4K : ' SayerJtf rpfli; S,UYitus Dance "Our daughter, Blanche, now (ft,, teen .years of asc,rhad' been terribly afflicted with nervousness, and had' lost the entire use of her yightj arm. Wo. tcarfld St. Vitus liatifco;. land tried tho best physicians, with no bpnoOt. Slio hastaken three bottles ofiDr. , . r.lleV. Ncrvlnfland.aiasihied I 1 f iiiwuuuo. ai uuj-tuuaiitxsawiuu rjymiri toms of Sti Vitus dance riry entirely , .r.gone, she attends. School regularly. ' WMBnVfitittmWota use .of her arm, her nppetltctisfcplondid.' . JdlfS. K. It. BOLLOCK, Brighton, Nf V,' ' vDr; Miles' Nervine ' 1 ' Cures.. Dr. Miles', rtoryln6 Is sold on a podftt guarantee that tlio first bottlo will benefit., AlldruBgistss.ellit.attl(S bottles forH'or. it will bo sent, prepaid, on receipt-ot pnlep: by the Dr. Miles Medicate, Elkhart, Ind, If vnur clothier doesn't keen JiammerslougB. : Bros f. weU,teJlWerNewYor)c -Opotj?jEa:zisrc3-r Maehlm-getlt Their celebrated .$15.00 Melt on Overcoat ' Wear? like steel and lei sold'by every proml r ,. tneai elothler.lu the state. None genuine wltb- 5J5)'Htnmer8l0Iltl''.l'- label. m. s TrKbthing nas ever been produced to equal or compare with ECmpl:oy3, 'W'itiE'lSbrOila'sla curative and , healing application , It has been used 40 yearfe and always affords relief 1 and always gives satisfaction. . It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and . .Burning;. Cracks or Fissures and, Fistulas. ',. Relief immediate curb certain. It Cures BURh's, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction' from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated Wounds aji& Bruises. It Cures Boils. Hot Tumors. lUlcers. Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald . "Head;. It s Infallible. . ...'-It 'Cures ISFLAMfcD'br Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures" Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Ghapped Hands, Fever Blisters; Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. . Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. .and Si.co. Sold by Druggists, or Bent post-paid on receiptof price. IIlUPIIItKVS' MED. CO., Ill 113 Mllll.n Bl.,.tw York. Dr.Thppi1317Archst. UIllllCCI Phi adn nhla. Pa. The Only Kenulne Specialist In Amer ica, KotivlthntniuIlnir What Others Advertlao. NERVOUS DEBILITY AND THE RESULTS OF INDISCRETION Hpeclnl Dlseasci, Vnrlcose Veins nnd Strictures (No Cuttlns) Permanently Cured In 4 'to 10 Days. Relief at Once. Rinfin Dni?nU Irlmary or Secondary DLUUU ryloUIt cured by entirely new harmless method. 4 years' European Hospital and 32 practical experience. as Certificates and Diplomas proya. bend Bve 2-cent tam for book "TIIDTII," the only True Medical Book advertised. It is a true friend to all sufferers and to those contemplating marriage. Tb? ,t stubborn and dangerous cases solic ited, WrlteorcallandbeBaved. Hours, a to 3: ev'xs, eto 8 for examination and trratmintln chromoand dangerous cases. rioiiIn ,n 1 ' 1.1 I.V-..,, n.w. . . " ' . : mum .uloi mscmont fiv ma II . - "J .....in ChtcbesUr'a EssUsh Dlaauad Mr. nil- . ENKYROYAL PILLS llnl ann uoiy qienuiae. ; tlwtjr fefltbu. ladicb s,k lUt for OfAitr' FnalUh Dl-, tBrowilsHOd ttH I4J KouUlo' finlolWliktm rlbtoa. Take Iboxei, nnAthinr. Rsrti46danat tiontmndtmiMtiotUi Attrttiiiiti.or md11a. Id BUmpt for j)aftIcalftrt,..tesUmoaliif tad "UeUef 1 MmIL 1 0.0 (Ht TrititribDlali.- "Nam lMoer. Tor iaui Ch.rhetrrChem!fulOo.-.M&dlcon Hquark 1 AUBUtVi , When In PQTTSVIIiLE, ,, Stop at HIL. WOLL'S HOTEL 200 North Centre Street. Meals at all hours. Ladles' dining room attached. Finest wines. Honors, cigars. Millions of Dollars Go np In smoke every year. Take no risks but get yonr houses, stock, fur niture, etc., Insured In first-class, relia ble companies, as represented by DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agent, 180 South Jardln Street. Also Life and Accidental Companies - DR. A. A. SEIBEBT Specialist In diseases ot the Eve, Ear, IToSe and Throat. SOT West Market Ht., PotUvllle. ' Hours 8.30 a. m. to 12 ra.i 1 to i p. 8 p. m. Sundays, 8 a. m. to 12 m. , 7to iy A genuine welcome Awaits you at Joe Wyatt's Saloon! MAIN AND COAL STS. Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys, beers, porter and ale constantly on tap. Choice temperance drinks and clgare. BA&SSY PJLLS! ALU CRUQ !Sri AND SURE. SEND 40. FOR-WOMAN 3 Wll arcj p -rchi AoIdbjiULMtl fiiiir GIFTS MBBMARC8. Every 'Train Beara tlio Germans' Tokens of Esteem, VAST OBOWliS At feiedeiohssuhe In, All I'arts of Germany the People Are Wild with Knthuslasm In Celebrating the Veteran Statesman's lllrtlulay Fires llnrnlng on Every Elevation. FWKDlUCllBttUHK. April l.Tho Bl- innrck celebration Is In full swing, and evtjry day seems to add to the enthusiasm displayed by tbt) Gor,man people ovcr tho 80th atinlvorsaty ot the bifth of. the old Ohaheellw. JSvery train arriving ht Fried- .rlehsruhoi is loaded with presents for tho fPBPd' tatflstnan, and overy-,P9st brings .nunujws or popgrauiatory,, ijettors, not. ,only fr.pm.pooplp..in Gormany. but from .ormars (ndUferij.tlrpughout,tho civil lzeJ Woflii, ljipu9in(l9 iipqn. thousands oi inc special uismarcic post enras nayo 'been sbld nHif n "great number linyo been mulled, td' the' tnlted' Stat'osV Tboso In Gormany .wh? hojya, received thom have put f pern, carpfnlly ,away to bo(. preserved as momc'n'tooS af tho Iron chancellor and 'the grcui butpbring of thb pu"bllb heart In his hdiiof.w ' 'k- " ' ' - , TUrthy, the aotuol'nntvbrfeary, jot the ;prloco'8,blrthvj withostfes such- nt popular domonatrMon,MiJoancrt,oon,witnesBea slnco tho return to Berlin ofthe.lPrusginn afmy-fr6m tlSAitaao.t "hUvpry jirqparatlon had been made at' Froldrlclisruho1 to ac coiumoilato .YUSitcrQwd.i'TJUo dccpratlon of tho station had beon concluded, and rto roadway; fycim tlio Bta.thri to tho fechloss hid,boon transforihc'd uy willing lunula into a vcrltnblo trluinplin) a.rch. "A beautiful work of art, the gift of In- l.amtants 91 nliajtj who(to,oe up a sib icrlritlaniortiie nurpbsijHbas been erected n a Held ovprlqoklng.thq. nrincoi's home. .The work, which is In bronze, represents' .a largo-st&g'kccplno; tjvp doSjalj bay. For1 tho first time since thu boRlnfilnpr of tho celebrations In his honor PrhrcoBls-. marakon Saturday was spmpwhat fatigued andilndisposod, his old trouble, nouralgia. troubling him slightly. A good nlght'& sleep, however, restored his health, andto. day Iiq is as bright bs ever. , Thousands of visitors arrived here yes terday,,, honing that they would , get a glimpso. of tilio prince, .Quito a; fair has boon established In tho, vicinity ot the station. Refreshment booths have beou erected, and hore, thoro and everywhere aro itinerant purveyors of Bismarck post cords, medals, portraits and mementoes of every description. Yesterday tho prince rocclvcd his first congratulatory- telegram from a crowned head oiitsldo of Gormany. It was from ftlng. Oaar,, ,oi Swpdon,AOd pontalned a graceful expression of Ills majesty's in terest in the occasion and hearty well wishes, .for tho prlnco's welfare and lon gevity. Ono of the foaturos of tho Bismarck col ebratlon at Hamburg was tho holding on Saturday, nlghtof a 'icomniorst" organized by tho rolchstng electoral union. Slxtoon .hundred admirers of the prlnco, woro pres ent, and hundreds had to bo turnod away .from the doors, owing, to.lack pf room. Sovoral senators, tho president of tho house, burgesses, officers and the elite of Hamburg society wero present. Dr. Slo veklng, prosldont of tho supromo provin cial court, proposod "hochs" for Emperor VVllllam. His majosty's popularity has boon greatly Increased hero by his graceful attitude towards tho prlnco, and tho "hochs" wero given with a hearty good will. Dr. Sloveklng then mndo an clo quont speech, In which ho highly eulogized the services Prince Bismarck hud rondcred tho omplre. The spoech was recolvod with storms of applause Yesterday Ml tho public and a majority of tho private buildings In Hamburg wero docoratod with flags and bunting In honor of the occasion. Last night thoro was a general illumination on a scale that bad not beon attempted before in a quarter of 1 century. In tho window of ovory shop there was displayed cither a wroath, por trait or bust ot the great reichskunzler. In addition somo of the windows contained hlstorio scpnes. and portraits of Emperor William. Photographs pf thq meeting of the emporor and Prince Bismarck lost Tuosday are bolng sold In largo numbors. The streets are thronged with strangers, and .everywhere can bo seen thP varl-col-orcd caps of tho students, with whom there Is no greater fuvorlto than tho.prlnco. Tho students last night gave a conusors, ot which sbventy-nlno corps and every Ger man unlvorslty was represented:-. Many Woldhoys' grey.,boards ofifrom flOtq-70 years of age, were, also present. , Tlio pro ceedings yfere of the customary boisterous; character, .-. The vlowflf the city Jastplght frqm the Ausscn'aister ana iiiuueu-aistor was. a beautiful one, . Thq Lombards bridge, which spans. tho.cannoctlon.botweenhsei ln'g light. TheNouor Jungfornstleg, Al- sterdamm ipd, Jungfornstleg, the wlda ablazo With myriad lights, whilo back or uiem (no city, uko a giganiio lire opal, .white, rod, groon and other colored lights. Hushed In evory direction, AH the ship ping in tho harbor and tho small boats on tho many canalg of Hamburg woro alsp Il luminated. Thoro was a grand display of uroworks. Thq main streets fit tho city woro until a lata hour almost Impassable. Many vis itors to Hamburg woro early astir to start for Frledrlohsruhe. Telegrams poured In last night from all parts of tho omplro, announcing that tho Blsmnrekian fetes had boon commenced with groat spirit. Thoro was a speolally Interesting gathering at tho national monumont of Gormmila in the Nieder wald, In Uorlln, whlthor thousands of per sons travelled from all parts of tho Rhino land. Among those prosont wore repre sentatives of thlrty-slx cities In tho Rhen ish district. Throughout Gormany last night Joy flros burned on tho highest mountain peaks and hills from tho Baltlo and the North 1 seas nn the north to tho Swiss and Aus trian frontiers on the south, from tho Rus slati frontier on tho east, to tho frontiers of Franco, Belgium and the Netherlands on tho. west. Nover boforq. Inthe- history of tho empire has thoro beon suoh ft hoart folt and spontunoous exhibition of lovo by the German people. Today all the schools nnd most of tho civic and statu olll vs aro closed In honor of him to whom the oniplru owes Its ex istence. The Berlin papors comment upon the enormous number of gifts of uatttblei that havo boon sent to Prlnco Blsmuruk. These are of every oquoolvublo kind, including 6ausnge two yards long, cheeses weighing from ISO to 100 pounds and musses of horse radish. HELD II BONDAGE! All Hor Hfo Ilnppy Itolcnso nt Last of Miss Allco Young, who Resides nt 892 Aloxnmlor Strcot, Rochester, N. Y. (From Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.') Our representative was received very pleasantly nt 302 Alexander Street, by Miss Alice Young, who told how sinco childhood she had been held in tho bond ago of pain from her back, never re membering tho time that sho had not suf fered pain or aches in the regipn of tho kidneys. Many wero tlio means sho used to find relief, but there 1 seemed no remedy for her case and she still remained a cap tive; then along comes theso. little enemies to backache, Doan'a Kidney jls, and a half box releases tho "bonds, as one by ono tho aches and pains disappear, she finds herself a slave, to pain no rripre, by. their continued use. Shosays: " I wa? entirely relieved, of all my suffering and tiow.I am perfectly strong, healthy anti wolL'' "How did you take this remedy? "Miss Young waS asked 'by Our representative, sho replied that sho followed directions explicitly. Miss Young then told how' tho malady affected her, saying her symptoms were: "Stooping, nendlng overv walking pr standing any length of . time always favo mo a pain in the small of my back. had a pain In the kidneys all the , time, and if 1 caught cold it would always settle 'there! too pain I Suffered was of a -very exhaustinit nature! at nlbht'I could only lie flat on, my back any other1 position causing pain anu suucnng'i 'tho1 ndrves passing up my back, were affected and this brought with Itsevcre headaches, but as J said before, Doan'a Kidney Pills have removed all pain nnd suffering en tirely nnd I never felt better and' healthier in my life." Doan's Kidney Pills' are for sale by all dealers, trice 60 -cents', mailed br Foster- Milbum' Co., Buffalo, N. Y., Sole Agents ior.me unucatuatcs. , For sale in Shenandoah at Klrlin'a Pharmacy. JOHN MLTOI, AGENT FOR Shenandoah and Vicinity! FOR BAiRBEY'S CELEBRATED leer and Porter. A trial order solicited. Try BARBEY'S BOCK BEEE. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL CONSULT THE OLD RELIABLE SPECIALIST 32Q N tRlh Sf Below Callowhlll, 063 a. lOm HI Philadelphia, Pa. Thirty rears' continuous nrictlce In nil special diseases of both sexes. The terrible results of Self-Abuse, the humili ating condition of Impotence the misery of Sleeplettmis Lose ot Appetite ant all the wretchedness resulting from Blood-Polsonlng, diseases of the Narvout System, Skin, Bladder and nmners cau oe overcome Dy consulting lit. bobb who Trill cuarxnteo a nermanont cure and restoration to Health and Manly Vigor In every case he treats. Consultation and ex amination iree ana strictiv comment ai. Thirty years continuous pr ictlce Is proof ouuugu ui uis ftuiiuy, umce nours aauy ana Bundayx, f rpm 9 a. m. to 3 p. m and 8 to 9 evenings. Call or send tor tree book on Errors pt Youth and obscure disease of both sexes. IWORK WANTED I Anv Intelligent man or woman seeklnir em rloyment and ambitious to make from MO to 150 monthly, cinsioure'samo by aildreislni; uiooe umie jruDiismrg uo., m unestnnini., Philadelphia, Pa, No capital required, nor stamp lor reply. Young man or woman wish ing to earn a fw hundred dollars In the next mumoaQfl preiemxi. t Our -entire- stock- of clothing (and rents' turnishlbg goo, hats, etc. must be sold be fore' April 1st, without reserve. Call early aoajsecura Dargsuns. LIGQTSTONE'S Bargain Store, llu-North Main Btreet SPECULATION. Wd nffflf tiDcial f aril It lea td oneratar ttn-M I I tt amall, for (racing on margins in fctocltB, grains ot prbvlBions. Market letter issued res I ularlr. Bivin latest confidential advices. Or. I Jdem received on ono per cent martins. Our 1 Jook. Speculation, or How ta Trade." mnltAri I J on receipt of twtxent stamp. VAN WIJNKLE I i & vu., Dtn uocr uaa uunaing, Halle street, I Chicago. HOTEL KAIBR, GHA.S, BUUOHILL, Prop. North Main St., HAHANOY CITY. Largest and finest hotel In tho region. Finest accommodations.. Handsome fixtures Pool and QUilard Rooms Attached. JOHN F.CLEARY, ' " ' Temperance Drinks. Mineral waters, Weiss beer. Bottler oi H A. 1 1 tuo uueub intjcr ueers, 17 ani 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah, fa Tour Stomach : : : Cannot stand the same washing that your D0010 ao. ana me water yon arms Isn't oven fit for that purpose. Use Lorenz Schmidt's Beor and Porter. JAMES BHIEhDS, Manager Shenandoah Branch. Am PC?-"The Now In full IM"" "Wl l-O TurklhCauIesiwverfalll t M mill, sealeil, tl, with advice that wl!lreTsutfu magam turolrreguUrttles. Zc.ttainpfuriarllciuar 1 uuiuui s;uui voiew "MiSJM(lLLEa An Unknown Schooner Founders Off Nova Scotia's Coast. THE OREW WILL PROBABLY PERISH Fears That Itcscners Will be Unable U. Ileach the Men, Who Arn Clinging to the lllgglng, Owing to the Shallow Water la the Vicinity. Yaiimouth.N.S., April 1. An unknown two masted schooner foundered yesterday morning off Qnpo St, Mary, near the Bay of Fundy oxiromlty of the Nora Scotia const. Capo St. Mary Is thlrty-flvo miles from ynrmouth,,.,The ,y,esspl, woe discov ered early In to mor,rilrW apparently dis abled, drifting towards Trinity ledge, n treacherous lino of rocks several mllos off thecdast. Sudilnly sho egn Jo settle, and It became evldentj tjiat ejie hqi struck the lege. As sbpn' rs. the ponpleof Cape ,t. Mary learned of 1. the schooner's plight tboy notified tho inarlne offtclali and steps wero at ouco taken to send relief. At this season. tho small ctaft'nlong tho Coast are laid up, iiiul it'lshoxt' to Impossible to pro cure a vessel of any description for mllet nlotift ,thi ooat in the .vicinity of 'where tuospnoonpr UeHiiatod., . Owing to thq shallow TOtor. In .the viol; uy 01 Trinity Joclgq it-is dpubttBl u a tog can reach hor, and therpis nlso, grcaboah ger of tho vessel' bolhg washed off J5y tho tide.. About' twenty' feet of thv schooner's masts wcre.outot thd water lateVCst nighty and soveral anon wro ollnginjf to them( but ltjs feared, that. thp untotunftto inon will perish before, a vessel cm reach thcm. riilladelphla's New Mfjjpr iworn 'lit Philadelphia, Aprufl. At npon todhy Hon. Charles F. Wivcfrl'ck ,tpqk the oath of offlco as mayor of Philadelphia. Mr Warwick was tho first maor to take tho oath of ofllco In the. big city hall, the long line of mayor's preceding hlm havlngbeon' sworu in, In tho hlstorio olll stnto house. After the Inauguration, there, was, a jiublld reception from 1 tq 2 o'clock, Thb -first official communication from Mayor War wick to seloct council will In all jprobabll Ity be tho 0110 announcing (he appoint ment of Thomas M. Thompson director of publio works and Abraham M. Beltler di rector of publio safoty. Death o(J. General Chesney. LoNPON. -Aprll 1. The Times this morn ing announces . the. death of General Sir Ucorgo Tomkyns Chesney from angina pectoris. Gonernl'Chesney was the author of the "Battlo of Dorking." 'He was' edu cated at Woolwich,, and Joined the Bongal engineers In 1848. Ho' was lieutenant in 1851, and served' throughout, tho siege of Delhi,, where, he, was twice severely wounded. Ho, was rtiadc a captain In 1858, major in 1872, lieutenant colonel In 1874,. colonel In 1884 nnd, general in 1893. In 1887 General Chesney became, nnoi'iiberi the council as the governor general of India. Suburban Stake Greatly Decreased. New Youk, April 1. Tho conditions for tho Suburban handicap, just made public, show a great reduction in tho value of this stake, the added money boing only J5,000. In 1893 and 1893 tho Suburban was worth in the vicinity of $25,000, and In 1894 It was somothing over tl2,000j The Coney Island Jockey club states that lu vlow of tho uncertainty of futuro legisla tion affecting racing In the state of Now York It reserves the right to declare tho stako off, In which caso all monoy will be refunded. Sunday Hull Players Arrested. Cincinnati, April 1. Rev. Dr. Polton and othors representing tho Reform league appeared at tho ball park yesterday and Insisted on tho Indianapolis and Clncln natl playors being arrested as boou as they appeared In uniform on the grounds, but the police roiusod to make tho arrests un til after a gamo of nine Innings was played. Then they wero all arrested. This will be the way at all Sunday games horo during the season. Thero woro 0,939 paid admls slons. Chopped Off Ills Son's Head. Clinton, la., April 1. An ntroclous butchory was discovered by tho police In tno city, uunng tno nigut August Swan son took an old hatohet nnd chopped off tho head of his 7 year old son Albert. Tho crlmo was dollboratcly committed, Swan son, when arretted, .gave, no reason for the crinie Swonson was a few years ago In sane, and tho death of his wife and lack of work had probably again crazed him 'and led him to commit the crime. A OUnt Cqffln.. . New Yoitk, April 1, The, body.of Col onel James Gilbert,- the .musourn giant who died suddenly, on .Friday, was taken to bis hoine at Sqraptori, Pa., this morn ing. The coffin containing the body Is eight feet and two inches In .length, and was Incased in n rough bor,,ninot foot In length. Thero was no hearse In tho city big nnd wide enough for the casket, so the body was taken to the station n a wagon. A Policeman' Ghastly Find. New Youk, April 1, .The body of young colored woman was found by a po Ucoman In nu area at Sixth avonuo and Waverly place yostqrdny morning. She had been choked to death, nnd around her nook was a piece of chooso oloth, with which the murder had been committed. Both legs had been out off just above the knees, and lay with tho body. Thero is no clow to the woman's ldontlty thus far. Remarkable Vitality of a Negro. Washington, April 1. F. II, Gardiner, colored. 20 years old, was shot by Uiohard ItoB at 0 o'olook yesterday rooming near Four Mile nun, Va. no was brought to tho Emergency hospital In this city, and was still living at midnight, although tho thirty-two caliber bullet had passod di rectly through his heart. Tho doctors say it is a most extraordinary case of strong vitality. Chicago to New York by ICIectrlcIty. Chicago, April 1. Papers for the incor poration of tho Interocean Electric rail way were obtained from the soorotory of state. Tho oapltnl stook is 1200,000,000 and the project Is to construct anolevatodeleo trlo railway from Chicago to Now York, ami finally to tho Paolllo ocean. New York and looal capitalists are promoting the sohemo. IlaptUatl In the lay Wiiteri. FKBUgBiCKWBi'Kii, Va., April 1. Over a hundred ooloivd pi'rsons, men, women and children, wtro imptiod here yesterday In tho loy waters ot the Rappahannock. Sev eral thousand iktmhis. whito and colored, were present. It vt- the largest baptizing ever known lu this state. COTTOLENU i This is it 9. Cottolene is clean, deli cate, wholesome, appetizing and economical. It is so irood that it is takiutr the w a 1 t- , TJlace of all other shorteniTuro. TU enw and get the genuine with trademark steer's' head in cotton-plant wreath on cVery paiL"' Made nly -by 1 -S The N. K. Fairbarik Cornany, CHICAOO, antf ijMorth Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA.' mm XO-I: Ml ROAD SYSTEM ! lit wrpcr.Ro knrn,18. 1881, J""' Trains leave Shenandoah as follows i 1M Now York via' Philadelphia, week nv 110, MS, 7JW :m.; 12.83, K6S, f.M p.m. Sun )i, tlO,a.m. For New York .via Mauc Clu', week days, ,20 a. m., 12.B2,. sm p. m, For Keidlng and Philadelphia, wee dj .10, 6,25,7.20, a. tn., 12.82, t.fS, .F p. ic. i JayvaiO,,,-!!!. , . . , For PottavlUc,. week flays, ,.lo, 7.20, , a , 12.S2, .56,6.66t. m. Sunday, 110 a. m. ; '. 'For Tamaoaa'and MahanovCltv. weekf.dT day, tlO, a. m. Jf ' Fot'WUllairiAnrirt. Sunhlirv and Lewlabut. 'ireSk'dnyB, 8.85, 11.80 . m 1.85, 7.30 p. n . vl.i..nATit..k mm mm ft r 7.20, U.8U a.m., 12.S2, 1.85, 2.55, 6.65, 7 JO, 9 fa V.m. Sunday, 2.10,8.85, a. m, ' .For Asniana ana aiamonin, weec.aavs, s.i T.W, 11.80 a. m., 1.86, 7.20, 9.55 p. m. Bur da; For Baltimore, Washington and the West . ft O. R. K., through'tralns leave' Reartln Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. B. K. K.) at 8.20 W 11.20 a. m., 8.10, p. m., Hunfls" SX 7Ji5.1'.M a. m., 8.48, 7.27 p. m. Addttlona train' from 24th' and Chestnut streets station wesk Jays, 1.45, 5.41, 8.23 p. m. Bundays, 135, 8.2Sp.m. TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH.! , Leave New York via Phlladelpma, week do 8.00 a. m., 1.80. 4.00, 7.80 p. m., 12.15 night. 83 day, 8.00 p. m. Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week da i I. 80. 90 a. m., 1.10, 4.80 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Termini week days, 4.20, 8.85, 10,00 a. m.. and 4.CI 8,02, 1L80 p. m. Sunday, 11J0 p. m. . Leave Reading, week days, 1.15,7.10, laM, II 6 a. m 5.66, 7.67 p. m Sunday,' 1.85; a. m Leave Pottsvtlle, .week days, 2.85, 7.il a. p. 13.80, 8,12 p. Sunday, 2.85 a. m. Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8.18, 8.50, 11.38 m.ylM,lAt, 9.8 p;to; Sunday, 8.18 a. in. Leave Mahanoy Olty, week days, 8.48, II. 47 a.m., 1.61, 7.33, 8.64 p. m. Sunday, S.4i a. m. Leave Mahanoy Plans, week days, 2.41, 4 00.. 8.80, 8.87, 11.58 a., m., 12.68, 2.00, 6.20, 8.28,7.68,10 10 p.m. aunuay. z.tu, vuu a. m., Leave Tlulamsport, week days, 7.42, 10.10 a., ju, 8.55,11.15 p.m. Sunday, 1L15 p. m, ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Fhlladelnhla. Chestnut Btreat Whir f and South Btreet Wharf for Atlantlo City. Week-Days Express, 8.00, a. to., 2.00. (Sat urdays only 3 00), 4 oi' 6.00 p. m. Accommoda tion, 8.00 a. m. 5 45 3. m. auriaay Express, v.w, lu.uo a. m. Aoccm modatloo, 8.00 a. m. and 4 JO p. m. Returning, leave Atlantlo City, depot, cornei Atlantic and Arkansas avenues. Week-Days Expjss, 7.35, 9.00 a, m. and 4D0aud5.80p. m. Aocommodatton, 8.15 a. m., and 4.32 p. m. Bundai Exrress, 4.00, 5.15, 8.00 p. m. Ao oomir odatlon, 7.15 a. m., ana 4 15 p. m. Parlor oars, on all express tralrs. O. G. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. Agt Philadelphia P. I. A. SWEIGAKP, Gen. Sunt. Professional Cards. JT- S. KISTLKH, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office. 120 North Jardln street, Shenandoah. M. M. BURKE, A TTORNEV-A T-LA IF, SHENANDOAH, PA. Office. Egan building, corner of Main and Centre streets, Sbenandoah. w. N. STEIN, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office Room 2. Eean's New Bnildlnir. 'eoi. ner Main and Centre streets. Shenandoah. Pa. Office Hours: 8 to 10a. m.t 1 to 8 p. m.:' 7 tb 9 p. m. Night offlceNo. 230 West Oak street G. M- HAMILTON, M. D PUTBICIAN AND SURGEON, Offlco. Water Comnanv hnllrtlnir. 33' Went Lloyd street. . jyO. WENDELL REJUER, suocossor to DR. CHAS. T. PALMER, XX JS A.ND JSAJt BU It OR OK, 801 MahantouKO Street, Pottsvllle, Penna. Have yon Boro Throat, pimples, Copper-Colored Bpote, Aclies, Old Bores. Ulcere In Mouth, Hair Falling? Write Cook. Uemedy Co., nOT Ma aonlcTemple,Chleaso,III.orproofaotcurei. Cantial M500.000. l'atientj cured nlntmn MotodieojondaniaeJllOO- Shenandoah's Reliable Hand Laundry Cor. Lloyd and White Sts. All work guaranteed to be Urat-class In evorj partloular. Bilk tloa and laoe curtain sa spse Iftltv rinniia nftltn fnr n rtAllvArn A tvtal solicited, Vrl . .u. . -.,, fClock Sprinij niadc I Only Perfect Comb. 'Korcpnujjh Circuses, Ask your Dealer for Tinme on the hnnlle. bl'UI.NU CUI1UY f 4S New diicorery pit uah An b.a o are i iDToluntarv Kiummika Bafarek a!na AiiVr Liiuu coiisumi.lion t ata ltjt $1 ' it per In x by tniul, 6 tn.i-n for $S W itti rj 0 4iHtMw.t vpub or(11 r WB g,.e ft written gu&rantea to oura or refau4 tUo tuuuft AddxoaQ Bold by I. l D. KUtLIX, Bstseneer trains le&ve.Hhenandaah torPenn Haven Junction, 51 uch Chunk, Lehlcbton, Riailngtnn W He ll 11, Calasauqna, Allen town, (lethlrhem. Kaston and Wcatherlv 6.01. V.as, 9,15 n. m ( 12.43. It 67, 5 27-p m rur ofw xo k nnn raiiaeionii,o.ui,7.:iM. 1 a. m 12 4. 2 67 p. m. For Quakake Swlich back, Oerlia ds and Uudsouiale, 5. a. m hnd257p m. 4 ror vviik-r iiarre wuit-" uaTetf. Plttston, Laieyvil Towanda. Hyre, Waverlv and El mlrai 04, . ..m.. .57, 6.27 p. m. ,J'pri Kocheiter. iBudiilo. lagara Falls and the Vet. 9.15 a m.. 2:57, 5.27 r m. For Belvldere. Delawar Water Gap and 8trom3sburg.6.Wa.m2 57p,m For Lambertvllle'al.dTrentorl, 9.15 a. m. For TuaKhannoclt, 6 04, 9.15 a.m., 2.57. 5 27 p. m. ii- For Ithaca and Geneva, 6.04, 9.15a. m., 5.27 p. m. For Auburn 915 a.m. 5 27 p.m. For Jearesvlile. Levlston, and Beaver Meadow. 7.38 a. In., 1243 p. m. For Stockton1 and Lumber Yard. 8.04. 7.38. 9.15 a.m., 12.43 2.57,527,8.08 p.m. ' For Silver Brook Junction, Audnnrled and HsEteton, 6.0), 7,38, 915. a.m., 12.43,2.57,5.27, 8.08p m. ' For Beranton 6 04 9.16 a. m., 2.57, 5 27 p. m. , Fr Harlbroolt.. Jeddo. Drlfton and Free land, 6.01. 7.38, 9.15 a. m.. 12 , 2.67, 5.27 p. m. For Ashland, Glrardvllle and Lost Creek. i-'&? 7 50' fl-13' 4 20 m.. 12.85, 1.40. 4.10, 6 35, 8 22 p. m: For aven Run. Centralla, Mount rarmel and BbamoKln, 9 15, 11 14 a. m. 1 82, 4 20. 8 22. 915 p.m. For Yatcsvllle. Park Place, Mahanoy lty and Delano. 5 60. 6 M. 7 38. a is. 1 1 nr. n. i 2 67,6 27,8 08,9 23, 10 53 p.m. Trains will leaie Hhamokia at 5 15, 8 15, 11 45 a.m., 1 65, .-ISO, 0-30 p.m., and arrive at Shen andoah at 504, 9-15 a m., 1243, 2 67,6 27,1115 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvtlle, 6 04, 7 38. D8, 11 05, 1130 a.m., 12 4?. 2 57. 4 10. 5 27. 8 0 p mi Leave PotUvllle for' Shenandoah, 609,7 40. 8.1015,U40a.m., 18 32, 3 00, 140, 520, 715, Leave Shenandoah for Hasleton, 604. 7 38. 9 15 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 08 p. m iavo uuiiuiuu lor mienauaoan. 7 35, iu tt. 11 05 a. m., 12 15, 2 58, 6 30, 7 25, 7 65 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave for Raven Run. Centralla. ml Carmel and Bhamokln, 6 45 a.m., 2 40 p.m.. and arrive at Sbamoltln at 7 40 a. m, and 34S p. m. Trains leave Bhamokln for Shenandoah nt. 7 65 a. m., and 4 00 p. m., and arrive at Bhenan- aoin at a v a., in , ana 4 oa p. m. Trains leave for Ash and, Glrardvllle and Lost Creek, 9 40 a. m., 12 S'l p. m. r or uazieiou, jiihck urees Jiincuon, 1'enu Haven Junction. Mauch Chunk. Allentnnm. Betblebem, Kaston and New York, 8 49 a. m,, 12 30, 2 65 p. m. For fhliauelpula, 12 30, 2 55 p. m. For Yatesvlllo. Park Place. MahannrRitT and Delano, 8 49, 11 35 a. m., 12 30, 2 55. 4 58, 6 OX P ui. L.eavo riazieton ior onenanaoan, 8 so. 11 30 a. m 1 05, 5 30 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle. 5 56. S9. v 932a. m, 2 40 p.m. Leave I'ottsviue ror sasnandoah, 8 30, 10 40 a. m., 1 35, 5 15 p. m. nuuuin ll. vviiiUtiH, uen 1. aupu, South Bethlehem. Pa. CHA8. S. LEE, Gen'L Pass. Agt , rnuaaeiptua. A W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. G. P. A., South Bethlehem, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. sanrrrxKiLi, orvision, MARCH 30, 1895. Trains will leave Shenandoah after the abov late for Whjgan's, Gllberton, Frackvllle, New Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle, Hamburg, Reading, Pottstown, Phcenlxvllle,- Norrlstown and Phfl. tdelpbla (Broad btreet station) at 6:08 aad Hill 4. tn. and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays For Potts, fllle and Intermediate stations 9:10 a. m. SUNDAYS. For Wlggan's, Gllberton, Frackvllle, New Castle, St. Clair; Pottsvllle it 6:08. 9:49 a. m nd8:l0p.'m. For Hamburg, Reading, Potts' town, Pfioerdxvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia it 6:00, 9:40 a. m., 8:10 p. m. Trains leave Frackvllle. for Bhenandoah at 10:40 a.m. and 12:14.5:04, 7: and IOtnp.m. Sundays, 11:18 a. m. and 5:40 p. m. Leave Pottsvllle 'for Shenandoah at Hill, Ilt48 a. mj-and 4:40,7:15 and 10:00 p. m.SunOays at 10:40 a- m. and 6:16 p. m ' Leave Philadelphia (Broad street autlon) for jhecandoab at 5 ll and 8 26 t m, 4 10 and 7 11 p B week days. On Sundays leave at 6 60 a m. Leave Broad StreetStatlon, Philadelphia, 70R NEW YORK. For New York. -Express, week days, t 8 to; 406", 450, 615, 8 60, 7 83, 8 20, 960, 10 80. (dlnlnscarl.il, 1114am, 12 noon, 1244(Um ItedlSl and 4 22 p m dining cars), 140, 2 80 (dining car), 3 20, 4, 6. , 60, 7 18, 8 U, 10 p m. IM Ui U1KUW UUUUBJ Pi it A T W V UVi U lili o 960, 10 30 (dining car), 1108 a m. 12 44, 2 80 (dining car), 4 00 (limited 4 22), 520, 8 80, 660, 7 18, 8 12, 10 00 p.m. 12 01 night. Express for Boston, without change, II am, weekdays, and 6 60 p m dally. WASHINGTON AND THE BOOTH. For Baltimore and Washington 8 60, 7 21, 8 11, 9 10, 10 20, 11 18, 11 83 a m, (12 85 limited dining :r,) 180, 8 46, 4 41, (5 18 Congressional Lim ited, dining car), 6 55, (dining car), 6 17. 6 55, (dining car), 7 40, (dining car) p. m, and 12 03 night week days. Sundays, 8 50. 7 20, 9 10, 11 IE, 1138 am, 4 41, 5 65 (dining car), 6 65 (dining car), 7 40(dlnlng car) p m and 12 03 night. Leave Market Btreet Ferry, Philadelphia FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Kxpresg, 8 60 a m, 2 10, 3 30 (Sundays only) 4 10 and 6 00 p in vtm lava. Sundays, Express, 8 45 and 9 45 a m. For Cape May, Anglesea, Wlldwood and Holly Beach, express, 9 a. nu, l(U p m week days. Sunday, 9 00 a m. . For Sea Isle City, Ocean City and A valor., express, 9 00, a 'm, 4 00 p in week days. Sun. lays, 9 00 am. FocfSimers Point, express, 8 50, a m, 4 10 p m-6ek days. Sundays, 8 45 a m. 9T M. PBIVOBT, J R. WOOD, ubd i niQiier wsn'i risi -.an Spring Curry Comb Soft ns n Brush. Fits everv Curve. Tho Used by U. S. Army nnd bv Baruum and nnd Lcadinc Ilorecmen of tho. World. It, Sample mailed post paid 2? cents. COMB CO., 102Lafijetto St, South Brad, IudUoa. RESTORE LOST VIGOR Wil brace yon npin ft week Sold with WEirnm urirouiichi)ity, lim oiPeiuu rowar 10 iineiiit fron ft.uv tauia. If nyBltHad aurb troiiblea tat Druggist, 8knandoht