The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 11, 1895, Image 2

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Published dally, except Sunday by
f . ilcat'onomce and mechanical department
North Market Street.
bu Ualial(i Is aollvorcd ln Shenandoah and
"eraia Burroundlng towns for Six Cents
Teet, payable to thecarrlers. Uy mail, Three
Do'lar- a year or Twenty-five cents por month,
. advanoc.
e ivnrtttementa charged according to space
nfl position. The publishers roserve the right
hinge the position of advertisements when.
Yi r the publication of news requires it. The
CitV also reserved to reject any advertise
nt, whether raid for or not, that the pub
sharp may deem improper. Advertising rates
"ride known upon application.
Entered at the post o nice at Shenandoah, P
ti second closs mall matter.
Shenandoah, Penna.
Evening Herald.
MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1895.
PncsiDENT Cleveland has left the
"dead ducks" In Washington and gone
to Beek the live ones on the North Caro
lina coast.
TllE bond quotations show that the
public credit Is first class ; and they also
show that Cleveland and Carlisle were
badly mistaken when they thought it
Mr. Bissell Is entitled to credit ns the
anly member of the Cabinet who has
manifested a decent respect for the wishes
of the people as expressed in the last
A Chicago man killed himself because
of "a most complete tiredness." Theterm
is the best description we have seen of the
condition in which Mr. Cleveland's late
Congress has placed the country. But
'there will be no self-inflicted Injuries. The
country will take it out of Mr. Cleveland
and his party npxt year.
TnE cotton crop of Texas is the largest
that has ever been produced, but at the
same time the price is the lowest that
has ever been known. It seems to be im
possible to carry out the idea of reducing
"Hie acreage ; and the next best thing, ob
vf jusly, is to establish local manufac
tures and vote for the protective policy.
"What do the politicians out of a job
lak. as they realize that the days of
jcjn'iresslonnl salaries and perquisites
ire over and that they have got to go out
..nto a cold and contemptuous world to
earn their own living ? As they contem
plate the places from which the nutton in
vehement disgust and wrath has ejected
them, it would not be at all strange if
there should percolate through the reces
ses of their unhappy intellects the con
viction that it pays an American Con
gressman to bo an American.
Miss LEITElt, of Chicago, is also to
marry the son of a titled foreigner, and a
lot more of our hard earned money will
3ow over the ocean. The Letter money
came in by way of the yard stick, but its
outgoing will be measured by tho forty.
loot pole. There are rich girls ln Europe,
who, outside of their wealth, are worth
the wooing. It would seem to be the
duty of our patriotic young men to see
that the wedding dowry does not always
sail from the same side of the oceau
-Just now the balance of trade in this line
5s much against us.
That is an interesting announcement
which we have from Bridgeport to the
ffect that a large manufacturing firm, employing hundreds of girls, will
reduce wages soon in order to be able to
jay the Income tax and meet tariff reduc
"Uons. The head of the firm was a convert
to ClevelandUm two years ago and be
lieved it would be a gpod thing for the
country. As a guarantee of good faith he
contributed liberally toward the election
of Mr. Cleveland. It is understood that
ise 1b again ready and anxious for a
Six hundred million dollars are in
volved, it Is said, in the decision of the
Supreme Court of the United States of
the principle involved in the case before
ihem in the Bates Refrigerator Com
pany. The case was one upon which de
pended the question of when American
patents expire when foreign patents have
been previously Issued, and it was de
cided in an exhaustive opinion by Jus
Ttice Harlan that when the foreign patent
expires the American patent expires also.
The principle Involved is one that affects
a large number of other patents, notably
several belonging to the Bell Telephone
Company. The advocates of a cheaper
telephone rate are jubilant over this de
cision, for they claim that bo many
patents of the Bell Telephone Company
Are killed by this decision that the com
pany, if it wants to hold its business
asaiustjcompetitlon.must reduce the rates,
The decision rendered by Judge Harlan
was endorsed by a full court.
in.ii:'tuii ItniglHro lluny.
BimwKTON. X. March 11. Durln
tho night bur .urs entered the si ire ii
William II v miller, at, lVcrili-ld, ami
mnden rich hnul Th.i safo had been in
advertently i ft, ip,m and the thit-v.'g c.i.
rledoftalmm 100 beloiijilust to Mr. Y.i
Her, and all tin' mortgages nml other pup i
belonging to LVorfljld township, of wh 1.
Vmiller in collector, null nUti some of i In
township's money. A quantity of good
was taken nut of tho store. There ii im
Dentil from Starvation nml U.xposnrp.
Richmond, Va , March 11. A man win
died here from starvation and o.xposuiv
has been positively Idontlfl.'l as Carey C
Arthur, of Ohio. Ho was found ln a box
car partially loaded with coal. It it nor
known how ho tfot them, and ho hud been
in tho car probably a week.
Chlnn Accepts Tnpnn'n Terms.
Tokio. Japan, March 11. China has
been Informed lu general terms of tho
condition upon which Japan will consent
to poni'o. Japan boen notified that
China Is reiulv to accept those conditions
and to sign a treaty.
fjliot Ills Cruel Stepfather.
Bowling GltEEN, Ky., March 11. Goorgo
Spallldlng, colored, was shot by his step
son, John Spauldlng, nnd will die. Spaul
dlng had beaten tho boy's mother terribly,
nnd tho lad determined on rovongo.
Oklahoma Senators Oppose l'rize Fighting;.
Oklahoma, I. T., March 11. Tho sen
ate killed the bill to allow prize fighting, a
commltteo of proachors nnd W. C. T. U.
ladles having camped with thorn for three
days and nights.
A Popular l'rcaclier lteilgns.
NEW YoltK, March 11. Rov. Thomas
Dixon offered his resignation as pastor of
tho Twenty-third Strcot Baptist church
Admiral Sir Georgo Giffnrd died in Lon
don, aged 80.
Tho shoo workers' strlko at Haverhill,
Mass., was declared off yostcrday, tho
workers yielding.
Simon Delomos, 70 years old, and pros
perous, committed suicldo by shooting at
Bridgeport, Conn.
Excellent vlows of last night's ecllpso of
tho moon woro taken at Halifax and other
points in Nova Scotia.
At Murphysboro, Ills., Frank Jeffrey
nnd Douglass Henderson woro sentenced
to death for killing James Towle ln IXv
comber last.
The Prince or Wales Ailing:.
LONDON, March 11. Reports to tho con
trary notwithstanding, tho Princo of
Wales is ailing through somo troublo with
tho veins in his legs, which has associated
itself with previous varicoso manifesta
tions ln his lower limbs. Those varicoso
symptoms have developed very much ro
cently. In consrquenco of ills troublo It
has boon arranged that ho mako a pro
longed stay in tho Riviera.
The 1'reBhlcntliil Mnrlcsmnn.
CAl'E HATTKltAS, N. C, March 11. Mr.
Clovolaud nnd his party tided over Sun
day by taking a cruise to Pamlico sound,
Tho Violet loft Cape Hatteras about 0
o'clock in tho morning. Sho steamed
south, passed Hatteras inlet to Ocracoke
inlet, nnd returned to her old anchorage
In Cape chaunelatu o clock in tho evening.
Ilothlehem Iron Workers ltosuine.
Bethlehem, Pa., March 11. The Beth
lehem Iron company notified 1,500 stool
workers to report this morning, when
operations in the largo steel mill woro re
sumed after two months' ldloness. Work
was begun on a 13,000 ton order of tails
for Georgia railroads.
Senator George to Retire.
Gr.EENVILLE, Miss., March 11. It Is
authoritatively announced hero that
United States Senator J. Z. Georgo will
not bo a candidate for re-election at the
expiration of his present term. Senator
Georgo has been in tho senate eighteen
Two Killed on the Itnll.
New Haven, March 11. Two unknown
men were killed about 1 o'clock yesterday
morning at tho Ferry street crossing of
tho Consolidated road. Both men wore
walking on tho track.
Three Killed by Kxplodlnir Kthor.
Waissaw, March 11. Threoporsons were
killed and seventeen Injured by tlio oxplo-
lion of a carboy of ether on u train neai
Reported Victory for Cuban Rebels.
TAMl'A, Fla., March 0. Dr. Pal, of Koy
v ost, ln a letter to benor x igucrcuo by
Thursday night's ship, states that Vln
nles was attacked on Monday by 200 in
surgents. Forty of tho civil guard were
killed and tho garrison taken, together
with a largo amount of arms and ammu
nition. Later in tho day tho city treasury
was visited and tho funds therein confis
cated. Vlnalcs is in tho Vuolta Abajo dls
trict, about, thirty miles south of Havnna.
are hundreds of brands of
White Lead (so called) on the
market that are not White Lead,
composed largely of Barytes and
other cheap materials. But the
number of brands of genuine
Strictly Pure
White Lead
is limited. This brand is standard
"Old Dutch" process, and just as
good as it was when you or your
father were boys :
"John T. Lewis &Bros."
For Colors. National Lead Co.'s Pure
White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can to
a 25-pound keg of Lead and mix your own
paints. Safes time and annoyance in matching
shades, and Insures the best paint that It Is
possible to put on wood.
Send us a postal card and get our book on
paints and color-card, free; it will probably
save you a good many dollars.
What is
Cnstorla Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
nntl Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substituto
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing- Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' Use by
millions of Mothers. Castoria is tho Children's Panacea,
tho Mother's Friend.
' "Castorlalaso well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to mo." II. A, Archer, JI. t
' " 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"Tho use of 'Castoria' Is so universal and
Its merits so well known that It seems a work
of supererogation to endorse It. Few are tho
Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Carlos Martym, P. D.,
New York City.
The Cestauh
The Worst l.tnll rubllihed Corroborated
lli'Tora tlio Coiyinlnqlon
Losdon, March 11 A dispatch from
Moosh says, that a deputation of survivors
of the Snssoun mashauros appeared before
the Turkish commission and narrated tho
whole story of tho butchery. They pre
sented also a writton stntomeut. One ol
tho mombers of the deputation was a
priest named I'etross, belonging to the
village of Ghellyeogoozan, whoro tho pit
incident occurred. Tho statement fully
corroborates tho worst details already pub
lished. Tho document and tho evidence
mado a powerful impression on tho com
mission. Other dispatches, dated March 9 and 10,
declare that 200 oyo witnesses who have
been examined all deny that tho Armeni
ans provoked tho Sassoun massacres, and
exonerates tho Kurds from tho brutality.
Thoso wltuesses glvo disgusting details ol
Turkish cruelties. Tho commission Is
working slowly, owing to tho dragomans
being afraid to translate tho accounts ol
tho deeds of tho Turkish generals. The
British, French nnd Russian ombassles
havo summoned fresh dragoman interpre
ters. A Comleinuol Murderer's Confession.
St. JjGuis, March 11. It Is now known
who murdered Benjamin McMacken Mo-
Culloeh, a proinlnont buslnossumn of this
city, who, at the time of his dcnln, nearly
a yonr ago, was paying tellor of tho State
bank of St. Louis. Jim Murray, a negro
now in jail at Clayton, St. Louis county,
under sentence of death for killing Edgar
Fltzwllliams, mado a confession yester
day in which ho Implicated Harry Smart
and 'William Hensley in the murder ol
McCulIoch. Murray states that ho took no
part in tho murder, but was prosout when
It Was committed. Ho makos this confes
sion, hoping to gain a respite from Gover
ernor Stone.
Verdict Against a Robber's Kstute.
Birmingham, Ala., March 11. In the
circuit court at Vernon, Ala., tho South
ern Express company got judgment for
$4,400 against Allen H. Burrows, fathot
and administrator of Itubo Burrows, tho
celebratoif train robber. Tho verdict was
tho amount of mouoy of which Bubo Bur
rows had robbed tho company. Allen
Burrows two days boforo got judgmont
against the company for t391, the value of
Bubo's guns, pistols, a team of oxen and
somo money found on his person when
captured and .killed. Rubo bought with
his plunder a big farm for his child, that
will now go to tho company.
Attempt to Wreck a Train.
Valparaiso, Ind., March 11. An at
tempt was mado to wreck tho midnight
passenger train on tho Now York, Chicago
and St. Louis railroad about ilvo miles
west of this city. A pllo of tloa had been
placed on tho track, which was struck
with groat force by tho ongluo, knocking
it from the track and plowing up tho truck
for about two hundred yards beforo the
train could bo stopped. Tho passengers
wero all thrown from their seats, but no
onowas injured. It took an hour to got
tho ties from undor thoonglno. It is sup
posed to havo boon tho work of train rob-
Dead llody In a Reservoir.
Niagara Falls, N. V., March 11. The
badly decomposed body of an old negro,
John Brown, whoso disappearance for
somo time has boon a mystery, was yostor
day afternoon found ln tho hydraulic
canal, which runs through the city, nnd
which furnishes tho larger part of tho
city's water supply. Tho drowning Is ho
llered to have been purely accidental. A
great numbor of oases o typhoid fever
havo dovoloped at Niagara Falls of late,
and the discovery of this body will proba
bly lead to a thorough examination and
cleaning out of the canal.
Slaves of the l'adrone System.
NEW York, Mnrch 11. Immigration
Commissioner Souor, Contract Labor In
spector McSwcenoy and Commissioner
Stumpf, who woro appointed by Secretarf
Carlisle to tako testimony throughout the
United States and see how oxtensivo the
padrono system had becomo ln this coun
try, havo nearly complotod their roport.
It will bo from 25,000 tq 40,000 words In
longth, nnd Commissioner McSweoney
says It shows up a system Infinitely worse
than was slavery boforo tuo war.
Dispersing Cuban Revolutionists.
Madrid, Maroh 11. Dlspatoheg rooelved
hero from Cuba state that nrtor tneir uo-
foat by tho government troops nt Bnlro
nnd Los Negros tho rebols occupied now
positions in wliloh tho government troops
ngnln attaoked and dlsporseu mom, in
fllotlng hoavy loss. Matnga's band how
consists of only a fow strugglers. Tho in
surgents at Zavallouoa havo also been de
feated with tho loss of ono killed and seven
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
KI113 Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di
gestion, Without injurious medication. '
"For sovcral years I have recommended
your ' Castoria,' and shall always continue to
do so as it has invariably produced beneficial
Edwin F. Pardee, M. D.,
12Sth Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
Company, 77
Murray Street, New York City
Two of Tliem lllod mid the Hearties.
A ..tHur Under Arrest.
Paris, Tex , Maroh 11. A shocking
uouulo oJilld murder was committed tnre.
miles southeast of Huston, a small town
fifteen miles southwest of here. Mrs. Mul
He Carruthers, tho wlfo of William Cur
rnthers, a respectable, well-to-do farmer
went 1111 to her room and gavo her threi
children largo quantities of morphine. Iu
tho morning nor hush md, who was sleep
ing ln another room, heard heavy breath
lug in tho children's apartments, and ou
going there found two of tho children in n
heavy stupor, from which he was unabloti
arouso them. MrD. Carruthers said that
sho had given them somo chill tonic.
Physicians woro summoned, but could
do nothing for tho two youngest, ono 11
and tho other 4 years of ago, and at t
o'clock both wore dead. Tho oldest, a girl
of 14, recovered ami is now out of danger
An investigation was begun, and In a few
hours Mrs. Carruthers aud Jim Strange
woro arrested. Thoy wero brought here
and lodged In jail.
After her arrest Mrs. Carruthers admit
ted that she given tho chlluron mov
phlno for tho purpose of killing them. She
said that i was ilono to get them out ol
troublo, und that sho intended to follow
them. It developed, however, that shf
and her husband wero on bad terms, unii
that Strange wus the cause of it. She had
loft her husband onoe and gono away with
totrango, but Carruthers had followed 1101
and took tho children from her. This
caused her to return home. Sho had been
onrrying on a secret correspondence with
Strange, and papers and other evldeuco In
tlio possession of tho ollicers show thai
Mrs. Carruthers ami Straugo had planned
to destroy tho children aud thou leavo the
Cnreless Workmen Cause Disaster.
NkwYoUK, March 9. Carelessness ori
tho part of somo workmen employed
in uiggiug an excavation on tho north
west corner of Ono Hundred nnd Third
street nnd West End avonue caused an ex
plosion which shattered tho fronts of five
residences on tho opposite sldo of tho avo
nue and alarmed tlio rosidents of tho ad
joining houses for soveral blocks. Rocks
weighing 100 pounds or more wero hurled
through tho walls across tho street. Tho
contractor, Falk, appeared at tho police
station afterwards and furnished ball for
his uppearnnco.
Colombian Itebels Defeated.
Colon, March 11. Tho rebel forces un
der tho command of Ruiz Garcia, mado an
attack on Bocas del Toro, about 100 mllos
north of this city, on Frldiy last.but were
repulsed by tho government troops. An
attempt was mado to set flro to tho town,
but this was nlso defeated. Eleven of the
rebols, including Garcia, woro killed. The
government loss was five killed and twenty
wounded. Tho United States cruiser At
lauta was at Bocas dol Toro, and'lnndcd a,
forco of sailors and marines to protect
Amorican interests Though tho rebol at
tack was unsuccessful it is bolioved that
another attempt wlil bo mado to capture
tno town.
Itrave Sudors Honored.
Nkw York, March 11. Thero was an In
foresting event on tho saloon deck of the
big linor Teutonio yosterdny whon hoi
commander, Captain John G. Camoron,
presented medals to tho six men compris
ing the crow of tho lifeboat that wont to
tho rescuo and saved tho lives of nine men
the crew of tho foundorlng schooner Jessie
ueovos, ln mldoceai, on Fob, 8 last. The
medals woro tho gift of tho Lifo Saving
uonevoient association. Tho men honored
are Fourth Officer Ortiu nnd Soamon Will
iam Fitzpatrick, John Seed, William Mo
Loughllu, David Jones and Alfrod Hawley.
A Fugitive Umbouler's Iteturn.
Elizabeth, N. J., March 11. Sylvestei
J. Klornan, the defaulting insurance
agent, who fled from this city on July 18,
1804, nnd who was arrostod at Galveston,
Tex., on Wednesday last, arrived horoyos
torday afternoon in oompany with Phloi
of Police Tenney. Kiernan looks as
though ho had been in hard luck for some
timo past, and say& ho Is glad he is in cus
tody. Tho amount of his defalcation was
$18,000, and thoro are two charges of for
gory against him. He will throw himself
upon tho moroy of tho court by pleading
nou vult.
Township Offlolals Sentenced.
POTTSYILLE, Pa., March 11. The viola-
tion of tho road law by Supervisor Thomas
Mason, Township Clerk John Tray aud
Auditors James Conner and Jolm Hagau,
of East Norwoglan township, lod to tholr
conviction and sontonco. Mason goos to
prison for six months nnd pays a lino of
$50. Tho others are each fined $50. Those
mon had drawn orders for supplies and
work done on the township roads, whon
tho Lohigh Coal and Navigation company
had tho contract to koop tho roads In re
pair iu accordance with the Losch road
Eight Men Probably Suffbcatod in
New Mexico,
The Hoisting Machinery Destroyed lie fore
It Was Possible to Glvo Wnrnlne; to tlio
Imperilled Miners, nnd There Is Little
Hope of Their Itcscue.
WHITE Oak, N. M March 11. At 3
o'clock yesterday lire broke out ln tho
change room tif tho hoist houso of tho Old
Abo mlno, und in a fow minutes tho struc
ture, a large and well built ono, was a
mass of llamos. It was oomplotoly de
stroyed, together with tho wood nnd smith
lops. Tho mill, sixty foot away, osoap- d
without dnmncro. Tho woodwork of thn
shaft was burned out and tho hoisting
mnehlnory destroyed.
Tho damngo runs high up into tho thou
sands, but tho most distressing feature is
that somo mon are Imprisoned in tho dark
depths whoso fato is unknown. Thero Is
llttlo ground for hopo that thoy havo es
caped suffocation. It will not bo possiblo
to enter tho mlno to search for them until
somo timo this nfternoon or tomorrow.
Rescuing parties havo been unable as yet
to got down further than tho third level
by tho air shaft. Tho smoko and gas from
tho charred wood from tho hoisting shaft
has penetrated the uppor lovol, and it is
imposslblo to pass them.
Tho entombed men nro: Charlos Shcr-
rlck, F. J. Williams, Frank Wilson, John
Davis, G. Baxtor, Charlos white, Jerry
Conover and W. B. Mitchell.
Wilson, Davis and Baxter are married.
Whltolsnnow man and was on his first
Bhift. Williams and Sherrick aro old in
mining experiences, and havo faced like
dangers boforo. Thoy arc cool headed, and
if any place of safety was to bo found thoy
found it.
Tho firo broke out whilo G. E. Wilkin
son was going down In thobuckottowork.
Ho had reached tho ninth lovol whon tho
hoist was abandoned, and was shot down
200 foot to tho thirteenth lovol, where tho
bucket struck, tipped aud Uirow him into
tho drift. Ho was stunnod, but recovered
aud climbed back to tho second level and
escaped by tho air shaft. Coko Kolth, Mike
Gallagher andAnton Howgato also escaped
through ths air shaft. This Is tho only
sorious accident hero sinco tho burning of
tho South Homostako shaft soveral years
ago, whon two men woro smothered.
A Deadly ltailroad Crossing.
St. Joseph, Mo., March 11. At the
crossing whoro Mallory and McBrldo were
killed on Saturday night Mrs. Thomas
Allen. was instantly killed last night,
Gortlo Allen, her 19-yoar-old daughter,
dangerously, nnd Martha Deacon, 11 years
old, fatally injured. Tho threo woro re
turning from church, and drovo upon tho
crossing just as tho Missouri Pacific fast
mall from' tho cast thundered up. Mrs.
Allen's body was shockingly mutilated,
and sho and her daughtor wero carried 300
feet on tho ongluo pilot beforo it could bo
Train Hobbers Got Nothlnc.
Stockton, Cul., March 11. Tho South
orn Pacific east bound overland passonger
train was held up between hero and Lodi
by threo masked men. Tho robbers com
pelled tho engineer and fireman to stop
tho train nnd nccompnuy them to tho ox
pross car, which thoy forced opou. Tho
mossongor would not open tho safo and tho
robbers woro uuablo to do so. After work
ing fiftoon mluutos on tho safo tho robbers
bocamo alarmed and loft the scono on the
ongluo. Tho euglno ran Into Lodi with no
ono aboard, tho robbers having deserted it.
Organized Iioy lleggnrs.
Cleveland, March 11. At tho central
station police court William Thompson
was fined $50 and sent to tho workhouso
for thirty days. It was shown that Thomp
son had worked an Italian padrono sys
tem of begging hero and in Chicago, Cin
cinnati, Pittsburg, Buffalo and various
other cities. His plan seems to hrivo boen
to send out boys, apparently burned or
cripplod, to beg. In ono caso ncld was
placed on a boy's leg until tho flesh was
eaten away. Ho was then put on tho street
to beg. ;
Americans Itobbed by Mexican Bandits.
Sierra MoJADA,Mox.,March 11. Frank
Ward and H. D. Sample, two American
prospectors who loft here a'fow weeks ago
for tho now mining camp of Carmen, near
tho Rio Grande bordor, woro attacked by
n band of Mexican outlaws nnd robbed of
their money and horses. Tho outlaws
escaped across tho river into Texas. Thoy
aro tho samo band of renegades who com
mitted so many murders and robborles on
both sides of tho border during tho past
fow years.
Indiana's Economical Legislators.
Indianapolis, March 11. Tho Indiana
legislature will adjourn tonight at 13
o'clock. Tho session cost tho stato $100,000,
but tho gonoral appropriations bill shows
a reduction of over $200,000 from two yoars
ago. Among tho more Important bills
that have become laws Is the Hoby bill to
prevent winter racing, tho constitution
ality of which is questioned.
Fireman Killed by Explosion.
HARHtSBDRQ, March 11. Tho locomotive
of tho Paclflo express was partially wrecked
by tho explosion of tho boiler a inllo west.
of Covo Station on Saturday. John A,
Funk and John H. Peffly, the engineer
and fireman, wore thrown into tho air.
Poflly died in flvo minutes, and Funk is at
tho city hospital. The cause of the explo
sion la at present unknown.
Cardinal Gibbons' Trip to Borne.
Baltimore, March 11. Cardinal Gib
bons will sail from New York for Rome
tho first wook in May. A light attaok of
lnlluenza at prosout affects his omlnenco.
It doos not, howover, interofore with the
ponormanco of episcopal dutlos. Hov. tjor-
nollus F. Thomas, rector of tho oatnearai,
will accompany tho cardinal to Rome.
A Diamond Thief Confesses.
New York. March ll. Samuel Ham
burger, a young sneak thief, is under ar
rest nt police headquarters ohargod with
robblnir tho houso of Louis Marks of dia
monds And jewelry valued at $5,000. The
prisoner has confossed his orlmo, and
ncnrlyaU of tho stolen proporby has been
Two Sunday Hiiortsinen Drowned.
Newburyi'OHT. Mass., March 11. Sam
uel Smith, ngod 88 years, aud Georgo
Loako. need 31. both of South Lawrence,
Muss., woro drowned by tho upsetting of
a boat whilo gunning near ono of tho
many Islands ott Nowpuryport yosterday
afternoon. Uotu nouios wero reoovoreu.
n natural interest iu what other
women do and stty ; and important
it is to all of them to know how to
keep well, and get well. Modern
civilization bears heavily on our
women; they have many aches
and pains that man escapes. There
is no need to tell about them ;
every woman knows what her sex
suffers. Is all this suffering nec
essary ?
The Kind that Cures
is a friend to all women. It
strengthens the Nerves ; relieves
the Sick Headaches they are .so
familiar with ; overcomes the
Hysteria and Leucorrheoa so
many know the depressing influ
ences of. It regulates the system
so that all periodic functions are
regularly performed.
Co., Pa., was a great sufferer from
Nervous and ' Heart troubles.
Sleepless nights and wretched days
finally made her sick" .abed. She
felt hopeless, and it was with but
little faith she followed the advice
of a friend, and tried DANA'S.
It CURED her. Gave her back
her strength, and toned up her
nerves. She says; "lean sleep
as well as ever now, and hope my
letter of thanks will induce others
to do as I have done."
See that you get DANA'S.
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with Humphreys
Witch. Kasol Oil as a curative and
healing application. It has been
used 40 years and always affords relief
and always gives satisfaction.
It Cures or Hkmorrhoids, External
or Interna, Blind or Bleeding Itching and
Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas.
Relief immediate cure certain.
It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and
Contraction from Burns. Relief instant.
It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated
Wounds and Bruises.
It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors. Ulcers, Old
Bores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald
Head. It is Infallible.
It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts
and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable.
It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy
Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters,
Sore Lips or hostrils, Corns and Bunions,
Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Infects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00.
Bold byDruggistB.or eent post-paid on roceiptof price.
uraniums bbo. 10., 1 1 j 4 1 1 :i hiiiijoi St., .Vw lori.
Easily, Qulokly, Permanently Restored.
TVcalcncas, Nervonsnenn,
Debility, and all the train
or evus irom early errors or
later excesses, the results of
overwork, elckneas, worry,
eve. x uii Bireagm, uoyoi
opment and tone given to
(every ortran ana poruoa
ofthehody. Slmple.nat
ural methods. Immcdt
nta Improvement seen.
IftHlnrn ifnnnssUrip. 2.003 references. Book.
explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) frea,
CHA.8. BUROHIIiIi, Prop.
North Main St., M&H&N0Y CITT.
Largest and finest hotel in the region.
Finest accommodations.- Handsome fixtures,
Pool and Billiard Rooms Attaohed.
Pilsner Beers
Finest, Purest, Healthiest;
Chris. Schmidt, Agt
207 West Coal St., Shenandoah.
Wholesale agent for
Ftlgeiifio'i Itiart, 1, J Exfort
Itgei'ud Smet Pale iter.
No finer made. Itne Honors and Cigars,
120 South Main Bt.
AIMFP-HTIi. Nir InflillllilHW
. , , . Turkish Capsules nerer fall I lif
mUL, sealed, 2,wltUadTlcetliatvilllpreTentfu
lure Irregularities. 2o. stamp for particular
Lager and