The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 26, 1895, Image 3

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    7 A
A Stitch
in time saves nine. A stitch
in the side often results in
something far more serious,
I 1 M , ,
lunicss treated at once.
BPorous Plaster
has saved many from lung
diseases. It is invaluable
for rheumatism, and pains
in the back, chest or limbs.
When Purchasing ntt only a.k for
" ALtcoca'a," out u' ' you gtl It,"
Allcock's Corn; Shields,
Allcock's Bunion Shields,
Have no equal u a 'relief and cure for corns
and bunions.
Brandreth's Pills
are of great benefit in oases of torpid
lier. btlibush'ess" and tnaigeaflonT
Hat stood the Test ol Time
mBDIHllltIW011HttB2H'lB!H wll
N Eg The Only Ocituliin Speclnllnt In Amor-
m ri hud u id rd.
NoHvllhnlnndlncr What
inner Auveriine.
Special DlBeasOM, Vnrlcoao Veins and
mriciurt-a tna ii'iimna; i-rrmnncnuy
uureu in 4 10 xu uays.
Relief at Once.
Rinnil DfllCriM Primary orfiecondary
DLMUU lUliMlll cured hv entirely nan
harmless method. 6 years' European Hospital
StDimOmas nrove. Henri Hep t!npnrfjimTi tnr
ttuuriintcucai exnerience. an uertmcates and
dook "T1CUTII," the only True Medical
Book advertised. It Is a true friend to oil
1 suuerers ana to tnoee contemplating marriage.
I The moat HtUbborn and rinnirernnR raftp. antln.
iltea. Write or call and be saved. Hours, 0 to 3;
1 ev irs, 0 to a ror examination and treatmentln
I' chronic and dangerous cases. Call dally O to
1.30 ; Wed. and bat. from 9 to 4 ; ev'gs, 0 t;
ft 3u ; nun. , 8 to 12. Treatment by mall.
i Chlclietcr Ewrll.h Diamond Ilrand.
Urlflnal and Only Genuine
Arc, always reliable, ladies aik
Drugriat for Chtchettr$ EnglUk Dia-,
mona Brand la lted and God metnUlo1
boiM, lealed with blue ribbon. Take
no other. Jttfutt danatrout tubttltu
Horn and imitation. At Drnffelitf a. or enit
la nttimpi for particulars, testimonial! and
"Itrllef for rail ten letter, br return
MalL 1O.00O TMtlmoiilali. Nam luser.
Hi etcr Chemical (Ju..MalUon Hquere,
Drugt liti. rhllada.. itu
Stop at
200 North Centre Street.
Meals at all hours, ladles' dining room
attached. Finest wines, llnuors, cigars
We offer special facilities to operators larca I
or eroftU, for trading on margins in Btocks, I
grains or provisions. Market letter issued reg. E
ularly, giving latest confidential advices. Or-1
ders received on one per cent margins. Our I
jook. " Speculation, or now to rraae," mailed 1
1 on receipt of two-cent stamp. VAN WINK US (
a. CO., Btu tlacr UaH uulldlnB. Bails street.
Wholesale and Retail
22-21 Houth Main St., Bhenandoah.
Agent for D..Q. Yuengllng & Bon's celebrated
ueer. iorur Aiea, etc.
North Main St., MAHANOY CITY
Largest and finest hotel In the region.
Finest accommodations.- Handsome fixtures
Pool and Billiard Rooms Attached.
' ' ' TempBrance Drinks.
Mineral waters, Weiss "beer. Bottler of
the nnest lager ueers,
. . J7 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah, fa,
Your Stomach : : :
UHHllUb Dmuu bile duiud nwwiug tUBb
v your boots do. and the water you drink
A isn't even fit tor that purpose. Use
lorenz Schmidt's Boer and Porter.
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
Whon it Oomoa to
Our stock speaks for Itself. If you don't
come to town, send your orders, 'Ihey
! will be nicely filled.
23 E. Centre Street, Shenandoah.
o!dbj all Local
HoObjoctsto tbo Extraction of tlio
Bullot from His Faco.
nin Aasallant Will I'roliably bo Tried by
Court Martlnt tot Treason, and Slay Lose
Ilia Lire for Ilia Act or Folly rence Ne
gotiations May be Ilroken Off.
Kobb, apan, March SO. LI Hung
Chang Is making good progress toward
neovory from tho offocts of tho bullot
h-oundlnhls faco, Inflicted by Koyamn
Bokunoaukl. Tho wound has dovoloped
no dangerous symptdms. Tho would bo
hssnssln Is reported to bo a 'lunatic Ho
lias a criminal record, and has sorvod a
term of lmprlsonmont.
LI Hung'Chang's wound Is not tlarigor
ous, oxcopt as ooinpllcatlons may dovolop.
It Is In tho fleshy purt of tho faco, but for
tunately no part of the skull has boon
fractured or any vital organ reached.'
Prlncq Li's advanced ago and sovoral con
stitutional disorders which mako hl'fn hl-'
Uiost an Invalid, howetoV, may agft'ravntp
an Otherwise harmloss1 wouhd, On' hl'o ar
rival at Shlmoncsckl LI was ltoo sick to
loavo the ship which brought him. Ho has,
to bo carrlod about, this being a necessity
In his oaso, as welLos an honor duo to his,
ran,k, .... tt ' , r " ;
urgoons.eatf and Ishlguro aVo attond-j
lug LI -Hung Chang by Imperial com
mand. LI Hung Cluing objects to tho ox
traotlon of ttta bullot; whldh' Jlos a contl
meter undor his loft oyo. Tho wound Is
throo contlmetcTs deep. iLl'Hung Chang
sloops well. 'JL'hVomprosii'.'of Japan hns
sent two nurees to attend him. Letters
and tolcgrmnb'oxprosslng regrot and sym
pathy are pouring In from all directions.
Tho Chtncsd ilmvo taken' precautions
against a Japanoso attaok' a'C'Koo Chow,
Amoy and Swatow. Tho harbor of Amoy
has been plantod with torpedoes, and It is
thought probablo that tho Japanese will
mako an attempt to capturo that place.
Tho Chluoso steamers aro unablo to enter
tho harbor of Tamsul, in northoru For
mosa, owing to tho torpodoos planted,
The Jap Who Shot U Will Doubtless be
Tried for Treason.
Washington, ''March 2(i. Officials of
tho Japanoso legation say that tho man
who shot LI HungtChang will bo charged
with troason, as tho assault Is not only
against tho porson of LI Hung Chang, but
also against tho Japanese government. It
Is probablo, also, that tho trial will bo by
court martial, If tho martial law oxisting
at Hiroshima nas bean extended to Hlil-
mouesekl. Conviction by court martial
would mean that tho offender would ba
shot, whllo banging would bo tho penalty
If a civil court convicted him, that form of
capital punlshmont having boon substi
tuted for decapitation In Japan. In this
connection Japanoso olllcials say the lord
high oxecutionor of "Mikado" famo
novor had any oxlstonco In fact.
Mrs. John w. Fostor, wifo of tho oxt
secretary of stato, who accompanies Ll
Hung Chang In an advisory capacity, has
not hoard from hor husband concerning
thu shooting. Sho regards this as favorable-,
as he assured hor ho would uso tho
cablo freoly.
Mr. Foster's last lottors camo from
Shanghai prior to joining Ll at Tlontsln.
Apparently Mr. Fostor rogardod a poaco-
iul sottiomont as sure to come. Tho let
ters speak of the euro tho Japanoso gov
ernment took to prevent a popular out
break whon tho ttrst peace commission
mot at Kobe. So foarful was tho govorn
mont that tho nntl-pcaco fooling might
bring out somo shooting, such as that as
has occurred to Ll, that all school teach
ers woro dlrocted to toaoh tho Japanose
children that It was an essontlal foaturo
of civilization to accord ovory rospoct to
Diplomats horo aro Inclined to boliovo
that tho ontlro poaco negotiations may bo
brokon off by thu assault on Ll by afford
ing a protoxt for' European Intervention.
Ll himself, however, will prevouta falluro
of poaco negotiations if it bo possible for
him to do so, as thu Empress Dowagor has
so improssod upon him tho nocosslty of re
turning to China with a poaco settlement
that failure, it is asserted, will bo fol
lowed by his committing suicide.
Officials horo regard It as sottlod that
Russia and Japan have reached an under
standing, by which tho formor will ox'tond
hor territory southward from Vladivo
stok, thus securing a Pacific harbor, open
tho year round. This has boon an acquisi
tion Russia has long sought, as it gives an
eastern ocoan outlet to tho great Siberian
railway. Tho understanding Is regarded
as so dollnlto and sottlod that tlioso dinlo
mats horo who aro concerned mott with
tho subject say Japan Is now assured of
uusslan support In urging heavy conces
sions from China.
European Governments Will Interfere,
Rome, March 20. It is offlelallv stated
that Franco, Great' Britain, Russia and
iiaiy win require tho insertion or a claUso
In tho treaty of poaco botweon China and
Japan providing for tho oponlngof tho
principal Uhlnoso ports to European com-
The Huge Ico Goree Ilroken.
PlTTSDUlto, Mnroh 20. Tho Ico gorge in
the Alleghony river which' has threatened
the residents of Klttannlng and other
towns along the rlvorfor sovoral weeks
past Is now going out and, tho dangor Is
past. Tho gorgo oxtendod for a distance of
over thirty miles above Klttannlng, and
was supposod to bo frozen to the bottom.
Ilugo Icebergs aro now passing down tho
river, and it is rising rapidly at this point.
Tho Ice Is not vory Urm, and breuks as It
strlkos against tho bridge plors, so that no
danger Is apprehended.
Evidence of Munlor In a Ilox Car.
Toledo, Maroh 20. What Is takon to
boovldonooof a brutal murdor was dis
covered In a Baltimore and Ohio box car
thatroaohod horo over the Michigan Cen
tral from Detroit. When tho car twas
cponed there Was a pool of blood in tho
canter, bosidos which was a number of
bloody stones which had been usod as
weapons, presumably upon tho head of
tho unfortunato victims. Tho sides of the
car, and evou tho roof, wcro bespattered
With' blood.
Elcbteen of tho Crew Missing.
Giieknock, May 90. The British steamer
Durham City, Captuln Thompson, from
"Newport Nows Maroh 8 for Glasgow, ar
rived here yesterday with four of the crew
of tho British steamer Bui fast, from Darien
Maroh 3 fur Belfast, which is ashore on
John Island and will probably boooma u
total wreok. Eighteen other members of
the Belfast's crow ore missing.
SOLD AND TOM GURES,0atholi SohA01 Qtion Eeaohcs
Colds lead to coughs, coughs to grip,
fineumonla and consumption; therefore,
t Is all important to check a cold before
It reaches the lungs. Munyon's Cold
Cure will positively break a coiil inside of
twenty four hours if taken as soon as the
cold manifests Itself. When the cold
reaches the lungs or bronchial tubes the
Cough Cure should be used alternately
every half hour with the Cold Cure. The
Cold Cure is guaranteed to prevent pneu
monia If used in the beginning of a cold.
Pneumonia,, or inflammation of the
lungs, can be controlled by tho uso of
theso two cures.
The Cough Cure positively cures bron
chitis, tickling In the throat, hoarseness,
loss of voice, soreness of the chest, diffi
culty In breathing, hacking cough and
an pulmonary uiseases wnere cue lungs
are not too far decomposed or covered
mm tuDercies.
If you are ailing step Into the nearest
drug store and get a 25c. vial of one of
Munyon's Remedies. No matter what
your disease, or how many doctors have
iniieu 10 cure, it win give you relief.
Those who are In doubt as tn then at lira
of their disease should address Professor
Munyon, lCOo A.rch street,. Philadelphia,
giving full symptoms of their dlseaie,
Professor Munyon will carefully diagnose
the case and give you the benefit of his
Bdvlce absolutely free of all Charge. The
Remedies will be sent to any address on
receipt, of retail price.
A BUI to Pension IVnohers After 1'llty
Veara (if .Service.
HAitr.iHBUim. Mnroh 20. ThtrhonKO was
a half hour fate In ting down to busi
ness hist night, and liltlb was nrnom
pllshed. Few bills wore Introduce.!, and'
the calondar was cleared of llrst rvuding
Among tho bills Introduced were: Tax
ing national banks four mills on tho ac
tual value of their capital: paying a pen
sion of $10 a month to public school teach
ers who have taught fifty years or more in
public schools of tho tnto prohibiting
railroad companies' from chn g ng morn
than two cents a mile, and from charging
faro of less amount than Ilvo cents; pro
viding lor the removal of file Lazaretto on
Juiie 1; 1805, so as to extend tho time 'for
two years.
ThO.blll repealing tho act Incorporating
the vlllago of Darby into a borough passed
scebnd reading on a spoolal order. ' A con
current resolution for a committee of throe
members of tho and two of tho sou-
ato to wait upon members of tho Fifty
fourth congress and urge tho passage of
an immigration law wns voted down. Tho
bill Increuslng tho salary of tho superin
tendent of public printing from $2,000 to
$3,000 nnnually was inado a special order
ior Kixomi reauing today ana tnira runn
ing tomorrow. Tho sumo action was takon
on tho Quay county bill.
Among tho bills Introduced In tho sen-
ato were: To protect tho lives and safety
of persons using tho public highways, by
limiting tho time of labor of certain em
ployes of cable, traction and electrlo rail
ways to not moro thun ton hours por dayj
to provldo for the establishment of passen
ger railway examining boards in cities of
the llrst class, which board shall examine
conductors and motormen as to oyesight
and hearing.
Curious nintrlmonlnl Tangle.
Jamestown, N.D., Murch 20. A curious
matrimonial tanglo is now In procoss of
ontanglomont horo. H. T. Hambloy, a
bulldor and contractor, publishes a stnto-
mont which ho says is designed td sot Mrs.
Coan right before the world. Ho declares
that ho has deeply i.i'ouged Mrs. Coan,
unwittingly, by marrying her whon ho
had another wlfo living. Tho wroug, ho
declared, was unwittingly committed, ns
owing to a fall which Injured his brain ho
hail completely forgotten his provlous
marriage. Hambloy is ondcavorlng to
have the first marrlago annulled In older
to porfoct that with Mrs. Coan.
First .Time in Shenandoah.
The Big Dramatic Spectacle
The greatactress, MISS LILLIAN
competent company and MR.
15 choruses, 3 ballets. 2 premieres,!) panoramlo
views, an musical uumoers, n tameaux
vlvaut, Cleopatra's hurge,famou8 siorm
scene, grand scouory, gorgeous
Prices, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.
Reserved scats, at Klrlln's drug store.
tattaMaSaaaBaH S t 1 ai sTSf n
W Hi 1 n fW M " n ' I " I li i
onle'Teiiiule.ChlcaKoJIUfOf nroefaof enrea.
Capital HGOOfOOO. patlenUcured nlneyear.
na-o today sonnu and well.lOO-r.ByerooUrVCi
1 F . ... TurUshCapsulejneTerfalll Bj
H mall, sealed, 2, with advice that wllliirerent fu"
taaaB turolrregularltlea. 2o.atamvfuriarUculara
I'oiituiu Cbeiu. Vu.Ne(rk7pc,M.J,
105 East Centre Street. ,
Familios Supplied with Oysters.
Dining parlors attached.
uu .auuio rnase.
Anti-Catholics Declare That Thoy Will Not
Obey the Order of the Governor General
to Itestore the Parochial Schools Pre
mier Oreenway Talka Threateningly.
Winnipeg, Man., March 20. The rem
edial order of tho governor genoral In
counoll, oalllng upon tho government of
Manitoba to restore to tho Roman Cath
olics tholr parochial or separato schools,
readied this city yestorday. It was ad
dressed to tho lieutenant governor, and
by him transmitted to tho legislature,
which was sitting In readiness to rocaivo
It. Tho legislature was crowded with an
intensely earnest gathering when tho lm
portant documont was delivered. It was
voluminous, and rovlowed ' all the ovl-.
donco taken jeforo the privy council ,bf
England, which body declared that tho
Catholics of Manitoba had a grievance,
and that the governor general In council
had the power and authority to grant re
dress by a remedial ordor.
The tonor and language of tho ordor
leaves no opening for compromise. It is a
command to Manitoba to submit, and
plainly says that If tho legislature do6s
not oboy.the governor gon'eral, 6t more ac
curately speaking, the' Dominion govern
ment, will enforce its authority. No defi
nite action was taken' last night. After
tho order had been road it was laid on tho
tablo for fur 'ier consideration.
That tho ordor will bo rojectod may be
taken for certain. Of tho forty member
ui ino legislature only four or live will
Voto against tho rejection, those four or
flvo being Catholics and representing
purely Catholic constituencies.
Promlor Grconway, being Interviewed
last night, said: "Wo earnestly desire to
net with tho constitution, but lot all pooplo
know this troublo Is not of our own' mak
ing. Wo claim tho right to mako our own
laws, and this right wo will not glvo up
without a struggle. Tho governor gen
eral's order will bo rejected In Its entirety.
A long step will thou havo to bo mndo in
tho porllous journey upon which tho gov
eminent at Ottawa lias set out. Tho Do
minion parliament will then bo armed
with jurisdiction to Imposo upon Mani
toba a law to which an overwhelming ma
jority of its peoplo nro opposed.
"It will bo Wise for parliament, as Mr.
Gladstono onco said, to think enco, think
twice, think thrlco boforo coorclng a loyal
and law abiding community. Fow in
numbers though they may bo, they will
novor submit to this unjust coorclon. This
Is a struggle for our rights. Wo aro a freo
people, and wo will not bo slaves. Wo will
not havo tho laws which wo hav6 passed
deliberately, and willful knowledgo of our
own conditions, destroyed by a body to
whom those conditions aro unknown, act
ing without inquiry and without adequate
A sensational feature of tho troublo was
the announcement that tho Dominion cab
inet, which has just passed tho remedial
order, had appointed ono of Its own mem
bers, Hon. J. C. Patterson, minister of
militia, to tnko thoplacoof Promlor Groon
way. This changd Is bolloved by tho Man
itoba government to mean that tho Do
ralulan authorities want a man ns gover
nor more pliable to their wlshos and who
will unhesitatingly carry out tholr man
Manitoba has always contonded that Its
governor should bo a Manitoba citizen,
and this unlookcd for action has only
addod fury to tho flames. Hugh Macdonald,
son of thelatodlstlugulshcd Canadian pro
mlor, publishes an appeal for moderation,
Ho pleads that conflict bo avoided and
poaco restored by somo form of compro
mise. It Is tho first appeal of tho doad
promior's bou to be unheeded. Tho tomper
of the people of Manitoba is now such that
only a courageous man would suggest
A Farmer's Fatal Fall.
PmtursnPliO, N. J March 20. Will
lam Young, a well known farmer, resid
ing In Harmony township, foil from a
haymow whllo feeding stock, nnd was in
stantly killed. His neck wns broken and
his skull crushed In. Ho was 08 years old
Suicided In. Her Garret.
HAltmsuur.O, March 20. Mrs. Mary
Moore, 45 years old, hangod liorsolf last
night in tho garret of hor homo in this
city, Sho was insano from tho offocts of
an attack of grip. Her husband and two
small children survive her.
Closing Quotations of the New York and
Philadelphia Kxchanges.
New Youk, JIarch 23. The week opened on
the Stock Exchange with an active specula
tion and a strong tone to the dealings. Not
since tho upward niovemont began was there
suoh a heavy volume of business. Closing bids:
Lehigh Valley 3 V. N. Y, & Pa...- 0
Pennsylvania 50!k Erie '. V
Reading 11 D., L. & W 102i
St. Paul 57& West Shore 10.5H
Lehigh Nav 46i N. Y. Central 0!
N. V . & N. E Lake Erie & W... 17
New Jersey Con... 08J Del, & Hudson ...128)4
General markets.
PniiADEU'iHA, Maroh 35. No change In
flour; winter super.. 8&.15; do, extras, 2.20
Q2.40: No. 2 winter family, $2.402.50; Penn
sylvanla roller, straight, ?U.00(3.;',?5; western
winter, clear, J2.50Qii.70. Wheat dull, firm,
with who. utu ana oi4o. asked for March.
Corn quiet, flrnier, with 60o. bid and 50V4o
asked for March. Oats quiet, steady, with
80o. bid and 860. asked for March. Hay
firmi good to choice timothy, $1313.60. Heef
steadier. Pork higher: new mess. S13.C
13.75; family, f 13; Bhort clear. S13.2015.50.
Lard higher; western steam, V-i-H: olty,
$0.87H7- Butter flrra; western dairy, 8313c.;
do, creamery, iixgxio.; ao. laocory, TiiSl.'o.i
Elglns.Slc; imitation creamery, 9 14c; New
York dairy, 1019o.i do. creamery, old, 10
15o.; Pennsylvania oreamory prints, wholesale
lots. 21c. '.creamery tuns, extra, -vo.; ao. prints.
choice, ZOo.; fair to good, 10319c; jobbing, 18
(&21o. Cheese steady; New York, large,
HHc.i small, mi3o-i part skims, 2Hr8c; full
skims, tiao. isggs steauyiJNew loric ana
Pennsylvania, 12o.; western fresh, llUo.l
southern, u?0.
Live Stock Markets.
New Yohk. Sfaroh 36. Heeves slow and
lower, except for good prime steers anil cows.
which ruled firm; native steers, poor to prime,
4.10(3,6.20; oxen and stags, $25.25; bulla, 2.50
l.U; dry cows, si.otxai.iztt. waives rainy
active, steady; poor to prime veals, tiwa.
Sheep flrra, laiiius steady; poor to prime
sheei). xn.MKtoo.ou: common to cnoice miiiui,
Ua& Hog firm at 4.lKKi5.25 for Interior
to choice.
East LiiiBRTV.Pa .March 25. Cattle aotlve
hlb'luir; prime, $5.51)45 75; gond huu-hers, 4.25
(ti ( 75; bulU, stags and cuw. .'!i!i3 21. Hogs
steduy; ruUa.lelplilns, ,, lu st orkem,
1 biKl.85. Sheep strong; exira, $.-51&; fair.
J UK&J.VO; common, $1.50, best lambs,
It is a
that Cotiolene makes better pastry than lard, is
more reliable than lard, more cleanly than lard,
more healthful than lard, and is superior to lard for
frying and shortening. COTTO LENE is recom
mended by expert cooks and endorsed by scientists.
Once used always used. Sold in 3 and 5 lb. pails.
see mat tracie mark steers ueaa
in cotton-plant wreath is on. the
pail. Made only by
13 N. Delaware Ave., Phllnila.
Trains leave Shenandoah as roll ) we 1
For New York via Philadelphia, week ar
1.10,6.28,7.20, a.m., 12.82, 2.65. S.St Su '
(.10, a.m. For New York via Maw Chu-v
wool? days, 6.2,7 30 a. m., 12.32, 2.55 t). m,
For ResiilnB and PMiadelpH'a, weft d.
tlfl, 6.25,7,21, a, m.. 12.82, 2.56. p.m,
lay, 2.10, a. m.
For Pottsvlll, week days, 2.10, 7.3(1, .. ,l
I2.S2, 2.55. 6,55 p. m. Sunday. 2.10 ,. ro.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, west 0t
M0. 6.25. 7.M. a.m.. 12.E2. 2.55. 6 n.m. 5jj
day, 2.10, a. m.
For wiiuarosport, sunourr ro ivftt .
....... J u or .. n. 1 , e " V 1 -.
noon unya. o..j, n.aJ n. ill., i.fw. '
Sunday, 8.25 a.m.
For Mahatoy Plane, wneit days. ?.10 3.SS
r.20, 11.H0 a.m., 12.32, 1.S5, 2.55, 6.55, 7.20, P
i.m. Sunday, 2.10, .. &. n.
For Ashland and Siamokln. week darn, 8 w
.20, 11.80 a. m., l.8!. 7.20, B.ilG p. n V-U Cai
,xo a. m.
For Ilaltlmore. Washington and tbo Wee 1
II. ft O. R. R., through trains leave Road
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P.4R.R. K.l at 3 20
,00, n.zo a. m., 7.5f p. re. nunaft- aw
.55. P.28 a. m.. 3.46. 7.27 n. m. Additions
nln from 24th and Chestnut streets station
week Jays, 1.45, 541, 8.23 p. m. Hundays, 1.
Leave New York via Phlladelpma.week o
.00 a. m., 1.80. 4.00. 7.80 t. m., 12.16 nlrtat, S
day, 6.00 p. m.
ijeave now xorit via aiaucnunuDa, ween
80. ,10 a. m., 1.10, 4.80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia. Reading Termini
week days, 4.20, 8.85, 10,00 a. m and 4..
ik, p. m. nunaay, p. m.
Leave Readme, week davs. l.hS.7.10. 10.C3. 1 1 61
a. m., 5.65, 7.67 p. m Sunday, 1.S5, a. m
Leave Pottsvlllo, week days, 2.85, 7.43 a. 1
12 80, 0,12 p. m Sunday, 2.85 a. m.
jueave 'ramaqua, ween aays, s.i, b.du, n.iH
11.20,7.15, 9.28 p, m. Sunday, 3.18 a. a.
ucayc nauauuv nop utvu, v.i
11.47 a. m., 1.61, 7.S9, 8.54 p. m. Sunday, 3.4f
a. m.
Leave Mahanov Plane, week days. 2.4, 4 0a
9.80, 9.S7, 11.59 a. m., 12.68, 2.09, 5.20, e.2t,7.63,10 K
p. m. Sunday. 2.40, 4.00 a. m.,
ijeave wiuiamsport, week aays. 7.U, io.iu
. 3.85,11,15p.m. Sunday, 11.16 p. m.
Leave PhlladelDhla. Chestnut Htroot Whirl
ind South Btreet Wharf for Atlantic City.
U7aat..nawD Cvkmcu fl IVI m l (VI J nil
1.00 p. m. Accommodaalon, 8.O0 a. m.. 5.45
p. m.
ounaay uixpress. .uu, iu.uu a, m. Accom
aodatlon, 8.00 a. m. and 4.80 p. m.
Koturnicg, leave Atlantic mty, aepot, come'
atlanllo and Arkansas avenues.
Week-Davs Exnress. 7.35. 9.00 a. m. nni
1.00 and 5.30 p. in. Accommodation, 8.15 a. m.
and 4.32 p. m.
Hunda 1 Exr ress, 4.00, 7.80 p. m. Aooommo
datlon, 7.15 a. m and 4 15 p. m.
mrior cars on an express iratcj.
C. G. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. Act.
Philadelphia P
I. A. SWEIGABP, Gen. Sunt.
Professional Carda.
jyjr- b. KI8TLER, M. D..
Office. 120 North Jardln street, Shenandoah.
Office. Ecan bulldlnc corner of Main and
centre streets, Huenanaoan.
Office Room 2. Ktran's New Bnlldlne. coi
ner 51aln and Centro streets. Shenandoah. Pa
Office Hours: 8 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 3 p. m.; 7u
v p. m. wigntomce no. an west uas streev
Office. Water Comumv bulldlnir. 2s West
Lloyd street.
successor to
801 Mahantougo Street, Pottsvllle, Penna,
Is the cheapest and best f once made. Cheaper
than a woodon fence for residences, lawns, cem
etery lots or any kind of fencing. M. U. Mastie
nas the agenoy and carries it In stock at hie
marble and granite works, 127 N. UXDM ST
Clock Sprinc Blade
Only Perfect Comb.
orcpaugli Circuses,
your Dealer lor
Bee our name on the handle. M'ltlNU CUllUI
Bometlmas neeOi a reliable, monthly, reflating medicine. Only aaralwa caj
tho purest drugs should ba used. If you want the best, get
Or. Peal's Psnnroal PiBis
They are prompt, sale and eertaln In result. The csnalne (Dr. Feal't) nayar
nolnt. Bent anywhere, fl.Ov, Addieu Psxi. Uartioiaa Ce Clersland, O.
flolil by P. P. D, KlllLTN, DruggM, Bhtnandoah, ,
IN' Err ROT MA RCA 34, 1835.
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for
Penn Haven Junction, m&uc Ohunk. Lk
hlehton. Slatlncton. Wt-he Hall, Chtasamna.
Aflontown, l)othlebem, Easton and Weather1
6 04 , 7.38. U.I 5 a rr 12 la 2 57, 5.27 p.m.
For 1Ipw york. and Philadelphia, e.n, 38,
9.16 d: . 12.48, I. 7 p. m. For Quale
Hwltcrbact, Gerbacds and HuOsopdale, 9J5
a. m., and 2.57 p. m, '
ror wuue-iJam., wt'it tiavta. fmnti.
Laceyvllle, Towanda, Sayre, WaVfrly di
Elmira:, 6.04, 9.10- a. m., 5.27 p "i.
For Rocbestor, UUQalo. NUsr FxlK- t.
the Woeti 9.15 a. ro. and 2.57 5.27 r m.
r?or Ilnlvldore, Delawarn ,Tnpr Gap rf
troudiiburg, 0.111 a. m. 2.E7 o. '
For Lambortvlllc and Trentfir. a. m.
KorTunkhatinock.6.04, 9.15a. m., Ai7,B.!17 u.
Tor Ithaca and Gonevii 6.01 v is a rr r
i m
for Auburn Mb a, ax. 5.27 p. tu.
forJeanesvlllr,Levlst(,rnd l'"erut(lo
7 Hk.ta., 12.43 p.m.
'or Stocl'tO' asc Leu va;d . '4. "38
9 IS. a. m i?.4S 2.-.T, 5.27,8.08 p m
For Silver Brook Junction, Audenrleo anr
Hazloton 6 04, 7.38, 9.15 a. m , 12.43, 2.67, 5.27 ac
8.08 p. - .
ForScranton, 6.04, 9.15, a. m., 2.67 anu l 27
p m.
For Hailebiook. Jcddo, DrlltoL and Fr!i ,
6 04, 7.88, 9.16, a. m 12.48. 2.57, 6.27 v. v.
""or Ashland, Gfrardvlllof L- it Orek,4 40,
8.15, '30,9.13, 10.20 a. m., 12.S5, 1.10,4.10, 6.85
8.22 p. in
ror Raven Run, Centralis, Mount Carme ai
Stamokln, 9.13, 11.14 a. m., 1.82, 4.20, 8.22, 9.1S
p. zr.
For Yatpsvllle, Park Plaoe, Mahanoy Olty ar
Hclano, 5.60. 6.04,7.88, 9.15, 11.06 a m., .47,t.l7
5 77, 8.08, 9,25, t0.53 p. m. ,
Trains will leavo Shamokln at 5.15, 8.16,
11.45 a. m., 1.65, 4.30 9.30 p. m., and arrive at
'henacdoah at 6.04, 9,15 a. m., 12.18,2.67,6.27,
11.16 p. vc.
Leave Shonandoah for Pottsvlllo, 6.04 : ."H
9 08, 11.05 11.80 a. in., 12.48, 2.57. 4.1U a.ti, t IS
p. m
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 6.00, 7 40,
A 05. 10.15. 11.40 a. m.. 12.82. 2.00.. 410. G.K. 7 IS.
7 56, 9.40 p. m.
L,eave anenanaoan ror Hazloton, 6.64, 7.8S. 9.) 5,
a. m., 12.48, 2.E7, 6.27, 8.08 p. m.
Leave Hazloton for Shenan1nah. 1M. 10.0 fi
ll '6 a, m . 2.1 8 6.80, 7.26. 7 58 p. m
Trains leave for Raven Hun. nentra.Ha. Mt .
Carmel and Shamokln, 6.45 a. m 2.40 p -andarrlve
at Hhamokln at 7.40 a. m. ana 3.45.
p. m.
Trains leave Shamokln tur Shenandoah i
7.55 a. m. and 4.00 p. m and arrive at Hbtt
anaoan at b.iu a. m. ana 4.68 p. m.
Trains leave for Ashland, Glrardvllle and Lost
Creek, 9.40 a. m., 12.80 p. m
For Hazloton, Black Creek Junction, Penn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown,
Kethlehem, Easton and New York, 8.49 a to.,
12 30, 2.55 p. m.
ror rnnaaeipnia, p m.
For Yatesvllle. Park Place. Mahanov Gliv and
Delano, 8.49, 11.85 a. m 12.80, 2.55, 4.58 6.03 p. -
Leave Hazleton far Shonandoah. B.8U. I 3Q
a. m., 1.05, 5.80 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle 5 56. 8.. a
9.12 a. m., 2.40 p. m.
ueavo i-oitsvnie lor anenanaoan, b.ib. ii 40)
a.m., 1. 85, 5.16 p. m.
South Bethlehem, la
OHAS. S. LEE, Geul. Pass. Agt.,
louth Bethlehem, Pa
JANUARY 14,1895.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the abovt
late for Wiggan's, G liber ton, Fraekvllle, New
Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle, HarAburg, Reading,
fottstown, Phcenlxvllle, Norrlstown and Phil.
tdelphla (Broad Btreet station) at 6:08 and lliti
t. m. and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays For Potts
tlle and Intermediate stations 9:19 a, m.
For Wlggan's, GUberton, Fraekvllle, New
3astle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 6:03. 9:49 a. m
tnd 8:10 p.m. For Hamburg, Reading, Potta'
town, Phcenlxvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
It 6:00, 9:40 a. m., 8:10 p. m.
Trains leave Fraekvllle for Shenandoah at
10:10 a.m. and 12:14, 5:04, 7:42 and 19:27 p.m.
lundays, 11:18 a. ra. and 5:40.p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle tor Shenandoah at UlIS,
11:48 a. m. and4:40,7:15 and 10;00 p. m. Sundays
it 10:40 a. m. and 6:15 p. m
Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station) for
Shenandoah at 6 57 and 8 85 a m, i 10 and 7 11 n
m week days. On Sundays leave at 6 60 a m.
Leave Broad StreetStatlon, Philadelphia,
For New York. Express, week days,
it 8 20, 4 06, 4 50, 5 16, 6 60, 7 88, 8 20, 9 60, 10 80,
(dining car), 11, ll 14 a m, 12 noon, 12 44 (Lim
ited 121 and 4 22 p m, dining cars), 140, 280
(dining car), 8 20, 4, 6, 6, 6 50, 7 13, 812, 10 p m.,
la 01 night. Hundays, 3 20, 4 05, i 50, 5 15, 8 12,
960, 10 S) (dining car), 1103 a m 12 44, 2 SO
(dining car). 4 00 (limited 4 22), 520. 8 80. 6 50,
7 13, H.12, 10 00 p m, 12 01 night.
Express for Boston, without change, 11 a m,
weekdays, and 6 60 p m dally.
For Baltimore and Washington 8 60, 7 29, 8 11,
9 10, 10 20, 11 18, 11 83 a m, (12 35 limited dining
ear,) 180. 8 46, 4 41. (5 18 Concessional Lim
ited, dining car), 5 55, (dining car), 617. 8 65,
(dining car), 7 40, (dining car) p m. and 12 03
night week days. Sundays, 8 50, 7 20, 9 10, 11 18,
1188am, 4 41, 665 (dining car), 6 55 (dining
car), 7 40 (dining car) p m and 12 03 night.
Leave Market btreot Ferry, Philadelphia
Express, 8 60 a m, 2 10, 4 10 and 5 00 p m week
lays. Sundays, Express, 8 45 and 0 45 a m.
For Cape May, Anglesea, Wlldwood ana
Holly Beaoh, express, 9 a. m., 4 00 p m week
days. Sunday, 9 00 a ra.
For Sea Isle Olty, Ocean Olty and Avalon.
Eiprees. 9 00a m, 4 00 p m week days. Sun
days, 9 00 am.
por Homers Point, express, 850, am, 410 p
m week days. Sundays, 8 45 a in
Oen'l Mm tier Uen'l Pasi't'r Alt
tTCEIliB GUARD:' Wilcox Spcciric CoPruuaaw
Spring Curry Comb
Soft as a Brush. Fits every Curve, Tha
Used by U. S. Army oud by Barnum end
nna Leading Horsemen of Uio World.
It. bample mailed post paid 2? cents.
COMB CO., lOSUfajetto St, South Lend, Indiana.