1 Saved His Life. DiDN'TMEAN COTTOLfcjJx,. 3 WS- rr g8S$2& fit Mild V Cxtmk Fine W'M I I': 'tr c'i '''tT'oiwir successor I I """ ABSOLUTELY PURE THE CL.D RELIABLE . SWEET 6AP0RAL CIGARETTE t, Has steed L! MORE SOi.n T BRN S o Test cf Hint an "L ATHEB ..4CO A Stitch in time saves nine. A stitch in the side often results in something far more serious, unless treated at once. Allcock's Porous Plaster has saved many from lung aiscases. It is invaluable for rheumatism, and pains in the back, chest or limbs. hen Pni-chaslng- not only aslc for "All' uck s," but nukt stir, that you get It." Allcock's Corn Shields, Allcock's Bunion Shields, Have nu equal as a relief and cure for corns and bunions. Brandreth's Pills are of great benefit in cases of torpid I . .-v.il 31 7 Arch '" i rhiiadotohla. Pa. . , tly '.,. in. if specialist in Amor ii'x imi it !,i.iinlliiK What Others AitvertiHo. NEHVOUS DEBILITY THE RESULTS OF INDISCRETION Spc-ial Diseases, Varicose Veins and i-urirturrs i o nittiiiB) Permanently t'ureu in 1 to 10 Days. UeIIef ut Once. infill DHICfiM Iry or Secondary LLlUU rLilJilH cured bv entirely new urm)i-s method. 8 years" Kuropean Hospital i nn a pruetleal experience, usCertlfloates and 1 . mas iiiove. hend live cent atamna for Ii.hiI. "TI'I'TII." tho onlv True Medical ii i .jti-u it la a true friend to all) 'i i iJ o itothov c .ntempmtlni; marriage. It i t 'ii .ind daiiL't rous casift flollc ' i ' ' . ii.lV'Hnl. Honrs. 0to3t lw- r um.it nr. ann ireutruentin S'Tji ha. -. c.u ilrtiiyB to i I . Jl" 1 1 m e io t ; i L,"i, t l- Eave you SoroThrost, Pimples, Copper-Colored Spots, Aches. Old Bores. Ulcers In Mouth. TJalr- JfaMnjjr wnto t'ooK llemedy Co., S07 son!aTemple,Chtcaico,lll.,for proofs of cures. CopliiUtJGOO.OOO. l'atlentscurodnlne sears bto today wmnd and well. loo-pnculmourrfp When in POTTSVILLK, Stop at (PHIL. WOLL'S HOTEL 200 North Centre Street. Meals ut all boars. Ladles' dining room attached. Finest wines. Manors, cigars. We offer sneutal facillttee to operators large or small, for trading on margins In stocks. grains or provisions, Market letter Issued rest ularly, giving lutetrt confidential aavicss. ur, ders recoived on one per cent margins. Our LVnok, " Hpecuhil 'on, or How to Trade, mailed 1 ... ... .,... T1V WIMITT U A CO.. 6th fo- Uatt Building, LaSalle street, Chicago. 40IIN A. EEILLY. Wholesale and Retail ILIQUOR DEALER, 22-21 South Main SU, Shenandoah. Aeent for U. Q. Yuennllne & Boa's celebrated utseer. t'oru-r uea etc. :OTBL KAIBR, UHA.B, BUR0UILL, Prop. North Main St., HAHAN0Y CITY, tntrgestand fineBt hotel In the region. I Finest accommodations. Hanasome fixtures Pool and Ullliard Rooms Attached. JOHN F.CLEARY, ' ' ' Temperance Drinks. Inderal waters, Weiss beer. Bottler of the finest lager beers. 17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah, Pa. 1 a out Stomach : ; : 1 Cannot stand the same washing that your boots do. and the water you drink Isn't even nt for mat purpose, use inz Schmidt's Boor and Porter. JAMES SHIELDS, Manager Shenandoah Branch. YSTER BAYT 105 East Centre Street. Families Supplied with Oysters. Dining parlors attached. It Is Ooniainod in an Artiolo in tho' Gdvemmbnt'B Organ, NO EEIilGlON IN THE SCHOOLS. Tho Catholic Proportion Declared to bo a Vlolnllon of One or tho Foundation I'rln. dplM of State Organization "Tho Stato Slinll Not Support Religion." Winnipkg, Man., March' 88. The reme dial order on separata schools does not come up In tho legislature until tonight, nut It Is nevertheless the olio tnnlo of the day here. Both the government and' oppo sition are holding froquent caucus meet- in s, and what the outcome will bo is dlf flvult to predict. Ouo thine is cortaln.that tlw r-ililtobM aovernmout will resent in- rf ti'uci) hy Ottawa on edtinattonal mat- tor-i Thero ia every Indication that the policy of tho opilmltlon in tho 1otilrtturo will bo to adrowito sorao modillontlons of thehchool law in othur words, some sort of com promise. The opposition of Pre mier Ureenway and the gorornment is clcarlr otiulinod. Tho newspaper organ of th.) u n'urumt'nthnstUls.oOlKial stovteinontr. uiirlrr tho hoivlin "Manitoba's Answer:" Tho remedial order has boon read in the legislature. We at ashed to rootore tho school system thut Wi In opnration prorlotts to 1890. liet Quebec and Ottawa ry-st assured that the restoration will never be made. Miuutuun hits too k-cn a sense of justice, too much, regard for truth and equity, to rt'eofltnlse' as a religious aristoc racy an element to its population by no means tho most worthy. As a civilized people, attempting to realise. in a measure the idols of the nineteenth century, Mani- tobans will not silently submit to the pre posterous demand that sho should turn back the whuols of progress 800 years, rshe will stubbornly refuse to supplant mod ern civilization by mudlojvnlism. 'Tins whole question is not a quarrel between Manitoba atid tho Dominion. It Is not evon a quarrel between rares and creeds; it is a strugglo as to whether the ideas o.f tho nineteenth century or tlie Ideas of tho dark aes shall prevail. The act of 18U0 was designed to givo every church In the land tho benefits of common chool -education. It recognized neither class nor creed, but placed all on the same level of common citizenship. It aimed at development in tola noble country a unity of sentiment, a strong fooling of brother hood, and It sought to sink ail prejudices and glass distinction through making all equal in the sight of the law. "Could anything be more wise? Could anything bo more justr Yot what was tho attitude of tho Roman Catholic churchf .Standing aside, wrapped up in its black mantle of iirrogtmoe, it demanded that it should be considered a roligious aristocracy. It refused to havo the chil dren of its members receive instructions side by side with tho children of those who are their superiors In Intelligence and wis dom. And on what grounds!1 It said Catholics wore promised different treat ment from others by the act that called the province Into existence. "Then whan shown that oven if this were true, which it is not, no just citizen would olaim a null meat of the prqmlse, since it would violate one of the founda tion principles of state organisation equal D3L rights to all It gave a second reason thatVAH .1... ..,.1.H oKr.r,lo ...... T, .. It t 1 ' ref usul of a Koman Oatholio to not as a member of tho department of education, and of the archbishop to aot as a member of tho advisory board, could make tho schools Prole -stunt, then they are so; other wise, not a shadow of proof has been ad vanced In support of this claim. Mediii'valism cannot or will not coal esce with modern thought. In placo of the act of I'iUJ what a substitute is offered? We are asked to set creed against creed and race agaliiHt race; to break up tho unity that should exist; to mutually sup port each other in wrong doing; to mako thostato tho toacher of religious truth. Any one who has the Ioaat sense of jus tico, nuy ono who Is patrlotlo in tho slight est dogroo, nuy ouo who bollovoS that all citizens are equal In tho sight of tho law, and what Is good onough for ono Is good enough for all, must stand by tho act of 1890. 'And this Is our answer to Quebec Wo shall not allow the stato to support re ligion. Wo shall not allow tho church to control tho stato. We shall not roturn to tho civilization of the dark ages. Wo shall not recognize Rome as better, or In any way different from others. Wo shall hold to tho priuolple of oqnal right's for all, and that princlpio shall bo dearer to us thau confederation itself." DISCONTENT AT OTTAWA. Sir Charles Tapper lEesigns from the Do. , inlidon Cabinet. Ottawa, March 98. There is more ex- oltement in political olrclos today than ut any time slncfl.thotupws ,wasjeelvad here of tho suddod dea'tn'hFWlffdgor ' Castle of Sir John Thompson, That there are Burl- ous disseni'lbns'ln the cabinet goes with out saying. There are two onuses for this want of harmony. One Is the recent pas sage of the order In ,oouuoil recommend ing the Manitoba government to grant remedial legislation to the Cntholio minor ity. This order has pleased nobody. The Catholics ol .(jueueo tliUtk that tho order ought to be mandatory, while the Protea- tautsof Ontario assert that the federal government ought not, even by sugges tion, to Interfere with the quasUop of pro vincial education. The other oauSe of trouble was tho deolslon of tho cabinet to hold a session of parliament before going to tho country. This decision was blttorly opposed by Hon. George Foster, minister of llnunco. It Is kuown that Sir Charlos Tuppor has tendered his resignation. His resignation was brought about by two causos. In tho flrst place, his advice that an immediate appeal should be made to tho country was disregarded, and his claim to lead tho houso of commons was donlod. It is cus tomery for tho mlnlstor ot justlco, whloh tiortfollo Sir CharlosTupperholds.tolcad; but owing to his youth and tho jealousy of older cabluot mombers tho leadership Was clvon to Mr. Fostor. There Is a very pronouncod rumor to tho effect that Finance Minister Foster and Mr. N. Clark Wallace, tho controller of customs, will also roslgn. Should this nrovo true, it menus that tho French Catholics wjll liuve u preponderance of power lu tho oa.bluut, a thing thut Ontario WUl not agreo to. For Uetraylni; military Secrets. Odessa, March 28. Colonul Uregorleff , who was arrested lir February, 18W, at KUhliialf, oharged with soiling llusslan jnllltary soorots to tlte Austrian govern ment, has boon sentenced to eight yeara penal servitude lu Uiborut. for a Proiiit inn Could Eat nut Little and Was In Constant Pain Cured With One Bottle. He W. T. LolTer, a well known resident of Kent, Ohio, says that Munyon's Dyspep sia. Cure undoubtedly saved his llle, lu relating Ills experience he said: "For a long time I have been afllloteil with dyspep-da, I could eat scarcely anything and was in constant pain. The gas on my stomaoli dtstended.it greatly and my heart became aiteoted. I was troubled with short breathing. Muttering arfi irre gular b-atiag of the heart, and often i he pain was so gr at I thought I was going to die. My friends wanted me to try Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure, but I had tried so many different medicines without reing beueflted that I thought this woul 1 be only one more fruitless etfort. Finally I began using it and the result was wonderful. After the first bottle I could eat without discomfort, and am now thoroughly cured." Munyon's Stomaoh and Dyspepia Jure cures all tormsof indigestion and stomach troubles ditch as constipation, rl-dng of foid, distress after eatlug, bloating of the "tontach, palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath and all Kffeotions of the heart caused hv indigestion. It soothes, heals and Invigorates stomachs that have been weakeneu by over-eating, or where the lining of the stomach hts been Impaired by phvsic and injurious mediolnos Price, 25 ceuts Alunyou's HomosjD.tthlc Home Remedv Company, of Philadelphia, put up speci fies for nearly every disease, which are sold by all druggists, mostly for 85 cents. a oottie. Tho-ie who are In doubt as to the nature of their disease should address Professor Munyon, 1505 Arch street, Philadelphia, giving full symptoms of their disease. Professor Munyon will carefully diagnose the case and give you the benefit of his advice absolute! free of all charge. The itemeuies win e sent to any auuress on receipt of retail price. STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. Olosimr Quotations of the New York mid i'lilludelphtj Kotiiinee. NW YOKK, Maroji 27. There was a lioul- dating of loni; accounts on the Stock IC-clinnKe today", and soihh ijlUngfnr the short acoomit, with the result tuat a lower ninne of values was established on the day's tran-iacuouH. Closliie bids: Btiiolc Exchange today was Ronv-what uniot- tied In tone, and-prices ra ved witli ri-t ir regularity. There vas a lare decr.'B-, in the volume of Uusi.ieJj onmparo i with i -,. or i -. and in a majority of ias'.aaces the c.o ,ms . ures are below the last aalen of Moiul-iN . C!i i Lehleh Valley .. Pennsylvania... Heading Bt. i'aul LehlSfh Nav N. Y. &-S. E ... 31' ... fi- W V. V. A fa.. . Erio I).. Li. 1V Went Htiore ... . ... tv N. . Central .... Lako ll.-ie w'.., P New Jersey Ce j00lj i')ei. ic . m.lson. ,.U jared the arrets. then hoped Flour qti!"t: viuler e- t is would tak reTlef, bu not do so. I 1 n,lv. W ,.. 1. .1 tt ulti'-i. 1. c 1 .tcp.l if nil u' i- 1 malned in t Mrs. Clemm chamber and ste.iOi March ji gess' aid. b tW 13 -HI. Heef'd be t i:t -n rll. Lnrii "ft Sc 7.-a- Uuner h, .1 m ,1., weBtern crtan- .!' -!c. uo !..'.'), Elgins. Ule.: natln'1011 eretimer. .tj-.i 4-.. New York dairy. WiUHr. : do eroamorv. uew, I'ennoylvania creamery prints. f.incy.,'c. ; do choice, Ulc: do. fair to ltou.1. IS'Oic : print' lobbing at 'U-aaSc. Clieexc ipiiet; law. 8, HHc; small. il2c: part hkIiiib, ty&ight:.: liPi skims, li'iWc. Kggs iirin; New- York Hud Pennsylvania, IsMc,; western fresh, UJJc: southern, liaiSMo. I.lve Stock Mnrkets. New Youk, March 27. lieeves closed slow; native steers, very poor to medium, 5.7-i few choice, $.7li(ii,,.7'i: oxen, J'i4.8ii: bulls, S2.HM4A: dry cows. $l.SO(ifc4.4.'). Uaive, fairly active, hischer: poor to prime veals, $4'& 8.i. Sheep steady, lnurbs weak; poor to good sheep, it.-S(?iU).:iU; Inferior to choice lambs. sj.2j6.2j. II oils arm ut St.VU($o.i. East Linuitrv.I'a., March 27. Cattle strong at unchanged prices. Hosts iirmi heavy Phil adelphlas, $5445.10; common to fair Yorkers. $4.70(31.80; rouBhs,l$3.2iQ1.2j. Sheep dull and unchaneed. AMUSEMENTS. -pERGTJSON'S THEATRE, P. J. FEKUUttUN, NAHAUblt, FRIDAY EVE., MARCH 29. First Time in Shenandoah. The Big Dramatic Hpeatacle 'CLEOPATRA." The great actress, MISS LILLIAN LEWIS, as "CLEOPATRA." A compettnt company and MR. CHARLES B. HANFORD as "MARC AXTONY." 15 choruses, 3 ballets, 2 premieres. 9 panoramic Views, os musioi uumuors, n tauieaux vivant Cleopatra's bargo.famoua storm scene, grand scenery, gorgeous costumes. FIRST M PRODUStlOll OF THE SEASON, Prices. 35C 5c, 75c aud $x. Reserved seats at Kirlin's drug store. Ml Chichester'. Ena-Il.ll Diamond Ilrand. rENNYROYAL PILLS B .ITx UrlsinRi ana unir uenuine. J V V airr. alaiti reliable LADIES ik Uriifirlit for Cktckctter$ EnolUk UU- mond Brand la Hedftnd (hU intAlU boxu, tetJed irun biua tibttoa. '1 aLO nnnlhn Rtfut danatroiiM tuftififu itoxu an J imUattant. At Drnzntall. or a end 4a. Id Umr for jfcrt Ionian, teitlnionUli tud "Hflief fur Ltt.lU," in letter, by return nil loll ! f?kllllulOaa..Mla(lalin Hntluik Soli by Ml UcftI DruKiliti- l'LIUda., Vm, "When it Comos to Our stock speaks for Itself. If you don't come to town, send your orders, They will be nicely ilUod. MUSSER & BEDDALL, p3 E. Centre Street, Shenandoah. Ambassador Pauncdfoto Explains the Nicaragua Affair, OUE CITIZENS NOT PREJUDICED. Great llrltntn Intended Only to Uxclmlo CltlceiM of tlin Simiilsh-Aiiierioun Itepub Ucs from membership in tho Proposed Arliltnitlon Coinnitslon. WAsniSOTON, March 88. From' unofTl oinl statements made by members of the. BrltUh ombasiy here It seems that the arbitration pnnngraph In the ultimatum sent to Nicaragua ha been miflunderfltood. The provision that thi third member of tho arbitration oommisslon should "not bo a citizen. of an American republic" is now said to mean he must not be a oltl len of a Spanish-Amorican republic It is said that in ordinary diplomatic dis course the Houth and Central American states arc usually spoken of as American republics and the United States placed in an altogether separate category. Speaking of the matter today Ambassa dor Panncnfote said: "While I have no official advices on tho subject, I Imagine that the phrase meant to exclude only Snnnish Americans. 1 suppose the foreign o.lloo w.tnii it to be clearly understood that citizen.-, of Spanish American coun tries woatd bo considered as too closely interested lu tho matter to be eliglblo as arbitrators. N'i ono, I am sure, would think 6f charging that Citizens of this country would bo too prejudiced to give a fair decision." Vlowed In this light a clearer under standing is given to the denial on tho part of Groat Britain that any reflection was intended upon tho United States in tho proposition above referred to. It has been stated' by a high diplomatic authority that, if the United Stutes were exoludod from participation in the arbltrat'on, such an aot would not only bo undiplo matic but offensive to a country with whloh Oreat Britain maintains frioudly rotations. Aa to the course whlcii Great Britain will pursue to enforce a scttloinont of her claim for $75,iXJO "smart money" for the affront pat upon the British representa tive by his expulsion; well informed dip lomats are not disposed to think that any complications will arise. It is not for a moment bollevod that resort will be hail to the extreme measure of threatening to bombard Greytovvu if Nicaragua should satisfactorily show her inability to settle the claim Immediately. In that oase the 'time and method of payment nuiy perhaps be submitted, with the other claims, to arbitration. ' Spain Will Apologize, Washington, March 38. The state de partment has received a communication from Spain explaining-the dolay in the re sponse to. Secretary Gresiiam's demand for immediate reparation for the firing on the Alllauoa. The explanation is said to bo entirely satisfactory, and to indloate that on apology will soon be forthcoming. narvard's Oratorleal Victory. Pbinckton, N. J., March 28. Prince- tun and Harvard met for the flrst time on the rostrum at Alexander hall last night, and the judges, after fifteen minutes' dis cussion, decided the debate in favor of Harvard. Harvard chose the negative of tho question: "Resolved, If it were possi ble a reasonable property qualification for the exercise of the municipal franchise In the United States would bo desirable.' Prlnoeton was represented by Willis How ard Butler of New York city, Howard Brakine White of New York city and Jos eph W. Park of Corinth, Miss. The Har vard debaters wore Clyde Augustus Dun- Iway of Portland, Ore., William Edward Hutton of Uonver and Fletcher Bobyns of Oberllu, O. A Ilrtttnl Captain Convicted. Baltimore, March 38. Captain JcfTor- son Mears, of tho oyster schooner John Hancock, was found guilty by tho jury in the United Stutes district court of tho chargo of brutality toward Edward Mer rill, n coioroit soamnn. xjio voraict was nccompauled by a recommendation to morcy. Judge Morris fined Mears $100 anil sent him to jail for threo months. Mears Is the man who was charged with string ing Morrill up naked In tho rigging of tho John Hauoock whllo tho boat was ice bound In Breton bay, St. Mary's count-, during tho February blizzard, and lushing him with a tarred rope till tho blood ran. ltalien aiet Death by Foul Way. Washington, March 28. Tho coronor of the District of Columbia hold an In quest over George I). Bahen, of the George town university football team, who died from Injuries received in the Thanksgiving Bay game with the Columbia Athletic oiub. The jury's verdict was that Bahen came to his death from foul play.for which It woe unable to fix the responsibility The testimony was that .the playing wus most brutal. Verdlot Against a Contractor. TBENTON, March 88. A jury in tho United States court renlnred a verdict for $500 in the suit brous :- against Contractor John H. Martiuutto for $10,000 by JamcR Stout, whose 13-year-old sou aamuel, was killed by tho caving in of a sand pit be longing to Martluett-e. The boy, with number of companions, bad been playing in the pit, whloh was not funoed In. A boy named Lewis was also killed at the same time. Arrested for lSmuezzlement. Chicago, March 38. W. Irving Carpon tor, assistant cashier of tho Lake Shore und Michigan Southern railroad at tho Knglawood station, was arrested on chargo ot embezzlement of $1,600. Tho warrant was sworn out last September, but ofilcers were unable to locate Carpen ter until yestorday. The Victim of n Freight Car Tragedy. Toledo, O., March 28. The polloe of this city wore notified today that the body of tho man who had been murdered In n Michigan Central freight car while It was in transit from Ypsllnutl, Mich., to To ledo, on Suuday, had boon found in a . ditch a short distance of Ypsllautl. Archbishop Ireland's Jlother Dead. St. PAUL, March JW, Mrs. Julia Ire land, mother of Archbishop Ireland, died nt her home In tills olty at the age of 87 years. She liatl beau falling lu health for gome time. Th Weather. For nastern Ponusylvuuia, New Jersey, Delaware, generally fair; Westi il v winds; eiightly colder tonight. Fur llitru-t of Columbia, Maryland ,ind Virginia, luirj slightly wwuiorj westerly winds. Hand in Hand go grease and indigestion that's why physicians con demn modern lard. Hand in hand go health and Cot tolene that's why Cotlolene has received the endorse ment of the leading lights of the medical profession. When you feel that it would be a pleasure to eat any kind of pastry or fried food, without fear of indigestion, m irrtCT wo rvartt IS. liW Tinli'S le - -.a -i a .f.o.. .e -nl, nH Ww New York vk y nadel h'., .-( 10, &.2S. T.i. ...re . 12 V.. S.M. : r, ?. ii- M0, a. ra. For Newport -:. r rvt weviins Kit' "fij v 'nn v wrr- . 10, B.r., 1 2-1, . xn, '. v.lcl, .IHi ay, S.10, t. 'r for PottT)(e, metit vlam. .1U. c. -. IB, e.56. u. n,. S'fdav. .! . t. For Tart.vou. end Maiuuioy Otk. WMk g e.10, n.J5, 7.tr, a. m lta,.S,S 6 lay, S.10. . vo. For 'WUllamsiiort, SunBury ana i.eiif. . a-eek nys, ., M.sn a . t.tN '. c -Sunday, S.W. . m. . For Mstiarnv Plane, 'wees days, no, ), U.8C .!., 33.8a, 1.SH, TJO. tl S. .at. Sunday la. S.25, . tt. fat Aahlanti ano Siatoo1tlr. wees oyn. . ., H.M a. m., v.Sft, ,. tr. !- ( ,K a. m. For Baltimore. 'Wasb.lncton t nd tbe wesv U. A O. K. R , through trains leave Bef Terminal, PWlaaelpbla. (P. ft R. R. R0 i 3 .as, ti.w a. ra., 3.41, T.?r, n. m.. nuno. am K. f'.M a. m., 8.-U. T.B7 n. m. Additions nal" from 24th and f heetnut streets station week Jays, 1.-15, 5 41. .2S p. m. Hundays, 1.8? s.lBp v,. TAAlfln rK suinaniJUAt: Leave New York via Pblladelpma, wear -00 a. .. 1.80, 4.00. 7.WI p. ra., 1115 ttlrtt. H lay, B.00 p. m. Leave Nsw Yors via Mauch Chunk, weekita .80, U.10 a. m., 1.10. 4.70 p. ra. Leave Fbuadniotua. Heading Temut. eek days. 4.f,o, 8. SB, 10.00 a. m., and 4. 4.01, 11.80 p. m Huiiday, h.ai p. ni. Lies re Keatung, ween aays, i.atv.iu, iu.e, ii c m., 5.K, 7.67 p. m Sunday, 1.8S, a. tr. Leave Pottf vile, week cava, it.86. 7.1t a. U.80, 6,12p. a aunday, 2.85 a. m. Leave Tarn o-ii'i week days, 8.18, 8.60, 11.28 m., l.SO.7.16, u.se p m. Sunday, 3.18 a. ro. Leave Mabanov Cltv. week cuts. 2.4a. .r 11.47 a. m., 1 5t. 7.38. 9.54 p. rr. Sunday, 3.4' . m. I.N, 8.87, ll.W a. ro., 12.58, tM, i.,7.Kt,W K m. bunaay, s.w, i.uu a. in.. Leave Wllllamsport, week fliys, 7,42, 10.1 3.86,11.16 p.m. Sunday, 11.16 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia. Chestnut Street Yhari und Houtb Htreet Wharl for Atlantic City. Week-Davs Exorese. 9.O0. a. m.. ZOO. 4.W. vOOp. m. Acoommoddalon, 8.00 a. in.. 5,4f p. m. oonaay i- iDreea. y.w. iu.uv a. m. AOoom nodaUon. 8.00 a. tn. and 40 p. m. Keturnlcg, leave AUanuc Ulty, aepot, oorci t tlaniio and Arkansas avenues. Week-Davs Express. 7JB. 9.W a. m. anc ..Wsolltftin. vi. Annomilnfwlatinri. S IS a. m tnd 4.82 p. m. nanaa rat ress, 4.uu. 7.aw p. is. Aeoomnu tatlon, 7.15 a. m., and i 16 p. to. nunor oars on an express uaioj. O.G HANCOCK, dm. PaSa. AV Pbuadelphla F I, A. SWEIOAKO. Oen. SuDt Professional Cards. M. 8. KI8TLEU, M. D.. mrsiCIAN AND SURGEON. Office. ISO North Jardln street. Shenandoah. M. SI. BUlllIE, A TTORNE V-A T-LA W, SHENANDOAH, PA. Office. Esran buildlnir. corner of Main and Centro streets, Shenandoah. -y N. STEIN, M. 1)., PHYSI0IAN AND SURGEON. Office Room 2. Euan's New Bulhllncr. coi ncr Main and Centre streets. Shenandoah. Pa Office Hours: 8 to' 10 a. in.: 1 to 8 p. m. 7tc p. m. Night offlceNo. 230 West Oak street G. M. HAMILTON, M. D rnraioTAN and surgeon. Office. Water Company Lloyd street. building, 20 West Di, WENDELL KBliKlt, Successor to Dk. OHAS. T. PALMER, JSTM JSAIl SUROJSOlf, 301 Mahantougo Street, Pottsvllle, Penna. HARfMAN STEEL PICKET FENCE Is the cheapest and best fence made. Cheapei than a wooden fence lor residences, lawns.ccm etery lots or any klnttof fencing. M. II. Mastsb naa the agency and carries It In stock at hit marble and granite works, 187 H. J1KDIN ST Clock Spring Blade Pericct Couiu, 'orepaugh Circuses, Ask your Dealer for Pee our name on the handle. Sl'IUSU CUKUT CO 536 iFr.4"sT-5tf lVCSiJ!Unly Bomsttmss neeils a reliable, monthly, regulttlng medicine. Only bsrulus thi the purest drugs should be used. If you want the best, get Or. PteaB's pQBiiriro.yal FbIIs Ther are prompt, it (e and certain to result. The Ksaulne (Dr. Teal's) psvar lsJh notnt. Beat anywhere, (l.Ot, Address fsaii Usoicua Ce Uevslsnd, U. Bold by P, P, D. KMLIH, DruggUt, Bh$iuimioah, Pa, get Lottolene. See that the trade mark steer's head in cotton plant wreath is on every pail. Made only by The N. K. Fslrbank Company, CHICAGO, and 18V W. Delaware Are.. PttOadsu IKE IN BfTBUT M4ROA 24, 1885. PmnsHr trains I-uve Sttenaudoftl! tor 'an m.ah .11. to i am nunk. L4- hlKhwr, -.uttnfuu. 'a, '. AStuam, Alieuiowo, it'.Dilar as, kanuv ainJ Weather' B0 ".an '.:.. - " -7 "rj. m. Stt e Vir-' vn.l pt-nt. , " , (.16 r, 1 1 - . " p. in. ' . n ' P.15 a.m.,n48.5r p. nu UtteeyvlUe. TwatJs. Sifr' . Khwira. p-4, "s ..,"!, "2? For Sw.'cuit, Buffalo N, . , ., tot WW. us- nnl 7.W R.?r ro.BcWd,.r, Dais v a- 1 ' troudbul;, B.ila. in., i.lf! y for JVvtn'jOrVr'.iP ')' Tfn'i ybTTunktan.ioosr ( 04,s.lfi. v. rtr Tti'Be ai 'lrevr, ? n r m !'or Autiiu-n 9.16 a. a, kit p rorJ?-ieevl,li.,Li9Vla.iniiti . 1 7 a. ui., 12. j.. re. "'or S'jtoc xoi r. I.. 1. v-rd ,- ' SU 0 15, a. tn.. '?." !.-' .08 p. nr For Sliver Uroolt Junclon. Audenriod aaC Hailetoc 6 04, 7.88, 9.15 a. to . 12.48, SLIT, 5.8T av" .0R p. . For Soranton, 6.M, 9.16, a. tc., 8.67 ana 1. IT p tn. ' For Basleb oolr, Jeddo, Drlftou and Frli , 0 4t, T.88, 9.16, a. tr.. 18.48, 2.67, 8.87 j. rr -' it Ashland, Girardvillo frt im. 0Wk, 4. 40, 0.15, 30.9.18,10.20 a. m., ia.85, 1.10,4.10, 6.36 8.22 p. m nr Raven Run, Oentralla, Mount Oarme 4amokln,9.18, 11.14 a. m.,1.88, 4.90, 8.K, 9.15 . nr. Vor Yt-lllft, Park Plaoe, MananoyOIty ar" "lane, 5 RO, .04, 7.88, 9.16, 11.06 a m., 12.4r, 117 5 rr. 8.0e 9.29. 10.53 p. m. Trains wlli leave Shamoklo at 5.15, 8.1k, 11.45 a. ui.. 1.68, 4.80 9.80 p. m., and arrive 1 h-vnrdoab 6.04, 9.15 a. to., 12.48, 2.57, 6.27, 11.15 p. x Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 6.01 7 31 9 08, 11.05 11.80 a. in., 18.43, 8.67. 4.18 k.A, t 03 a. m Irfiave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, e.w, 1 40, 09, 10.16, 11.40 a. m , 12.82, 8.00,. 440, 6.W, 7 15, 7 51;, 0.40 P. to. Ieave Sbenandoan for Haileton.e.M,7.8fl, 9.15, Ol., 18.48, 167, 5.27,8.08 p. m. ' T6 Hazleton fur Shenaniah, 7.86, 10.0 5, 11 '8 , tn . 18.16. 9 1 8 6.80. 7.86. - 50 (.. v Trains leave for Raven Hun. Centralis,. Mt. uartnet ana naamoain, n.w a. m., i.w n anaarnve at bbamoitm at7,4U a. ra, ami d.v . m. Trains leave Hhamokln lor Sbsnandoak tf 7.55 a. m. and 4.00 p. m., and arrive at Xke anaoah at 8.4B a. m. and 4.68 p. m. Trains leave ior Asniana. u iraravrue ana im areek, 9.4O a. m., li.no 0. m ror Haste con, uiaots urtti. jnncnon. l'aaa Haven Junction, Maucb Otaunk, Alleatowa, tuthlehem. Baston and Ne York. 8.4W a iu II 80, 2.66 p. ID. Foi Philadelphia Iz.80. U.56 p. m. V.tnntlU taaaa tl1ais Va ax.. J"4 A auk Delano, 8.49, 11.86 a. a., ., 166, 4.58 8.01 p. - re Haziotoc tor errnanaoan, 1; at)' a. m., 1.06, 5.80 p. m. riave Shenandoah for Ponavutt 5. 8.1 9. U.S2 a. m , 8.40 p. m. ueave PottsvUle tor ahenandoaB. 8.8a, 1 48 a.m.,1.86, 5.16 p. m. ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Qeni. Supt., South Bethlehem, Pa OHAS. S. LEE, Uenl. Pass. Art., Philadelphia A.. W, NONNRMAOHRK, ASSt, O. P. A 'outh Bethleliera. Pt iENNSYLVANlj- riAlLilUAL. t SOHDTI.K1LL DIVtBIOH. JANUARY 11, 1835. , Trains will leave Shenandoah alter the above late for Wlggkn's, Gllberton, Frackvllle, New -astle, Bt. Clair, Pottsvllle, Hamburg, Readlni, Pottstown, Phconlxvllle, Norrlstown and Phfl. tdelphla (Uroad street station) at 0:08 ad Hill 1. m. and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays For Potts tille and intermediate stations 9:10 a, m. SUNDAYS. For Vflggsn'a, Gllberton, Frackvllle, New Jastle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 6:01. 9:40 a.nv ind 3:10 p.m. For Hamburg, Reading, Potts sown, Phcenlxvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia tt 6:00, 9:40 a. m 8:10 p. m. Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah at 10:10 a.m. and 12:14, 6:04, 7:42 and 10i27p.ro. Sundays, 11:18 a. m. and 6:40 p. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at 16U5, 11148 a. m. and 4:40,7:15 and 10:00 p. m, Sundays tt 10:40 a. m. and 5:15 p. m Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station) for Shenandoah at 6 67 and 8 86 a m, 4 10 and 7 11 P m week days. On Sundays leave at 6 60 a m. Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, FOR NEW YORK. For New York. Express, week day,, tt 50, 406, 450, 515, 660, 7S8, 8 80, 9 60, 10 30, (dlnlni; car), 11, 11 II a m, 12 noon, 12 44 (Lim ited 121 and 4 22 p m dining cars), 140, 2 80 :dlnlnoar),8 20, 4, 5,8, 6 50, 7 13, 8 12, 10 p m 12 01 iHizht. Hunda s, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 5 15, 812. 9 60, lu 30 (dining oar). 1108 a m 12 44, 289 (dining oar). 4 m (limited 122), 520, 6 30, 6 50, 7 13, H 12, 10 00 p tn, 12 01 night. Express lor Boston, wlttiout obaags, 11am, weekdays, and 6 50 p m daily. WASHINGTON AND THK SOUTH. For Ualtlmore aui Wajtuaslon 2 60, 7 JC. 8 Mv 4 iu, tu nu, it in, 11 sb a m, 111 umitea atniaf j.,. 1 iw a, vi. s u, 4 41, (5 1 Oonjreaelonal Li: 1 1 e ee i ( .. nn. it, a 'dlnlns oar). 7 40. (dinlnit ear) 11 m. and III nleht wetilr da, vs. Hundavs. S 50. 7 20. 9 10. 11 18. 11 88 a m, 4 41, 6 56 (dining oar). 6 66 (dlnlnr oar), 7 40 (dining oar p m and 12 68 nlh- Leave Market Htreet Ferry, Philadelphia FOR ATLANTIC OITY. Sxprees, 8 60 a m, 2 10. 4 10 andSOOpmweak layB. Sundays, Express, 8 45 and 9 45 am. For Cape May, Anglesaa, WIMwoad aatt dolly Beach, express, a. m., 4 00 p m week lays. Sunday, 9 00 a m. ForBea Isle City, Ocean Olty nd Avalon, Express, 9 00 a m, 4 00 p m week days, bun la tb, 9 CO a m. For Uomers Point, express, 8 50, a m, 4 10 p a week days, Sundays, 8 45 a m. i. U. PnavoBT, J K. WOOD, Ctec'i er "' Pass'r'vArt AHSY PILLS! Safe and sure, seno 4c fos-wokan's sjuC QUARcr Wilcox Spccifig Co,Pnu-aPJ Spring Gurry Comb 80ft na a Brush. Fits every Curve. Tha useu Dy U. b. Army nnd by Uanium end nntl Lending Horsemen of the World. It, Sample mailed post mid 2? cents. Mil CO., 102Ulijetto St,, South Ileal, Indiana. DRUQ af SIOBISH