The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 23, 1895, Image 2

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    .dng HeraUi.
J3ATUKDAY, MAHCH 23, 181)5.
Senor Del Castillo Again SuoooodB
Senor Sagasta.
n Um Been it Member of the Corte for
Forty Yenri, and Uih Alwya lleen n
Consistent ami Courageous Koynllit An
Ant. Slavery I.i'iulcr.
MADttlp, March 31). TIio queon rtyrcnt
has charpuit Sonor Canovas Dol Castillo
with the formation of a cnblnot to replace
the Sagasta ministry, that resigned on
Monday last, In uonscquenco of troublos
growing out of tho attacks on tho army
by newspapors,
Jsenor Don Antonio Canovas Dol Cas
tillo was born In 1833. Ho mado his do
but In 1851 as chief editor of Tho Patrla,
In which ho defended conservative Ideas.
In 1851 he was named deputy of Malaga,
arid Mnco thiitort,r has nbvor ceased. to.oo
oupy a seat In the cortcs. Ho hold several
important positions under the govern
ment, and lh 1804 hd was nilnlstor ot
finance and tho colonics. He drew up tho
law for tho abolition of tho traillo In slaves.
His greatest tltlo to iamo is that of having
been tho first to hoist tho standard of legit
lmnte and constitutional monnrohy.lntho
full constituent assombly In 1801, In the
luce of a triumphant revolution.
His fidelity and capacity obtained for
him tho supromo direction of tho Alfouslst
party, and in tho proclamation of Alfonso
XII as king In December, 1874, Senor Can
ovas Dol Castillo becamo presldunt of tho
council and chlof of tho new cablnot. This
office ho hold until 1879, when Marshal
Martlnei ki Campos becamo prlmo minis
ter. Senor Castillo opposod tho marshal's
free trade and emancipation projects, and
finally, In Decombor, 1879, compollcd his
Toslgnation, and Castillo again camo into
power and hold tho reins of government
until 1881, when ho was overthrown by a
coalition bolng tho supporters of Sonor Sa
gasta and Marshal Martinez do Campos,
and tho former became prlmo minister.
Tho Sogasta ministry resigned in 1883,
Taut Senor Sagasta formed a now cabinet,
which holdofllco about ninu months, when
Jt was succooded by the Posada Horrera
ministry. In 1634 this cablnot was over
thrown, and Castillo again fanned a
ministry. In 1885 this ministry roslgned
on account of the king's intention to visit
"Valencia, whoro cholera was prevailing,
'but tho king gavo In and tho ministers
continued In oillco. In November, 18S5,
Senor Costlllp was compelled to resign on
tho question of tho German occupancy ol
tho Caroline Islands, and ho was succeeded
by Senor Sagasta, who hold tho premier
ship until July, 1893, when ho resigned,
and Castillo again becamo prime minister
with a coalition cabinet. From then until
now Scnoros Sagusta and Canovas Del
Castillo have alternated in holding the
oyico of prlmo minister.
Shot by n Spanish Sentinel.
"Baltimouk. March 23. Xows has boon
rooelvod In Baltimore that a sailor of tho
English steamer Uiurostlna has boon shot
by a Spanish sentinel in Santiago de
Cuba. It Is not known that tho shot was
fatal. Tho Laurostlna Is consigned to tho
Joseph It. Foard company, of Baltimore,
and sailed from Santiago on Wednesday
last with a cargo of Iron ore for tho Mary
land Stool company. riho is oxpocted to
reach Baltimore within two or three days.
It Is said that the sailor hod forgotten or
refused to give tho countersign when chol
Charge! Aenlnst an llx-Stnte Secretary.
Lansing, Mich., March 23. At tho trial
of ex-Doputy Secretary of Stato Llndholin
for embezzlement of $1,78:3 of stato funds
Iilndholm testified that certain checks
drawn by his superior, ox-Seorotary of
Stato Joachim, and found In Llndholm's
dosk after bis (light to Swodon, wero to
cover stuto funds loaned to Joachim, to bo
used in his private business, and that tho
lattcrallowod them to go to protest, and
has not since paid them. Tho testimony
created a uooldoj sensation.
Tears fur a Missing: Steamer.
Nkw Yokk, March 23. A rato of 50 per
cent, is being asked for ro-lnsuranco upon
the British su-amshlp G-'oetlands, which
sailed from this port March 9 for Cardonas,
Cuba. Although ovory offort has been
made to find of her hor fato is un
known Th Groctlands was about two
thirds ladon with a general cargo valued
at $100,000, and tho hull was worth about
the same amount.
Sad Accident on the Itall.
i. Betiiixiiem, Pa., March 33. Nathan
terofsky, agod 15 years, had both legs cut
off on tho rullroad hero, and died' shortly
afterwards at tha hospital. Tho boy was
returning from San Franolsco, having
beaten his way the greater part of the
Journey, and the fatal aocidont occurred
-within a few miles of his homo.
The Hon. Wllbert D. Farnham, Jr., Tells
Hojr He Was Cured bj Uslnfj Munyon's
The Hon. Wllbert D. Farnham, Jr..
whose name went before the voters of
Massachusetts last November", as a candi
date for Secretary of State onthe.Prob.lbl
tlon ticket, is one ot the most prominent
men In the East. He resides at 82 Devon
shire street, Boston, Mass. This Is what
lie writes of Munyon's Homoeopathic
'U seldom write testimonial., but am
glad to give this one. Dt the many medi
cines I have tried to relieve the terrlb'e
distress of indigestion, I know of nothing
equal to Professor Munyon's Dyspepsia
Cure. I have suffc-ied with this trouble
fpr many years, and during an Unusually
severe attack last month a friend gave me
a small bpttle pf Jiiunyoh's Dyspepsia
Munyon's Stomach and Dyspepsia Cure
cures all forms ot indigestion and stomach
troubles such as constipation, rising of
food, ,dlstress after eating, bloating ot
the stomach, palpitation of the heart,
shortness of breath and all affections of
the heart caused by indigestion. It
oothes, heals and Invigorates stomachs
that have been weakened by over-eating,
or where the lining ot the stomach has
been Impaired by .physic, and injurious
medicines. Price,' 25 cents.
Munyon's Homoeopathic Home Remedy
Company, of Philadelphia, put up speci
fics for nearly every disease, which are
sold by all druggists, mostly fpr 135 cents
a bottle. '
Those who are In doubt as to the nature
of their disease should address Professor
Munyon, 1505 Arch street, Philadelphia,
giving full symptoms of their disease.
Professor Munyon will carefully diagnose
the case and give you the benefit of his
advice absolute!) free of all charge. The
Remedies will be sent to any address on
receipt oi retail price.
Cimnttirft-ltcr Ciiiifosn.
New Havbs, M iroli 2.1 -Frank Brown
alias Allen, of P.vtnrson, N. J.;.Hnu-,
Oltvnr, known as -Big Oliver," nnd Will'
lam McGuIro wero placed on .trial yostor
day In tho United Statos district, court, be
fore Judge W. K. Townsend. ifl'ho mou
ryvoro captured lu Bridgeport op Dpo. 17,
and n comploto sot of .moulds and coining
tools, with a numhar nf nnnrlmia l.nlf ,.,,.1
jBtandardollars, found, qilvorond Brown,
wnou tijoy uoaru tno government oasos,
ploadctl guilty audiJYoro sontoucod to flvo
years' Imprisonment, McCluiro, ,vvhp as
sorted his innoconco, got toil years.
City ortlclaU Indicted.
GALVPSiw, Tox.,Maroh 23. Thogrand
Jury returned four lndlctmonts against
City Colloctor T. I). Gilbert charging
shortage and Irregularities In his accounts.
Ho gavo bond to appear for trial. Gilbert
was tried yostorday boforo tho city council
for malfoasauco and nonfoasancd in office,
nnd was acquitted, Rlqhard II. Tlornnn,
.fprmor city auditor, has boon Indlctod for
milking a false entry u his books. Tho
charges grew out of a rpcopt export exam
ination of the city's affairs.
Cutting On Appropriation.
BtSMAHCK, N, D., March 23. Govornor
Allen out off $120,B90from tho appropria
tion bills passed at-tho Into session of the
North Dakota legislature. ' Tiho total np
projirlatlpn far tho ,stato .Institutions
amounted to $301,460. Thp action of tho
governor will compel tho closing of tin
normal schools nnd stato university at tho
end of this term, but tho rust can got along
with economical management.
An Indian Murriorrr Ilnnirotl.
TAIILEQUAH. I. T., March 23 Walter
Bark, a full blooded Cherokee Indian,
was hangod in tho jail yard hero for the
murder of Johnson Hees In Going Snnko
district spvernl years ago, On tho scaffold
Bark mado a short talk, In whloh ho said
he was Innocent of murder, and that lie
killed Kcoso to prevent the latter from
robbing him. Bark was cool until tho
ropo was placed around his neck. Then
ho broke down and had to bo supported
until tho drop fell. Bark's crime was
committed noarly four years ngo.
Three I)end llodles in a Car.
DENVElt, Morch 23. A spocial to Tho
News from Trinidad, Colo., says: This
morning Soctlou Foreman Norman, 011 tho
Santa Fo railroad at Springer, N. M.,
whllo Inspecting cars, mado tho horrlblo
discovery of three dead men In a box car
standing on tho side track at that station.
It Is supposed that thoy took up quarters
In tho car for tho night and started a lire
with charcoal In a common tinners' stove,
which they carried, and probably tho gas
suffocated thorn.
Died Protesting His Innocence.
NATCHITOCIIKS, Lamar, March 23. Tho
oxocutlou pf Joseph Valsln, colored, for
tho murder of Major Anthony, took placo
yesterday within tho enclosure or tho jail.
Ho persisted to tho end that ho was In
nocent of tho crime. During the adjust
ment of tho black cap and nooso not n
tremor was noticpd about him.
The Uracil' Oasollno Stove.
WASHINGTON, March 23. Whllo Mrs.
Emma Ramie, of 1107 Dolawaro avenue,
was filling iv small gasoliuo stovo with tho
fluid it oxplodd mid covered her with the,
uaming on. ano ran aiong tno streoc en
veloped In flames until she fell uncon
scious. Sho was takon to' a hospital,
where sho died last night.
Itlrs. Von dcr Alio Divorced.
St. Louis, March 23. Iu tho circuit
court a petition for divorce from her hus
band, Chris Von dor Abe, tho baseball
miiguato nnd president of tho St. Louis
Browns, was granted to Mrs. Von dor
Abo. Sho charged him with violations of
his marriage vows.
The Itoad Hill ltoMirrected.
HArtniSBUIiQ, Muroh 23. Tho Griggsby
road bill has been glvon another show. It
went down on socond reading last Wodnos
day, and it was thought that wns the last
of it. Yesterday tho voto was reconsldored
and tho bill postponed for tho present.
Killed by a Fulling Ornflbld.
Paterson, N. J., March 23. By tho fall
ing of a painters' scaffold, thirty foot high,
In the new armory building, Uobort
Brewer, 85 years of ago, was killed in
stantly, his neck being broken, nnd George
Oakley, 10 voars old, received suoh In
juries that he is not expected to live.
Murdered by a Widow.
Hot Springs, Ark., March 20. Jphn
Martin was shot and killed here by Mrs.
Xi&ry, a widow. Martin attempted to onter
Mrs. Lary's house against her, will, when
he fired through the door. Ho leaves a
wife and seven children. The rnurdoress
-was arrested.
Atlll Another Successor for Speaker Peel.
London, March 23. The Dally News.
the ministerial organ, Bays It bellevos thai
tho Bight Hon. Leonard Henry Courtnoy
will become speaker of the house of com
mons upon the retirement of the Hon
Arthur W. Peel.
Tiie New German Ambassador,
Bkulik, March The NiiUonnt Zel
tung states that Baron Von Thtelmaiin,
now Prussian minister to Bavaria, has
beeii appointed Gorman ambassador to the
United .state, to suooeed Baron Von
jsain'ina Jeltuoh.
Caeeren Will Iave Peru.
Buknos A runs, March 88. An official
dispnic li received lu this olty states that
trenrral Cuoeres, who resigned the 11mV
donoy shortly after tho urmlstlco ut Lima,
Will leave the country.
A Leper In n ew York Tenement.
JNJ5W yoB,K,Mnrch 23, Tho hoalth board
yesterday loarnod that there had boon a
mnn strlckon with leprosy living for tho
past six years at a tenement houso lu this
city. A thorough Investigation will bo
mado immediately. Tho man's name and
address havo not boon glvon out Ho has
wifo nnd flvo children, nnd one of his
daughters Is married and has a 7-months'-old
Two Killed i'Sb Collhfnn.
Dallas, Tex., March 23. A north bound
through passenger train on tho Missouri,
Kansas and Texas road camo Into collision
with a freight train at l?lshor's, nine miles
from hero. Hearn, tho engineer of tho
passenger train, nnd Harden, a brakomim
on tho freight, wore killed. Bolles, tho
conductor on tho passenger train, Wns
badly injured.
Wreckage of tho lost lako steamer Chi
corn has drifted ashore at Mnuistoo, Mich.
Plouro-puoumonia has appeared among
herds of cattlo in Geary and Wnubansco
counties, Kau.
A dispatch from Bomo says that n ter
rible landslide has destroyed tho vlllago of
Boltara, near Plaoentla.
Whllp tit work on, the Louisville and
JofforsfSnvllle bridge. William Handa, a
rlvotor, fell to tho and was killed.
Postmaster Nickels, of Hannibal, Mo.,
nnd a companion were held up and robbed
by hlghwaymon whllo driving near that
Ysaye, the eminent violinist, performed
on an aluminum violin at his concert In
Cincinnati last night, and will use it reg
Arkansas' legislative investigation com-
mltteo havo qallod on tho trustoo of the
state cliarltable Institutions to refund
money illegally used by them,
Governor Foster, ot Louisiana, has mado
arrangements with tho striking lovpo
workers which will doubtless lead to an
amicable settlement of tho strike.
Tho coiumlttoo on elections of tho Utah
constitutional convention - presented a re
port recommending women suHrago. it
also provides an educational qualification
lor voters.
"Peril Anu inn would not think SO. but a
very large proportion of diseases In New
York comes from carelessness about catch
ing cqld," says Dr. Syrna Edson, "It la
such a simple thing and so common that
very lew people, unless it ia a cubu ui
pneumonia, pay any attention to a cold.
New York Is one of the healthiest places
on the Atlantic Coast and yet there are a
great many cases of catarrh and con
sumption which have their origin In this
neeleot of the slmnlest precaution of
every day life. The most sensible advice
Is, when you have one get rid of it as soon
as possible. By all means do not neglect
It." Dr. Edson does not tell vou how to
cure a oold but we will. Take Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. It will relieve the
lungs, aid expectoration, open the secre
tions and soon effect a nermnnnnt cure.
25 and 60 cent bottles for sale by Gruhler
Light Sentence Tor a Murderer.
PniLAnELl'inA.Mnrch 23. Tlionias Red-
dtngton, who pleaded guilty on Jan. 9 last
to assault and uattcry with tho intent to
kill Thomas Keoley, was sentenced yes
terday by Judgo Reed, lu quarter sessions
court No. 1, to twenty-two months in tho
Eastern penitentiary.
Mlnerft Threaten to Strike.
New Castle, Pa., March 23. At a mass
mooting representing 1,00J Beaver valley
miners it was decided that unless tho old
ncalo of wages wns restored a strike would
bo ordered today. The miners are gctrlnir
10 and 09 cents 11 ton and want tho oI'
tates of 0Q and 70 rents.
Fluttering, No Appetite, Could Not
Sleep, Wind on Stomach.
"For a lonu time I had a terrible
pain at my heart, which fluttered al
most incessantly. 1 uaa no appetite
and could not sleep. I would be com
pelled to sit up in bed and belch gas
irom my stomacu until 1 tnought
that every minute would be mv last
There was a feelling of oppression
about my heart, and I was afraid to
draw a full breath. I could not sweep
a room without restlntr. My hus
band induced me to try
Dr.MiSes' Heart Cure
and am happy to say it has cured
me. I now havo a splendid appetite
and sleep well. Its effect was truly
MRS. HARRY E. STARR, Pottsvllle. Pa.
Dr. Miles Heart Onro is sold on a positive
guarantee that tho llrst bottlo will bonoflt.
All druggists Boll It at U, 0 bottles for 55, or
It will 1)0 tent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Iua.
Easily, Qulokly, Permanently Restored.
Weakntii, rVervoune,
Debility, and all the tram
01 evus irom earij errors or
overwork, sickness, worry,
v etc. Full strength, devel
opment ana tone siren ie
everv orean and Portion
of tho bod r. Slmple.nat
ural methods. Immedl-
ate Improvement seen.
vAll.. lmnsattl UOffl references. Book.
explanation and proofs mailed (seaieoj ireo.
g . Cleaning
Is such a trial that men say "Lot thfiihouso tako caro
ft iteolf." But tho conscientious wifo feels bound to
risk hoalth and strength in this annual struggle with
dust and dirt. Sho is altogether too liable
howover, to lot her bodily houso, most im
portant of all, " tako care of itself." Tho
consequence of her feverish anxiety over
oxtra work is depletion of tho blood, tho sourco of all
life apd strength, manifested in that weak, tired, nor-,
vous condition too provalcnt ot this eoason and Tory
dangerous it allowed to-icontinuo. "What every man
and -woman 'needs in tho Spring' 'is II6od's Sarsapa
rilla. It keeps tho blood vitalized and enriched, and
thus sustains tho nerves and holds all the
bodily functions in strength and regular
action. "With its -help you will' not feel
that intonso exhaustion, and your natural
fatiguo at the Close of the day will give way to fresh ac
tivityiintho morriing. Therefore wo say, besides clean
ing ypurJiquso, bo sure to tako.IIood's Sarsaparillato
Cleanse Your Blood
With Hood's We'll Conquer . Makes the Weak Strong
"Now that house cleaning Is upon ui, I ,know
that with Hood's Ssrsaparilla to help, vre'll Ps
through that itrial all .right." Mrs. Hkubn
Hiscekd, Fully, New York.
"I take Hood's tiarsaparilla every Bprlup, nd It is
the only medlolna I use through the y,eAr., It en
ables mo to do my houso cleaning and iarm work
all through thq summer. It helped me very much
for palpitation of the heart. I think Hood's Sar
eoparllla is the medloine for everyone, and all who
tako it will never bo without it. I have also used
Hood's PJIls and they are the best I ever tried."
Mrs. F. H. Andkews, South Woodstock, Conn.
"last spring I had to, being unable
to walk to my place, of omploj.mcivt, a '.distance of
only halt a mile. ,1 suffered almost ilnocsinttntly
from sick headache. I badacl&iog'paiusialitJMr
my body. Tho least exertion would itire .me out
(Joint: up ens flight of stairs would make my ioarj
.beat At a terrible rate. I was induced to take
food's Sarsaparllhr, and now, after taking less than
two bottles, the pains and aches have all left
I have only had a slight headache once since.
Hood's Sarssparllla gave me a good appetite, and I
can now do a hard day's work." Miss Etaix
'Jenkins, Quecnabury, New York.
Hood s
"My nerves were in such a condition tho closing
of a door was sufficient to throw mo Into a spell
of trembling which would last for hours. This
was after a severe attack of the grip, which shat
tered my health. I could not sleep, my food dis
tressed me, and I had darting painB through my
shoulders and back. At the suggestion of a friend
I tried Hood's Sarsaparilla. After Uking one
bottle, my food no longer distressed mo, and my
nerves were quieted. Have taken three bottles and
I am cured. The asthma trouble, from which I
have not been free for years, has entirely disappeared.
Hood's Sarsaparilla has done wonders for me, and I
am glad to recommed it highly." Mrs. Lucinda.
Rustell, North Dartmouth, Massachusetts.
"My health his been poor for a good many years
before I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Finally
I decided to take Hood's and can honestly say that
It has done mo more good than any and all other
treatments. I was troubled with dyspepsia, food
distressed me, and I had but little appetite, was
weak and nervous. In fact my trouble bordered on
nervous prostration, from which I iiad previously
suffered. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla last summer
and It did me ever -o much good. It does not seem
as though I am tho same person. My appetite is
greatly Improved, I am less nervous, have more
strength and a can eat heartily without distress.
Such a condition was unknown to me before taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla." Mrs. Q. a CUT, Barre, Vt
e Sure to Get Hood's
t SOHUYLKIM. Division.
JANUARY 11, 18S5.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after tbt kl qv
Alo lur V11KKUD, UllUClbUUj f (ak.a.viiic, .
Castle, Bt. Clair, Pounvlllo, Hamburg, Reanli
r oitstown, I'noenixviiie, iMorrievown anarm.
laelphla (Broaa street station) at 6:08 and 1
1. m. ana 4:15 p. m. on weekdays For Per
due ana intermediate stations u:iu a. m.
For Wlegan's, Gllberton, FrackvlUo, :Sr
Ustle.St. Clair. Pottsvllle at ':0i. 8:40 r.. .
tndSilup. m. For Hamburg, Eeallng, o
town, Ptircnlivlllo, Norrlstown, Phlladelpt,
11 c:uu, v:4u a. m., a:iu p. m.
Trains leave FrackvUle for Shenandoah
10:40a.m. and 12:14, 5:04, 7:42 and lQi$7 p. n
Sundays, 11:19 a. m. and 5:40 p. m.
jueave rousviue ior snenanaoan i iiu
11:48 a. m. and 4:40,7:16 and 10:00 p. zs.Sur.Ci.
at 10:40 a. m. and 6:15 p. m
i.eave pnuaaeipma (iiroaa street station; 10
jhenacdoab at 6 67 and 8 85 a m, 4 10 and 7 11 1
m week days. On Sundays leave at 0 60 a m.
lxiave iiroaa street otation, ranaaeipnia,
For New York. Bznreus. week dav
at !0, 4 06, 4 60, 5 16, 660, 7 88, 8 20, 9 60, 10 SO
idlnlng car), 11, 11 14 a m, 12 noon, 12 44 (Lire
ItedlSland 4 23 p tn dining cars), 140, 2 81
;aining can, au, , 0, o, 0 ou, 7 ia, 12, iu p m.
111 m u...n.a qoii jnc en Rie mq
I V1UI,UI. DUUUHD,0I,.W 1UV, M .u, 01..
9 60, 1'. 30 (dining car), 1103 a m 12 44, 2 Si
(dining car), 4 WJ (limited 4 22), 520, 6 SO, 6 50
7 13, R12. 10 00 P m, 12 01 night.
express ior uoston, wituout cnasge, nam
weekdays, and 8 60 p m dally.
Mab ll.l.lnn.a m mt J n..kl... B ... M UM B
9 10, 1020, 11 18,, (12 86 limited Clnlrj
oar,) ISO, S4e, 4 41. (518 ConiresBloral Llm.
Iter, dining car), 6 55, (dining car), 8 17, 6 65.
(dining car), 7 40, (dining car) p m, and 12 Of
nigut weK nays, nunoays, sou, 7 a), IU, 11 IB,
1188 am, 4 41, 5 55 (dining car). 8 55 (dlnlni
car), 7 40 (dining car) p m and 12 03 nlvht.
i.cjva wurucb oLrcob r eiry, irnnaaeivnta
Kiproea, 8 50am,210, 410 andSOO nm weel
Jays. Sundays, Express, 8 45 and 9 45 a m.
For Cape May, ADglcsea, Wlldwood anC
Holly Btach, exprees, 0 a. m 4 00 p m wee)
days. Sunday, 8 00 a m.
For Sea Isle Olty, Ocean City and Avalon
Express, 900 a m, 400 p m week days. Hun
lays, B 00 a m.
For Homers Point, oxpiens, 8 50, a m, 4 10 r
m week days. Sundays, 8 45 a m.
9. M. PB1V0BT, J K. VfOOE
Qen'l Manager 'Jxti'l P-f''- i
Specialist In diseases of the
Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat.
207 West Market St., Pottavme,
Hours-8.80 a. m. to 12 m.: 1 to 4 p.
8 p. tn. Sundays, 9 a, m. to 12 m.
m., 7 to
to the cheapest and beat fence made. Cbeapei
etery lots or any kind ot fencing. M. H. Mastid
nas the agenoy and carries it in stock at bit
marine ana granite worna, 117 N, JlSDIn ST.
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for
Penn Haven Junction, mauo.. Chunk, i-
hlghton, Slatlngton, White Hall, Catasauaut
Aflentown, Bethlehem, Easton and Weatherl'
8 04. 7.88. 6.15 a m., 12.48, 2 67, 5.27 p. m.
For Now York and Philadelphia, 8.04, 7.8;
9.15 a. m., 12.4!, 2,b7 p. m. For Quakake
SwitcLback, Gerhards and Hudsondale, 6.04
P.lfi a. m., and 2.57 p. m.
For Wllkes-Carro, White Haven, Plttstoi
Laceyvllle, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly an
Elmira, 6.04, 9.15 a. m., 2.67, 5.27 p. m.
For Kocbester, BuOalo, Niagara Falls an
the West, 8.04, 9.15 a. m. and 2.57 5.27 p. m.
For Belvldere, Delaware Water Gap art
Stroudsburg, 8.04 a. m., 2.57 p. m.
For L&mbertvllle and Trenton, 9.16 a. m.
For Tunkhannock, 8.04, 9.15a. m., 2.67, S.27 p. u
For Ithaca and Geneva 6.04, 9.15 a. m. 6.r
p. m
For Auburn 9.15 a. m. 5.27 p. m.
For Jeanesvllle, Leyla ton and Beaver Ueadov ,
7.S8 a. m., 12.43 p. m.
For Stookton and Lumber Yard, 6.04, 7.Jf
9.15, a. m., 12.48. 2.67, 6.27 p. m.
For Silver Brook Junction, Audenrled an
Hazleton 6 04, 7.88, 9.15 a. m., 12.48, 2.67, 5.27 ani
8.08 p. iv.
ForScranton, 6.04, 9.15, a. m 2.67 and 6.S
p m.
For Hailebrook, Jeddo, Drltton and Frealai.
C04, 7.88, 9.15, a. m., 12.43. 2.67, 6.27 p. rr.
ror Asmana, uiraraviue ana ijost ureex, . i
48, 9.18. 10.20 a. m.. 1.00. 1.40, 4.10. M5 p. m.
Saamokln, 9.13, 11.14 a. m., 1.32, 4.20, 8.22, 9.1(
p. rx.
For Yatesillle. Park Place. Mahanov Dltv ac
Delano, 6.04, 7.88, 9.15, 11.05 a m lS.45, 15'
17, d.wi, lu.M p. m.
Trains will leave Hcamokln at 5.15. B.ll
11.45 a.m.. 1.65. 4.80 9.80 n. m.. and arrive '
Shenandoah at 6.04, 9.15 a. m., 12.43, 2.67, 6.27.
11.15 p. m.
teavo anenanaoan ior I'ottsviue,, v.o
08, 11.05 11,80 a. in., 12.48, 2.67, 4.10 6.27, B.C
P.m . .
L,eavo .roiisvmo ior bnenanaoan, o.u, i.a
06. 10.16, 11.40 a. m.. 12.82. 8.00.. 440. 5.29. 7.U
.55, 9.40 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah lor Haxleton, 6.11,7.88. 9J6
a. m., 12.43, 2.67, 6.27,8.08 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7,85, W.Of,
ll.VU a. m D.JHJ, 7.KD, 7.DI3 p. ZD.
Trains leave for Raven Hun. Centralla, it.
Carmel and Bhamokln, 8.45 a. m., 2.40 p. m
andarrlve at Hhamoicin at 7,iu a. m. ana tt.
, m.
Trains leave Hhamokln lor Shenandoah lit
7.55 a. m. and 1.00 p. m., and arrive at Bkn
anaoan at o.ik a. m. ana p. m.
Trains leave tor Ashland, Glrardvllle and Lost
Creek, 9.40 a. m., 12.80 p. m.
For Hazleton, Black Creek Junction, Pent
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown.
uethienem, Easton ana isew ion, o.ia a m.
12.80, 2.66 p. m.
For pnnaaeipnia, p. m.
Delano, 8.49, 11.85 a. m 12.80, 2.65, 4.68 6.03 p. n.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8.30, U.r
a, m., 1.05. 6.80 p.m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 6.56, 8.41
9.80 a.m., 2.40 p.m.
Lienve pottsviue ior anenanaoan, s.w, u.
a.m., 1.86,6.16 p. m.
South Bethlehem. Pa
OHAS. 8, LEE, Genl. Paas. Agt.
tsoutn uetnienma ri
105 East Centre Street.
Families Supplied with Oysters,
Dining parlors attached.
Weeks' Museum,
Grand display of birds and anlma's ot all
selections and finest paintings in the county.
Best Beer, Porter and Ales.
Finest Brands of Cigars.
Free lunch every morning nd evening.
Joun Weeks, Proprietor.
G. w. Davidson, Bartender.
up 1 1 n m m ! n mi
Have yon BoreThroat, Pimples, Copper-Colored
Spots, Aches, Old Bores, Ulcers In Mouth, llalr
i U1dk? Wrlto Cook Uemetly Co 1107 Mo
onl cTemiilct'hlcouo.Ill.Jor proofs of cures.
Capital 8000,000. l'atlentscured nine venri
iotoaT sound and weU.IOOypugi,hourye
raimoTifa eubeb 18. 1894,
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows 1
For New York via Philadelphia, week daya,
J. 10, 6.26, 7.20, a.m., 12.82, 2.55. 6.55 p.m. Sunday
M0, a. m. For New York via Maucfc Chunk,
week days, 5.25,7.20 a. m.. 12.32, 2.65 p. m.
For Reading and Philadelphia, week daya,
1.10, 6.25, 7.20, a. m 12.32, 2.65, 6.65 p. m. Bun
lay, 2.10, a. m.
For Pottsvllle, week days, 2.10, 7.20, a. m.
12.82, 2.65, 5.5S p. m. Sunday, 2.10 a. m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanqy City, week days,
(.10, 5.25, 7.20, a. m 12,32, 2.55, 5 rr p. m. Ban
lay, 2.10. a. m. -65
For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lewlsbtirgi
week days, 8.25, 11.30 a. m., 1.85, 7.20 p. is.,
3unday, 8.25 a. m.
For Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2.10, 8.15, t.T
7.20, 11.20 a.m., 12.32, 1.85, 2.55,5.65,7.20,9.85
p.m. Sunday, 2.10, 3.25, a. m.
For Ashland and Stamokln, week days, S.St,
7.20, 11.80 a. m., 1.85, 7.20, 9.85 p. m. Sutday,
1.25 a. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and tho West li
B. A O. R. R., through trains leave Rendlns
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. R. R. R.) at 3.20,
f.55, 11.28 a. m., 8.48, 7.27, v. m., Bunds- 3 2d
r.55,!28 a. m 3.46, 7.27 p. m. Additional
train from 24th and Chestnut streets station,
week Jays, 1.45, 6.41, v:zi p. m. uunaays, l.-w,
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week dyi
.00 a. m.. 1.80. 4.00. 7.30 p. m.. 12.16 nlzht. Su
day, 6.00 p. m.
.30, 940 a. ra., 1.10, 4.80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia. Reading Termlca.,
week days, 4.20, 8.85, 10,00 a. m., and 4.08,
6.02, 11.80 p. m. Bunday, 11.30 p. m.
Leave Reading; week days, 1.86,7.10, 10.03,11 55
a. m., 6.55, 7.67 p. m Sunday, 1.85, a. m
Leave pottsvme, ween aays, 2.00, v.u a. n. -12.80,
6,12 p. m Sunday, 2.85 a. m.
lieave xamanua, wesK aays, a.10, o.ov,
I,. 1.20,7.15, 9.28 p. m. Sunday, 8.18 a. m.
11.47 a. m,, 1.51, 7.S9, 9.54 p. m. Sunday, 3.45
Leave Mahanov. Plane, week days, 2.15, 4 00,
9.30, 9.87, 11.59 a. m., 12.58, 2.08, 6.20,0.28,7.63,10 10
p. m. Sunday, 2i40, 4.00 a. m
Leave wiuiamsport, ween nays, i.m, w.iu,
a. k., 8.35,11.15 p.m. Sunday, 11.16 p. m.
TnaTsPhiUdninhiA. oheatnut Street Wharf
nd South StreetAVharf for Atlantlo City;
Week-DuvB Exnress. 9.00. a. m.. 2.00, 4,00.
100 p. m. Acoommodaalon, 8.00 a. m,. 6,45
p. m.
ounaay lsxpresa. i.uu, iu.uu u. m. u
nodatlon, 8.00 a. m. and 4 JjOp. m.
iieiurning, leavo Atiantio uity, uopoh
Ulantlo and Arkansas avenues.
Week.Davs Exnress. 75. 9.00 a. m. and
UX) and 6.30 p. m. Accommodation, 8.15 a, m.,
and il p. m,
8unda Kxrress, 4.00. 7.80 p. m. Acoommo
latlon, 7.15 a. m., and 4 15 p. m.
rltnor cars onaii exprea uniaa,
a G. HANCOCK, Gen, Pass. Agt
Philadelphia ra,
I. A. 8WBIGABP, Gen. Sunt.
Millions of Dollars
Go np in smoke every year. Take no
t ..1... 1 . 1 ... ir
ble companies, as represented by
DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agent,
ISO Bonth. Jardln Street,
Also Ufa and Accidental Companies
tlDEUBQUAROl' vln-ean WPEcme Co,rtmjv,H4.
If your clothier doesn't keep
Hammer8ougIi t Bros
Swell, Reliable, New York
Make him get It Tbelr celebrated
$15.00 Molton Ovorooat
Wears like steol and Is sold by every promt
Q6DI ciotmer 10 iuv n "w vmw
out Hammerelougn tiros.- isdoi.
Wa offer sneclal I acllttlM to oneratorm l&me I
Ior small, lor trading on margins In stocks,
grains or provisions. Market letter lssaed,reg.
ularlr. citing latest confidential advices. Or
I ders received on one per cent margins. Oar I
I 3001c, " upeouiatlon, or now to Trade," mailed I
on receipt ot two-cent stamp. VAN WINKLE I
3t CO., 6th floor G aft Building, La Sails street,
Wholesale and Retail
22-21 South Main St., Shenandoah.
Agent for D..G, Yuengllng & Bon's oelebrated
Beer.ParUr Ales etc.
North Main St., MAHANOY CITY.
Largest and finest botel In the region.
Finest accommodations. Handsome fixtures
Fool and Ullllard Rooms Attached,