: v SHENANDOAH, PA., SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1895. VOL. X.--NO 74. ONE CENT y, t. 8 ih " it. i - & A Big Clothing Merchant Of Shenandoah whr In the city for three weeks purchasing spring stock. I bought war, bargains In the finest styles. By chanco 1 bought at Sheriff's sale for SJ.OOO Clothing worth $5,000. Tliese Bargains Must be Sold To make room for the 58 easel of SPRING CLOTHI VG which are to coule. The clothing just received packs my store and there is no room left for more Roods. I must and will sell these BARGAINS before the 17th of March, as my bpring stocK comes in March. Come all, come everybody. Come early to get your bargains. This sale will just suit you for these hard times. 'o Offer Refusedu They must be sold at any price the great bargains. Remember Great Mammoth L. G0LDIN, Prop Glassware A. beautful and very useful line At the cut price of 5c, 10c and 15c per Piece. NO. 21 K0I1TH MAIN STREET, SBENAND0AH, PA. y Wo will glvo a sheet of Music for the mere asking. ' FREE New Gapes at Liook at our window display ot Bprinsj capes. Every garment now and correct iu Btyle. This week we offer three great leaders at These prices are just half is ew dress goodB coming every day. Our Btore is up to date iu the newest noclt'es in rich drees goods at money-saving prices. Ten pieces more of that wonderful 50 Jiqual to the dollar goods of other L J. Wilkinson, 29 South Mam St. PisliStock.. H ull stock of Mackerel consisting of Norway Bloaters, lare, white and fat. Norway No 1. Shore No. 1 and 2. CodBsh Jir cks and Shredded Codfish. Halmon, 10 cents a can Sjlmon,"2 cans for25j cents fine quality. Saimoii Best hran'ds at.higher-i ncea. Steak salmon at 16 cents, a.can.' - ' " Sardines Domestic and Iraportdd. ' Smoked CromartvBjoaters. Fancy Full Cream ."Fanoy Creamery Butter. Special Papir 5holl Almonds and California Walnuts, extra fino quality Now Valeiiflia Oranges Fino Oalifbrnia Oranges Froeh Loraons For tho complexion Buttermilk Tabls Oil Clpth-l Best Quality 2 BAKED SWfe KT '' POTATOES Fresh Ginger Snnris -Fresh Oyster Craqkers ' Fresh Tea Biscuit - 4 lbs for S5o l51bsfor36o 8 lbs fpr,2f.c O-tt Flukes Breakfast Gem. Pearl Tapio"ca.' Wheat iFlakbs. Colonial FfioU1 Pfiftrl Hominy For Sale-' One Heavy twje-horee Spring wagon as good as new. One good bay horae. - At Keiter's. In fdrnlture i-hat Will mnke the thin pocket-book smile all over with glad ness. See what a Btnnll amount of money will accomplish just now : Ladles' Rockers 11.00 up. Bedsteads 1.90 up. Cupboards 3.90 up. Extension Tables ..... 4.50 up. Cradles 1.25 up. Chamber Suits, 8 pieces- 10.00 up. Parlor Sults,5 pieces 23.00 up. Come and see and be convinced that this Is the cheapest place In the state to buy your furniture. Williams & Son No. 13 S. Main St. to make room for more goods, the place. Don't miss Clothing House, 9 and 11 South Main Street. to any purchaser of goods from our store Bargain Prices. of what you would expect to pay cout black Henrietta just received. stores. Cheese Rich and Mild. ' r Strictly Fresh Eggs. 7T72 lbffor 25 cnts . 26 cents a dozen 85 coota a doaeii 2 dozen for 25c ani Cucumber Soap, 5 cents a cako 1-4 yards wide- yards for 25c - - 10 cents a can Fresh Coffee Cakes - 4 lbs for 25c Morning Glory Wafers fine nnd delicate Rolled Oats. Pearl Sago-." v mm pjuuiiM Phi vr Mvn in, rt m i new. An Inmate of the Lockup Hakes Things Exceedingly Lively for a Time. TRIES TO WRECK HIS CELL. TORE OUT ONE OF THE WATER PIPES IN HIS RAVINGS AND FLOODS THE PLACE. The Break In the Breastwork of the Davis' Run Reservoir is Tempor arily Repaired Inspected by Counctlmen. Brief mention was made yesterday of the arrest of a stranga man on Thursday night for trying to clean out a store on West Centre street- The man was well stocked with liquor and in a condillon bordering on delirium tremens. Neither his name nor address could bo learned at the time and after vainly trying to pacliy the man Policeman Lee Tan him into the lockup. When placed In the cell the man acted like u maniac. He attacked the cell door like an enraged lion, but accomplished nothing. He eventually turned his at tentiou to a water pipe and tugged at it until he got it loose aud the wuter poured into his cell. Nature finally asserted it self and the man fell exhausted upon the wooden bench. He was kept prisoner until last night, when he was allowed to go home.' Before leaving the man said he was Joseph Hlllabuah and that he resided at Yatesvllle. He was dretsed like a farmer and it was supposed that he was from the Catawissa Valley until he dis closed his iudentlty last night. Freh lobster Elheuuy's. salad for sale at Y- TEMPORARILY REPAIRED. The Breastwork at luvls' Run Secured Against Further Damage. Council cuea McRlhenny, Straughn, Melnskey and Magargle spent yeSterday afternoon at DavU' Run, inspecting the breastwork of the public water works reservoir and report that the damaged portion has been sufficiently repaired to withstand any freshet that may occur this spring, although the repairs are of only a temporary character. As soon as all danger attending the breaking up of the winter season Is passed it will be necessary to make permanent repairs to some extent. For the present the break has been tilled with n mixture of cement, pebbles and gravel and no trouble is ex pected even if the water should rise tno feet above the waste way. The Councilmeu are now cmvinced that the break in the breastwork was due entirely to poor material used in the construction, and nut in any measure to springs. There is a spring in the center of the breastwork, but that has an outlet through a pipe, There is also oue in the wuste way, but that has no connection with the breast work. Lace curt tins done on the famous Sin clalr frames, at Fay's steam laundry. PENCIL POINTS. Local News Gleanings Condensed foi Hasty Perusal. Easter bonnets are being ordered. Green will be the popular color tomor row and Monday. You won't heed to fill your coal bins so often until next winter. Housecleanlngtlme will soon be here and housekeepers are anxloos for warmer weather." Housekeepers' are' complaining of the unusual 'depredalious' of moths among clothing.. A young opossum and two small flying squirrels were offered for sale in town yesterday. Sousa'a Band concert was a financial success In Pottsville. Here it would have been a failure. He who maintains a nuisance around his premises should be reported to the Board of Health, A profit able thhig could be made by someone in gathering up the old tin cans aud melting them for the lead that is In them. It U "aid the railroad companies will re- Inaugurate the system of cheap excurs ions to New York, Philadelphia aud other points this summer. xue nign price patu tor mimm in town ough( to Insure a good article, but it does not. Bight cents a quart for the skttnmtd product is too much. In other towns 3 cents a quart is considered a fair price. Sunday Papers. I am the only authorized agent for the Philadelphia (Silu'iiuy Press, also agent for all other' Philadelphia and New York Sunday papers. AH orders left at the of fice oi, 'Squire T.T, Williams will, have my prompt .attention, 11-3-es-tf D. T. WHJ4AMS. , ! AdYertlsed Letter., The following ipft list of the jetten ad- vvri-iBcu'an-remaiuiug uucancu 11 v local post' office J, Cnlleq, E. R- Cross, D. S. Loudon. Georae Raymer, Minnie Timely Topics. adelnhla is to have a number nonster hotels. There is room for few luSShenandoah. , Pnrkhurst, the New York reformer, has a swellod head. He wonts everything his own W. or he won't play. Thef suicidal mania seems to spread rapidly, as scarcely a day passes that a number of persons do not take their own lives. What the American people want more than anything else is a war, to kill off the surplus population and make burners hum once more. Ex-Queen Lll of Hawaii, wears striped dresses now. Her friend, the President of the Untied Stntes, ought to do some thing to secure her pardon. Mr. Choate, one of America's greatest lawyers, is being highly commended by the press of the United States for his able argument against the Income tax. r ' r a - ' XT i uuvernur munuu, ui nwv lunt, seems to be the choice of the Republicans of his state for President in 1897. Our own Governor, General Hastings, stands in a Bimllar light among Pennsylvania Re publicans. The United States has been humiliated n number of times since the Cleveland administration undertook to run the country. To insult the United States flig is a common thing nowadays, and no one need fear of getting hurt. Sunday Local. Rev. T. R. Edwards will preach in the Methodist EpUcopal church tomorrow morning and evening. Service will be held In All Saints Pro testant Episcopal church at 10:30 o'clock tomorrow morning. Rev. Marks, of St. Clair, will officiate. There will be com munion and baptism if required. Sunday school nt 2 p. m. No service in the even ing. There will be the following special order of service in the Trinity Reformed church on West Lloyd street tomorrow evening: Organ prelude; anthem, "Sow ing in Tears;" invocation, "Apostle's Creed ;" hymn ; scripture lesson ; chant, "Gloria Patrl;" hymn; prayer; sermon, "The Base Dantal ;" chant, "The Lord'i Prayer;1' anthem, "Pass Under the Rod;" offering; hymn ; benediction; postlude; self-denial offering at the door. PERSONAL. Miss Mary Potneroy visited friends at the county seat today. A. T. Jones moved his household goods to Pottsville yesterday. Miss Hannah Reese spent today with friends at Mahanoy City. John R. Boyer today moved his house hold goods to Port Carbon. Miss Kate Higgins, of West Cherry street, has recovered from her attack of la grippe. The "Y" Program. The following program will be rendered at the "Y" meeting this evening: Sing tug, "Y"; scripture rending, Jo?ephlne Daddow ; rending, Bella Brown ; dcclama tion, Jennie Hares; comic reading, Harry Parker; Instrumental music, John Hough; "News of a week," William Richards r-ading,. Mattle Price; "What I saw of interest 1 during the week," Raymond Ehrhart; cornet solo, Walter Taylor; critic, John T. Lawson. Prayer meeting Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Every body h invited to attend. flcElhenny's Lunch Tonight. By request of a number of his patrons Mr. McElhenny has decided to serve' his customers and the publio In general with that elegant and delicious lnnch, clam chowder, Do not hesitate about calling, as everybody is cordially invited, "The Pay Train." A light audience witnessed the produo tion of "The Piy Train" at Fergmon's theatre last night by Florence Bindley and company. The company was pretty evenly1. balanced and gave a very good entertainment. The railway and mill scenes were produced with good effect and the specialties by Miss Bindley and John Sbeehan were generously applauded Elopement Stopped. John Mnkufskl nnd Mrs. Anthony Balunkl, residents of this place, attempted to elope on Wednesday last, but were stopped by the woman's brother, who overtook the couple at Yatesvllle and in duaed the woman to reconsider her action and return to her huibeud. Tonight. . Arrangements have been made to sup ply an a'my with a free hot (soup) luuch at the Soheifly House tonight. This something new in the free lunch culinary line. Every bowl is worth 36 cents, but will be given nway this evening. There will also bo an elaborate bill of fare. Oysters In nny style and everything else that the market affords,' Everybody wel come. ' DaDD has removed his gallery to Hoff man's old stand, West. Centre street. , Died. PowtLL. At Shenandoah, Pa., on the Hth Inst,, Benjamin Powell, aged 07 years, 3 mqnth apAf.da.'yj.'fluneral will take place on Monday, 18th Inst., at p. m., frpm te family residence, 824 West Cherry street, Shenandoah. Interment In Odd Fellows' cemetery.' Relatives and f j lends respectfully lr vlted tot attend. I, i - Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and II n niLiBest mi Finest Special Exercises of a Very Inter, esting Character Held Yes terday Afternoon. MUSICAL AND LITERARY I PUPILS INDULGE IN VOCAL SOLOS AND CHORUSES, RECITATIONS, READ INGS AND OTHER EXERCISES. One of a Series of Very Pleasant En tertainments That Bring Great Benefit to the Pupils of the School. The special exercises in the High school yesterdny afternoon attracted quite a large attendance of friends of the pupils nnd they were given a rare nnd exceedingly pleasing program of vocal and instrumental music and literary exer- cUes. Publio Interest In these exercises of the High school is increasing and it will only be a question of time when they will be looked upon and patronized as regular lecture courses are patronized In other plnces. They are not only found pleas Ing and Instructive to the patrons, but nre of Immense benefit as a train ing course for the pupils. It nccus toniB them to appearing and speaking public, so that when the time for the graduating exercises arrives the piiplls are prepared to meet the ordeal of addressing the Inrge audiences In the pera house with self possession aud grace. Ilie exercises also practically form a course In elocution. They are held every six weeks. Allen Seltzer is the president of the school and Miss Leckle the secretary. Misses Muir and L zzle Dougherty and Mr. Luther Edwards were he Judges on the debate. The exercises were opened at two o'clock with an address by the president on "Our Opportunity," which wa followed by the following numbers : Singing, "Out Country's Call," school; r adlng, "The Old Man in the Model Church." Ml-s oluier; referred question, "What is the Moonf" John Conry; recitation, "The American Flag," MissMcManus; senti ments, Misses Fox and Hand and Mr. Beacher; singing, "Stars of the Summer Night," school ; reading, "Barbara Frit ehie," John Keogh; referred question. Who Was Mine. De Stall f" Miss Burke; recitation, "William Tell," Miss Stauton; instrumental solo, "The Star Spangled Banner," with variations, MlssPrice;sentl meuts, John Adamson, M. Byrne and Miss Shane ; referred question, "Who is tht Mikado f" Arthur Levine ; reading, "The True Philanthropist," Miss Sheehy; sluging, "Ode for Washington's Bitth day," school ; recitation, "The Progress Humanity," Miss Gunter; referred question, "Michael Angelo," Miss Cant lln ; reading, "The Boston Boys," Miss liable ; oration, "Improvement of Time," Cornelius Campbell ; sentiments, Misses H. Davis and Kane and Frank Coury referred question, "Frederick Douglass," Waolow Czyzewskl ; singing "Hall Col utnbla," school ; reading, "Pearl Fishing," Miss M. Davis; reterred ques tion, "What are Comets f" James Creary; recitation, "Tribute to Washington," Miss McDonnell ; sentiments, James Stack nnd Miss Eisenhower ; referred question, "Who was George Peabody 1" Miss Campbell ; singing, "Swanee River," school. -The exercises also Included debate on the proposition, "Resolved, that the study ,of history is jnore beneficial than thq study of gepgraphy," Misses Hlahertyi Meehan, Lechleltner and Harry Gable took the affirmative' side of the question and Misses North,, Mansell and Straub and Mr. A. D. Beck, the negatlv. The debate was an ' expeedlngly Interest ing one and was decided, in favor of the negative by the vptes of twp of the judges, one voting in favor of the negative. Miss Llewellyn read tho critic's report and tho exercises closed with the singing of "My Country 'tis of Thee" by the school. When you want good roofing, plumb ing, gws fitting, or general tlusmithiiig doue oall on E. F. Gallagher, 18 Went Centre street. Dealer in stoves. 3 4 tt No St. Patrick's. Day Parade. For the flrt time In several yer there will ue nu St. Patrlck'4 Pay uarade, u town this year. A parade was looked for on Monday, but as the St. Patrlok's band, wbieh usually took the lead in celebrat ing the day, hab been dissolved aud te the ptiopleara anxious to, takfuidvaiitajtyt, of all the working Jiuie. they .can get, It has been decided not to have formal obser vance of the day. . Lovers of lobster salad can be accina- dated at.Mcl'JIheuuy's, Pascuto Get Flffcen Vears. Lewis Pascuto, thtt.Itallan who pleaded trntUrtnfl r-lmrivnnf TnilrdApin thpHfHVind degree before. the cou'ati)oUsTlli'S terdqy, was sentenced by Judge bavidge to pay a fine of, $30 and costs,arid ser.TU 15 years Imprisonment in. the Kasf.ern. pent' tenttary at Philadelphia. Fay's steam Laundry. Fay's steam laundry employs none but home labor. Send your laundry there In tiss County, 18 kr. plain Wedding Rings, Band and Fancy Rings,. Dia monds, Sterling Silver and Platedware, Jewelry, Clocks and Optical Goods sold lower than ever. HUMAN' Jewelry ii ii Cor. Main and Lloyd Sts. Repairing done prompt and in. faultless manner. ODDS AND ENDS. Interesting Paragraphs on Movements In Railway and Other Circles. Ab it seems no two persons versed in ground hog lore can agree as to whether or not his hogship saw his shadow on Feb ruary 2, the weather man has accomodat- ingly given both sides the best of the argument by bandingout their respective weather on alternate days. U. S. Express Agent Smith, of Allen- town, on the route between Hnzletou and Mauch Chunk, has resigned already, and It is said the cause of his resignation was the fear of bejng swallowed up som- night In the mine breaches nearStocktou. The Lehigh Valley shops at Hazlelon are to be converted into a boiler manu facturing plant by the company and all the boilers needed along the line are to bemnde nt that place, just as the foundry work is now done at Weatherly and the machine work at Delano. Clergymen, who have for years enjoyed the privilege of reduced transportation rates upon the railroads of the country, will have those privileges entirely cut oil in the near future. The Xew York Central, Xew York, Lake Erie & Western and West Shore have already done so. and the Pennsylvania, Reading, Balti more & Ohio and Lehigh Valley will fol low suit at the end of the present j ear. A letter-box swindler Is operating through the eastern and middle counties of this state. He claims to be the agent of a manufacturer who makes letter boxes. These boxes he offers to lease for a term of Ave years at the startling low rate of five cents a year. The lease Is a very liberal document nnd permits the lesse tb remove the letter box to another house it It la necessary. The money is re quired to be paid In advance, though, and here is where the swindle comes in, for no one ever sees the letter box. A receipt is given for the money, of course, but it Is always signed with a leul pencil and written in such a manner as to be Illegi ble. Felgenspan's Bock. Now on tap.at all the principal hotels and saloons.. It is a genuine bock beec. No counterfeit, but excellent beer direct. from the celebrated Christian Feigen- spans Brewery, Newark, N. J. 3 14-lw The Columbia Fair. The fair of the Columbia Hose & S, F. E. Company will be opened in Robblns' opera house on Monday night, next, and continued to and including April 2nd. firemen's street parade will precede the opening of the fair. A ton of coal will he given away on Monday night and the Grant Band will give a concert in the hall Full of trouble" is the unhnpp sufferer with pains and rhenmsti-ni KeU Flag Oil Is the famous pain cure lor Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia aud Luui bago. Costs 36 cents. Ked Flag Oil sold nt Gruhler Bros. Drag Store. You'll be Surprised To learn how cheap EGGS are at our place. Lower than ever. Cost less than meat. Remember, we sell nqne but fresh eggs. We have a great variety of Butter. Store 122 North Jarain S reet r Smith, R. J. Williams. do not purge, pain or gripe. 85c. aud benefit your own people. wis