The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 30, 1895, Image 4

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, Frederick ilougiaM' Will Filed. '
t TCAsmyoTon,, Marohpo.-.Tho will of tho
iJlnto.i'rodorlck Dpujrjass was fllod-wltJi tho
8l,stor of wills yesterday., To his wlfoiio
weaves t-no qstar,e, situated; near this city,
wlthnllof,hls futpjshlngs, and nlso bo-
ttQUOAins ner.hls.wrltlncrs. books, nlnturns.
Ptlns, h,orj3os,parrlAgps, oto.j flO.QpO
?nt-J7nItcd states .Wids. and $1,6,000 in
irnpppy are grYen. tohJs.dAughtor, Kosetta
apraguo, and toils ..sons. Lowln, Krcden-
lot and Charles Douglnss, tho remainder
o'jihlsproporty, which will amount to
about 16,000 eaoh. Tho will boars tho slir
natures of but two witnesses mid tho laws
of tho dlstrlot require three.' "Tlio validity
u toe win is likely to 1)0 questioned.
Cava Her Life for Her Child.
Noimtroier, L. I., March SO. A fatal flro
occurred In this place at 3 o'clook In tho,'
morning, xno uro started Jn thoxusldonco
oi israoi niguio, a wealthy fannor. Ifo
lived In tho houso with hla daughter, Mrs.
sv imam ncovi-s.nud lior 14-ycar-old (laugh
ter Hattle. Mrs. Boovos sttccooded In get
ting nor father and mother from the
houso, suppling her child hud escaped.
Discovering hor error, she rushed back
into tho burning building, but both slo
anu uer tiaugiiter woru IhuujU. to du.i(h.
Sentenced for Libeling Stevenson.
AUCKLAND. New Zealand, Muroh K0. ,
Advices received hero from tUmoivsnyllmt
all tho Tauter robeU are still t,hrvitpnint
disturbances. Charle-t Thomu Tavlor It
boon sentoncod to three mouth' iinnrUun-
. meut for accusing the late Kobcrt Lfiu.h'
htovenson of supplying tho robots wlc.i
guns and aminunltlim. Tho prosecution
was undertaken by tho f finals ot tjio demi
novelist. The chief jtmttco, Mr. Heir
.Ido, exonerated Mr. Stevenson from an
uiamo in in ' iniirrr
The proprietors of Pan-Tina have spent
muuBHuus oi aonars to maice it Known
that It cures Coughs, Colds and La
Grippe. Bottles of Pan Tina at Grnhler
uro8. drug stor
Coming: Events.
April 15. Easter bill In Bobbins' opera
house for the benefit of Mrs. James
Donovan, whose husband was killed at
the Shenandoah City colliery.
"Rock Me lo Sleep, Mother."
The poem, "Rock Me to Bleep Mother,"
was written ay ruizaoein Alters Allen
known otherwise as "Florence Percv.'
It is a general favorite for it is a sweet
little touch of home life. But there is
another side to the picture. Many a
. jnotber rocks ner child to sleep who can
neither rest nor sleep herself. She is
always tired, has an everlasting backache.
Is low spirited, weary, nervous and all
that. Thanks be, she can be cured. Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription will do the
work. There Is nptbing on earth like It,
for the "complaints" to which the sex are
liable. Once used, It is' always in favor.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are specltlo for
biliousness, headaches, constipation, piles,
and kindred ailments..
Sunday Paper&
' I am the only authorized agent lor vbe
Philadelphia (Sunday) Press, 'also' agent
for all other Philadelphia and New York
Snnday papers. All orders left at the of.
fiee'or ' 'Squire T. T. Williams will' have
my prompt attention. '
ll-3-es-tf D. T. WnidAMa
. i M T7- f )
TnoMPSON'8'DirHTnniwA Curb 1b guar
anteed to care sore throat, quinsy, croup
or any. affection of the throat if used as
the directions require. Sold only at Kir
Un's drug store. 3 10 tf
Ten-cent box Mnglo Paste Stove Polish
if or Scenes. Ask your grocer. Pictures free.
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the
name Lessio & Baku, Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every sack. tf
Relief in Six Hours.
Distressing Kidnev and Bladder (11b-
eases relieved in six hours by the "New
Great bouth American Kidney Cure."
This new remedy is a great surprise on
account of its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys,
hick and every part of the urinary pas
sages in male or female. It relieves re
tention of water and pain In passing it
lilmoSt immediately. If you want quick
relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold
at the City Pharmacy, 107 S. Main St.,'
next door to the post office, Shenandoah.
Pa. 1-9-Sm
Cure guaranteed. No operation. In-J
quire at the Shenandoah drug store, No
Whole Families Slrickco and, Many Deaths
Nearly Every Third Person Suffering:
With a Cold, Which Often Results
In Grip, Pieurlsy or. Pneumonia
Colds lend, tp coughs, coughs 'to grip,
ppiupjonla.iiniiCQnsunintign; therefore,
ki io oil (uijjyrLttub w cuecK
If. TMPhM 'tha' tinrto
: a coldfcberore
the' lungs,. Munyoi's Coll
ely break a cold inside d
v;nre win positively urehk: a co
twenty four hours If taken as soon as the
coia manifests useifn When the eo!
reaches the lungS or bronchial tubes the
Cough Cure should be used alternntelV
everyhalf Bour wlth Vhe Cold Cur'e."The
lunes. can be controlled hv thn n 'ri
these two cures. - !
The Cough Cure positively cures bron
chitis, tickling in the throat, hoarseness,
lo:sof voice, soreness of the nhtwr iHTI,
cultyln breathing, hacking cough aha
all pulmonary diseases where the lungs
mo uut mo iar uecomposeu or covered
with tubercle.
If you are ailing step Into the nearest
drug store and get a 25c. vial of one of
Munyon's Remedies. No matter what
your disease, or how many doctors have
u lo curet win give you roller.
Those Who are In rlnnht, na tn the hath..
of their disease should address Professor
Munyon, isus Arch street. Phlladelnhla.
giving full svmntoms of their .1Ibp
Professor Munvon will carofullvdlncrnnse
iub case ami give you me' oeneut oi nl
novice absolutely free of all charge. Th
nemeuies win ue sent to any address on
receipt oi retail price.
,For py spring stock of CLpTIIINQ I haVe
abandoned my Jewelry business, and
parties having left watchea for repairs
. , are requested to callatonceifor them
Main and Cherry Sts., Shenandoah.
A, Stitch
in time sirves nine. A stitch
iu nits siue oiten results in
something far more serious,
unless, treated at once.
has saved many from lung
diseases. It is invaluable
fbr rheumatism,, and pains
in the back, criest.'or. limbs.
When Furehaalnff 4 nt m ttk for
Allcock's.'Corn' Shields.
Alfcopk Bunion Shields,
Hare np qual u ji nllef ud cun for conu
dtbunlea. '
Brandreth's Pills
nrs of great benefit In oases of lorpld
iver, biliousness 'smd lndfgestloa.'
8 South Main street.
When Baby vras sick, ire gave her C&storla.
When she Vis a Child,' she cried for Castorta.'
'ffhen she became Ulca, ehs clung to Castorta.
Whan she had Children, she gave them dstoria.
Important Notice.
Notice Is hereby given to all parties who
have left watches at my place for repairs
that if they are not called for on or before
MarehUO, ISOfi, they will be considered
foi teived and sold at auction to the high
est. bidder, All work ordered of me will
beexeouted at once. Yost, Jeweler, 103
Jvurth Main street. 2-86-apll
Camlierltiin'sCoiiiih Remedy gives the
best satisfaotlon of any cough inedloiue I
haudlu and a a ellr lraU all other prp
aratloim in this niarSet. I reooiumeud
it because it Is tne best medicine I ever
handled for coughs, colds and croup. A.
.AV. Baldiudoh, Mlllersvllle, III. Forsale
by GruhUr Dros.
36 North Main Street.
.The most Donular resort porter and alqt
cigars are tne nnest.
" Fine Groceries,
201 West Centre Street.
Spring : Millinery I
Ladies, you are all invited to call and
examine my stock of Ladles' Hats and
Bonnets and Misses' and Children's Hats
and Flats In all the latest designs.
All the new novelties lh Trimmings just
received at prices to suit the times. ,
Mourning goods a specialty. Thanking
you for past favors,
New York Cash Millinery Store,
20 North Main Street.
A Clean, Quick Shave
Can always be had at
Charles ' Derr's Barber Shop,
rirSa.clS83,halr cutting and singeing.
,tii tFSW801 nPse Building.
Shenandoah. I Anna
' 82 Kaat Cost St
16 North Main Street.
Repairing of all kinds prmoptly attended to.
Church Notices.
There will be no service in the English
Lutheran church tomorrow, but on Sun
day, April 7th, Rev. O. Christ, of Buck
Horn, Columbia county, will conduct
service ln( the, morning and evening.
Rev. George B. Carr, of" the Chester
f resuytery and late pastor of one of the
Edinburgh, Scotland, Churches, will All
the pulpit ot the " First Presbyt'erlata 1
ohUTSH tomorrow morning and evening, j
There, wjll not ,be pay service in the
Brot.estant EpIscopal church, on East Oak
street, tomorrow morning, but bervlce
Will be held In the evening, at seveb
o'clock. Sunday school' Ijt 2' n.'tn. "" f
pujplt of Trinity Reformed cnurch'. on
West Lloyd street, tylll be njled by Rel
H. J. Hlllegass, of j Lancaster. The
pastor, RevlRdb'ertO'BoVle. will fill tho
pulpit of the Reformed church at Hazli-
ton tomorrow morning and evening.
William Chalmers, Jr.J is around again
after an illness of several weeks.
The Victor Club had a plennant gather
ing at its headquarters, vocal and In
strumental music was supplemented by a
service of toothsome refreshments.
Lincoln Section No. 37, .1. T. of H.'&T.,
of Wm. Penn, celebrated Its first anni
versary in the Methodist Episcopal
church of this place last evening. The en
tertainment was opened with the singing
of an ode by the Section.followed by prayer
by Ellas Hopkins. Among those who
took part In tho exercises were Q. W. G
William E. Davis, of' Shenandoah. Misses
Annie Ricbsrds.May Seltzer, Lil(Ie Dbvey,
Grace James, Maud Knight and Misses
Kline and Baskeyfleld, Messrs. Thomas
Scott, S. G.Walker, William G.Rlchnrdi,
Charles Henry, William Rich and the
Walker brothers. Rev. Ephflam Potts
also took part In the entertainment and
gavp a reading. The piogram included
vocal and instrumental selections, read
ings and recitations. Several members
of Hope Section ,Nq. 10, of Shenandoah,
were In attendance.
Lit; if t!
Eminent Inventor of the Williams Typewriter Owe
Strength HedjnVs Celery Compound.
MoKlhlny's ltcceptlml In Savnnnnh.
SANANNAH, March" ,:!0. Governor Mc
Klnloy arrived hero' at 10 o'clock "lnt
night. Ho was met at tha depot by ncoiii
mlttceof pronilnont' white Reiniblicaiw.
with carriages, ntul escorted to thi) foosuto
hotel, whuro sqon, nfterwarilsl du ofllcinl
commlttoo reprdspiitlng tliu city, am coin.
posuu oi lunyor .uyors anu AlUeniion Gar
rard and Fnlllgaut, waltjd iin the gover
nor and welcomed him to Savannah. Tim
city council callod upon him In a .body 'At
10 o'clock this mornliig to pay their 're
spects. Afterward tfio governor nrid lils
party -woro'takdn for a drive through tho
city anu suuurus. 1 "
1 ' " i
' Uom nMe'W iJrltlili iiWfc" t' 1
L9rppN, ' -Slarcli iia-rin 'tlie'buse of
fiOiAnipiis Mr' 'Jiunop Jlienry' Dalzlijl'-'Ad-vanccd
Liberal, iiidvod tlm niinM.inn tf:
Irqlan,d, Scptl,o.;id nn4 Wules,' Mf,, John
Rqdmnd, tho well known' .Parn'elllte, 'op
posed tho rosphHlon, declaring that iit
meap.t.the, shelivlng ojf Iriph loine' ruie
uuwi, yuq uifuaui ,1)19 suai.navD oopn
abolished. , .Thq roaplntlon wasndopted by
a majority jot 84, the vote standing. 128?n
luvur iu ma .against
Held Up a Colorado Siitoon.
Colorado Si'iftvos. n.iin'. ivrnrnt, nn
Shortly after mldulght thruo imiiked men
with Winchesters and 'hjvolvors oulorod
Campbell & Conner's saloon id' this city
and commanded all present to hold tip
tholr hands. They then proceeded to hAlp
themselves to ttu money In tho drawers of
tho fnro tablo androulettn wheel, amount
ing to over fCOO. After securing the booty
they llrcd sovernl shots Into the floor and
colling and retreated out of tho front door.
Unearthed a Allstir'a Iloai'd.
SnAMOKlN, Pu., March 30. Tho holrs of
Solomon Diehl. an aged bacholor of
miserly hablti, searched his late rosldonco
yesterday and found over ?4,000 In gold
silver anu copper coins. TJio money wa
ticu up in oiu stooklngs and hlddon away
under floors and In crovlcos and cracks
about the building. Diohl lived In tin
Mnhantonga valley, and diod a week avo.
Tho money in now In bank, awaiting di
vision umnng tnenoirs.
When VOU want' cood rnnflnir. nlnmli.
iuk kb utung, nr general tmsmlthlng
done call on E. -F, Gallagher,' 18 West
centre street, uealer In stoves. 1 8-1-tf
jlOR RENT.-Btore arid dwelling on North
Main Ktreet. AddIv to Mrs.
lurns.W' Coal street. '
T?OR RUNT.-Store- and dwelling at No. 25
JC South Main street. Apply to Mrs. Barah
owceny Dig mine iuut i'a. zt
FOB RENT. A three-story frame house on
Houtb Whlto street. Apply to Jacob
IJiOR HALE. A desirable property. Bingle
. house facing on Coal sireetand double
iriocuon resroi tne lot. Apply to Mrs. J, H.
Rozby, 222 West Coal street, Bhenandoan, l'a.
Justice of the Peace
Insurance and ... .
Real Estate Agent,
123 E. Centre St., Shenandoah'
FOR BALE CHEAP- A Rogers square piano.
In eood condition. Cost when now. R7Rfl
TTRftn nnlv In nrivntn favnllv lnni n.
IJiOR RENT. A ivood storeroom on South
; Main street. Gas. electric llehts. Bteam
eat and fine plate glas windows, bultable
for any busluest.. Apjly to T. J, Hlgulim, 16
jxorui jura n b reel. ssotr
TKT A TvTT'R'T Honest, encrf.ctlc men to
t t iuu. Fonoii oraerRior nursery
Stnru. intn nci tfn rjiovmerjt.extiensefiBnil
sul ry. Write utcnot. fr t rirsand territory
for full de lvtrv. K O Clasf & Co., H3( BoutU
renn square, I'liimaeipnin, ra.
lf EN AND WOMJ-N to make big money
XTX wiiD ine ivuuucai riuimg uycumo is
the eleotrlcnl xnal'hlrje vtta in the nreiU slat
ing factories f 05 0 to tf6 W) a week made
easv 1'lateu tvcry'hfng. No experience; Wg
profits Andres w. 1. Ilnrrlton & Co., Clerk
xo, i, coiumous. unio.
TWO-HTORY Framo IlnllJlng, 30xiH fpf-t, on
Kouth Chestnut ftreei Ueotafor $1B per
NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that my
wife, Kate, i ns left my 1 ert and boara
and'that I will not be responsible lor any
KlebtN she may contract. I tttve notice to all
merchants not to glvo her credit on my
OKonox FnANTZ.
npriVillt.. fin Intreatm. . r, - " ' '
tay terms. . , -liT ', WUY a veove toomplaito of hard 'tiroes,
t .1. . moBthfwt 1 ib sold chfan.
laontln oSiTU0" AW.-IU1. lot a
leontap. Uur i uale on Wegt Vmxtot
1 i
aud two lioukeii -kit-
from is to (10 a day easily t
nn. n. k..iXi.Li.jL..T:ijf. j . i"e wonaerrui success 01
"y.J-wiuu BUtn UUUCr VUIIIVH blUUTUUU II UT liroulw,, . ... n,anw UPII ot ... . 1 , 1 .. 1. , V,
acres ir good timber. Frame farm house, six S inake mmev spiine It hut '"omZ
t OR HALE. Licensed botel stand in Maba- three months afterpaylng all expenses and at
li n"f fownshlp, near the rorougb line, tending to regular buslnefcs besides. Youdon't
, Frame tUUdlnir, rlue n orns, doing good bust- have 10 canvass : ss soon as eonle know you
. 1 "rat Kinn igrbeinup. a bar. nav it lor sale tufy tenn lor a Dish Washer.
ueuer in groceries, nour.proyi'lons, teas, gain lor ai'j todr. Apply 10 M.J Lawlor. Address tbe rilmax Mfg Uc Witr aib..
coffees, sugar, oto. JBestquallty, lowestprloes, 4 Justlco of the Peace, llMEast Centre street ' I Columbus, Ohio, or particular's,
ihe old'tlme visionary inventor has
given place1 to the practical.hard-worklng
professional Inventor of today'.'
ioq successiui inventor must now be a
business man as well as a man ot me
chanical Ideas. '
The' high tension of the nervous dvHtam.
often keptup for months and months,
makes tremendous drafts on the health of
those busy brain workers. Many suc
cumb to nervous prostration when they
seem just on the point of surmounting,
every difficulty.
Of all the countless recent useful in
ventions none has passed throucrh so
many or so rapid a course of improve
ments as the typewriter. Todav the
latest perfected machine is undoubtedly
nmm,.. ... '
" Tmmius typewriter, wnicn repre
sents a vast amount of cumulative In
vention. ' ''
John Newton Williams. It 1
was lit 1645, in Brooklyn, N. ,Y. He spent
his early manhood on the western fron
tier. Subsequently he settled in Kpn
tucky, where he became known aa pneof
the most successful stock breedcra irf the
'state'. ' ' ' '
But It Is as ah Inventor'tlia't Tie has won
his national deputation. Several taiost
useful and important inventions were
lWoe by tilth' WforeV he "produced' the
Williams typewriter, '' a machine that
probably excels all others in the most
important features.
Mr. Williams, speaking of the labor
expended in bringing the machine that
bears his name to its present perfection,
says :
"Some four years ago, when engaged
in experimental work on the Williams',
I was putting in about 10 hours per day
of hard work and worry, and came near
breaking down. Although very par
ticular and regular in my habits and
careful about eating, my stomach
troubled me. It was difficult to eat, ana,
more difficult to digest arid assimilate my
food, my stomach acting In sympathy
with an over-worked brain, A friend had
sent some Paine'a celery compound to om
of my business associates, and knowlnj
him personally, and, seeing what It dlt
for him, I thbught I Would try It. I com
menced .taking it before meals, and It ai
once stimulated my appetite and aldet
digestion. I took two bottles and wai
much benefitted.
"Again two years later I was trouble!
with nervousness and indigestion, ant"
again took Paine's celery compound wltl
great benefit. My wife, after her long
illness last summer, and severe ncrvom
prostration, and some trouble from in
digestion, concluded to try Paine's celerj
compound, a few weekB ago, and she li
now taking it with steady Improvement
Several of my friends have taken it or
my recommendation, and are now prac
tical believers in its restorative powers. ,t
have found tin celery compound a tonic
a,pd ft restorative that I could lean upor
wjth confidence in time of trouble."
Paine's celery compound makes people
well 1 As a spring remedy it is unsnr
lm J, Bayies,
13 North Jardin Street.
We Have the
Best illuminating oil made. Odor
less, colorless, brilliant, safe, per
fectlon. If you are In the dark,
drop us a postal. We'll enlighten
you and lighten you.
Eclipse Oil Gom'y
.Oils, Gasoline, Candles, Lamp Wicks,
Burners, etc.
213 South Jardin St., SHENANDOAH, PA.
Mali orders promptly attended to.
Saloon and Restaurant.
p. 1 ,tO rtortb. Ma(ri tj-eet.
Vlnat 1 V.I ,1 . . " ' . .
i"" " "eer, roner ana Ale
always on tap, "Come and hit one." Choice
BpSSJ W"! .fjee .lynch
Weeks'' Museum,-
Grand display '0f- birds .and animals of all
selections ana dnest paintings In the eounty.
Best Beer, Porter and Ale.
Finest Brands of Cigars,
Free lunch every nornlng nd evening.
Jonn Wuuts, Proprietor
Q. W. OAVIDSOH, Bartender
Anthony Schmlckjr's
104 aOVXII MAIlf BT.
The finest pool' and billiard rooms In' town.
Reading beer, porter and Potlsvllle ale con
stantly on tap. Give us u 011.
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sts.
Finest Beers, Wines and Liquors.
Choice Temperance Drinks.
Boat Brands of 5 and 1 0c Cigars
Wholesale agent for
ftlgcitfii'i Imrli I J.i Eiftrt
No finer nUde.
Ltger nl Saner Pile Etc;
Fine liquors and Cigars
120 South Mala Bt.
yyhop it Comes to
- -Our stook speaks for Itself. If you don't
come to town, send your orders. Thev
will be nicely filled.
26 E. Centre Street, Shenandoah.
Garden's $T WAIL pApEI(
We have Just received a fine line of the most beautiful and artistic papers In th
market, which we will &ejl at very reasonable prices. Wo have also in stock
great deal of laFt year's patterns which we are selling at a sacriDo. ComeanC
see our line of goods. W e have the moat beautiful and artlstio papers.
Largest Paper Store in Town. Finest Stock and Lowest Prices.
House, Biqn and Decorative Painting. 224 West Centre Street'
... . All orders promptly attended tp.
Two pieces Black Dress Satin, 27 Inches wide, worth 1
A new line ot stylish InFants-'cioaks andlRobefl ' P
jjig ano cneap jine oi wniaren's School Hats and UdlfB" Hats and Bonnets, in
hi, ull the new deelons of straw, tumn niwi io tvl-..(T;,.r t
. LargeJllne pf Domestic and Imnorted Flonfrs.iromlOt
I 111 HOT I h Iflli-n.n f . . .1 Kn p.l ,
Hrttji nna HonnetiTrea Tr. . "".r'. ""f UP-
, ovvivcicu irozn ouo uu.
Mrs. J. J. Kelly, 26 S. Main St.