The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 16, 1895, Image 2

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This is it
Cottolene is clean, deli
cate, wholesome, appetizing
and economical. It is so
pood that it is taking the
place of all other shortenings. Be sure
and get the genuine with trade mark steer's
head in cotton-plant wreath on every pail.
Mnde only by
The N. K. Fairbank Company,
CI1ICAQO, and 13a North Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA.
Evening Herald.
Still No News of the Cruiser Keina
British Steamer Kcports Having Seen tlie
Vesel In a -Disabled Condition, nml the
Captain llrllnves Site Could Not Survive
the- Storm.
Mauuid, March 10. Iu tho chainbor of
deputies I'rimu Miulstur Sugastasuul that
tvhllo no iuformiitlou of tho cruiser Holm'
Regento had been reoelveil tho govern
iiient has not abandoned hope of her
ultimata safely. In un intorvlqw Ad
mlrnl Boranger states that in 1893 ho or
dered tlio overweight of tho deck guns of
tho cruiser to ho rectified. Reports havo
f&een received of forty bodies having been
washed nshoro on tho Spanish coast dur
ing tho recent storm. Nono of them woro
men bdlenglng to tho Relno Regento.
TilO Spanish cruisers Tsla do Luzon and
Alfonso XII have carefully searched tho
waters of tho Spanish and African coasts
nd the straits, but havo found no traco of
tho missing warship. Thero is a rumor
that a British vossel had found hor in a
disabled condition on tho African coast
and had taken her in tow. This rumor,
however, is not credited, as It caunot bo
traced to any roliablo sourco.
Tho British steamer Mayfalr. which ar
rived at Barcelona yesterday, reports that
aho sighted th" Spanish cruiser on tho
morning of March 10, between Tarifa and
Capo Espartel. Tho warship had lost her
tunnels aud bridge, and was laboring
xicavlly In tho high sea and lloreo galo
which woro prevailing. She was appar
ently unmanageable, but as sho did not
ttsk for assistance tho Mayfalr did not of
fer any. The captain of tho Mayfalr Is of
the opinion that tho Relna Regento could
not long have survived tho storm In tho
condition in which sho appeared to bo at
tho time he saw her.
Tho uncertainty of tho fato of tho Relna
Regento has caused great publio exclto
ment here. The government is accused of
keeping baok news of tho .ship aud of hav
ing ordered the detention by tho censors
of all telegrams giving information of hor.
It is mora llkoly, however, that tho gov
rnmont Is as badly off for dellulto news
of tho missing ship as tho public. Tho
optimlstlo portion of tho publio aro of tho
opinion that tho cruiser has been driven
into the Atlantic by tho storm, and Is
either disabled or shore of coal.
Excommunicated by the lope.
Cleveland, March 10. Rev. A. F. Kol-
azowskl, tho Polish Catholic priest, has
beon denounced by Rome and tho action
of Bishop Horstmann in oxcoinmunica-
tlng him Indorsed. Tho matter has boon
In tho Romo court for somo tlmo past.
Both sides havo presented their arguments,
aud Kolazowskl was declared guilty. He
Is now outside tho ban of tho Roman Cath
olio church, und cannot bo rolnstatod ox
copt by the pope personally. Rev. Kol
azowskl is at present pastor of an Inde
pendent Polish Cathollo church organized
by himself after his suspension by Bishop
Hold Hoy i:ui1.'ir4,
MAngHALLTOTVN, la, .M.irch 10. Two
youths, Claude Moado and Ralph Hard
ing, escaped from the custody of tho stato
roform school olTlcors at Kldora on Wed
nesday afternoon, 'flint night thoy rob
bed Whinners' storo ut Union. At 1:39
o'clock yesterday morning thoy woro dis
covered In a general storo at Bromley,
aftor having looted a hardwnro storo. Tho
boys woro bcslogod In tho building by
about fifty armed villagers, and a fight
with rovolvors ensued, in which a man in
tho crowd outsldo was wounded In tho
hip. Officers horo woro telegraphed for,
and drovo to Bromloy, where thoy arrested
tho young desporadoos without resistance.
Tho Republic or Cuba.
TASIPA. Fin,. March 10. An olllcer of
tho lato revolution arrived from Cuba by
tho steamship Olivette Ho reports that
a constitutional convention of Cuban re
publicans has been held in Los Negroes
and a provisional government formed.
General Maximus Gomez was appointed
commander In chief of tho Insurgent army
aud Jose Marti deputed envoy to obtain
from foreign powers recognition of tho in
surgents as belllsreronts As soon as prac
ticable there will bo held at Guaymaro, in
Puerto Principe Provinoe, an assembly to
organize a provisional government.
Illuminating Gas by the Can,
Cleveland, March 10. A samplo of Il
luminating gas recently discovered in Now
York, which can bo dellvorod to consumers
In cans, has been rocolvod and partially
tested at tho olllco of tho Cleveland Gas
light company, of this city. Secretary
Beardsloy, of tho company, Bays that tho
gas burns steadily and givos an excellent
light. Tho material Is said to consist of
lima and coal dust wolded by electricity
into a sort of dark brownish, porous sub
stance. Tho gas H generated by placing
this substance In water. Local gas people
oro greatly interested In tho now discov
ery, which may revolutionize tho prcsont
Three Wolf Hunter's l'oftinned.
Chippewa Falls, Wis., March 10. A
horrlblo discover' was mado yosterday by
apartyof men hunting In the neighbor
hood of Ingram, Tho djad bodies of Ed
Duffney, James Hanson and another man
were found dead in an old lumber shanty.
From all appearances thoy had boon dead
a number of days, and tho bodies woro
frozen stiff. Duffnoy and Hanson woro
formerly employed as woodsmen, but quit
work to hunt wolves, using poison to kill
thorn. Tho supposition Is that In prepar
ing supper thoy accidentally got tho poi
son mixed with their food. Their dog was
found dead in tho samo room.
Suppressing Gambling Hens.
AiniiuiiY, Ills., March 10. Quito a sen
sation was sprung on tho citizens hero yes
terday. Deputy Sheriff Z. T. Hanna un
dertook tho task of serving writs on fifty-
two pooplo horo who, It is alleged, havo
been frequenters of or conducting gamb
ling dons hero. Ho has not finished his
job, owing to tho fact that tho most of tho
lot heard of it and post hasto quit tho
town. Some lively times are looked for,
as tho authorities will raid the dons as fast
as thoy ure oponed.
A Monster Distillery for Terro Haute.
Tekhe Haute, Ind., March 10. Tho
largest distillery ovor built will soon bo
constructed In this city by tho oastoru
magnates Georgo W. Kldd, E. C. Gallleld
and Frank Curtis, representing, In addi
tion to their own wealth, a vast amount
of eastorn capital. Tho distillery will have
a capacity of not less thau 40,000 bushels
of corn per day. Tho structures aro to Ihj
of tho most modern appointment through
out, and to cost ovor jaOO.OOO.
Georgia Wants Northern Veterans.
ATLANTA, March 10. When asked by an
Associated Press reporter concerning the
report that ho is interested In a sehemo to
locate voterans from the north on Uoorgla
farms ox-Governor William .1. :Northon
said: "Yes, It is true that I have iu hand
an outorpriso of that character, but It has
not yet materialized enough to givo you
tho details, i ou may say, however, that
wo havo tracts of land in l5ougherty,Mont
gomery, Thomas, Wilcox, Laurens and
Gllun counties. I feel certain that I shall
succeed in locating a great colony In
Dying from Cold and Stnrvntlon.
London, March 10. A dispatch from
Moosh, via Kars, declares that tho villages
in tho Sjassoun district are covered with
snow to tho depth of three feet. Tho Turks,
In order to declevo the commission of In
qulry, havo, by means of specious prom
ises or force, compelled many refugees to
return to their vilhwcs, where they aro
now dying from coldor-'arvutlou.
At this season, moro emphatically tlmii at any other,
wo should build for tho future.
When Naturo gives vitality to field and wood, thero
should bo tho harmony of renewed life and energy in our
physical systems.
But, on tho contrary, wo find ourselves weak, dull,
tired. This is becauso in tho winter wo havo boon
houa?d-up in poorly ventilated offices, homes and shops,
our blood has becomo thin and impure, and is unequal to
tho demand of tho body for moro lifo, moro vigor, more
energy, moro strength.
Naturo imperatively cries for help!
Where is it to bo found?
Logically enough, in a good Spring Medicine, like
Hood's Sarsaparilla, tho great blood purifier.
This preparation has proven in many years of test
that it supplies tho demand as nothing else can
So easy to take and so readily assimilated, tho puri
fying, vitalizing and enriching elements of Hood's Sar
saparilla combined from nature's own storohouso of
vegetable remedies for human ills, pass into tho stomach
and aro then silently but certainly taken up by tho blood
and sent to every organ and t'tssuo of tho body.
Tho effect is often magical.
Tho weakness is soon driven off, that tired feeling
disappears, tho nerves aro built up, tho stomach resumes
its tasks oven greedily, tho appetito becomes as " sharp
as a whetstone," and tho wholo man feel " as mado anew."
Tho wonderful cures of Scrofula, Salt lthcum, and
other dreadful diseases provo tho great curative, blood
purifying powers of Ilood's Sarsaparilla.
You undoubtedly need a good Spring Medicine.
Take Hood's Sarsaparilla, tho great blood purifier.
The statements in the testimonial below
ire familiar facts to tho Immediate friends
of Mr. Geo. A. Zirkle, school teacher, of
Mt. Horob. Tenn., very well known
throughout the county, where he was
born and has always lived. It Illustrates
the wonderful power of Hood's Sarsapa
rilla over all diseases of tho blood. Read It:
" I believo in Hood's Sarsaparilla. I will
tell you why. I have suffered from in
herited scrofula from childhood. When 37
years of age my eyes became
Strangely Affoctod.
I could not read after sunset, and when I
would close my eyes I could not open
them; but on whichever side I Jay on that
eldo I could open my eye. This condition
continued about two years, and was suc
ceeded by an intolerable itching all over
my body and limbs I had to have my
little boys take shoo brushes and scratch
mo. it was ureadtul. it continued a
month and was followed Immediately by a
tumor In tho right Bide of my neck as large
as a small egg. I took physicians' pre
scriptions till I lost hope. In the mean
time the tumor changed Its place to the
immediate iront oi my necjc, suppurated
-Coin in the Express Safes Melted Loss
Haid to be 100,000.
TsnitB Haute. Ind.. March 16. Tho
"Vnndalla wost bound pnssongor train No.
7, with six coaches with passengers, was
wrecked ut the east yards, near tho fair
.grounds, by collision with a shifting en
,glne. Tho express and baggage cars woro
crushed to spllntors, but the pasaeugors
miraculously escaped with slight bruises.
Directly after tho collision tho wreckod
cars took fire and wore quickly reduced to
Tho two Adams Express safes woro
aken from the ruins almost at whlto
3ieat. A dispatch from Now York says
'that tho coutonts will probably be as high
as $100,000. Tho Now York und St. Louis
earrlos New York business, after the close
of the day's businoss, and is usually a very
valuable box. In this safe tho heat had
melted the ooln Inside so that some of It
escaped. It Is said that about $00,000 was
destroyed. This, however, has not been
Send at the Age of 108 Years.
Halifax, March 10. Angus Glllls, the
coldest resident of Capo Broton, died at
jSkye Glen, Inverness county, at the re
ported ge of 103 years. He was born in
Khe Isle of Skye, Scotland, and was a plo
meer settler In Inverness county. Many
descendanti In the third and fourth gen
esratlon survive him.
The New Orleans Strike.
NEW OltLEANS, March 10. Thero has
boon no change In tho labor situation in
this city. All day yesterday work pro-
grossed on tho wharves, but, as before, It
was tho negroes who loaded tho ships on
which tho lighting took place on Tuesday,
nnd thoy were under tho protection of bod
ies of stuto troops, fully armed and pro
pared to suppress any outbreak of tho riot
ous clement. Tho troops aro still on guard
To Christen the St. Paul.
Philadelphia, March 10. Miss Frances
Griscom.daughterof Clement A. Griscom,
president of tho International Navigation
company, will christen tho big passenger
steamship, tho St. Paul, on March 25.
Members of tho board of trado and of va
rious commercial bodies, togethor with
tho mayor and other officials of St. Paul,
will bo iuvltcd to witness tho christening.
Ten Years of Misery A Simple Remedy,
Lincoln Hentiie. Me "I thank God
that I used Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Itemedy." fauch were the words of Asa 1.
Griffin of this place, and anyone nc
nualnted with the benefit lit derived'from
its use, Knows tnat ne nas great reason to
feel thankful. The history of Mr. Griflin's
case Is of so much interest that your cor
respond net obtained full particulars.
"For ten yenrs nast." to use Mr. Griflin's
own words, "I have suffered wlthconstunt
pain In my back wnlcn was brought
about by a diseased condition of my
kidneys. The suffering I endured at times
Is beyond words. I doctored and took all
manner of medicines, but to no purpose.
1 began to be despondent lor baying was
coming on and I wanted to get to work.
One day I was reading of Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, and I told
my wife I would try it, and I am thank
ful that I did so. 1 had used it but a
short while when the pain disappeared;
and I then started in aud worked all
through haying and helped to get in
twenty-three acres of grain, and I am
feeling better than I have for years. My
wife, who has also taken Favorite Rem
edy for the sickness women are usually
troubled with, has induced many others
to try this valuable meuicine, ana in
every case It has cured, where a cure was
nrtsHihln Onn nf our local nhvsiclnns
recently said : "Dr. Kennedy's Favorite
Kemeuy nas cured more people oi ays.
pepsla, rheumatism, kidney, liver ana
urinary troumes, ana women wno are
suffering from illness peculiar to their
sex, than any known treatment. The
ereat value of Favorite Remedy lies In
the fact tnat it aissoives tne excess or.
uric acid in the blood, oxoels It from the
system, thus curing the disease."
la uiaoeres, ungui s uisease ana gravel,
it has cured where all else failed. Dr.
David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy can
be purchased of any dealer of medicines
at $1 a bottle.
and was followed by others, till six had
formed and broken.
"Finally, three years ago, another large
tumor seated Itself on the point of my col
lar bone and in six months another halt
way back on the bone. Both of them soon
began to discharge and continued to do so
till about seven months ago. I tried every
thing, including prescriptions. I was often
so weak that I could scarcely walk and my
mind was so confused that I could scarcely
attend to my business (school teaching).
I was utterly discouraged. And now my
story draws to a close. I began the use of
Hood's Sarsaparilla a little loss than a year
ago, and took five bottles. When I began
I had no faith in it. In less than 3 months
Both tho Sores
on my shoulder were healed; I was cured
of a troublesome catarrh; and scrofulous
habit has steadily grown less apparent. I
weigh more than I ever did In my life sad
am in the best of health considering my
constitution. Do you wonder that I be
lieve in Hood's Sarsaparilla ? I can do no
less than recommend it everywhere."
Geo. A. Zirkle, Mt. Horeb, Tenn.
Remember, It is Not What We Say, but What Hood's Sarsaparilla Does
tnat Tells the Story. HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES.
"We havo used Ilood's Sarsaparilla for
our little boy, who had a running sore on
one of his limbs. He had suffered from
it for one and a half years He took
seven bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and
the soro is all healed and ho is now well.
Hood's Sarsaparilla cleansed his blood and
cured him." E. B. Johnson, Bridge
water, Iowa.
Scrofula Erndlcatod.
"I am a great sufferer with blood trou
ble. I havo taken several bottles of Hood's
Sarsaparilla and find it the best medicine
I ever saw for scrofula humors and blood
poison. It strengthens the system and
drives away that tired feeling. No one
knows the good Hood Sarsaparilla will do
until it has been faithfully tried." Laura
M. IiAWTON, Spragueville, New York.
Sorc3 On Nock and Arms.
" Last spring I had sores come on my
neck nhu amis, owing to bad blood and a
run down system. My physician told me
to get Hood's Sarsaparilla and take it to
purify my blood. After taking threo bot
tles I was cured. It is an excellent spring
medicine.!' Mrs. Anna DrrzLHB, Now
Danville, Pennsylvania.
Gone to Sleet the lVace Knvoys,
Yokohama, March 10, Count Ito.prosl
dent of tho Japanese council of ministers,
and Viscount Mutsu, tho foreign minister.
havo gono to Shlmonosekl to meet tho
Chlnoso poaco envoys. Tho prizes takon
by tho Japanese at King Kao, tho port of
New Chwang, include a gunboat, two
stoamors, u hundred junks, and largo sup
plies of munitions.
A Revere rheumatic pain in the left
shoulder had troubled Mr. J. II. Loper, a
well known druggist of Des Moines, Iowa,
for over six months. At times the nain
was so severe that he could not lift any
thing. With all he could do he could not
ffinranBfi Beers, Wines and Liquors.
applications oi it," ne says, "Ana nave
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Stc
since been free from all pain." He sow
recommendB It to persona similarly
afflicted. It la for sale by Sruhler Bros.
Virginia Hank Officials Indicted.
IrKCHBUBO, Vu., March 10. The grand
Jury in the United States court returned
:rne bills of indictment for embozzlemont
itgalnst Walker G. Hamnor and R. II.
JPannlhlU, the defaulting bank officials.
The trial has been sot for Friday of nest
The President Returns to Washington.
Washington, March 10. Tho Violet,
with the presidential party on board, ur
rived here ut noon today, and President
Cleveland was at once driven to the White
"House. He Is looking greatly refreshed us
m rc.ult of hit, outing.
take Workers' Wages Ilaiseil.
Mo'JNT Pleasant, Pa., March 10. The
710.000 employes of the Frlok and South
west companlos wore apprised by notions
it all tho works that an advance in wages,
averaging about 15 per oont., will go into
effect la April.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives the
beet satisfaction of nny cough medicine I
handle aud as a seller leads all other prep
arations in this market. I recommend
It because it is the best medicine I ever
handled for coughs, colds and croup. A.
W. Baldiuimje, Mlllersvllle, 111. Forsale
y Gruhler Bros,
Choice Temperance Drinks.
Boat Brands ot 5 and lOo Oigara.
Coming; Events.
April 23, 24 Entertainment in the All
Saints' P. E. church to raise library funds.
Vfliea Baby vu sick, we gave her CastorU.
Whea she was a Child, she cried (or CastorU.
WVin aha became 11 las, she clung to CastorU.
TfTfcea &ha had Children, tho gave them Cutorio.
Dare Ton BoreThroat, PImplas, Copper-Colored
Bpots, Aches, Old Sores. Uloeri In Month, naif
lnilUnsT Write Cook Remedy Co., UOT Jttsv.
onleTenplehleaco41lfor proofs of cures.
CapltaJ w&oojooo. rauenucurea nlneyeare
sound ana wen. iinmstSDMsms
I sontrTXKii.1, Division.
JANUARY 14, 1885.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after tne afcov
late for 'Wiggan's, GUborton, Frackville, Me
Dastle, St. Clair, FottsvUle, Hamburg, Reading
?ottstown, Fhoenlxvllle, Norrlstown andPhf
tdelphla (Broad street station) at 6:08 au 11 w
m. anasnop. m. on weonaays i otfq
'tile and Intermediate stations 0:10 a. ra.
For Wiggan's, Qllberton, Frackville, N.
:stle, St. Clair, FottsvUle at S:C8. 0:40 a. -.
ind 3:10 p. m. For Hamburg, Reading, Pott
.own, Pliccnlivllle, Norrlstown, Phlladelpr i
t CM, 9:10 a. m., 8:10 p. m.
Trains leave Frackville for Shenandoah
,0:40a.m. and 12:14, 5:04, 7:42 and 10:27 p.
lundiya, 1118 a.m. and 6:40 p. m.
Leave Po'.tavllle for Shenandoah at If it '
1:48 a. m. and 4:10,7:15 and 10:00 p. m.Sundaj
tt 10:40 a. m. and 6:15 p. m
Leave Philadelphia (13 road street station) fo
ibenandoah at 6 67 and 8 S5 a no, 1 10 and 7 11 1
n week days. On Sundays leave at 8 60 a m,
Loave Broad StreotStatlon, Philadelphia,
for New York. Express, week dr .
kt 8 20, 4 05, 4 50, 5 15, 8 60, 7 88, 8 20, 860, 10 Si
(dining car), 11, 11 14 a m, 12 noon, 12 41 (Uni
ted 121 and 4 22 D m dlnlnir cars). 140. 2 81
ldlntngcar),S'J0.4, 6,8, 8 60,713, 812, 10 p m..
12 01 night. Sundays. 3 20. 4 05. 4 50. 615. 8 12.
D59, 10 30 (dining car). 1103 a m. 12 44, 3 80
(ainingcar),4w tnmuea i si), azu, H3J, o&u.
18, 8 12, 10 00 p m, 12 01 night.
jsxpress tor uostoa, wunout change, 11 a u
weekdays, and 6 50 p m dally.
For Baltimore and Washington 8 60. 7 20. 8 li
10, to 20, 11 18, 11 88 a m, (12 86 limited (Unlet
sar.l 1WJ. it IB. 111. (tt 10 uoniresalonal I,1m.
ItnO, dining car), 6 55, (dining car), 617, 6 65,
(dining car), 7 40, (dining car) p.m. and 12 Oi
night f eek days. Sundays, 8 50, 7 20, 9 10, 11 18,
1183 am, 4 41, 555 (dining car), 655 (dlnlni
car), 7 40 (dining car) p m and 12 03 night.
Lve uarset Bireei r erry, rnnaaeipnis
Express, 8 60 a m, 2 10, 4 10 andSOOpm week
lays. Sundays, Express. 8 45 and 45 a m.
For Cape May, Anglesea, Wlldwood anc
Holly Beach, express, 9 a. m., 400 p m wees
days . Sunday, 8 00 a m.
ForBea Isle Olty, Ocean Olty and Avalon,
Express. 9 00 a m, 400 p m week days. Sun
days, 9 00 am.
for Homers Point, express, 840, am, 410 p
m week days. Sundays, 8 45 a m.
B. M. PBivoai, J R. WOOD,
Qen'lliantrer osn'l Pass'c'r Ail
IN ItrFBOT NO EMBim 18. 1894.
'I'ratns leave Shenandoah as follows i
For New York via Philadelphia, week Ct
110,5.25,7.20, a.m., 12.32, 2.65, 6.55 p.m. Su
1.10, a.m. For New York via Maui; CI'
week days, 5.25,7 20 a. m., 12.32, 2.55 p. m.
r'or neaaing ana .rnu&aeipma, weev ub
iu, d.:, 7.w, a. m 12.SZ, z.&o, 0.00 p. ra.
lay, 2.10, a. m.
'or FottsvUle. week days. 2,10. 7.20. a,
U.SZ, z.oa, 5.5s p, m. sunnay, z.iu a. m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week da
M0, 5.25, 7.20, a.m., 12,82,2.65,5 p.m. Si
day, 2.10, a. m. .65
For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lewisus
reek days, 8.25, 11.30 a. m., 1.85, 7.20 p. r
Sunday, 8.25 a. m.
For Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2.10, 3.2s, r
7.20, 11.80 a.m., 12.82, 1.85, 2.65, 5.65, 7.20, 9 8
p. m. Sunday, 2.1U, 8.25, a. m.
For Ashland and Stamokln, week days, S.
7.20, 11.30 a. m., 1.85, 7.20, 9.85 p. m. Su:C6t
i.25 a. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West '
B. A O. R. R-, through trains leave Readlr
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. & R. II, R.) at 3.20
7.55, 11.26 a. m 8.18, 7.27, p. m.. Hundav 3 28
Jio,!'.2J a. m., 3.48, 7.27 p. m. Additions'
tialn from 24th and Chestnut streets station
week Jays, 1.45, 6.41, 8.23 p. m. Sundays, 1.86,
p. m.
TztAin a run auKKinuuiui
Leave New York via Phlladelnma. weekdai
8.00 a. m., 1.80. 4.00, 7.80 p. m 1U5 night. 8
day, 6.U0 p. m.
Leave New Yorkvla Mauch Chunk.weekaa)
1.80. 9.10 a. m., 1.10, 4.80 p. m.
Leave fnuaaeipnia, iieaaing xernuci
week days. 4.20. 8.85. 10.00 a. m.. and 4.."
8.02, 11.80 p. m. Sunday, 11.30 p. m.
j-eve tteacung, weeK oays,,y.iv,iu.vo, ti w
m., 5.66, 7.67 p. m Sunday, 1.85, a. m.
Leave FottsvUle. week davs. 2,86. 7.40 . IT
12.30, 6,12 p. m Sunday, 2.85 a. m.
i.eave Tamaqua, weeit days, 8.1s, n.ou, u.-a 1
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the
nameLKSSlo & Baeb, Ashland, Fa., la
prlntad on every sack. tf
Your Stomach : : :
Cannot stand tha same washing that
your boots do. and the water yon drink
Isn't even fit for that purpose. Use
Lorenz Schmidt's Beer and Porter.
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
North Main St., MAHANOY CITY,
Relief In Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis
eases relieved In six hours by the "New
Great South American Kidney Cure."
This new remedy Is a great surprise on
account of its exceeding promptness In
relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys,
back and every part of the urinary pas'
sages In male or female. It relieves re
tention ot water and naln In nimalnor It
almost Immediately. If you want quick SaloOIl and Restaurant,
relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold 7
at the City Pharmaoy, 107 S. Main St., 251 North West Street.
next aoor to me post omce, tahenanaoan, Finest brands of cigars. Choice Wines
tra. i-y-om 1 ana liquors.
Largest and finest hotel In the region.
Finest accommodations.. Handsome fixtures.
Pool and Illlllard Rooms Attached,
We offer BDeclal facilities to operators lame I
j or email, for trading on marglni in stock. I
Brains or provision, xuarnet letter issued reg
ularlr. nlvinc latest confidential advices. Or. i
! dent received on one per cent margins. Our I
Sjook, " Speculation, or How to Trade." mailed I
on receipt ot twe-cent stamp. VAN WINKLE
a vu., cm xioor uan vuuaing, la uaiie street, i
I ujucago.
Pilsner Beers
Finest, Forest, Healthiest.
Chris. Schmidt, Agt
207 West Coal St,, Shenandoah.
j 1 vt tutus j iiiwiiiiiDVHi
lit shim mmmwhzr0h0i&
m.. B.28 n.m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 3.4S, B.11
ii.t7 a. m., i,6i, 7.s, .M p, m. an:
a. m.
Sunday, 8.18 a. m
p. m. Sunday,
Leave Mahanov Plane, week dt vs. Z.M. 4 00.
9.80, 8.87, 11.69 a. m., 12.68, 1.09, S.S0, B.!fl,7.C3,10 It
p. m, Sunday 2.40, 4.00 a. m.,
Lieave wiuiamspori, woe oays, w.iu,
i. 8.85,11.16 p.m. Sunday, 11.16 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia. Chestnut Street Wharl
ind South Street Wharf for Atl&ntlo Olty;
week-Days-rExcress. a. m.. 2.0U. I.0D
LOO p. m, .Aooommodaalon, 8.00 a. m 6.46
p. m.
'Sunday Express. .00, 10.00 a, m. Aoconi
nodatlon, 8.00 a. m. and 4.80 p. m.
iieiuming, leave Aiiaauo uuy, aepot, oornsi
Itlantlo and Arkansas avenues.
w vs Exnress. 7Ja. 9.00 a. m. and
4X0 and 5Jf$ p. m. Aocommodatlon, 8.15 a, m.
and 4.83 p. m.
Dunos) tuxrress, s.w. tju p. m. Aooommo
datlon, 7.15 a. m., and 4 15 p. m.
rarior cars on an express iranu.
C. a. HANCOCK, Oen. Pass. Aft
Philadelphia r
I. A. SWBIOABP, Gen. Sunt.
ts the cheapest and best fence made. Cheaper
iuaa h woouea lonoe torrotiiucuuciB, "nuiwifl'
etery lots or any kind of f enolng. M. II. Mautih
nas the agenoyand carries It In stock! at hit
marble and granite wonts. 117 h, jakjih st,
Stop at
200 North Centre Strftot.
Meals at all hours, kadies'tl.inlng room
aiutcueu. xiucoi. vviuco, iiuuirs, ClgarS.
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for
I'onn Uaven Junction, .tiauo Chunk, ji
nlghton, Slatlngton, Wblte Hall, Catasauiiuk,
Alientown, Betnlehom, Easton and Weatherl i
(I 04. 7.88, B.15 am 18 41 2 57, 5.27 p.m.
For New York and Pbiladelpnli, 8.M, 7.S;,
9.15 a m., 12.48, 2.57 p. m. For Quakake,
Swltcfcbck, Gerbards aud Hudsondale, 8.0t
P.15 a. ra., and 2.57 p, m.
For Wllkes-Barre, White Haven, Plttston,
Laceyvllle, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly ana
Elmua, 8.04, 9.15 a. m., 2.57, 6.27 p. m.
For Rochester, BuSalo, Niagara Falls and
the West, 6.04, 9.15 a. m. and 2.57 5.27 p. m.
For lielvldere, Delaware Water Gap and
stroudsburg, S.04 a, m., 2.67 p. m.
For Lambertvllle and Trenton, S.15 a. m.
For Tunkbannock, 8.04, 9.15 a. m., 3.67, 5.27 p. m.
For Itbaca and Geneva 8.04. 9.15 a. m. 5.::
i. m
For Auburn B.15 a. m. 5.27 p. m.
7.88 a. m 12.43 p. m.
For Stockton and Lumber Yard, 8.04, 7.f8
3.15, a. m 12.48, 2.67, 6.27 P. m.
For Sliver Brook Junction, Audenrled and
Hazleton 6 04, 7.88, 9.15 a. m , 12.49, 2.57, S.27 and
8.08 p. n..
ForScranton, 8.04, S.15, a. m 2.67 and 6.R
p m.
For Hazlebrook, Jeddo, Drll ton and Freelan d
9.U4, 7,88, U.1B, a. m 1Z.48, iD7, H.Z7 p. tC.
rot Asniana, uuaravuio ana ijosi ureea, t.c,
f.43, 9.13, 10.20 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, S.85 p. m.
For Kaven Run, Centralla, Mount Oarme ar.d
Bhamokln, 9.18, 11.14 a. m.,1.82, 4.20, 8.28, 9.16
p, m.
For Yatesvllle, Park Place. Mahanov City and
Delano, 6.04, 7.38, 9.15, 11.06 a m 1146, 2.57
527, 8.08,.10.&3p.m.
Trains will leave Sbamokln at 5.15, 8.16,
11.45 a.m.. 1.65. 4.80 9.30 d. m.. and arrive at
Shenandoah at 6.04, 9.15 a. m., 12.13, 2.57, 5.27,
11.15 p. m.
i.eave anonanaoan tor i'otisvnie, d.w, v.oo
08, 11.05 11.80 a. m 12.48, 2.57, 4.10 6.27, 8.ff
p. m
Leave FottsvUle for Shenandoah, 8.06, 7.50
9.05, 10.15,11.40 a. m 12.82, 8.00,, 440, 5.23, T.16,
'.oo, D.iu p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton, 6.14,7.83,915,
I. m., 12.48, a57, 6.27, B.08 p. m. . .
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7.86, lO.Or,
II. 99 a. m , 12.15, 2.66, 6.80, 7.25, 7.56 p. m,
Trains leave for Raven Bun, Centralla, Mt.
Carmel and Sbamokln, 6.45 a. m., 2.40 p. m..
andarrive at Hbamoicin at . -
PTnilns leave Bbamokln ltfr Shenandoah at
75 a. mt and 4.00 p. m., and arrive at 8uc
andoahat8.49. m. and4.DBP. m.
Trains leave for Ashland, Qlrardvllle and Lost
Creek, 9.40 a. m., 12.80 p. m.
For Hazleton, Black Creek Junction, Fecn
Haven junction, aucn uauua, aiwowsb,
Bethlehem, Baston and New York, 8.49 a mH
For jf nnaaeipuiA a. u. uu
For Yatesvllle, Park PlaceMahtnoy Olty ana
Delano, 8.49, 11.88 a. m., 12.80, 2.65, 4.58 6.03 p. m.
Lsava Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8.M. ll.lti
a. m., 1.C8, 5.80 p. m.
Leavo Shenandoah for Pottsrllle, (.66 8.49,
9.80 a. m., 2.40 p. m.
Leave roiuviue tor anenanuoan, o.w, n u
.m.,1.85, 5.15 p, m. '
South Bethlehem, Fa
OHAS. 8. LEE, Colli. Pass. Agt.,
South Bethlehem, Fa
If your clothier doesn't keep
Hammeralougb : Bros
Swell, Reliable, New York
Make htm get it Their celebrated
$15.00 Melton Overcoat
Wears like steel and Is sold by every promt
nent clothier In the state. None genuine wltn
out Uammerslough Bros.' laboL
" ' ' Temperance Drinks.
Mineral waters, Weiss beer. Bottler of
the finest lager beers.
17 an! 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah, Pa,