The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 29, 1895, Image 4

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    T--r.r-rriT?! rr - -jf'-frs.r
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FRIDAY. MAHCH 29, 1605.
Fire Alarm Boxes.
The following list shows the locntiou
of the alarm boxes of the Shenandoah
fire department :
IB Coal and Bowers streets.
10 Bowers and Centre streets.
S4 Bridge and Centre streets.
25 Main and Centre streets.
82. Jardln and Oak streets. r
84 Main and Poplar streets.
85 Main and Coal streets.
43 Gilbert and Centre streets.
43 Gilbert and Cherry streets.
46. Oak nnd Gilbert streets.
48. West and Poplar streets.
62 Chestnut and Coal streets.
64. West and Lloyd streets.
To send an alarm open the box, pnll j
down the hook once and let go. When an
alarm Is sent in the fire beil wll sound
the number of the box nnd repeat the
alarm four times. 4
If the alarm Is sounded from box 15
the Are bell will strike one, then pause
and strike live, which will Indicate that
the fire is In the vicinity of No. 15 box.
Kvery alarm is repeated four times.
"Rock Me to Sleep, Mother."
The poem, "Kock Me to Sleep Mother,"
was written by Elizabeth Akers Allen,
known otherwise ns "Florence Percy."
It Is a general favorite for it 1b a sweet
little touch of home life. But there is
another side to the picture. Many a
mother rocks her child to sleep who can
neither rest nor sleep herself. She is
always tired, has an everlasting backache,
is low spirited, weary, nervous and all
that. Thanks be. she can be cured. Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription will do the
work. There is nothing on earth like it.
for tho "complaints" to which the sex-are
liable, unce used, it is always in iavor,
Dr. Pierce's Pellets nre specific for
billousueEs, headaches, Constipation, piles,
ana Kiuarea aliments. , .
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers to the Evening Herald
who are not receiving their paper regu
larly and people who wish to receive the
faper as neWsubscrlbers, are requested to
eave their addresses at Hooks & Brown's
stationery store, on Isorth Main street.
"Perhans vou would not think so. but a
very large proportion of diseases in New
York comes f i wn carelessness about catch'
ing cold." says Dr. Syrus Edeon. "It is
such a simple thing and so common that
very few people, unless it is a case of
pneumonia, pay any attention to a cold.
New York is one of the healthiest places
on the Atlantic Const and yet there are a'
great many cases; of jalarrh and con
sumption which have their origin in this
neglect of the simplest precaution of
every day life. The most Fensible advice
is. when you have one get rid of it as soon
aB possible By all means do not neglect.
it " Dr. Edson does not tell ycu how to
cure a cold but we will. Take Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. It will relieve the
lnngs, aid expectoration, open the secre
tions and soou effect a tiermanent cure.
25 and 50 cent bott'e-s for sale by Gruhler
Coming: Events.
March 29. Entertainment bv the Jr.
C. E. Society in the Presbyterian church.
Apr. 8. Lecture in the Welsh Baptist
crnrcn by itev. Joun t. urlincns.
April 18. Cake nnd Coffee Supper, un
der the ausnlces of the Salvation Army.
to be held in their hall on North Main
April 23, 24 Entertainment in the All
saints' i'. a. cnurcn. to raise lmrary tunus.
A severe rheumatic pain in "the left I
shoulder had troubled Mr. J. H. Loper, a
well known drucgist of Des Moinee.Iowa";
for over six months. At t'.bies the -pain
was so severe that he could not Hit any
thing. With all he cou'd do he coU(d not
get rid of It until he appllta unamDer
lain's Pain Balm. "I onlv made three
applications of it," h says, "And have
since been free from all pain." He now
recommends it to persons similarly
afflicted. It Is for sale by Urunier ilros.
Cure cruaranteedi No oneratlon. In'
quire at the Shenandoah. drug store, No
8 South Main street. 918-tf
When Baby was sick, ive gave her.Castorla.
When Bko was a Child, she criod for Castoria. .
When she became Miss, she clung to CastorUv
When she had Children; she gave them Oastorta.
Important Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties who
have left watches at my place for repairs
that if they are not called for on or before
March 80, 1895, they will be, considered
forfeited and sold at nnctlon to the high
est bidder. All work ordered of me will
be executed at once. Yost, Jeweler, 102
North Main street. a-28-apll
Relief in Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis
eases relieved in hIx hours by the "New
f-rMiif. Son Mi American KidneV Cure."
This new remedy is a great surprise on
auoount of Its exceeding promptness in
reltevii g-paln in the bladder, kidneys,
bitfk and every part of the urmary pas-
sni'R In ninlft or female. It rallevei)- re-
t-ar-imi of water and pain in passing-it
almost Imniedtstely If yon want quick
relief and rure this is your remedy. Sold
hi, the Cltv fharmuov. 107 S. Main St..
next door to the pat office, Shenandoah,
Pa. i-y-am
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the
u.hiif IiEESlo & lUElt, Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every Back, tf
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives the
best satisfaction of any cough medicine I
handle and as a seller leads all other prep
arations In. this market. I recommend
It because it is the best medicine I ever
handled for coughs, colds and croup. A.
illersvtlle, 111. For sale
by Gruhler Bro3.
Fine Groceries,
201 Wort Centra Street.
Deader In groceries. Hour, proyl'Ions, teas,
coffees, sugar, eve. u6inuiy,wwiiiw.
Throe WtiBjon I,oitd (r 1'nltpn Cnlleil to
Suh.lue Thirty of Them.
CllIOAttO, March if) Throw members of
the board of trustees of tho State Home
for Juvenile Fomnle Offenders were given
u practtoal Illustration last evening of the
insubordination whloh has reignetlamong
the inmates for several wooks past. Mrs.
Chnrles Henrotln, Mrs. J. D. Harvoy and
Mrs. G. M. Holt spent the afternoon at tho
homo and took supper with tho Inmate.
The thirty girls confined in the homo took
ndvantngo of the presence of tho repre
sentatives of tho board of mnuagemunt to
show what they could do jn tho way of
They succeeded so woll that they smashed
nearly all tho crockery in tho house, dis
mantled the dining room furniture, broke
windows, threw the contents of tho pantry
about the premises, filled the air with
shouts, and then refused to go to their
rooms at tho command of tho police. It
required threo wagon loads of policemen
to quell tho riot, and it was found neces
sary to carry tho mnjorlty.of tho girls to
their rooms by main strength nnd to lcavo
a policeman on guard through tho night
at tho door of each room." t
Tho outbreak was tho roault of a meet
ing hold by tho girls In tho nftornobn,
when It was decided to show by breaking
tno rurulturo resentment for tho partiality
shown by the managomont, as claimed by
tho girls, for jMumlo Davis, who was al
lowed to go home. Muyilo Davis, tho girls
claim, was tho ringleader among thorn.
At mo suppor tablo tho girls wore models
of propriety, and llstoncd to tho remarks
of Mrs. Henrotln and tho othor mombors
of tho board of managers with attention.
Thoso wero calculated to show thorn tho
wrongfulness of Insubordination.
During tho riot Mrs. Henrotln and' tho
othor ladlos wero forcod to remain In tho
room and witness tho scono, tho girls hav
ing locked the doors.
Miss Dickinson's Suit for Damages.
Sciuntox, Pa., March iiO. In tho trial
of Anna Dickinson's suit for alleged Il
legal incarceration in tho Dahvlllo Insalio
asylum John Baldwin, conductor on, tho
train which, took Anna to Dauvlllo. swOre
that sho said to blm: "Gonductor, I want
you to -send a tolbgra'm''to oxG6Vprnor
Pattlsou "and Jay Gould. Toll' Pattlson
kWo must havQ universal suffrage, and ask
bould fociu million dollars." Martha
Brown, a servant at tho Dloklnson rosl
douco in WostPittston, said sho saw Anna
often scizo hor slstor by tho throat. Susan
uionn sworothat Anna told hor Susan B
Anthony, Frances Willard and Madame
Rhea wero In a conspiracy against hor
C. W. St. John testified that ho had Bold
whisky, brandy and raw alcohol to Anna
In largo quantities on various occasions.
Mnrdorer Ulgelow Was Insane.
NEW YoiiK. March 29. That tho mur-
dor of Amy Thill aud tho suicide of hor
slayer, John Blgolow, wero tho work of a
madman Is made moro certain by tho
statement of John Holdon, mi intimate
friond of Blgolow's. Holdon says that
Blgolow has boon in retreats for tho Insane.
at loast live times within tho last ton
years. Tho last tlmo Blgolow was In a
lunatic asylum was in tho fall of 189:
when ho spont some tlmo iu a rctroat at
Hartford. Ho has also boon sovoral times
in Bloomlngdalo.
Much Timber Destroyed In New Jornoy,
Bp.IGAXTIXE Junction.N. J.,March 29.-
A florco forest flro is burning in this soo-
tlon. It was discovered oarly yostarday
morning by omployos o tho Atlantic City
Railroad company. Tho district botwoen
Plcnsautvllle, N. J., and this place has
been burned. .Many buildings and a largo
quantity or tlmbor wore consumed by the
uamos, mm tho loss will aggregate thou
sands of dollars. Tho origin of tho flro is
unknown. Tho high winds rapidly sproad
tho flames and increased tho dlulculty of
fighting the flro.
A Suicide's Crimson Warning.
Rochester, N. Y March 20. Mrs. John
Gute committed suloldo by cutting, hor
throat with a largo casokplfo. Tho wo
man was montally dorangdd'thrptigh con
stant roadlng Of tho Blblb?'" With blood
from tho cash in hor throat sho painted
those disconnected words in Imgd ' letter'
on tho walls of hor b6d chamber: ''Yon
aro In danger. Your City is gding to burn.
False pcoplo children jour children, Qhop
you. Apparently tho woman had died
whilo painting tho words.
Charged with llobhlnc a County.
Crystal Falls, Mich, March 29. Sovon
mombors pf the board of- supervisors of
Iron county havo boon nrrostod at tho ln
Btlgatlon. of the Tax Rpform association
charged vifh defrauding tho county in the
matter 6f compensation for services and
In othor directions. Their names aro M,
Wlncklor, Iron River; S. G. Bonfaett, Mas
tadon; Frank Erlckson, Holmes; E. H.
tTnn. r..flnl,l. II -R Il.nln, AIM.
sou; William Danlett, Crystal Falls.
Robbed a Pennsylvania 1'ostofnoe.
Altoona. Pa.. Moroh29. Fivobtmrlars
broke Into 'the Bell wood postofllco durfug
tho night, blow opon tho goto and secured
$100 worth of postage stamps, somo pen
nles nnd two registered letters. A citizen
named Homor, who was aroused by tho
explosion, fired at tho burglars and tho
flro was returned. None of the shots was
dffcotlvo, and tho burglars escaped with
put leaving a clew as to their Identity.
Discharged for Frequenting Saloons.
Fort Howard, Wis., Maroh 29. Tho
St. Paul Railway company has summar
ily dismissed eleven engineers and thirty-
live flromon from its division running into
this city. The oause of this wholosalo dis
missal is said to le duo to the men fre
quenting saloons when off duty.
Ixml T.lftntenant of Ireland.
Ottawa, March 98. There is a rumor
tp the ofect that Lord Aberdeen bus been
recalled to tako the lord lieutenancy of
Irolaud, In place or Lord Houghton.
At NowninosvUlo, Fla., K. Kaul, a mor-
ohnut, waa murdered by unknown por
sons us ho was looking his storo.
Iu a wrestling match at Decorah, Iu,
last night. "Straugler" Lowls dofeatod
John McMillan, a local wrestler.
Forest flros aro doing much damage to
farms and farm property In Urownu coun
ty, Ind. Ureat excitement prevails,
Thousands of Japanese landed at'Hhl
chow, province of Kiangsu, in which prov-
lpco Shanghai is located. In tho fight the
Uhluusu lost 80O. f 1
In a suit for damages for deatlf liin
mine, before Judge Caldwell, in St. Louis;
tho Judge said: "The doctrine that a min
ing oompany puj sand men into tho brity.
els of tho eurUi wAtliout making any pro
vision fur sikfsiU HUd protection, tt gpppsed
to sound puhliu policy, uu4 i'B. cxuul aud
Inhuman." .'
New Vork'n I n-i 1 t 1 !! :n tut.n n. I
NKW YottK. M u-'i 28. nine-.- i
men uiidor im'.iu ment for viol
tho election law wi re arraigned lor pie.n,
nig before Justice Iii'iralium, in the rue
of oyor and terminer yesterday. In ;
owes of Thomas Unm nnd John ,
Gmsser, ohurgml with koeping i ,n p .
mien nvency-iwo in mutes utter ilie t'n
allowed by the law, in order to perm.t ,i
number of voters to oast their lalloin
counsel wa given tihtll next Wortuosd.-.v
to lllo a domuCNr, th xinderssandlug be
ing that u tost will lw made of thoso onsen.
Portoll, King, WJlltejnnn, Jmldrew. 1A ev
and Loemim wero glveu until next FrUuV
to file briefs,
Tho Vengennco or .Mmnnlilnorn.
Winston, N. CMnroh 83. Iit'tho Ber
ing rlvor neighborhood of Wilkes oonni
a crowd of whisky blookadors wont to h"
homo of a farmor, called him to his front
door nnd Hhot him through tho thigh. Th
wound is dangerous. Tho crowd then went
to tho homo of tho farmer's sou anil tore
It down completely. Thoy also vlsltod n-id
burnodnn unoccupied house belonging to
another son. Tho father nnd two sons
wore witnesses in a oaso trlod recently
against a moonshiner named WIlos.
Altna Again Defeated.
NICE, March 88. Tho match for bio
yachts which was declared void on Sutu
day.last by tho racing committee, on tli
ground that both tho Allsa and tho Brit
nnnin crossed the lino before tho stnrti i
gun was Ilrcd, tho Valkyrie I also be o
'disqualified for not carrying sldo lljri.
after dark, was rcullod yostarduy by t
tliroo yachts mentioned. The dlttr.t r
was thirty miles, and was won Jiy i
Britannia in 8 h. 15 in., ten minntos ah.:,,
.of tho Allsa.
- nllinnnlter Itefuso to Strike.
BOTTfALO, Mnroh 88. Dt-siMv tho urf-v-i
of tho Walking delohtm fMfn CfsWWa
to induoo tho hollerimkir,i'of 'ttl L
Krlo Boiler works, of tliis city, torBfv-r h.
work on the boilers shipped lrord by ins
CleVdland Khipbuildlng oompany umi:
that bompauy hnd mliusted tln crlevao i
of itsstriklngeinpl6yes, tlinBoiTulo boil
makers djoid-d not to strl':e. Tiley aro a".
work on the tie v.duntt lrttIirA today.
Confoneil to a Dotoctlve.
Wilkesb arise, Pa., March 29. James
Hondrloks, ono of tho men Charged with
the murder of CommlMddn Merchant Bar
ney iicicK, was given a preliminary hoar-
lng yosterday afternoon. Detctlvo Simp
son testified that ho had foll&wod Hend
ricks to his homo in Hoboken, whoro ho
passed as James Johnsou. In tlmo tho two
mon became intimate, and Hendricks oon
fossed that ho hud struck tho fatal blow.
On tho stropgth of this testimony tho pris
oner was sont back to jail.
No Store ltoiln Iu riilluilelphla.
PlIILADBLl'llIA, March 29. Tho jury In
tho case of Charles McKeever, Charles
McCarthy and John Fogurty, charged
with aiding and abetting prlzo fights, de
livered a sealed verdict o -guilty to Judgo
Gordon yoscurday. Thf' judge hold the
men In $1.00) each to imp 'or boforo him
when required, with a warning to avoid
complicity in so-calloil boxing exhibitions
in future. This Is a death blow to boxlug
in this city.
The proprietors of Pan-Tina have spent
thousands of dollars to make it known
that it cures Coughs, Colds nnd La
Grippe. Bottles of Pan-Tina at Gruhler
Bros, drug stor
Special This Week.
Gents' good white shirts, 33cents. Fair
ticking for 5 cents per yard. Good quality
sheeting, 14 cents. Table oil cloths, 12
8-22 tf 28 South Main street.
Steamed oysters at the Scheifly House,
For earache, put a couple of drops of
Thomas' Eclccftlo Oil on a bit of cotton
and place It in the ear The pain will
stop In a few moments. Simple enough,
isn't it r
FeiRenspan's Bock.
Now on tap at all the principal hoteb
and saloons. It is a Genuine book beer,
No counterfeit, but excellent beer direct
from .the' celebrated Christian Felgen-
spanB Brewery, Newark, N. J, 8-U 2w
Bargains In Boots and Shoes.
A. Womer has purchased Snyder's shoe
store and offers the entire stock of .boots
and shoes at less than cost. Next to
Womer's truck store. 3 35 lm
nil KENT. -Htore and dwplltnir on North
Main -street. Apply to airs, uriagei
Jurns,25W Coal street s--tr
TTXin. HKNT Store and dwelllDcat No.
V South Main t-treet. Apply to Mrs. aarafc
Uweeny, lilc Mine Hun, Pa. 3t
nnR rtF.NTL i three-storv 1 raffle hr.use. on
P South White street. Apply to Jacob
3-28 tf
lOK BALE CHEAP. A Rogers square piano.
V In good condition. Cost when new, $750,
new, i.iou.
TTanrt nnlv In nrivaio family,
Apply at
Herald office for information.
RENT. A popd storeroom on Boutn
P Mnin sirrM. Oas. electrlo llebts. stcum
neat and fine plate glass windows. Suitable
for any busiuesf.. Apilyto T.J. Hlgelns, 16
North.Jard ns rtet. 3S0U
TS? A TTIT'n,,n Honest, energctto men to
VV liJjJ. t-oiieit oiaersior Nursery
Stocu. i eim utitui pioj ment, expenses and
salary. riieutouot iiti ri s auu lerriiur
for lll de lrerv. It a Cbasi & Co., lm Bout!
Penn Square, Philadelphia, Pa.
ABB you looking for a poultry farm T 1100
for five acre limn. cue mile Iroiu Estelle
dtpot, XV. J ; l-iiyab'u b lustalaeBts If
desired : no lietn r land tor Pomtrv. small
tniltb or ve.e;i.l)l-i UooJ murkU". More
lnf irmution, by (IdrosloK J). L. Hlsley, W
south llUhttt , Phllai.eiphla, pa.
MKN AND Wt'MI'N to make big morey
With the Practical Jating Dynsmo Is
I lie electrical maihlre lift d In the great plat
ing factories fC6 o to 16 CO a weeK made
easy Platen everyhing. No experience! roe
profits Afldrei-sW.P IJarrif on & Co., Clerk
NO. H, Columbus. Uhlo.
TOTICE. Notloe is hereby given that my
XI wife. Kate, baa jell my ceo oun Doaru
and t ball will not be responsible lor bp
debtx she may contract. I glre notice to al
merchants not to glye her credit on my
: Bhenftnaoah. Pa.. March S, 1895. 3-29-8t
irniv An nnni errmnluiu of bard times.
W iirn ai,v vreinmi or maa can make
from m 110 a day easily? All have heard ol
the wonderful sueceks Pf lb fllmax Dish
Washer i yet paapy pt to think lbey
can mafce money se'jmg u ; out anyon
pan mnin, mnnA,. hnRiiiie every temllv warn
one Oneascn' has made 1478 80 in th last
.thrf e mouths afUrnaylng an expene ana ax.
tandii'g to regular business besides. You don'
huvA m FanvvhH : as soon as recple know yo
bBTittorBalelhfyendfor a Dish WaBher.
Address the Climax Mlg Co.,
Columbus. Ohio, lor patllculars.
a .1. .. A1f(r l' if K ... Avn
David Fletcher, who was foreman at
the Delano shops for 25 jears, died at
Atlantic Cily yesterday. Mr. Fletcher
was about fifty years of age. He was
woll known in this region and a promi
nent Mason, being a member of the
I Mahanoy City lodge. He was foreman at
, the Delano shops until a year ago, when
; ho moved to Atlantic City and lived a
retired life.
Families supplied with fine oysters at
one dollar per hundred, at tho ScholOy
Dr. S. C. Spalding has removed his
office and place of residence to No. 29
South White street. 8-28 tw
The Board of Health.
A regular meeting of the Board of
Health will be held In the Council
Chamber this evening. It is said the
board will take action towards abating
the nuisance of worthless curs roaming
about the streets and begin a campaign
of general cleaning in the town.
Did you ever eee one of the famous
waterproof Interlined Collars or Cufls?
It's very easy to tell, for they are all
raartcu iuis way
They are the onlr Intcrlihrd Collars
voA Olfls, and are tnade of linedj c6v
ercd with waterproof " Celluloid."
They 'll stand right by you day 'in and.
day1 dutjond they arc all marked this way
The lirst cost h the only cost, fot
they keep clean a long time, and when
soiled you can clean them in a minute
by simply wiping off with a wet cloth
war. is lug Kinu murccu mis way
These collars and cuffs will outlast
six Hucn ones. The wearer escapes
laundry trials nnd laundry bills no
chufed neck and no wilting down if
you get a collar marked Uus way
Ask vcur dealer first, and take noth
ing that haa not above trade mark, if
yon desir-s perfect satisfaction. All
others are imitations absolutely.
If you can't find collars or cuffs
marked this way, we will send you n
.sample postpaid on receipt of price.
Collars, 35 cts. each. Cuffs 50 cts. pair.
Give your size and say whether stand
up or turned-down collar is wanted.
4B7-29 Broudway, NHVV YORK.
A Clean. Quick Shave
Cau always be had at
Charles Derr's Barber Shop,
Ferguson House Building.
New Tinsmith Shop
Has opened a new tinsmith stop nnd Is pre-
fiarrdlodotlnro IlnK, spouting, stove repalr
ng and all kinds of jobbing ut reaouable
rates, oaiisuipiion guarauieea.
236 East Lloyd Street.
For my spring stock of CLOTHING I have
abandoned my Jewelry business, anrf
parties having left watches for repairs
are requested to call at once for" them.
Main and Cherry Sts., Shenandoab,'
For active Jady pr rent 'eman acquainted' vWlth
neighborhood. Compensation from HO lo.ilSQ
monthly. Work outlined. Only .eergevlo
party, amblvlqus to su-ceed need .applyt , J0.
dioMtfc rtumrt-u, Auirivv wiiii jeierence.
Gloin nibto Publishing Co., 723 Chebtnul
Mreei, rmiM-i m, , ,
, ; -j
Anthony Schmicker's
104 80VJ.U MAXlf AT.i
The finest nool nnd. httllnnl nmmll-ln Inwn
rteauing Deer, norter and PntUvl In hIb nnn
stantly on tap. Qiv us a oU.
Specialist in diseases of tbe
Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat.
307 West Market Ht., I'otUvllle. ,
Hours 8.80 a. m. Inl2m . lini.
7 to
8p, m. Sundays, 9 a. m. to 12 m.
Spring : Millinery!
Ladies, yoa are all invited to call and
examine my stock of Ladles' Hats nnd
Bonnets and Misses' and Children's Hats
and Flats in all the latest deslnns.
All the new novelties in Trimmings just
received at prices to suit the times.
MourntnR goods a specialty. Thanking
you lor past favors,
New York Cash Millinery Store,
29 North Main Street.
I.. w ' ...IT 1 - u r 1 1.
Our slock speaks for itself. If you dout
come to town, send your orders. Thev
will he nicely tilled. "
26 15. Centre Street, Shenandoah,
LU1L0 !
1 3
Easter Cards
.and Novelties..
Agents for DAILY PAPERS.
4 North Main St.
FROM $40 to $90.
No 1, 23 Founds, 28 Inch wheel 875 00
Nos. 3ai.d6, 24 pounds .- 40 00
No. 4, 22 pounds, 20 Inch wheel 75 00
Hcorcher, 20 pounds, 28 Inch wheel
No. 4, 22 28 " j 50 00
Itambler, 14 to 25 pounds 100 00
Ladles' wheels also.
Solo Agonts.
Our entire stock of ' lotliintr and efnl.s'
furnishing goods, bats, etc., must be sold be
fore AprlJ let, without reserve.'' Call early
and secure bargains. -'
LIGBTSTONE'S Bargain Store,
110 North Main Ktreet'
We Have the
Best illuminating oil made. Odor
leue, colorless, brilliant, safe, per
fection. If you are in the dark,
drop us a postal. We'll enlighten
you and lighten you.
Elclxpse Oil Cdm'y
Oils, Gasoline, Candles, Lamp Wicks,
Burners, etc.
213 South Jardln St., SHENANDOAH, PA.
Mall orders promptly attended to.
W. J. Canceirius, Saloon!
ill East Centre Street, Shenandoah.
Beers, Porter, Ale and Cigars. Temper
ance drinks of all kinds. Finest
brauds of whiskies.
16 North Main Street.
Repairing of all kinds prmoptly attended to.
Saloon and Restaurant,
ti North West Street.
Finest brands of clears. Choice Wines
and Liquors.:
r , in : - - T
56 rth.rfain;StreC " "
Tli mftat. nri'Wnint. 'rvnnl-t In ' thri town.
Excellent beer; porter and ale on tap. Our
cigars are tne nuesc
Cor; Cherry and Gilbert Sts.
Finest Beers, Wines and Liquors.
Obolce Temperance Drinks,
Boat Brands of 5 aud 10c Cigars
Garden's JRT WALL &os6.
We have Just received n fine line of the most beautiful and artistio papers In the
market, which we will sell at very reasonable prices. We have also in stock a
great deal of hut year's patterns which we-are Belling at a sacrifice,1!-Come and
see our line of goods. We have the most beautiful and artistic papers.
Largest Paper Store in Town.
IIoubb, Siqn and Decokativb Eaintiko. .22,4, "West Centre Street.
All orders promptly attended to, ,,
iFTULjst R.eceived
Two pieces, piaok Drsa Salin, 27 Inches; wide, wqitfi 11.75-our price, tl per yard.
A new line of stylish Infants' Cloaks and Robes.
Big and cheap line of Children's School Hats, and Ladles.' Hats and Bonnets,, in
all the new designs of straw, gnmp and leather effects.
Large line of Domestio and Imported Flowfts, from 10a totl.fcO. Vlolels.oobnnch.
Black and colored Laces for dressmaking and millinery, Infants' Capsand Hats,
new and. nobby line fpr spring. and summer. Nnn's veils from $1.23 up.
Hats and Bonneta readytmade, Hajr switches from f0o up,
Mrs. J. J. Eelly, 26 S. Main St.
Is tho Brst Blood ,
1'urmor, Appetizer ana
Norvo Tonic. It cures.
That Tired Feeling'
Justice of the Peace
Insurance and
Real Estate Agent,
123 ECentr
St., Shenandoah
FOKRAt,T.-HRlr lot;atid two house', sit
uate on'West cenletreet. Will pay 1Z
per cent, on Investment, and can he I ought on
easy terms. '
37AHM FOB SALK-A. frm of S3 acres,
; wllhtn throe miles of go ,d market.
Tw'.enty.nlne acres under cultivation, and four
Hcres 01 goon umoer, r rame rurm house, six
rooms, good barn ana all in good coiidltlon.
Wi.ll be sold for 81,200 cash.
fjOK SALK Ltcenstd hotel stond lnMnha-
noy tciwnbhlp, near tbe
torough, line,
Frame buildlni?, nine noms. doing good fcuti-
ness. Gcod 1 easons givi n for eellmg.
X 1
eelliDg. A ,xiar
id M J LaA'or,
enm jor aijiour. 'WIS
Justice ol tte ace, 123Eat Ctnire sticci.
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
A trial order solicited.
Saloon and Restaurant,
19 North Main Street.
Finest Whiskeys. Beer, Vorter nnd Ale
always on tap. "Como and hit one," Choice
teccperarce annas ana cigars. Free lunch
9 to 12 p, m.
Wholesale agom tor
ftljetspu'i Kewatt, I J Export
Lager ui Saazer Pi!: Bctr.
No liner mde. Fine liquors and Cigars,
120 South MalnBt.
yVeeks' Museum,
Grand display of birds and animals of all
selections ana dnest paintings in the county.
Uest Beer, Porter and Ales.
Finest Brands of Cigars.
' Free lunch every morning end evening.
, JonN Weeks, Proprietor.
; Q. W. Davidson, Bartender
A genuine welcome
Awaits you at
Joe Wyatt's Saloon!
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys,
beers;, porter, and ale constantly .on tap.
Choice temperance' drip fca and cigarg.
Evan J. Davies,
13 North Jordin Street.
Finest Stock and Lowest Prices.
1 1 niftsWhi