The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 30, 1895, Image 3

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"uuin i uuuiiuvciojr juiouii J. nun
Afrioan Possessions.
Til Vrpnflll Mlnl.fP nf Irnralnn A4Vhla
VVJU on Thuraday Next Reply to a IV r
' tlnont Statement Made In tha HrltUh
House of Commons.
IiONDOX.Mnrch 80. Tho statement whloh
Sir Kdwanl Groy, parliamentary socretnry
i. of tho foi-olgn uiilco, mudo In tho homo ol
' j. commons, saying thnt an advance of the
Tronch nto tno territory of tha Voper Nllo
'R Vhlley belonging to tho Royal Niger com
pany, aud, tlinrofore, undor Brltlsn pro
tection, would bo an unfrlondly act, and
that It was well known to France that
Groat Britain would go regard It, la onus
lug a profound sensation here and on the
. Sir Edward's announcement, which was
lead from notes bclloved to have been
written by the secretary of stato for foreign
affairs, tho Karl" of Klmborloy, Is looked
upon as revealing tho extremoly critical
rotations now existing botweon Prance
und Groat Britain. Tho fact that tho stato
inont was prepared In writing beforehand the. sorlousnoss of the situa
tion, and shows that every word embodies
tho views of the cabinet.
In brief, the statement Is that It Is bo
oomlng dally more difficult to live on
erood terms with Prance: thnt Great Hrlt
'aln has made concession after concession
in the past two years in tho Interests of
poace; but that the end has now come, and
that It Is found necessary to warn Franca
rrom tne ministerial bench.
x. The moat important and significant por-
41on of Sir Edward Grey's statement was
the following:
"But somothlng bosldo our own efforts
Is nocoisary, and that Is tho co-oporation
of tho JTrenoh government and tho French
The Royal Niger company, ohartorod by
tho British government, has an empire In
k Africa. It claims half a million square.
, liillos, strotohlng from tho Guinea coast
far back Into the Dark Continent. Tho
company not only carries on extensive
trade, but it provldss all tho machinery of
an eiaborato government, Including . a
strong military forco. Besides, It has the
privilege of calling on tho British navy for
. Great Britain, Germany and France
agreed many years ago to divide up among
them a largo part of Guinea. Britain took
tho so-called Gold Coast, Germany tho
Camcroons and Franco the Slave Coast.
aturally tho boundaries havo never boon
exactly defined, and thoro has boon a deal
of friction, especially botweon France and
England. Thoro havo been sundry con.
ventions In regard to border linos, result
lng in the agreements of 1835, 1880, 1890
ana lbtsa; out still the disputes go on in.
creasing in bitterness.
The foreign departments of Britain and
ifranco have had numerous kuottv Drbb.
' lems beforo them in tho last few months,
and more than onco an outbreak of hostil
ities has been feared. No subject has more
real danger in it at presont for those two
countries than tho subject of African fios
Paris, March 80. On Thursday noxt
vfli. imnotiiux, minister or rorelen affairs
mrill reply tqan interpellation in tho cham
ber ot deputies on tho statement made in
the British houso of commons by Sir Ed.
ward Grey concerning tho relations bo
tweon I ranco and Groat Britain.
i Iowa Miliars Will Strike,
Ottumwa, la., March 30. At a confor
enco of miners and operators hold in this
city it was practically decided to call out
0,000 minors now working in tho mlnos of
forty-two operators who refuse to pay the
1891 scale of prices, eighty cents and $1,
for mining coal. The oporators who took
V,part in the conferonoe, twonty-throo in
number, will pay this scale. Tho men who
will strlko aro mostly In Appanoose and
Polk county.
- Fluttering, No Appetite, Could Not
L Sleep, Wind on Stomach."
f "For a long tlmo I had a terrible
pain at my heart, which fluttered al
most incessantly. I had no appetite
and could not sleep. I would be com
pelled to sit up in bed and belch gas
from my stomach until I thought
that every minute would bo my last
HMInrn W51Q 1 fnn11lw. . I
, a t.ww .v-w.iuy Ul UIHJ1C301UU
. about my heart, and I was afraid to
! draw a full breath. I could not sweep
a room without resting. My hus
band induced me to try
; Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
l-v and am happy to say It has cured
t me. I now havo a splendid appetito
and sleep well. Its effect was truly
? marvelous."
MRS. 1IARRY E. STARR, Pottsvillo, Pa.
by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co,, Elkhart. ImL
It your clothier doesn't keep
Wnrtimnrnlonffh ! Bron
r ,i, Swell, Reliable, New York
I Make ultn get It Their celebrated
, $15.00 Melton Overcoat
i Wears like steel and is sold by every proml
V nent elothler In the state. None genuine with.
out Hammereloush Uros.' label.
An Event of Striking
Happened Under the Shadow of Mt.
Washington. Ihe More You Investigate
It, the Stranger the Facts Become.
The writer was In search of news.
The White Mountain Region is not
prolific of news at this season of the
year, but the little town of Bethlehem,
N. II., afforded an emphatic proof of the
old saying that "fact is stranger than
Here, under the shadow of Mt. Wash
ington, dwell Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Varney, two of the best known and most
highly respected residents of Bethlehem.
Their interesting story, together with the
really remarkable facts, the truth of
which they vouch for in every particular,
and which la endorsed by the well known
wife of Bethlehem's popular minister,
Rev. L. A. Webster, Is well worthy the
attention and consideration ot the read
ing world.
"Three years ago." says Mrs, Varney,
"I had a shock which afflicted me badly In
my bead and one side ot my face, es
pecially my right eye. I was confined to
mj bed for a while, and suffered great
pain In my head, which troubled me for
several weeks.
"I had vlry severe headaches for some
time, and employed doctors who used a
battery on me, giving me only temporary
relief. This continued for about two
months. About five months later I heard
of a wonderful cure by Dr. Greene's
Nervura blood and nerve remedy, from a
mend ol mine, and l resolved to try it.
"I commenced the use of the Nervura.
and the effects were immediate and very
pleasing, l nave now used live Dottles
and am able to do hard work most every
day yes, and walk a long distance ; and
always get to prayer meeting about the
first one, and before many who live much
"I attribute my cure to Dr. Greene's
Nervura blood and nerve remedv. I
cheerfully and gladly recommend ft to
all, and would be glad to answer Inquiries,
I cannot speak too highly of this medi
Charged with Mnllle Dean's Murder.
DKNTON, Md., March 80. Jcromlah
Bishop, a young mulatto, has been lodged
in jail hero In connection with tho brutal
murdor of Salllo Dean, tho 11-year-old
school girl, at Harmony. Captain Froo
burger, chief of detectlvos In Baltimore,
has asslgnod ouo of his men to tho case,
on roquest ot the Curollno oounty author
ities. A young whlto man is undor sur
veillance. Tho Inquest will bogin today
Btrevll Threatened by Lyncher..
Fort Scott, Kon Maroh 30. Sheriff
Allon has received word that threats of
lynching Noah Strevll aro belug mado in
tho neighborhood where his father, Stew
art Strovil, was niurdorod, aud extra
guards have been placed about tho jail to
be continued indefinitely. Tho prisoner
will not say what ho thinks of his wlfo's
confession, but asserts that he can prove
his innocence.
Secured HS,000 for IlllVhted Affections.
Chicago, March 30. Sine Nielsen, a
Danish girl, socurod a 15,000 verdict yester
day in hor $3.5,000 breach of promise suit
against H. D. Alysworth, a railroad man.
Miss Nielsen Is a pretty young Dano, who
has boon in this country but a fow yoars,
aud boforo coming horo was a maid in tho
household of Princo Christian, heir ap
parent to tno enroue or Donmurk.
Four Maryland Murderers.
Eixicott Cm', Md'., Muroh80. Colum
bus Nichols, Jr., the colored man vhn
body was found floating In Trappo river,
Talbot county, was murdered by Goorgo
Wright and Thomas Johns, also colored,
In Wright's houso. Tho aooused men are
in jail. General Washington Coates and
Charlos Dorsey woro put on trial here for
murdering Isaac Scrogglns.
Ux-Mnyor Grant's Engagement Confirmed,
Albany, Maroh 80. Confirmation of
tho ongagoment of Miss Julia Murphy,
eldest daughter of Senator Murphy, to
ox-Mayor Hugh J. Grant, of Now York,
conies In a letter from Washington to a
friend of tho Murphy family. Thowoddlng
Will tiiko plaoo the last woek In April at
Washington. Tho honeymoon will be to
Mr, Thur.ton'g Homeward Journey.
Chicago, Maroh 80. Minister Thurs
ton, former minister of the Hawaiian
lelntlds at Washington, left hero last night
ouhls way to Honolulu. Mr Thurston
declined positively to make any statement
regarding the reoent unpleasantness In
Washington. Ho has no Idea, he said,
whe will be appolntud his successor.
Importance Which
"My husband has be-n cured of a severe
case of kidney complaint by this splendid
medicine. His kidneys troubled him
terribly for n long time, but after taking
Dr. Greeno's Nervura blood and nervo
remedy a short time, he was entirely well.
He says it is all that has kept him from
crlDDe this winter, which he has had for
several years before "
Mrs. Ii. A. Webster, wife of Rev. It. A.
Webster, of Bethlehem, says :
"I am acquainted with Mrs. Varney,
nnd know her story Is true."
It is such cures as theso which have
stamped Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and
nerve remedy as the most successful, most
wonderful medicine of modern times;
the remedy, indeed, which is effecting
more cures all over the country than any
aud all others combined. It Is the great
conqueror of disease, and nothing can
resist Its marvelous curative powers. The
newspapers aro constantly filled with the
testimony of prominent people whom It
has cured. But for every such person
cured, thousands upon thousands of less
prominent people in all classes and walks
of life are being restored to health and
strength by Its potent action.
Particularly Is it doing a grand work
now, for everybody needs and uses It in
the spring, as it has demonstrated Itself
again and again to be the most certain
and effective spring medicine.
It Is not a patent medicine, but the pre
scription of the most successful living
specialist in curing nervous and chronlo
diseases, Dr. Greene, of 35 West 14th St.,
New York City. He has the largest prac
tice in the world, and this grand medical
discovery Is the result of his vast ex
perlence. The great reputation of Dr.
Greene is a guarantee that this medicine
will cure, and the fact that he can be con
suited by any one at any time, free of
charge, personally or by letter, gives ab
solute assurance ot the oeneuciai action
of this wonderful medicine.
QOQ V JCfh Ct Below Callowhlll,
053 n. 101Q OL Philadelphia, Pa.
Thlrtv years' Continuous Practice In all
sneclul disease of both sexes. All diseases
orine uiooa, SKin. Nerves, tniargea veins, itup
tures, Piles and General Debility caused by lu
discretion, are nermanenuY curBa vy ur.
Ixb, who guarantees to restore to full health
ana Manhood those who have lost tneir vigor.
Under the troatmant of a skillful physician
like Dr Loot), the most unfortunate can feel
assured of reealnlnsr health and strength
Thousands of persons, not only in Pennsyl
vania, Dm mrougnoat me country, uuve uwu
successfully treaiod by Dr. Lobb. Thiriy
years' continuous practice In Philadelphia
snouia D8 sausiaciory eviueuco ui un om iu
curing an special aeasen ui uum
nfflnn linnra. rlnlW nnd Humlavs. from 9 a, m,
to 3 p. m, and 6 to 9 evenings. Send for
free book on Errors ot Youth and obscure
diseases of both sexes.
For active lady or pentleman acquainted with
naiohhnrhrvid. rnmnensatlon from f 10 to 8160
pAriy, amoillOUH bu BU uveu, uveu uiijjij, a, yj
capital required. Address with reference,
ninha llllilrt Publlshmer Co.. 723 Chestnut
street, Phlla., Pa.
Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored.
Weakness, Nervousness,
ueuiiuy, and all the train
. ui evils irom eariy errors or
(later excesses, the results of
overwork, sickness, worry,
CkU. Uli DirBUglU, UOVtl
opmeDi ana tone given is
jovcry orean and portion
of tho body 6lmpl, nat
ural methods. Immedl
ate improvement seen.
r.llnm imnnsidhle. U.O0O references. Book.
explanation ana proois mauea (aeaieaj ires.
ERIE MEDICAL 00., Buffalo, N.Y.
Easter Cards
..and Novelties..
Agents for DAILY PAPERS.
4 North Main St.
Li Hung Ohang's Wound Proves a
Boon to Ohina.
rending the Negotiation, for Teae. In the
Orient the Ilelllgerent. Will Heat on
Their Ar inn, Though the Japanese Troop.
Will IUmaln In China.
ToKto, Maroh 80. The omporpr of Japan
as dnclarad an nnnnnillflnnnl nrmlitlM
On tho oponlng of the noctotlntions yostor-
. XL. 1.1. . . f
uujr tun vuiucbo plenipotentiary proposcu
the armistice, which tho Japanese jroVern-
tnfmt: Will Wllflnr tn .Mnnt nnvn(n nn.
dltlops. Whilst the negotiation yaa go
ing on ms uniownru napponed on tno por-
son of tho Chlnoso plenipotentiary. His
majosty, tho omporor, In vlow of this un
happy ooourronco. commanded the Jan
aneso plenipotentiaries to consont to tem
porary nrmlstlco without conditions. This
was communicated to the Chlnoso pleni
The Japnnene Minister at Washington In
formed of the Armistice.
Washington, March 30. The news that
an unconditional armistice had been de
clared by tho omporor of Jnpan was con
flrmod at tho Japanese location, whoro it
was stated that a cablegram to this effect
had been rocolved from tho home govern
ment. In dlsousslng tho matter Minister
Kurlno, of tho Japaneso logation, said the
armistice will bo effective until the poace
negotiations aro concluded. After a meet
ing of tho peaco ambassadors had boon do
omed on China rcquestod tho doclnratlon
of an armistice, but this request had not
boon actod upon favorably by Japan. His
govornmont, Minister Kurlno said, had
not beon inclined to stop warlike opera
tions except on certain conditions. Those
conditions aro not known, but it is sug
gested that probably tho occupation of
Tnku might havo boon one, Japan wish
ing something as a guarantee ot tho will
ingness and earnestness of tho Chlneso for
an nmlcablo settlement of tho war. China
evidently could not arrlvo at a conclusion
to agreo to tho stipulations demanded by
Japan, and tho attempt on the lifo of tho
Chlnoso poaco ambassador solved tho prob
lem for the tlmo bolng. There will be no
withdrawal of the Japaneso troops from
Chlneso torritory, howover.
Tha declaration of an armistice was
most wolcomo nows to the Chlnoso lega
tion, although It was accepted with the
stolidity and passive dignity which is
charactorlstio of tho race. Tho numerous
suite of tho logation, comprising many
secretaries, attaohos and translators, wcro
evidently glad that tho tedious and dis
couraging struggle was at an end.
Thoro was some doubt as to tho moaning
of the term "unconditional" armistice, al
though this was accepted as meaning that
recont events, including probably tho
shooting of Princo LI, hud lnducod the en
voys to agreo to an urmlstloo beforo agree
ing exactly on the terms of poaco. It is
felt that tho arrangemont of these terms
will still be a dlfuoult task. The feeling
in the Interior of China, whore the direct
effects of the war havo not boen folt, is
very strong against a oosslon of territory.
Moreover, the payment of a cash indom
nlty will necessitate tho Imposition of very
heavy taxes on the people, and consoquent
depression. These considerations, togethor
with the dlreot lossos and ravaees of war,
make the commercial revival of China so
problematic that the officials would not
dlsouss it boyond mentioning tho dlfflctil
ties in the way of a restoration of oom-
meroe and internal prosperity.
The power of the Japanose government
to oxecute tho armistice will not bo put to
critical test. The military power of Japan,
In tho judgment of intelligent observers,
has almost outstripped tho civil power
during tho war. This has caused sorious
concern, as it has boen feared that the
military element, baokod by the war spirit
among tho pooplo, would not submit to an
nrmlstlco even if tho olvll authorities or
dered ono.
To moot this emerganoy a change ot
army commanders was recontly made.
Thoro had boon three army corps.oporatlng
In different campaigns, and each undor a
general of supromo authority ovor his par
ticular campaign. About threo weeks ago,
in anticipation ot the nrmlstlco, Prince
Komatsoo was created commandor-ln-chiof
ovor all tho nrmios. The purposo of this
stop was to coucontrato authority in ono
man, In close touoh with the imperial house
hold, who could thus exeoute an nrmlstlco
by a simultaneous cessation of hostilities,
by tho three armies.
It now remains to bo soon whother Prince
Komntsee can oxeouto tho important com
mission given to him. Tho splondld dis
cipline shown by tho nrmios during tho
war glvos assurauoe thnt thoro will be im
mediate noqulosoeuce by tho military, and
yot Princo Komatsco has to contend him
self against a war spirit Inflamed by many
vlotorlos, It has boon said that an armis
tlco would bo so unpopular among tho
people and soldiers that it would assure
tho polltloal retirement of Japan's two
chief statesmen Count Ito and Mr. Mut
sln who have servod as poace onvoys,
A Thieving Student Caught,
IJoston, Mnroh 80. Henry Hopper, 18
years old, of this city, was oaught taking
n letter oontalnlng 11 from a looker at the
Harvard Medloal school, on Boylston
street, where Hopper is a student. Ho was
nrrosted and oonfessed to many similar
thstts during the last fsw mouths.
No Cigarette In Lawrence, Kan.
LAWHKNCli, Kan., Mm', 90. Tus antl
oigursito ordinance vw-m into affect yes
terday, and no? olgaretion car beyurolmaed
In the oity. The ordinance imposes a fins
tit from fi to $85 for ouch violation.
Food, crisp pastry-j delicate calce, good di
gestion, all come witli the use pf Cottolene,
and it saves money as well. Its wonderful
success has brought numerous imitations.
Genuine has trade .mark steer's head in
cotton-plant wreath take no
other. Made only by
N. K. Fairbank Company,
Sa9 V. DIwar Ave.. Phtlada.
1317 Arch St. Phlla. Pa.
imnnn pnicnu madderi
Iuluuu I yiuuil nnil Upednl Ills
eincs cured In :Hi to 110 darn. Illnrrhpn.
I Ulcers, Skin IJUcnxeB, .Ven ous Debility!
Inn iciuiea tno l.llUlia; C'lircU lor a 1110
tlmc. (Lost lUnnlnoiI and Small Shrunken Or-9
enna l uiir Kestorod.
Pclentlllo method never falls unlets
caso Is beyond humnnald. Ilellerat
once, aud you feet llkeainan uraongB
men lu mind nnd tody. All lossesE
checked Immediately and continued!
Improvement, Kverv obstacle tog
liupuy married llto removed. Nerve
force, will, eneruy, brain power,!
Wben fntllnt? nr Irt.f. nrn t-oarnrnrl hvl
Ithe combined NHW treatment. Vlrtlmn nil
I abuies and excesses, reclaim your manhood n
IrauuciriB 4iuiu luuy, uverworK, early errors, lll-n
health and excesses In married life rezalnl
your strength. Don't despair, even If In tliel
last staees. Don't bo discouraged. If quacks!
bave robbed you, I mil prove to you that!
medical science and honor still exist. Bend!
(Ive2-cent stamps for boot TIlI)TH."thel
ionly Medical bootc exiioslng quackB (no matterl
what they advertise to save themselves froml
exposure) their tricks and devices, calling!
themselves celebrated and famous, giving free!
advice and guarnntee, charging enormous!
H prices for cheap, poisonous drugs, and there (
oy ruining inousanas. tiourHsuio a. iwen I
ilngs. B-aao. Wed. and Bat. Kve'ea. 6-aso. Hun..
w-ii nonce ah aniiciea witn dangerous anna
Iuopeiess cases snouia can mr examination.!
Dally, from Wed. and Bat. cve'gs, 8-9, and!
. v-it. vriicorcnii. i reatmen t Dy x
Chichester's EncU.h Diamond It ran if.
TITn. Orlfflnaland Onlr CpnnlitH.
Drugiiit for Chlchetter t EnglUh Dlau
tad urana la km and uoui meuinoi
hoxe. ifilod with blna ribbon. TsiLa
no other. Jit fuse danoerout tubituu
Hons and Imitation. A t Drnuiiti. or lend 4a.
Id tt&mpi for jiartlcuUri, teatlmooUlg and
"ItMlcr Tor la(lle"infeirr, ttj ret am
Hull. lO.fMHI Xama anitr.
rThlo(.Mt..f'fis.tnlinl (V.Mu.llsnn H.,a9-
Cold Ij ui Ixwavt Uru.KUM. I'htlttda., lm.
Has stood the Test ol Tims
Gilmore's Aromatic IVine-
A tonic for ladies. If you are
suffering from weakness, and
feel exhausted and nervous
are getting thin and all run
down, Gilmore's Aromatic
Wine will bring roses to your
cheeks and restore you to flesh
and plumpness. Mothers, use
it for your daughters. It is
the best regulator and corrector
for all ailments peculiar to wo
manhood. It promotes diges
tion, enriches the blood and
gives lasting strength. Sold by
A.. "W-A-STLEl"",
106 N. Main St.,
Shenandoah, Pa
n n ri
A Pi ICC -"The If oir Infnlllhle"
IK "L I t-O TurklshCapsulesneverfall! B
U mall, sealed, S2, with advice that wlllpreveutfii
Bpjn ture Irregularities. Zc.stanipforpartlcularf
IBH 1'ouiuiM C'Ucni. Co. Mew Egypt, N.J.
Clock Snrincr Blatlc
Only Perfect Couib.
KorepauKh Circuses,
Ask your Dealer for It.
dr rTiVA
Mild a.xt nrvFiNC
tut ftvfi
FfQ our naron on the handle. Sl'MKO CUUUT COMB
Bomatlmes nee.1i a rallable, monthly, regnlitlne medicine. Only htroltes aSA
the uret drugs should be used, 11 you wint the but, get
Or. Psal's PemiijrQaB Pilfls
They tre prompt, atle and certain In runlt. The geitutue (Dr. TmI'i BTcrljgi
nalut. Beatanrwhwe, tl.Ot,, AddrM Pau. usbioikb Oa dereUud, O,
rJoIil by P. P, I), KIllLTX, Urugtlst, Bhanloah, Pa,
Professional Cardw.
8, KI8TLER, W. D
OfHce. ISO North Jardln street, Shensndosii.
Offlce. Egttn building, corner of Main and.
Centre streets, Mhenandoah.
yjy N. STEIN, M. D
Omce Room 2, Egan's New Balldlng, cot.
nor Main and Centre streets, Shenandoah, Pa.
Offlce Hours: 8 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 3 p. rn.t 7 to
. v. iu. niKJib uuiuc eiv. ami w est uajt sireoi.
Offlpo Water Company building, 28 West
Lloyd street.
Successor to
DB. ohas. t. palmkk,
EYE AJfl) EAlt H UliG HON,
301 MahantonKO Street, Pottsville. Penna.
Is the ohearjest and best fence made. Cheaner
than a wooden fence for residences, Iswns, cem
etery lots or any kind of fencing. M. II. Mastsb
nas the agency and carries It In Htook at his
marble and granite works, 127 II. J1KDIH ST.
Wholesale and Retail
22-21 Bouth Main St., Shenandoah.
Agent for D. Q. Yuengllng & Bon's oelebratod
Beer. Porter Ales etc.
Temperance Drinks.
Mineral waters, Weiss beer. Bottler ot
the finest lager beers.
17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah, Pa.
Your Stomach : : :
Cannot stand the same washing that
your boots do. and the water yon drink
Isn't even tit for that purpose. Use
Lorenz Schmidt's Beer and Porter.
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
Shenandoah's Reliable
Hand Laundry
Oor. Lloyd and White Bts.
All work guaranteed to be first-class In erery
partloular. Bilk ties and lace curtain saapso
laity. Goods called for and delivered. A trial
105 EaBt Centre Street.
Families Supplied with Oysters.
Dining parlors attached.
A genuine welcome
Awaits yon at
Joe Wyatt's Saloon!
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys,
beers, porter and ale constantly on tap.
Choice temperance drinks and cigars.
DRUQ E9 Safe aud sure, semd Ac. fdr"1mqmau,3 SAf fi
6IQ2ISBS GUARD:' Wilcox Specific Ca,PnUAjA
Spring Gurry Comb
Soft nsn Brush, Fits every Curve Tha
Used by U. S. Army aud by Barnutn and
and Reading Horsemen of the World.
Sample mailed post paid 25 cents.
CO., 102Lafjetto St., South Brnd, Indiana.