The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 01, 1895, Image 2

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Published dally, except Sunday by
fjtjllcstlon office and mechanical department,
worm Market street.
Ctt. Tja.aM l delivered In Shenandoah and
, , surrounding townaforSlxCoata
week, payable to the carriers. By mall, Three a year orTwenty-flve cents per month,
n advance.
- - advertisement charged aceordlng to' space
. and posltion The publishers reserve the right
' ' caange me position 01 advertisements when
- evartUo- publlootlon of-news requires It. The
rizht la also reserved to ntlect n uiirtl.
eBtuwnehcr paid for or not, j3ba,t the pub-
lhn may dqem improper. Advertising ratris
ctukjo Known upon; application. ' t t i (
f k . k r -r- -t lt( I
fetrteTod at the post omoe at Shenandoah, Fa
s second oloss mall matter.
ins srsiriNo
'' i . Shenandoah, Fenna.
Evening Herald.
.... MONDAY, APRIL 1, J89B. ( "'
, 1 one tpupecfat least thet. ,Paul jre.
enibjes me Cleveland Administration!
Sheifl.stuck ofl the ways.
The bad-tempered circus elephant Is,, as
auattersiiact, the most effective -prea
agent that the circus can employ.
Evekt man should stick to the particu
lar pursuit for which nature has adapted
htm. Mr. Cleveland's forte 1 duck hunl-i
iag, not diplomacy. . , ,
fGTUEAT BRITAIN is big and Nicaragua is
'little. But with Uncle Sam behind he
-jjicarago will loom up, considerably
larger.'in British eyes. . ,m ,
THERE are some old fashioned things
that the American people still attach a
good deal of Importance to the Stars
andStrlpes and the Monroe Doctrine,' for
instance. ''' ''
In taking his departure from this, the Inference, Is, that Minister
AMurnaga yflll adopt the walk, 'called
"Spanish, The appropriateness will' ba
'conceded on all sides. '
20 WONPEK this admlnistratiorxdoesn't
Tvant the people to see the monthly statis
tics of exports and imports. These cold,
.plain figures with their revelation of the
-.swift shrinkage. of the sale ot American
products abroad constitute the most tre
mendous indictment of the Wilson bill
Jthat has yet been drawn up.
The doctors, one and all, have, repeat
edly told us that pure milk is absolutely
indispensable to the health ot babies,
and that the lack of it Is one of the
prominent causes of the terrible infant
mortality in large cities and towns, and
yet in the face of such a fact a bill which
sf orbids, under heavy peualty.the adultera
tion of milk In every part of the state is
'held in a sub committee of the House at
Harrlsburg as though there could' be
Toom tor a single doubt as to the pro
priety and absolute necessity for its re
turn to the House with a favorable recom
mendation. Does Mr. Cleveland realize the. .funda
mental difference between the Presidency
and a dictatorship. f His coarse far the
ipsst two years, his arrogant attitude
toward Congress, his .contemptuous defi
ance of popular will in regard to the
tariff and Hawaii, and his consistently
overbearing manner toward public meri,
constitute a record unapproached bj.any
other Chief Magistrate of the American
Tpeople. This1 country has had arbitrary
sand determined men In the Presidential
office. Until Qrover Cleveland was elected
St never had a President who manifested
aitubborn and unvarying contempt for the
opinions of the people and the regularly
chosen lawmakers of the nation.
Tux Monroe Doctrine is an integral
principle of American statesmanship. It
9ms been upheld by Democrats, by Whigs
and by Republicans irrespective of party
affiliations. It is not partisanship ; it la
Americanism, and the American people a
Tjnlt in their determination to maintain it,
by peaceable means if possible, but by
American cannon and bayonets if neces
sary. Mr, Cleveland has achieved the
'inglorious distinction ot being right times
and wrong more times on great public
questions than any other 'President in
American history. He now has . the
chance to retrieve a long succession . of
-Uisistro ns blunders and rally the whole
mation around his Administration by a
single act of manly, straightforward
.Americanism. A brief, emphatic declara
tion by the State Department that the
"Menroe Doctrine would be upheld by the
whole power of this Republic, and that
British spoliation and oppression in
Nicaragua and Venezuela would be re.
alsted by the United States as French
spoliation and aggraaalon in Mexloo were
-saluted iu the day of Louis Napoleon
would electrify the county and command
".he enthusiastic support of American
Tjtizens from Maine to the Golden Gate,
rniTO nmrmm it nm .
Arrival of Passengers from tin
Islands at Tampa, Ha,
They Declare Tlint Thoie Not Killed In
Ilattle Will bo $h.ot.for Treason Penvxal
Martlnea Campos Will Itcnch Cuba on
- Tampa, Fla., April 1, The steamship.
Ullvotto arrived, last . night, brluglnz
among other passeliirors Spaniards and
Cubans frpm thotlslands. The Spaniard-,
falrtitliat there wns flRhtlnininitho eastern
part of the Ulnnd, but that thoy were
sorry for tho poor Cubans tngaffp(l In it.
for those that Were no5 killed in tin? fight
bag wouldM'shot' saftirMriinll 'Thoy rtilt-
culcd tho idea of Cuban success. Whuii
aslud if i they I were lelivlng tlio Inland '.9
avoid , being, fQrocd,.into voluntcor ran':-
mey saw -thpy wore coming hero to wor..
in cigar factorlos as the business was tUiii
...Spanish csllniatom place thix lnsdrgrrit
forcos at less than 8,000, and tho reason :ib
signed for tho shipment of so many sol
dlori from' Spain to -Cuba was that, ns
thcroiwere-only 0,000 pormoneutly locat-.'d
In Cuba. Snnln t.hniifjlit-, lb ailvlsiililu f 1
iplacei moro, .of .a .BtandliiK. army on tin-
Jsland, sq.tbatJn caso the Cubans should
attempt tonprtyo they .would be ovorpow
ered 'at buco-. -'Nor other reason for tlu
movptuent ofitroopfl was assigned. General
Martinez Campos is ozpoctod to arrivo In
HavauttolvThtirHday next, -and it Is un
derstood -that tho fight will then be on
with great vigor.
For the first tho civil guard of Havana
aroiadknowlDdging the insurrection. 'The'
laudlng-.of Miiuoeo-wlth 1,000 anen, near
Biraqon, ,is gonorally vconccileil. Flor
Cromble is said, to bp .with him, and It U
.nsscrtcd that tho landing was tiffcotpd on
the 23d ult. A Cnbatj report Is that arms
were disembarked near Santiago by'
Cubans on1 tho G4th ult. " 1 1,1
Brooksls said to have lefti'the- Island,
with Massorine oonnnaildlng his troops
during hla absence, ,Satocilder is reported
lUihay lug, been routed by Amador puorra
on th 22d ult., with slight losses. Cani
agnay lnsurgonts arc In command .of the
Marques do Santa Lucia. Thoy .are in
possession of tho town of 'Camaguay. All
tho lnsunront) forces, are focusing toward
Yara.iKrhvrs theydntctnd forming tlio faiw
republic , Jn Cluimlrrc- has beon .captured
.by GulUonnqnand la now a .prisoner a
.Montenegro. Abandat Vlnales, in Yuelta
Abajo district, near, Havana, Is said to
humltor 200.
' Private ad Vices by' tic steamor 0;ll'vetto
stato that 60VoraI minor liphts' On tho 20tU
and SSth ulwtook placo between the Span-'
,lsh,. troops and. insurgents in the,' province'
ot Santa. Clara- Xh4' Insurgents defeated
the Spanish .troop? Joth days. .Tha Span
iards left .their doad .on tnq Hold and ro-
trcatitl in irood order. Tho dead. It Is
;tatott, numuereu lorty-nine in Dotn uays
lighting. ' '
It is stated by Cubans that ,tho 1 lnsur
gonts now number 20,000 under arms iu
tho island. Today a prominent Cdban of
thls.clty saldi ''Spain will find us prepared
this time, and not Uko.ln Wo have
leaders and lots of monoy. Wo will havo
our indepejjilonccinnd very likely anuos
to tno ymtcu iuies
Gonzales .Quasada, socrotary, of tho
Cuban revolutionary party, Is here at tho
homo of Colonel b igucrdo.
. , j ,
Dentil if Ilaron Alc'tqr.
LQND)NT,.Aprll 1. Frederick Beauchamp
Paget Seymour, first Harou Alcester, died
Saturday, aged i3. He ontored tho navv
In 1831, became lloutonant in 1813, captain
in' 1854, rear admiral In 1870, vice admlnil
In 1870and admiral in 18S3. Ho commanded
the floet that bombarded Alexandria. For
this service ho rocoivod tho thanks of 'par
liament, was voted $100,000, aud elevated
to tho peerage
No Case Against Ulffeuderfer.
DANCASTEIt, Pa., April 1. Frank A.
Dlffcnderfcr, who was arrested In Brook
lyn on the charge of ambezzlonicnt in
connection with . thu trust ostuto of his
brother, was brought bofore tho court ou
a writ of habeas corpus. Tho records of
tho court, were produced, showing that
tho case had been settled in 1890, and tho
accused was discharged. 1
r rm-.
Governor McKlnley at Washington.
Washington, April 1, Governor Mc
Klnlby and party arrived, in this, city at
1180 last night by the Atlantic Corts't lino
express from- Savannah. Today he "and
Mrs. MoKinloy 'are' visiting' a 'few old
friends, and wlll'tako a drive through tho
city. '.Tho govprnor will leava far Colum
bus this evening. . 1
1 1 rry
Hay ward's Appeal for a Knw Trial.
Minneapolis, April 1. Jndgo Smith,
in consultation with the' attorneys! in 'the
Hayward- murder caseeiettlud thobill'of
exceptions on which the nppeal to' the
supreme court will bu-made and set thu
arguments on the motion for a now trial
ftr An'' if. . . v . , , .
N paint the best is the
.cheapest Don't be misled by
trying what is said to be "just as
jood," but when you paint insist
upon having a genuine br " of
Strictly Pure
White Lead
It costs no more per gallon than
cheap paints, and lasts many times
as long.
Look out for the brand of White
Lead offered you ; this one is sure :
For Colors. National Lead Cb,'s
Pure White Lead Tinting Colors.
TbtM cokws are sold in ona-pouud cans, each
can being sufficient to tint as pounds of strictly
Pure White Lead the desired shade ; tmry are ir.
no sense ready-mixed painta, but a combination
of perfectly pure colors In the handiest form to
tint Strictly Pure White Lead.
.A good many thousand dollars have been av d
property-owners by having our book on painting
and color-card. Send us a postal card and get
both free.
CaatprJ.rt i$ Dr. Snmucl Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opluni, Morphlno nor
other Narcotic substance. It is n harmless pubstituto
,,j for, ParjsgprlCj. Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OU.
It is Pleasant. Its gnarantco is thirty years' use by
irfhllons of.ilothcrs. Costoria is'tho Children's Panacea
. thp .Mother's friend. . ' 1
dastoria. ' 1 'Casiioria.
"Oatortnlsso well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Alien En, II. D
IU 80. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. ..
' ''TheWe pf 'CastbHa' fs bo tuuvonal and
its merits so well known' that It soems a work
of supererogation; to endorse it: Few are tho
Intelligent f&rnHic who do not keep Castoria
within niurjcath1 .. .1 - . 1 .
.- , CjjoosMabtoi.iP.i Paw.
1 , , New York ttty.
Tmt Ckntaur
Tlrown-Then Fired a llutlut in His liming
' ' - Dylup Iustautly. ,
PhilADKLPHIA, Marohr 3D. John A.
Browiv ged30 years, employed by James.
A,TaJcott,.of 108 nnd ilO' Franklin street,
Jow York, city, sjiot his , wife.,Mrs. E. B.
lfown, aged 24 years, yestorday afternoon,
and thcnpommltted suicide., Mrs. Brown
will recover. Hrown, who. has not. been
living with his wife for some time past,
called at.-hor futhor's homo at 600 South
Forty-socond street, In an aristocratic por
tion. ,of JSVpst Philadelphia,- .where. ' the
young ,w,lfp .has, Ueen. Uvlng. . JVhoh tho
servant apsweredbe bell Browu aske'd to
at9 his wife., ,Mrs. J?rown v,as. upstairs 'at
thb time, and. being Informed that her
Vusband wished to see h'or she starttid to
' iomo do wn the ftont 'stairs. Whon about
.half way down hcrhusband; who had ro
imainod standing; in tho hallways suddenly
.drpw.n.reyplyerjand commenced firing" at
his wlfo. The frlghtojood woman turned
and ran upstairs, pne shot.strlklug her In
the back as she fled. Brown ,then coolly1
walked into tho parlor, placed the revolver
behind hlrf right ear nnd fired a bullet Into
his brain, dyings almost instantly. The
murderer fired Ave shots at hla. wife, only
ono ofi which took, effect.
A Hold pwlndler Rearrested.
Cleveland, March 80. Investigation'
shows that James Robinson, who Is now
under drrost in Chicago for violating the
postal laws, is thd same man who, until a
few months ago, published The Ladles'
Monthly Gem in this city. Koblnson,
after .defrauding hla victims out of thou
sands of dQllars by means of a "snap"
rebus.and prize, bogus watches, was ar
rested for violating the postal laws. Ho
jumped his ball bond of tl.OOO and fled to
Canada. The United States authorities
did not 'at first believe that Robinson
would dare to start iu business again so
soon after hls.fllght under tho same namo.
'lhoy havo now, however, received Infor
mation which makes it sure that the Chi
cago man ia tho ono wanted.
Will Demand an Explanation from France
Washington, Murch 80. Although tho
telegram from Governor Morrill urging
tho president to extend protection to ox
Consul . Waller, a citizen ot Kansas, ro
ported to be imprisoned in Madagascar by
order of a French court martial, has not
yet boon received, the president has do
elded to act in the matter and to call for a
roport of ,the circumstances. If thq facts
,aro as originally reported in thq cable
gram from Mauritius thon it Is expected
that Mr. Eustis, our ambassador to France,
will be Instructed, to lay tho matter beforo
the French foreign office nnd ask for an
explanation of tho courso pursued by the
oulclals In Madagascar. ;
1 I, f Xtf' i 1 1 1 i ' 1. 1 1 1 ,
, tXhe (Monetary .Conference).
WAsniNOTQN, .March .30. It is lmpossl
.ble to secure confirmation horo of tho re
port from. .London, that the Unltod States
has consented to enter .the proposed Inter
national monetary conference, but the
best Information obtalnablo is to tho icffect
that In ease' tho call is issued tho president
will-accept thoinvltatlott uudor tho terms
of tho law. enacted, during the last session
and appoint, thq throe delegates necessary
to comploto tho commission on behalf of
this country.
Atlanta's Police Troubles Settled.
Atlanta, March SO. The differences In
tho board of police commissioners in At
lanta, which for tho past soveral days havo
so wrought up this community havo been
sottlod by a compromise. The faction sup
portlug Mayor King gets tho chairman
ship of the board, George K. Johnson be
ing their oholoe. The faction behind ex
Chairman James W. English secures the
ro-eloetlou of A. B. Connolly as chief of
ppllce and J. M. Wright as chief of deteo-
To Investigate New Jersey Cities,
Trbnton, March 30. Tho senato Inves
tigating committee will soon bogln an In.
epection of the manner In which tho cities
of the state are governed. The committee
havo decided to take a trip around the
state and inquire into all tho evil doings
they can hear Of. Thoy will look aftor the
green goods men a llttlo possibly, and will
carry tholr Inquiries into Middlesex, Es
sex nnd Hudson counties.
An Kmbeiillng Postmaster Sentinced.
Utioa, N. Y., Maroh 30.-Iil the United
States court Hawloy K. Webster, late post
master at Brookpprt, this state, pleaded
guilty of embezzling money orders to the
amount of tl,37& He was sentenced to
pay a fine to the amount emln-zzled and tc
bo Imprisoned for eighteen months.
Dropped Forty Feet to Death.
PRovwbhod, Maroh 80. IVtor Covil,
While at work at the Wllknsljrre pier,
Was oaught by tlmooal bucket, n.iiwil forty
tiec and then dropped to tin- dock of tlx
I jiiooner Governor Amus. Ho died In 1
Cnstorlacurcs 0?llc, Constipation,
1 Bour Stomach, Diarrha3a,'ructatton;'
Kills Worms, girea sloep, and promote fit
Without Injurious medication.
"For wjTcnd' yam I hare recommeraiod"
your 'CastoriVand shall always conUnue'to
do so as It .has in,roriabl; prodticed beneficial
results." ' ' ' .... 1 .
125th Btreet and 7th Ave., New York CStr.
Compakt, 77 Hckrajt Stticbt, Hew Yoax Cut
Another lSiploditfjr bnvrmlll Holler.
1 Dexter, O.-, March '80. The boiler of
Jllch WUlirtms' sawmill in Dunklin county
plowi up,,KUUng-John Way.ncwk,flreman, 1
and allgliuy injurlngljge Warner, Will
iam Snipes,, John Fqloy, John Gowannnd
Charles Warner, all helpers at the, mill.
The machinery was literally torA to pieces,
a section of the1 boiler six foot long being
blown thrdUgb the two- walls ofi a gin
house near-by and into a1 Held soven'ty-flvo
yards away. Fragments of the engine
room nnd pieces of .machinery wore thrown
00 yards from tho mill.
; i
Ugly Charge Against Ex-Secretary j Stone.
PlTTBBURff, March 80. In a sdlt filed In
the common plena, co urfc.hero by the Ches
ter' JEipe,iana n.uoe oompany against the
Snltsbuxg Gaa., company. ,so)ne ugly
charges arp mpdo-.agaltist.r)rorialncn't busi
ness men 01 mis section, amqng! them
Charles W. Stone, ex-secretaty of tho com
monwenlth'of Pennsylvania. ' Tho' plain
tiff company sold pipe to-tlio-gas company
tothioxtent..ofj$95000, and thoy- charge'
that later Stonoobtajnod', possession of-a
judgment In i.tho gos CQmpany,,ln .which
ne walnteroRted,( for f?,600, , At .sheriff's
sale he bought, In tho llpps and .business of
the Saltsburg Gas company for $63. the
property being worth from $30,000 to $100,
000. Id was afterward sold to tho ' Cono-'
maugh Gas company for 300,000., Tho
court. Is asked to set .asldo tho sale to
Stone, which the plaintiff declares was
Iranuulent, t
President Norton, Forced Our.
Brooklyn. April 1. Tho resignation of
President Norton, f tho Atlantic Avenue
Railroad company, Is said .to bo iu thr
hands of J. W. S.'llgman & Co., .of Now
York, thu controlling stockholders. The
resignation, it, is understood, Is to tnko ef
fect May 1. His rotirument is a sequel tu
tho recent strike. Mr. Norton was the
most bitter and unyluldlng opponent oi
tho strikers, :vnd thu uncomprpmlslng at
tltudo which he maintained throughout
tho troublo cmblttored tho publtn mind
against his road to tho material decrease
of its earnings. Tho traffic on tho various
lines of tho Atluntio avonuo system since
tho strike is said to have fallon over 10 per
cent. ,.
Five Strikers Held for Murder.
Tarentum, Pa., April l.-Fivq men
wore held by tho coroner's jury for tho
murder pf Kornoy Sntton, a non-union
flint glass worker, on tho night(of ,MarchJ
23. All live were strikers and will await
trial In tho county Jail. Their names are
Georgo McClelland, leader of the gang;
Charles Orrlsi John Kuhn, Wilson Fields
and Harry Cook. Frank Scholes, brother-in-law
of McClelland.) to whosei hqmo in
Lawronco.county theilatter fled After the
murder, was hold as, an accessory, after the
fact for sheltering a murdorer from justice
The evidence against the gang Is said to,
Cremated In i Forest Fire. '
Hawesvillb, Ky,, April 1. Professor
C. Mi Bruner was burned, to death in the
forest flroinear, Vlctorl. , He .was passlnu
through the woods on hqrsoback when he
was surrounded by a raging Are. In try.
ing to urge tho horse through tho flro tho
animal was severely burned, and became
unmanageable and threw its rider. In tho
fall ho struck a sharp stake, which peno-
trated his slda. In a.flhort tlmo ho was
burned alive. Professor Bruqer was a
member of the county board of oxamlners.
and was formerly a membor of tho faculty
01 tho .National Normal university, of
Lebanon, U.
Tots Lost in the Mountains.
UNIONTOWN. Pa.. Anrll 1 'P1,n r,Qr,l
of Dunbar, this county, are excited over
the disappearance of two little 0-year-old
unugniersot isicnolson Downos and Bent
uaai. ino omuiren aro lost in tho moun
tains and It is feared thoy havo beon killed,
i;mhezzler Tnylor In Chile.
PlEIlRE. S. D.. Anrll 1 V.-.effQni..QI,
urer Taylor, of South Dakota, has beon lo
cated, at Vlllnnrnfen Pl.lln 1.
- i w.,,,, nuum uu Bi-
Cects to bo safo from extradition. Ho loft
uiivuua uve wooks anead of Plnkerton do
Daseball Championship of South Jersey,
BRIDQETOW. N .T Anrll 1 Tl.o
ulofortho series of games botwoon tho
uriuKciuu, Daiom nun JUUlvillo baseball
nines for the championship of South Jor
sey has been arranged. Tho gamos will
uokiu uu.Miiiuao, witn urldgetonatMlll
vlllo, and oloso Sept. i. Tho rogular sea
boh oi nio urmgeton nlno will begin
Deoonttlon Day.
Charged with Itnhhery nt Uelvldere,
JJKLVU EHK, W. J.. Anrll 1 Wllllu,,,
Leahy, alias Barry, an alleged hotel thief
and beat, was arrestoil at Elizabeth by Of
ficer Ilutehinson and brought here for
robbing hotel guests of a large amount of
Jewelry and other valuables and Jumping
Lis board bill. Ho was committed to jail
A. U .1... .1 , 1 . .
so uwuib iuo ucuou ut tno grauu Jury,
The llniiuo l'ur lli lilnil In tlio Work of
the St'Brtion.
HAn tisiifUQ. Anrii 1. Tin hmiio will
go It alone this wcok. The sonato has ad
journed over tho vpok, that the sonators
may look aftor ,thojr spring settlements.
Tho hopse Is too far behind, in its work to
adjourn. Thoro nro now over 1,1W) bills on
tho sonato and hoimn nulnmliirit. 11 nil not
loss than 200 in committee -that will bo
brought out. The nvorago number of bills
passing tho house finally last wook was
only throe a day. Usually about 875 bills
aro passod each session.
Tho appropriation, rovonno nnd minor.
tlonmont bills are still In commlttoe, ox
copt the Judlolal apportionment bill. This
mcasuro has godo through tho housa. and
wlllibp road the-Jdrit tlmo in-the senato
next Monday1. Durlntt the rmst wook the
gQTQmorsigno.dilvn,bllU.,y,Hq has notyot
act,edon Jph.n i'pw's MLtp abolish the
kissing of tho: JMblo in administering oaths.
This is thd only bill before1 tho governor
awaiting his' actiori; Tho frlonds of tho
moasureiUellove it wlUJtp jopprojiod. Tho
OlOlUUIinS Ollllino- rnr nlnrlrnl pomnf
u tnojulls ereatinir n sooiirntn nmlinntl
I.. C l. . H.iiV V w r '11. '
Hiiw ffit""'K.,MW,prp,Yii'ng ror a
llce.nso.f,or private dot9ctlvcs..rpltlll un
lgnp(iii.tVp t.P.d4qtPfl,,Bqi:o,roqjp,has ap
pr9,vpd,flftcon bls.,yoiql'rt ATfi opd signed
tAVmif.V.r.wn roanlnHntia
vr.wuv vwa UViUMO. 1
uuwiHMD u. c. (jicuwr nunuurt; IT)
willwinke' aniefTort-tllls1 orening to socuroly
n niierlnliionlAi!inViilJiivintitit.TMflr.n liMla I'
Xhcsojvncasuros have 1paa0(JvvtJ senate
andjare on tbovhouse yaloiUai;.ifor second
reading. 'The anti-Quay" county peopla aro
opposing) Tpn.81 utilsauuvthe chances aro tho
PIttsburgers beali,gwetl.this,prlv-
liege. Tho
Baker",,swoat shop" bill, which
provides for eight additional factorv in
spectors, will corao up on a special order
for second reading tomorrow and third
reading on Wednesday. Tho pure food
bill comes up on Thursday for second
Governor Hastings will strengthen his
military family this week. Those who
profess to speak by authority say he will
appoint Major Everett Warren, of Scrnn
ton; Judge advocate general, and CoTonoI'
Thomas Pottor. ot Phlladolnhla nsaifatnnt
commissary goporal. Colonol-iPot'terholif
this position,, aa.jtho-jstaft .of.Govomor
Beaver, A successor will also bo named
to Louis W. Read, of Norrtstown, surgeon
general. Colonel Read has occupied this
position for twenty years, having been
originally appointed by Governor Hrart
ranft. The governor's personal friends,
have a man for this place and It has beau
decided by tho executive to drop Road.
. - . u. -. . ftfl .
Prvbahly Fatal Fall From a Windonv
PraLADBLrniA, April 1. Samuel Dufct
ton, need 5yoars, a resident of Chester.
Fa., was found .Unconscious on tho sfdoV
IT, l r t j . r,... ir. , . 1 -
Yvmii tu, iruui, ul i,ndi jvm,er sireob, early
in the- morning. Ono nrm was broken,
he, was- coveredjJvlth bruises, (and was
severely Injured internally. At tho hospital
ho revived sufficiently to. state .tiat early
in thoevoning he had boep drinking' with
J,08epbln.o ; Ibbetson, and finally went to
iler room the, thlrct floor front, of tho-
Kater strcoc nouso, and had fallon from'
the window. Tho physicians have little-
Jiopo o his recovery, Tho woman is under;
rjer Nomination Invalid.
Montclair, N. J., April 1. Tho nomi
nation of Mrs. Marie H. Marshall for mom-
tar of the board of education by tho Dem
ocratic primary In the First ward of this
town has beon pronounced Invalid by
Town Counsel Alfred S. Badgloy. Under
the law governing Montclair, aud which;
is known as tho Yoorhees act, tho pro
noun "he" ocours In every lnstanco In
which roforonce is made to the eligibility
of tho offlcor to bo elected. Mrs. Marshall,
the nominee, "who is thus- debarred, is
prominent In itho Womon's Town Im
provement association.
Antl-Soelallst Bill Adopted In Germany.
Beiilin, April 1. Tho relchstag com
mittee on tho nnti-soclallstblH passed yes
terday tho last six paragraphs, lucluding
tho clerical, amendments, and adopted the
whole moasuro by a voto of 17 to 8. Tho
Frelslnnlge Zoltung says tho bill will
come back to. the h.ouse in mora , drastic
form than tho original. It is said In par
liamentary Jobblos that tho, clericals will
voto In solid phalanx for tho bill, to please
tho pmperor.
Welcome Rain In Nebraska.
Omaha, Neb., April 1. Saturday night
and last night rain or snow fell in nearly
every county In eastern and northern
Nebraska. A fow places ,ln tho western
part of the stato have not reported, but It
1 thought it was general through tho
thickly .settled portion of the.stato, More
umpjy. rain never came, ,tne greatest
anxiety being felt lot the coming crop.ot
..uu. La.u.
Republican National league' Convention.
Chicago, April 1. President Traoy and
Secretary Humphrey, .of i the Republican
National league, yesterday presonted a call
for the next annual' convention' ot tha
league, which is to meet in Cleveland pn
Wednesday, June iu, at 10 a. m., and con
tlnue In session until its business ia com-
pleted. It Is proposed to take three days'
lor tnis convention,
nurglars Secure Good Booty.
Mount Veiinon, N. Y., April 1. Tho
houses of E. Brlttlngham and Professor
A. B. Davis wore robbed Saturday morn
ing, and tho thievos woro evidently of tho
same gang mat ropued tho houses of w.
R. Lowls nnd E. H. Norton, Jr., a wook
ago. in all thoy seoured about 11,000
worth of booty.
The Weather.
For eastern New York, oastern Pennsyl
vania, New Joreey, Dolaware, Dlstriot of
Columbia, Maryland nnd Virginia, threat
ening weather and rain; east to south
winds; slight chango in temperature.
1895 APRIL.
Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. i Sa
TTTIo ii 12 13
2T 22 23 M 25 26 27
2829 0 !
, First n
j? Quarter a
a. in.
Third "l a 6.28
Si Quarter i- 0 p m.
Sloon o
in the
Even for those who get safety
through tlie risks of a harsh
an,d changeableclimate ; for
.th'e' strait? utxm tBfe system
! through the long months of
. wuer iu. iigiiLiug uii its
.nUcijig perils always
leaves weSkenimr reaction.
Is not only an unequalled
blood purifier, but a tonic in
its true sense. It drives out
of the blood the foul matter
that in. the winter peqson W-
' i ii 11. .
avgio.aDfy.acqumufaies xnerc;
arid acting" Hirectly on tfie
nervotis system
Lager ane
Pilsner Beers
Finest, Purest, Healthiest,
Lauep Bbcik Beer
On tap at all the leading saloons.
Chris. Schmidt, Agt
207 West Coal St., Shenandoah.
Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored.
'Weakness, Nervonsnesa,
ueDiiuyt ana su uie hih
01 evus irom eariy errur j
r later excesocs, urn tDDun.c
orsrrfork, sickness, worry.
opmeni ana wuinwiw
leverr organ-and portlsa
v of theHody bimpis.".
M Urtil tnethods.- Immedi.
1 - mil i : -
caimr impossioje. !,vw yAiy.
ajianatlon and proof mailed (sealed) f rat.
Safe and Eeliable Horses to Hire.
Foar Alley, Rear Coffee House.
The nest rlga in town. Horses taken to
board. Hauling promptly attended to.
Is the cheapest and best fence made. Cheaper
than a wooden fence (or residences, la
etery lots or any kind ot fencing. M. II. Mastib
nas the agency and carries it In stool, at his
marble and granite works, 117 N. UIDIH ST,
Wholesale and Retail
23-21 Bouth Main St., Shenandoah.
Agent for D..Q. Yuengllng & Son's celebrated
Beer. Porter Alea etc.
105 East Centre Street.
Families Suppliod with Oysters.
Dining parlora attached.
Cr Si Bft f n o TI 1 1 f