The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 15, 1895, Image 4

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FHID.VY. MAKCII 15, 1695.
Local News Gleanings Condensed
Hasty Perusal.
Muddy streets.
La grippe la abating.
Many bad pavrtneut.
Ituse ball talk already.
Peddlers are ou the run.
" Plenty ot empty bouses.
St. Patrick's day Sunday.
Shad In the market this week.
Winter ends on the Hhh Instant.
Southern garden "sass" coming.
Too early yet to think ot picnics.
Spring goods are being displayed.
'Tig hard to collect taxes just now.
The flitting season is near at hand.
The frost is not very deep in the ground.
Don't get discouraged; better times
The liquor men are organizing for pro.
Farmers are busy hauling manure to
their fields.
Some people are already moving, Into
new habitations.
Our local fishermen are getting their
fishing tackle together.
Kggs have taken a tumble. They are
now cheaper than meat.
Orange, of good quality, are plenty in
our markets ami cbop, too.
People should beware of frozen fish
that have become thawed out. They
are unfit to eat.
Relief In Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and. Bladder dis
eases relieved in six hours by the "New
Great South American Kidney Cure."
This new remedy Is n great surprise on
account of its exceeding promptness In
relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys,
back and every part of the urinary pas
sages in male or female. It relieves re
tention of water and pain in passing it
almost Immediately. If yon want quick
relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold
at the City Pharmacy, 107 S. Main St.,
next door to the post office, Shenandoah,
Pa. l-9-3m
Coming Events.
April 23, 24 Entertainment in the All
Saints' P. E. church to raise library iunds.
"I contracted a severe cold from wet,
and exposure. Bronchitis followed.
Doctors failed to relieve me. Several of
the members of my family had died of
consumption, and I thought I vas doomed.
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup brought
instant relief and perfect cure." M.
"Unger, Union Corners, Northumberland
Co., Pa.
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the
name Lessig & Baer, Ashland, Pa., Is
printed on every sack. tf
Are you a tulTerer from that terrible
plague, Itching Piles f Doau's Ointment
will bring you instant relief and perman
ent cure. Get it from your dealer.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives the
best satisfaction of any cough medicine I
handle and at a seller leads all otherprep
urationfa in this market. I recommend
it besanse it is the best medicine I ever
'handled for coughs, colds and croup. A.
W. Baldiudqe, Millersville, 111. Forsale
by Gruhier Bros.
Miloi.l. Iiy r,. lamfto.
Df.nvku, M.iivi: 15. -Siu::u tho sulci'
Lluv r, ilto anarchist m i'tfVXC!vv'
there lias boon no ivcord,f such u cold
blooded suicide as that of Alois Foldl, mi
Austrian, in this city ostorday. Fotdl
killed himself on Logu aveuuo, a fash
lonablo thoroughfare nt midday, by ex
ploding a dynnmib C!irtridgo about an
Inch and a half fm diameter and four
Inches long. Th tin, i0ft std0 of his
bony was Diownint0 fragmonts, pieces be
ing scattered nil about the neighborhood.
When ByDy was sick, -we gave her Castorla.
Then 4ie was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
Whejyehe became Miss, she clung to Castorla.
"Perhaps you would not think so, but a'
very large proportion of diseases In New
York comes from carelessness about catch
lug cold," says Dr. Syrus Kdson. "It 1b
such a simple thing and so common that
very few people, unless it Is a case of
pneumonia, pay any attention to a cold.
New Yrk is one ot the healthiest places
on the Atlantic Coast and yet there are a
groat many cases ot catarru nuu con
. sumption which have their origin in this
uetfli-ot of the simplest precaution ot
every day life. The most censlble advice
is. when you have one get rid ot it as soon
as possible By all meaus do not ueglect
it ' Dr Kdson doe not tell you how to
cure a cold hut we will. Take Chamber
latn'h C nigh Remedy. It will relieve the
Induce, 't'l expactnrariou, open the wu ra
tion ii rd KOuu effect a permanent our.
8.1 nurt-60 cent botlltM forsale by Gruhier
Uut- icuarantei'd No operation. In
quire at tho Shenandonh drug store, No.
3 Sauth Main ijtreu
A iwvere
rheumatic pain In- the. left
thonhler had
troubled Mr. J. II. Loner, a
well knowudrnifgistof Des Moines, Iowa,
for over Nix months. At times the Pain
wan q Buverti that be could not lift auy.
thing. With all he oould do he could not
?;t rid of it until he appll d Chamber
nln's Pain Balm. "I only made three
applications ot It," he says, "And have
since been free from all pain." He now
recommends it to persons similarly
afflicted. It is for Bale by Gruhier Bros.
" Fine fS-rocevies.
201 West Centra Street.
Dealer In cm eerie. Sour. nrovl'lonB. teas.
ooOees, engar, etc, Deatquallty, lowest prices. 1
Ulilloulty In LountliiK "" Men Who
l.viitilicil I lv Italian.
PtTKBI.o, Colo., March 15. A warm wind
at Walsonburg yesterday moltod the snow
very rapidly and dried the earth so that
searching partle again sot out to hl'nt for
tho two Italians killed by thu mob Tuos
duy night, of whom no trace has yet boon
found. Quiet reigns, but the extreme
clnseinouthedtieas that has characterized
everybody in Wnlsonbiirg and Bouse sinco
tliB mob did its fatal work still oontlnuos.
Thero Is no doubt but that a very consid
erable number of people know thoroughly
well who did the killing, but they know
too well.
Walsonburg has for years boon a rnthor
hard town, with an element that occasion
ally shows its tooth and iisos its guns.
Those mon nro of a more or loss promi
nence, and as it is bollovcd thoy did tho
work, no ono daros to say so or acknowl
edge auy cogulzanco of the participants
for fear of being himself usod ns as target.
Notorious Bob Ford, slayer of J esse
Jnmos, ran u dance hall In .tho town of
Walsonburg for Bovoral years. Six of his
pals from that placo aro now in tho state
prison for various crlmos, but others nro
still on hand.
Walsonborg Is a hamlet ot about 1,000
peoplo, with coal initios and miners at her
doors on every sldo, and tho turbulontclc
niont Is therefore largo, and ospoclnlly
since tho strjko of Inst summer, after
which mnuy miners who wore steady and
had accumulated somo proporty moved
StlllNo Definite Nmva Itognrdlni,' thelleilin
Hegonte's Fate.
MAPHID, March 15. Sovcrnl British war
ships havo left Glbraltnr in search of tho
missing Rclna Kogente. Ono report cur
rent hero is that sho was found by a Brit
ish vessel in n disabled condition off tho
African coast.
In tho chamber of deputies, replying to
questions, Prlmo Minister Sagasta said
that telegrams announcing tho wreckage'
of vessols at various places along tho coast
had boon received, and that, though tho
government had no positive news regard
ing tho Itclnn Begontn boyond the fact
that sho had sailed from Tangier, ho feared
that tho vessel had boon lost.
Tho boliof, which is hourly growing
stronger, that tho vossol will novor again
bo heard from, has created a feeling of
consternation throughout tho country. In
Cadiz and Cnrthagonn, whoro most ot tho
crow belonged, tho excitement and anxiety
is intense.
Six Saved, Three Drowned.
SAN Fhanxmsco. March 15. Among tho
passongers who arrived on tho steamer
from Australia aro Captain N. P. Sjogren,
of tho American bark Sarah S. Bidgoway,
his wife and four of tho vossol's sailors.
Tho vessel, after having been dismasted in
a torrlblo hurricane at soa, was driven on
a great barrier roof off tho Auckland coast
and dashed t ) ploccs. Throe moinbors of
tho vessel's crew wore washed ovorboaXd
and drowned. Captain Sjogren, his y&fo
and four surviving sailors put to se;inn
small boat, ami after throe days Uhoy ef
fected a landljg on Lady Elliotisland,
whenco thoy wero taken to Sldmjy.
Slaughtered by Gold rrotfpeotorg.
Vancouver, B. C, Marchi5.Tho Mlo
wera brings mi account fro,n tho distant
gold fields ot western Australia of tho ar
rest of a band of prop&ftors wi,0 ciuim to
havo found u hill utnining largo quanti
ties of gold. Iluty loft Coolgardlo ou Dec.
1. A fow weyiks ago Dr. Robertson, ono
of tho prospectors', roturnod mid confessed
to tho police that aftor discovering tho
gold thoy oumi that a party of blocks had
stolon tlvoir provisions. Tho prospoctors
pursuoifi them to thoir villages und butch
oredie entire encampment, shooting tho
mpK, women and children. All tho mur
derers havo been arrested.
Decided Against 31. Cnqiielin.
PATHS, March 15. The civil court, bo
foro which was tried tho action of tho
Comedlo Francaiso against M. Coquolln,
growing out of tho lattor's engaging with
Sarah Bornhardt. has decided against M.
Coquolln, who was condemned by tho court
for breach of contract to pay 500 francs
overy night ho perforins on any stage othor
than that of tho Comedlo Francaiso. He
was also condomed to pay tho costs of tho
action. Tho court reserves tho right to
pass a fresh judgment aftor thirty nights.
M. Coquolln will appeal from tho decision.
Decided Agalnit a Labor Union.
FoilT Wayne, Ind., March 15. Tho
Street Railway Kmployos" union somo
time ago mndo complaint ngalnst tho Citi
zens' street railway ot this city, claiming
nn cmployo had boon discharged for be
longing ton labor union, which is against
tho stato law. Yesterday Judgo O'Rourko
sustained a motion to quash tho indict
ment. The judgo holds tho statuto con
stitutional, but defective In wording and
construction. Tho decision, if sustained,
makes tho stato law inoporatlvo and void.
A Long lloycott ISnded.
Brockton, Mass., March 15. Tho fight
which has boon In progress for over three
years between tho Bouvo-Crnwford com
pauy, shoo manufacturers, and the Amer
ican Federation of Labor has boon ondod,
anil circulars havo been seut out announc
ing that the .national boycott has been
lifted. The, trouble began in tie fall of
1801, In the lusting department of the fao'
tory. when the men refused to last llfi
pair ft day.
1,1 Huuif ChmiB'a ItwIrHetlunn.
SHAfldHA), Mftfoh 16 it Is reported Uinfc.
Id Hung Chang, the Chinese peaw envoy,
has becm instriioted to consent to the pay
ment of an ludeniiiliy aud the ix'.-.-sijji ftt
the lei-rWy airi';i4y orwuphKl by thM jav
iuk.m', fir addition 'to tint Island of For
liiua. Hi-is nlsii iuklri.t'tud to o mseiif t
tin- surreuder i ihu romaindur "f the ves
m)-. Itotonlntf ro tho Chinese Mint horn
Kiinuti-oii, wnicli is now lildlngiit Nankin
'MMiuAel'lUMetta' Senior JimtUm Dead.
- WokcksTKB. Mtww., March 16. Judge
',' Kinory AWrinli; -senior' Juitice of tho
I ipiMiue court of MusaohuM-ttH, died at
his home on Hllll'SliSriit, this city, at 11:15
last night, ifSC an 111' of two weks,
aged 88. Ho wiiSTnayop of Woroesterfn
Three Mine Worfcem Killed. '
WlLKKSiiAiatis, Pn., March JO. Rloliard
Laverloh was killed, and Thomas 'Condon
nd John (Jatski fatally injured by an ox
Dloslon ot gus in, MiUtliy mine yjielurday.
Martiu Burke lost his life by boinu struck
by a runaway oar in Voilyard inluo.
KurdUh Kliluupem Klllett.
Constantinoi'LB, March 15. Advices
received here from Moosh show that two
Kurds, who were pursuod for having ah
ducted an Armenian girl, wore pvortukuu
oy thoir pursuers and killed.
Or Not to Dye
that Is the ques
tion whether It
Is better to wenr that
faded, shabby dress and
endure the scornful.Iooks
of all your well-dressed
neighbors, or to purchase
a package of Diamond'
Dyes and restore Its
freshness In another color making n
new dress for ten cents.
Diamond Dyes aro made for homo
use. Absolutely reliable. Anycolor.
Sold everywhere. 10 cents a package, tyDirectlon
Pook and 10 gitmplcfl of coloreU cloth, f reo.
KKUt, KicnintsoK & Co., Burlington, Vt
Pertinent Paragraphs From the Reporters'
Pens and Pencils.
Our exchanges should give our Board
of Health a chance before condemning It.
It must be admitted that our streets and
alleys are in a very dirty condition, but
there is hardly a town in the region that
is not thus nflltcted at this season of the
year. Dor the amount of work done last
year in the direction of putting the town
In a good Banltary condition our Board
of Health should be awarded the palm.
The Health Officer has no light task on
hand for the coming spring, nnd he will
need the assistance ami encouragement
of all who want to see the town put in a
condition that will challenge the spread
of contagious diseases.
There is another important thing which
should receive attention, and that Is the
tenement house system. They should be
cnrefully inspected and where auy are
found overciowded, or In a filthy condi
tion, the owner should he required to
comply with the law.
The numerous empty store rooms in
town are causing some worriment to prop
erty holders, nnd strangers who notice
them predict tbat Shenandoah bus seen
its best days. Fortunately those,. Tjfao
look at the matter lu that llglit are very
few. All the empty places will again
have tenants, perhjirevfo the Mime rents
now prevailing J&ut it is doubtful if such'oeof the class that will re
mnitvlth us. There is a remedy, and
orP.y one, we believe, namely: a reduc
ti in ot rents to reasonable figures. This
would at least stcure good and pprmanent
tenants, who cannot afford to embark in
business for the glory that is in it.
It is all well enough to hold rents high
in expectation of renting to people who
have a few hundred dollars and ure itch
ing to go into business, but in a tew
month' the limited capital disappears,
the creditors are left unpaid, the landlord
must attach the remaining stock to get
his rent, nnd his place is again thrown
vacant for several weeks or months, and
the landlord is lucky If he escapes being
compelled to make repair or alterations
with each change of tenancy.
Tho raids made on peddlers and fakirs
are haviug the desired effect. It is driv
ing them to other fields. Only thoe who
are ignorant of the modus operandi of
the law nre still with us. They, too, will
go when tnpped upon the shoulder by an
officer, hauled up to a Justice's desk und
subjected to a flue aud an injunction to
leave the town and not continue under
mining the legitimate merchants.
Transfers of local real estate are not as
numerous as they were a few months ago.
The craze for high-priced real estate has
waned and many gilt edges are wearing
off. Still there Is no cause for a fear that
prices will go way down. All the proper.
tits will bring normal prices. It is only
the inflated places that will feel the effects
ot a big drop.
There Is not an actress before the p'ibllc
today who possesses the great versatility
that Florence Bindley doe. Equally at
home in comedy or pathos, a cultivated
voice and every step of her dancing the
very poetry ot motion and a perfect
musician, playing on any conceivable
instrument. She will produce at Fergu
son's theatre, this evening, her realistic
and successful comedy drama, "The Pay
Train," a play full of heart interest and
a plot founded on facts. Her supporting
company is one of rare excellence and is
the original cast in this play which was
first produced in Philadelphia five years
ago. To make the play more realistic
and interesting, the company carries
every parti io of sceuery used in the pro
duction and' will produce it heie in its
Real horses, real potio! tvagou, and real
policemen are a few of the inducements
oifered to play gor-rs in A. Y. Pearson's
"Police Patrol," which comes to Fergu
sou's theatre toihorrow evening. This
will be refreshing news to the we.try
publio aud will no doubt be' appreciated
Those who have not lea 1 or 'seen of this
excellent production have doubtlesi been
appraUedof its merits by their friends,
for It has toured the continent season
lifter season with unvarying Buccess, and
promises to retain its popularity for many
years to come,
All the latest songs will be sung during
the engagement of the Clair-Patee Com
pany at Fergmon's theatre next week,
and Miss Florence Hadley, the soubrette
ot the company, with Mr, Albert Livings
ton, the comedian, will give their excep
tional rendition. Among the most popular
at present are "Jane," "Mary," "The
Summer Man," etc.
Skin and blood diseases, causing all
sort of dire disasters to human happiness,
are easily aud quickly cured by Burdock
Blood Bitters, from a common pimple to
the worst scrofulous sore.
New County Chat.
TnniAqim wants to join Quay county.
Tho new Grow county movement wont
catch mAiiy suckers.
Vho,sald Shwinndonh was anxious to
annex itHelf to Quay county ? t'erliaps
we could better ourselve by doing so.
The Quay county boomers ought tosuc-
ceed, aud the small portion taken from
Schuylkill will not be to our detriment.
With the success of the new county
movemeut we hone to see our old friend,
George H. Troutmnn, Esq., made the first
There was a time when Hazleton mer
chants purchnsed nearly all their rner
chnndlse from Taraaqua, but that was
30 nnd -10 years ago. They are not doing J
so now. i
While the Iron U hot, why not get up
another new county scheme with Shenan
doah, Mahanoy City, Giiardvilleand Ash
land as the principal towns in it f Ring
town would make a capital county sent.
Shenandoah does not need to join tho
new county movement for the sake of the
offices. "Jack" McCnrty, of tho Sentinel,
a former resident of this place, will be
oneot the first Commissioners ot the now
Dodo nas removed his gallery to Hoff
man's old stand, West Centre street.
Powell At Shenandoah, Pa., on the
14th Inst., Benjamin Powell, aged 07
years, 3 months and 4 days. Funeral will
take place on Monday, 18th Inst., at S
p. m., from the family residence, 324 West
Cherry street, Shenandoah. Interment
In Odd Fellows' cemetery. Relates aud
lriends respectfully invited to attend.
Did yon ever see one of trie famous
waterproof Interlined Collars or Cuffs?
It's very easy to tell, for they are all
uuiiicu wis way
They are the only Interlfnf.d Collars
and Cuffs, and are made of linen, cov
ered with waterproof "Celluloid."
They'll stand right by ycM day in and
dijy cmtjand they are all marked this way
The first cost is tho only cost, foi
they keep clean a long time, and when
soiled you can clean them in a minute
by ainiply wiping off with a wetloth
-uiat is mc tuiu murKoi uiis way
These collars and enffs will outlast
six linen ones. The wearer escapes
laundry trials and laundry bills no
chafed neck and no wilting down if
you get a collar marked Uiis way
Ask yonr dealer first, and take noth
ing that has not above trade mark, a'
you deslr-J perfect satisfaction. All
others are imitations absolutely.
If you can't find collars or cuffs
uiurked this way, we will send you n
sample postpa.d on receipt of price.
Collars, 25 ctfa. eacli. Cuffs 50 cts. puir.
fiive your siie and say whethet stand
up or turned-down collar is wanted.
M7-2 Broadway, SB IV YOitlt.
"I70K KENT. Btore and dwelling on North
J? Main street. Apply to Mrs. Bridget
Burns, 25 Y. Coal street.
I?OR SALE All the buildings now on the
. Phoenix lot. lormerly the Harklns prop
erty, on rortli Jardin street, will behold to
the highest bidder. reniovdby the
10th of April. Nubmli bids to chairman of tho
committee, F. J. Brennan 3-11-tt
ffJOK to 830 per week using and selling Old
ypAO Meltable Flater Every family hai
rusty, worn knlvou, forks, spoons, etc Qulokly
plated by clipping in melted metal. No ex.
perlenco or hard w rtf; a good sltuatlou. Ad
dress W. P. Harrison &Oo , Olerk No. 14, Col
umbus, Ohio.
A car load of fine OHIO HORSES
will be ottered at Publio Sale on
Commencing at 1 p. m., at the Bhenon
doah post offlce building.
All the borers nre sound and we" broken in
anaaethe Umst tvet brotght tfi tte town.
Uboy must be tola aud thesale will take place,
rain or ahlne.
Sal oon and Restaurant,
81 North Vet Street.
Finest brands of cigars,
and Liquors.
Choice Wines
IPeeley's Oaf e
36 North Main Streot.
The most popular resort lu tint town.
Excellent beer, porter and ale on tan. Our
cigars are the finest.
m eirv i&k? suz
Evan J. D
13 North Jardin Street.
Anthony Schmicker's
104 SOV11I MAJiT ST.
The finest pool and billiard rooms in town,
Reading beer, porter and I'ottivllle ale con
stantly on tap. Give us a oaU.
Do ITou Want
A superior headlight oil f
One that gives a brilliant light t
One that will not Btnoke the chimney r
One that will not chnr the wick 1
One that has a high fire test 1
One that will not explode t
One that is a family safety oil f
Then send your orders to tho
Kclipse Oil Oom'y
Oils, Gasoline, Candles, Lamp Wicks,
Burners, etc.
213 South Jardin St., SHENANDOAH, PA.
Mail orders promptly attended to.
Wholesale and Keuii
22-21 Houth Main St, Shenandoah
Agent for D..O. Yuenglli g& Hon's celebrated
Beer, Porter, Ales, etc.
Saloo.n and Restaurant,
19 North Main Street.
Finest Whlekeys. Beer, Horter and Ale
alwavs on tan.
Come aud hit one," Ubnlce drinks
9 to 12 p. m
nnd cigars. Free lunch
Shenandoah's RBiiiABLB
Hand Xa&imdRy
Cor. Lloyd mnd White Sts.
All work guaranteed to be flnat-clasj In ever;
particular, rilllc ties and lace curt&ln e spsc
Itlty UooJf called (or aud delivered A trial
Weeks' Museum,
Grand display of birds and animals of all
selections ana Umst paintings In the county.
Best Beer, Porter and Ales.
Finest Brands of Cigars.
Free lunch every nornlng tmd evening.
Jonn Weeks, Proprietor
it. W Davidson, Bartender
Safe and Reliable Horses to HI e.
Pear Alley, Rear Cotteo House.
The best rl;
s In town.
Horses taken to
Hanllng promptly attended to.
North Main St., MAHANOY CITY
Largest and finest hotel la the region
Finest accommodations. Bandsomo fixtures
Pool and. Billiard Kooma Attached.
105 Hast Centre Street.
Families Supplied with Oysters.
Dining parlors attached.
creat deal of laH year's natterns whioh we are Beijing at a sacrifice. 3Eleceived. 2
A new Hue of stylish Infants' Cloaks and Hobes.
Blir and chenn linn of Children's School Hats and Lad!
Is tho Bpst Blood
Purifier, Annctlzor and
Ncrvo Tonic. It cures
That Tired Feeling
- 'Full line of
Books and Stationery
Celluloid Frames and Art Materials.
4 North Main Si
Justice ofthePeaa
. Insurance and . . -Real
Estate Agent,
123 E. Centre St., Shenandoa
WANTED. A feur. five or six-roomed hoi
with M 1 r M lot h a cash purchaser.
ply to or address M. J.Lavrlor, J, I'., 123 El
Centro street.
FOItHALE.-Llcenstdboiclftand in Mai
nev township, near the torough 11
Frame building, nine n ems. doing pood lm
ness. Gcod icasoni-glvm lor selling. Ab
gain for a.-jlodi. A pplj to M J Lawl
Justice of tte l'face, 123 East Centre street.
EOB SALE Half lot and two houses, p
uateon Wost l enuestrcet. Will pay
per cent on lnvestmeut, ana can be 1 ought 1
easy terms.
ew Series
The Citizens' Building:
and Loan Association
Of Shenandoah, Pa., will issue a NK
SERIES of Stock. Books will be open
Tuesday, March 19th, 1895, between ti
hours of 1 and S o'clock p.m., at theofli
of tho Secretary.
James Bell, President.
C. W. DENGLER, Secy.
A genuine welcome
Awaits yon at
Joe Wyait's Saloon
Pool room attached. Finest whlske;
beers, porter and ale constantly on te
Choice temperance drinks and cigars.
Our entire stock of lothing and gen
furnishing good, hats, etc, must, be sold 1
fure April 1st, without reserve. Call ea
and secure bargains.
LIGRTSTONE'S Bargain Store,
110 North Main Street
3VE. IP. VE-a.Xj.3I13r,
16 North Main Street.
Repairing of all kinds prmoptly attended
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sts.
Finest Beers, Wines and Liqno:
Choice Temperance Drinks.
Best. Brwl" f R nnrl 10 Cig&
Specialist in diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throa
207 West Market Hi., PotUville.
Hours 8.80a. m. to 12m.i l to 4 p. m.,
1 8 p. m. Sundays, 9 a. ro. to 12 m.
Garden's JT WALL pApER; jStore
i have just received a flee line of the most beautiful and artistic papers
larket, which we will sell at very reasonable prices. We have also in s
Bee our line ot oods. We have the;antiful and artistic papers.
Largest Paper Store in Towi Finest Stock and Lowest Frices.
House, Sign and Decorative Painting. 224 Weat Centre Stre
All orders promptly attended to.
Two pieces Black Drees Satin. 27 Inohes wide, worth l.75-our price, tl per yi
es' Hats and Bonnets
nil (lie new designs or straw, uuiuii uuu lemuer euecis.
Large line of pomestio and Imported Flowers, from 10c totl.80. VIolets.Bobnu
Black ami colored Laces for drcssninkiiiK and millinery. Infants' Cnps-and Hi
new and nobby line for snrliiK and umnier. Nun's veils from $1.96 up.
Hats and Bonnets ready-made. Hair switches from 80c up.
Mrs. J., J. 4elly 26 S. Main S
C. S. Hafeseler's Cigar
Sold by all dealers who sell
Grood Cigars.