EVENING HERALD Published dally, exoept Sunday by XHAi.n pvnzianura boari'Aitv, rablloatinn office and mechanical department North Market Street. (Hl- tJo-.ij Is dollvered In Shenandoah and lflB Jieiam surrounding towns for Six Cents week, payable to the carriers. By mall, Three Dollars a year or Twenty-five cents per month, in advance. Advertisement charged according to space ad .position. The publishers reserve the right XV change the position of advertisements when over the publication ot news requires it. The rtcht Is also reserved to reject any advertise int, whether paid for or not, that the pub- lnhers may deem Improper. Advertising rater made known upon application. Sntered at the post office at Shenandoah, Pa .1 3 second closs mall matter. THE EVENING lllSHATjD, Shenandoah, Pcnna. Kvening Herald. MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1895. Tub tact li worth noting that not a single member ot the late Congress was received with any sign of public welcome when hi reached home. THE Treasury gold reserve is now above 990,000,000, with a probability of booh reaching $100,000,000 ; and then will comt the tug of keeping it from going down again. If Spain insists upon holding us respon sible for the various futile insurreotious ithat have taken place in Cuba, she may force us to Instigate one that will be suc cessful. Ex-Qov. Waite says that he is "stand ing face to face with the country," but the general understanding is that his po sition was reversed by the recent election in Colorado. The worst thing about the exoluslon of American products from foreign markets is that the Administration does not dare to retaliate, because It can not afford to lose auy of the revenue from Imports. There will be no special session of Congress, or any other political misfor tune, to interfere with business this year. The situation is free from all sources of danger and growing better every day. The treaty of peace between China and Japan la to be signed at Shtmouoseki. In other words, China's humiliation is not even to be relieved by allowing it to be consummated at a place with a name that she can pronounce. Tax Alltanca incident affords an excel lent opportunity for the Administration to display a little Americanism and thus recover soma of Its lost prestige; but there, Is no reason, alas I to suppose that ,ltW likely to improve such a chance. A TARIFF policy that prevento other countries from buying out products is cer tainly not calculated to please the peo ple who voted the Democratic ticket in 1892 with the understanding that the foreign markets were to be enlarged and extended. Fifty-six acts of the late Congress failed to receive the President's signature b (cause they did not reach him in time to be examined before adjourumeat; and the country will sustain Mr. Cleveland in his refusal to put his name to bills with -out a chance to give them due considera tion. The fact that Alabama is preparing to liold a State Convention for the purpose of devising means to attract Northern immigration is one of general interest And significance. It shows that the peo pie ara beginning to realize the impor tance of .an infusion of new population rom sources where the philosophy of prosperity has been practically learned and successfully applied. In Alabama, :is in all the other Southern states, there is an abundance of idle land which can be utilized only by the introduction ot the same kind of a labor elemeut that has made the Xorth so ' productive and so wealthy. As the case now stands, the manual labor of that section is mostly performed by the negroes; but they are poor farmers, and do not know how to improve the opportunities In that rela tion. The skill and experience, the indus try and preseverance, of white men are, needed to develop agricultural resources ; but Northern farmers hesitate to go South because they are afraid of being j)Iced on a level with the negroes, and' denied the social recognition to which they have always been accustomed. They believe in the dignity ot labor, and the right ot the man who works 'for a living to be respected by the community and permitted to nJoy all ordinary social Kirlvileges, so long as his personal con 'luct Is not objectionable. There Is un questionably a lingering prejudice against manual labor anionic the white people of the South, Inherited from the old slave lays. It Is slowly disappearing as the cars pass, but enough ot it still remains a hinder Northern Immigration in a con siderable degree. T. China's Peace Envoy Fired at by an Overzealous Jap. A BULLET WOUND IN THE FA0E. From Present Iteport. It Is Hollared That the Wound In Not Dnngerous The Ef fete of the Asunult May bo to Lighten the Jupnneae Demands. Shimoneseki, Japan, March 25. As LI Hung Chung, tho Chinese poaco envoy, Was roturnlng to his lodgings in this place yesterday after having attonded n confer ence. vjHh Count Ito and Viscount Mutsu, tho Jnpanoso poaco plenipotentiaries, a young Japnuoso flrod a pistol shot at him. 'i'ho bullet sped straight, but most for tunately did no jrioro harm than .to Inflict unwound In LI Hang's chock. It is bo llovod that the' wound ls-ifot serious. Tho attempt ,to assassinate tho ropro sontatlvo of the omp'eror of China caused tho most intense excitement, undonovory elda.thqro woro expressions of deop, regret. u Htrao CIIANO. Tho would bo hiurderor was arrestod. It is bellovod that ho was prompted to the crlmo by misguided patriotism. Tho namo of tho would bo assassin Is Koyama Rokunosukl. Ho Is only 31 years old. Hlg antecedents areas yet unknown. Tho hews of tho attempted assassination of Li Hung Chang created much oxclto mont at Yokohama. Tho emperor and empress will send n mossongor to Shi- monoskl to express to tho distinguished Chlncso statesman their rogrots at tho most unfortunate occurrence. Count Ito, president ot too Japnuoso council of min isters and one of tho pcaco commissioners, has visited Ll Hung Chang and expressed to him his sympathy and rogrot. Count Ito has also t elegraphed to Hiroshima ask ing that Dr. Sato, tho imperial physician, bo sont to Shimoneseki to attend the Chl ncso commissioner. Tho ministers of state and a number of other officials have visited Ll Hung Chang and expressed their doon sorrow nt tho occurrence. Evory pre caution has beon takon by tho polico and military to nrovont any trouble. Tho gov ernment profoundly regrots tho atlalr. Tho attack on LS Hung Chang calls to mind tho attempt made on May 11, 1891 to kill the czarowltz, now tho emperor of ttussia. in November, 1890, tho czarowltz, in company with his cousin, Prince Georgo of Greece, started on a tour of tho world. xnoy visiteu Vienna, Athens, uairo, uom bay, Calcutta, Madras, Coylon, Bangkok Slam, and various places In China and Japan. While at Otsu, Japan, the czaro wltz was attaokod with a sword by a fanat ioal Japaneso oflloor, and qulto sovoroly wounded. Ho would in all likelihood havo boon killed had It not boon for tho bravory of Priuoe Georgo, who sprang upon tho would be assassin and felled mm to tho ground. Tho affair caused tho great est oxcltomouti and tho mikado traveled to OtBU to visit tho czarowltz and express his regret for tho attack. It had beon the intentlou of the czarowltz' to return to Kussla by way of tho United States, but ho was summoned home by Czar Alexan der, and on his rooovory hp returned to St. Petersburg by way of blborio. Tho first question discussed by tho ponce commission was in rogard to an armlstlco, but no doolslon was arrived at, Tho ro ccptlou of Ll Hung Chang by tho Jap anese plonlpotentarles was favorablo. Advices received from Hong Kong con firm tho roport of tho repulse of tho Jap aneso force that attempted to mako a laud ing on the Fescadore islands. Tho point at which the Japaneso attempted to land was Kakung, in tho southwestern part of tho Island of Poughan. Mukung is a well fortified place, and has a harbor that ad mits vessels of largo draught. Another dispatch states that on Thurs day last the Japanese occupied Fisher Island, one of tho Poscadoro group. Sailors woro landed pn tho ooast, and these woro followed by troops. Tho Chluose mudono opposition. An official roturn that has just boon is sued shows that the total Japaneso loss during the whole oampulgn has boon only 1,051 luou killed. THE NEWS IN WASHINGTON. The Attack on China's l'reinler Causes Con- ternntlon Among Diplomats. WAgniNQTOtf, March 5. The news of tho assault on Ll Hung Chang oaused a sensation in diplomatic circles in this city. Case where an envoy of any kind lias boon assaulted in tho country to which he is accredited nro rare, and thoso In which a ppaoo commissioner is attacked are al most unheard of in modern days. The opinion here is that Japan will suffer greatly as a consequence of tho assault, and that tho position of China will bo so strenghtenod that she may be able to so ouro hotter terms of poaco than sho could othorwise havo lipped for, Tho lnoldont may lead to the breaking off of peace ne gotiations, which were proceeding so sat isfactorily, or at least may postpone .fur thor action in this direction until Japan has guaranteed tho safoty of China's envoy and mode proper reparation. A recent parallel caso is the attack mado by Generul Count Fuentez, of tho Spanish army, on tho Moorish ambassador. Tho latter was sent to ask Spain to grant Mo- roooo more tlmo fur thu payment of tho war Indemnity promised for the attaoks on the Spanish at Mellllo. General Fit- entez hooume enraved, at ono of the oon- ferenues, and stiuck thu umuussudur iu Uu face with hU oleuvhml fist. So seriously did the 8panlU(iovornmeut regard the In cident mat 1'rlme Minister MUKiuta telo- graphud a full explanation, coupled with expressions of profound regret, to all the lOuropean courts. Ucnerat Fuoutoz barely tioauod bolnir shot, and wlll-uroJioWy bu TVTf Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's proscription for Infants and .Children. It contains neither Opium. Slorphino nor other Narcotic Substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, props, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' uso by Millions pf Mothers. . Castorla is tho Children's Panacea tho 'Mother's .Friend. Caatoria. "Cattorialssq well adopted to children that I recominend it assuperlor toooy,proscriptlpn known to me." H. A, ABcnxn, JI. p., . Ill Bo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of, 'Castorla' Is so universal, and Jts mciija bo Tyell known that It poemSjii work of supererogation to endbrsoft. frcworo'lho Intelligent' families who do not keep CastorfA within easy reach." Cwlos Maktvn, D. D., New York City. Tub Ceotack confined for Hfo In one of tho fortresses of the country. Tho Moorish ambassador took advantage of tho incident to press for further delay and secured It with little troublo. No nows on tho subject of tho attack upon Ll Hung Chang has been rocelved by the Japaneso legation bore, and Minis ter Kurlno was unwilling to discuss tlio occurrence. Tho members of thu legation realize-that it Is a serious matter, buthopo that tho first reports may prove to bo ex aggerated. Thoy say no one will doploro such an affair moro than tho Japnuoso themselves. The (jhlnoso legation rocolved pronipt notification of tho matter, but their nd Vlcos contained nothing nbf 'In tho press dlspatchos. Minister Yang Yu did not care to discuss tho subject. It was 'stated at tho legation that it was not believed that It .would, load to the total breaking off of tho peace negotiations, although it might causo thorn to be interrupted for a tlmo. TRAIN ROBBERS INCOLORADO. Thoy Ilolleve rasnciieerg or Watclips and Diamonds nnd 31,(100 In Cash. VlCTOlt, Colo., March 5. Masked rob- t........ I 1.1 A,- -.1 1 1 wu4o jjbiu up me jfcyoruuco nuu unppiu Crook south bound ti f n just outsldo the tlty limits, Saturday night, did not obtain much plunder. Two robbors boarded tho train at Victor. Ono entered tho sleoper and began immediately to wako up the passengers and solzo their money and watches. Tho train was fairly well filled, quite a number of ladies bclncc on board. Bosldos a largo numbor of valuable wutchos, rings and diamonds about $1,000 in monoy was socured. Tho other robber crawled to tho engine, compelling the onsrinecr to, stop tho train a mile aud a half south of Victor, where iour or ilvo of tho rdbbor woro' 111 wilting. Thoy soon had the mail and express 'cars open, onforclug their' commands with a roady dWplay of firearms.- i After-tho rob- bory tho engineer started thoiltrnln back to Victor, but the robbors objected aud commanded tho onguoor to pull out south. A speolnl train cailio In yosterday with tho bloodhound that did such good work recently at wulsonburg, tracking tho Ital ian murderors. Tho dog seemed to got a scont two or thrOo times, but tho oillcers put In tho wholo day without being ablo to locate any of tho robbors. Tho job was doubtless dono by part of tho samo gang that robbed John Hargont tho night bo- foro In his cubin near tho town. Tho doe;, upon being placed on what was supposed to bo the trail of ono of tho bandits, made a straight shot for somo cabins noar the Strong mlno in tho outskirts of the town. Last night Bob Taylor, an ox-deputy sheriff and cmployo of tho Strong mlno. who shot a, bartender In Puoblo during tho railroad troublo last summer, and. a young man called "Tho Kid," working for tho same company, woro nrrostod by Constable Lambert, of Crlpplo Creek. Tho Kid is alleged to answer to tho de scription of tho man who ollmbod over the tender and held up tho engineer. CfSver-Dlamond ItobuSi-y lnNow York, New Yoiik, Mnrch 85. Tho jowolry storO of CoUstant Lucius was robbed Sat urday afternoon of dlumouds to tho value of $0,000. An unknown man, well drossod, dravo up In a buggy opposite thoistoro and beckoned to tho clork, Mr. Frederick, to corno out to him. Although Frederick was alone In tho store at tho time he did so, and tho stranger, taking a handsomo gold watch from his pocket, ongaged him In somo conversation regarding somo fan- clod troublo In the movement. When Prodorick roturnod to the Btoro ho discov ered that some one had entered the stare and takou from tho showcaso two trays of diamonds valued at (0,000, Brutal Ilurglars In Dancer of I-ynelilnr. BIRMINGHAM, Ala., March 85. Isaac Tankorsly, Issam Falls, John Robborts and Mao Falls, nqgroos, arq in Jail here qhargqd with t brutal attack uppnIr. and Mrs, Jhn Barr. Barr, who has a stpro at Tuscaloosa, was roturnlng homo late at night with his wife, hovlng'ln his pookot tho proooods of tho day's salos'. Tho oouple wero both beaten Into Insensibility', Barr belng'probably fatally Injured. Mr. Barr identified Tankorsly as ono o tholr assal- ants ond ho oopfesspd, implicating the other throo. Lynphlug Is tbroatpneu. Smallpox Wiped Out In Milwaukee. Milwaukee, March 88. Tho smallpox, which was for somo wooks Inst summor and fall opldemlo In this city and whloh kept the health department busy all winter, Is practloally wiped out. tuo isola tion hospitals are closed and thorearo now only six oases In the olty. In nine mouths there have been 1.011 oases and ants deaths. Mobs havo fought the health oillclals who were sent to remove patients to tho hospitals, and a oonstnnt warfare has been wuged in oertaln quarters against the methods of ooplng with tho pest. Castorla. Castorla euros Oollc, Constipation, ' ' Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, lactation, : Kills 'Worms, gives sloop, and promotes dfc go?tlon, , Without Injurious medication. "For several years t have recommended your 'Cnstoria,' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." ' EnwiK F. rnrE, It. D., 126th Street and 7th Ave., New York Ctty. Comtant, 77 Mujuiay Street, New York Crrr TERRIFIC GALE IN .ENGLAND. Grent Dnuinge to Property und a Num ber of Persons Killed. London, March 25. A terrific galo sot in late Saturday night and Is still prevail ing. The storm is general throughout Groat Britain. There has been Immense damago to property In many of tho large towns. Plnnaclos, roofs and chimneys of n number of churchos woro blown off, and many factorlos wore similarly dumagod. In many oases church servlcos wero sus pended. A great numbor 'of trees wero prostrated by th galo, and much damago was douo to dwelling houses. In many parts of tho country tolograph linos are down. A few minor casualties aro re ported from along tho coasts. Many poo plo havo been Injured by fallfng dobris. A wall collapsed in the oast end of London and three persons woro crushed to doath bonoath It. Three turrets of tho plnnaoles on tho west front of tho Peterborough cathedral woro blown down. A numbor Of buildings In town wore damaged and a number of persons Injured. Tho roof of tho railway station at Strat-ford-on-Avon was blown off nnd a numbor of monuments in tho parish churchyard woro damaged. In Birmingham tho galo was felt with oxcoptlonal severity. A man and three children wero killod thore. The property damage In tho town is esti mated atthousnuds of pounds. Two men and a girl in Leicester woro struck by fall ing debris and almost Instantly killed. Every house In tho Ayloston district was damaged. In Wolverhampton ono person was killed and twolvo injured. In Walsall two ohlmnoy stacks woro blown over. Thoy crashod through tho roof of a hospital, broke through tho floor ing and carried nine bods with patients In them into a room bonoath. For a tlmo tho excitement in and around thp hospital was most intense, nnd "tho wildest sort of rumors woro afloat, somo having it that a dozen porsons had been killed. As quickly as possible tho work of clearing away tho wreckage was commonced nnd it was .soon found that nobody had boon killed. Tho nlno occupants of tho bed woro extricated allvo, but badly Injured. At King's Lynn lmmonso damogo was dono to property. A great numborof flno trcos and soveral farm buildings nt Sand ringham, tho country rosldonco of tho 'Prlncp of Wales, noar King's Lynn, was destroyed. Artist Whistler Thirsts for Gore. PARIS, March 25. It has doveloped that a week ago Whistler, tho artist, challenged Georgo Mooro, the novollst, to fight a duel. Mr, Moore wns tho Intermediary in the now moro or les .famous dispute between Mr. Whlstlor and Sir William Kden, grow ing out of tho refusal of the former to de liver a nnrfcralfe hn had nninfml oi. William's wife, Lady Sybil. Mr. Moore ignored tho challenge, and Mr. Whistler has written to his soconds, rogrettlng his dealings with what ho terms ' 'a runaway." Arguing for Debs' Helens. Washington, March 25. The habeas oorpus case of Eugeno V. Dobs and others of tho Amorican Railway union who were engaged in the Chicago strike of last ouuuiiur lira uemg iirgucu in tUO United States supremo court todav. Tl)a nn,i those associated with him contend that tuo united titatus nlrnnlt. nnnrf. n Jurisdiction whllo sitting as a court of equity to restrain them '.Winjunotlou in proceeding with the strike aud nsk for writ of habeas corpus for their release. Four Firemen Killed In a Hotel Fire. DENVER) Muroh 25. Four flromon lost tholr lives in a flro In tho St. James hotel yosterday. Thoy wore: Harold Hartwell, captain; S. Brawley, lieutenant; Hlchard Dandolrd and Stophon Martin. All wore mombors of Hose Company No. 8, nnd all excopt Captain Hartwell wero oolorod men. They went down with the floor of the rotunda and woro horribly mangled and burnqdi Thore wero 105 guests In the hotel, all of whom escaped uninjured. . T,he damage by the lire amounted to 140,000. neheaded by a Mine ltlast. Guthrie,, O. T., Mnrch 25. At Harts horn two miners, Leo Bailey and Stove EllaWOrtll. wnr urni-lrln'nln fl.a ' of tho Indlanola coal mlno. Each fired a uuwt. uno snot went off, but tho other failed. The men disputed as to whloh fuse juuuu w j(jUU,o, anu isaiioy wont to his. Jllfit US hfl crnt t.linrn tlia blowing his head off, fatally Injuring juou.vM uuu Duviuuaiy wounding two A Venerable Woman Vt. WloniTA, Kan., March 25. One-fifth of tlio women oi tins oity Jiavo registered to vote nt tho municipal election. Among those, who roulstered wns Mre trn..i. MoMurray, a woman who knew Thomas Jouerson, aim is now in ner lioth year Klin nltmhad twu flicrhts of stulra tn l... come roglstered with tho assistance of tniy a ii-yeur-oiu guu PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. More Jlllls on tlio Calendar Than Could bo Itenched by .Tune. HARRisnURu, March 25. Baglnulng to morrow bills may not bo lutrodurodlntho houso unless by -unanimous consent. Senn toiiul courtesy has prevented the senate from making' such n rule, and It is likely that bills will contlttuo to pour into that body until near tlio closo of tho sosslon. Unless Important, tho m6asures Which may horoaftor bo offered will novor seo the light of day. Thoro aro now moro bills on tho calendar of both bodies than can bo rcachod beforothomlddloof Juno, and tho chancos aro that tlio legislature will not got nway before that time. Speolal oalondars will bo mado for tho appropriation and rovonue bills still In committee. Judicial and loglslatlvo ap portionment bills have beon agreed utfon and aro well ndvanood. Tho congressional nnd sonatqrial apportionment nioasuros havo not yot boon framed. If tho com mittees can agreo on such bills special orders will havo to bo lhado 'for them if thoy aro expected to pass. The Judicial apportionment bill will bo consldoro.d by the house on aspoclal order on th(rd read ing tomorrow. It has beon amended and will go through with opposition only frpin the Democrats. Tho bills tq encourago tho uso ot wldo tires on wagons and repealing tho law In corporating tho village of' Darby into o borough will be taken up In tho houso on Wodnesday on special orders. -Tho bill allowing justices of the peace ,to try cor titlh'idasBstby'a jurf dBlx liljalsO 'odme tip In tlio houso on that day. The caso which would cpmo undor, the, provisions ot the law aro blasphemy, assault and battery luroeny '(whoro'tho amount doosriot execod $10), disturbing publlo meetings, crucify to animals, selling unwholcsomo provis ions, roveallng telographlo ' dispatches', choating innkeepers, firing woods, and malicious trespass and cutting doWn tim bor. Charles Hobor Clark, of Philadelphia, will dollvor an address before tho leglsln turo iu tho house tomorrow evonlng on frco silver. Ho will bo replied to on Thurs day evonlng by, Charles Emory Smith, editor of tho Philadelphia Press. Up to date tho governor has approved ton bills, vetoed five and signed twonty resolutions, Ho has only ono bill In his hands that creating tho office of state custodtnn. It was said by thoso who spoak by authority that he has approved tho bill and appointed Captain John C. Delanoy, of this olty, to tho ofllco which It oreatos. Spain's New Ministry. MADRID, March 23. Tlio queen regent having charged Souor Canovas Dol Cits-' tlllo with tho formation of a cabinet to ro-, placo tho Saga3ta ministry, tpo following' appointments uro announced: President of tho council, Senor Canovas Dol Castlllqj , minister of forolgn affairs, Duko Tetuan; grnco and justlco, Souor Bomerobledo; war, General Azzarraga; marine, Admiral Berangor; finance, Snor Navarro Re verter; Interior, Sonor Cos Gnyon; public works, Sonor Boroh; colonics, Senor Cas tollanos. r-, Ufa Sentence for Petty Theft. Staunton, Vu., March 23. Joshua H. Stovor, an aged white man, a car-pontcr, was brought to tho city court hero and sontenced by Judgo Charles Grattan to imprisonment In tho Richmond peulton tlary for Hfo. Stover Btolo a pioco of bacon, valuod nt 87 cents, from tho storo of J. C. Whltlock, a local grocer. Stover had boon in jail ropoatcdly for drunkenness and petit larceny, und was an habitual drunkard. Fair Wonld Have Wedded Miss Cousins. SAN Francisco, March 25. In an Inter view with a reporter Miss Phoobo Cousins admitted tho truth of a publlshod report that sho was engaged to marry the late Senator Fair, and that tho marriago was only prevented by his illness and death,. Sho believes that many lottors that wero written by hor wero Intercepted by tho senator's secretaries, who ulso provonted his letters from reaching her. An Octogennrlan llurned to Death. Tahentum, Pa., March 25. Tho. resi dence of John F. Courter, adjoining tho Tarontum oamp ground, wns destroyed by flro and Mr. Courter was burned to death. Mr. Courter was 83 years of age and hud been partly blind for a numbor of years. Mrs. Courter wns roscucd by hor daughter and granddaughter through the window. Both tho women wero burned In rescuing tho old lady. A General SlrWio Expected. Providence. March 25. Tho onorntlvos of tho Atlantic mills, of Olnoyvilio, liejda. mass meeting this afternoon and discussed tho lockout. All tho speoches wero bitter against tho mill owners, hut It was do-" ciueu to delay aggressive action, as It Is expected that a' gonorol strike -will bo orderod by tho district court council of textile workors within a few days. DAINT crack? It often costs more to prepare a house for repainting that has 'been painted in the first place with cheap ready-mixed paints, than it would to have painted it twice with strict ly pure white lead, ground in pure linseed oil. Strictly Pure White Lead forms a permanent base for repaint ing and never has to be burned or scraped off on. account of scaling or cracking. It is always smooth and clean. To be sure of getting strictly pure white lead, purchase this brand: "John T. Lewis & Bros." For Colors. National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can to a 25-pound keg of Lead and mix your own pamts, Saves time and annoyance in matching shades, and insures the best paint that it Is pos sible to put on wood. Send u a postal card and get our book on palnta and color-card, free; It will probablysave you a good many dollars. JOHN T. LEWIS & BROS. CO., Philadelphia. OYSTER BAY I 105 East Centre Street. Families Supplied with Oysters. Dining parlors attached. Right Arm Paralyzed Saved fcqny St .Vitus Dance. tcenyeafSipf age, 'Madden -tlirrlbly afflicted vfith fervtfngrie$s,. nnd' Uad '"st tfiocntiiti use, '? bor right arm. allies' jyervirlrj -aftel Ms rmincd! 31 pounds. ncr'norYOutyiesS 'anti 'symp toms of St. Vitus Hanbo aro entirely gone, sho attends school regularly, an1d).)bas recovered complete uso. of tirvr firm rtnt nnnnt Itn tn J t a.. .... j.uuuu, AJUfcUMJUt, ru x Dr. Miles' Nervine Cures. Dr. Miles' Norvlno is sold nn n. nrw!t!n 1? 1 TrTTT T nnT. T ! t . cuaranteo that tho first bottlo will bonofltf. All druggists soil It at $1,S bottles for IS, or It will bo sent, prepaid, on roccipt of prlco by the Dr. Mllci Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL CONSULT THE OLD RELIABLE SPECIALIST 329 N. 15th St. Below Callowhlll, Philadelphia, Pa. Thirty years' Continuous PracMoe in all special disease of both sexes. All diseases of tho 'Blood, Skin. Nerves, Enlarged Veins, Rup tures, Piles and General Debility caused by in discretion., are permanent y cured by Dr. and Manhood those who have lost their Vigor. uuuunue ireaimoui 01 a iKiiuai puysician liko Dr. Lobb, tho most unfortunate can feel assured ot regaulng health and (strength. Thousands of persons, not only In Pennsyl vania, but throughout the country, havebeen successfully treated by Dr. Lobb. Thirty years' continuous practice in Philadelphia should be satisfactory evidence of his sBtll in curlug all special diseases ot both sexes. Offlcenours, dally and Sundays, from 8 a. m. 10 a p. m. ana b to u evenings, nena ior free book on Errors of Youth and obscure diseases ol both sexes. Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. Weakness1, Ncrvousnena, jeDiniy, ana au tee train of evils from early errors or later excesses, the results f overwork, sickness, worry, . etc. full strength, devel opment, anu tone given every organ ana ponton of the bod v. Sim Die. nat ural methods, ImmedU, ate Improvement seen. 'Allure Imnnssihle. 2.O0O references. Book. sxplanatlon and proofs mailed (sealed) fren. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, H.Y. Iiauer's Lager ant Finest, Purest, Healthiest. XiSLueir Bocli Beer ' On tap at all the leading saloons. Chris, Schmidt, Agt 207 West Coal St., Shenandoah. Safe and Reliable Horses to Hire. SNEDDEN'S LIVERY Poar Alley, Rear Coifee House. rhe best rlira In town. Horses taken to board. Hauling promptly attended to. Shenandoah's Reliable Hand Laundry Oor. ioyfl nd White Hta. All work guaranteed to be flrst-clasa In every particular. 811k ties and lace ourtaln ipto laity. Goods called for and delivered. A trial lolloped , Millions of Dollars Go up In smoke every year. Take no rfakfl but get yonr houses, stook, fur niture, etc., insured in flrst-claaa, relia ble companies, as represented by DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agent, ISO South Jardln Street. Alao Life and Accidental Companies If your clothier doesn't keep HammersloTjgh : Broa Bwell, Wellable, New York Make him get it Their celebrated $15,00 Molton Ovorooat Wears like steel and Is sold by every promt nent clothier In the state. None genuine with out llammeiulougu Uros.' laboh V BOR " !EN fSTttX K 1 I ct rai t. Pi sner Beers