ills, bilious-
Itu J. Daw.
13 JNorth. Jardin Street.
We Have the
Best illuminating oil made. Odor
lesp, colorless, brilliant, safe, per
fection. If you are in the dnrk,
drop us a postal. We'll enlighten
you and lighten you.
Kclipse Oilyom?y
Oils, GasolIneCandles, Lamp Wicks,
Burners, etc.
213 South Jardln St., SHENANDOAH, PA.
Mall'orders promptly attended to.
Saloon and Restaurant,
19 North Main Street.
Finest Whiskeys, Beer, I'orter and
alwjvs on tar.
"Come and nit oDe."
ten.perarco drinks
and cigars.
Free lunch
to 12 p. in.
: art ; Jeweler
16 North Main Street.
Pepalrlng of all kinds promptly attended to,
Spring : Millinery I
Ladles, you are all invited to call and
examine my stock of Ladies' Hats and
Bonnets and Misses' aud Children's Hats
and Flats in all the latest designs. .
All the new novelties In Trimming? juBt
received at prices to suit the times.
Mourning goods a specialty. Thanking
you for past favors,
New York .Cash Millinery Store,
20 North Main Street.
Saloon and Restaurant,
281 North West Street.
Finest brands of clears. Choice Wines
nnd Liquors.
's Cafe
36 North Main Street.
The most ootmlar resort In the town.
Excellent beer, porter and ale on tup. Uur
cigars are the tin est.
earden's iT WALL pApER; fStore.
We have just received a flee line of
, which we will sell at very
Brent deal nf lntt vear'a natterns
see our line ot goods,
we nave mo
Largest Paper Store in Town.
House, Sign and Dboobativb Painting. 224 West Centre Street.
All orders promptly uttended to.
OT-uLsi; Received I
Two pieces Black Dress Satin, 37 Inches wide, worth 1.7B-our price, 1 per yard.
A n.wllnunf at.vllnll lnflUltR1 PlnnVannH tlnl,nn
XJl) UUU VMVj v4h h
all the new aeBigns oi straw, aump and leather effects. .
Large line of Domeatlo and Imported Flowers, from 10o to$1.60. Violets.oo bunch.
Black and colored Laces for dressmaking and millinery. Infants Carmand Hats,
new and nobby line for sprlDg and summer. Nnn'a veils from 11.25 up.
Hats and Bonnets ready-made. Ilnlr switches from 60o up.
Mrs. J. J. Kelly, 26 S. Main St. ,
Easter Cards
..and Novelties..
Agents for DAILY PAPERS,
4 North Main. St.
Justice of the Peace
Inafaranco and ....
Real Estate Agent,
123 E. Centre St., Shenandoah
TWO-STORY Frame Building, 80x45 feet, on
South Chestnut street. Penis for S18 per
month! wl 1 le sold cheap,
FOK HALF.-Hnlf lot and two houses, sit
uate on West Cenlreurcet. Wtil pay 12
per cent, on Investment, and can be t ought on
ty terms.
ABM FOR SALE A frm of S3 acres,
within three Miles of goid market,
enty-nlne acres under cultivation, and four
cs of good timber. Framo rafro house, six
rooms, good barn and all In goodlcondltlon.
vr 111 uu nuiu lur cusn.
1 In fUaha-
ness. uooa reasons givf n tor gelling. A bar
gain for anyhodv. Apply tow J Lalor,
,nctlce of tre Pf ace, 123 East Centre street
Orescent Bicycles
FROM $40 to $90.
No 1, 23 Pounds, 28 Inch wheel (po 00
Nos. 3 and 6, 21 pounds 'iO 00
1 No.,4, 22 pounds, 20 Inch wheel "3 00
: Scoi-clmr. 20 nnunds. 28 Inch wheel ) m
nu. k --'22'-. 20 w
Itaihhler, 14 to 25 pounds...... 100 00
Ladles' wheels also.
Solo ii-gonts.
Anthony Schmicker's
104 SUVin MAIX ST.
Tho finest pool nnd billiard rooms In town,
Reading beer, porter and Pottsvllle ale con
stantly on tap. Give us a call.
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Ste.
Finest Beers, Wines and Liquors.
Choice Temperance Drinks.
Best Brands of nnd 10c Cigars.
Wholesale agent for
felftnifu'i Bail, 1 1, Export
Lager aid Saazer Pale Beer.
No finer made.
Fine Uquori and Clears
120 South Main tit.
"When it Comes to
Our stock speaks for Itself. II you don't
come to town, send your orders 1 bey
will be nicely filled.
29 E. Centre Street, Shenandoah.
W. J. Canceirlus, Saloon I
81 East Centre Street, Shenandoah.
Beers, Porter, Ale and Cigars. Temper
ance drinks of all kinds. Finest
brands of whiskies.
Tk. TC1U BCnIT,Crn eitoah,Pfno
IKfe uuniH iiuiu'niiiiu uui 33 JiJnst Coal 31.
the most heautllul and nrtistio papers in ine
reasonaoie prices, we navo aieo i
stock a
which vre are sellin
nt n sacrifice.
Come and
most oeautiiui ana artistic papeiB
Finest Stock and Lowest Prices.
-vuuvi A. A HID OUU AJUUtto .