r j sttA i v. I 1 ' W SHElSfAKDOAH, PA., SATURDAY, MARCH 30, jfefltSJ vol. x.no :$6.: ONE QENT VliNlNU SUP' (? y . ii - I. . . j ' New York is Crazy Over That LatesfrFuzzle? Plbe's Peak r Bust i-It can be done, " L. it'&io'ts of fun, You'll say so " u'jt J When' you've once begun, F. J. Portx NO21 NORTH MAIN' STREET, . SHENANDOAH, PA. WILKINSON'S. ( We offer One case of Dress Ginghams in good seasonable colors. Regular 10-cent, quality for 5 cents per yard. These goods are specially cheap and ever off ered. ( 1,000 pairs of ceivea. wuiDesold at extra see them. . ' ' ' - -d .. ..HI .... .... f myjWrihiison, 29 South Maw St. Evaporated and Dried Fruits 25 OerLtis "Will 3 lbs California Evaporated Peaches. 3 lbs California Evaporated Apricots. 2 lbs California JSvaporated .Nectarines. 6 lbs California Seedless Raisins .. , 5 lbs Palifornia Muscatel Raisins. 4. lbs Sultan Prunes. l-tlbs French Prunes. , -'''sVlba Italian Prunes. . . 2 lbs Silver Prunes. 2 lbs Pitted Cherries. -i i tik " Fresh Cakes Fancy Graham Wafers, 3 lbs for 25c. Vanilla Wafers, 2Uhs for 25c. Coffee Cakes','4 lbs for 25o. Or&nges and Lemons. Valencia Oranges, w i California Oranges, $ne Quality , -Mood Oranges, ; Good Lemons, - . '. - '- 'i i 'ii. I. California Evaporated Bartlqtt Pears,. Very Fancy Quality. California Evaporated -Peaches, .ra Quality. BUTTERMILK SOAPr-the qompleipnMade of buttermilk and, extract oPcucurribers cents a Cake. j Our Canned Tomatoes, Corn, Peas' arid S.trfog Beans, 4 cans for 25c Are all standard goods in sjze' and quality. TWO CARS Timothy Hay, A two-horse spring wagon almost new. Iri rurnlfure that wfifjhlke !th e thin 1 L , ' lit . pocKer.-uooK BmiiuHimv'ur wimKiuu pesa. ' See vrhnt a small amount of money will accompjlen.'just now : Ladles' Rockers - tl.OOup. Bodsteads . 1.80 up. Cupboards 3.90 up. Extension Tables ...,il50 up, i Cradles .1.2$ up. Chamber Suits, 8 pleces-......16.00 up. Parlor Sults,5 pieces ....25.po up. Come nnd see and be convinced that this 1b the cheapest place in the state j ,r.. to buy yonrnrnitufa. . mr "WilliatmS&Son No. 13 S. Main St. r rii )c .it t are one of the best bargains we. lace window curtains just j baroain nerures. Uome ana ft- 2 lbs California Papershell Almonds. 3 lbs California Walnuts. Lemon Cakes, 4 lbs for 25c. Ginger Snaps, 4lbs for.25c. Ginger Snaps, 5 lbs for 25c. i 'I r-- ,ii' it A 1 Anton ,.,35Ga .flPzen 2 dpz for,25Q ' . At Keiter's. . . Sewerage and Other complaints Presented by West Coal Street Citizens. AN INADEQUATE SEWERAGE SPECIAL MEETING WILL BE HELD TO CONSIDER A CHARGE AGAINST AN UNDERTAKER. The Co-operation of the Sanitary Com mittee of Council Asked to Abate Nuisances Good Work by the nealth Officer. V(I,' ! t tl't M t . The Board of Health, held reitnlar i . it meetlnic in the Council chamber last night n,d jvaft ; attended, by " Messrs. Malone. .McHale. .Miles . and SpuldlnR. The board pen ntjout two hours in dis cussing reports of committees and com plaints and decided 'to hold a special meeting next Tuesday evening. The committee .ou. epidemics, reported ,that jthere-W thrse.,, cases of scarlatina and one of, diphtheria in the town, which . 1 1 r i i t 1.1- ........ k la CUUHluurcu Vk very luvuruuic Dinw ui affairs. ' Messrs. KniDpte, Ploppert and Grad- wnll wwb In attendance at the nieetlritr 'and comDlainediuat a, drain, or sewer, on CohI street, between Rhea tnut and JJllijert streets, was maaequate ior tne purpose for wjilch.it is being used, and that a stable lev that locality threatened to Jbe coaie ' a. reat . public, nulsance. They allied tha it is nowjalm.ost lmppssle to live in the neighborhood, on account of the nulsancej. After discussing the matter at some length the board decided to Inspect the properties and request the sanitary committee of Council to accoui- nnrtrr If 4 r ci aa tvhnt. fnn hfl fl.inp. Complaint, was. made that UndertaKer Snyder had made a burial without pro caring a .permit frpm the, "Board of Health, and that the sexton ot tne untxu anlau cemetery bad failed lo exact a permit. It was decided to notify the undertaker and sexton' to appear before the next meeting ot the board and show cause why ,the, .lines prescribed by the rules Bhould not be Imposed. It was at first suggested .hat summary action be taken, as the undertaker was before the board once, before and promised tq observe the rules strictly. The board is evidently determined to hereafter. handle, without gloves, all peo pie who do not observe the rules, as, the board ha) been in existence long enough and notice of the regulations has been sufficient for the public to know what is required. More than this, the summer season will not allow any laxity in sanl tar measures. Health Officer Miles made a very lengthy report, in which he showed good month's service notwithstanding the winter weather had not sufficiently broken to admit very effective work. The report,' showed that, the officer abated thirty six nuisances. He had six privy wells, ten asa bins, five yards, two cellar, two hog pens, a stable and three houses cleaned and improved and required the abatement of a number ot general nuis antes. The officer found a West Centre s.reet dealer offering for sale dressed poultry that was not fit for use and jiad the" stock removed. Disinfectants were used by the officer in two houses in which diphtheria had existed. For a bad cold.eat frozen oyBteis, at the Sohelfly House. ''co'afll&oyefed.': About three weeks ago William Brent nan, of Jackson's, lost a valuable oven coat while a passenger on a Lehigh Val loy train from Pottsvllle to Shenandoabt The coat was stolen, while Bronnan was temporarily absent from his seat. With the aid of a search warrant Constable Phillips today found the coat at the home ot a prominent young man In town. Owing to the young man's respectable connections and old-time friendship, Mr, Brennnn refused to prosecute the case and, in addition to withdrawing It, paid the costs. Chicken and oyster soups at the Scheifly House. Birthday Party. Yesterday was the fourth birthday of Master Ilortram.Wllde, young nap pt Mr, and Mrs, nr. w. wuue, ana no gave a party to a number ot his playmates in honor 01 tne event, xno little onea uau a pleasant time. Those present were pirdella and Horace Aostook, Albert Gr. Willie and Anna Strauahn. Marian Klstler, Mary Btddall, James Morgan, HI T.n.nla Til ., 1... V..-. T,1 ... son Scager, Harry, Kenneth and Harriet Wilde, Carrie Reese, Lidle Parrott and Bertram Wildest . k 4 -Mm " 1 . ... - V "All worn out VI 1b tbe expression of the Bleepleasuffer?rjwlth t,hat,terrlble cough, Pan-Tina nuts a strin to it.' It's a remedy for Couchs. Colds and Consumption. 23 cents;- PanTlna Is sold at Gruhler Bros, drug.etqre. , Bargains In Boots and Shoes. A. Womer has purchased Snyder's Bhoe store and offers the entire stock of boots and shoes at less than cost. Next to Wonier's truck store. 8 254m the pEDbifate., NirisAto : A Decision by Judge Livingston Allow ing Them Full Swing. If Judge Livingston, ot Lancaster county, is correct In his ruling and I presume he knows what he is talking about "Dick" Amour1 and the other detectives will be out of a job, so far as their positions relate to arresting peddlers for doing business In this commonwealth without a state license. Four persona were before the Judge In question charged with peddling. In his decision, dismissing the defendants, he held that the peddler had a legitimate right to ply their voca tion In any part of the state, under the provisions of the Interstate commerce law. V I am nlmost led to believe that Judge Livingston has been misquoted, on account of the Injustice bucU a ruling inflicts upon the legitimate businessmen., The latter are compelled to pay ttaxes,, mercantile licenses, high rents and other incidental expenses, while the peddlers have free range ot territory without paying a cent into the coffers of the state for the prlvi lege. It the decision will stand the test ot the Supreme Court ruling, the business men should petition the Legislature for some remedial legislation that will give them the proper protection. This action should be taken before the adjournment of the present session, otherwise they will bo compelled to wait two years at least, During my stroll around town one day this week I dronned in to see my old friend, Maurice Morrison, of the Colum. bia House. Mr. Morrison has been in .the hotel business at the same old stand for the past twenty-flve years. At this hos telry you will always And genial, old- fashioned hospitality, and the proprie tor's reputation as a' law-abiding, pro gressive citizen is ot the best. Politically, Mr. Morrison Is very liberal in his views, knowing no faction or ring and always voting for the best men in county and local elections. On national questions he has affiliated with the Greenback party, but I think he is iioy a bimetalist In one of the western counties of. this state all bars In public nouses are closed at Op, m. I know of no law on the statute books compelling saloon, or botelkeepers In this state to close at that or any othetfhour during week days, with the Exception, oi election day.,, The custom came aoout-, However, ny ma juuge oi that countv. In trrahtlnti licenses", request 'ing, the lucky applicant a', to' close, at tiat ))oux, ..They, .acgulesce.d, In the , Judge.' dnalrea. well knowlnir that to refuse would endanger their'' chances for sechMn. a renewal the fojlo.wteg year.; .The pl'an.M Is said, gives general satisfaction. Such a course, if pursued by our judges, would make, a great change for the better in this county. The people of, the United States .are itching, for a war, and it does not matter much which way the guns are pointed 'so that they are fired oil and mal$e a noise, Germany, England, Hussla, bpaln, any country or anybody, will do, just so there is death, devastation and carnage. Our beautiful White Squadron must be given achancoiotry Us prowess; that's what I they are built for. P A war just now would be a.blcssing to many. A call lor several nundreu tliou sand men would be quicky responded to. It would, provide ,ror , ne jflrge. army of .Idle men, and at the same time start up all the Idle manufactories. War ehould be avoided at all times, but Pt present the American people are crying for it as much so as the children cry' for Castoria. -, 'Wr.. Holder man,' the jeweler.' jyto, ad vertises all the year 'round, complains that the man who advertises Is compelled to buy more goods and employ additional clerical force. The man who does not advertise Is.not .troubled In a like madncr It ii a nuisance to be put to the expense of buying and hiring. If a business man desires to live a nlqe, .quiet life, and does not want to do business upon a large scale, he should not advertise. Index, Lobster salad for sale at McElktmuy's, The Play. A large and, fashionable audience wit nessed the production of "Antony and Cleopatra" at Ferguson's theatre last eveulng by MUa Lillian Lewis and dm pany and was highly pleasgd with tb performance. Miss Lewis' Cleopatra was a very conscientious piece of work and she was very ably supported, especially by Charles B. Hanford, who portruyed the character ot Antony. The scenic aud general stago effects ot tbe play were excellent. The living picture following the pay were also well appreciated. McElhenny's Big Free Lunch. ( Tqnjg the public are agalq Juvlted to visit NcEinenuy's popular caie, ana en joy-one ot his most highly favored and acceptable free ' lunches, consisting: ' of Boston baked beans., This Is, pne ot the flneatiiunches ever served and should 1 be taken advantage of by all lovers" ot .something good to eat. Removal. Dr. S. O. Spalding has removed his office and place of residence to No. 20 South White street. 8-28 tw 1 1 J Frozen oysters at the Scheifly nourh, soup has been placed on a lunch counter. c.l. riOrUI JarQIll O.rBBL Employes of'-'the' Puiladefpiila and ' Reading Company paid Their , Wages Today. WORKING TIME' . i i . REDUCED. ALL THE COLLIERIES OF THE COMPANY WILL BE IDLE ON MONDAY AND ' START AGAIN ON TUESDAY. The Working Schedule for April Will be Considerable Smaller Than That la Force the Past Few Weeks. The employes of the Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Company in this district received tneir pay today. As the pay was a pretty good one It Bhould make business in town a little more brisk than It has been the past week or two. With tbe closing down ot the collieries tonight the steady three-quarter lime Will end. At loast this Is the Indication. None ot the collieries will be operated on Men day. They will resume operations on Tuesday morning and It Is expected that the resumption will be on a reduced working schedule, probably three-quarter timo for four days a week. This supposition is not based upon any information given out at headquarters, but solely taken from discussions among people who seem to know something about the coal trade circles. Notwlth standing the absence of official informa tion on the outlook, it seems pretty cer tain that the working time for April will be considerably less than it has been the past few weeks. One of the causes for tbe reduction of the working time is the Ailing of the stock yards. There is hardly a market for coal .aud the continued war between the companies prevents an opening Nearly all the coal the P. & It. company has been mining lately has tound its way Intb the stock yatds, and the yards at Mahanoy City are now filled. The work ing time for tbe next month or two now seems to be entirely dependent upon the termination and result ot the war between the companies ad to the pro rata of tonnage. , The "Y" Program. A regular weekly meeting of the "Y" will be held this evening, In tbe post office building, when the following program will be rendered ; Singing, Y; scripture reading, Ed. Danksj declama tion, Jennte Hares; violin solo, Miss Brown ; readlng.Ueorge It ox by ; quartette, James, Hough and party ; reading, John Bath ; cornet solo, Miss Beddall ; declama tion, May Dusto ; reading, Wm. Reese ; instrumental music, Ida Kehler; "News of a week," Mr. Barton j singing, "IV Impromptu speech, by gentleman. Prayer meeting on Sunday afternoon, at 8:30 o'clock, in the "Y" room. All are invited. Hats Off. Many ladles iu the audienco at Fergu son's theatre last night Inaugurated the custom lately started In the large cities by witnessing the performance with hats removed. In many instances the re movals of the heudgear was very much appreciated. In a theatre a lady looks much prettier when' bareheaded than she uoea jiuuer a towering nai.,- j Says He Lost Money. Mannger P, J. Ferguson says that not withstanding the large attendance at tbe production of "Antony and Cleopatra," last night, he lost 22 en, the,shbw. He says the guarantee wasa large one and the light gallery1 counter-balanced the returns from thn high-priced seats. The house looked as if it held at least (500. r Died. Dress. At Shenandoah, Pa., on the 27th Inst., Edward Dress, aged 29 years. Funeral will take plao on Sunday, 31st Inst., at 1:80 p. m., services being held at the residence of the deceased, No. 238 South West street. Interment will be made In the Odd Fellows' cemetery, Friends and relatives invited to attend. Interest to be Paid. The semi annual interest on the bonds ot the Schuylkill Traction Company, duo April 1, 1805, will be paid on the presenta tion ot the coupons at the office ot the Equitable Trust Company, C2-I Chestnut street, Philadelphia. ; Church Entertainment. An entertainment was held In the First Presbyterian church last evening under the ftuspjce.s, ot ,the., Junior Christian Endeavor Society and was very much enjoyed by a'largb pujnbero'f the society's menus. Special This .Week, , Gents' good white shirts, 33 cents. Fair ticking for ft ceuts per yard. Good quality sbeetlug, 14 cents; Table oil cloths, l'a cents. " "'P. J. MdNAQHAN, 28 South Main street. 8 23tf Something New. A delicious cream tomato soup lunch will be terved at the Scheifly House to night. This will be the first time this been placed on a lunch counter, Best and Finest 18 kr. plain Wedding Rings, Band and Fancy Rings, Dia monds, Sterling Silver and Platedware, Jewelry, Clocka and. Optical Goods sold lower than ever. HUMAN' Jewelry 11 11 Cor. Main and Lloyd Sis. Repairing done prompt and 132 faultless manner. PERSONAL. C. E. Titman visited the county sea yesterday. George Henry, of Tamaqua, was a tbmii visitor today. Mrs. Thomas King, ot Centralis was u guest ot town friends. George Evans and Will Rothermel, o Ashland, were town visitors last evening. Hon, Joseph Wyatt has returned from- Harrisburg to spend Sunday with hi family. Mrs. P. P. D. Klrlln has returned from Johnstown, where che was- a guest of relatives for several weeks. William Dusto, a young, but expert knight of the razor, has accepted, a. position at Derr's barber shop. Jonathan Yost, formerly of town bat now a citizen of the new and flourishing; town of Shepton, was In town yesterday. A. L. Shay, Esq., of Pottavllle, was a town visitor today. Mr. Shay will be one of the Republican candidates for District Attorney. Misses Mollle and Carrie Evans, who were the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. George Pillinger, ot West Lloyd street, lets for their home at Milton today. Edward G. Richards, son ot Daniel G. Richards of town, has become an inmate of the Pennsylvania Hospital at Phila delphia to receive treatment for a rur ture. Among the out-of-town people who wit. nessed the production of "Antony and Cleopatra," at Ferguson's' theatre last night;' were noticed P. J O'Neill, Glrard vllle; John J, Durkin, Boston Run ; Harry Constlne and Miss Lallah Rookh, Ashland ; Ueorge Goodman, -Postmaster O'Connor and John Lewis, Mahanoy City ; Elmer E. Johnson, Harry Huutzlnger, Theodore Bedford, Herman Victor Ilessa Lost Creek; C. S. agnerj, Ulraravtue ; Glrardville Leader ; Mr! and Mrs. Edward Beddall and Burr Lew.Js, -W,m, Punn, LbbsterJs a'l ad at McElhenny's. Newspaperdom. The Mt, Carmel News Is meeting with success that has warranted Editor Wil sou In enlarging it to seven columns. The Ashlaud Telegram is to be enlarged to seven columns to give Editor Ham Tlley a greater Bweepfor his versatile pen. J. Harry James, baq , will change tho Ashland Local to a daily about the first ot April. Families supplied with fine oysters nt one dollar per hundred, at the Schelfiy House. Advertised Letters. The following is a list of the letters re maining uncalled for at the local post office nnd advertised as uncalled for : H. B, Davey, Esq., Wm. Howell, .Minnie Hanley, J. II. Pollard. Steamed oysters nt the Scheifly House. You'll be Surprised To learn how cheap EGGS are, at our place. Lower than ever. Cost less thaa meat, Remember, we sell none but fresh eggs. We have a great variety ""Butter. of Store nnd Thomas McHeon, SolJHU apa Air. w Eullorufacey, o'f the ft